. ,.r. . a u.i- .... I ! :.. i .. ..r. i, ,t i ... ! i i . . .. i..: !., la t-eetioii 17 w liifii jr.'j-i n ! n '-.tl ( cndt:i i t!.o pu!.!ic bu -'., ?, v ith n certain laws and purls of law in tela-; iew l.i kUL'' tii! , a time fur u?jurt- tion to slaves and free uegrocn, Mr. Cain crou'propoecd to amend by inserting in the 5th lino nftcr tfio words "Free Xe proes," tho word "except sections 54, 65, 6(J, 57, 58 and 66' ' Theso aro. sections of tho 107th Chap tor of tho lie vised Code; winch prohibit uUci and frco negroe. from bearing arms, ami tho Immigration of freo ne- rocs to this State. The bill proposes teir repeal among others, and Mr. Cam eron's object was their retention. ' Tho amendment was adopted. Mr. Sfntth of Hertford moved to amend by substituting tho following for tho 6th, 7lli and 8tli sections: Where persons of color have under taken to intermnry under any form or ceremony whatever, and shall actually have lived together as man and wife un til tho first day of Juno A. I). 1850, they shall bo deemed to have been law fully married: Provided, nevertheless, that where a mnriiftge between either of the arties and another cr6on of color shall have taken phico subsequent to tho 2th day ot Apnal A. It. IMio, mctit. Mr. Caldwell from a select committee reported a substitute for the bill to au thorize tho ekiaM'shmcut of courts of arbitration io tho several counties of tho State. " , " Passed 1st reading. The House then adjourned nntil 10 o'clock,' A 11. to-tuorrow. SENATE. MoaoAT, Feb. 12, 18CS. Prayer 1 rJr Mr. Atkinson. ', ' "Mr, Howard, from the judiciary committee to whom wat rif.tr J tli bill farther suspending ibe operation cf tbe s:atute ot' limiutiou, re ported back the saw. itb aa amendiuect, and recommended its patsa. The eommitlre l biu was referred tli res olution proviJiti' f r a retinal tit ihe teruor' Mansion, retried b.-.ck Ibe same, recommend iig its adoption. ' Mr. I'.y num. from th-i eomuiitt on finance, to ahoin referred the resolution to aiCer A tt.l to iucwrp -rate l.. L-..;:a M!j Ac iJ illTJ passed hist ren J'liJ. iUsoluliou to alter the county liua betaeen lU count it of Mitchell aoJ Yancy;iaJ first reading. A nvage was received from the Hou con curring in lb SeuaU amendment lo tbe House bill concerning the Tuckasrge and Keowee Turnpike Koad. ' . ' - Senate bill to'amend chapter 3d of lbs Re vised Code, waa laid oa the labia. ' A bill to extend to widow lime toeulerdia ent to tha Intt will and testament of their hua band, ''panned second readiug. A meata-re wa received from the Hue ask ing acceptance of tha r-aijjnation of Mr. KP'r rv .! it -a 1 1 t.'.o t "t it ' an'' J alilltoincoip.r;itet!o UUhU-ii I.iu l Company, all cf which, o I motion of Mr Leitrli, were reterrea to tuo wmmw on CorjKrationa. t Mr Iitch mkdo an exulaoation in re gard to tho absence of Mr. Lench of Da vidson, owing to sickness In his family. Mr, Cawlcs fforel additional names for Jnsticea of. the i'eaco for laosin county, which was sent to tho Hooso for ooocarreneo. Leave ot absence was granted Mr. Boyd, Senator from Moor and Mont gomery, nntil Mondar next. AltftkJo Irom me iioutm uircvi"K ii rei-'itttti : taiu what drV... dero.vra up..n m Maw our- uulA ,w uolow 10 0chn:k. the Ute rclcliion, are void, aubinilteu a re- frwu th boaid U : licur lortbo Lunatic,t(J ,ne additional natue for insjfwtrates Ajlum. Keinatiofi acip!l. . 'for Yadkin county. Mr. McKay llan pldred tha Senate tat The bill to declare valid certain elec lonchiog words on ll.e dath of pastor I-ae ' . 8Cd acta since May 20th, 1S61, SewlonSamleis: and c.l.r.d a Iribate of rp j sec0(jd. ,jme af)d pct to the deccaik-J, which wa onnimou!y fc".""r l adopted. Tho .ncb.ill U paUkbod he Ig,, Rj fattlMr security to wid- " Mr. Morehead also N,oka in brief bnl palbH-Ows for a year's provisions came up, : .l j . t vi. i 'rAad a second time and reiected. On moiion of Mr. McKay, tha Senate adjoin- The resolufoin m favor of the Old Do-1 . ... ? . T I? f ' ....nM. .....lA 11 h fllll minion iratiiiftk iuuiimif vviuv f - n f J .- port. KpKilii $"ch U'-tit io lite opinioo ol com niiu ce. bould le li-iutdatcd. The re accordintr to the forma irescnbed in tho solution and rei-ort ordered to I "tinted, , : . I...II I... .1 .i.-i I.. . M SUUoeQIienr. IllUi riUirU bllU Uf uromu .curr.nj in inc n n'iiwn n irjiui' lluUSE OK COMMONS. Tl-CSbAT, Feb. 13. 188C. The IlouiC was cnllcd to order at 10 o'clock the lawful marriage; afid provded, fur- inj the S-retary -f Sta'e tofurn'h co'ie Ch f ther that all -persons of color who shall H e K-ie,-d Co, A-o, to County Court Cleik,; j have heretofore lived together as man for the u of their reitive conruio. !pro.ed. l'rayer by licr. N. 11. Cobb ' of the Kaptist i. Journal of yeterdy waa lead and ap- A me!n a rrc-ived from the lljusepro posing to it into an elictiou cf one trustee for the I mversitj ; atiich waa laiil on ilia table. Mr. (ih introdiiod a resl'ilion to change the rale of evidence. 1'iwsed firil rending. Mr. Webb presented a pttion Mm main magistrate of Orange county, praying the eu acinic nt of a law allowing compensation to Jus lice of the Peace for I heir oervioen. IleC-rred and wife and shall contiuno to 6o live to gether nftcr the passage of this act, un til tho first day of April A. D- 1S0G 6hall bo deemed to be lawfully married. Where' persons of color haver hereto fore lived, together as man and wife and aae desirojijif being mnnietl according to tho proton9. of the Kevised Code, Plinne civtv i(rlif tho idpl'k for nV county tipdn demand sliallissno a license, the Ateen.Wy. p-ed at the extra eioi of ', over 0Be Uay u,Kjtr iu e- t discussed at tome length, but in o'- der to give the subject further consider atiou on motion ot Mr. McK:y, ft was made the special order for to morrow nt 12 o'clock. Mr. McKay offered a resolution re questing the Speaktr to issue a writ of e'.ebtiou, to till the vacancy occasioned by the death of the lute J. N. Sanders, s.fiHt,,r.!.ct for O.islow County, to be jueid on tho lstt T!nirdy in Mireh, -be-. ;ing the 1st. day of March 1SCU. Adop ted. Mi-wrs. McKay and Ltlham were a..S...l t.vlLV. jkf Uf.CntlPM llltfl llaiilt'U ivii ' i vi w next. On motion of Mr. Uogle, the Senate adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock. and no tax shall be due, or fee shall bo lSGl, regidmj the j irsidiction of court in j is-irodlctios or bills. . .. ,, . . ... wn-o allowed thereof. caaea'of cro'.aow ni-l d-bt.r.s uaSUken op. j Mr. McN.iir introduced a bill for ll.e reliW of "ul ' : ' ' On motion of Mr. Phillip?, this lastt A warm and .ru.-:?J Ub:.t ensued; htt. , Kxecntors, Adiniiiitr.-itoi. Trustee", Gu rdi-,J Wkdnetday, reb. 14. ISCo. paragraph was stricken out - on motion of Mr. M-.tehca I, the bill was indeti I nt! olbef persons aciing in a fiduciary capacity. The house was called to ordor at 10 ' . ' .i i -:i..i ...f.....! r. w i. i. .ii ..j;. t .. W.v. The question rccnrrins on ine nmenu- ,. ""''.!"' -. " '; 0 c1ck, .v, .u ment as amended, Mr. Wilson moved to "vm u.t c....ii..1ee on c.a...N . uayraoie, sneiiu oi surry. attend the amendment by substituting!1" ''0,n wayefcrred ro!a..on .n favor v-f A. Mr. Fair, a bil tuclaUish v , a if3 auu -rnai( icifui L VI wV av iui i rtrt'llUlU. ; . . r - ; The nu tuto proposed by Mr. Uaxtcr, it wu jecfed. , it.xn ilmn ri'currpl upon liuvaiiw" - f a tner, Secretary to $1,800, io the moudmcnt projwsed by Mr. XlacK ter, increasing tho salary of pnritto crctary to f 1.80U. Mr. Ilayner opposed Uio bill. He was ti..t tlm aiilariea of Jtidercs oftbo f IISI '"W a Superbr Courts should bo Incivnsca io f2.50O per annum, but thought tho other . aa tk. a aA salaries ehouia remain aa mcj The amendment was rejected yeas, 3: nays, 05. Mr.'lloko moved to amend the bill by fixing the Governor' salary at $3,000 instead of $l,000. "Adopted ycas, 70; nays, 32. " ... Mr. McAden moved to amend the bill by inserting a provision fixing tho per diem ot inemoers oi mo ij'giamiiw $3 and their mileago at IU cents a mi e. Mr. Ulackmer moved to amend the amendment by substituting $1 per diem for members of the Legislature instead of $3. Jiejected. Tho question recurring on Mr. Ale A den's amendment, Mr. Dargan moved to am.-nd bv a Jdinz the following proviso : " I'rov'uLd that those members of tho I - - - , I General Assembly wlio havo overdrawn at theso reduced rates shall havo ninoty davsin which to refund. Mr. Farrow moved an indefinite post ponement of the bill. Not agreed to. Mr. Dai gnu's amend to tho amendr m:nt.was rejected. ...i : t Sonate bii! Io repeal an act eu'ilted an act Io x ,v claWh the " "ofBce of Auditor of Public Ac I uc??- , . . . , , . ., Mr. Ulvihe introduced a resolution Iba. counts a Uio i'n tl eUUe. , , - . , , , r, , r m lr - i .i i'i i henceforth the llou:e of Common hold ever C;i rrKtioU of Mr. Lio:trd, ILd Uil to repeal ! . m . . , , . i .. .i ...i , . . t . . . i-, mi? sosions eommenonit: at i oc.ock. Lies luo I ..li a.'cliull oi ine lo.u cuapier 1 1 ncis 01 ; . , - a 11 jut ilea J the following: Be it further 'enacted, That all persons of color, who havo voluntarily cohabit ed together in the relation of husband and wife, and who still cohabit together in that relation up to the ratification of this act, 6hall be deemed to have been lawfully married, although they may not have been married in due form of law. Rejected. 1 The question Recurring on Mr. Smith's amendment, Mr. Faircloth, of Wayne, moved to amend it by substituting as follows: Sec. 8th. That alTinen and women who are persona of color, now voluntarily cohabiting together in the relation of husband and wife, shall be deemed law fully married as.man and wife, although they may not have been married in due form of law, and their former issue shall be deemed legitimate for all purposes: Provided, that nothing herein coutainedj shall affect the rights Or relations of free persons of color heretofore ..legally mar ried. And all persons whoso cohabita tion is hereby ratified into a "state of marriage, shall go before the clerk of the Court ot 1 leas and Quarter feessions of tne county in which they reside, and acknowledge the fact of such cohabita tion and the time of its commencement, and the clerk shall enter the game in a book kept for that purpose. Sec. 9. That if any of 6nch persons hall fail to go befora th-9, Clerk of the County Court and have their marriages recorded before tho first of May, ,1SG6, they shall be deemed guilty' of a misde meanor, arid punished at the discretion of the Court, and their failure for each month thereafter shall constitute a sep arate and distinct offence." This amondmcnt was amended, oh motion of Mr. Phillips, by striking out, in the section numbered 0, irom its com mencement to the word ' deemed" in clusive, and inserting "That in all cases where men and women, both or one' of. whom were lately slaves, and are now emancipated, now cohabit together in the relation of husband and wife, the par ties shall bo deemed," etc, Tho proviso in the same section was also stricken out, on motion of Mr. Phil lips, and the following was added at the close of. the section : "and such entries shall be deemed prima fdei evidence of the allegations therein contained. Mr t aircloth s amendment was further saino, recommencing (tie adoption ol the for mer a;id akin to be Jii-etiargtd fiom a further consideration of the latter. . Mr. MeC'ie-s presented two additional names for justice of the l'eace for llyde couutj. bfDalii a.'j -urocd till 10 o'clock to-iuurrow. HOUSE OF COMMON'S: Mondav, Feb. 12, 18C6. The Hons waa called lo order at ten o'clock A. M. Prayer by Iter. J. M. Aikioaon. The journal of Saturday was read and ap proved. BILLS INTUOOeCEO. ' MV. IJHXtcr presented iLe r-ijrnation of Jo seph Keener, Ej., a a llirectorof th Asylum lor the liifaue. Sent to the Senate. A mea'o was received from IPs Excellency, j 1 the Governor, in response to an inquiry as lo the usefulness cf aUlivil arms, and tLe 6les taken to supply artificial Inn! to maimed sol diers under k ieoluliou paa-ed by this General Assembly. The menage tlntea that the Gov ernor bad corresponded with a' number of man ufactnrers of artificial limbs 'il hd not re ceivvd answers liom ail. From the; infjirna- j reJ lion he had recxived, he was of o)inion that the arliGcixl arm wat ornamental lalher tbau Useful. The message waa accompanied -bv a Mr. Wau'li, for the Joint Select Com mittee, reported back the bill to consul idate the acts in relation to the Courts, recommending that it do not pass. Mr. Murpl'V introduced u resolution n rehition l.i tne renet ut AiMiinistra . . i- p n tors, txecutors, ouariiians ana irttsiees who received Confederate money or in vested in C'U federate bonds. Requests inquiry by tho committee on the Judi ciary. Adopted. Mr. Ferrell, a resolution in favor of Charles Km ester and Brother. Ilefer- Mr. I'ickey introduced "a bill to renew the charier of the Hiwjsee Turnpike.." Mr. r arrow, .a lull to appoint a hoard ot 1 amt Miioling He Commissioners o! Xavttien." Passed its sev- ' the I'jlhf ijl' aid p.itri era! readings under a su; enion of the rule. ON CALLNOAU. "A bil! to-aoihoirxa the construction of a Toll Bridge over the Catawba U.vvr, near Uock Is land Factory"' parsed second ri'adirl "A bill to incor.rs(e the lt!aden Land Com pany ;" a bill lo amend jthe charter ot the ton of Graham ; a bill to incorporate the !iudii'l GoldMiniug Comp;,ny and an engrossed reso lution to furnish clerks,, not heretofore supplied, aitii copies of the Reviied Cod1, parsed their final reading. Ou motion of Mr. Tb',;;en a message was sert lotbe Senate prxjpcsin-j thut theTwoTi-'Uses proceed forthaith to th-- iliiun of one Tr us lee of the University. Mr. Mornil (by leave) introduced "a bill to amend the charter of the lowu-of Jacksonville, Onslow Countj. The roles were suspended. The bill was amended on its second rea3inif. on motion of Mr; F"er?t by providinsr that tn the election for commissioneis of sa d towrr, the f nooncemrt ttiis niornmg, ana could onij com commissioner who received the highest Dumber of votes, shall be the Mayor of he town. The bill as amended passed its second and third readings. . -Messages were received from the Senate refus ing- lo concur in House amendments to tbe "bill to furnish Clerks riot' heretofore supplied with copies of tha Revised" Code, and asking the appointment of a conmiit!ee of Conference; al so refusing concurencj io the proposition to pro ceed forthwith to ek-ci one Trustee for the Uui veraily. An engrossed bill to prohibit the sale of Spir ituous Liquors in the town of Salem, lkd its first reading. f- The llouse conenrTed in Senate amendments to tbe bill to amend the charter of the Tucka segee and Keo e Turnpike, Company ; fnd al so io the proposition (above) to raise a commit tea of Conference. Mr. Allison presented the resignation of Mea Mr. Mnrnhv moved to amend the amendment by substituting $3 per dietn in lieu of $3. Not agreed to. Mr. Mc Aden's amendment was then rejected. The followintr ainendment otlercd by Mr. .Smith af Hertford was adopted. "The councillors of State shall recetv the same coiniiunsation which is allowed to a member of tho General Assembly for every day he may attend on public business, ami lor every imny nines iruv eling to and from the cify of Iialeigh on public business. Mr. Kavner moved to amend by strik in;: out that provision of the bill which allows Judges 6f the Superior Courts iJlOO extra compensation tor holding ex tiaternisol court. Adopted Mr. Hoke moved to amend bv fixing the salary of Judges of tho Superior Courts at $2,250. Mr. Caldwell moved to amend th amendment by fixing the salary of Judg es of the Superior Courts at Sl'00 fo each terra they may hold, one week con stituting a term. Itejeeted. The ipuestiou recurring on the amend ment, it was reiected Mr. MeNair moved fo strikeout $2,500 as the tenlarv of the Public Ireasmer and substitute &2.OU0. Adopted, yeas 52 : iiavs.33. Mr. liavner movetl to amend bv sub stirntioir sl.ooo for 81.500 us the salary of Chief Clerk of the Treasurer. Adopt ed Mr. Mailer moved to amend by snl- 8tifutinrl.500 for $1,000 as salary of Secretary of State. Rejected. Mr. Jenkins, of arren, moved to amend by substituting $500 instead of if 1,0'0 as salary ot 1 nvate "secretary to the Governor. Adopted. Mr. Uavner moved to amend the bil by striking out the provisions allowing the Governors 1'rivate Secretary double fees. Adopted Mr. Hoke moved to amend tho clause in relation to the Attorney General and Solicitors by striking out $30 for each court they atteud and substitute $20, Adopted. Air HiVlrpv mnvpil tn nmfnil hv fitrilc uijruly respectable tamiiv oeiore mm. ut uau . . var ..,;!., i, ,a ra tn and nwmnct ndditlnn nf "fifrv b-n .yrrntir '-'ihoekea bv the melancholv an-r. -T 'S -- -;- . i i o J - - j , j BII.L'4 IN ntOl'l CKD. Mr. Co;n introduced a bill to incor porate t'ie inhabiWiits of tin tow:t of lt:r from a North Oarolini.in uta.tfr, d in the manufacture of arutkud lt in Vashinjlo'i ' Vi!mhtrn. City setting forth the uieiits of"ihe Jcaelt eg."i Mr. Trull, ;i bill to nnthorizo Culpep- v.oiu'r (,f iiun !iiiii Mr Austin. S'.erifl o' L u:o:i countv. to .i.t j Xurtu soiled aric-i-s -t taxes. bi!i'y ii liie - Carolina. Another me?sne font Hi-Excellrtier, trans mitted a communicNtioii fiuiu the Public Treas urer in rehitioo to the custody of the public; funds. These 'messages were sunt u tLe Set-; ate. Mr. Vet', a bill to iicfrpra'e the Trustees of "Little liiver Select Sehool," i the county f Orange. l.il.isiii:i BlSIXKaS. The resolution introduced 4v Mr. I ti . . i .i .. .! . n e on calendar. tiv liie on yese.'U;iy, uiai me jiousu oi A bill toauthoiiie the transfer of registered j Couim ms hold Evening Sessions daily, bonds of the State lo U-arer. Passed second meeting at 7 o'clock, P. M-, was rejected, fending. j , r....Knk Mr. Murrill rose to discharge a painful dutr,! ' ' in announcing lo the Ui.useihe death of Lis!1. TIo bill to regnlate Salaries and fees, colieagtie. Mr. Isaae X.-Sutders, S na'or from j wes put on its seeond reading. The bill Onslow. 11a briefly kkt'ehed Mr. Sanders' po- j a reported from the Joint Select coin lioal career aiid pMd a feeling 'and appropriate j uiittee on salaries and fees, fixes the sal tribute to his memory, aries of public officers a follows : Mr. Manly said he had frequently visited T he Governor of the State, four thons Onslow county, and Limed there imniy aanu i anfj dollar; a Councillor of State, six and lasting attachment deceased well I'roin youth lie b:.d fc:i)n tliei.r.dlarw nor dav for every dav be mav at lie had known hisj ,.l ., i.l- .n.tl.ontrnnnla tCUU ' T J . lj OH'liV O- J UI1U IW V" J v V u amended, on motion of Mr Phillips by A. I). McLean. A. II. Davis, Ik W. Allison adding ftt its close the following words": 'j"W7"WI Wheeh-r, Directors "of the Insanne Asy "txceutinff However trom tne operation ,um. me iei.tr m rwgnauun irjuLiieu rlage shall have taken place sobscfjoent ly by the 26th dav of April, A. D. 1865, atntrtVnr flirt forma of law : and nro- vid ed f u rtnert that all sncii persons saati nave nereioiqre.iaiu uigeiuer tiadkuarv Thns amended, Mr. Faircloth s amend-; Mr McAdea, from the joint selert cornmitte inent was adopted as a substitute for the I j0 Mlarjea ,nd fees, reported "a bili to regulate one offered by Mr. Smith of ilertfbrd, sUriea and feea. liad &r$ time and ordered and then was snbstituted for the Ctlx and tojprlntej. v Tth'sections of the bills. Mr-Daris Carteret, (by leave) a bill to On motion of Mr. Cameron the fifth t amend ibe charter of the town of BeaofprL section of the bill was amended by jPd aevaral reading ande a easptnsioo providing that where the former masters, are suitable persons, the courts, tn bind-l A reIoj" from the cauitul on unblic business ; the " : TJ .1.., C . 1 C. mend Mr. Sanders to the kindly recollection of, H-', . i.;. .fu. a i,.ii;Mi i,nf Courts, tweut-five hundrel dollars, and amiable man-a mnu of sierlinslntenritv and' for. every extra term of the Superior patriotic 'impulses. In i Mpect to the memory of the deceased, he moved that the House ad jonrn until ten o'clock tomorrow. 1 he House adjourned accordingly. ' . SENATE. - . WfcDXESDAT, Feb. 144 1S66. Tho Senate was called to order at 10 o'clock, A. M. " Mr. Arendell, from the Committee on Court which a Judge may hold, one bun dred dollars, and that one week shall constitute a term ; Public Treasurer, twenty-five hundred dollars ; Chief Clerk of tbe Treasurer, fifteen hundred dollars; Secretary of State one thousand dollars and fees, and fees allotfed in chapter 102 Revised Code. -Private Secretary of the Governor, one thousand dollars, and double the fees allowedjn chapter 105, Corporatious, to whom was referred the ' Revised Code; Attorney General, one .... . : vi . r bill to lucorporale tne 1 lun'ef s tioan Association, reported i back the same re commending that it do not pass. Rill to incorporate tho Rock I-lnd Manu facturing Company, in Mecklenburg County, recommending an amendment hundred dollar for his attendance on each regular term of the Supreme Court, and thirty dollars for each term of the Superior Court of any county he shall attend, and fifty per cent, irt addition to tees allowed i'u chapter 102, Revised and its passage. Rill to incorporate the Code; each bolicKor of tho btate. thirty Trustees of the General Assembly of the dollirs for every term of the Superior fresbyterian. yuureh in- the United , tJouri ne snail atteiu, anu nity per cent. pStstesi resrotthBd ix -passage,"- -f r-dRrt- 3r -fets allowed--tir-bwpter Mr. Gash mtroincel a resolution onflOs, M'wl ixio; lieporter-ot tbe de Leave of abetce was granted Mr. Caldacl! of tuilfor-j. j Mr. Jenkins of Warren, (by leave) introduced tbe subject of taxation, which was refer- cisious of tho S-ipreme Court, one thons- red to tuo commfttce on' Finance. iand dollars, and fees allowed iu 102, lke- tion in favor of Drury King, passed ing out colored apprentices, shall gilr! ,u , i t n ? . : (i . I VI. th.rth Mpwn a! a rxluion if I'm 10s- lice of the Peace of Raodolpb county, praying a repeal f so much of the ordinance of the them tho preference over others. Tnrrtwrnnnttee thou rose. SSd renortea progress. Sute ConveBlioO, eatilied. "Kevenue" as requires (Ja.motion of Mr. AVaagh the bill and ; eufrt u. b.c fin. f.MfcHture. etc- into the amendments were referred to the com-! juyw Trewirj. KeforreJ to U Finance lUUiee on uie juuicmrj aim uruujeu io uc (Jojniuitlee. .1 pnutea. . . Mr.-iioke intxoaaeea oy leave -a oui The lloaaw tkea wdjowrwed. antil tea o'clock A. M. to-raorrow. I Mr. IJoke pnioeJ to-day. to authorise tho banks of the State to ' at tbe Speaker', request. lk latter Uag aecea- cjuse their businTs.n - '- 'y absen: from hia po-tj j tl eir concurrence in additional names for Justices of the Peace for the County of Hyde. . ' . Mr. Shober introduced a Lilt to amend the chartei of the town of Salisbury. Passed its first reading. The bill to extend the time to widows to enter their dissent to the last will and or's office, five hundred dollars. Mr. McXair opposed the bill, deem ing any increase of fabrics of public of ficer?, at 4he present time impolitic and a u necessary. It appeaned to bo intend ed merely, or mainly to benefit public officers resident in the city of Raleigh. The bill did not increase the pay of testaiueut of their husbands, came up on ; Clerks ofCjnrts, and other officers who its third reading and passed. as much deserved socn increase. Tbe bill to incorporate the Alacon Air. McAdeu defended tbe but at length. Mr. Henry opposed the bill as unequal tat provisions.:; " Mr Rlaekmer moved to amend the bill by fixing tho salary of Secretary of the (iovernorat- Jl,S0O jr annum.' Mr. Ihtxter offcrel a substitute for the salary at salaries- as at county lurnpike uompauy came up, anu on nietion of Mr. iveener, tho rules were suspended and rt-passed its final read ing. A message from the House transmit ting the following bill, which was dis posed of aa follows, viz : A bill to establish a board of Commis-j bill fixing thej (ioveraor'a sioners of Navigation : bill to amend tho $4000, leaving the other ea! incorporation of thi toira. G.Lsc; jfrl .... , -t- per cen t" to the fees of . Attorney Geaer al and Solicitors. Mr. Dickev withdrew his amendment and Mr. Marler renewed it. Adopted. Mr. Rayncr moved to strike out $1,000 and insert $600 as the salary of Supreme Court Reporter. Adopted. Mr. Rayner moved to strike out the last clause of the bill giving a salary ot o00 to the Governor s messenger. Mr. Smith, of Hertford, moved to amend that part of the b!U which relates to Solicitors, by providing "that in cases of acquittal by the jury, the lees which would havo been respectively taxed on conviction against the defendant, shall be paid by the county to such Solicitor." Pending a further consideration of the bill and amendments, tho House ad journed nntil to-morrow 10 o'clock. lite Keporter omitted inadvertantly on yesterday to state, that Mr. Ilolderby iutrodtfeed a resolution authorizing tho Public Treasurer to pay the traveling expenses toTmTd-fTom; italclglntnTjlnW places of residence, of disabled Soldiers applving tor artificial limbs. The reso lution was referred to the Fiaanca. From hei Washington Intelligencer. IMPORTANT SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT. Drjttws hi$ Position Interview of a ucii(jatu)n from Montana. Yesterday morning a large number of tho citizens of Montana territory now in Washington city called or. the President. R. M. Pinney, Esq., U. S. Marshal for the territory, Chief Justice Hosier. Gen- eral Rarrowfjj and twenty-five-oi- thifty4, oiuora, were among me number. Mr. Pinney addressed tho president on behalf of tho delegation. Ho said: Mr. President', it! becomes my duty lis a member of this Helesation. to assure yon thattho principles announceJ iayoiir annual message 10 M s t:. ...! i- :r..u- t t tVi nation, a pti.-u: ! 1 e.-c-.-tthat totinl mind, tliat geneial kuowlelge, that Crta -and patriotic devotion to tho real iutr-( esls anJ welfare of tho whola country ' whicli aro necessary to carry it safely over tho ocean of political apecolation and debate. We attach do great impor tance to this asseveration of our feelings in relation to yourself, but wo should be doing injustice, to ourselves, injustice to the people of the territory .of Montana, and a'.oold merit their severest censure if we did not aar that we firmly believe that if you met with a cordial and gen erous enpport on every nana, tins nation would "come forth from tha present political a wis a stronger and better na tion, prepared to take a higher stand and do a nobler work on tho platform of his tory than has ever yet been allotted to any nation of the earth. Moutana kas scarcely had a two-yoirs' political exist ence, and already numbers fifty thousand inhntiitants. Places of habitation and of business are dotted all over our fertile valleys, and our numerous thorough fares are constantly trembliog ..with " the crush cf merchandise. The gold and silver, which the Almighty bad long kept hidden and garnered in our hills and ravines, have been revealed or dis covered at a time when the nation needs, new channels of flowing wealth to sup- ilv her treasury; and Alontana posses ses, as well as her mineral weakh, all agricultural resources so well calculated to make her early populous and powerful. At tho same time, we are not unmindful of tho vast importance of promulgating correct political tenements. We believe that we are starting tight, and will be s'arting right, if we advocate zealously those great political truths which you have .proclaimed to this country and to (be world, and which wo understand to lit.- at the foundation of ail good govern ments. The PresiJent leplieJ as follows : (jentleuex: It is no ordinary pleasure fpr ine to meet you here on this occasion and to he;ir the sentiments you have announced. To receive so large and respectable body of intelli gent genilemeu from that remote region of the country from which you come is extremely gratifying lo me. In response, sir, addressing Mr. 1'inuey. to the elogueul manner io which you have espr esed the seutiroeats and feelings of those you represent on this occasion, I might om'.ent myseh with simply returning my thanks for your kind expression.- Hul you have made soma ulhiMGUs, lo which, umjer the vircuinstan ce which Miriound u, 1 C.ihnoi be indifferent. You have alluded to t'.e great principles of our overuuienl having been enunciated by me in h pipr sent a fborl time since lo the ongres of the United States. 'The decimation by uwr of those" principle waa not the renlt of huptofsek It wiA the result of a tnoiougb and calm con-sid- rHtion oftlio-e great truth which lie at the foundation of ail free government. Those who und -i-tood limn: truth, and Itave laid tlitio down m their gli de, cannot fail lo understand the doctrines enunciated in the uveaage. It is not necessary to inquire whether they emaaalw froiu this man or that man. Tho who under-. stand aud believe in those principles, no matter Irom wual standpoint they look at them, wiU find ibemaelves iuvoluntarily, and impercepti bly it may 'be, but surely coming together in all great straggles that may take place in re- gid to them; while those who disclaim thenr; who are willing to repudiate them, and set them at naught, will be found integrating and travel ing in a divergeut direction. For this reason there may bo loany now coming ogelbev- with out any previous concert or arrangement, but imperceptibly, because tbey agree on tha same great principles. I think, geatlemeo, there is no one who can mistake ibe great cardinal principles that are laid down in that message. They comprehend and embrace the principles upon which the goveraineat rests, a ad upon which, to be suc&aafaT, it m'tiet be administered. I care not by wtptt name the party administer ing tbe government, may be denominated the uujoo party, tha republican party, tbe demo cra'tic party, or what not no party can admin ister tne government suoces.sto.Wy unless it is ad miuistered upon the great' principle laid down in that paper. You would meet with about the same success io attempting to carry on the gov ernment upon apy other principles than tbose wtncu are IoumI id the constitution as you would if you should take bold of a piece of ma chinery that had been constructed and trained to run harmoniously in one direction, and at tempt by reverse action to run it io the oppo site di rection. I say again that I think no one cnu mistake tbe doctrine of that roeesajie. It. , i very easy for persons to misrepresent it and to make assertions thai this, that, o the other -had taken place, or will take p'laoe ; but 1 may be permitted to say to vou on this occasion that taking all my antecedent's, going back to my advent into political life, and continuing down lo the present time, the great cardinal princi ples set forth ir that paper have been my con stant and tnierring guide, After having gone wimfsmbfrfcr a ditlerent direction. Tbey will be my guide from ibis time onward, and tkose wJio under stand them may know where I shall always be ound when principle te involved. Ilere Tel 31 e say to you, in order to disabuse l' public mind as far aa il w possible for an io- dividual to do so. that my pabJio career is well nigh done. Ibe sand of niy political glass bas II mgb run out.. If I were disposed to refer lo myself, I might trace my career back to the log cabin, then an alderman and a mayor ia a illage, then throughout both branches of loo state legislature, then for tea consecutive years in the national house of representatives, then ibrongh the gubernatorial chair of tbe Senate of ibe United State, thee provisional governor, wiia,a slight participation 10 military attain. ihen rie-preside and eow ia this poaitioa I occupy before you ; and bow in this position, if I can be instrumental in restoring the govern ment of the United Rules, in restoring to their ' UruA-pcttition in the Union those Stale w Lose relations to' the national government bav beea 1 for a time interrupted by one, of the taoat gi gantic rebellkmr that weroccarted in Ue worla, so that we can pfoolaim ooce more tbat ;we are nzress.'and toliev in aUtica laUl?6jilUi5alOBiin noited p4 halel Uit the teeaaorwcl ,1V t XT'-,V t

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