SALISBURY, X. C, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 18CG. NO. 21 WHOLE NO. 1715. VOL. 1. THIRD SERIES. TERMS : Wmiv, 1 yew,.. - 6 months, Cam in advice. $3 00 1 60 RATES OF AOV CRTISINO Out Square (space of 12 lines) first insertion, $1 00 M 2d, 3d, and 4 th insertion, eacli, , 60 " for each additional publication, . 33 NEWS OF TllE DAY. A Battle Fenian Successful. A special report from St. Albans mentions in engagement between CoL Scanlon's regiment and tho British Cavalry near ITgeon llilj. The ftrilihh Cavalry were dispersed and fled in con fusion. Tbe Fenians captured one hundred horses and three flags. Four Fenians were wounded, and oue British soldier were killed and " throe wounded. Scanlon subsequently ordered bis regiment to withdraw from Canadian soil. But Oen. Spear still remains. From Aspinwall. New York, June 9. The Steamer New York from Aspinwall brings $360,000 in gold. Tbe new Peruvian Ironclads had not been Ijeard from since they left Brazil. Cholera. New York, Jane 0. Mrs. Heed, who washed the clothes of E. A. Frasier, whose death from Cholera was reported, was seized with the same disease that night. A German girl living in tbe ssme bouse, who was also attacked, was saved by prompt treat ment. Gold lo Europe. . New York, June 9. 8ii steamers sailed to-day for Europe. Tbe City of London and Teutonia took out upwards of $2,000,000 in gold. New York Market. New York, June 9. Cotton quiet and unchanged. Gold 1.39 J. Exchange dull at 9. Congress Final Report Reconstruction Committer. Washington, June 8. Tbe final report of tbe Reconstruction Com mittee was read in both Houses to day, setting forth the reasons for tbe action of the majority. The conclusions of the Committee are briefly, that tbe people at tlie boutL Have proved mem- thin ' ri nliiial ri, r1.ia UnA nritfilflM that th no-' -s.ii nnnftflrate States are not entitled to ! V.kU . - i I ronrpsnntatiou in Contrress that before allow in? sdequate" security- for future peace aud safety should be requiied from them, and this can only be found in such changes of the organ ic law as hhall determine the civil rights and privileges of the citizens in all parts of the lie public. , That representation should be on an equita ble basis a stigma should be fixed on treason, and protection giveu to loyal people against all future claims for expenses incurred id' the rebell ion, and for slaves emancipated by the war, to gether with an express grant of power inon gresaW enforee these provisions. . To tirts end, the committee advocate the joint resolutions amendatory of the Constitution, and the two separate bins aesignea w carry iue same into effect. The committee claim in con clusion, that these bills are the result of concili ation and concession. The report is signed by ten Republican members. Tbe dissentients are Senator Johnson and Representatives Grider and Rogers. I The Reconstruction resolutions in the Senate, passed to-day, yeas 33, naya 11.' The latter were Messrs. Cowan, Davis, Doolittle, Guthrie, . JJefidricks, Johns6h7McDoneld,NerUn, Riddle, Saulsbury and Van Winkle. Those absent were Messrs. Brown, Dixoo, Nesmitb, and Wright. Fenian Privateer. New Yoik, June 8. It is stated that Fenian privateer left here several weeks ago. Tbe crew, arms and am munition were put on board on Long Island. This vessel was an ironside, a wheel steamer mounting six broad-sides and one pivot gun, and it is said she was able to make 14 knots per hour: j Trial of Sweeney, dec. C. A II T O ' Gen. Sweeney and Col. Mecham were arraign ed iefore a civil tribunal tbis morning. Tbe pro ceedings were private. Reporters were exclu ded. At T.M-nntn it i rpnnrtorl all mtiet on the Western frontier. Parliament meets to-day. It I .. .1 I 1 .1,1, ) lw. t nrm n.ral .ct. i for the jmmdiajeujensienpi lUtAaM?SlS9Sr. vus. An attenii t to aejze the Canadian steam- New Y'ork, June 8. utes that Sweeney has leca bailed in the sum of f 20,000. . Not li ng further has been beard from tbe advance ot the l eBians op to noon to-day. - Several left Albans en ravtr fnr liomA their nasssre to St Springfield and Boston being paid by Ihe gov erntDent, for which they aptear to-f.'el grateful, and say, if those at Uie froDttnew it, they would all return. y ' Twenly-five hundred British regulars have been landed at Farnum, a few miles opposite the invaders. ' JWtidtkt Roberts, Fenian. New York, Jane 3, President Roberts oflfertd his own personal .curity iu bail to-day, bat the Commksioner itfued. lie. probably -will jailed tp-nigbt. BIB LUI IIHHIU;! null liuniuur, a h yu.i ivfc.v, wr - it .. .1 4. .1 I At I notlntln n I From San Francisco. 1 New York, June 8. A Ban Francisco dispatch of lbs 6ih, men lions the sailing of Ministers Burlingsma and Van Valkenburg for China and Japan. Returns from Oregon Indicate' the election of the Union candidates by 1000 majority. Two shocks of an earthquake bad been felt in California, on the morning of the 6th. No damage done. Tlit Humors of Hail. . Washington, Juua 10. . Ronnrt rraalent vesterdav about the release - j- - j- - - j j of Mr. Davis originated in fact by Greely, Augus tus bcbell, and Horace Y. Ularke, ol a. lot, arrived here yesterday to offer bail for Mr. Da vis. They are now seeking an interview with Judge Underwood. It is understood that tbe Government considers Mr. Davis a prisoner of war ; but that be can be taken into civil cus tody on a writ of habeas corpus, and that Judge Underwood can then bail him if he chooses. Tbe proceedings regarding bail will be strictly judicial, not eieculive. This is Authentic. Foreign News. New York, June 10. The steamers Alleroanis, Malta, Denmark, and Edinburg have arrived, with European dates of the 30th ultimo. The Government was beaten in tbe- British Parliament on Bouriveros's motion for the pre vention of bribery and corruption at elections. The Government lost ten votes. Tbe Consolidated Bank of London bad stop ped payments. i Tbe Powers all accept tbe invitation for the Conference, which was to meet in Paris at an early day. Tbe belligerents are still preparing for the conflict ; neveitheless the Italian volun teers are mobilizing rapidly. The Austrian army is now 600,000 strong, with parks of artillery anJ siege guns ready. The Prussiaus are conccntiating aljCtlaiz and Landshut. Prussia and Italy agree to post pone hostilities until it is known whether the conference fails. The second Austrian conscrip tion at Vienna caused great discontent. Tlie army coraineoeed marching towards Venecia mi the 24th. Italy engage not to attack during the sitting of the conference, but is rebuilding the forts to resist the new and improved artil lery. .-. Turkey wilknot occupy the Danubian princi- pa lilies, as was threatened. Still Later 'Foreign News, Farther Point, June 10. 'Iflie steamship Hi bernian has arrive! with intelligence to 1st in ft rant- Thrd is do chnnge in Continental nf- fairs. The lime of- iiieetiiiir of the Conference bad not been desitruatod. La Hume says that Napoleon will preside. The sales of cotton or tbe week were 86 001) bales, with" a buoyant market. Frioes hai advanced lalj. for Am r ican, and lld for oilier descriptions. Tlie sales to speculators were 12 500 bihs; to ex porters 9" 5 00 bales. The ifll jtalioiiS'iwere : fair Orleans, 10J I ; fair Mobile, 15fd ; fair Up lands, 151 ; middling Organs, 14d ; middling Mobile, I3d. The sal sou dv of sailing wern 10,000 bales ; market firm and unchanged. Sales lo speculators and exporters 2l,000 bl". Tbe stock of cotton in the port was. 975,000 bales, of which 400.000 were American. Bread stuffs oteady. Provisions dull. The bullion in the Bank of England is increased 21,000. Consols closed at 87; five-twenties, 0687. End of tlie Fenian Invasion. New Y'ork, June 10. St. Albans' special announces the finale of tbe Fenian invasion. The right wing of the ar my I retreated to that place liom Pigeon Hill, and tbe men were preparing to go home. Tlio whole force is completely demoialized. Officers and men alike refuse to do duty ; desertions took place "by. wholesale, and after a council of war Gen. Spear reluctantly ordered tbe force to abandon tbe soil of Canada. No arms or rein forcements reached tbere. Gen. Spear said that be would rather be shot than leve in such a way. Gen. Meade made a speech to the United States soldiers, and said tbe settlement of this trouble , would prove satisfactory lo our own and other Governments as tending to show tbst the United States, notwithstanding the past, wruld " do to others as they would be done by." Gen. Spear and ataff have surrendnred. An Ogdensburg special says that an Ameri can schooner was hailed by a British armed vessel under threats to fire oo her. The Amer ican ran up his colors and suggested ibe danger of firing an unarmed vessel with that n" ig. The vessel was allowed to proceed. RECONSTRUCTION. Tbo Committee on Rccoiiitruction snb mittcTtbeir final report' in the Ilotisfi zrfkHrrtifTV" Tim crhrtitRia of. auu ccuitiu wii -v --- I -- f )n biisb, wHVbe- feftd-y-y-auelia report concluJes ts follows : If wo add iaia-jixiilcBOJieJkQt, th&ti although peace baa been declared by tbo PreeidciL hoJias not, to tbis day, deemed it6afe to restore tbe writ of ha beas corpus, ticlieve the insurrection ary States of martial law, nor to with draw the troops from, many localities, and that the commanding general deems an increase of the army indispensable to the preservation of order and the pro tection ofioyal and well-disposed peo ple in tbo Sontb,4iie proof of a condi tion of feeling hostile to the Union, and dangerous to tbe 'government through ont the insurrectionary State will seem to be overwhelming. , . r'; With snch eridencc before ibem, it is the'opinion of-your committee L That tho States lately ia rebellion were, at tho ctoso of tho war, disorgan ized communities, without civil govern ment, and without constitutions or other forme, by virtue of which political rola lions could legally exist between th6tn and the Federal government II. Tbat Congress cannot bo expectod to recogniso as valid tho election of re presentatives from disorganized cominu tiitios, which, from tho. very nature of tlio case, wero unaMo to present theip claims to representation under thdso "es tablished and recognized rules, tho ob servance of which has been hitherto re quired. III. That Congress ' would not be jus titled in admitting such communities to a participation in tho government of tbo country without first providing such constitutional or otb'jr guarantees as will aid to secure tbe civil rights of all citi zens of tbe republic ; a just equality of representation ; protection against claims founded in rebellion, and crimes; a torn porary restriction of tbe right of suffrage to those who have not actively partici pated in thq effort to destroy the Union and overthrow tbo government, and tbe exclusions from positions of public trust of at least a portion of tboso whose crimes have proved them to bo enemies I to tho uniou and unworthy of public coiihdencc. Your committee will, perhaps, hardly be deemed excusable lor extending tbis report further ; but, inasmuch us iinmo diate and unconditional representation of the States lately in rebellion iade manded as a matter of right, and delay, and even hesitation, denounced as gross y oppressive and unjust as well as un wise and impolitic, it may not bo amiss again to' call attention ton lew undis puted facts And the principles ot public law applicable thereto, in order that the propriety of .that c'aim may bo fully con sidered and well understood." The S ate of Tennessee occupied a po sition distinct from all the other insur rectionary States, and has been the sub ject of a separate report, which your tomtnitte'o bav.- not thought it expedi eut to disturb. Whether Congress shall -e5 tit to make that State tbe subject ol separate action or to include it in the 6atne category with nil others, so far a concerns tlio imposition of preliminary conditioas, it is not witbiln tlie province of tbis committee either to determine or advise. To ascertain whether any of the so-called Confederate States "are en titled to be represented in either bouse of Congress," the essential inquiry is whether (here Is in any one of them a constituency qualified to be represxmte i iu Congress. The quesMon bow far per-60ii-lai.ning seats in either house pos sess tbe credentials necessary to enable them to represent a duly qualified cont Btituency is oite for tho consideration ol eac.i house separately, alter tho prei Mi litary, question shall have been finally do tci mined. ITEMS OF 'NEWS. At San Francisco, on the 2d, a mutiny occurred on tbe 6hip Seminole about to Bail for New .York, and the first second and third mates wero dangerously stab bed. The French Minister, the Marquis do Montbolon, on the evening of the 7th in&tanr, gave an elegant dinner to tbe members of tho foreign diplomatic corps. The largest theatre in Boston is provi ded with a tire-proof curtain, to 6hnt off; if necessary, tho auditorium from tbe 6tage. The Health Officer of New York re ports three new- cases of cholera and two deaths from cholera, ou tho hospital ship. The miners of Lake Superior are on a strike, and nearly all of them have quit work. Serious trouble is antici pated. Accounts from Canada state th$t tbe Fenian difficulties have occasioned great prejudice against the Irish population- A conductor was crushed to death on tho, railroad, near Poughkeep&io. New l6rk, on Thursday. Thore is. trouble "between the Confed erate colonists and the Indians in Cordo va, Mexico. It is, reported that Maximilian has re ceiycili a deleaA -wi Brotherhood. - An-exwcas safe on the Pacific rai :jd?fifttfcrttea? terdav of, 1 15,000. POLICE ITEM. '7ATteF rri ianTavslof cre.irTInierTc" at last" have a police item to report. Pass ;.i il.iwn Mnin ttrppt YORfwdftv evenin? onr.attention was attracted by a gang of i jubilant boys, following two ot oar vigi Police who had in tow white man and jo freedman, both heavy loaded With bad whisky. They were bound for (the Mayor's Court probably the Calaboqs. The Iluntsvillc (Mo.) Citizen, has in its ollice a printer witu only one am Ho sets, instifies and empties his stick nn1 cnt. a most correct "proof." As- hi can do nothing but set typc.hfl manage by constant M pegging away, ,f to get u about hvo thousatl eras a day. Release of Mit. Davis. Tbo corres pondent of tho Philadelphia Ledger, writing froth Washington says: . An order will be issued in a .bort tloio foMho felcBgo of Jeirerson Davis, but whether oo parole or on bail I am at present unable to say. Tbe presumption, however, is that the release will be on tbo tame terms as wero accorded to Mes srs. Stephen aud Clay, . Another inter, view between tho Presideut and connsel of Da via was held to'-Uay..--. 1 " COMMENCEMENT. " ( CnAHtL Hill, June Oth, 1800. Ttte ArrimlTht Canpu Ccnmcnctmeni Exer cinSorfcheLtT tone Gov, Worth, Vance, and others Processions Farmer's Daughter. Hull Room Scenes Srhoonrrs, Collision, Collapses--An Extra Coat of Paint-Good ly Gratitmle, tc, Jtc. Our riJe from Durham's Station to Chnprl Hill (a distanco of twelve milts) was not, by any means, the inoMfcomfortable tl.iog in all nature. U it by exercising a considerable degre of patience aud loitiludo we were enabled to endure it, with some filleesi or tweuty.others in tho same agreea bl.' fix, and in the same springless wagon, and at a ..'dock, p. m., on Tuesday the 5th ol June, we r lied into the chiii'tis, followed by a small brigade ol "the peculiar institution," who, by-the-by, have i iite a peculiar way of showin;,' their fondness for muic. Our party waa quired in the old hbra r, where nil neceruary luxuries and comfort were provided liberally. The pleasure grounds, the tlower", groves and slirubbvry (usuHlly called Cam pu.)suiroundin; the Stale Univerity, are decided ly the most beautiful aud enchanting I bav ever J ... I ,l ! ..... 1 ..II ;..r,.-.ri- HoeD. Xlio worn L-wssHj is ately applied. The building, if not of iherrand et order, are yet eubsuutial, commodious and handsome, lo say the least. At 8 i'clock p. ni. on the 4th inst, the introduc tory exercise to the whole Commencement pw jfntnime began in the Chapi-l. Some few persons had uken tlieir seats before the appointed hour, in order to make a sure thing of it on tlieir part, at least; and when the ii ring strains of music l.ef.'Rii floating from llie band seated iu tlie gallery imuiediately over the stage, there seemed to be a general rush Irom nil purls ot the town, and in a very short tune quite a respectable, audience had assembled piobubly tram diflerent motives aud with dilTerviit nwti'oivs, but all were a unit so far as concerned tlie applause wliieli greeted the debut o each Freshman aj he amended the rostrum to try his lungs in his Cist efl'oit at declamation. It was a trying time to these "Fresh," not a doubt of it. How each speaker s heart bumped and thumped against Ins ribs as the dread moment drew neater! A"iil at la-i, wheii the trial was over, and raptur ous applause resounded Irom every corner ol the ha I as he strutt. d lo his seal, he could tfiot help U-elmg as proud and diguiiied as a downy Shang hai when he first lues his pipes amougsi ihe hens in the bain yard. On this the first night of puMie exereises, there were twelve species, made by Freshmen alto gether, and beuveeil declamations hoiee pieces ol iiiUMC were pl.iyed by the baud. Upon the whole the boys acquUled themselves wiLi cie III. and some ol the Jieeches were decidedly good. I need uot ineiitiou names, it would be, perhaps, un charitable, nor, do I mean lo'triticis.-; it might pro Ju.o dissatisfaction hint ill-leeling, but to others I ...ive Ihe Mine right (hat I claim for myself, viz: ltnige lor y v.hiisi- ves. li;e rea ie.. l nusi, win ex- ense an ol.MTVillwn- w tlug-taiunexiou one on'r, and it n this: The original speeches related chiefly lo' our" receut troobl.-s the late war, its rau-es iind effects; ami the general tenor of (heir a I. Iris es was not so coiic. hatory. or "hai montziiig," .is B.ll Arn would say. as might have been desired by some ot the audience, the majority of wlmm, how ever, cheered lustily.' No possible mischief, though, cm come Irom (hose sentiments it is merely the expiring inutterings of tho late storm, and need give no one any uneasiness. At eleven o'clock exercises in the hall closed, and the lun-loviiH, or rather dance loving portion of the audience repair ed to the ball loom, where the strength of muscle and the agility of limb were to be tried merely a? an experiment Little time wns lost in formalities, tedious arrangements, or anything of the sort, and re niidniirht t herd Was a wnirl and flutter in tlie spacious hall as if a thousand faries were keeping: limn lo the most rapturous music. u This Rtorm of 'fuss and feathers," mstling silks, and clasp, not "clash," ol bare arms, raged with unabated fury under the direction of Prof. It Slater, unfit half- uasLtwo in tho niornifig, when the "better half" of the interesting Multitude adjourned to repair the damages inflicted upon trails, water-falls, skele tons and such like articles of minor importance. As yet only the outer works had been assailed, and doubtless, jn some instances a lasting impression was made ; but the heart, that (iibralter in so many bosoms, seemed to be impregoable time will ML On the forenoon of Wednesday Prof. Phillips, Jr., delivered a sermon from these words: "And now-abide'-h these three, faith, hopo and charity, and the. greatest of these is. charily." In the even ing Win. Rencher, a graduating student, delivered an address in the Dialectic hall; said to have been .a happv hit, but owing to the inconvenient situation- of the band, I was unable to llffar it. At eight o'clock! -night -the ClKipel was again 'filled, and twelve students of the iiophomOfe etas delivered addresses, concerning which (he reader ma'safrly maice the same observations thnt I have ' made .in the foregoing paft of this letter relative to the Freshmen. Again at eleven o'el"ck the pro gramme waft concluded and those who felt' so in c iiieu went to the ball room, where the dance went meriily on until near day on the lollowing morn ing. This night theaK'k was more spirited and the loss lieavier,parlieularly in the calico depart ment At one lime acme half-dozen fast sailing whsooers omr te eettisiBBTibWfE m-memrvt -tfw hall, where, as a matter of course, aa awful wreck erwmtd, and fur m iinft nainncs. a M'Pf Kit freffP irf niinn, anliuiifi, beauttfut aw rTritmmrprwM-' ed tbe bewildered gaze of"thff tviTenrTrfTiatUi'al But it is no wonder that accidents of this sort occurred. The ball room hall was some seventy ltt Jotjir ami thirty. jddejdiout-JiuLJy the niuic vijii-.d t oneT?tu,'l'nts JesiTve all credit Tor TETSTipIeBuia enler- which on one side was end were rooms for the " venders of ice water, lemouade, icecream, oranges, &c, at.d at the other end were two rooms alsn, one ol winch was ex clusively a "ladies' room." The own head ceiling I should suppose to be at least filteen feet, high, from which beautiful chand. liet? hung suspemled, lighting up the hall w ith ffreat buliiancy. The floor had been polished smooth as a glass mirror, and then thoroughly waxed, making it as sljck as a lrozen mill pond in mid-winter. Is it at all wpn deiful that the understanding should sometimes suddenly and very unexpectedly give way, precipi. taling a mass of flesh and blood helplessly and ele gantly to the floor ? In that room I hit as though by some magic I bad found my way into an eji encLautcd palaec. Wreath of cedars and roses interlocked, dcora(ed tho w3s,anl from the lo'ty oeilinz overhead hunsj' in eracetul li"toou, reacn- 1 ing almost U the giddy heads and h;tit tejuU f the happy throng below. ' Yet, notwithstanding this gandy display and ex travagant outlay of money, who is It but must exclaim vanity vanity, all is vanity T . Waariod aud exhausted, we retired to our rooms just before day on Thursday morning, and for two or Uiree hours slept oiost.prorounuiy. m luanco to ourselves wo should have slept at least four or five hours, but then tlie u Commencement " must go on, and we bad scarcely taken our last whiff af ter breakfast when we were again summoned to our post At 0, a. the first procession was form ed, with music in front, students next, then the Faculty, and Ust of all as many ciuiseni as chose to Jola Jn he march. At a fiverrwgiiaJ the celnmn raoveu ou in quicn iimo to uvjpiy music, uiaicumK through dense shades, over greed sward, around the " Caldwell monument," with heads uncovered, and back again to tho Cliapel door, where Ihe col umn opened ranks and, tlie rear marched through into tlio Chapel. Some minutes after 10, a. m., Ex' Oov. Vakcs was introduced to the audience as speaker of the day. The most enthusiastic applause' greeted bis appearance on the stage soi eihing de cidedly similar to scenes which transpired long ago, in another clime and under different circumstances, but still fresh in our motnories. Tho hall was crowded to its utmost capacity, apparently from floor to ceiling. . Not a vacant scat could be found all expecting a rich treat and no one disappoint ed. . I need hardly ay any thing concerning the Governor, his manner or his address. lie is so universally known that the reader can form a bet ter idea in imagination than I could give with my pen, and besides I aui told that the address will bo published, when all may judge for themselves. I will only remark, however, that tlie genera tone of his address was altogether of tlie harmonizing style; and by competent judges was pronounced one of the happiest efforts aud the best hit that could have been made under the circumstances. " Here is a health to thee, Zeb," for w hat follows : The position oj the writer was such that without making himself" at all conscious he could note every Tittle circumstance that transpired midst the vast assemblage of fluttering tans and " spike-tads,' below. (He hopes he has not made bad use of his opportunities!) This, by-way of parenthesis Well, wheu the Oov. had been speaking some fif teen minutes, three ladies (evidently from the coun try) entered, aud at the door were met by one of the marshals whose duty it was to provide seat for la hes especially. After no little difficulty he suc ceeded in seating two; but for the third the case seemed to be hopeless. Now, tbere was a seat, the fourth on the right of the rostrum, at the entrance to which sat a deeply interesting specimen of tho male genus, who was all attention, " butter and bread," to the most captivating red ringlets " in alt rwtur." sitting conveniently and pleasantly close on hi neht. This Bohte gentleman, was lapped on I , the shoulder by the marshal and requested to give his seat to a fady. Did lie? Instead of yielding with alacrity, as he should have done, he lovingly IhIiI hi heai besidH the lihirlets and whispered ' Shall I ?" The ringlets immediately sliook vio-J leutly something like Moloch s, ana nice ins, too, thought-tfks offire Were showered, as from the blacksmith's hammer; but neither pestilence nor war. The next moment tJov. V. was saying some tmng about the farmer's daughter, her unsullied virtue and chastity ; and in less than one minute th.-reaficr that same plainly dressed, but neat and really handsome young lady could have had a score j ot seats. . Whether this little incident was purely accident al or intentional, I cannot say ; but it is certain that many remarks were made about it that evening, and as a natural consequence, everybody wauted to hurrah lor Vance, old Jeff., President Johnson, Junmie Hariwr, the ladies iu genoral aud two farm er's "galls" in particular. When the Governor closed, all hands weut an lor oumei, u iwm alter which, another procession was formed, the programme of the morning repeated, and by 3, P. the chapel was again filled, wtitin the poee-he9 by the graduating class (ouly Uiree) were delivered; the valedictory by Wm. Rkncheb, was most impor Unt, aud without favor or partiality was uuani mbusly pronounced an excellent thing. Around the stagu this evening sat several of the most dis unguished meu of the old North State viz ; More head, Graham, Vance, Philips, tc. Ex-Govei uor Swain is piesidenlof the Faculty at Chapel-Hilli Gov. Worth was. also present, besides "others whose Dames do not now occur to my mind. The afternoon services being closed, all parties retired to their homes or elseurftere to make tbe final preparations necessary for the grand ball to-night At seemed as though each individual was deter mined to make a hit, or at any rate they would strike, hit or miss. At 8, r. u., " tUe music began chernly and the dance went on merrity." The Lancer's Quadrills, among the most popular, are certainly very beautiful ; but let a spectator stop both bis ears so completely that no music can en ter, and then look at a hall.full of ladies and gen tlemen engaged in the Lancer's,- bowing, scraping and flirting, and be will have a better idea of the superlatively ridiculous than he could gain by any other possible method. On this night of course it was ho aim of all who took any part in the amusements of tfie evening, to show off to tho best advantage ; and for this purpose it may, well be supposed tbat in many in stances nature was ignored aud artificial remedies applied, to natural defec some imagiuary defects, I may safely add. Curling irous, rouge, piaster Paris, cotton, bears' oil, cologne, certain modern French institutions, together with an endless varie ty of unnameable little etceteras, scraped together h oin the four quarters of the globe, and all used to coruplete the toilett of the latter-day 'belle or-beau, as kk case may be. Whew I what a terrible array of httio items of expense, which, in the aggregate, limiuinf in no inconsiderable sun: and after all. many of these very same articles do a great deal more harm than good. The pale faces among the ladies in the ball room was a source of geneiaJ re maik. Some few indeed presented really a ghast ly appearance ; so palid so death-like I What does it meati ? Is it an eviJch-e ijf improved taste iu the uprier circles? If So, happy tho -mau whp t.HA h-y4y twuU -h ehtww. -- iLphap wikip Iriends only wish to court tlie lavor of tbat grim fTV'?seneer,Dcath, by "trying it ou " before their iuiim r" -.' " amtTtras; a table groaning uuiler the 'i :glit h many lux- ' uries aud delicacies was prepaitU lor their aceom- tain-nent, and lor the geutlemauly and polite man ner iu which they-. At tended lo the wants ot the ladk-v uotwithstaiJdiug some hall-dozen of both genders took it into then heads that a close eontab (lete-a-tete) jn the Philanthropic Hall would be a trlonous ihiiiL'. aud. aceorJiiiL-lv. tbe neen of dav found it precire'y so. At bn-ak or day on Fnday morning, June Mi. the dancing ceased. Tlie par- . .... . i . . i . . .. a t . . f r. r rc' ' ct' . " ! mcnt" at Ghapel-Ihll, 1SC8, was declared ended. Tl.fc ..... .An. ... 1 ..rr,rh.-- l.n... In. . v " 'y . t . impossible lor them (tlie both er they have made an impression or not; but doubt- : Um some ot them have received such. ' And ad " vpeak w terms of the highest praise of their re- I speclive hor.K-s, each asisertiiig that bis mrcw-i Uinly superior to all othors. Onr wannest thanksi ai due the uinscns of CJiapel-IIiU. SAT. I WHO WANTS A PIANO? F.RAL PiInmis of tha Concord ft V"vml Collor ar truttet my ai4 la car ina GOOD PIAS03 for lhir Xhia kw ta duod ui W' niaka irimnt with soma of l belt manufacturers, wired bl me In furaUh la tramcnts of Ihe rtarr clah? at rfftuetd prlcea, I eia mv each pareaawr tram $40 to $100. Prtea litt of tb fliaaafMita'tra wil b anl to tboM k thtm, tn aid lhara ia making selMilioas. Whea arlaclious shall toa mad lb moaty eaa b ant lo me, at my eipenM, lh roubra Exproa, and a nanowUI k ahippa ia uaaot lh pmehaaer may aVitaat Kach Piaae aoM wil be fully warranted Juna II. 16C. Addieaa ma at HUt-ardU. NXTI J. M. M. CALDWELL. james w. osnoRna. Kwvt Mittmoia OSBORNE & barringer; ittorirjri it Liw, J C II A IlLOTTE, N. C. . i ILL nractioe in the counties of Rowan, Ca barrus, Uniui, Iredell, Metklenljorg, Sunlv, Lin coln ami Uaston ; also in uie oupreme anu tew ral Courts of the State. ffOffice in the Bt ick Building near tlie Court- Ilouse, up stairs. April 2.3, 1S0 17Anpd , Important Information, Ok N the receipt of fifty cents, will be mailed o - J . t .i:. f..n;o - "BECEIPTS FOK THK CrtE OF DORSES," ' Vii: cure for Botta, Stiff!, Spavin, Graveled, Latneness, Bruised or Bare Backs, Windgalls, Heaves or Tbumos, euro for Founder, Mi take Film -front, the Eye, Scratches, to prevent Bolts, a cer tain remedy for Fistulo, to relieve Colio, Hid .Bound, Broken Wind, Lameness in Iloof, Shoulder Slip, to prevent Foundenng on the road, Diabetea" and Gripes. Many valuable horses have been saved from an untimely death by these remedies, and if given at , advised, will not fail to cure. No person who baf ,, a hore should be without these receipt! ISfAddress L' A. CLOUSE, Smith Grove, Da vie County, N. C. April 3d, 1806. 12-mo-w Administrators' Sale. ALL persona indebted to the Eatate of SARA If 1IKILIG. dee'd , ara hereby notified U maka ', " immediate payment and Buli-nieut, aa loujer indul gence cannot be Blvan" Thw failing h allead t -ihia oolica will find lbir nolea and wonuts in tba ;. da of annrh;rr. And all peraona hviui claim ojr.ilnt said Eatate, will present them for pavment within ihe lime preacribed by la-, or ihia notice wlB be plead in bjr of recovery. Thia, 23d May, 18b(. t. n. HEiLio. l o. HKiLia, ) Admra. R J. 1IOLMKS, a M. BAaNHAaDT, ) 23 61 CARRIAGE nr a tttmi AVA auiii Ui i W. H. SIVilTH CO. iV.RK still carrying on the Carriage Making busi ness at tlieir old stand, opposite the Lmherian Church, in all its branches. They jrenernlly keep on hand a number of completed jobs B'lggiea, Sulkiirs, Itockaways, &a, which they willsell cheap. All work put up to order in their line of business shall be executed according to specifications, and ill a superior style. All kind of repairing done at short notice. Country produce and lumber taken iu exchange for work. - SMITH ii CO. HATTING. The undersigned also carries on tbe Hatting bus iness, and in a seperate apartment,.may always ba found superior "home-made Uats. Vall ana sea them, and bring all the furs you can to exchange for good, durable Hats. Wm. II. SMITH. tf-w-12 March 20. 13C6. T. E. BROWN CO. XlAVINO largely extended their facilities for all kind of Tin, Sliert Iron and Copper Work, ara fully prepared to .fill all orders in their line of bus iness in superior style, aud cheap. House roofing; Guttering t-c.J per contract. Stills, and all other Copper work done in the very best manner and on accommodating terms. Old.pjewter,. copper, and country produce taken in exchange for work. ff". Wholesale buyers advised to call and hear prices before purchasing elsewhere. ' " - March 23. 18ti(i - 3rtfo-w MANUFACTURERS' SUPPLIES. " 118 Market St., Philadelphia s rpEALERSin Machineiv and Sunnliea of-eyeri ilesriDtioii. lor UOlfon ami ooien niamnacioriw. Also, Oak Tsnned'Lrather Beltiug, Card .Clothing, cnfctir'r aiiiLiPujuuKi-j-ariia..ja atia.Bi."1 1 t .. ,C-..-,..j r,n rTinaiontTU-nl of cotton and woolen varus. tention. wm. MILI.WAKU, I). S. WINEBUENER. -M-areli 13-. I'G- 3mo-w-lQ A. J. PKRHSSKI, W. I- litaoS'tT, URAUAM BAVU. DER0SSET & C0a (Formerly Derosset ii llrown, Rittiblished 1839' CENERAL COWNIIS9tK MERCHANTS. jrwiiMt , i No, li Nwth Hjirf Mreet, (up stairs,) ' WILMINGTON, N". C. ' , rnd attenti-ai to tlie purchase i ' . . , nJ j, , pTl,.u,:x, t,f every destv iption, and to rv ceivifij I-TAVariliiijr goods. w-10-jmI3io J. J. SUHtfERELL, M. D. thTu-e at hi residence,' West Want, ' SAUSUU11YY. 1 1 '

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