t , , , . , ,, v mm m - ' ' "' i- ' - , . ;' ey , ' L- 4- f .n'tt-.A.-i'jii. i j, l i -- .. i I r ," e. n.i ,-i--b,." t r' i , --i ----- .-ir- . ..jj ... .OCK I Y0L. 2. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 18G7. N0.42-WIIOLE xo. 1755. 1 Ht bl V I PUS ) , "' iW H ..Ifttf if HER, mm ANTS, ircbasnl rafne It Idlajr. ' friend V ncri-; mthrp Uriel i. OO0 1I ' .0 the .' if :r I Is. in 4 t. 1 of n. Jke..t- (lie L , of I' AN 1 TERMS: WMITi 1 f MT. Can' In advewpa. ft ATI f Or AOVBRTMINa . .3 00 ..1 &o . . A 1 I - i 4.4. I- . IA - 41 IBU Ui IIIHin IPVW, ! " far Mdi aJditiooai puLWuon, 33 TUE BANKHUrT LAW. i Tht Ad to EriMUk m Uniform Sy . tem qf BitnkrujiLy tharouykout the ' United StaUt What the JIUl It .What M. W present in Uiia form the ul. st&ncfl of moet important bill Uteljr ,tW6(Kjl $cnto nd Ilonwo of Rep- lenL-Tbl mere Mmourj, tL Jaw filU a pamphlet of forty pagx, and ! v jua from tua prcea oi ui American Arwa Cbmpanj. It coHdna mnoh uae IU1 JBIormailou iu.uuiu ugjuur an vi debtor tbat we are forced to ex! tide, and we would adruo parti e who dobiro fur tber anlightcnment on the Iiankrnpt Law toproer---opj.--lor by Jiook aellera and New Aintnte jreneraJlr. Section 1, evtablialiea tiie teveral Di trict Courts of the United Statca ai eonrta of bankruptcy, in addition to the' other original jnnodiction Uiy now bare. Section 2 eivca the Orcoit Courts equity power to eurpervieo the proceed inn of the Piatrict Courts in bankiupt- to tbia power givea iheiu concurrent jur isdiction in the aame matters. Section 8. proridw for the appoint ment in eachtConzrednionat District, up on the nomination of the Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court, of one or more registers (to be counsellors in the Dis trict Courts.) whose duty it shall be to assist the District Judges, in the perfor mance -of duty in bankruptcy CHXt. Bonds ftr $1,000, na intererin auy of saitsr and abiutjr to take the tt-WIi, are tbe preuisiies of each register. Section 4, tuakoo it the rrgitei'ti Jutj tasdjudicAte..upiit.. in, and preside in bankruptcy proceed ing, lie is to compute properij-,' divi dcods, assign 'pro rti(a sliaies to credi tors, bat bars him froi( commit' intf tor attempt or in acting in laes that g uj- Hfl'pcat.-v "-- - Section C, 7, 8, trnand 10 provide f.r the formual of Ical procc dms in tiie Courts of I'ankruptry, a rixApitulation .of the practice now in vogue i other litigation. Section 11 make &3 the limit of debts on which to di-citre voluntary bankruptcy, rt-fjuires tbfr bankrupt to be orfto become a citizen of tho United States forbids a transfer of proper dur ing pendency -of procoediugk, .and de mand full exhibit of debts and asectts on the rpaVt of 'tbeyoTuhtary bant nipt. Section 12. 13 aud 14 provide that the actiob in bankruptcy shall go on should the bankrupt die, the same at if he were lA auAf that tho creditor shall Appoint an atfcigneo or , aiigteee l the debtors estate, inbject to the approval of Dl trict Jadire: that, everytinnir beturm d ever to assigneear-wivcther uf eubbtanci; or account, for distribution, except : That there shall be excei'tvd frm the oiera tion of tie pruvisione of this section the .necessary household onu kitclieu iurni ture, and such other articles and tieco- sariesof such bankrupt as . tho said as- Bignee snail designate ana set apart, uav inar reference in the amount to the I'anii ' lj, condition, and circumstances of the bankrupt, but altotrethor not to exceed -4iMraIiui.in.anja tho sum of ..$500 jj as now against the estate "of deceasod ersons; provide for act wain mutual debta potwpen debtor anuciaimama; forbid suits against the bankrupt by those cr$uitors ptojlnff Jnoir crarms, and proTiuv iuat u any oauarupi sn i, at tb time of sdjucation, bo liable upon any bill of exchanee, promissory note or other oMlgation In respect or distinct ooutracts as a member or two or more firms carrying 6u separate and distinct trades, and having estate to be wound up in bankruptcy, or as a sole trader an also a member or a rirni, the circum stance that such firms are in whole or in part coiopofod of the same Inddivid uafs, or that the sole contractor ' ia also ono of the joint contractors, shall not prawmttaot njtp.c,pijt.Tf dividend In respect of such distinct coVt'fract agaf'nst the estate respectively liable upon sucn contracts. Section !2, 23 and 24 require rerifi- cation by oath of all claims by creditors, and if a corporation, ly (he proper offi cers for that purpose, to be filed before the register, or if in a foreign country, before rcirister. or otlior diplomatic offi cer' nearest adjacent, ani that invetiga- tion oan be aitfi must bo made qy the judge in case oi all doubtful claims. Doction io orders the &alo aud tioidm for distribution by the bgb srnce of a: pcrishablo proporty, the titlo to which is not in dispute. Section 81 provides for the examina tion of tho bankrupt by the court, either at its own option or at the request of the assignee, into all cimimbuicee and state ment of the bankrupt, whia punishable for contempt for uon compliance with the order of examination, and for the good cause shown the wife of the bunk- rapt may be called and similarly exam- ned such dobU or other property In such t fewbicb cMsrvic of oo aotiot p I ia tgft uimL um'aiJu! ti)M manner a the Court shall order. No debtor to appear, is to U made ia the mum wayJihs jml or rrgitter, ur lo LII begsilty of dividend already doclared shall bo dis j ' penuflsl araiUug upoo, or tti publi i any criraioal aciivs r knwlnlo in jbe po. turbed by reason of debts aabsoduontly t'oa v Pu'd ia eivil Huu mUom i lie cation of aB( Ulf oommlMiuo or ducmaii ot proved, but tbe creditor provinir lunch "it"'"""" wimm u um .pamw i .jj m wbi n? pruc. nmiw dobt shall he entitled to a dividend coual ,0 ,.h clH"n t- (P g"t i''" J. Jiuit ene .i.iu!eor fees rwr i.SalvlM, deo, to td those alraadv received by tha ntLr l.' '" lw sw pwlW a. ao oM.ioed in proceed,-!! ia I 1"". . rj. ;r WctU43 And Uil further enscUJ,Tlst ten. SMNUV v IJV ISIIVI A lUI'OfSJlWI W IU I UO J t .1 mm.m mt.m. J ....l III . l , m uniu uiviueuu, mo aswgnes kubi suo- lU, ,uJ j wLicb previoo. tint his account to the Court, and filo the Lu. ,h.ii i,. iLV,aB f. .rL of .e . I a . ml ' . same anu give notice to me creauorsirt uro m BayJinM.t, thre founha ia sach filing: and shall also give notice vale of tbe creJitor eball ruolve thai HI. for that he will apply for a settlement of his I tbe iaureet of tbe Wenersl body ot iL crediton account, and for a discharge froal all lbattbeetate of ibe bankrupt tboulJ beweaod fl!i .' . . I . I .l.ii, J i : . . l ... . . I. I. 1. Ml i.i ii 1 1 1 ii iui 1 1 m .... nr m 1 1 rim r f i na uiui. ii r. .111 mtii 1 11 ii .mi iiuinnuimn mi ia i . iiiaii . . . . 1.1 H Ail .n m. ..(ai. . .. I . ...i. ,(Tlk I IkA lAUffifl Li IK. ia.I. I. &m t.Aulir ...1 Mruul I ' ' lituou w avu, uu M- whii - ww UK) .,,,.,....; .. . i uucUl ""ni'v minute-titminaliuni uourtsuau auuu ana pass uio acoouuisi'"" wr, . . jljt() ti rj-i.riinalii tl. Traae found correct he shall thereby 'be .d!s-r' V."? T'eiH aJ .ucb creditor... i j ii i. - . . , i may lumre w De uearu. loai iue nreoiuoou a . 1 - f LATENT NEWS. CONGRESSIONAL. iS"jjloUTtfal Hill I'ataed. Wa.liirtua .March 17. Iu tbe Senate, on I llouee reeolulioa regarding tbe VeUioa of xtoi, th othersv making their tfca,e. Four of these have been adiultud to bail, U'I llirre inclodingtlie leador, ara conv fio d in the Jail at WilkoebW. - Tk'.o uion say that Uieir friends are numerous and that they can be released f any time. Tbey ay that there is do law to punish them now, and that those who arrested them shall suffer for it. rum the statement made bv thesa onU laws, their organisation is extensive, and they have plenty of arm and ammnni tion. They profess to be "loyal Uoion men. it requires no sage to tell whoso teacLing is the cause of the troubles. SlaUtvdU Atnencan. "Sue Naplea and then dio.waJd some body, bat a bahe1or frit4 retniod as 3f any creditor of tho banktnpt. The Court '5. .i..., :. ..M .... shall thereupon order a di vedeud of the m. Md rnpo0 th, nM.atott ,ad fiiio- by estate and effects, or of audi Dart thereof I . .1 : 1 (.11,1.. - -w - - 1 1 via vwftjl Ul luiwNVUj um ill lllin VI Mi ill as it ace ni, among ucu 01 uie creditors editr. wbaee claim, bave ben proved of a ashave provod their claims, in propor-jooo-euibat ibeut of tbe bankrupt be wound tion to the respective amount of their I up and aetded br said trustee accordion- to tbe said-debts. In addition to all expenses terncr of .uch reaotulioa, the bankrupt, or hi. ueceasarily incurred by him in the exe- a-ugiee in bankruptcy if appointed, an tbe ca cution of his trust, in any case, tho as- &jrbe, shall, anjr the direction of the court, siirnee ahall be entitled to an allowance and inder o-itb, convey, tmnafr and deliver all .. " . . . . . I iL. 1 I .1 L. 1 . 1 . .1.1 4 tor bia services in eucli case, on all inou I rvv "u """ oa;i" " ,ue 0lb was rejected. lea recei veu ana paiu out ty nim merciu.i - - . -r for any sum not exceeding one thous- 0"r". baw and boij the and dollars, five per centum thereon ; on Mmfl ihm. "7, mauo'r' "od "ub 'U.Mr any larger sum, not exceeding tivo thous- . jj- and dollars, two a half per iJontum on n baukraj-tcy bad Ih-o uken, or tho excess over live thousand dollars; M tle .1(rnee in bankruptcy would he don. and it at any timo there shall not be iu u,j ,uc, Bol un Hi "J his baud a Wlihcieut amount Of Jnoncy coUmoL and tbe nraceuJiiiiTk Lliereund.r .bull it to dctray the necessary expense requir- la bmdiij in all rpoei on any creditor Wbow ilka, riliinat. f I.. I . ... - .ll . Tb. S-ppWaUl 13.11 was enmej. &'1T 77X1.7 1 each elicitinffal 1 .,. , . r 1 amnuiuuuu were pronoeea eacb eftcainf loug dubal. Senator eeemod anxlooi to ex plaia every vote. Sentiment was touch divided, but a majority perwtendy opposed sroenJioebts tending to complicate the measure ot involving guarantee not required If tbe original bill. In preMure, bowevtr, was very beavy cian who kill you has to anpnort lour tamiiy. - We insist uow that aatnuicrwilh.it fever and infection is on the way that when the legislature meet da August like conditions shall be affixed to tbe As auieudmeut wa aJopted, tbat the uij,.n'. license of physician In North Carolina; ty of voles ca( stall rainy toe Uonstttutioa, bat tbat tuoje tban baif registered voters .ball LOOKING AT THE LRIGIItTSIDE.' An amendment adding cert.iu clauses to the , r""V ' , 7 , nJ"r IT ,1. sachsetts to bor husband in California. She don't intend going through the world with the bines : LSTCR. Ji'be Senate, at half pint 1 1 o'clock, last night, pd tbe supplement bill witb amend menu. Tbe bffl goes back to the House fur concur reuce. ' ; Government finance). Washington, March H, The Internal Rove "Mr dear husband As it is now some time, since you left for California, I sup pose yon would be glad to hear how we are getting along in your absence. I am happy to say we are enjoying very good health on the whole.. Just at present two of the boys have got the smallpox ; I..,. (. .1 .1. . ...a . lv"i urn ed for the fcrtherfcxecution of his trust, dbu are prov.bk bo ban 1.01 smned tbe kamo. H500.000 ier dnv. Tbe week's diibn..mt. L4mant!a J?e HMJ8?t tne 'JP"" foyer; . . I 1 I I . . . - .. I ... . I Ikdmn.l a hswifc-AH A !.-. 1. - he shall not be obliged to procee'd there- a if be hadwgned it, and on any creditor, whose of the War, Nary and Interior Drpirtmtnl. U Section 27 subdivides priority of claims in until tbe necessary funds aro ad raced deit, if provable, is not proved, as ifhebad as follorws: First, Servants' wages un-ior satisfactonaly secured to him. If, bylP'uvd u. and the court, by order, .bull direct der j50. Second, All tho creditors pro accident, mistake, or other ceudO, wiih rata. without any preforence eit'ier Irom iOut fault of the as-L'iiee, either or both armmut or date 01, claims except that in 'of the said second and third mooting canes wherein the bankrupt has become should not be heTd within the time limit bail. surv or iruarunt.ir lor another, the' ed, the Curt may, uitoti motion of an coinpTiance of fho latter with the eondi iuterested party, urder such, nieeting tions must be shown before claim i al-' with like etfeet as to tha validity of the lowed. ! proceedings as il thef uieeting had been At the expir ,ti ti -.f three months du y held. In the order for a dividend from the date of the aljudicati"ii of under this seen n, !Jm following claim ankriiittcv in anv cue. r iiiucli eailier shall l e entitled to priority 'or preter-i . - . . ' . i i. . a f I r . . i iiafi.e court innr direct, the court, niton ence, ana to :e nrr i taia in iuii iu tne request tf tho aignee. sIhsTI cafTa gen- following order.: - eral meeting of the creditors, 'ot which Kir(. Ti.m fw-i. i-t-tf au.l ipns of sul duo notice shall Im . given, aill the . 8- an.l ib; s.-rl j-rie.-H tin r. in lnukru;tu-y und aiiniee sliall thon report and exluoi: to ibis ac' n.i i r it, ru.to.iy oi ir.,iir , . n. ru F. - . in proiiijml. S..-oond. All dfblf, lue l the Uulte-I S'st, a'.d till t:uea abd as.Ul. lit uudur tbe law tlinrcuf. Tlur I Ail debts du! to t'ifc Slate in wmel: the prrKvilinj. in bankruptcy are pjii,lini, n all (si. and as. Kaineutt iikrK' uitJor -Hie law proceeds of tho edtate, after deducting aud retaining a sum sutnciet to provide for all undermined claims which, by reasou of the distant residcuco of tho creditor, br,fr other suflicient reason, have not been proved, and for other cx- ponsee and contingencies, shttll be divid ed among the creditors; but unless at least one half in valuo of .the creditors and also tho wearing ipaTfchxjfeWeha brankrupt and tbat of his wife and ctiil dren, and the uniform, arms, and equip ments of any persitn who isor ha been - a soldier iu tho militia or in tho service , m-the United States, and such other property as now is, or hereafter shall be, exempted frorn attachment or seixure, , or levy on execution by the law of tho United States, and such other property, , not Included in the foregoing exceptions, a is exempted from levy aud sale upon i npon execution or other process or order or Cinrt, by tbe "law of ihn Stato in which the bankrupt has bis domicil at the time of the commebcement of the proceedings in bankruptcy, to an'amonnt not exceeding that allowed by uTch State exnmption law in force- in; tho year 1205 r Provided, That the IbreiriKhir eX' jBgptlaitj. shall operate a a limiutii)n.iip: mpt thereto be impaired or aflVctcd by . py to iiieti pjtQvwioria of. tbui set; and the determination of tho tuwiimeca in the r matter fihall.. nmT(untiun In ban Ka ,iK Voan. mn iow 10 recover tne propor--ty of the debtor,- tobOf-listri b"u ted by IwJiomaoeycr held; roqnire bim to clamr fy and separate the goods or other effects, empower the assignee to choose arbitra I tor In matter of disputed poMcssion; and provido tor the supervision oyer and power to- remove .vtlie assigties by.tlie district judge for cause shown.'. " Section'. 1 20 and 21, 'ordain that .; claim be provided in the same manner the court and to th- creditors i list and true accounts of all his recei p s and judgments, verified by his oa'ih ; and ho shall alHO produce and file vouchers for all payments for which , vouchers s .all be required by any ruie ef the court ; l 1 :l ..1 ..I .I. I.. I.. ..C fl... lie CHUM uieo suuiuu iiw wuvuura ui vuu , j. S,(atfi bankrupt s credrtmrjaud projierfy - as '1 FoUT vs;,;; due to any orIii.. Kit amended, duly vennea ry -tuc nanarupt.-j, wrViUlt) nny (O0,ii not exeeditiir and a statement o tne w.iote esra'e oi 50 iahor ..formej wilUj0 womb nest the bankrupt as then ascertained, ot the j orocc-edinir tlte first publkssuon of ib nuiiouof " : J A l 1 .. 1 . " 1 ' property recoverea ana o me property r proceed :n in twnRroptey. outstanding, tocifying the caue of its( Fifth. All debts due to any person who by Iteinir outstanding, also- what debts or, the laws of the United Stales, are or may bp claims are vet -undetermined, and statins ! entttreJ to priority or preference, ir. like man rUt niniii rxmain in hia hands. A t ner a. if lb n act bad not been -uassud. Always audi meetinir the maioritt in value of -provided, That notbin, cmtairind m this act .i... vSiiiitiatt -itorftttfftnA'i smi-4uUrflate:.ilu the assessment and c 111V CIWVl.l.'.O I'i'-TOlIt D..l. .v... ....... . , . , . . - j .u. f , i. lion of laxe bv the aullion'v of the United wiiemer buy anu .anu iwt i "c'f,j. . ... . Scliuu 29. privides for the full discharge of the bankrupt six months after compliance with tbe above conditions in eutire honesty and gocd faith. ' ' Section 30 declare that no one shall be en titled a terond time to tbe benefits of bankrupt cv, whose estate is sufficient lb pay 70 per ceu turn of his debts, unlesa upon tbe! w ritten aeiil of three-lourlbs of bis crediturs in value. ' Section 31. pro v id. I hat any creditor oppo smgnta riiisfhsTgff -pf -any b.wkrojH' m?. Hie--: specihcatiitn n writing of the grounds ot bis 1 opposition, and the Court may, in ils discretion N...I .. .. i r. : ..,t,i. tried at a stated session of the ibstriol Court.' Section 32, 33 and 34 foibid the benefits of bankruptcy to oua whose detain liave accrued from then failures whan jn judiciary capacity, and prtvf!e fur tiie full sod final discharge of tbe liojent baukrfept as follows : District Coort or tus Unitsd States , DisTKICT OV , Whereas li.u fjeerj duly adjudged ,a bankrupt under the fcc,t 6? Congress establishing a uniform nyntatn of bank ruptcy throughout the limited States, and ap pears to have confbrtfred to' all tbe re.Urirtl of law ia that behalf, it is Ihererofe orderd by the Court that sai'J be forever dischaVjj ed from alt debts and claims which bv s.i.l act on or by attorpy,- it baTFlre-4Krdnfy of the assienoo so.tci determiuo. In cawj a dividoud is ordered, the liegistor shall, withiu ten days alter euch -meeting, pro pare a list of croditore entitled to dm deod, and shall calculate aud set oppo site to' tha name of each creditor who has proved hia claim, the dividoud to which lie is entitled out of the not proceeds of Hie estate sei apan ior uiviyenu, anu shall forward by mail, to.. .every creditor a statement of tho dividend to which he is entitled, and such cj editor shall be paid by the assignee in sucii manner as iue court may uireci. Section 28 provides that the like pro ceediucs shall be had at the expiration of ti next three, fflontbs, or earlier if praoticable, aud a third meeting of the eredi tors thall " f hcu: bo: Ktl'Bd'terihe on tiie tveyaucyiSrTmi Ploueilrriewj Atilt mo r 1 tuDiilSptta "8 ss8ne?8' n1 in nZ?aM ed, unless any action in law or sniHn ,3' - er ' - , - r IT. MWIUHJ U ITCriUliiUT u-mhw vs7s i um- asstgneea, the title ot the bank mm 0r etfecta or the debtor afterwards cotne into the hands c i he assignee, m wbieh ease the ajsignei shall,', aa soaaa&, may be, eonvei'ieut such estnte or enocts into money, and within tyro months after thejawe sCall be djvi'ded in tho manner aforesaid. 'FtirtliePdifidi made in like manner as often as occasion YomrealidTrL creditoTft. nfr-further jHieeUg filial! bo fcalled unless ordered by"t1io Court. If at any time thero shall be in the bands or the assignee any outstanding debut or other property, duo' or belonging to the estate, which; cannot bo collected and re ceived by the assignee -without unrea sonably or lnconvenicht delay or ex pense t&e assigned may,"uoder Uie di rection of the Court, sell and assign aii act. and thing needful to be d job to carry into etfuct sucb resolution ot tbe creditor, and tbe said trustees tball proceed to wiuJ up a id, Keith: tbe eUate uodr the 4ijccliou m i lD-p.-c tion ,f tucb OiMinniltees of jho cre.l ' .r., t',,r (be ?' Jil bfnrth of all uch criMjilotn, and tlwi uind in iT ip aud -illemi-nl of any elate uti.trr llir -iroVHIutia ui Uit aecliou witall be d..iuod to be froxoedins iu biiikrupti'jiiider tb s a i; and liie kaMl 'iuKltn rli.i I have ;li ri'hU and pow urk of :iniii-4 in Uiukrupt. i'lx- court on 'h ap'i.cilioo of uttcli ItUiUH-, hba'i bv.- p ,wr tu kUilliiiKP aud , Jt inn lie, .'a oath, r will ri.', .tbejbaukiuplcy.aud nili tud'hitJip!.' pron lndeble.1 (o ii," -u;e or known or u ptxud ol ban,; any of tie f(ate iu ii osiSioii, or any o-'lii f t in 'in-e ' l Mil n .:',, n.v W inatHria1 . r newoaiy to lid in tr,il,x in lh-t'Xeculi.-ii of l Is.-ir tin', and to ivnip. l th at lend 'iK"e of suuli eriii .tu.l tli-- pioJuclloU 'f tbeic bufik.ajad pa;is t in j,Ui -a iif manner .h in o'.ber proceedings 'of bankiupio under' tlifs :Lfl ; and tb. bankrupt fi.ail t nt- In- like right i, apply (or and oblaiu a .i;.-c!.:i alir the pass sue of sacli olu;ion and ihu aiiin tutenl of day. and little Peter ha inat chornd off three of hia fingerm with hatchet. It is a mercy be didn t chop them all off. With these trifling exception, we are all well and getting along nicely. ' i on necdn t be at all anxiott about na. I almost forg t to aar. tbat Sarah Matilda eloped last week w'ith a tin ped- shot, one was killed, and two soldiers were shot, I dleiY Poor eirl I She been Waitlnir oue iiioriniiy. 14.500.00. The total National Hank circulation is $208,000,000. Fractional currency in circu lation $819,600. Securities held by the Treas ury for Nstionsl Hanks 1379,000,000. J o - The Carlide Election, Riot. Carli.le, Ta March 1 5. Tbe soldiers and citixeu. bad a regular battle. Four citiVus weie Heavy Snow. Washington, March 10. Tbrye has been a deiiU'nt- mo hero aud North for fifteen homo. Jluuiclpal Election Suspended. -Ativans on Confisca- tion. , Wafliiiuton. March 18. General Sitklcs sacfr trustws as-ifTswh--Vsntntmtr-h-beew-4;,.ve, tritimWtodv-for-bi- Hcadoaaitera:- ... . 1 . . . 1 . . . I, . i. . . jjwwi, tio irs it nn tpp prtji-eo" n-. nl cosiin rju uie j,u .uuuiici iH.j.meu in .u i i.rce- ..ivoc.i uuiiticalion and tuu rreedinan Homo ding sections ol mis act. II tiie s.-soiution shall ', ,i,,li, not ba duly reported, or the eonut of tbecred for. a chance and I'm glad she' married at last.- She needn't have taken the trouble to elope though, for I am sura I was glad enough to have her go. She was a great eater, and I ; find ' baked beans don't go off near so fast as tbey did. The way that girl-would dip. into -pork and' beans was a caution to the rest lln ii nond, March 17. General Schofleld of the family. The COW took it into her ( ended the Municipal Elections at Fred-1 hend to run away, which wa very for- He will probably do the same all tnnate, I am sure, for tbe barn caught ummio w.i, uuiu Ure iitbi urirui anu was cousumea. i was in hopes that Uie honse 'would go too, for it's inconvenient; but the wiud was the wrong way, so it didn't receive much injury. Some. boys broke into the orchard tbe other day and stripped u tt Tbrt tVnff- trnna 1 -am -ironr t?iarf tf Mr. Sieve,, has ;a four coju.nrf ect. M type for if thuy hadn't I'presume thechildrcn vocnti ti ouiiticalion aud the rreeainao Homo-1 n i. , , , mi V OIIIU lin.D UIBUB lUpiUBCIVCB Ul. ' i-r,i trhurj. ,, r tiie St le, and the old ,..-r. GiHcntl Sickl-es- itors slihli n tt biduly filed, ur if, upon its filing the couit iiliall uot think fit to approve thereof, tbe b o.lruplcy shad proiv J as if no resolution passed, mi l tbe court runy niake nil necessary orders f r ret u mini;'! be pr.i c.i:in;s, and thepe' nod ot tune w hich shall havt- e 'aitsed lt-tw ten the :"dt" :'6f 'the resolution Slid tlTf dale of the order fu; a&iuining .proceeding ab ill not be reck oned in calculalinir periods of time prescnbed ,by this set. lleclipn At provide that from and afier the pa'sae ot u,i act, if anv debtor or bankrupt slisll afipr tbe commencement of proceedings in bankrut iry. secret or conceal any property be- lonjm lo bis estate, or part with, conceal or lestroy, alt-r, iniittiate, or falsify, orcauM to be concealed, altered, destroyed, mutilated, or fulsi fiedi an book, detd, document, or writing, e bln i u. jut. h-iuoie. ar.caiisu..tp.ba rempv- ed tbe same or any part lb. -reof, out of I lie dis- "-.si'-' trict or ot(,erwiMi dispose of any part I hereof, witb intent to pieveiit il from coming into the posnexijn of the assijjneM- in bankruptcy, or to hinder imiie 'e, or delsy either of them ia recov ering or receiving t he same, or make any pay ment, gilt, sale, assignment, or traiter or cori- veyauiM of any property belonging to his etate with the like intent, t-poncl any pari ih, rei.f in tfaraing; or shall, Willi lllteril to d,alraul. will- u"ily or fraudulently conceal from Ins ansiirnee. orniil fromhis sub'-dule'any property or iH'ecls hafsoever; or if, iti case of ny 'porsbn havmj, i his knoU ledl'e or .belieu proved Death of the Rev. Dr. Livingstone Kilkd and Devoured by Wolves. A cable dispatch announces that the eel- Such an announcement sound rather ebrated'Amcaii traveler and missionary, startling and sensntional to a city-bred the Rev. Dr. David .Livingstone, ha reader. The Searcy-(Aak) Record, of bee killed by the negroes in Sooth the 2d. instant, gives a brief account of iVfrical Dr. Livingstone was i'"' bord a such an occttrretice lu that region, thus : jBlftntyr'e on the banks-of the Xlyde, . Lntt week a young man by 4he name' near Glasgow, in : Aa aonth he of Urown went deer hunting early in the earned his livelihood in the cotton mills morning, aud was heaid firing hisgun of Blantyre, but by hard labor he was not very far from his houiie. IleSliut a enabhjij to pursue, during Uie winter deer, and was in the act of skirninn it. mouths, his studies at Glasgow. A he fail to riirun one ae made pruviab'le aint bis delate, hu-I wbic! : f .... ' -wrrii vr.s; rti . . - ii- . -i ..r. . f ui. uit if iir.M'i,iiiiir!i ill -h.-iriliriiniev. i; petition for mdjudtcarrofl-:- fciiej- by (mf, ,;,', ', a (also titiotn debt. Sk'aiust histiate he sual iscjoso me- same to ins urnee tnonlli after eorainjr to the knowledge or'belitf e-eof; or s'iall attempt to account for imy of propert l4 ''fietitioifs.ltassias or expenses ; or ball, wSifait threrf iiiiiblfis D..Tgr llurcotiiiuenc und-r the bOsiillSS exceii disebirpu-JsimkTTrpfpTT- hand and,seal .of the Court, at said dirtrictv Hits - Jay of i iie c.iu.r ur u ?,..,ib, ii wij.rr, . ::.. I ;:r - r. r- irzrr itiH t aninii .-bu uiuiuaii liuhsib ui invv led irom uie operation oi a r ,. . ' rTTS.V ?JT,Trr'; "i. . .4.-lfrr-r. sr- .1,.m. mil O JILS ,.u. ull.Blv'IM.'.lfv,.! nil) iTrai'i, n.i , 4 : I it 'iir-Ttii,.HMfcj " v ' '" , it the A. Ik whin a pack of wolves caiue6p, being' grew hp he resolved to devote himself to attracted -by the scent of fresKblood, and the lilo of a missionary, hopping that muat have attacked tho young man from Africa or China would be Uie scene of his back, as a hnnter,yvheti be -sees his labors. After studying medicine and wolves approaching bim, can readily ology, he offered hisscrvices, in 1838 'chase them away byfiring at them, or to tike London Missionaiy Society and even tmikVhg an nf wa accepted. He renchod tiia-alwwaatl: II is parents becoming apprehensive Africa in the summer of -J8i0. Foraix'. when he had not returned at 10 o'clock, teen years be labored at varioua stations the father ttafbd in U.e direction "from in. South Africa. In 1855 the . Iloyal wftencc he vrW firing, and had not gone Geographical Society of England can a gre;f wys when he discovered a lot of ferred u"pon him the Victoria or Patroo' wolves devourinir the deer "and bis sctiT gold medal. -In thie same year Dr. Xiv.v LJut little -of the deer was ietT, and only I tngstone uccessfully made a journey I .... 1 l iT. 1 1.. ,r .. I . .nnrnjsa ff.Vifk Afitni " tfn rt.l.ut f ill. ' aUOlll HHII llie. 00UJ Ol JOjUllg JiriiWII. wmiu auiw. jww '.imish This occurred in tlio Henderson settle- lanf ih 1856 and met with a magnificent uient, some fifteen miles distant. reception. In 1858 heretnrnedto Afrt- , , a,,. - it, ca aud continued hia gecigraphicaTex- TrniTri v tv WITTCV mi VTV lloratil8- Hi "work oh his travel in TROUBLE IN W ILKES COL A l l . Africa have iiad. an immense sale and It appears that a luwless 60t ot "Ked. endeared his name to tena of tfioiiRands' in -Wilkes cnty, have taken it iQfo hemhpbmh.smTejrTri-' into ineir ueauti, tuai oecauce iue oiaueiAMn(, has been placed umier martial law, mat therefore fhere is no-law to puiiisiuriiuie. aiid the" 'ttcmWand lawless can- nv their own "wa v and aptmhmate the prp crty of their neighbors to Iheir ownioj Section 30 and 37 provUes-f-T the extension ffi'lftbs wifb liilenl to itOfjPRd -'i-wSHIufr-, rageSTtS w-C witljn three tnoniKs nt I i-f -re t!,- commonces ior twelve of those outlaws, headed by a m. iitofproc-edinisin baiikruptcvpawn.plrdge.rQArad, vh0 savs he bails from Mary for dmrawire of otbis 4ha by tetU fidc iraiis-J ij .jy -,ny ,nuuilir. M-alustW$. . uon m ine or.unar y oi ". aH but himself -CltlZCne Ot IttCS, lliaae . t 1. . . I . - .l,..ii .K K . I.....r At. - - . . , . of the act to parties m fwfriuersbip, ...d for the "7 m" """i : raid through a portion ot that cotrnty, 4ted ictioD io drdiiiary wiu.lin' Qp'of 'pjiiltnt'fshiji''' onUtAif their dale, aud i , c)ass,ifled as to the title of slrtject mailer. Section 39, 40. 4 1 "" j 42. provide that persoos absent with intent lo defraud oreditors. obtains I tioamrofi. 83t ion 3ij re.pi ires ners in the C'tse m .the or Lit-im. t..-voi ill nti. a we til 1.1.1 ltlllld V- tuereof, Hi'-wllV CJUrl ot tile L ijlltyj - ,1.1 i,......iJJr i:V r;;:i-rv4 irvrff.n..,i. ! force good citizens whom' they happened Lk ptN.) -. Wrrwocr I-ooKjso.-Tliere was on the field with the Fife f"X bounds. the tfuBr dayi a iiobl 'afd, beloiigiv ; -to Ulark, of Woruiistah, which gained re- ' qqwii for itself immensely" beyond any of i i ... r..Ti.. . r-T-r.-TM ,immrriMn.MMwij lua itiiiuwa. (in. auiuiai MeeojnLnie-iMiHf- Utf close seeeosion, s uno leaps which cer tainly serve 'o be placed on record. At two "different planes oa - Tsoustitt, thia - - -horse cleared a four and a half atone dyke,- with a rail on the top of it, making a leap, iu the oue. Instance of sixteen, and ' or wbo lake any. met bod to forestall the legal ' Section 45, 46,47. 48, 49 anj 50 provide for tbe punifcbment of ntlicer. ol'llie -'qu. t who act wrongly with iutntioU iu bsnkruplcr proceed service of jusl and proved'rrainM against tbem, I ftijs wiih a title uot fes than $300 or more tliag are to have their pronertv proceeded upon at 50t, aad for .irupo.soniuent for less than five are to - have their properly proceeded upon the demands of creditors, who are to follow the same measures tbey would were the bankruptcy opon TcluaUry application. - ' Tuara. Also provides Ihe same punnumeul lor malfeasance oo the partf ail person wbosbah" J forge or cause to be forged, or knowingly allow r-.nRfauMtat'AAM.ltLlki.i !?i'ln.ii.- mlif it man ana uis sister in iue ieso wun a team, took the animals, and then hung the man to a limb until be was nearly fdead, when they cut him down and car-. ned him to their cam a .prisoner, uortng the night, be watched bis opportunity and ..madahis escape, jalld,.c9.llcjnAJKJSL dozen of ciffzens. Attacked the despara- does in their camp captofing a half d.J Between I'.arusmur aud Kit km ay a de p iMit,iftls tt. ltin-bread th. w.ll a dyke two or three feet iu' higtt onjuo opposite side, and rather a rising grouudj wa cleared sthe horse making a leap o twenty-one feel - - Oa the 15th ult, a destitute Confeder ate soldier applied, for .admission into the. TV-1. "... " . -,', . ,1 soldiery jJLorne Lvh?"aoAIa ?J' fused. ' '- V ' s i ' ... -1 ' '' ?! ; I I -. '-.. i : i 7' ... . .'-:- .... ; - j Jl- V'-i

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