I. i..... ... I ' IUffit Ita ' aieautloe by the' PieaiJonl ' "till arayrStf fur aa MonCtioll 'aiuat th tkM of a act of Cir4 If iba loctnabaol f lbs ProsideallaJ ofllc! cannot b rcdied, ohetb m it daoariboe hUn' Prydt eloiply m riilara of a out. . TU ntotioa U Ma to IU ftbatlll W bor denied, 't Ie leasojf tho Buu of uogbi against oertaia a Boars, lb Altoror Gaoorol i4 re tidclloi'la Iba pulley bill, MJ , fjill ibertlore from rave to di iiiat bilk t Jsdgs Kaay kjf aaid iba ot.Jlioa U tb lid k atWmptN tofilsuramw4 to b thai tl oa an effort la ffjoia lb liMat. Tba bill wm But ' Bled ami ba ooolj rforro il ta suit lb viai of tbseoart aad fwoioal il agala. . ---TbCM,f 'SirmvMd that leave to 0! . Iba orlgieel bill bad bea rfad, but ibai ! Iba other bill ia preeaata-d, If will bo otwideced Jadga 8baiky 1) I aodarstaad thaenart " ", (4 say iba. appltcalioa aaa ba mJe oa nut. 4ay! Tba CLWf JaMiaa - repnad ikai applioal'ioo eld ba auda oa that day. iJboa anded, wr iLa present, lbs proceediegw looosrC ' ' SabeaOjOeetlv a aobpasoa aa ortered to ha . sad agaiaal Xaa 1'ofo, oommandiog ia (io- gia. Aeoordiaf " iba 'rata of iho eoarl, lh procas la lo bo aard ba tba d fc-adal sixty Aiiatrlan atnbaaJor at Berlin haa been instructed 10 declare lo the Prussian Gov eminent (hat in tho boor of danger An tru wm Maud by uorimny.. , il 7rraf ' ITar fuimitnt Important r-qj War. tiam Ilia An!f Kaiioaal, Uarob SO TbroQffliout Eiirui noopla ra oon vinctHl tlmt irruat war la liniiilnent. in the lk-liun tH-nate, a few da; a agn, tha Aiiuiaior 01 War obtaineu a vot to ena Me him to carry 011 ac'ia inilitarr oui ! J . I araniMia, anu in uia cira ck ua aacn Uiu beloio the house, tho following ar liculur or the "'prcparatioua soinff on throughout EimMi. rancf 4SO.000 LhaaaMt nut are being artuallj toan- UlacturcU. and will un rt-ady by lb lt .r Alareii lSiiS. 1'ruar.ia; All Ilia goo fitcbtrtra are ocennied in cmnidetinir the arinuini-iil or llio aiMinaU; l,J(H),OUOalet)l brrvch loading canoona It.ivo bocm Order tsuil aince Hie war. Aiialiia: Xrauafor iifaiion of 6iWK) guna into die Waml arsiem; 300,000 will bo completed hj a1aa brfara IbarHara ariba pnu-, a. U' to.i tl,e end. of tlia Tcar.,SuiUbru-liaiu. J?y.l? rjy'.'?rm.Jiyjl UVria, Wur:oinburg, ISaden, and TTa"eaaoi If hattTJiiuUti Waabiaftoav AiH. Tba aawata to-dar ileOfl Daf uiiXadt ktohi ttio Droccti-toaJ- ing rill 0. IiniHtriatil order for caunona r in emrt( NeeMitm. Knrland valee era tie leaf Itrery of aature dooi tba ahober bnea w aotainn. Thla moana that tbe ears will tx run ning next lummtr. ! , : r IIQWKRmNW COLUMN. i. A New Era-to."''' LEAGUES. A writer In the Cherokee Georgian, ramarVlns anna iba vadiosl maallna rm cen.lyheldat.Dalton, and opou iJioae I TnlT fjIT A 7lTTlT W who Ogorefl la it nott proioioentl,! uuLuiUJkAJkJkMAJ are: 1 cannot eonelade without eonactenlU SrliVpB wholo System of trade 11.' ineae aeerei ponticai "Lxtzuet have arer " been prffudlcial to human liberty. Secrecy ia a badipi of wronir. lliy mean harm, or tuey would be open. Lnl aecka dark neat virtue auona not daylight. Let no Uinptation of interoat aediice na to audi political or- gaoixatioaa. Tuer breathe an autagoil- lam lo ua tbat would pul utonourruard. Tbej require aacrificee of dignity and hooor that we ehould Defer jild. Rcconstnicted.' EXCITEMENT IN C11CRCIJ. TriK PUnscnilER U iU Lonar ta Inform In cMoairt aixj l pnblxj rvnmUf that ba ia now daily rrcrtviog a curajik-t acul eaWully aa taeico atoca of - - - ' HEW GOODS. Tff injr purvlijt hit O00.I1 at vrr low (lgVt bf knowinf wlian nti'liTe lo buy, ha i nrrar U to uffur iImnb at prior Wiineotlr aJaptad to tha limr ' JI-ra il a lilt of LiaJiuj aiucW ourfaol Biluiuium pricr annexed : ; ANOTUEB Dill SHOULD BE PASSED, Vis That aU poraoM wUhinf Anrf rata wok dona iu tha Carrlase and ltuggy Business, SIkmiW rail witixxil drlav, at tha old aUnd of Wm M. liAKKia. oa Lr im-t. Urlwaeo inn in aad rili-r, hra thrr will and hUSUS SVflSK, tha Iroa Kinr. C. L KKKVEH. Ilia vraJiiatnl M nod WotkMit, ad Dm it IA RA'KH, I'aintfr, Tritnmar, and rrurr- I HiiinnlrfxIrDt, alt tr'IJ, willli and molt tw (JOOUaVOU l-raj LUH$JJjmw aa an. rum ia llta qouiilir. Tin y do all the wurb thnn- Ivm, whicb only taim lti cliarvtof wona prvOl aa it only 'paoar una art ol tiantla, - IIorMhoriny, Farm Jilacktmtthtng, and all othr work aaually dona ia aucb 6hop, ptumniiv eiooulva and at K prwe 14T Trr.M CAIl nrrr. A Urn W Dor- nii aSiilmtdid WUal Vana (uraJa.- tr-Jnlrrvat diagad on all ucwuoU aAer thirty liav ilrch20, 1807. 4t kUud a Wetioa iK-tpaaiag dsariiv 15O,(00 Entietd rifle," .tread altered 'to till ibaraday aftaraooa. . the Snider njatem; 350,000 more will be fJunaf aalaeidaaUldbata.Cbaa'llr char icady by the end of the year: 42(1 rifled . ,d.7aeda with baing id iha latter would oafhta eoppatbaad bd rabvl lo oBic. Faaada rapadialad tbi aharga with all lb -oora aad eoatampl IKaaibb, aad adiriard Chap ' dlar batWUf I aH)k ia iba iia. " ' ' Cbaadtar raiteraiad bi eharga aad FwraJa ' efala' daaiad ft, aad appaalvd to tba recvid in aarport of kia iaoootnoa ia that frprct. - Cbaadk aaid be auulJ aut ewoaaii Ua rcoud V what Faataodaa aaid look place ia rat aaaaioa. ' Faaaaadaa "aaade "! aparca loIJing that tl boa ad to raraaia la raia uotil tta 1 are Bllad. aad maoliooad loururbt 'at aa .' a'1l taoorea vaoaacira, any n waica ara dii.tj. bit fact - abewad ibat lha clia'g ofUtiauJIar tab. " Tba rWdtat mt doio all ha cuulJ to eapply tba vacancies. . ia?ie aad (tbe ' rraijrnt Was anttiVtHn Brake, aad raaUla) ibat ba bad iba riflii lo fill tea weatirir wilb bi political friciwi. . Vata laimd. that a tba . radical bad lri ""Bjphcd ia tba ejubuy.tbay bad a ngLiio all iba efflcce. VSeWqvatilly.la aiacativa aaaaioa, tlia aanata ffjaetad 19 aad oofcfirtuad only 1 of tba 1'rwi daaiial aiomiaatioM.' . . Tbe aabpOMta iaesl by tba aaprama court jaWrdJ raJ lb 04 ; guna ol ranou calibrea, willralaobe rtnihlie'l by DvcuintK-r next. Ithia 600,000 ' are being changed according to tbu (Jjulo avatciu modified needle guu juu,vw win oe ready by the commence ineiit of next yar. fX10 breecli-bwding guna are betu cotnplutvd lor the Held butteriea. iX-umark The Chamber hae voted teverul million for the aubati J tiition ofbreech lo:iling rifle in place of L.-jtho preacntafi. Hollund Transform ation of rillc t tliu Snider ejatem. owitierland-'lit.tMHt rillea altered into tho Ampler Milimuk avtem, and &0,00 WiiichealeraOidfiVil; 'jtKJ breech loading cannon in cMiic i tiniiiutdcture. ' Daly, pnllll rorttrai, (rrccce I ho breech loHding fTotfiii prevails. 8iniu and Gteece hnve ordered cannon from the iae, yet aucb happened to Ih IK --mi vi - rx- i- t itt tbe Walimtttreet lWbtia; Cbnrch from 1 Jt TO JO CIS. pCryil inlay, of which G. C. Lrtuer ia p ia manufactory ol M. Krutiip, of Eaaeu -oo- TIIE NEGUOLS' NEW MASTER. centre Hie Mobile TiiLune make a ihot in tho following paragraph : Let it be explained to the nejrroes that JJU CXa.14 of Utvrgia ( omplmnant, v. jont ol erery 4Mi.poiiii'a of cotton that Jujin JLf. Utttntin UiuMts H. Grant, thev raiVc tliev pay 25 to a New Eng- . end foAev l J, ltfrtutiHU. luiiU matter. I he uu w inaHer gota more Tit PrttiJtui tt Ikt VmiirJ Stole ta F,- C'f I"-"" from the negro labor than 4ia Jr. Stmatom, tlytt 6". Grant, ad Juk , hi former master ever gof, and be Uvea Jop,frttlUf: Fu CMfaiooui- ft-red I way off yonder in New England, never Jura tba aaprama ooart of tb (Jniu-i Sl, caring a continental bow hi negroes ": fcotdlag. JaHdirioa-ia jaltr, toe aiw l-r.1-y fare, long a be put Into hi pocket oromaadd that, lajinjf a I otlM-r umuoi a:d, uiie.tliird of all hi nigger eartta. The ad aotwHbuandiog any ei as you b and ; negroes have changed maniera and been - afpaer UlLra the a.d upo.a .on. boldma , (erribly awindied in tho bargain. Ani jamdasiiea ia ealty. oo .th. fl..t Monda) in ( ,ieJ (14Vt. ,,, K, ,r , 1Bter, the men JAantiabar aait, at tba eiy of Wwhinirti.o, in , i... .i,n ,,.,1M,, ,iw. l.t .k. ivi..i. 4'.t...i.;. .u ry - " ""j .vi., i aww aw a wiwwuiaf wm tw pirarHi avail li ia rafwly that tba xoaiei that l et adee a relifioua eong elation when WdrfhTptnir ttieir hi dfaturbe f brtli nana or vioianoa, or me ravmva oi a maniac, y el audi hapnened to Ih I K caee I water lor. The Rev. 0. U 8miih wae ureacli- ?chad Domtic, fro.i infrtbe eermon by reqneat ia the forenoon I Jjii and the congregation waa wrapped in Law do ailence, when aiiddenly the report of a G.ira, Diatol waa heard, and a ha II atrock Ibe "'W. .: . - r-r ' . - .-- o : - wall c om to where the nreaeher w - a Handing. A young roan named J. W. Harlow, tbe aarce who ' attempted to kill Capt. 8am. Peyton, aome month ago, did the firing, lie waa near t lie door whin b II red the ahoL Tom. Sherler atruck hi Calicoo. Ginvbama, weapon op when he fired, and wre nched """T"?: T"1 'hecka, the piatol (which waa a four-hooter) from him. . He (Barlow) then pulled a eiNhooter, Coll'a, and bred at tba rea cher attain, but mined the mark widely. The excitement in the church waa in tenae. lhe ladiea fatntod In all qunr I era, and the gentlemen aprang to tliei feet lo aee what cauaed the difficulty. XaovcllaMai XXaataa, Finally aoine ra4na got Barlow out ol Ladies' Caps, Boys' Hats, bhakeru, " Caps, State of iVortli Carolina, WTLKM OorXTT, Court of PUat and Qua iter Seinont, fubruartf Itvm l07. -xv v. unuy, j v. Orizinal Attachmaot larivd on Jolin II. Ellia. Land. I Inta c. if tripaarina to- fW -fatiafartkm of llta court Uiat Ilia drrrulan(, John It. ivlia, i a BACK CREEK ACADEMY. Mailt niif Rowan C.f ff. C ' J. II. GOUGED, A. M , I'.warax. ' 'PnC mtd 8rtaSon of tbi I'natbatloa) wiU 1 opra oa MovUy, iba Utu of Vtbrwj, ak XaUMM far Hiaawu. t aparia, or ti aoiUTaWel ia corraocr. 170. II0.UO. ana aiAort lioard on ba bad io roud kil fu-l ..l Kgin rumiabad at 17.00 n-r monih la M-ta n aqnlaalaot k earraucy. -. iitujfula racojaad at ant inaa. aaj -' "vu ua v, numw, ,UTp a ar of iractad auAoaaa. ' , , A. BROWV, i. V. CLODVCLTE& JOHN OKAIUU. I Tacaraaa liav. W. & WATT Mt. CUa, H. C, Jul 21, mi. . f 5 jj 15 to 2et. per yard. l- lo 3 . . $IOOlof4..V) 1.00 to 4 00 30 da, per lb. ISlot." - -13 to Iff" and otber artickt al aimilar figure, MY GOODS: Lawn. Linrn. LinB Doll, IVLmin, Iiandkwhieft ItWUtl Domestic, UubUachnl Doim-atiu, Cambric, Ijdirf' ITofj, Flannel. ft-d Tickmtr, Men " 8liirt, Hoop tskirta, and Tilu-ra, Suawls, MHATS1CAPS. the iik-u who at down at home and had black subbtitutea killed for lheirqeuetit. o BIS MARK AND NAPOLEON. The now from Europe tells ua that RiMtiark 'demands,' in a certain energet ic forte, to tv informed of the reason for tho arming -of --France, now in progress. and 'aks' that tho Emperor at once dis continue his military preparations. The , Count Bisiuaiek i an imperative per sou; anu Ins Ueniaud and request are siirtiincant in view or his remarkablo Jiew York, April 13. -The steamship character. It will be remembered that DaniKldand, froinouth'm.trtl April 2, The forced inaffefs in poiiietliing the same tiaa arrived. hasty way at' about this ti mo last year r Tbe Paria correspondent of London J againt Austria. 1 he reason of his baste Standard aaya the feeling is unanimous! then the wot Id now knows, lie was that thf rencliUovernmeiit stands com- ready ; Austria wa not, lie forced on tbe church and turned him over to offi cer O'Connor at the Church dojr, who pot him in jail. An examination will be had this morn ing, and iiarlow will undoubtedly be found to be insane, yet U a really dans gerons for him to be loft at large, and un sa bis parent or the State take care ol linn ho will be killed. LouitvilU Lou. tier. Men's " Men, Tenne$Me CunjtrvatitM Convention Naahvill, Ai.r.l 13. -In lhe Stat eonteiiiioii ytterJy, nominated for governor. eonx-rtatita Mi. E'.beridj f tb aatioaal goanirortl of the Umtad Hiala , to aaawer aalo the bill t,f cuinplmnt of iu K'i ' mt Gaorgi,' hi lhaaaidcouit rxhibilrd aain.t jea. . llareof Joa ara Dot to tail al your peril." , Wilaaa,tk IIoo. Solonwa R ,,, Chief . Jaatiee, ate. Tba aagroaicckibraled aniaucipaiioa day ilia - aftaraooe. Jhutia and FranceTU War Spirit x Hunt man in rrwtia Dmantlum - f by Bitmarck Austria UAtUl Vm- MARKIEp: On tba rrtilngof lha l5(b iitant, by tlia Rev., J. Tillin)fh't, at lha midline of lb briWa falber, Mr. Jehu FoaUr, Jr., and Mim Allica W. Murphy, eldit daughter of It. A Muipby, Eaq. ' tnitted to itt atep aa regard Luxemburg, which, whilst H. rails lo allay apprchen - iona and irrilationa caused by - tho g- irrandixement of Prumia, is regarded as ; likel to- precipitate a Furopean war. Tbe Official OazetU of Holland positive- , ly denies that the Duchy Tias been ceded to i'ianeeratalea--thttt there cairwrhr NrfiretwCTn--PrTi;rafi ff Tatn, endT andpemn-afly appear .: eYqtieation of such oasiua.j hcnihjjf real " power1 who are ititcresied HaW first jCotnaio aa: nnderstauditig vn tho sb - In1 the North German Parlinmenf, Her .1 limn Benningscn asked Dismarck whcih . r there-was any truth in the rumor of . . negotiations between Holland and France - , for tba cession of Luxemburg, and whetlt .. if Prtnsia ia prepared lo aay it will with' .aiana any attempt to saver Luxemburg, rrirorn thereat of Uermanr. L, BehmiigfyOfiwirtOffdecIared aw parttca wonia bo nntrca in giving the quarrel, set Europe ablaze with war, Ana haa brought that war lo a tnutn phant ebx - l-efo-t o Anatria was fairly ready to begin the ligthinft- In that way he closed a quarrel that began when Uraridonberg became the kingdom of 1 rtiss a. incieu also an old trouble died: la tbi eoanty, 12'h iaataot, f !ieate of the heait, K. Slejuen' Froolia, ia the 74 tb Joar of I tna age. " ; On tha 10th inataoL-Jaa. A. Atell. of con sumption, at bi reaidrDCa la tints codnty. Mett's Hats, SHOES For Ladies, all kind" Oiildren, all kind ; ALL KIM)9 ! - . Cvmh and Jrunrs. ' " J'int, Jutbnt Threat fioxt. ln:ld-Ioobi. 'uncilf, Tnpr. 1'ipct. Oilifjnt) j'hns, "' Iiir Oil. SuKiid' r, . Tiith Bnihtt. Fit ft Ilookg. llfaks nnd Fifnt, LadivS AYj, Xeck Ti, 1'layinq Cards, (union.) Jsidut' Khftiet. JuivdovfH, Carpet Bays, I'erfutnery, Foolscap and Letter Paper, All kinds Perfumery. CROCKERY: Cup and Saiaw , late Dishm, Wash BowU ami rucliers, Sli ak Dislifs. Cream ritchers, Cbninben, Stntc .HIort. Garolina, WILKM COtlfTT. Court 0 Pleas and Quarter Sessions, To May Term, 1807. , Wm. Maitln, Adro'r. of Ale. Q. McEnaey, doo'J. iww uuDosra, ana iaiy bi WUa, JUney UtKinaey, H'ahinjtoO ilcKiaa.7; aad Mad tJ.,on Mcainsry. . . nrmoa ta aau. uaaa row aairra In this ease, it aifxamti that Lawia il.ibbarrf and Mary bis wib Maucy UcKioaay, Waabratun MrKlrraer, '' Maomaw HfumrT.ihrar4r, aula in tha erne, and heir and teniee ol lha raid I lira. O. McKiawvy, dea'al, ara non-resiilent of tna b Stata'W Noettl CarollM.-ao that ir ordmarV era of law cannot b aervedofl them. It fax ibero- kre, onlered that pabiatauon ba mad m tba Cu- non miilHt of lhe8la(a of Nortli flamlina anilial (ha ordinary protew ut law can out ba aarval oaltm Aiaaa, a paper pabfiabed ia Iba lows of him. It at, tlierefra, oruVrad by tha court tUat I oauoury, a. U, loraaaooueaaiva weeks, oonfying publitwfim be made 1 the CarJUa iracw,naJ drll,d,u to paraooally ba and appear beore newinaiwr nublisl.rJ irVllia lorn of Kali-hurr. S I tba JuMkw of oar court of t1 and 6 tartar 8dS- C, lur ki uouraaiire we.-k-Botilrini the aaid do- I MolM 10 " Opened sod bald tor tbe county of . av&-. - a SaV at a. a iLa . v a t aaa -aa a . leixlanl, JutUUn, U Waiaauiuai apuaw J " nv coun nousfl ta . Jl UaMtwro. oo Uia befora lhe Justice of our court il Pleaa and Guar. Drat Mooaav 10 atav. X. II.. 1867. tba aod Uiara ter 8miaiM ta be cnened and held fi tli minrt 1 10 aaiwer, plead or damar la said Mtilioa or tba of Wilke. at tlie court bouso in Wilkeaoaro." oa I mm0 w'" hrvd PrU a ta iWm, sod a do th ftitl Mondar in May. A. D. 1SG7. then and P1" coordmly. llier to ph-ad, answer, or demur lo Mid AttachM nuftma. u. emiin, uorwol onr said court inenL or the tame wilt be beard erpartt, and lb I in u aay or March A. I. 18C7. judgment below connrmeil and the Land levied 00 condemned to die sati-faction'ot ptainUiT debt, and aa order of aala granted I Ifrtaer U. VI. Smith. CU-rk of our raid coort si office the 9U day ol itaieli A. D.. 1807. K. M. SMITH, CTurlt. - by J. a CALL, D. Cv March 18, 6w priu'a lee $7 March 1 b. m, ojiiiu, vvwrK. by J. & CALI D. C t ( print's lea V State of North Carolina, liOWASCQPHTYfr Situation Wanted. I Court of Pleas-and $taj;tr' Sessions, February Tenh l& TOUSO pentleman whose profession U teach- .X. tnfiT, desire a situation in that capacity. Be side the common Knfrhah Brandies, he teachv Orrek, Latin, German, French, lie., and has had the adrantatfeof a practical aeqiuuntanua with the modes of European syktemi ol instruction. Address J KxjoIU.X ol LL. Columbia, S. C. April 15. nolo 3t William B Powa, Adwr ol Hugh T. Fowe, - oa. The Heir at law of said Hugh T. Powe. , v Petition lo scO Real lata. Il NOTICE, On the 3d insUat, ia this eitv, of congeatire j Hoap Stands, 8urnr Dnhes. Molaes Cans, Bowls, chill, Mr. Elisa Pearee, if, it years. I lt SiaiHix. Pm kle Dishes, Goblets, Tumblers, Jugs, I Jar nj Milk Cruekk State of North Carolina, " DAVIK COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1867. Caleb Bohannon, to use of ) Oiiriiial Attachment T.. Merooey, TVaale. levied 00 Town Lot. TV David Hendricks. 1 , " their utmost support to prevent the sep ration of the atfeietit laud from tho rest f Germany. C Berlin, April 1 Ilerr Benn'ngscn's avotion was phi iodayr He said, AVe iillof eacc, but wfl( not all rin t f rom - war if jt be necessary to rejel the very r-4fitr-tmpt-J?f l. . bonor.-4: Iet iU givo-spwdy and feln4e -t- an wer 1 to the warlike- tendencies ol Franee,-and we ball stifle them in the . . fcod.- -j. ..... .. . ''J, llismardt in repl y taid that ;'tihje TrnsT aian Government did not .know that nr " 'TTan rrn m on t a ii e I KiT uaa oeen couciuaed botween llollaiMl I3TOlt.i168T1fatTtiafTKCT governntont befievesjjvat nWfc.riigapair' iH,jJ? Tcry remarkahlc, and, its slashing .jr w,'i !e"qygefjiie) nqouDteq.jijfiitajpr. ueruiany, iuey iiqe to proicct,dhese righia'more aiirely by peaceful means, . and to presorve good relations with for ' iiga power, More debate in Parlia. Dent wilt abow the-indissoloble iea that : exist between the Government and: the peo4e. t ":" ' - - . lierlinVApriri. Tlie) Vienna crrea Dondout. of the Bank' Ganfts aaya the Jlatcly grown exceedingly bitter; and now Prance and Priitsia are Itt the ttauia relative HteUiotrs that Austria and l'ru!i:t were a year ago ; Prussia is ready, France iV not ; JJii-itiarck can have bis enemy at a disadvantage; hence his imperious note lie will force on another war or compel explanation hat will humiliate Napoleon before all Eu- roHj(.-N. 1. Herald. WOOIIU.N H ARE: Painted Water Burke Is. Cellar Wafer Buckets. font) hoops.) Wash Tubs, Truvs, Brooms, keelers. Brushes liall-biiidiel and peck Measures, Matches. itulotti nns, urusnes, all kiuds; and asu-boarda. HARDWARE flails, axes, lon-hnndled shovels, spades, hay forks. The undetsiL-ned harina lost certificate No. 61, for two shares stock in ''Salisbury Gas Light Com pany" in his favor, will apply to the I'resi'lent and Uirectors ot the Lompany lor a new Certificate at LLc expiration o 20 uavs. v,rrM t.tlmrt . April 15, 18G7." Doi5 4w FOU SALE. It SDoearinir to tha'aatialantioa nt tha rVu,rt iK.i U. T. Powe, one of the defendants ia this ease, is not aa inhabitant of this State, it is, tharefere, or dered by the Court thai publication bo aoada ia tba fMrvlinm Watchman for six consceutlvs weeks, no tifying said absent defendant of tba filinr of this petition, and that unless be antiear at tha neat teena of this Court, to be held for tba county of Rowan at lhe court bouse in Salisbury, oa the first Monday in May next, and answer, tfofcd r demur ta Iba petition, judgment fro caaeat wilt ba taken and the case heard erpartt as to biro. , ' , l trae Ubadiah Woodson, i Clwk of said Coort nf. tn C-1: .1 . . 1. - a . . . . . iu twrauurr, na urn oionnay la tea roary, A; D.-ieefrsrndifftbifitlst-Veaf of our " lodeoeodeoco, , i vn '"nt ; , ,Z 0BADIAQ WOODSON, Clark. . March W. 6w - Primer fee 7 T No. 409, urte, cost m funds. The SSJiiffi North Carolina, fiano u ol splendid Kosewood. ROWAN COLT STY. 5 I ,itt rwen uctaves, extra niouuuutrs, serpeniine oase, 1 . , . tret lyre Wp pedal, and Louis XIV stylo. Apply twr f i lOS and Quarter SiSSlOnS, it tliu Watchman office. April 15, nolo if mivviLsory's this case it annearini to the satisfaction of the I German scythe blades, trace chains, hoes, jocks of Umrt Itial ttta -UelwiuanV Oovnt Heni) ricks, sums, Ktuva -aiM'rttV'rOiN-f)Oiw snot iini.-a, uiiiu, Hinges, (an iinuii r,j screws, (id' sin's.) coftee iota of all kiruls, TIN WARE, black irUfJbed cords, plow lines, wire dish covers. coffee pulls, rat frnps, flies of all kinds, s'l kinds of shoe tools, wash basins, cotton cards, curry combs snaTstmccocnrrers:: non-resident of the State ot North Carolina, so thai the ordinary process of law cannot be served 011 him, Jl is iherrfort ordered by the Court, that publication De made in the " Carolina Watchman lur six saoceasive; weefcs, notifying the said defend Count liismark is.tbus described by a Correspondent, ns llio appearai' in tho North German Pai Iiamcnt : "His speech es are very uncouth in style, and his voice, is sharp and grating. When ex cited bo lofwes the thread of .discourse, Uiui init-imtiwjnently-comiHtfa, faults of grammar anu construction. At me same tunc tliero is an eptgrammatical incisive 4s in 4e-slMif h, sharp setitettcesf and a nictiucsftttcnest.,-4fiit - wxpMswume In rrfe Htyle, which go far to redeem his orato rical defects jf artfi if the form in which he clothes his ideas is somqwat harsh atfd TepotlTtrg, there "can he no' dotibWs to Hie value and enect of the ideas themx setves. 1 1 rs TmoVcher 'are folt of deep tlirrfiglvrfartf before lhe Justices of our Court of Fleas and Quar ter sessions, to oe opened and held for the county of Davie, at the Court House, on the 2d XlomUy in une, a. u. 104. men anu there to plead, an swer or demur to- aaid Attachment, or the same will be heard ex part, and tbe judgment below confirmed, and the land levied on condemned to 1 lb satisfaction 'of Plaintiff's debt, and an order ol sale granted. Witness, Eph. Gaither, clerk of onr said Court at office, the id Monday of March, 1867. . (I&61) 1 EPH. GAITUKR, Cl'k. S to tc of Nort h Carolina, . DAVIE COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, juarcn jerm, 100 , William Davolt, r. Mumford Van Eaton. Temperance Boan," "" " . .,, .... . Mdoiford Tan atoa, A, Denly, '. as, Mumford Van Eaton.' - 0rig'ftal AMachmerrts levied on Munilord Van Eaton interest in land. T K 4bo bHnS case k appearing to tfte'satisfacltotit X o of the Court' that the defendant, Slumlord Vau Eaton- ir non-resident of tbe State ol North Chr- btina, to that the ordfnarypnicess of law- eaiirnrt ba served. 4M. bun, tL-m ll)ttrMrt'riitr4,ha 4bt- I ' ra. vstn, UVUII1UJI UIVI -detemlanW Mumford Vaa Eatim to bo-and fiersonf -The- Rwwan Omwr Htil rierv wiH Ih4. Ms SVGA It, C0FFLE, MOLASSES, STltUP, best suiiar house ; lea. spice-", soils, pepper, candles, (mo:i1l.) csndit s (.ndaiiiantlne) sonji, seuars, tobaC; eo,'0,D csps.'siiiitT, mackirral, bacon, flour, starch, inditfri; spid'1 vmejrnr, lard, concentrated IvA rii-e etieese, WlNEall kinds, WU1SKV, BRaXWE, en RaisiiH, sardines, eamlies, (assorled) oranre lem o figs, citron, preserved giirgwr, peaches and pine apples, oysters, pickles, lemon syrup, jelly (assort ed) s..uces of ill kitiiW, cstsup of nil kinds, and , IiV'XDREDS'OFQTJlER TIIIXGS ' loo tedious to mention. ST COME and exiHiiinehiy Stock of GU0L)S v.. It Will cost you nolhin?. . WATCH, CLOCK A:D JEWELRY STORE, IN COWAN'S BItICK ROW. RAMSrtlRV, X. C Aoie conducted under name of WILSON & FABISS, JOHN T." FARISS, - continues to fill alt order for ,arcbes, Clock: Jewplry, tta, sni ta eXet-ate with skulfulness K,pHirin; and Cleaning in the Watch-Maker and JJwt'lcT s line ot busiuess.-AU work warranted. OM (fold and silvrioiipht t fair raluatiou. 4 Orders respectfully soliciteil. 15 f WILSON & TARISa I Jacob 0. Miller, Adm'r olJohaFnck, .' Tbe Heirs at law of - said John Frick. . Term, 186T. etlti Petition to sell Real ' ' tatsu -- y v 'lU.'i '1 - To Consumptives. rsr J.IIK AdvcrtiMT, karlns brcn raHareS U ktalOl la a few twki, by a rrry rimpl rvnjedj, itWr kavlof Nftf-tag ami ronwilk MFlwia ctina, aa that tat bumm of eur. To all i dMtr Ufa wilt. wild a eopr of tht pMtertpttoB Bsel, lfre ot catrgv,) with tUt dlreeUoos Ssr arepaHaf and aoitif the nnw, whiek ihty will t4 a era Caa ra Com Tio Asnrio, Binixcairia, Sc. TIm al aleei tht adrarti. ar in nli0f iba rreKrlptlon, U to kcatOt th aOUetcd, and aprvad Infoim.lliin wbick ht eorwlrw tq. aa lnvalaaaW; and he hopei mtj nBtnr will trr ato ramdy, as a wiH aott I Botninir, and iubj prwri a-Mvaiaf. rartin wUiiiog the Bnaerlpiioa, WIS pieaj. aadrm Sit. EDWAKD-a. WILSON. T45:I WljlUnwkurfh, kia CwUr ,?fca Xork Country - Produce taken in exeliiinire fdr Goods, llighpsl msifcet mw sttrnved tnr 5jei ilrTllank Notes. Try me before purchasing elsewhere, as I feel Information Wautcd. JOHN WILSON, a colored man. formerly stave belonging to James Denton, of Colbert county, Alary laud, dnares, to Rnd bis five children. naiiMM respectiyefy : - George, Dennis, Sarah Jane, Nat and Lethe They were alt carried to Richmond, the first year of the war, by James Borne, of MarylaDd, and sold, to whom it is not kn-jwo. - Theolj -ctofJ this notice is to discover their whwrcahonts. In formation ahjres(d to nie at . MoiiuikN.vC,: yiid he Uuuiklu!!y ft-cvuVd, 1 JOHN WILWN. ' March 13, 1S67. t-pdl Inttifuleni of my oiufuyHa fbfoM-'m--GrooV and it? irwA.rcrd s Old Staiid, Mam Street, oppo si;e Uuusion llimse. , V. H. H3WERT0H, ih , of v . ow, t nitt' ElMlOliRim-ILMTATIOX rpilE siihscriher offers for sale the well known I 'FISH ERrvon Great Pee Dee River, known the "FEGI E3- FISI1EKY," It is- in s iecewfnl rot ottrer rih. A!co,"1)b Tktvuaitd Acresef Und a.Jt-umn? tke It appearing to fhs satisfaction of tho court rial Joseph Fi ick and Henry Frick, two of the defvod a tits in tnia case are nolmtiaoitantsol this State, il is, therelore, ordered bv the court that DOblicalion be made in the Carolina Watchman forsixCoosee utive weeks, notifying said absent defendant of the filing cf this petition, arid that unless they ap pear st the next terra of this court to bo held for the county of Rowan at tbtfvourt bousv fa SaJabaA rv. on the first Mondav ia .Uaw aaiLaaJ immA. plead or demur to the petition, judgment protonfeuo will be takea and lhajsf heard sayart a to them. . , ' , " , ; mtnem Obadiah Woodson, Clerk of said court, st office m SalrsboTy,nbe first Monday in Febru-1 ary, A. D. 1867, and ia (he 91st year of ur In dependence. ' ,-,- OBADIAH WOODSON, Clerk. ' 4 March 18, w Printer! ftmtT Z Slate f North Carolina,: DAVIS. COUNTY", Court ofPTtas and Quarter Sessions, -'- March Term, 1867.il-iVl-Mathew FulTord-Adm'r. of Jabio Craofin.Wd. T' " - " V T'-:-7r-.T s ,, ,T The Heirs at law of Jabia Cranfifl., " - r ITTf TIOS TO tEU. Jltlt ISTATS. "" - . V. It srateanng to tbe satisfaction of the eoort that 1 Henry Craufilt. Eooch CranCfl. Pollf CraafilL L- dia CraafilL David and Lucy CraafilL aio boa resi dent. of this State, it ia, therefore; ordered br tha eonrt that publication be made, tor six weeks hi tba Carolina Watchman; tar ssiJ defeadaata to be and ' aiipear at the next term of this court ta be. held fia- auJ courty -on- Ute second Monday in Jan nexr," and then and there to show causa it an the have- L . 1 , i 1 ri. , ; ., ... ' . . wuy i lie .aau oescriveu iu tue PetllKHl aftoaiJ not . be.sotd according to the prayer of the petitioner. H1at Eph. Gaitlier. CTerk afowraaid conrt at office the 2nd Monday, in March, 8ii7, and mi 91 st year of Our ludepeudence. ' . ' 1 , trn. UAlTlltll, Clerk. April 1st 1SC7 w . Prict'cfeefr Stato.of NortlrCaroHrfa- 4JLEXAVERCDiTr.' Court cf Plat and : Quarter Sessions, :uarciLerjari9tii. - Oliver n. paiterson Adffl'r YA Tbe Heirs at law Adaniiam Patterson, Ua'rl iw of Pe dee d. ) iilioo to SeC LaraL In this cat It appearing to tha nurtiwf. tayeii t anrrson one ol th uVleodanu is a noo .aaa aaic a. um v avj a it - t a. t it m in j hv rvmi 1 . , f ti ' on 1 ---- - He'ct lias leen tell by many ananta2ou-J ,Mroeaf U-fa 1st lo HIS COsf. ana tiarier eessions, to be new lor the county of lh liwtotl Journal States that recent-! the Court House in M.cksvilUx, on the 2d Iran egg wae placed ii a ! of ooldj RJ?f'fr 1 adJ 10 e-H l't" -vr.v. w..., ..,- ,., lli.i.kiuni. A. water wtiic'i was boiled in. ail minutes, WlB heard vart. and the judgments the only beat being the friction of tbe below conflnned, and tle .land levied on ooridem-wafer.'"-" , nd ta tha aatisfatioo of rinuffij debt TAtcJ.an aaya : V ' .iaVff'OaitDer, aWk of oar aaid Coort Wa ftft'l eoiitiileiit that tha atesxm ateea iu. ,uo i r...- ;n- u..k a n m.-f Will freud ita wyrghaumeidi(lC;6t) EPBTllKiJik-UiuJciMdjt of ItUtuhs fttp SHfrr fkfrf Kpiirv, on oie aiieriioon 01 rrniay, j;i ijay noxi 1 i.iver. hjw gnxmu. 1 i,e oaiaoce a rxiy 01 one AH persons, wlio feel an iiihre!tt iu the UUriUution ' cotton land with crop ol eortxaod cotton m pro .i...'n.i.t.. ..... 1. .......I -- . r 1,: il iu" mi i ajr.yuiuiaiij IU I i.ea ui ai null, .ii I - iaa ta vuJu.atiMik ranieementa will be made for the acconiinod.ttlon of all Nfowlenof tbe Gospel and oiber delegatesat "Several uitereftimr adliessvs may be expected sulhe-meetingvi J.IL-BLACK VO JOr-sj J. IX. MoNEELY, Terms liberal) and possession given iinroed lately il reauimL A aOOU' bu;enntec-deot controls the PlsnU- For furthir particulars apply to tie subscriber at A Committee. CherawyS. Gr - 1 ..... v .wL. rtuii-?. Aprtt 13, t?6i. aaI33 - '- .iOTiriil,biy,-u,An be weeks m the Cwrc'iiw K'atrSStda, S Detspsper " poUisoed, wSaliary.-21,C,afjmg kam.tot, aaaVwppeof oA-tawnaat anas afoot wk&mti to bo heU lor tb county of Alexander, at tb eoort-housa ' ia Tsylorsvilja, 00 tfe 1st Monday in Jooo next, then and there to aaawrr tha said fition, or rba sams will be heard cisparai as to hipj. r Hllaa B, P. Mather, Clerk of oSr sild court at orHco hi Taylorsvdlo, tho lac MooOav h March 1C7. '; . R.P. April af, 13o7 MATGEH30N, 6 C 0. DoL3v 0W priotsbaff Road ari for la'e at Lhi Oflica