'n iwfh great pibn A kintl of flviuk atwili vitrwi, at which 4 on xtwnd unliroitd quaa Was! W lwdr and whether aha la Uko of , mm ( wr of having pWnufnl leturn fur tilt naiita. T) IX A. nvr f""1 tb oust of adrar UKmmu; ha knows that tlv lil I tilhogla em. 1 11100 tw U eieU tlio 4Ji W I toughl. II Imut so having Uw Bi' ou.nnK.uout putof th paer U.'Voveii lu in uoi.ues, mni uo.ni.o i mwiw Ii M Willing to J for it I'ill time do Bi4 rf- --ftry hhn,Tit aware that iKi-pl"!1 "luf ii.i U t4 Li (Uswoa. , U pmu D tb wnVy-read pupvrw; 'to that whrvrr th pubbo - 4Ul iHiltce. III aJvvrtiannentt are served up 111 HI Sty bra. frotu plain uaoWratory uouo of gooos for aahs, to (h ftuHnating aeragraph eomiaeociug with the accomi. of a hou iU wurdw, or a pioo of Unci oo us aossili, and ulug swiu lu UAiuc, bun. . . " a V . I) .. i ,1... ..,.1.1,.. JUCSt, nil ad.Ires. Ilu actually i.aui.i. u.v fui..v, . aod poJ an at last lorosw to buy from Inn by liil etdtili 0 following tlina wj wboi ami ap-iN-aruitr lu Uieui m veiy ooncetraUie printed ahap. Ilia wit tit b even inferior l those in llioj " sam line of bmlnes m Mumlf, hut wl.Ho tUcjf are nuking a living only, tc on ibu hip-li iua4 to lor tuna. . ,, t - . - . v? f ' 2T, fiiJiaiuMj.lJii tbi ?l the gradual of ! vertising experience, aiiJ hi education ha been obtain! al iniiiiMiM expenditure of money poJ i Ubor, Tba J. A. would aa aoon try utUin wuhuut ' fuoJaa wilbout adrniioff, bU lid k tuiiviOLJ 'CREDIT cW- TO OTH PiRTIEii Wa Uara thai oka raU upoa iJUwry vaa maJa b Gad, Biooamaq'a earaJrr, a iaril, 149, Oca. Ttimtt roJa .up to tl tiMM of Jacob Fra kj, Ctq., hnii bmui thai (MMiatbaa, nuoonud bias Ibna: Well, air, wkal taa W ? a rxxJ knioa mail, ana all Hiat r llr. Fiairjr iaAaoAapaakkif ataa, a4 aa aanll dcnily aiproril, h too4.nl n iha blu oun iwaiining aroun) It! in, thai oar thing La lil 0uU bctarvfi a,auWJ fXwi) lly pi4 No, air ; I m an oriina) araiKmib ; I wai a iai asaravor for tha CotifeJorata joromi, n4 bat don all I eoald in aapport of the cautr." Tbf pflrra fynatfllDf iiiat it. a,a Uat Jpclnrilinn wiiLout vnin-glorioutboattinmiionj- i-diyf'H. 'T y" Imt Aoia( a.n I lni aen lalrl " And turuiag la bit ipra, auid, " Bojra, aurrounj ihia aiaa'a baasa and pmtucl hit Tb order mm oUrjrtJ, a'ul Dot a aingUi art-tic waa ukua aaUla ordai la lb U a WuV- Pa oitf polio aJmloUatioa , la,apedrX 6fil jKilioatuia, of mmbr lb old fore, aill b atnjtjij ha ocarjr. ItracLaa af tba eitjf ordiaaoe will b (riJ aa bvfrtofora. Violation of tb utli Maca ndr iba atlttlag order wili badeaH lib If lb mtliUrf. Oatdonrcofivr ' gatiom after tiigbl fell ar prohibitrd Wben tkbltedt-monttration ara tuUadod, aottp hiut a OUd al lb Uajor'a oflloa In trwon to permit tba arveeoa of eaeli. poliaa (urea a la aaaratiaL ijf ffta faiOBiability at AltaaUaJ ta tU pabii ua of ariw camajfldif iftutig a riot or j HuUmic i laditklral, ar to Iba pa hi m of inoenjiarr Uuaj, of iba ocfarrna wf dr di-r io iuudu b( t aWioenlialainnwrn. . Colooel Coiaiaaodiog, Ahj karrtU aaiy. Ilia kngtb waa aiitj. vifht feet ; epreA'i of flake, aJxtuea fat lt lncit, aaij Untfh of jaw eighteen feet four iocltee. ,1 found on calling blia la.tbat liljw .wm tmlly aJiatterwl I.7 Li raid on one boar. I lut ia H10 fli no I urn! entire, villi ll nail, paJJ!, j U8ELF, Wetfern Now IJBKAK L'l J1EIX An old prendher-In ytik,ho vat belntr peratmdoJl by ion of h'e clinrchmen. duria? tlio political tieiteruent l that efAto laat foil, to Jin tne radiral fiartj, eall : " N, mjr brtnlm n, I can't j5lf that jfiirtr; liocamfl nil t'io ahotlrlrtnlnf In Ifio ronntrj nrv in It ami mI ililion'ain, in v liretltri'n. m tlono a n'omJcrfoJ a'clt Uiemwr tif't'trr" it -Tinrr1 The Mobile Tribwnt, referlnr t th mny a'lrparrfannacjt'ercl manJnrli , Uiukela, tut, Lu. THE RADICAL mOOUAMME. Tli S'atiumiil lmUUtimrrr nnmn the eiict that Jewtlring J.bulu,,. can b, .. w. eooiiiioioall, . , convMlon w, h,r. for m) ,im8 tlllrrtilir, oa iitwa ta wawauaj. iim iiiwi.m.wiaiiim 1. . , .i Ila wtee-rHr kl'WN iv in I'v mniiuor in 1 1 ua buiiivj mgunnrana uuu Jul uie ewuib uu whieb adveuaemenu r wrnil up. The J. A. "know! ttiat not ontjr t"'t be m-tpr''' P"1' lie to for set him. but tliat it i profiul'le tli.U he eliould alwara apper in smiling fonn anj atlrnotire dree. " To tbia eoJ ha cinpUit a pru:riuai;i aj ertiaeiiieiit writvr, wbotv buoine.'i it ia to puturtl. b'u patrOn' ar lu atljrU; that will not onljr cakli Oie ay bnt'perwurleHh jn Ijrnimt. Tuo 4. A. knoa-a the truth of latr adae; ' 01 any nten utany niinda," aod I IhtvI ore aJ4iea-s liium-U by torni to all cbwau 01 lite cuuiruuuiiy, and xmtirt Uu notkoi from tin uj' 10 wiiterol tact alatwiuHit ti guuda aod priOM, OH-aiit for the iiif.malioo of vulvar bargaiu-buntera, to the onrrfu'ljr prepared little ay AtU of bmortcal and litteranr atlnsMna, and oc- OMtooafly appearing to the cin-irnra and rrliiouil feeling tliraugti I lie ue ol actipiurai q-ioianoiia, ai well aa of ecdipelling tue j idgmt-nt br logical ai.al ""og."" Tli"J. A. nevr ;cn)wns tii a1nrt:rTTi(tit; b know that any adrcrtifmvnt llwl it painfull or diaagrivabla to road ia aeMom read, aod for ihi reaaoB be prfiT bating bit j uriit j.iead ovt-r a buodreUline la ruiiiiig h.i-j Cur lii life hacdrwl wordt. When buiiif- ' .Ivcat, the J. A. doe not, like poniwlic adu-rtiycr, Hop ndwr tMng. He know that the few' r a'lvpitiiTiirnUi tttare are io th oapeT, (lie more I klittiwl 11 ihi-rc 4or Mutuary rale on til uch lime aa Iha Aiuthrn ne aitould art upon the eocditiooa laid down aod abould rrorranir tbeir iroTemmenta. TLt m IIm grrrond taken iy thaw drfi oJ, off them : tu bills are aaid 10 be merely proriiional, the elicliiig pivllmmar 10 nt n-aiuration Io mo Ln.on or t..c awlin; Atatra. W ten it became mauifot tiiat tha South wa willing to conform to theru, and, obnoxioua a.i I bey wnr, Ktiuod to accept iliem aa part vf the inclwai-Io rrult of lur r, ouuunou m-no and a prope r rr.ird lor d"oeuty K-tUirnd that the people llieo abutM L left (ire to act without nitiroiJalion or ti root ; ami, lonn-f .r, we lpro natel tlie arnaatoflary lo irs prupused and uuf u ken l j Nonlieni r art:an. Jiut lute jiMirrifei itas aiuong ti e oral, li pot the very lirt, to forh'!nw the IladicJ revoluliuuary progiaium, wnicn Iia, tor lb tuno at k-ait, in-t asid 'the t'onatitetioo. Wawnraed tti rob he. whvn the FrfeJmaii'i ni.rcmi bill was flr-t propo- that oero aulTrafre u ain.ed al, that the in- Muuati-d military gon-n.!:,n,l cout hel in that bill would be more forini'lr f;itr:;ed upon the South rni people if a Radical (;n''ri'.8 tu sontained, and that the North itself w.uM be dominated over by a usurping h-ifi.-lttlu c, which roucht to break down all the barrier, uf Sute nj;hi ; and that the ical Order by (Jen. SicLU. CI.Uia, U.y. g.Uo, klrba ud aa order prohlbilinff tba diatil'atian of pit is from gram io tb eecood Military lAati'ict. UlIuiHlera ara d tared liable to trial aad puiiish" aifiit by Military CounniMioa The ieaoua aMiined fwr tba ordr ara tlmt lb present tonal auppli f food in lb Caro linas are fwnoutl Uimiuubed br lb large quan tity of train consutuej io iba diililUutca-tuuUd iu. Jutut vf Uto rei UsK-tbat tWittolat frr tratflc rtjilin fjoj dtarr lu la.-K wlaia large aumheu ara J-pcudin jon lLa puboc and priral boontt; that tb 0ierflmrnt it il frauded of a large amount rf revenue, the au thorities broagh into eontmipt, and that (lie miarbii-f oomplaioed of teodsto iBoreua povcr ly, disorder amJ critoe. '0 Mtrioan Aws, y Orleaus, May 21. Tb Vieayuni special correspondence, dated Onuba, Mny 8rd, rfot in tlmt cltjr, on tlm erunlng of tlio ltli, aj : , 1 : 1 Hie iuiineJiale caiine of the diatnrbs ace wu uiiqneatioiiably tlio injudiolona Unguao ued bj tlio lion. Judje Kcl lea, who Uuk good euro to elidter hia oatxeaae Iroiu tlio aluriu liu had ruieflJ by diving umlor the furuituio on tba aland wtiH- tlio iirtt. -jiatijl elu'l rui) in Ma carl. It C't f ft the .MeUi.id'nt nurc!i at: : brt.lte Ihat np. It pit am Kf tho Prt u lijttriani and split tliem in t ; anJ t: pit i't tint ol I jfovurntneiit nnd broke t'.i "Id l n ion t lece. And hit btolhivu . I i.'n'.'t k iow i f any tliinrr It ia itm1 f w I , but to brvak down and t.rrak up. A'ulj '( V"ii have auj unuii'j luaitiit tbu "uhJ huy,'' 1 nJsiad ) uu to ai fid jtbiliti"'ii j into l.w t. .millions, ntiil it M ill hrt-ak In 'I iij' HdcII in Wm tuun aix uck. 1 literary; .V 'PLJtv fbio f URANdON U KARRAR baring 1 sold their slock to tlte it I ..tf pook-Siorr, i,N. C ' iW stiag C,) ara aow oeaia a arleet XT-c-r ftSltooln. of SCHOOL BOOKS, S'.ationtry, ; Jilunk Jot.li, -- - S Al'- Kt'ilnth Scho&t l'ub!icathn$, S'ifft Mtttic, fancy ArtieUt, ' iii.-liidin all the artii-lea usnstly nlj by tha traih. 'I'hu puhhca'iou of the North Carohaa Uoame - Din-ctory will l coiit 111 neJ as a snroialily. Trie tii.L,.,r uf (he firm will rest as it ls (or lb pal iti icl' oa tU ou! var.'.t. To tber uli i-t imrrs who hare stood faitkfully by theft! dur 11.'' all the lurd tlmee of the lost few year, Ihey - One clretiniatanoe, noted bj evorjr one j who had hi e.Tce open thorn laat ni,'bt,; Wjt,n rt)C llliikllU j,,,,, ut,contr)N 1 1 waa that a lar-pi majority ol tho nogroea jn MHrlanj ,a.v IluVvr dreamt ,1 ' nnannl worn fintsnlff ariiimt sriih aninn . 1 " 1 , . , , 01 i'iviii mo tietrriK' auiiniu. At booh I -Wep yn u,,,7 pru j!((J , (f th fit.eJuii.. UlU motinf afr-rl.nK 4 hnetihty the JU.,,ubiicau p,,... nopr.M (Jreaaiied thut it diaturbanco jautJr would occur, and conawjnently they were ' ' , the victim of the act.o. violonoo-they, 0n Tl). . mJt c(m.om. nil uiev oniy. JA't annuirr circinii , 1. . . i- ... ..1 , , , 1. atanco bo nofcd that nearly all the vie-., vV. .;. , ,.,,., il4 . ,l ti..., !., r .A.. 1 ,.1 , .- ... ..v. ...... .. ....... ..j--. -.v. city oiliccr.-; and ulihli tho tumcs first and t.o.c.et dieturbanco was over. ',,,,.,.,, u .... br crowd of negroca who attacked . . . . . nhl- tl.ri ,y ' i nation. Such it tbo h iriv i ilu- make rrat.-f il aknowled?miitm(a, and uKt eon i.uiK'U hivor. Tliey aie now loured en yrUr' ' 1 r, u.'it J-Df to 1'ifc k. r's new Hall, wbor lliey t o iiVav-J to see ail thv.r ol I (nt-nd and rn- I My 27, 1SH7. ) uf has lucubration bcinf read, and lUalweu io tlie ' ullimai oljecfsat aa the .rrnctuatioa of lUd hanleat-up time Ihera is ncJ tial t noiir'h for ti.oj n-h' at all coats, but rcally by tb exclusion of entcfprisjiij. Ho he rrau, ''It u.y n. ipi.lx.u siip i II." Soutbeiu Slatuitruiu tho rrswidcntial electioo. adrertiftnr, the public will lorgft them, and ihcv ( I'art ol that wamu.g is no longer prophecy. It is will baeo renew truer a-l'i.vntario- atrrti. even emnraowl in Ui lecor l ol U.e ooualry. lb re tvliitAa iiiiliacririiinat 1 1, wlirrpvnr thov . ..... r 1 . - . .wiuiiirin .iirii 1. 11. in iiium i.v Ih.l h. IM. At Iuiv ,. .h. 1.1 I... ! I .1 .1. If . -- . . iniioo fJi-r.T. nA th. i.nmK.,.t.-... L.. ... r.- 1 i..n j IvtpubliCiin 1 urty. .rc7.oW Jum . I t . . . . O r rt I ' rommeocaii in enrueei. 1 n garrison is c,uuo Oomniander N4rones announced hie intention to resist to tba death. No officer receive quar or fauca tb Lib. - Order bar btco issued by Uiramon thai Marouri and Maiimillian shall be shot, asf -jj tured. bine lb sarrender of rubla tea Jtn perialisu ar Dolour 10,000, all told. o uainder will ahvs be ai'.-uniilibed it ll loa-kts ttehere die public w ill submit to it. Tiie Sumner bill forcing nrgro tuftne ou al! the Staiea NotUi, Without iffrrence to then constitntiona, is alreajy before Congre and has receired the endorsement of many prominent members of both House!. And when good time come; but I shall take pood care never to thp from the memory of my eirtoniers, and what trade it n will comu to mc t an I ' W'hWtiunedr'i2o6J, in "custom will fncreav with tha Rruwing trade." r these means the J. A.' name is ia iverv one's luoulh, and the whole country furnishes tiihute to hii bank account. now the old game ii renewed of acrr)iltg. tQ tecd Hoatmg paragraph iiifurin Il.e Cv-nuiiunity what fer to the South a la'if ol lecniintruction, which it inoutue US it ba paid, and rival, but h-ss adver- i '1m1 swrel purpoM: ot irv-pullvrs if ossible to tiding, bontet read tbereteti ro' huied stalaui. i t , ileli ;it- Tl;e cot.stitiilioiul auicudiitciil was r.ji-ct-of tb trad be has done, with aliivnaic li-;'u-t j - d bivaiise it was nut rcpurded a a Umufile letid and louinjf. Ambitious fatliem fw-nf 1011 In its r ii .. r nl wtth-n.ent. Awl now thai the South seems their aotis mny be takrn as rle k 111 his e-t.it.l,vii- , u.cl.iinJ to tut the otthcru peoiUi vvuli Uie lini ment, and the eoir.niiinity r.nt to trim an t h nor. and vww hi:n a., a b. nrfm.-to', h"e be h.n U-i.i -Cited tbein only by hrlpm; himx lf, ami lno:ed theia bj flattering tiiry- nln.i., .wmI Wea!.!:e-e. Carolina WEEKLY:::::: HV J.J. Li SAUSBUUV, C, MAY nary l .ll, ttmi- ptotti rs of ini-cliivf are m-heming i( r:, 1 . nuother ctumiI of iihliiialion against (lie tint born iMx.plH, by wht4i thry hif to cany tlj; connoir rletiion! Tlie J.ui is rimpl... In some ipurteit ii has Uin ft ankly avowed. It lit) I (itm.!-. I to miike itifljmniafoTv harapr iff ihojjh ' rhe ?-ijt!: f 0 rXftMM'i ntr t! " tw oii'e to otitbtrHkj. 11 li. ia nl. if p..-. tie secure a tranvr or two an i ili.-ni . (.. i ifv omtas wmrh rmre turn nruTck 1- vrn e'l with iiemiiih a t aj the menus ot n uinc another l. nj.irni ol m:i t.om.1 paMOii throughout the North, which will tiul uu'.Y 'li-'tiv tlie South reatoralioti to 27,1 ltl?. "bn t'l inn, but avitf u'jt .iwy f.'i tut tiesi'y of From M chili. Mobile, May SJ A Coart of Enquiry Is or dend to convene to investigate th disturbance ou the M'.h. Col. Shephud issued an ordur ytsterdrfy evening retaining all the present po licemen. The cty government laoot disturbed. The Military mil lkc cognizance of parlicolar cue. Jiankruptcy. W-tl.ir.glon, Ma 22. Al! ibe -crsij tales and forms in bankruptcy bare ben adop te., and a manoal, (Tsotne fonr hundred ptios, preparnl by Clinton Rice, Secretary of the tV mini.sion t'f Justices, will iasue on Tu tilay. No delay or difficulty 1-a priliemli-J iu putlir. the law into effect on the first of June. All the registers have be -11 nominated, and in case the District Judife) do not confi'in tb nominal 'ons. they ore einpow. ifd to fill the vacai ctet null suiuhle persons. I In; rules and forms cover n patrVptlcl ofkviitj-fii pi(:el o f We 110 not charge wpoa all the Radical leaders n to the not'. ei " inUinoiii progi atonic. ISeillier were tin y, all j, i-'i.ureai.ie wiii.i.m; luui.giialtieui.ninK n.al nrout;ht chargeable will.tl, alKut the wrliuiry reoonftrnrtjon bills Many ol the feature of these hills were severely denouueed at tlrf otwt bv Itepnblican W proniinenire. Rut the Revolutionist, got the party in their clutches. LtTEIURT.r-iViTrnvile atlti.fr of Branson, Farrar. A Co., in an ther column. will be Seen that ihey are ?a;n pr. pared to supply th public with School books, Law bixjks, Sunday School book, and Stationery ol everv kind. IFe would also call altenuuo. u ih Je .ntAiea. th.-y ; Jprcfd tlie JMotoalciiMttWte .J--. cf John 6. M.ner. admr. ipoHoTSiTiiary despotism ,nd r.egro . euiTrap ; and . ,,,',""'. unress the j)ep!e of the couiitry cet their seal ol . And to the notice of C. C. KnJcr, J:nr. Icorhlemnafioti on the diabolical intHpiies of uch ' ' 00 - I men as Keily, Stevens, MS'k-iimner, the " radical I Radicals" will lead (heir party to baser deeds u( Tba Radicals of Philadelphia are endeavoring to Ularknins. Miti k sju!t,' Kclk-y's iuali?narit inpe . bring to pas io that city a long cherisucd scheme '""'J- rrovokhi- the more excilnble element of - -trberieAt trr it ihirromioWartM lilt.aMilittttCJ? T.iOk-nce.h.sludk-J intninpcrtnc of ,,',, ' ijseeoo,- he rrttijrr-m tmvario cestgnt'd to trntau-, mission of alt children. Mack nr white, into Ihr j an, w.n t1P d,stUr'bam end, and the hetterelaPs public schools of th city. It curcernt the poorer 1 of ctiiavns, who senoiiKly deplore it, beg him to clause of Wbil poopU- rmsl wln cannot nflurd to ' "1,,"1 ajain, and promt that he shall not be ititer- eeod lbir children to the subscription icho.4. and '"I"- '": c"l'0", t0, now the community rcspou- NeW Yoik, 27f.2. tsold fl,38 Market. M-y 22, M.-Cotton qu'el, A W LI ALE 6T0RV. : need not sorprie any one to-see-the n.eaijre forced to a praticat iasne. What will be the result the future alone ein show, 'though it is pretty curtain to encounter tout resistance. sil.1 f.rf the sat ol a fcWj jitid dachci0) order that he and his friend msy 'raie the wr.r cry that "lreel sicch is not tolerate in Mobile." . . The liTson should, not be lost upon the people of . 1 l? .... 1. t . . t : .fc - ; tt . sir. . ., , ... inecomu. ineui give larae luiiauiuiaiory ora- We may eapect similar demonstrations among , , wiJe ,,orth. &t (Wro ,v,,.,, Ihe US, ere long. On thing leads to another stfp by occasion for lidical mistcpresentntions awl slander. atep. . Let them-preserve the pnbliorjer, and, if possible, iJI:.i:,-yr :-rryvnniT-gs,ir fsnr Trm'itary OT"uTtliui' '. . . . foil the brogiainiuo of tb Radical Destiuctivea. ; Tba Kelley ito Rdil pr.-tsea.of the Nortli liavo . . - . raised a howl over tho Mubi'.o riot. Thcy s-u d I - . ............ Vfi ? "miscEleTo'us emisries to rriise dUtur- NEWS OF TIIE DAY. Be? 1m.U then their wolfiih :prcH , miwepreaent tb facts with a fieiid sh howl against lb " rebel souui." " Where is tt.il to end I For years tlieae-northern people bar tuit-forborne to ' trouble th South. x r- 'Ex-President Davis stopped in Sew Yoik city, OB bis wsy to Canada, his feeble health and thi fatigue of th few preceedin days rendering il ncry for bim to rest, But he avoided all pub beiiy, by keeping ido.el to his rooms at the hotel. ' RED STRINGS.' nel ws at bis aide. I shoiiieJ jic tempo lsnl for ! tiied. In juiniiinc I brok thy W. I FACT3 FOR TIIE -JiioralIybIic -thwOoTicord iVlfit th ultimate oTih-ct of the . rl Tinfffccrct orcautzatioa is. to parti out tke- lands between the peopTo generally, including nj pse.l all bis picket, rode sixty mile that nihl K'o. inrreareoonrjtr-) mntiv well-to do small : wi'M me Done ot inv lea learn II UI8 iiasD ill ey - arm?! wbo have rone lutoTOrwagii-Tionnro' i sfy-'pnnprTTcan pmg thereby to beiref "tnetr condition. IftheywiJI e-aatlne etosety the follqwing facts tkken frdm the Booth 's Diary v Vnhinirtou. May 21. Screlarv Stanton has furnished a eerlilicd oopy of Booth's Diary to die 1' resident, which baa btjen published. 1 b first entry it s follows : "April 13, 14. Friday. (I lo Until to d iy. ftnlhinjr was ever lltophi of aUcriflcin to our country's wrougt, For six months wo havo worked to capture. Hut our c.iuse being a' moil lost, .omethinir decisive and rFt tuusi be dooo. j considerable of lut its filure was owing to others wbodnnoi j struck the ahip fair ho would have gone sink for their c .unity ifh a hearu I struck ! tlirousrb her. a easily as a cat would ix'liliv, Mini not as the papers sar. 1 walked Captaiu Maloy, of tho whaling bark Osceola, ha had an adventnrc, wlhch hb tolls in a private-note publisliuJ the in Xe w j 1 led lord Alercurj j , ,. . " About tlireo hundred miles northwest from St. Nicholas, we saw w hales close to tho ship, lowered the boaa as soon as possible, una soon thoiccom! tiiaTe atciick a whale. In a few minutes tho third mate struck and trot, stove. The whale then wont to the-second mate, and knocked the bottom out of his boat. The first mute tiien brought tlio third mate and his crew to the ship. I tlicu sent him ! Io brinjr tlio second mata and his cro to the ship as soon as possible, a I saw the whale was intending mischief. In tho meantime,, the a halo was at work oil tho sturboard boat, and soon made a bad bout of her. Alter getting all hands on board, the first and second mates, be, iiig anxious to - try hi to again, went off, but didn t get v cbarrco tokrlt hrfrr. iir fact, they had as inucli sa they could do to keep clear of him, and seeing that he was a dangefouf ciistoiner, I called tlio boats on board. JS'ot liking the idea ol beittj; out done by whale, I concloeJ to go aUijin with the ship, got ail ready, and 111:1 Jo for hi 111. iettin near, he turned and came for us, striking the ship on her poit-oow with lna jaw, Ins head coming in contact with the cut water, knocking it off, and tearing off considers able cupper and alioatii.g. . Tlie shock he nave the ship was heavy, taking some of tho men off their fot, and giving. thet- 4 Iriiflit. Had the whale : . ...... l.f . . .1 . ...v.. vvnter street, nioro man a square away from the scene of the first disturbance. Mr. James Hisk, an old and well known ' The UiJical papers in WnsMn-fnn n. e cilizetl, wis knocked down and beafeii'fn,r',T"' w cheers with which Mr. bv a crowd of negroes in front of the Levis' release was panted List Monday; maiket house struck repeatedly in the J bnt we (,', not remcmbei thai ihcir setihe face and on the bend with a bar of iron,' of fpriety was shocked at tie c!ico:s probably a gas pipe or something of the w,!icl. greeted the acrtuital of a mnrdv-r, sort, for it appears that the ne-mcs had ' s ,n that etiy last year, nor af tliu armed themselves with all kinds of , clieers wbicli tUled the ellate cimmbei .... .. . i.i ... . M. n..i ..... ,.rrn... . . . t u-Pfinnna Ann. I infr sfnnitmrr m tier m mniiT n mnuiiuiiin uu i ui mi i .iii.iiiim pnte on Dauphin street, many iqnarcs;"10 t,,,nl'1 two JCftr9 I-ast. 1 wi from the scene of disturbance, was,""""' hxammer. knocked down and sevcrelr ininrrd by one ot a crown ot negroiM who were 11 is Fain inni rootnacno may aiways passing on the sidewalk. hile nnoth- he cured by holding the hand to a cor er well known ciriren wns onictlv and i tain root--thnt of the tooth. li 1.:. 1 1 I pcncenoiy wenuiiij; iiih way immewuru. , u,.,., ,... ,1, na h. tit ,1 1 I . 1 i .k ovii: I mail li.iv I. lot.o I l.ul " .ID nut ri.it II n pl.iflr lift wa. m-ntitn.ilvl .r 1 . tl . v -. rry gtuliint li a laTe hiemen b.celebi w nsdatled t the corner ol Dearborn and ,n -. a . ,t i ...... , ., , tion: "Our hie engines May tliev Ik Dittinhin streets nearlv n mi o from lie ... ., . , 1 . i !:ke oIJ maids, ever ready, lut nevci place where the riot originated w i n-ati'ed " a shower of brickbats fmm the hrtnds. of n sound of negroes, nnmhering about i Moiuoh is niade by Trollopo of a Flo ador.-n, who werfc partially armed with leniiiio villa, whoso floor is painleu to inn?: and hullie tio ttttiile pwd use of i represent a hluillow stream, lheilliisioii his limbs wmild probably have shared, w aJ be remarkably cooling in its the f.i'e of rjoor Olecn. i elite's. Judge Kelley, doubtless, enngr.itn-' .... , . Latca h!m,clf that he W kindled a lb,,.HM l'en h"S- J a!'ies W W ) of batted between tlie two r.-urea in this "'."""r P'1 " ..T1 !"" , . (iiii.o now ne um. uo iuii, 6atu ne. onlv m , -.i.i ;"mv roval sovereigri that 1 am going l i . . .. , i. vvijl'iu lew rvins "O. ceiviy ui'j'c ui; 111:0 uu iiiicihkl'ii. i -o j Here is an nnii liquor-law argument of Santa Ann j.-Ui old cliietuan who : '"arveloiia beauty and force: Iu Chail seems to have sunk out nf sihl during J!1 eav-.tlmt yvheu ho remonstwtod with the late s,ve.e winter, has beet, lor some i H'e Atncarts or their intemperance they time unwell. Jle was. recently seen rid-1 rei.hcd-Kwk at tbe.gorillajJwdjTi ingotit on Staten Island and enjoying j 01 1 v' waer- - , . ' ' the few bright ditya of spring. Tlio Die . ; talor has been living at the house of Mi. I "" '' was me built ? inquired a NapbTgf,nt New Kriglvtort, aii.1l1s biiTyTe,M,0ll " wepwrs-Inheghvwif1- awaitiii'' the result ot certain business I '"vv ,,li";- " ,u S Sp'ialal AklaiUilatrator I wil proo T la sr, at the late fo'dence of R. t !.v, dec M , rn Tnf--dT, the 11th of Jane, next a part of Ih per. oral proKrty beJonnv to hit Estate, whH-b.is a luilow, ris: Horses, Caule, lloct, Sheep, a Cart, tlm u wagons A' gear, two 'i horse caniar li liar- s, out bu'L'y au 1 harness, oo RaM:r, a half in- ret in a 1 nre-hing Machine, a hiraw C uter, Corn Phen.-r, 2 wind mih, est of blacksmith tools. ret of aaw tniH irons, a great many carpenter tools, irnl all k.ndul far mi i. g toois, togither with house hold and kit.len furintute. a tjuantity of Bacon and U'.l, and rariouj other article too Udiooa to men tion. Terms made known on day of sale. JOHN C. MILLER, Ma 21. 07 21:Jt SptcuJ Admr. city that can be showers of blood. extinguished But in litis affairs to return to St. Thomas, where 8iV.?. "e . novv .uo " n,uKe tnat. out ' j-.l-4-Tf9-fhtrlr aftto-w 4vue waan t built M at t . t s ' , a a . i 111 (1 flllV Nunru " oa in la f i 1 1 1 1 i 1 ? n-illaiT Imo ' J striata t J tv s 'inn ij vunv 3 4iuo EEA1INGTON 'S FIHE AIIMS. Sold bj (be Trade Ceoerallj. A Literal Discouut to Dealer. JOP.0C0 FnrnuXti lit US Cormrmmt. .(Sl.ler.pt.).. .-l0as. 0.1'Sr., .s-is la. ,Nsr Sis Cslilrs, Nf Sits rvibre, la. Ctrors, .si-iw as. mwra Arm; BTDltr N.tVT Rvolrer, Brit BeiolTer Potior Rrvolrrr WejW lSsssi it ? lss sTsfie1, racket BrroOtr, ... Krpr.liPir Piftet,.,.... Vest Pnck.t riloL... Gun Csnc. No. St s4 SS OartriSn. Brrre.h Isrflnf Ritt., iBral) , Tin. St and SS Csrtridaa. ttiTgilD RiSr SS awl 44-tii la. Calilirs. E. KEMIXUTOS a SONS, tu, N Tuaa. rrjNcipliTAcuEiv'is...', r. .(till..! pi ) ... No. K t Csrtrirttr, .... J, Wl .Bd 41 CartrMn, Mnors Sich .l... : Win. Rrrt t Soil. it. 0. Umbb, a Cu., Poullnrr Trimblr, Itrnry Pulsrim, Oo John .on, Sprnerr k Co. M. Ramrr. Co SltH-rt K. Crsner; March it, 1HT. . r.. h Mtw Tor So on .. Pkllaavipkia .Balllnm Kev OrlMaa ...... CSieaea . SClMllS . :.. San fracciK. 10r.t..:ll5. t,. i-. StaittvUU, X. C., April 27IA, 18C7. CALL MEETING! of tlie Stockholder of th Western North Carolina Railroad Company in l be heU in llortrariton, on Wednesday, tb 29ih of May, Io accept or rrject an Important a- iietidmeut to tlie Chartsr, passed bj the last Leg- "HCKoUer an JlSelriuiries will pas free. By order of the Directors, w i E, F. SIMOTOJf. . . 1":20J . Secretary and Treasurer about resigned all ideas of future notc- liety, accepts the situation, nutl recog nizes the logic of ovents whicli forever rules him out of Mexican politicf." He ia now in his seventieth year, and has becjptue Koinewli.it garrulous in disposi tion, Tlie itccounts of his prodigious wealth are exaggerated. Iiis property in real estate and vuluables, is estimated by those who know, ttt less tiiau one million dollies. V. i'. Express. h wtvea. A western editor replies by ..$E2i!if---c had Oone the same by marrytng ouo. A northern editor rerorta that qiite a nnm ber Tjf bis acquitiniances fo-.ind trouble enough by luerely promis tig to niarry without going any further. A southern oditor siys thutA friend of his wa both, ered enough when 6iinply caught iiicoin. pany with another man's wi'o. We'd engage, the last two were sour old bach-? elora, who .couldn't lind .4; iris to have them. r.OUTUFUL CONDUCT. At aclinreii in Scotland two canrM dai-s ofiei ed t preach, of the uaiuns ol Adams and Low. The lust preached in the morning, and took "Adam, where crt thon I" ing Mr. Adams preached, his text, "Lo, I am herel"' t r Ins text, In the even uud took for Knlial 0 Tioastt of having an Irish lady agid.loiie hundred and ten years, who goes to cliurch every morning. An eastern editor says that "a man got A enbscripiion is on foot in Kentucky rrmrelf iii'li" troffbte" by" " mar "r trig Two TA"'". nr clia'sea hotisi) " Tor the " filiiTfy o rives. A western editor replies by as John.C. IJroikiuridgo. During a quarrel arid fight betwcenT. two women at Lj giu, O., on tiio I2tb instant, a little child ot -one of ihetu, abt)iit four ye.trs old, was killed by a raudom blow. ED. J. IIAIII WHOLXSALX DEALERS IK ". BOOKS AND STATIONERY, BAVX RIJfOVtB TO ..J. ...J. Ko. IO Murrir StreM, A few doors from Broadway, , TIIERE they aru prepared to anpply tbeir 1 V Southern friends and the tmblic Bookse! I lers. Merchants, Teachers, Professional CenlWmcn, - ana omers wua au aroue m Uieir Itn, at tbo taost reaionablo cash prices. Address, E. J. IIALE & SOW, i4tj - 16 Mwray Street, Jlew-rork. State of ATortirCaroIina, DA VIB COUNTY. , , . March Term, 1 S67. :f ; . Caleb Roitannon to use of Oripwal-: ATaebmftit -T. J. Meronev. Traafea. . levied oa Town Lot. Augustus Kow, who run away fVom tlevehirtaTvitii another main wife, vvas tried at Sr. Ionis, a few days- since, and eentottced to . months - ititbe eotitity jail, atis fined three hnmlred .dollars. There is a lawyer in Tidioute, who writes a client in Erie that "the present condition1 of tliiivcr is not changed," and Is. David Hendricks. Mr 4. census of 18,00 Ihey will &n se how wofull iltey wiu Da deceived, to as nothing abmit the dishot; ;wyorapiseoprtaflng otbclr faeq s property. Aeoordiog to the census of 1800 there are in the Blate, 53,7fl5r0t!!) acres of laud, oao-thirdf which i unreclaimed swamp and mountain land li-ivim to UividedeqitaH between thernhahitanlj, the number of inliabkant. in lSCfl was ft)D21"C22. Di vide tbelartds between them and it-will give 15 acres (about) to ach iuliabitatiL So dial a farmer ?fc D on tarm of acrca and t e no-; fortunate aa to bava a family of ohly ttrre members wih bava to iv away mor than one half of bla - present tarm, altb'ulj tho red airing programm kaaeeed. K : if. . never repent it, tliouiiii we . baud To kill. Our counlrv uweJ all her. irou ok- to ' ftdrTafs u1 GoJ Umply m id iostrutntnt of hil4'UnisTmeiit Tha hslanc of iheili irr is sotnewhal Incolip in ija aie aa veBtwithowt 'Irh ftiffiSW to "till kfewpTtcrli'ta otuviaotiiti.ticVjyw oteOv him. vertifseal aecimipany tba docu- inent.Nhowtng th mutilations of the diaiy to -' MoliHr, My.oo.-iThe fol'otiiiig order wat tssuej this evening: v JIead Qcabtbrs Post or Mobile, ) " May 19, 1807, -4ko. SVyn. Commaaotnffth Distrwt of 'Alabama, directs Tib usueofib Collowiog I prevent further t Jphfflc grotrlog "out of ll dtt torbed eondUion of atfaira. , Tb uo)r)gne4 the mahM etitoe. of The line of conrlnct cliose'i by n young j ihat a ''jusficd wuo- died some nititi dur'n? the live" years fVotn tirtcen to jis stilf dead." twenty, w II ui' all pruhnbibty. determine ,. ' ttniniug one hntidre.l th'iusai.'t hneS. was moved last week a distance ol frev Tctir;"onobunirred .leW'tiig-fiTuTi'd", ?i 11 1 cmT not ss the papers sav. 1 walked ihroUL'h Wit raoer' About tba timo bo w. 11 iif 111 aien 1 1 1 1 on r ii, a i ihmismii'1 oi hi. u m....i- i i.; ... i...... i. .w. . - - - 7 , r- i- ..,...,,.i...iow i ; -1-1 . : 1 1 . i'.w..t. . . e,. !-. l I . , l , . f . . , I.11U1.I1 IIIIU B UUlllll, UUk ILUIVI IIVl, I .l..JJi.J.l , I . J..KMHiU:'Jik-AliUip01JH'V."--"ol'-. ,1. ' il'l'".J-. PttS-iiiUlLLiKil, tu. liuaui-Ai. 011, i w-.io 1 t 1 If ii rnT T TT. I.i... .. . .-Tl.tT' " " - r. rz:-i. T.r . r.i i . - - . . .u. mui, ,u 1 nviii H. ..ii.,a.ii.:...iia i , 1 . 1 . ..... 1 1 e ,i.t ajmii pn fl.. . . . . ...... .. . . ... . . . . tti...-i t, Hi. i.. T.i irrnr .1. r ... ...T7.' "'vw". ." .o.v"i in no, 10 the ship, and so got out or the way as! md" tn.-htul or tss ,Vk L hnnn. i s,U alt r iJ""".lating, intelligent or Ignorant, ten.. tttwr a n ot bwr-hoTTr h --rtijartwor la ne?: C ii l... .il. J . I..II l.:. A - i V r.r. 1 ii.ijBu imiicu iu aui nun. aisiu 1 r-j r , 1. .. . -- u-. 1 1 . 1 r 1 1 1 ' ie ins runes-ID imt. him, hot he kept clear of us. It being i . e. I sent a bont off to make the wreck ! A liidy on one occasion, traveliinff in or the starboard dost secure t the ney cotni IN -tliis caso it appeatng'to thesaltsfaclirirrof tho Court that the Defendant, David llcodricks, is a non-resident of-the State ol North Carolina, so that tlie ordinary process of law cannot tiftserved on him, A- is ihtrtort ordered bv th CourK that j xibijoatiou be made io the "Carolina Watchman " -.or 54 a .uwrsiiio r. ct.a, uouij iu iuo aaiii ueicnu ant, David Hendricks, to be and personally appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be opened and held for the county of Davie, at the Court House, on the 2d Monday iu June, A. D. 1S67, then and 'there to plead, an sWer or demur to said Attachment, or llie "samA wijl be heard ex parte, and tfie judgment below confirmed, and the land -levied on condemned tr (lino ago , ,i,8 iatisfajijoo gf plaintiff's debt, and an Order of sale granted. . , , ..-..- - Witness, Eph. Gaither, clerk. of onr raid Court arofflor.-tltegt Motway nf Haixli. 1S67, IUUtj I . iCJiato ot iortli Carolina. 1 1 h : r 1 MONTGOMERY.' COUNTY. ' Superior Court (f LcnrL Spring Term, ei . J- 1 , -i.T 1 . lenty test without damage. JtiejMf! or disaiilateyao-wt-fe-be in afUrj ' ears, and it need no pro;dnt to ca-lpu.! 'JJ'i-.LL. m! ib fell SI S W At Elin ITnll, ""Davie ouoiyrT?xC, We.lnesllaV ine, a.;byay carriage.. was,wft aistniv a . cock ney coinnaniou foniinuallr p t vs. - After getting her on board (it be'ng then dark) worked to the windward all night, witts thfr Wroclcof thw bont stilt fast trr lii-a. At 0:30 A.v M. wo lowered two boats, well manned, and Went at him.' A fter t bard lassie, we got him under the care ef friends, and took hint along side.. IIo was a very 1arge whale, largest, 1 (bink i evur taw. lint he Was very poor. I rot onw liirodred and tifc teen barrels out. of him; had be been fat, he woatj bare L made one b'undieiand by t WiwrTrll ATES, bf"Ftiltbu; To 'V 1. I IV L ,o,irbi...i ut I 1 rt hi 1 . - Vie and "1 hat air. A low moments eopr. J It apoanoA to tb atttsAcLvon' or tb ooort, that Atuchment afterwards she rtnietlv temrested h;itt.to,r- cTsormrtWrTTOw7Wi . ir . i . .t 1 1 . . isuneuieu or mat air. . A Western wag remiirks that.be ha seen a couple oi sister w ho had to be told even hMig together, for they were go vnuch alike, that they couldn't be told art. ; ' SyO'OPlCeE! I t i dosendant Geo. W. Sijlev fa not a rcaida tnteTR. t6WTii&i?3ii& thejeoort that A.' LL persons-indebted tu the estate' of the Uie Why are foil grown Cats liko unskilled snrgednsT Because they . 'mety-till -late and kill fbe patteriew. " ' 4 publication b made forn werirs tirthe Sahsburv It ..i .1.- j..t..j .V. . . . (-v niK hiIV ueit-iiiwos w nu ap pear ml -tbo next term of this court, to bbeld hr th ctmnty atoresail, at 'tho Court Hot?, to the towa of Troy, on tb last Mom lay in Aojtost Deif, and replevy and plead, or Dual ph'rnvent wilt b rWrdured acains: ksiiri. - : " . . Y '. Witness James K. Ballard. Ck f ur .;. IISBSBI MMieprDtfeUOBV - f it M.LAftD.-& f. . Iu.v ths ;p.:Ji Aprifrsp-.r. J7-W : ' ' . pay tip imtuediatflv, or the wilt hsre to ehe with inrlrr. -' " . C, C. KRIPEK, .aduvr ;,May27, 1So7. . . . It ' ' Office at his residence West Wit f. . L. 'S.VI-tSTUinV. a tt"

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