ni M lb. ith- ui. or t.r of- Mills- tba ? of. M la. dU in led u bo i uu 1a. :er ill ip, ad lit D-fl int ed ib n'l r." rr r- ico lie nl to ill re rn ha to ..iUmJl . '.rL the afto 4 tha oelb. aad 4 MVU engaging ia rebvHioa or giving aid or Miafort. A awrsua) woo dm una en pusow whi l. -.,iinr uf ihia Ur aud lial lake) lb vt&ai- al oath, aod who tiM But afterward participated w rUion, mr ry' "v UM nd to n ibo p0" who bee luliy participai. -.1 robtflliun. bul till Uol urtMT tkMKUi il.l i.fflua ami taken lh official oath, iim wUh aqua! eato o oath. WT duiyUr. U inul uoe of oMistruotioa. I do not ilwn it wrap i K n ,4eOe of lb eowti- - Euooaltl a tbi part U th act. " Takteg II M f taaUJ, tot the purpose of BOO etraelH. Ibl Congress b lb rghl lo impose cb M oi, it W aol oo 1 allowable, but eesea tiJ that 1 k so in i.w iu essential sharMlaris lie. It k eoinelbiog more tbae legislative ui In J oa.Uon of on si.ung fight. K la (bct ! which take away au .listing rljjbt M eocaeOjUeoe vi oc uon al a prior lima, ad birh, el ibe lima lb" were "". ntiltl an inch auoeeaaenee. la the. late ease before Iba Soprwui Court of tlia Uoiltd Slates, npou the teal oalb prescribed by en act of Coogrwe lo k. i.k.. k. lawrere. or whw.u the exclusion (nn iba ritfbl lo practice lbir prufraMibo, wss made lo arise fioia prior participation io ibara balUoo lha ouurl av,"" b oib preaciibad - Maaai U lakao br tb partis, ttia acl ai owiort thorn Ofao W.j.alaUra daerao of polytLt5l0,, M oioJoaioo fiom aajr of Iba prwlaaaiuo or of of IU oraiuary aiocauuna r i.e. r.. r,ui couJucL caa U i-iifJ4 :a ao vlbar liirtl tbao puuwliroeul tor uch coo- duct Tfio eictko of ibo atb ii tla inla moiUk! atearuiouii tb partita upon whom h .x U iouaJad lo oparaia, and ioalaad of laaaaoiog lncrt ol'l-clionabla character. AO aoaciraaowof ibiakiad partakaof lLa aalura of bill of Paint and pmaltisa." Tha court fr ' - (bar MT lb Vprlaiiom of aoy righia, civil or polilieal, praiottly tnjnrttd may tw puoiabmcot, Iba'tircainataocaa atteudio, aud iba caun of tbo daprtfalioM detanuimag lb ta fact. Iba eoortoUriatioi of tbia cUum ol iba ocU ara tLera fora nueapctii. pn' oJ P""'1'- Of couraa, tbara oao U do qooati'o a tu iba rul ol cooatu - tr 'bicb fcaroo oppll- Tboaa abo aaaipraaalr Uoujjbl wiibio lit operaMono, cans ool baaarad from ila oper.lioni. Vbr. from Iba gaoarality of Urm of drtcripiiuo, or for any tbtr raaaon, rcaaooabla -loubi aritea, that doU la lo ba raaolrcif agtint tbo ora'.iun of tbo Jaw od io favor of tha volar. What acta, tbao, wilbia tba roniajt f IM '. "ka a party gailiy of n(rain(f ' inaurrectiuo or ra bfllioo againat tba United SiaW-a or giving hid ! aod oomforl to tbo aoamlaa Ibareoll lliolno gaaga boro' eoroprcbecd nut only iba lata re twlltoa bat ovary pl rebrllioi or loiurtcciiun rbtck Laa bappaaad in lbJ United btate. So. too, it comprebende avery foreign war in hiob lb at tacb para Wil aod oacataary olBcoa lo volrad tba iaabtnt la tba guilt. Notbiag but lha moat onfaat languaga, aaob aa wat aaad ia lha test oath fur law) ara, ooold maifeat aob a parpoat. Tbaiapreroaeounjaeooatruiaglbai laal oalh, aod ia rafaraaco lo iba eiaaea lo which I bava alluded, aea tbii languaga : "Tb ibird clauaa appliaa lo tha avekii acoaplanoa or ei e'eiae ool only of offlieaerealaj fur iba purpwa of mure tffeclua'ly carryiog on Itoeuliliee, but to, of oj .oJlh v(P whiult va requUttdla every ooiiKouoilr, vlietber lo ijce or war, (ur tha adiniaialratioa of iuatioe aod pretvrvatioa of order." I Dad ooiucb purpoaa lu tba uae of any of Iba lerroa of lha not bow under eonaijeratioa. I am aooordingty of opinion tbat botdlng a elm pie judicial oflica, or other aircuiive offioiw. or publia emplojuieaU aa are of purvly civil char acter, auob aa eouoly oQion, muoicipal office, and all otba of like aature, which were ool oraatad for iba purpura of mora effectually cars rjringoa bottiliuaa, ana picli did ool involve tbaperforaiac.uf dub'eeipirttly io furibaraoia of Iba rebellion, do Dol, wiibio the loeanibg of Ibis part of iba oalb, o wo lha imoiuboot ilia guillof eiiiraifluir ia Iba raUtlllon, So much for official parliuipalioo. 1 now recur to wbat amount to individual participation ia lha rebellion. In tba attempt to arrive at cleiaet ofpereoot or of act t lutetidi-d io ita comprauaaooa Hi too manor o tmxtl ia reUlliou, we muat bava due regard to I lie aub)ot maliar. Uadoubtedly, although avery reUtllioo agaioat tha UaiUd Btatea m ooiopre handed, il ia tba lata rebellion which almost, if not altogether can ba laid to be Iba proper tub- ject matter a rtueluod wbica eiteoded over elevea otoura ol Iba laioa, lavolvio mora or leae million of the people, continuing for more bao four year and maiutained by vaat rtililarr authority, which to all thaae people f.if a time aod a to meat if them dunog iu continuance excluded them from all protection eoder the lawful goreroroent. The obligation of e!K-gi auoo whea ibo prated from the correspond ing right of protactioo aod lha breach of that al Irgiauca ara oeceuanly modified. Under tucli circumtlaur lha obligation i lvt atrintjeat and a breach of that obligation lea repreheotibl than io Caie of temporary or local inaurrection. Nor lb git w forget thai throogboul tha rebel Suit ibera were largo clas of their popula tion more or lee oppoted lo tba rebellious move ment, and who were jet mora or lea necearily involved io iU upporl. I bava already laid that lha language uied io tbat act at lo parlici patina carrie tba idea of voluntary participation, aod I am aatianed tbt these contiJoralious growing ool of the nature of the rebellion in duced Congreaa lo uu tba word keoggdn io the aeoi of volantary pirtic nation. Wbeo an !inarreion by it continuance and power lakes eoierlng apoa tha diaobarp of their dotlaa.Uka aodaubaoHba to lha oalb praeeribed by lha act approvoJ Jaty S, ISof, entitled "aa act to pre eonba aa oalb vf offlor," provided tbat if aa peraoa aball knowingly and Melf laka an oalb io Ibia act preecrtbad, aucb peiaons oa ooavio fenion Convict. ' ' ' Londoa, May M.-Tl qaeatloa vbetbeV il death aea aoaeaof tba Faoiaa eoavkl will be carried oat or aot aogroaae iba publio al-Uaiioa. The tree of England and Inrlaad gvoeralli Hon, aball be aljl to tba pain, xnallie aod jare thai iba arBlear be roinruulrd. duahililiM ahicli by U are piuvidad for the I l ia laid tbat miulr Adam Will lalerpo lo aava McClure from iba acatfokl. From Washington ' WaaUngtoo. ST.y .CJ. X7II. I,., tf the J'rciJrol hoanbold w berora lla judi ciary committee 8iturdv. I'rrdiled rpt of In eidnra fUify d WUive Ilaker'a alloaion la the peelJU Watbiagtoa, Uy 88. Ao Omaha diapaU-b report a fight with lb Indiana Mar I'me lliull. On wbil aod all ludiaoa ware killed. Civil Joauph K Johnion aa in lb oily lo-dJ aod K'ft for IUIi i. nor. Tim 1'irtiJ.ut and Guii. (irantand Thorn hi had a prolonged intrrview lo dav. -l b Cabinet wai Iii teraiou afluraardi until 2 o'clock. tba UailedbUU hatat any umeoern engageo. ,,. ,m . j, rln m i Tha rt part of tba ntenc cover, ca of n)J wonM ,,.,, w lhe ,. withiB iu ,er. domealUi war axi.ting io lb form or rebtll.ort tiUjr iodnida rf,ltU ,ud ouiRIiioo. under- r jBWrrion.whiL.l the la?l j arl appl.e. to , iiw, mcalion and lha rightful fereiga war. Tb worda giving aid and com- .athoriiy when it aga'o come Lrt to tba aoamia of tba Lmled btatea r jo(o , m jn ,n)eura ,cc.Jlamoillil it lha aamaoaadio lha eonatitutional definition of .li(yo jo cucuuuXltno,tt ,n(1 .ij ,uy traatoa, and lhe mem, ibera meant mut I lijn rigbifuN Jone wh.cb io a merain- Ukaatobafcweiga.oeina. lhae aror.lao.ig- 4urtec(ioD wouIJ h fuU of Walilf.- laally found ia Iba early aUtutr of hngU-.d (,rucip,B r,co?nlv j by n, oi,ji,Md againai ueaaon uti irww pratalioaia Engliab and A m lean court. Thry ra weed io thi aul withuul any qtinliCcalinii; ad w give tbern full fort and app iralion LgbVlhey ara ma J lo apply lo ailheri-iicu oi giving aid aud eoinf.irl to loritin enviu.r. Sack ao act aa to lbbTech of liif o:li or Ju'v at allairiaiH- Hindi ul'jn tli-1 hik' ik-Iici ol J .... i . Uoo; linn btn e-pt,'iitily enioicel m c,nglarnl Ijj UluUr and by IU J.kiou of court aa ear ly n the reign of II -nry VI. Oo.'d enca lotlia dt ftti govrinmrn', eatahlithfd und.r an usur ping monarch, lia l!ri held n t to involve the ul j-(-t io tbafiuilt uf ireavin to tbebiwful Linjj. ( punuhoMDt of wilful aud amiept ijuiy Tbaouly oalb prtauribed Ly Uu act ail tba oalb lo ba -takra by 'ha f eroo applyiug lot ' i . . I. . . , . . I. I . i rrgiairatioo ana lueoam vo m ian 07 ine iR-r out oompriting iba lioa'd of Itrgittretion. Tba duiirt of tha Hoard an firtt la uiake aud coin pUla.lba regilralioa, a"d lo tupatinUnd iba laetion. Tba Aral qar(Wn U a to Ibaduilrt aud powar of ibo Hoard in making and comple ting lb rrgielralioa. The tiietaecliou provide that lha comioanding gaoeral (hall caua a registration to ba made of lb male citiavn of tba Uoiud 6 La tea SI yeaiaof age aud upwaid, raaidaul iu each couuty or parish io iheSlaleor StaU included io bia district, which rgrttratioo shall iualudeosily those jxrsons alto are quali Ud lo vote for delegate by lb act aiuimaul and wbo "shall have taken lb following ola or alllrinalion liy tbi oalb the peraoa af- plying for registration must swear or alfirru lo every qualillcxlion provided for by the original act. Tha Orit Auestloo abicn ansei bora la whether any ottm oath can be rrtjotrwi r4 thai person applying for registration or any oalb can ba admioislerad to any other peraoa or persons touching the qualification of lha applioaut by tb board gf lejpslral ou. Tba fast clauaa of ibe lt eclioo provide as follows : -which oath or affirmatioa may ba adioiuitlerod by any regu- lering offloer." Tba oath here referred lo i tba oath lo be takeo by the person applyiug for rag islralion. I have very cuoful.y eiaiuined all tha provision of thi act and I can find 00 a us tbority for any oiber oalb to be taken by any . a.Hic-s' from lhe Iii 00 touching ibaqualiBcatioa of the applicants! J( ((jt ( for regiatration bul oiily tbi oath. I am clearly 1 , , . of opinion that any otbor oath tooclung lhe 1 ,. . , , - r uaiification of tba applicant, would ba er.ra- 'Jur mrauon icwku in w judicial aod without aiiihority, and that falsa tsiana. .wearing could not be auigned aa perjury ujkiq j yBW Orleana, May 28 General Rheridao uch uuautborixod oath, eteoially at tba pro-. : xl)Jtl, ibe time fur registration unhl June vito lo lhe sixth section above quoted, which do 1 fje 20;L. clarea what false.e.riog shall amouol to per- j ,kt awl Financial. jury. . express y Halted to "aoy oatn 10 iu. , ..... - acl prescribed. ' I ' "' " ' " ' Oo arri.m 1 at this eanclu.ion, I have given ; demand. S.le. 290 U.Wk 27 due weight lothatprloflhedrt.eclioooflbe,'f'''"vy- 10.l. Soultiern .... k ..1. .i.!.. .(.-. ,'i..ii,.n shall ii . 12.9017,60. V. -. Ill .-.v, ... ra dlSQUallDed I "wmu iuiku,i,.ui,v ivi joined lo tba peace, proaperity and dignity of their "'"io half Juieq or mora -Uco, wbicli 00 v Bout, ana weparwa bound 10 im weu- Ujllit nette.,,,,!- a-rMtlv ilamao-j Ida " bnilding. Tba p-laatariog overhead baa bra and bapploaaa of tha white nan, Iboir totrrer uiasler. Tber dedal toed araioat tuoaa WBO avu,(l.i Tbi Internal Ilet'euue reccip't of lo-day ar , fri;,,w they bava ararclird tbe wrixld for. but rouM 1 430,OOO. I riot fiuj. "The witness tiny nerd is al Orrnbr.. ; The President., nominee for the Au.trian ! N- C Surely, tbey will send for him. And w ben ; MiDinr, baring been r-jectad by lb. Sen- j J'XJm Z ... I. I... .r It r.,.a- At tMisa, Una v.a pt torn aarr I ' """" " I Affair i. Hon. Jrffi:rtn JJacis, Montreal, May 28. IT n. Jeff.-non Davis retnsini ao seclud.d lust no oue bat Men oita to identify bim on lb atreet,. J Jlexican .Vfir, So. Francisco, Mar 2". Th Sierra Nevada list arrived from Mantisu with al nee to 1 7b. The Amerlian are leaving Mftiao and I'ros. ila. Tha Cotton crop La failed for tba three vesrt rt beral heabqunrter. of Hay uiillian 1. captuied Jaurel tu disturb IU baruouy beiwewu tU two ra-. as arr aij broken down In teeeral plae, ""iiiaw iu yum. s ,g 1 1 a 1 W woolj bogUdlo ive ib CaniffasViN'f re "pair ara dolajod, tba floorlna; port of the mealing 10 full, but our bwitod ae and ol bar tuiiWr muat rot. inrolrioir e.kluJw it 1. 1 .. . . . (uiucii uvsiitr cawiiise 10 reaiorv pooa ! condition. Rut L.f n.U lit. r.t..l drfSM. ... 1U rnaiais ara at aalt t pei.i.. it quenched or tl.e wronjfs of tba murder jllii matter, aurely ', for tbo altentof tbo ed t.-.e ouea forgotten. 1;,ey w.U live a looB , ,J , )a pidat ion i tco ifreat aud general In memory Uita, in the hearts ol this geuerailoii, and ; " lha fate which b plolled ajjainst tlial Boble mar j Uvo bucuma a.t of a IUJJcQ. And if tyroi hbeny. Abraham LirliMln; may yet tm h1 'u.y inr0 aov dficrefionary power In tbd and r.chlr will it have ln deserved. Jualice wil, , . r ' .t . r .1 , -Kit l, Mi.sfted until Umi u,.,...ler has racei.e.1 I... I',,w of UwrilJ from tbo Uarf. Jj. .'aioa Jifuttr, OrttntUtra. Uliould proceed at once to caneo tha im- Mltum is fsw-ae Four braotiful (!) figure of cvary rcpaira t" be made. H.K four falaihooda aud amuaf a threat of a- j s;ce wri(in;r the above, wa learn that .u ,i,,iion. ,.,!,, jiliu Cieik and Master in Kntj oai row. Mlwre are Mr. fVc. Staunton and air. Holt, cb el 1 , , . . UareM M Miliary Ju,t.c I They o-gbt to ' J capod duatii, a fu w day a ago, by tha i-s-e ibi editor of tha lu-cisier. ila la ma very , u inir of a preat a beet of l aaterinff in 1 1 1 hi office. TI10 trial of John II. Surratt baa been, on lha motion of Ib District Atlorney "IfrV Carrington, srnera ramuToeria rnibwil.- ' ..n. m , in.h U Tha- (nunrrt ft re He oulil to ba In lhe eoudiiiori oTlhe rtJ f Pr eorn-i v- iwa swoisaet lur J aud owe nobody anything : the tUfcuse, were redy for tnal on the 27tb May, o . 1 ih day appointed, and resiireo tn paetpooeTneoi 1-tT" The case of Jolin W. Tliomas ri. Wm. Ii Manh and Hampton, we soe by a pul.Uhed MafeolOnt of tha Ifl'trJnr abr "couiisel, ITu'ira Ilurivn ic McCokxlk, bat been arranged to the credit oi the Defendauta and Die prsiM) of them selves their skill and devotion to the cause of llieir client. It will be remembered that Me-wr. March and Ilamptoo were, upon the complaint oi Thomas, put uoder nuhtarr arrest on th charge of eemng, improperly appropriating, or lailir.j to e cura to the benefit of tbe ftorkholdt'r, 'he spwie of the Iianlc of Lexington. The charge, upon ex aruina.ion, i not auataiaad ia the form of a breach of trust or purpoaa to defraud ; but turui out to be negligence on the pail of .Ux-kholdris tkemselu iu not obtaining (lie renewal or Ilelei.Jants bond for tbe money, a they might hare done nprn ap plication lo them. on the groundt Uiat oeiay wa. exnaroiing iue mewfft the pi iswoer and hi tinner, airl-wearmg out hi life. But the Attorney aruwerej that ma-it-nsl w.taenc for the profecutioq bad not yet ar rivod, though due diligence had been used to cura their attendance. They were di'ly expected. . . Ma. GREELY AND THE LOYAL Maximiliau aod ail his troops are prisoners of war in Mcx:co: and latest nleilierice :. to t) effect tliat Juanz ha ordered hiin hud all h:s Gen eral lo be shot. clud only thot person who to vote for deleCHle bv the aforesaid." and wbo "shall have Uken ibe following oalb." If w read these wotds to themselves, without regard to (he other provisions of the act, tha impre' sion i made that two things must conour to au thorize lb registration of tbe applicant. First that be autaally powesvs the qualifications re Coro active : new. l,83 lor old. Stocks rather beavy. Oold $1,30 J. 5 20's of '021109. I Htltimore, Mty 28. Cotton quiet.low grade of Upland 252oJ. Com steady, l'rime white (1,151,16. Wilmington, May 28. Cotlon firmer, 24. .1 oalifieaiion at ri?iMii ill r-'.illiou or cinl war. 1" iih (Jurt wiM to theke w' etlabiihed nciples, I proceed with the enquirv. I am person iheref .re who gse aid sud romfort ! our ae1nta' IB the wrwilU ur.-.i iirni n m IB12, and in the r with M.xic in'it7, would. io Ibal naitlcular.coin within tb;c!iu. . - la layiog down th rul I do nt forget that for eariaia parpose. and in a ceriain sense every eatiaen tolba rebel btatea darrrtjr th- fya rerwrl- lioa k to aa 'considered a public enemy as in respect o the liability of bis property lo capture a a priee of war-aad4-pl .'riolu acl of Coogrea passed during the rclxlfion which, aa to property, declare its liability lo capture, forfeiture or ooufiscalica wben ued io aid of tbe late rebellion. Uul whenever in any of tbaaa act of Congreaa ILeae terms "aid and , Cora for t" are oad io any other than the coin---- rooBly received adaptation, awn-qualifi.-ation or aaaiLt oa is added to make them arpiv 11 in ui the oinion thai some direct ovrl act. done with lha intent to further the rebellion, i uecea sary lo . bring tha puny within the provision and meaning uf lhe law. Merely disloyal en lirnenlt or eipretsiou. are Dol sufficient. The lrson applying for registration ia not required lo clear himself from iba taint of disloyalty. The meaning of Congress here. Lecoiites yet more evident. When we took at the lait clause of the prencrilied oalh, ha is required to .wear that he will" "fartufUtTy" lapport the coritliiutiori and obey the laws of the United States, and will, lo the best of his ability encourage others to do to. This j art of the oath it not exculpatory but pro- ruimorv. 11 looKt-to tne future ana 001 to ine past, and the purpose ia here manifest to omit at to the right lo Vut the disqualification from iba right tJ exercise odiee. Mere act of coro raon huniHnity aud charity cannot be consider - quired by the original act, and second tbat he is Sp'ritt Turpentine dull, 62. Rosin quiet at rrqmreej by thr Tjnttt to .wear to ereiy one or f34o,zo. these qoalifioations, and tbal ao authority is a .y j Liverpool, Mar 28, p. m.-Cotton con'inueJ where given to enter upon any other enquiry as q,,iel Upland.' 11; Orlrao II J Salt 12, lo hi qualifications or lo aj minister auy other faW. oalh to bim, or any oalh to any other person i From Ilichmon,!. touching his qualifications, and that his oath, aud his oath alone, is punished vilb perjury. ' lU hmond, M iv 28. Tbe .firor lo ilav Il is impojs.U? to rei-l the conclusion thut lhe ticked the ineeatiaiiiin of th rec-nt riot, and oath itself is the sole, anJ ooly tcl of the qualifi- ""t on for indictiueul two colored men and two CHlion of the appl'i-inl. When, iherelolf, a . bite firelivan. person applies tJ lb board for rc,'itrtioii lliu j Uhjctt of Cull. ThoiiUl Visit laWanh- power ol 1 ho I aM is contineJ to me s.iiri;ni trutiori of ibe i recril-d oath, and if theappli cant tnkes t ii ;it. Ins .rvne must go upon Hie ree nter. The Hoard can not enter upon the enqui ry whether le hxs sworn truly or failv. 1 tint enq'iirv niusl b reered lo the comt, which may aflnwardt Lav juii-dietion to try him on an indii tineul for perjury. Next to Ij.edutiee of lha Llo.ird after tba registration is completed, they are lo suporiotend the election and make Commencement e jr. erases at Tborntville Fenial College take plaoe tbe 5th and 6th of June. Itcv V. II. Wheeler will deli ver lhe iermn, and V'. M Robbing, Esq , (both of Salisbury,) will deliver the address. fiyit has bo announced that President Johs toa wtH viit Raleigh, to-day, to witness the cere mony of dedicating tha monument to his father, Jacob Jonssoa, whisb will take place to-morrow, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The addresa on tbe occasion will ba delivered by fX-Oev, Swain. It ia expected the President will attend the Commencement exercises at Chapel- Hill, on Thurs day. Gen. Sickles will me?t the President tt Raleigh, and also accompany hiin to Chapel-11:11. REMARKABLE. We viited the Coiirt-IIouse for a few minutes on yesterday evening and found the cause of Biker r. Harris on trial before the superior Court ol Law I r tins County, now in aes-ion. lo thu suit the riaiiititf charges the Defendant with having aid. in t'ne removal of a debtor of the Plaintiff bevon- i tngton. j VHs!;injton, Mav 29, M ti.-nernl Thorn visit hi re refers rxclusivelv lo T.-nnesiee mnl 1 the limits of the State with intent to hinder, delny iKrs. Precautions have been Irik.-n for i.rnniPt 1 an'l delraud the creditors of Mid debtor. ! Federal action 111 the event of a quarrel between I LSrowLilois's Militia and the people. Markis. New York; May 20, M. Storks very strong Money' 0. Gold'l 37$. Sterling, 60 davs, rebellion. Neveribelesalthough I rongly in td (, ilVO,1Ilg ,hjl p.fty jo p,riic,p8tion io th elioa to think that tba "aid and comfort" litre mentioned abouhj tricily be confined to il re- haowUdfed teital interurataiioa. I am not quite t praparad to aay may not have j -ttaad it aa applicable to the r. l)!lion. I aball 'therefore allow it due weight in the nei! enquiry ta gfeiag eootruotioo lo the cUue m lo bj - coasiderrd. Wa ara now to enquire what is meant by cn raging in insurrection or rebellion agaiusi the t Uoited State. TheTorie o? the term to engage 7 larrtae tbe idea of r actire-TKher thttt ' pasatre; conduct, and of voluntary rather than of com -pulaory aetioa." Take, a an instance, fetxl aoldier compelled to service by force f cncnp " iioa. i,Tak-ra another Inf.anre, tha errs of a rebellion. So, loo, are forced contribution bv lhe r"be aulhorilieaor lhe compulsory payment of lanes- io aid of tha reb lious cause. It would involvii tha person and it must work tlisq julixl- cation untfs'rtltia-Uiti" Voluntary contributions in furtherance of lbs rebel loan and their or ganised contribution of food or clothing, or necetsaiy tuppliet, except of a strictly sanitary character, are to be classel with acts which dis- ijonlifj-. .. : Tbe Hoard of Registration : Tbe original act oonlina (j provision Kv to the manner aitltinie of holding ao election of delegates lo a cooven tmn.or ratification of a eoottiiution fiamed by that couveiilioo, or for other purpose. The 11 si clion of the suppleiiienlal act provide tbat a alar, who, by ibe commanifoT hi master or by iwstralion of voter shall be mad before lhe military order, ha auried in the rank or aided lsl uf S pteiuUer, 1807. Tbe till aud aubse- iatb construction of niilita.y work. It woubJfouent sections provide for the means by wbi& iU19 l 'ivvintiuu return of the votes, list of tbe voters, and of ibeljs. Sifhl lOJalOJ. 20 ' of "fi2, roistered. persons elected lo the commanding ueiieral. 11 j lUGjsl Oi J. Cotton quiet and firm, 27, is very clear from these provisions that in auper- Liverpool; May 29, M. Cotton firm. Sales inleoding these electious the duty of Ilia Hoard estimated at 12,000 bales. Up'andslk .Ot- is to receive the roles of lhe persons whose leans 1 1 j names are upon the registration, and lo r ject all other. M There i no provision t surchiri(e or falsify, cr lo add a .inglrjaine to the regi. tration, or lo erase a single uani" which appears upon it. ,. Nearly ail the Caiholic clergy of Poland who have been exiled to Siberia have beeu aU thorited to return to iheir dioceer. . A con pie of children died recently at lTta -towh, N. J., from eating night sbado gatiiered with mint.j ' Kkkicckv ; Election-. Xhe official returns of the. election in Kentucky for members of Congress show a Democratic mapriiy of tfJ-,042 ovr the Uadicsls, and of .41,353 over the inde pendent and Radical candidates combined. Tbe iloUl role uf lhe JStatebosreyfir. k only .113,4.73. againd 164,014 cast last year, Carolina lUatcIjman. WEEKLY BY J. J. BRUKER. SALISBURY, N. Q., JUNE 3,1867. NEWS OF THE DAY. bt an abuaa of language to hold that in thn iaataneaa tb parlies engaged in rebellion with in tba maaaing of that woid aa usd in this law But whilst in my opinion a conscript or slave forced Into lhe ranks, or other military service, la not included, il doc not follow tbat other lasea tHao these who actually levied war, and -i eolunlarily joined tba rank of lb rebels, are to ba axcloded.1aking it to be clear ihat in r.h ia lobe erjected. ine com mandiug General is directed lo appoint as many board of resiaitation a may be neceasary, con sisting oftbree loyal officers or persons lo make and complete the registration, tnperintenj the lection and make return to Bim of votes, lists of voter, and of person selected a delegates by a plurality of votes cast at t ud eh ction, Rnd upon receiving taij return ha shall open ibe aeoee of tba' law persons may bsve ensgejjuiaiWtL ascertain in pisunaUteda4UU'giit, Yt- LlTl!T'l:':.L-.'.. C: .--ii-i ..: j . . i ... " r i .,l i . . the rebellion without hating actually levied war or taken aim. Ail fbo iho in Wgt((lrive on ' ' otbar ofseial capacity, were engaged in the fur v. theranceof a cuuiraon unlawful purpoaa, orper aon wbo, ia their individual capacity have done apj overt Bet for lhe forpose of promoting tbe . " rabuvlBa;' wilf beiard. To the 'meaning of lbia law, to bare "engaged in rebellion." A1J ' parsons who, during the relwllion, acicd in atn . ..oflklial capaciljr w.bera the duliea of oflW nee anly bad relaUon lo the support or ibo rebel- lion, toeh aa rember of the rebel Legislatures - aad-Tebel Congress, and rebel convention,' diplomaiio asent ot, lhe rebid, CoufdjBiac)Vor v""': T anch other ofliuial whoae duties more especially a pertained to th support of the retiel caue, alon Olficers in these rebril Siate who dufihg h jabtllioji,4licbrgel official duties not iiict dBt to war, bul lo the preturralion of order and adtmioitfraliaai of Jaw are DoVto be aonsidered aa thereby engaged in rtbellion.Tbe interest of humanity require anch officer for tb per "foruiaiiaa of socb official eondoct In lima of war -or ioiarreetioa, a well at ia time cf fieace, aad the parformanc of ucb dudea caa never be '.- ;--'0oa idereI cri m i n all , cannot tai ag nj ysclf - 'ba Conelasloa ihal-Gooras oqiild have useaai luspect tbe return of the ollioors who conduct ed shI election,' riiikprmrlaintnn thereof, and if a majority of votes given on tbat question shall be Inc.." a cotivention, lhe Commanding Ooiieral, within sixty dtiji from date of election, shall notify live j..!e-.ates to awinble in eoiiven yews. Hraxoa, Via. Galveston, May 27. Letters from the American consul at Monterey confirm the capture of Maximillian. The reply of President J turpi to Minister At a convocation of the Salisbury Royal Arch Chapter, JNo. 20 10 Salisbury, A,Ur oo Uw JDih May, A. 1. 1867, A. I. 2397,. the fcllowing were elected officers for lhe ensuing year : M. E., Li ke Hlackuxr, If. P. K, Wilms x Mcrdocu. K.' . F., John M. Cornx, 8. 1 Comp.. D. A. Dayis, C. II. ' Delavam Batr, R. A. C- " GXOHGI II. ScTDAM, P. S. -- " -" Eton O. VLACkMKii, 7 V. " UAV'ttUAM U. Bailh, M. 2 V. - P: A. Frewits M. 1 V. ' " Obapiah Woodsos, Sec'y. " Jostni V. Hall, Tre9siirert , Delegates to the Grand Chapter : Comp. Wm. Murdoch and Clinton A. Ciltey. The Counsel lor the Plaintiff are an Ex-Gover- imr of tbe State, the present Speaker ol the State Senate, and an hx-aolicitor ot the sixth Judicia ('ircuit For the Defendant, an ex-member of the Federal Congress, an Ex-Judge of our Superior Count, an Ex-Allorney General of the Slate, ar. Ex -Confederal Colonel, and the author of " Cousi:. Sa'ly Dillard, presenting an array of talent qurt. equal to that of their existing and defunct digmtc aud literary distinctions. AorlA Slate. , It may also bo 'mentioned, as an ftem of some lo cal interest, that (his case occupied tbe attention cf the Court for two days, anl was thoroughly inves tigated. It wu given to the Jury about 8 o'clock, Friday evening, who returned a verdict, an hour or two afterwards, in favor of the Defendant - ' ' ' - " ' 'Ocu Brass BAND.--The Wilson " CaroZi'in'an," compliments tbe Salisbury Band, thus; "For tbe occasion of tjSe Commencement exercises at the University on the 3d uf Juue, we are pleased to see j announced the fact lhat Uie Salisbury Band ha;" been engaged. - 1 his company 01 musicians is made up of some of the first young men in the State. The Band is inseparably connected with the history of lhe Army of Northern Virginia, and many re miniscencies of the past are recalled while we pen this article as a slight tribute of simple justice to , Band of Music that is at once the pride of Nolh Carolinians. En piutant We would inquire ol Snigsbywtiy-the Minagers -ot ttre 'MeuYcat Ball, manifested in their selection of music solittlu an- precialioi) ol uativ taicat aud woiUi.r v LEAGUER3. ' Tbe Loyal Leaguer bava made a furious on slaoght upon Mr. Greeley, for igning Mr. Davis' bail-bond. They notified him to attend a meeting of tha League of which ba waa a member, wlxrav and when bis conduct iu the premise .would ba considered and acted upon. He declined attend ance and defied tlie League. They had bitwrfy Ierecuted him because he had plead for mercy for the rauquished rebels. " One impudent puppy," cays he, " wrote me to answer categorically whelb I was or was not in favor of hanging Jeflf. Davia ; adding that I must stop bis paper if I were not C Again" You evidently regard me aa a weak aeo timentalist, mislead by a maudlin philosophy. I ar.ign you as narrow-minded blockheads, wbo would kke to be useful to a great and good cause, but don't know how." " I tell yon boro that, out of a life earnestly devoted lo tba good of . human kind, your children will aelect my going to Richmond and signing that bail-bond a tba wiaeal act, and will feel tbat it did mora for freedom aad humanity than all of you were competent to do, though you had lived to the age of Methuselah." t uk nothimr of ou, theo, but tbat you pro ceed to your end by a direct, frank, manly way. Don,i sidle oil into a mud resolution of censure, but move the expulsion which yon purposed, and which I deserve, if I deserve any reproach what ever. All I care for is, that yqo make kfys a square, stand-np light, and record yoor judgment by yea and nays. Understand, once for all, that I dare and defy you, and that I propose to fight It out on the line that I have hold from tba day of Lee's surrender. . u iLjra-yon-fkir notice that 1 aball org tha ro enfranchieeroent of those now proscribed for rebel ma so soorras I shall feel confident that tbia couraa i consisteut with the freedom of tho black and O13 union of tba republic, and that I aball demand a recall of all now in exile ooly for participating la the rebellon, wheneyerhe country shall bare been so thoroughly pacified tbat ftrafey wIlllW thereby be endangered." . . I married: , ' ' In this County, Tuesday evening, 28th May, by A. M. Brow,n, Esq, Mr. ELI AS u. JlJEILlt t Mrs. LUSANNAH BUSMEN, ol Mocasvuie, iji.u. 1 1... iha 9.1.! Uv. hr Hyfiarrino-r. Em . Mr CIIARLE3 F. KLUTTS toMisa SOPHIA E. KE5LER. ' ARREST HW-A.?.ea5!S3 m my employ on the farm, took advantage of a Krif aWni-e of mvself and family from mr dwelling, on fuesday tha 28th instant, entered the bouse and earried off a pair of boot, a full suit (newjf dote Mloredcordoroy-coat, panta and vesU-a self-eocking five (hooter pistol, two shirts and two pair of aock. and, m7 be, other article not yet missed. Hi name la Andrew, merly tbe slave of Jehu Foater. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprebenelon of tba thief and tbe recovery of ibe property. - Salisbury. May 8 Fr l8ft7 tr st-wlt ----- Jl is. reported that Ex-President Jefferson Davis RADICAL MEETINGS SPEECHES, &o. " It is a feature of the times in the South, that all tbe political meetings, speeches, Ac, arc bethel Campbell recounts lhe griovauce of his parly j Radical party. No one rises UP in opjiosition. The I at lhe conduct of Maxiimllinn. lie juslifies tbe j newspipers in all directions teem wiih notices ofl previous , executions, rud refues to promise J-Sr Union League," meetings of whites and, black, 1 woj.k aiij tlie crass -! .:. -ii .:a. r .)- .1.- r .i...... .. ... -' Safely to Maximillian. has accepjed an invitation frornrthe Proprietor ol the White Sulphur Springs, in Catawba, N. C; to visit lhat place on his return from Canada, and that he will bo there, with his family, tn July or August. -ytO . The last, week Ws alternated n itb copious show ¬ er and warm sunshine. Vegetation is rapiu am luxuriant. Much farm land has bevu iki wel to is getting a strong hold. HVe S tate of-IV ort Ii Garolino, MONTGOMERY COUST. . ' Suprrior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1S6L . Dewit C. Mc.Vuley.1 " ' . v$. AttaotimcnL ' George W. Sigley. ) - v " It appearintt to the satT'faction of the orjurl.that t'ie defendant Geo. W. Sighy i not a reaidenl of this State, it ia therefore ordered by the'eoort that publication be made for six weeks m tha Salisbury Watchman, coii.'ying the defendant to be and ap pear at the next term of this court, to be held fur the count v aloresaid, at the Court House, in tbw frnwrr-of Troy. -on tbe laxt ,Monday to Aogrsrext, t n,l rMilo.v and ntesd. or final Hnlimienl Will ba. pKsmcoustraiaed.9iat0jsC.Ulfl South- ...The. ciii- i Mr.J3aXn.x state1 that he will sctiJ b-plmto-- rondered against bun -X..v." xen is deprived of bis political freedom unless it graph to all, now subscribers to the Tribune. ' J Witness Jams B. Ballard, Cieik of owaaid on a Wdes, Iron) day to day. il there any olb- I ,,r -ira- h,o,oms not vet nlanled. ar.J likelv From Texa. . lerpaityorgaaiaatMn it does not show itself, and , ,. liarvmtimr of w'.eal and I hav makins? will soon press udoii lho;ut . This" atate of politic occurs naiuratlv under the; . -o jGidjreston, May 27. The attempt to collect lis unknown. taxes levied during the war, which would sacrifice j 'bojfoparty -of Union inenjia Called forth an' order from (Jioeral Grijfin forliiddiog tbe col- lec'ioo of.iUch.lx . .,.,.,...-, .. .- Judge jIUeves, of tte ninth district of Texas, has decided thai negroes are not competent wit- ta.. tn ( rt K,lilt.l man greennacft as a icflaie-teouer- sald court at o'ffice. in Troyi tlie' but'Mooday ia :.Ur..T? him 1.1 n-!ll, !,. rim,i.'.l n.'.lir 1 t'C - l,nd n.fnl.l tl..ii'.,i whw z .zz r ' r . . v K z r r ; irry, A. d i?67,and in tb,ttjaai.oTAB pai iv. liens in the.-iion's motitli, ar.J without the per. We'll send' tuv of oor photogra'.! s, winch ia-' I liii.i al a tlivirt and nlapd la hs mentioiiet! in the notification, .' and muI convsntionwhen or. t Mhtf ill JieqHM for thi. EJjtC& , tii ganised, shall proceed (o frame a ConstKution i i ' . . . . - ... . . j Hiid cirri government accoraing to me nrovi- y Ppa,1k. ions or tbi act and lhe act lo which 't '''PVl ball Tlulchiccs; pleirjentanr.'iind when thf aame shafl have been I i,: '.i:. i i.i, . yi k in iiw.ii ii i'i inw ...ii ! ttiai tiy-piiuui-i wt ' j so, and because tlicrcis no, use m reistai;ce. a lie i : Judge tveiiey seat, oni of- ik-ii;.. ... i:i J. B. BALLARD, C 8. C. .Iued the ll'th Ai-rM . 7-iw SilfiCofliK peTlTiWJf , wtteti frwihitri cT,spm! ifi iii ncuon snail oe r,'strreu. aim wnen, li.ere. wkh ap trained, aaid Uoiitiluiion ..ball oe tuttmitteM -j-icaii, j. . . i - . be iw UMMiarcli s wrath to intimidate, ami con Y. TferaM. and' the' other br the T. :. e Mierr. ia c.;;.T'a tmmi.,.int I .M K I H,V SI Wtl .1 Sllll I 1' ru.'inti,Vri'in,.i I.. i,.rltf Wi r n. 1 1 ..1. .1 ., .1 :i -I'I) , . ... .-, - - i v mev loilow nun ci.'sere, aii.i to iwp-h miyau JUi. JJl? (are resiuencu VI iv. a..UinijttTfi!tn4iaJyr iaw ..." -suture----s;, , ; ... 0f, . 1L, i,,!;,,-., .. -.- I Tuesdav, tbe lltli ot June, next, a ek. beoueatl. 110.000 fur the . no change in Hi prescMYt ',)n.ti:iorr.iintri- ihat. ttroe-r-. -' ., - 4. - ' -.. - isal proDerlr beWeina ta h by ibo oonraotwevfor rasttwaUoa lo thw persona registered under the proions-of tLts act t an erection lo be conducted by lb officers or JMPaV.Jrt'.swnlvMirJis APJi B ISjLbjLJS&sl commanding Geserkl a herejnbefor provided, jbiought jnlo and lo be held after lhe expirativO of thirty days fiondate of Ootico thereof To be giveu by said coovention, and returns thereof hl be made lo the oumibanding General of tha district. . Th sixth section provide that all election in lb S: ale mentioned in aid''Vt (o provide for ih mora efficient govern menl of tha rabel State," J ball, during th operatic of aaid act, ba by bal lot, aod all oPjoaea wakiw aaM eegistralioa of' vuteraoeaaducting said ajtWaiowt shall, befur lion and improvemeut of the negroesof, irns' '"?".V " tbe .cUtfir -,.,,,. ... ... . . I . ( ii is uuiy gratiiying to'onservi inat " ourrall on l run. iu, i;e political moetMijs ol the day ai toliu- - t .- oi Li.-'iIaU- .l.. interest, it lre.iueu)rliapp.-:i Hiat li(-y give tue Ciiminai eoiui io,-uy .. Oe.r-j lM!0e f . ,i,e c;.. tried for murder, and 'Conspiracy to kUI 1 rev reven ue for the everlasting pr inciples of truth, drat Lincoln. . " j'isiioe-and right'ctus'in relerence to their fcllow- lLa brother I-.SC b beei brought, from : men. which form the base-work of conservatism Texe.'end wis trrttiT court room5 a iberence to that which is wise and good iustead rrcli: , ap.paiin2 to hi peot'.e ! r th iiat ahhnifgh , .Souther!! relief (mid, said, "My sister. Mis Stowi-; 0 111tK "'"'"i ha i a-t, 'returned- ur..nt . a two mmha i .iifnry eiit;rtiapl. :i Hial UK'V Rive . i . . .. i.,i..... w i- - j-r. iuth have Kvn fK-l.l,-d to a-j Kp !- of g ; ibo e.lucle proceed lo sef, ?dJ?, deo'd, on part ot tue per- Eatate, wltith is a KlkrV i Horia buttle Ho"S4f " "Cta '-nM AA K.srsxwv an.l liarnal hiW RatltrWksT SB half tri-ii The defence were r.ady for th. trial but lhe ' " wiia alter ana rising a.i upon, an ao- - , , .. , I strsciiou. c are pirasea io ipo.iix, iu ma cvir government vw-isot J ,,-etioS, fwo apceches reported by tfeeWjlmjQir- Thay represented that lLT had Baed daa JeHy,., tjveVed m that place on Ssutroav list, VgeBca,balaa jrel had been Busunccsaful tai Resv Wm." Qiimevad Emmersori Hinnant, proeeriag jha BtVadaooaf foee nSriniporiu!h mn-. ' They ab'i.1tr firm'y in- fiw eon- UBt witneei vr, t;in their hig!;et and b inter ia srlow 1." . , .1 . T 1 "I .. . I I CUIllvai'-a iini wouu . rneu jour vuta i relate them as she told theui to rue her 1m Shelter. 2 wind mills, set of biacksrnttb Uot, Itepain jWafrtt'. .The Cunf r Gotlrt should be informed, if not already known totUcinljhat thj roof of the Caart-II ooaeia lo great-t;oe4 df-Jrpir,.4 The rain y'eralir . ponra. laro'egh i it at' aeTolfTnutliWs ' and all kinds of farmmz tools, ton ther with house- . . .. . . . . t .-. n ' noM and Kitonen.iurniiure, aquauiuy oi oacouaa.i lard, and various other articles too frdious tp nisu- 7 lion. Termsniade Iniown on dav of !. - ive& ti milleba ,.Ma2L'67 213t SyviaiAgmr. j. j. siihmerell; iir d Og trti ft, dewO, T Wswt ITarrl," 9AI.WWHY. -V