i. - 4 , ' ( "r - ---.- l it. n t " ,. ' ' ; ' . ' r .- " 7 -... ..,,. : , ,, , , .,,.,, ; ., ,4 ... , S;. sr aeke, . si , end d. V01rr2.-THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY NrCrrMONfiAyT-JUNE 17, 1807 - NO. 21 WHOLE-NO. -1767? sir, set ! IT. o: AT. ; vf b- r-' iaa T r .4 0 f a d rf 'i JZ& .,.v.,:.v.,.:::;::::?iM pw ior.m..u. A.d- p. Uajaana. ' officer bo shall refese or neglect to ATEt OF ADVmTHIMQl 0s&qaaw(attfon3Bae)Br io rtioo, 1 00 . H Bad Sib laaartioo, each, 60 . . for each, additiooaJ publication, 43 , ? GENERAL ORDERS. '," , UsapociaTims taMiuraar Dmvbjct, Cbarkjetoe, S. G, Job 8 J, 1 87 Gaeerel Order I civil officers flom tb discharge of any of tb t Of lb any civil eglect to perform promptly th duties berl required of Lira, or wbo shall make soy fide rioro or report of lb t Bite's berois prescribed shall be dismissed from his office, and ba subject to trial by Military lommlauoii for misdemeanor. IX. Sheriffs, Coostab!, aad other officer. whoa official emolument at ooofload to cost. and ht, (ball b allowed for Mrrioe perform ad aader tbe order of ibe Provoet If anhal Oea era! the tame euata and fwe, to ba paid ia tbe Mm maoaer aa I provided by tbe Law of tbe Meat proviikwargovefMDMU Jjf'' r.7c -Lr eWffsChWe cf Wt ? Marbal,LBji-r.oti lii.-1 Cbiebof DetectiTM ad To Uarabah of thai jLttfmmuttiLfiUtti&lXilAXliU aerarai awtw, ma; know oTaay tbrealeaad bracb of tbe peace BiaaMpal orreaiaatioM la North aad Soatb Co- or of tb Mn.iU r im. nff-J. .M ror.aa. .in at oaoa, p Ult.rerUot.CoL,, to pu.i ihrTOf al cw u abal ueaerw ajwe.aa miary mn, v-. ioWB; or, If tba rime or diaorder abaU be oom tMtoa, oua ""'-C V "J?" I raJUed oiibout tbelimiu ofaaf cily or towo,to tUlioa, d.l, port effica aaiat t paraa lrict. -lvJ if Mtion,b Bot beUk.a Bom. aad tbe talborttf by wbom apputated, k tk. m t it,. ..n.. .h.iik. Cetooer. CoartaMai, ud otbar offleera ia tbi pcUd. tucb peraoo are repealed to report all MJitart Diatrld, boae daw It ia to nabe arreaU lU(tcU Vgti Commaader aad to tbe aad, bo are aot ioetaded ia tbe force of aay p,oro,t u.tal GeoeraJ. . XL ImpriaoBmaat for default ia parmeot off m . ' . . 1 eoau, htf orebargmoT coart, altoroKn or public tasen. iliall pol.esoeed thirty daja. ' ' Bf eomroaod of - VI A J. GEN. D, E. SICKLES. J. W. Clou. Capt 8ib U.S. Iofaotry, A U. U-B A. A. A. U Sbari Cbief of Police, Car If anbai, Chief of llaiactiee. or Toa Maniuil, will make iadivid al Itporte to tbe proroat llarebal Geaeral ia - like maoaer aad foraaaaboeoaaqawodT -IL Wbeaeeitf aa bomicidt, race, maybem, fctoaoaa aaaaatt, ba'jtary, araoa, rolberj.or lar eeaj bere tbe proparty atolea k of lb talae of le-ety-8re doliara aad more eball be eooa aiiited vxbia aay city or to a ia tbie Military lJialrtet, Ua cbief officer of polioe of eacb city or towe, aball at oooa laveatigata toe caao aad re port tbe facta to the Protoat Manbai Oeoeral IIcADQt'a, So MlLTTilT DllTKICT : Charletton, S. O, If SO, 'CJ. r Qonerai Orders, ) No; 83. f The following named oeraont ara here by appointed And constituted a board to report for the consideration and the ac tion of the Commandinir General need- ful arrangement! roles reirolations And a a v forms or proceeding tor tne regiatrA tion x- - . " WWa WW f aB- .aVVUta VO Jm aCaVata Mai. 5th Caralry Chief of Bureau, of. uru AUalra, r resident. '" tdf7 l be alHra do rlsnt Question before) Mmperitiraon the part of our !sr makers llialn. and tha . - . . i . . . . . I li i. 1.. r tbe peoDle or . xforth Uarolina. And lnll,u acr. imaui nixwwrrw ur oaior ion timp. aiivj at.- . I . Wit .' 1 1 i.ui. u....!n mem to rezieier anu tojp. inoy win peace, prosperity. And intiaenc or tns State for good, depend npon the Action of the people in the coming election. It is true tuers are many alternatirea, so for as Individuals sre concerned, bnt the fa- tore of the StAte depends npon tbe ac tion of the great body of the niAaaes. Tbe hold ber destio in their hands, &ilubwy Banntr of Uonday. Go to Work. We loarn that Col. Eddie, on Monday morning last, - was overwhelmed bj the crowd which pre sented itself st his office for eld. He found man persons there, white And black, well, heart end in some cases, the ASA? t-1 a- aaa 4tr lanli. Kamab aawb Jtw m f.fjjdnrr'tf fialmKn r-r-Vnrth ri.iber oese. Lor-rloT. bar bonor8he J -1 i - '. . -. - ..-..-..- rolina . . v .. J confidaa ia their patriotista And de votioa. 1 E.'"g--r ?J!.n '.'. Jtftrm. fuhtr, of Kalelgh "North SbelovUto-them :VsWeU ber from the J " UV- .... V Uarolina. Liu.y.i,.j ..i .t. a loution of profisionstue numuer of tns- J. W. Cardota.ot a Arleaton. 8oDth".r! 1 U?..T". tlonar. w.. am.ll . bnt h La. inaJ CaroTInAT : r waiew -wAieo-er -irons r muum eaa i ; - t-.t-- laruijna. ...... .. . . 1 frnm Ha In ta until ivn It .roll Ltmutl Booxr, of Lexington, South wiinoot, tone now lies prostrate, before 'di bundreds. The Carolina. Ith miliiarT.DOWcr of lha ciaaral ?ovl : TheSdArd wiH convene snd" orffnJzer.' . i .Jl " . t.k Colooel seems to Lave got tbe Wea tbal .k. rv.--i t r.i...i.. .t ""om '1 "I,k. t, t. i.s. .m. . tbe distribution of its resources In tbe usual way. This plan might involve ex ceptional eases, but it would also Avoid Imrtful expenditure, whieb would pro bully more than compentate for then. And as the exceptional cases conld essl !y obtain relief by Applying to the "War )una of the Poor ia such comity or dis trict in which they reside, there could be do danger of starvation. Wbea all those wbo hang around Col. Eddie's office hare gone-to -work in earn, aethe hduld do,, there wfll be iia ncefulty for taxins 'either the' Government or tbe eoenty end the people OAoernJ will themtefyes feel TMfJy better, J.-f1-- A STRANGE STORY. Strange stories have been from time oettiag fonb tbe aalareof ibe crime, ibe aaroe to time related of jewels, rings, and even aad reetdeeceor toe party egaiuel whom praoa I watcnes, iobdq in nsuos wuen eaugtit Ana or property aace enme aaa aeea oommiueM, toe i opoeu, anu anDscquentiy returned to time wbea aad place wbere it aa eommiued, their owner. AYbetber or not these sto- lbs same, daaenptwa aad reaideeco of tbe offeo j ries be true I of course cannot, say, bat der, if kaowo; aad if Ibe ffader baa been ama 1 1 vouch for the entire troth of tbe foil tod,atuf wbrtatae- baaaeeatokea toaeoBre 0n;reiate(1 by , clergyman, himself ' ""P'i "Tf , w; , ne" of "be atory, to a WAndering cir n igHxauiKia amen m.i n wwiw i. n , ftf ,(,, Tlrtnl. f ,;-k;. .tltAa and ' arraat. RWiff. nf . . . " , ,,t.. . - T l umll.iiii aa a flnulv lhalajM l.v nn aaa.iia. i Aarth IJaraha.. and of Dislrwta io I . . v"j ment. ult was one summer twilight," said be, 4,that standing on a rustic bridge wlncli spanned a well fcuown trout stream near my father's Louse. I won long loved Hie a w I own nngcr. 'It was my mother a engagement ring," sue, lialf in earnest aud iialf plar- fully, "and there is a superstition con nected with it. So lone as you keep and wear it we are engaged : but if yon Soalk CanJiaa, aball iavertigato and make re port of aacb otTeacee, wbea eommiued wilbia HWir, rvs'ecUvo eoaatlaa or dietrleis aod aot wiibia lb limiu of aay city or towe, io hka aaaaoar aad (ana) aa ia bereia required of cbufc of oolico of oities aad towaa. bea aa offend . . . 1 tn- r or wboee vOaaco aaa beea reporteo, snan u ar yrom ine gin i uaa long lovea I lie pro-, retted, report of tbearrert will be made at1 once I in iso to be my wifo. She ai Soinethiug y tMoOtoar ia ouarge to to iweu iarDn i . a couett, and l uad a rival in tu GenaraL , I field, so. to make the matter aura to mv , CoaeondaUd Moatbly R.-portaor the aboveLelf, and evident to hint and others, I drew eaamerated erhnea will also be made bj 'there froiu ,er iBn( g rjnfr ,,, ofs apeciiva ouio.aa w. w. u- teo dec.rod .he wnld civo only t6 her ;:fl'4J,BtoJ,,r, betrothed lover, and transferred it to mv aHiaaa .111 wm vj j'v. -'t . tioa. Tbe report to iaclad tbe peiiod from Jaaaarj Irt to May Slat 1807. ; III. Wbeaever S priaooaT shall brenk Bad ee cape from a peailaottary, Jail, or other pruoo, io tbe Second Military Dial net, tbe officer Io charge eaaeh UMitaatiarV. tail, or other Driaoa aball at -ees wiakr yeport "of '"tbe facts w tbe Prorortjiooae or part w ith i t ny way, the en-. . . Alarsbal Oeaoral, aeUiog forth ia socb report toe gngemeut IS DroKen. do. take care. data of aaeapei lboaaojeofaaeb capad priaoa "Some weekf after she went away on or, bis description, age, roaideoee, tbe crime for a visit, and then my consolation was to , wbicb eommitted. wbetber under awiteoc or haunt that favorite mot on the bridy , awaiting trial, whether reeaptnred; aad stating I wbfesls had been our trysting-placo. Once, .. M it. . Ika awauMaa aa aaJ tlaaa ak4 . . . , a. la. . . f . . - . . . . ui iu.w . ... u. u-- leaning over the railing and thinting suaces aader wbtcb H waa effecl-d. Keporu over our betrothal, I took from roy fiuC la bkeforra and maaaer will b mad by all fc tre.inrwi 'rn and gated fond- affliHia Crnm atbaaa alnl nnaoaar. mat aa. r . 6 i..: t.-. . J., 1 lJ cn initials here as well as her wVa k.ni .0. tfca mother s enirraren within. In attempt 1 UV?JTejr m Hrewal USUI s;vpwa waaw sewvo I , . , . , , J., wiU U at oace reported to tbe Prooit Mart b.l 10 'cplate it, the golden circlet fell Geaeral by tbe officer from wboa cuatody tbeKrmn m' KM,,P and lPPre1 in . priaooer racaped. Failui to make prompt re- J water below. . porttf etcaped priaooer aa bereiq required will 'Oaly A lover under circumstances can toeulpale th delioaoaat offioer. aa aiding aad tmagtae bow 1 felt. Day and night I abetting tbe eaeape. : . I mourned, disconsolate, my lost treasure; jr. lue Btieria oiconiiiea in riorio Caroline i aoa my great aread waa nor returning aoo of eiatrictc ta oootn Carolina, . win at one and finding tlie ring nwsjsing. let, , repon io id rrorcw Hartnai ueoerai id con strange to Bay, 1 Had a iingnlar nresenti- itioaoftoejaiXrM.ofj haaI"'al.'W'aWai' aJT ''tak' rL aii' Wa1nrM-l ... a '. ' . V. . .wrv.. -....v- v. recover it tuouga oy vbat mcana I bad coorflirt, as to eapacitiy,couveoieBce aod secori- naFireaL V. All aiail Alfinaia hv.nr alum nl ana tail I " j m. m tk f t..l I- rl..l..i .u.ar.t. a iu vnauvi lu kau BJ 1 V9 lull, uu liJO I iu I , , m r r avAtwa aa O v f vai ai ea w a n k aai a. lr w aaara ra I ha dlf of Jan. IRnT. and a if from ta F""r '".-. t : . 7" ... "J i.r.. i.i. kti. Aiii t .--i "wuii - u-' uv"i '""""S" uay oniu aiasoirea o orders iroo tnese -"- r" I ratal to idleness UzIocm: end as tLis Sheridan and xieaaquaners. " I umoa, ao ioux aa nor inuiius anu peopio i , . , ., , TbeUoATd wUl choose from their nam- look iiatl-asJr on,- She nointa to th. fate ,ar ,rora ,ue V?W l 1 T M "... a a I I ham a aa AAnaf o I nAil An M AnIA V it n a oer. xMscoroer oi ineir proceedings, ana of Tennessee, of Miesouri, of West Vir- sAiioa AtuU Out exceed .free dollars a NEWS OF THE DAY. Fa- gmia, be was constrained on Moudar, to sus- and though writhinc nnder the! ' . ' . . . . I I ikh with -wimw in narrnarinir I M n t w a irnn haul nr STuarnriA TiAtror lrina nnr ffi I "- f i- - "!"...r.- - r " n - -rf - uJ. a. 1 " r i. ...:.... . Yb Mmm.n;n. . f ,k- tha Jn a iron t of hh trro.t rrnAil annl lcul ' lu" ,uw pwaooo amc.jr 6V.UmB will provide anitable aDArtmeuts for the to be snared their mlaerv. Dreferrini? ra. witbm tbe contemplation of the scheme, meetings of the Hoard. to eri8U. pned to the earth with TL' mtJ be 1-r2er n-uibef of por s IImj Assistant Adiutant General will .v, k-,j-i1. mm,M sons io the county since, tnaa before, do de. on the requisition of the Recor-I t. ... . . . Lio,. 07 .k- -ar. who cannot sunoort of tbe Jjoard Approved by tbe Tree- Zw.syJL"" - - - , ' --,-- r,r,r.: . - - . such atationerv. book, and nrint- It is in the power of the people to re- loemaeives. kjim ana iie.pie.. uugroce provi der ident, ing as may be required, having a duel deem end protect her, And enable ber to regara io economy, and the dispatch ol become once more en honored And gnidr business. - ,u a r c.... it. . . . , t ... i iijk Biariu lug kiwi ui.uaii.vui v. uiaica Hid AAmruinB.hnn Af III. m.mh.M rn . D o ilians) will be six dollars a day And com- "eJ 8noaia WKe rain? 7 n oi mutation at the rate of ten cents a mile Tennessee i And Missouri, And Avoid the for eacb mile travelled, taking the near extremes which portend ignominy and est usual ronte Irom their respective piaccs oi residence io ana irom unsnes should take care that the convention tOIT.' ' -!- . 1 fj4.Trr. 4Bfrt Haw icinvmnA - hftfors ths tAgf Br command of ilalor Geneml D. E. I r au ;a r.r th rf I J I ucivhiuvi mm w.mwvw v. .. .ku Srrvita? I .l-I n.Ji--i ;..rli . i mflror d nr mini .liar thiuku iiihiiw " " rf hJ who were formerly cared for and sup ported by their masters, would certaiuly swell the number considerably. But we do not think that -the number 61 white people in this county should be very much larger. Nearly all the whit poo- Wells tfo latter IVew (Means, Job 9.- Yesterday mom tag -it half past 9 o'clock, Brevet Brig. GeS. i oo, VV. Foravthe, of Geo. 8beridan 'a siatf, called at the Esecotiv ofllc, at Mcbsale lotltote, and I'f told Gov. Welle that be boro A Wriitaa oommw-- eieaiioB to him from tbe Genera! Commanding, wbicb waa fouad to be aa follow ; ....... IIsSDtfrAkTSBS TW Miutast DiaTmicr, ) " Kw OrleaB, Jao y:'.: I -of Louiliamm: . Sib: Gov. Flanders baa juat iaformed me tlut ba baa msde aa official demaad ee yoa for (be recotdt of tbe otfic wbicb you bav hereto for j held a Governor of Louisiana, aad tbat yoa bar declined to turn tbetn over to him.diepa ting the right to remote from office by ma, which yon ba a acknowledged aad urged on ma op to . - jlie time of yoor own rerool- i tberaforo . , for once happy Louisiana. They P,e uad. nd hf 3 et hnm and friends, MC1 Brevet Brig. Geo. John VL Forsyth, of mv sun. to Botiiy yoa mat ne m sent y m to ejact, yoa. irom the Gorernor's room forciblj fOmciiL : J. W J. W. CLOUS, Capt. 38th Infantiy, A. D. a &, A. A. A. G. I material of men. that by their fellow men, And who will not be moved by their prejudices And passions where end by whose Assistance, they hare, lived secure from etaration. It is not so with the negroes; moat of them left their old homes and wandered out to find new ones. Even tbe very aed of Clous, Capt. 38th Icfantry, A. D. U & A. A. A. G. THE NUMBER SEVEN. . . .1.. ,. , - . I fj , , A to A general disliancuisement ol tuetr mem, eiaieaai tue laes oi ireeuoin, leu neighbors, and the wholesale confiscation homes which many of them could have ofproperty by the incorporation of agra- kept a their lives, And wandered off riau principhis into the whU their children and relatives into a lair fTtalrincr ntlinr run i pa I plmncroa in IIia time honorod institutions of the State.-- 'Je freedom; to live not as they might, These are the dangers which threaten but as they could. It is but reasonahl the people, anrw hich are to bo feared to suppose that they havo proved heavy This number is frequently used in the more tjian. all tht Congress will do, or writings of the Bible : On the 7th day God ended his work. In the 7th month Noah's ark touched the ground. lu 7 days a dove was sent out. Abraham pleaded? times for Sodom. Jacob served 7 years for Rachel. And yet other 7 more. than permanent military government We can imagine no condition that wonld not be preferable to that of Ten nessee. Louisiana is als9 threatened with a similar fate, but her people are alone to blame, lhoy refused to register And rote, aiwl the . consequence a thai radi cals And negroes will secure the control priaoa or workbola this Military ptatrict, conIJ on? fi8U. 11 p and just then there shall, oa tbe last day of each month, make a re qoiver, a tog a poll, and a atrug- porttothe Provost Marshal General opoa blanks glestmy line and after some play I to be bv him prescribed and furnished npon an- drew-ont a fine large trout. At the sight filiestioa of all peraoos wbo have been ooofioed of him the thought suddenly and unso a aacb jail, priaoa or work-bout durifig tbelcountably flashed into my mini that the uroio, Miuog torio io nameoi m prisoner, ring my ioei ring waa io oe louna bis description, residence, age, wbea eommitted, within his body. for what oOeoaa arrested, by wbora arretted, by J cannot accou nt for the feeling, but I whots order arretted, whether under sentence, know thKt it wa, beightenod into almost or Swaluog trialj if Bnder seiitBc bf wbat trif a conviction T when, 'upon grasping lbs !!Zi a ,uW .5 , victim, I perceivell on a portion of his period -and lb amouet of fine or ooU if any; t,i .;jri - 1,f T.-n-a,n lri. bTwspfo7ed;bWsaUbited;wheibwdiscbarg. "'"'" protuberance, And felt rHira-lBrrWawa S3, oy wBat Mtbofitt; irtMoalefrtid, to What .-w - place aoloy whom ordsred Jba irst report "I "'"d my large pocket clasp-knife, rnsda aadot the retirements of this paragraph Mgeraaa mad? me cruel jet not more will Include the period from January 1st to May so than if i had left my victim , ' I slow and lingering death. I . c f VL All bberiOa, Cutiaiablaa. Pulic and otter head, and then, with a trembling band. ii'd officers and peraont, wboee duty it Is aoter J ripped open his body, and explored tbe . io.iawHM)aprowKnar Kofnmenuoinorin suspicious protuberance. Aly knife graU Csrohoa aad Sooth Carolina to serve write or ed against a6methin,g hard, and yes, I , . . ' r "Oe" 'He glitter T some shining sub .- - "-'i -' '1" " i . with a beAtlng heart and treaibl ng band . nnirad hi l.a In nhif and aTaruta arita. aar. I . . ' vb " e rant, orotberproceetiaauedbTeirilrTiagittralea. u"rtll . i .i i 1 Jiesiataaea.eHsob JLreatbJeaUjnqu.ft r.lTi'.T , t . of the State government, and their nat uEouxnea.i.Maf jpr.pn. i frnit8JWni , follow, and tbe people Janhh waa nnnnui a T H,iv.' mnrnaa . " ' a i .4 -rf- -rf i must Buomiu , - , , .. .A If the conservative masses register -rLr:"v : :J r V S. . . " jv 4 ' nd vote we may avoid such Humiliation iTTtSMnSia who would otherwise be chosen to the convention, if they will but act prompt 1 and unitedly. They may prevent tbe subversion' of the Stale constitution and the enactment of laws which will proscribe-three fourths of the white pop- 7i-- i u .1 r !..: .. uiAUOU. aou rou. iuiu m uicir piujuji ijr, They can rule tbe con ven tion and after wards adopt the constitution to oe iorm islature, &c. What full nd.7oaf of blasted corn On the 7th day of the 7th month the children of ircal fastod 7 days, and re mained 7 days in tents. Every 7th year the land rested. Every 7th year all bondmen were set free. 1 V Every 7th joai'thelaw was read to the people. In the dastrnctiot. of Jericho, 7 priests "TV s Xsi 3 W bore 7 trumpete 7 days; oa the 7th day W!Ll thev aurronndad tha wallat timfi ; mnd. to diu A cut on Ins i sine?. orders or authority of tbe Provost Marshal Gea- led Nellie, a. Bl 1 - -a a S3 m er.! tbsU iBljebjjvjid i Sill urj trfommiaaioa, and, upoa coBvldlioB torelet"rBa , moval (irom office aad pooiabmeatb; Una aodl Tlie general Consternation and indigna Imprisonment. .' K . " liioomay bunagined.- vlL- JJopUoateo of tne reports required by tie provisions of paragraphs It, III and V of tbie order, to ba mad bj focal office to the Tba' average depth of tb Atlaatie ocean ia Provost Marshal General, will at tb asm time leitimaled at 23.000 feet, sod that of tb Pacific S seat to U propar Poat Commander. - Irt 80,ftQf. The deepest-water ia tb Atlantic . 1U. Thpernmaaco4tbetiajoiada tb tand of SL.Ucla, "hicb has oeea ltaiaydaf-w not accept tbe con- r i wn mf.m a aa n i a aa a -. .... r arirnriAM inpmaii nw w iiurri a niiiirurv mivi at the end of tho 7th round, the walls ! "" .; ' ' IV:T j - i.l.c Jth rATt" 1. wnmeiu win aw wuhluim mat. n WUICUISIar uciici iiiou m iumcuuigiu in en t of radicals an Id'nSgroiiTTl " The conetitution should be framed as nigh iu conformity with the requirements of the Uongreasional plan as possible ; bat let it be worthy of the State and peo ple, and adapted to tbe changed .state of affairs, without extremes or ultra radiv cal innovations. t 'The great importance of prqmpt unit ed action on tbe part of thexpeople can not be too strongly urged, and we warn Solomon -was 7 years building the temple, And feasted 7 days At its dedica tion. . ' V.- ' " ' In the tabernacle were 7 lamps. The golden candlestick had 7 branches. Naainan washed 7 times in Jordan. Job's friends sat with him 7 days and 7 nights, and offered 7 bullocks and 7 rams as an atonement " ,' Our Saviour spokex7 times fiom the cross, on wbicb be hung 7 hours, and Af ter his resurection appeared 7 times. In the Lord's prayer are 7 petitions, therri to ponder welhtheir great reepon- containing7 times 7 words. T sibilityj Tlietr participation io theeommg In the Revelations we read of 7 churces, elections is most imperstive. Tbe evils 7' candlesticks, 7 stars, 7 trumpets, 7 that they may entail npon themselves by plagues 7 thuBders,7 vifttsAngeOayAnd i-dlfference treJiloltbk;Tbe may A 7 headed monster. and they can accomplish mueh by obey ing the tlictate .;dnty.'lhe evils vhiM. Iiava an Inner nranri TonnAflflAA Woman's conrsge is rarely put to the h,.M ia fnlU Ha..tn..a.l Th test so completely as it was a few weeks demort pirit (her has3een held in IfiMizgblbariiMdniena tack npon a bouse near Palermo.. The ,i.r Si.iaa r,nt lr ati ha Sntlirn owner was sbertf, but his wife beroicak gtate9 0Dce become" enveloped in the ly refused to surrender, she immediate ly barred the doors, and, loading a rifle, bred it through the window at the brig- ands, bringing down one of. their num ber at (he first shot. The others attempt ed to force the doors, when she fired agairu. AndiiWOBfided , AooUec.irhexas perated them so that, they renewed their treacherons embrace of the mixed rab ble of fanatic and it wer better that the white population of these States were in their st ave aud tlie land becoiae. a howling wilderness. Register, then ; and vote, and get all yonr neighbors to 'ischt Hlrieei for the pureat.aiid best men. Let tbia be our motto, bur watch word. and decamped, leaving thisrave woman - - a a s. - " - mistress or tne Hgoc abolished the asury- lAws in that State, making free trade in moaey..- - . . burdens to their naturally improvident I children and friends, on whose -incon stant labor they relied for support Jand that their expectations of su easy time have failed them. Indeed, it is quite cer tain that solns suCh old people bsve fcome to want, and that they toed help' to save them from absolute suffering. But it is a singular fact - that wtilst there are but few persons (about 35) at the County Poor House, and tbat the number is not increased by' new appli cants for admission, the crowd waiting at Col,. Eddie's .door, if ..severarjiuudrvd strong I And we sre informed that no destitute applying for admission , to the Poor House are refused. It is true that our County Poor House is not a para dise; if it was, doubtless its tenants would soon be largely increased."" But it- is a home, and affords a supply of the necessaries of life. Its occupants arMre quired to do such labor as they are ca ptbJe. of performing,-- fortTioT?jwn and the -comfori of other tenants of ..the place, All who Apply Jo Col. Eddie,' therefore, belong to a class out side of that who are willing to put themselves npon the support of the County. That we bare a large number of really poor bolonging to this class, is undeniable; We si ways have had, and probably, always will have. But are they thd proper sub jects of the Government bounty t We think not. We think the obiect of Government was to relieve the suffering pf those wbo, by- the war, have been temporally disqualified from makiug a support,- botwhov by snch - aid, would soon recover a position, by which they would become self-sustaihTng. It was no part of the scheme to esUblith a general poor-supporting system. It is designed asl Tf Wpotar T$ttetilttf4tltb.w(.r: raws Whenever the crops And resources attempts with a greater OcttJtiUIlUiflnU-.Tww,,.vnLUt k..a 4a ar is w uv Ajwji viua am v a eaia ttavv oeSai AMI 7 ing, and in many cases, with very-good effect - Af last the brigands took flight the-whites, and' . interests of which we would not deprive them. Their rights should be guarded And , protected as far as it is possible, consistent with tbe com, mott good of tbe State apd people. - We would not deprive ' tbem . of one single ifilatare has Ummanrty to whicbT they are entitlfrTas cititens; but there are certaiOjdistinetiont that the welfare of both races render it of the country are deemed adeqntttefor the usual support of the people. M re than this would be a curse 'rather than a blessing, in so far as It woold bcit idto" nesa among the people. ' 7 lf; warhd tlwaobja ft seems to us that the most important qawHon lobe soTvealo deteriiiiuTug condition of a community should have Qoleat yoa eontider this notification st eqoir, lent to ejection. ' - . (Signed) r.H.SnEiUDAlf, Mj. Geo. U. S. Com. 6lb Mil. Diet " ' After reading tb communicaiioa Gov. Well tlaied to Gen. Forty the : I . - "Sir: I surrender tba office I bold oalv to ' tbe sword," and called np Judge Ryaa to bear - witness to what b said. Without making sny retpoote whatever, General Forytbe with. drew. ' ." , v- fc-..-J,.". i.-.m Es-Govaroor Walla baS oontulld withamk . oentcoauael as to what coart to porsus at the law. , r-. i About 10 o'clock Gov. Flanders, accompani ed by Gen. Forsyth appeared at tb Executive office, and entered upon hit duties st Governor , of Lnuiiiana, without any ceremony whatever. He elated that bia efforts abould b, to tho. best of bi ability, executed for - tbe public good. . ;. ,',... ;:;...; .;;.'.; " r; ; Gov. Flander Mayor iTither$-Gen. Johnston,, and, Other Washington ---iVeWaVr-- - ;.u,.f.;.-..;,..;.;r?-l4ty-Wtabingtoo June 9. Bern. F. Flanders, the new Governor of Loo! aiaoa, arrived thera twenty . years ago from N. II., and commenced his ca reer at a clerk to Ibe cbanty pocpital. li waa Kubtquently Secretary to Mayor Crottman, aa ardent' Know Nothing, Secretary of tbe Oneloo- sal IUilroad war violently opptfd to co-opera"- annng ido , inoipiency oi m reuanion. tion lid Federal Trettnry Agent for several years past. - r-W. hbendan seems to oe nntepporwa nere, uis prompt action defeats tb plan of tba tchemer and tbocks tbe oontervativee. Some changes ia the District Commander are- regarded at cer tain. 'va-j ": i'i 'it7. 1" '-. ' The July meeting of Congress i now contid erd almoat probable. ." 7rT"-'''7TY Es Mayor Withers baa- returned from New York and will commuciost with the President on "Monday. TT--. . ..,-. . , - . J Jotrerat u; o."wratt ba s retirroee frotn W est" G. J. Johnston was at the War Department - yesterday, looking after ' the interettt of bit liail Koad. II It bis first, runt since 1881, when be vacated th Quarter Matter GoeraTa Office. - . " I ""'' Tbe Treatury will redeem and destroy 20, 000,000 of compound interest notes Best week. Tbe State Department hat been officially noti fied of the com mutation of tb aeoteaea of tb Iriab Americau Feniaaa. - ,", -, , lue Poatmatter General ret nine J tbia morn ing and the President thit erening. lh v nftident receiyed lb Oral uumalioa or. Wall'a removal tbroueb tbe newspapers. lie conaHlort tbea remorala ai uaaaihonsed by lb 4 SnrrauY trial undoubtedly , eommeacea to- V" The Indian War. Omaha, J una 10. Geo Sherman baa baaed y&4t.i$.J kit lbat.tbaJPacigo lUilroad thaJL bo Walt gaarded. -"Tbo frelgbi aad Baaacagera have be foroarded from the terminat eidf a. vutlioMMit gaard." ' :. " - , - Gea. Sherman is tiiiT'oin or eleaoiog the ' In ' refer? ace .ilmosi eiclasl?!y s.r amount of provisions within its bounds. If It is apparenti'lor-4rmaTiCTfthat there I are provisions enough Irt a. counry, or die- d eemed oct tf the scope of Go ternmeat Platte Valley ol Indians ia two weeks. . The Indiana and nine pataeDgera bad a Egbt , u Din .nine runra oi aiooru w paaaen- ger was killed, and a son or ueaerai uans mor. tally woaodd. Two Indians wra killed aad ivesjajojoalaefa aba tb morning It aipeart tbat tU etc aaair wat aad cold rain tbia spring bare aot bean without tome email beoefiu. It ii aUted by. tboe claiming fob acqaaiated with tb fact, tbat 'b cater pillars, or army wormrwbich atrpped th Tfffi of their foliage Ut year. Tut- bean otife!y 4 ttroyed. - , A . '-- ; 'V:

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