. . .... - i Jl- 1 JJH .ara-i.-. J-H.1; li T.yocr2rTnmD;sERiES. SALISBURY, C., MONDAY, JULY 1, 18G7r NO 2G WHOLE NO. 1769. ... Ihi Ell Ife 1 Wimit, 1 year..; ....$3.00 . Oinoruha, ..1 Ml Cam ia dveoc. . .. " ATC OF AOVKRTItlNO I 7 OMSqutrtfspaoeof 12 liiiea) first luaerlion, 1 (H) A . a ...11. I . Ild, so, ua am insertion, cacn, pv for eeub additional publication, 33 W lovite attentioo to lit following vary liberal offer. Here U food chance (or those who are concerned : . 1 Peruvian Guanno. Iltvin; thoroughly tested Ibe Ttnmaa Ob aaao th's teaoo, and become perfectly satisfied iUl ilk ibe lortatmeot farmer pan snake. teem Hstles and tlorubroo m those wbo, overtakes by a mow tor in. Tit down, and, re rardloe of danger, fall asleep and never wake, il la impoibl lo reconcile these ntiruaia of Iba indifference and apalbjr of Virginian with our knowledge of tbair uaal aagaciiy and tnbrgy. We belie? that Iba rpclaUs wbita man bo now fail lo vote, will tivalo have bia crime acacralad If bia wifa aid children. II will be pointed at aod held up to aooro a a lug garrj, alto deacrud bis section, bit family au Lit race, wbtn ba miubt Lava aared iberu from disfranchisement aod tba moat hateful form of bwlasry. Tba soldier who, frfzlttned by th grim fiteion of tuddeo death, fiiea to tba rear, U forever ditbooorad. Bat auch victim of thai liaaae oo(ititioaaiaa4 ara ad Mt 'Owt to ffMiMrta 4b fatmrtg f mn pardooalla tbad tberi,r,'.in.t bitraca . m r r i . - - . Mraai, i pronmm i purcum, irea pi cuarpt, lot my labor,! ao jaoautlly of .Onanno Ilia farmers nay want, and bava it tbipped to their owa addreaa, they eitnply prtnr tba cot to Nf York, aod tba freigbi. TLo wiibieg to make tbia arraagamaat, will depoeit tbeir money with me bafure iba 1 Sib of Auguat, at wbiob lima I ax peat to atari North. i. 8. McCUDDLN'a Saliabury,JvB21, 1807. ,DO YOUB DUTY. Il ia tba doty imjrativ spoo every mao in tba Boaibara Sulaa to regiitar, aod thereby pre pare - lo vota when election day eomre. No .oerwlf pereooaj ooaeiderationi, or prejudice, thootd detar blm from tba performanca of thl plaia daty. Ua owe it to Limeelf, tp tboae aaoeg whom ba live aod who are ditfraocbit ed, aad to poeterity, to dbcaid all precoaceiveJ view oa tbe aubject, aod to diel Li mind of paaaioa, tbai ba may, by a compliance witb a!l the prereqaiaitea. III bimtelf to ditcbarse lit reepooeible fuoclioo of a o-wrat from tbe fratp of thoea politician in tb South wbo are moving beaten and eartb to tecure it, to that tbey may, by a iweejiiug diifrancbiemeot, perpetaita tbeir' rale and keep better uieo under tba ironleefof ISrolowiim. Oar owa viewe are ao e!early and forcibly i preaaed by tbe Kiobmond Enquirtr, aod Exam imttg tbai we adopt wbal t.iute journal ay to I be people of Virginia, and oromeod tbeir taaobipgt to North Caroliniar., a wyrU A if tiom, aobraea aod truth. From the Ei juirer To df, regiittraliun will cumitiPi ee in this city, under tb ordeia of Gon. Hchoti.-ll, and it will toon ba in acliva pr c. tltrouliuui the Sla'O. Va.rpublh the order abicli i to re ulaleUie regiitraiioo, .o fur at tu hi f or toed. Aad now, we cannot but rvnom, in the nlo! urgent manner, our adrj. e uJ eutrealiu to uch of oar citisaa a ate not ridu li d, to rog iter to thi rery man ' 1 t ever t one nut only regtatar biroaeif, but Me t'.t I ln nt-igli-V)r 4o tbt aniaa ! ihj vol- troat to e&awea to carry tbe information tbat the re g-teriu officer are at work. Multitude do not Ukgtb pa ptrtf and mot nueotlybe jroinpted by tboaa wb , Lot so mao decline to remitter becauae be may, prachanee, not ytt bava made up bit mind to vota Iv-lbe elections thai may be ordered. Tba act of registering will not require bim to vote; but it will aecure tkt option of vo'.ing or Dot, aa mar mm expedient ia the future. To refuea to regUur ia to gj"hiinelf hereafter, wbatharha may thefi wiah tovots or no:. - No man iawi enough in tbeeelin.e lo know pov. itively what it may be bent lo do moutiit ahead, lleoce it would be very foolih tojose the lib erty of choice hereafter by refuting to reg!er BOW. ...v . While ihoaa who are allowod regilry, owe it a a duty to tbemaelve aod the Commonwealth, to avail Ihematlvea of tba privilege, they alo owe U M a peculiar duty to tbote of laeir fellow, citiaen wbo ara excluded. A one of ibis laU ltr.filaijrft .cJInpoJi. iboaal.wbtt.cjia. vxitxv.to tak eara 01 II too. Uwanpoiol tbe tmaerable LI I . 1 J t conspiracy oi Hungry uemagnfiut'S anu.reiusa party back, wbo ara aeekinir io fixten I hem - aarn1)ktTanhwi)irha9Hitw0fYhcir''PDi'1n life, aod deatroy botb yot and us ! . It will be a terrible evil, Trom the tff.'Cta of wbiek it will take many year to recover, to let the conduct of our Btaie affairi, pan into tbe band of the utterly inoompulent and venal men wbo are bow ee king il for what ibey hope lo make out of it To oompaa tbeir ends, they art arraying, tba blacky against tbe while io a raaoner that .?)) be injunOua to botb raoen; and they have tbos iropoaed on the white tbe im permttH duty of uniting in wifdufenc. lie wbo neglect ihil duly, i falaa to bit country, bit lamily, aod bia race. Of the crime gint tba peace of tbe coro'fnunily, through whifli ih oonapirator aeek ' Iheir corrupt and eentl end With a aadaoity tbat would do no ditcrtd t to Bridewell, tba N. Y. Timtt tay: "It ia impowible tbat tba whiter and btadnr aod family, which every while Virgioiao com aut wJioUtU-to tittMt and to- vou Proceedings of the Cabinet On ths Summary of the Attorney Gen- trait Opinion it U Apjtroved. Washington, June 20 The coucluiion of tbe lWiduul aod Cabioel iu rirfuroce lo ibe iuter- prlallou ol the MiliUry II. ooniti uolion law are staled in tbe following proceedings, whi;b are published by perwissiou of tbe proper au iborily: lo iba Cabinet, June 1 Sib, 1807, present Th 1'residenl, tbe Secretarv of Hlate, Secretary of Treasury, Seoratary of War, Secretary of Na y, J oat Maaler Oenerai, Attorney General aod tbe acting secretary or toe Interior Tbe Preaider.l aaaouoced thst be bad under consideration ibelwoopiuioos Irom ibe Attorney General, as to iba legal qulioo arising upon Ibe acts of Cougreea, cuiuinunly koowoaslbe reoon.lruclioo acta. And that io view of the great magtiilude of the su' jct and of tbe varf ous interest involved, Lo deemed it proper to bava it considered fully iu Cabinet. And lo avail himself of all tba light which could be afforded by the opinions and advice of the member of tbe Cabinet to enable bim to see thsl tbeae lawt be faithfully executed. And to decide wbatordeit and lOhtructioot ara necex-jry. and expeuieoi to be piren lo tbe Military Coimuander. il said, further, that iba branch of the subject Inch seemed lo biio first in order fur coo- idvration was ss to ibe instructions to be tent lo the Military Commander., for their cuid tnce, and for (be guidance of persons i Hiring for reg lutraliiui. J he in.lructi.nn. proposed by the Al lot my General, aa Set f.-nh in the summaiy c..i !siiird in h'S last opinion, will, therefore, be uow considered. Tbe summary ji tLeu read at leng;b. ' Ktcli section was then cotsidured, discussed and vutl apoa a follow: 9. Military offioert of toy Stat, prior to Ibe re tx llion, ara not tubiart to disquaiincanoa. 10. Municipal ofheera, that is to aay, officer of incorporated cities, tow at aod village audi at mayors, aldermen, town council, potior, and other city or lowu oHlcers, ara not eubjeot to disqusIiDca- tion. 11. Persons wbo have, prior to iba rebellion Uen members of ibe CoriirrvM of ibe United State, or member of any State Legislature, are aubject to disrpialiDualion. Uut tboae wbo bave boeu mem ber of convention framing or ameodloir the con stitution ot a Stat, prior to tbe rebellion, are not subiet-t lo disqualification. IX All tbe executive or judicial offioert of any Slate wbo took ao oatb to support tbe Uonttituttoo of the Lulled State ara aubject to disqualification, aod in Uicae I include county officers, at to wbom I made a reservation iu Hi opinion berutolore eiv en. After full contideiatioo 1 bare arrived at ibe ewtusian rtiat they arw uhJcrtO diwjnatitlcatlovr ir Ibey were required lo lake a a pan or weir of ficial oath, the oath to Support tbe Constitution of thtr l olled STiTH." Concurred io unanimoutly.. 13. Persons wbo axetctaed mere agenciea or em ploy meott under Stale authority, are not disquali fied , such as commissiooert io lay out roads, com- namiooeri of public work, vuitort ol btate lusli lutiont. director of State bankt or other Hlate in stitution, examiners of banks, notartw public, com missioner to lake acknowledgment of deeds, aod lawyers. XKOAOiaO IK aUKLUOil. -- The Pnuuiunt lialllmore, June SI. Tbe Presidential party received Vaaonio civil honors, and departed aortljwaid amid enthusiasm. ) JlQatraiion in Alabama. alfB'gnmery, Jun 21. Tb result of fou daya regislrsimn in Moutgomery it 1,183 black and 137 wbite. Ltfndoo, June 21. The thirteenth nnivert ry of Queen Victoria's coronation was msnifi eeallt oeUbraied. ihaniagbam, June 31. 1 he harangues of a maa lamed Murphy caused Ihr recent riot. Tba toop uaed cutlaMea and several of tbe n Hungarian Wat, M- U'orlb demanded that tbe Goreinraent bring in bill for lb emaocl palionof the Jewt from civil and political dis abilities. ; ' Jlerlin, June St. Parties from Hun.ary aay Napoleon continue to purchase a large number ofiorae mere. - Tbe Queen of Prussia visit Queen Victoria at ao ear j day. olara were wounded. . Miwpbr continue to i i -. -i , . i ., . uaraogue, uuiroinparaiiv quiel prevail. N 1 ork, J une 23. A special committee of tba. iitw lurk riremaot Association, with a .! ; n i . prewniauve ctrrmtre lor Woinmoia, no. tja. aailed fesltrday in tbe Manhattan for Chtrlets ton. The Pou'i Wsshuiflton special sayt tbat Gen .Sickles tall probably not be relieved as re quested The Prtridtnlial Party. . Boston, June 14. Tba Preeidentisl party and odmerou. Marosio bodiea arrived here yester day. . - - I Two tbinirt must exist at to any person to dis qualify him Iroin voting: First, the cilice held prior to tlierebelhon, and, afterward., participating in the rebellion. Coueurred in unanimously, but tba Secretary of State, tba Secretary of the Treasury aod tbe Secretary of War express the opinioo tbat Law ytrt are such officers as are disqualified, if ibey participated in Hie rebel. ion. 11. Au eel to til upon a person me ouuooe ol engaging in rebclhou, in u it be aa overt aod volun tary act A person forced into military service caunot bo beid lo be disqualified from voting. All voted aye except the Secretary of War, wbo voted cay as ibe proposition it tinted. 15. Mere acts of charity, where the intent ia to relieve tle wants of tlieofejeet of such charity, and not done in aid of the, cause in which be may have been enraged, do not disqualify. But organized contributions of food and clothing for the. general relief of persons engaged in the rebellion, and not Ol a mereij ssuusrj iiiarti-mr, out cuuviuuuoo to i :.. i enable thein to Derform their unlawful obiecL mv !' be claf.vd with acts which do disqualify, forced contributions to the rebel cau-e, io ibe form of taxes or military assessments, which a person may be compelled to pay or contribute, do not disqualify. 10. Members of the rebel conventions, congresses and legislatures, diplomatic agents of the . rebel Confederacy and other officials whose offices were created lor the purpose of more eOectually carry ing on hostilities, or who?n dulies appertained to P'ie Prtih'ntial Party Providuice, June23.-J-Tbe Preideut ' trip is a coiitmufj ovation. .o speeches are made. 11 is the gt of the Slate ibrough which be passes, icretsry Seward and Gen. Housseau share in lie honors. o The JSuratt Trial Politics Jnttrvc tioni JliliLtry Commanders Gen. Sicilef Letter die, dbc. Wasbitlon, June 23. The proceedings in tbe Surratf case were mostly eonhned lo details of ibe attack on Mr. Seward aod fa:nily. o thing poifed or new bearing on the case i de veloped. Ida defense again insisted upon re calling tb) prosecclion witnesses for cro exam ination, averting tbat two were corrupt and two were in acted at felons. Ibe Court a (rain took Ihn'tnslUr oiider advitemeDt and ad Tbere i a thorough lull in politics since th departurejof tba President. Several members of Corgrets bava arrived but tbey are oon com mittal. I Tbe foltiwing order was issued to-dsy : Adjutant Gkneral's Okkick, ) Washington, June 21, 180. I Whersss. several commanders of llie Mililarr .. . l. l.ii ... ... .. . .. - ino suppon oi uie reoei cause-, muai oe ueiu io oe jjirtrK U created by the acts of Cng.e, known disqualified. as da leconttructioii acta,." fiavo expressed All those who, m legislative or other ofllcial ca- j, ... . r , ' , ,, ,., 1 doubt .i tn Uie proper construction hereof, and paciiy, were encaael in the lurtlieratice of the 1 , , .. .... .. - , ,7 8 ., . . ... ' in resp' '" of ilielt i.uci. u.l dalles i.u- coiumon tin awlu purpose, wliere the duties ol the , ,' , , ' ,. , , ,. The oath prearnbed n, the aiippleirwnla! act ' offic.. necessarily hud relation to the tupport of the , avr 8L."' nave applied io me rx- .dr!ii.fs:i li.eq ii!icalumsreq.iire.l,aiideverJ per-j rebellion. lecutivslor luMrmation in relation tbereto, and n w iei can take ihv oulli is tut. tied to have hu U.it ofiicers, who. during t'ie rebellion, divharg-' wlierea the usid acts of Congress have been name entered uoa tbe I .t of .voters. ed oflicial duties not incident to war, but only such referral lo ttie Attorney Genernl for his opinion I u this all voted ay except the Secretary of I duties i belong even to a state of peace, and were i thereof, and the said aclt and the opinion of the War, wii.i voted uv. necc-wry to tue preservation ol order and the ad- Attorfy General, bave bceu fully aod carefttl- authori.v min.srrano.ini .aw, a.e noi io oe consiuerec , , . . , . . p-esidenUn conference . . . i w 1 1 in upnti.i ui lit- a oiiirni 1 1 n ii-nni Liiirnin v.. ...... ;.: f . ,.i.t. ,i. not di-W.fv. but wliere a Derson has bv speech or Th Peaideia accepts the summ.iry to tfie AS nuahficaiions of the axolictnt. or cnlerii.Lr ur.on ' Dy ,nmc" w. C."?B ,u ""'" INTERESTIN'O DISCOVERV IN XT' . Ql I'T. - 'wit Tho XUe of Alezaudria oliaerrea : Jaja aLoat a t red! ore founrj'lo tlie Iro vmce of rayoam. The atorv eoea tliat ao old resident of tbe Province waited lately in a intterioaa'manner npou bit iiiguneas ryia aakea perraitsion to make a search for the garden of an ancient Coptic convent, now abandoned, with the view of discovering a treasure which old manuscripts describe as being hurried in a certaiu apot. Hie viceroy granted the nocessarj permission, allowing the p plicant to retain a third of what l.e tuiKh' discover. The .researches com menced, and aro said to hnvo speedily Lronijljt-to liirht a tieasnre coubis'.in partly of rejy ancient gold pieces rather I .1 X I w . . i , linger mao i.vapoieoos, oi a lo.ai value represented as at abont fifty millions of francs. The discovery bavins; been tele graphed to Iias eUTiu, the Viceroy hft to investigate the matter in person. Can it be the caah-box of j Aroenopolia XXXYJI., which that monarch lot on a journey, according to inscription ou tho obelisk of Lnxor f The Great Juiffk.Tha Timea a few : day ago was merry over the marriage of the Herald and Mistisiippian, and thought the paper should ba called He. Mit-a. an abbreviation of both names. We J ' hnvo decided on a better plan, and a foaa : of an American Eagle had decided on .' the name of Herald .and Mitaiaeippiab. Herald and Miasiraippian. Ali'id how you tosatbe American Ea-. gle. llmfs. tj nek of comprehension ! r.ut not a w ord against the noble bird. Ia he not vcaminz at the ton of hia voice, 'morw blol for my beak more wool for my""" lalong !" Doesn't ho proudly soar wild the mnto?"?jtarttu4nmn ! 'gfaeeC" fully floatinir, which litterally iranalafenJ. HP,.,- !,. I C....I -I f... ..jr.UiiM. wg..mymmiy. , fiuiu4si;u.riaiiii . I must grasp the one thing needful green backs." Did he not aoar around the Russian Bear and cajole him oirt of ai ice-berg I Does he not peck distressing lv at tba Rritiah T .ion t AnA hant Lk magnificent screech silenced tbe inaignx nmcant jockasdoodle-do of frinee which sought to repose on tho dong hill of Mexico? Great bird, say we; and the nnhappy House of Ilapsburg echoes "great bird !" QEURIT CONFISCA- He The linsrd of KevUtralion have no o admmi.ler any other oath than the prescribed ; Iherrby engaging in rebellion or as dLsrjualified. j any trinl or investigation of Ins qui. lineal iont, either l.y wTinesses or any other form of proof. At loeitUtMhip and TtsidtC4. 3. The applicant lor registration must be a citi zen of the stale afld of tbe United fetates. lie may be registered if he baa been such citizen for a period less than twelve: months at the time he ap plies for registration, but he cannot vote at any election unless his citizenship haslAfn extended lo the full term of oue year. Cobcurred id fiiiauiiiioUJy. ' 4. An . unnaturalized person cannot take this oath, but an alien who has been naturalized cau lake it. All voted aye except tb Secretary of War, who voted nsy. 5. No minor can take the oath. Concurred in unanimously. . Jj. No one who has been ilisfrancliiscd foV nartic ipation in any rebelliou against the' United States, or for felony committed against the laws of any State or ol-tlic United States, can safely take the of the Soulb should b mustered into op myss boJItieaiiyi: without a emtseqaenr la all the relations of lif . Tbeir. only hope lies ilirrrioyof tottrtit. bM(J on a cooVcu' tioa er narmoTiyTntrrwtrAnrrine system i alia crottd Which la now going oe, and which tsadt direotly to a disl urbane of these relations, may well cause - disquiet and resentment lb tbe wbitasia tba Souibao Suite.;:, . 7 1 From the Examiner. . . ' Tba supremacy of tbe Caucasian lace in tbit State dependt simply The actual participation in a rebellion, or the ao. tual commissiou of a lelonyrdoes not amount to dis-i Irancuisement. 1 he sort 01 distranchlsement here .meatit ialliat, which is declared by la .pasacl by competent authority, -or which has been fixed upon the criminal by the sentenco of the court which tiled him for the crime. No law of the United States has dicUred the penalty disfranchisement for pariicipaiion. in the reoemon alone, rtor js t Known that any sucti law exists in .either of these ten. States, except peihaps Virginia, as to which State special iustruo liont will be given. J . . All voted aye except the Socrctnr r of war, who dissent! to tbe second and third prtiaraphs. 7. As to Ihedisfranehiscmeut arising from bavinu held office followed by participation in rebellion. This is the most important part of the oath, and requires strict attention to arrive at ita meaiiing. I deein.it proper to givij the exact words. The ap plicant mu-4 awe or airtirm as follow.Si'--; 'j That I bave never L:a a inem.bwci.anv State Legislature, nor held any exectitiyo or Judicial olrice Uj fny at ale, and after wards engaged iu ail iiisur rection or'febelllou agauiat tl.o Ln'itcd States, or " givcri aid or- oomtort to the enemies thereof; that I y itisvH nnvcr taken srr oath aaa gurtnber of f kyngrpss r. of Hie United States, or as an oU'rtr of the United States, or as a memhor of any ratat .LegWatu'rey or as an cxecntrv or jrrdiciar TDrrrcpr ot njr States to support the Constitution of the 1 nited Mates, and afterwards engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United Statis, or given aid or comfort ito the enemies thereof." - - Two elauerrts must eoneor in- onle-4orisqualify a person undcl Mksw clauses : "-First, the oflke and official oath to support the Constitution of the U nited States.; secondengaging afterwards in rebel lion, lloth must exist to work disqualification, and upou u9 wuu uiaio aauna or me o.are regrsi musi nsppeo in lue order ol lime uiemioneo. are, beyoad tqulioo, the most serious and i.m ponatrrthaT' ever "da VeTo'pedTu poo any nii'q"! a tbia coaotry, Lttppinets, Honor, and Security to Life, Liberty aad Property, cao all be tecored by gilrlWav aila--aB4' pertU too 4armtog to eooumplate, ; at the 'lbongbt of wbivh we tremble, Dtaaee oa, if oar people do not arouse t hern t elves and I east off tbe tf atby and sluggish neat which fetter many orouTesT men. - torn vy, uarUr of the State the information reaches us that a large namber of our citirentj he must come under the disqualification. . 17. The. board must see that lha name of the person offerii-g to vote appears upon the registia rion list. They cannot receive the vote of any per son who-e name is not uon the list IS. The mode of voting is provided in the act to be by ballot. . 19. i .elates to the oath to be taken by the offi ccrs COmjirising tlie bard. The last four was concurred in unanimously. In tit CaWuel June 20lh, 1867. Present the. President and the same Cabinet ofheera as on the 1 Sib except the assistant Secretary of the Interior. - The President announced to the Cabinet that after full deliberation- bo-ooeurrd with ibe majority, upon those actiont of the summary upon which the Secretary of War expressed hia dissent and that be concurred with the Cabinet upon those sections approved by a uusnitnotli vote. That it appeared tbat tbe Military Ctm- manders entertained doubts updn the points covered by tbe summary, and. as their action hitherto list not been uniform, be deemed it proper,, without furthor dulay, to communicate in a general order to tbe respeotive Coiumand erslbe points tet fourth iu tbe summary. whole it signed by order of the Presi- NEWS OF THE DAY. -0 Washington, Jone 20. The President leavei for the Noith in tbe morning. . Prominent citizens of New Orleans have tele grapljeil the President urging Mr. King, of the 1 imri, icr me .iiesican .uihiud. Gen. Lohgstieet has been pardoned. ,j The Russian treaty is otticiaily promulgated llrgistration funeral of Judge Lyxms, Richmond.. Juhe:20. The recistration in tbe . r- t -r -r -i r jnc --i.. j. City su fir stands 1080 .black lo BO wftite. Judsre -Lyons' fuueraVXhia. evening,. waa.aU tendreST'bT wvcralfioTisanrf YertoiiarArTntT nesa was suspended anil the 0:ty-WI -wore-tpl- ken that path, Js not diualified, All voted ay except tbi Secretary of war; who voted eay.. . . , . . - , 8. Officers of tbe United State who have, prior" to the rebellion, beld office, civil or military under tEeXHnSTJKesmfhaye-tahea a offioial oa1 tersnprtart the CoowHution of the United States are jsubtect to disqualification. . - . r i ed during tbe procession Circular F-tvm Gen. Suckles. Charleston, June 20. Gen. Sickles baa iasued a circular explanatory of certain paragrapba of -orde 82, hriy "WWti regard te Uie suppression ol in e sai ot distilled spirits. Witminirton, June 23 The beavv rai-.s eon li una ainjual a Lthji ul, .iu ltaupliou. Tht frjaiicriJ are gwwtlv "depred in ajujei;juancauf.ihe.iui. aisa dsjaaga le tftttctopt. The -nail train troing west on the Wilinington -frd" MWncbesTer Tiattrisd l'reklh Trei tiphi- Pptcock slat ion last jiialit. J. 1). Froin Washington. , . Washing1on June 2 1 .There are nineteen appjicantstor the vaetntgrictthural Corn mis A person w ho has held aa-titW and takeft Utit - oath to tunoort the Federal Constitution, and has fled. . So. loo. a person who has engaged in reuel-4- Marous OtterburgNif Wiaoonsiii, now Consul ben, but has not theretofore lield an othce and ta- jo -tho' City of Mexico, 'is appointed Minister, viaa Campbell. . . -, - - Steaner Sunk. , - -- -Fortress Monioe, June 21. The ttearoer fjlooa collided -with the schooner Mtryil. Ban ks "off To eTIVootoBf , an? tloriffteuTTtrtr-Btes,-..Tbe crew were saved.. " : - ' - lorneGeneral's opiuion as a practical interpre- tationbf ibe original acts of Congress ou the points, therein jirrscribed, and directs tbe same to be transmitted to tue respective Military Coininnders f ir their information in order tbat there bay be uniformity io the execution of said N 'iii dent. E. D. TOWN SEED, ............. Assistant Adjatant General, Tbdfollow-ng is Oen. Sickles' letter addressed to the Iditilant (ienerat : lave the honor to request that I may be relievedfrom command in this District. And ! respeclilly demand a Court of enquiry upon my official lotion, that I may vindicate myself from llie aciisalioii of the Attorney General, pub lished, i ia pitsiimed, with -the approval of tbe PrCsiddit. Congress having declared the so called. Salt-Governments illegal, the dec'eralion of the Jtlotnej General that Military authority bltrbcit aueried"oTib"e provenla tbeexwICiol) of Ibe reconstruction aact; disarms me of tbe meant to protect life, property or tlie rights of citizens, nJ ii'.euacea all the i Die re is iu mete Slates wilk ruin. The Merclituts National .Bank of Memphis Tenn., on its own applicaiyon is relieved as a de potiiory of Publio nfoaies, -oo The Capture qf Santa-Anna Cofirmed Arc?, Bishop Spaufdiny. ! New Vork. June .23. The capture of Srfnta; Anns, at Sisal, hat been confiVined. 'ef Crux 1 had not turrendered. Captain Genera Monza- no had surrendered.' - " ! A-Rilne letter says that it is aid ibat Arcb Bishop Spaulding will return tr?-Araerica a Car MEXICANTREACHERV AND A MEXICAN VICTORY. Washington, Junt 17. Tbe following is an extract of a letter written by ao officer of its Liberal army lo bit brother in Monterey, dated Queretaro, May 20, 1867, giving an account of the treachery which resulted io the surrender of that place, and tbe capture of Maximilian. e savs : Colonel Lopez, commanding the rezimoot f the Empress, probably for tbe purpose of sav ing bis lite in case of defeat, delivered to us tbe tort of ,the Convent da la (Vii7. tha Ire in all the fortifications. "This took place on the 15tb instant, at 4 o'clock, A. M., ajd immediately our regiment, witb that of Lapremus Padres reoccupied this post, nnding all the troops or the enemy last asleep, except the, sentries. When we reached Ltbe fort we jumped over the entrencbeinecls, furprioed the guards, aod at once occupied all 4 powte of lire fortifications. - - --. - "The surprise was to complete that when we challenged ibem, they found the points of our bayonets at their breasts, and tbe soldiers, ofii cers, and chiefs surrendered tbeir arms without firing a single 'shot during tbe whole affair. All tins was effected by tbe two regiments above named, au J during' the whole lime tbe lines of tbe beseigers aud tbe beseiged remained ia tbeir posilious. "After we found ourselves master of the most impurlanl point, we marched with tbe two companies of our regiment into the uiidsi of the enemy lo the principal square aod ascend ed lo the steple of the Franciacm church, of course, without tbe. koowledoof tbe enemy. SMITH ON TION. We remarked some time ago that if confiscation should be commenced in the South it would end intheorth. ThU view of the matter ia taken bj Hon. Gerrit Smith, who, in a recent letter jnst ...ui:l I . published, says "Confiscation once entered upoo, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to aet limits to the spread of itf demoralizing; power. The spirit of lawless greed ens gendered by confiscation will no more stop at State or other lines than will tbe flames of a praire fire at the word of command. Let there be confiscation in -the Sooth for tbe benefit of these. Mr. Stevens' loyal losers, aod also - for the benefit of the poor blacks, as he also pro. poses; and very soon, under its debauch ing influence, immense numbers to the t North will be clamoring in tbe name of . "Agrarianisin," "Equalization," and oth er taking names, for their neighbors' pos sessions. And these rich possessions, it must bo remembered, will kindle the spirit of robbery, as can atone of the i.nni.'iu.M.i.. of the desol" o.-.- ' MUST REGISTER. The New Orleans papers are become in tnoro zealous aud urgent in calling upon the white voters to register, and . tlio following incident, reported bjr the " I'icuy uns the 7tb,. indicates thaLftkr.m ,jL... is arousing the business men to moreen ' ergetic efforts: .-yf We heard yesterday of a merchant . w ho went one morning among his clerks and atked if they had registered. One ' of them told him he had not, and inti mated that be did not care to would ' not degrade himself so mnch did not r care how the election went the country' had gpe to any how t Well, said the merchant, if you do not care to vote,' tuinK yourseu too goou io uo so, ana ao . -not caro how the election goes, yoa can-, not do justice to me, whose entire interests ;" depend upon the city and State going ins to the. hands of safe, prudent and cons ' ' servative men. I advise yon to go and : register ; at all events, I have no use for ' your services notil jon do So, as I know , that there'is no impediment whatever iu the way of your registering, if you try; ' If ull employers would act thus, the city . and Statu would be safe. " At daybreak, we commenced ringing tbe bells of the church, and began firing on all points Tbe enemy, not knowing what bad happened, awoke frightened and in the greatest confusion. Disorder was the result, the'eoemy running in all directions without the hope of escape, as whenever" 'tlieV tlf uck'OUr tine Iney Were fired at from. Ibe front, rtnd by us from tbe rear. This was a death blow, no oue escaping. A letter hut been recaivad here from Quere tnro, in which it is said the general iu-cbief on j the 24th ultimo issued the necessary orders for the trial uf Maximilian, Miramoo, and Mejia, in accordance with tbe law of Jauuary 2tb, 1861 The Attorney for the Government at once adopted the proper proceedings. Maximilian bas retiiieated of the geueraUiu chief ermiasion .... . 1 . j " .l ly. . .1 lo send a leieram io ioe x ruasiau miuis.er iu . . , . , . , , , j : . , ... a ..reu-. .i tlncUcT garb be virtue, atiu your drapery Mpii.m Ilia nurrwiit of which la to renuest bim. B '. . . ' aud also Don Mariano Kiv. PaUcio. ibe fat bet rt'ss ; letjeur auoea oe wisaom. fieetipt fttr a Lady1 J)res. Let your -earrings be attention, encircled by pearls of refinement, the diamonds ol your nock- L lace he truth, and the chain Christianity J, your breastpin charity, ornamented Willi . - pearls ot geiitleueaa; your finger rings be ali'ection, set round with the diamond of industry ; your girdle be simplicity, wrtn the tassels of good uumpii.letypqir SENSIBLE BLACKS. I' of General Iiiva l'alacio, and tbe licentiate Mars tine? Du La Torre, lor act aa his defenders. Tbe telegram was transmitted to General Diss, to be by bim forwarded to the parties ad dieted, - - ' . ., , . -i-, jt.. i me I'nucess ot rrnSBia gave ner tro-: ..ii-r-f Mxmu vh hwrw. .e te ther Alfred of "England a liearr iij; , .----f- -. - - - -- ai -; . nrvfvn B-rrrlrlnT nicptirir' hfm in The Kxbrt- . I rr. i j .1 .... 1 lVmnf.il ma.la vacant hr HarreU I like a pistol shot. , Mr.. Jones tdserve-, annmber of the lead- son, overseer of ibe road, and a seolion masterj rr-a .r -Irmtl' Im tnrne ing eloieJ men of that cityrdeelined for Gen. Swayne,TOmmandmgmAlabma having made known to. Ibe colored" pop- tilrmoTj of JloJbi fill ffonv- their Bnmbr tha ofiice in the asterl named tivrd were killed. Several others were injured. The aocideul wa. caused by the heavy PulnP,M ( "." - . He has civca iioO ";umi Fiftv feet of the trestle wo;k over Stewar creek bridge on the Wilmingtoo and eldon Railroad washed away this morning. H. i iboughtthat theRoekfish bridg-over. ibe tame road, wl I if wasueu ir un .ni" BFRr ttrrtoyof the bridge wiir BFrwng"1 o - Tho 'owner of hilanthropist on his Derby, winnings. ; the following reasons and recommended . la has ei vco 200 guineas to a widows' 1 Mr. Pjuter. a. white .mn: for the Dlacei. home at Epsoiti, which might .be called jt ia bout the most sensible thine we on robbing 1 eter to pay t aui s wite. ha ecn of Ute ln MJ. Foreign W exes. SU rterburg, June 23. Tba Cxar has ar- London, Jone Zd.-A UonttanMhople epe- Clal ansooncea tbat tbe sublime Forte ba ao ceeded to tbe proposition for a joint commission to investigate ibe Cretan grievances . . Knh, June 24-'-In k mwe-hAs of the Sptargeon aays ,that the Church ofj "They believe that the welfare of our JCnclaniil ia " lha. Lnunt of ftver ua-Jeitv Aria the condition af hirKuAncra dei cioan neayt aw iocie JiMJtex.oi. xuiiTmapii--matna m . j- church. ' should be selected for the responsibly Manchesterprohibits the firing of. Tided he be loval. TbeTBgflaa,"ffwft show to their white fellow citizens tbat j a V crackers on tue rour llhe-rising generation; 1 early You ng ladtestn England aay tha nrr til they are married tbey have a better occupation' than politics, Mr. Mill is shocked. after 8 o'clock. a Jo.Juaitlt,r iratve cheerftrflrbtaHat aa - class: whenever it is evident o them that: the causf of peace, and the Weil-being of -tbe comunity, of which they are' no small - part, make the doing of thi the bettei pair: Tl 1 rife -V1 -