7 r - -of . 4 .,ir it. at i . ' . ,- Iff 4 . 9 ! 4it- ',- A. ft A . jt vbLTHIRD SERIES .Ml VV .IV lllll.K Nil 17711 ' . . ii ii . ' rfr. J RATKI OF ADVERTIIiaai A LOVES MURDERS RJSSWEETUEART J iBanh KUia sni yootif real m4 Bi, botk rwldtsu W Ciadimail, b bM aq Miii- ad foraofli TMrt,atd bava baaa aoaia4 lot 8o..(!.LA.oniU.a)B toaaiii.$l 00 O Ttay lgM W f atatiiilaa4 to ". 3a. J. aui ib lua-rttoo. aach. , f0 1 visit Ma 9nh. Wbat b ar4 16 rata a i iaaJi J4iiaJ ttUaifc WMl ataadinf .it, Mppf, Jlght- ' ' ! . 1 f (. Iff i aaanaa cgaranaxiM na jovaa; aaa , u t.wl flAKllna tit IKa bnilna I . . ' ...... V , --. T a ijaai aa Ibt Mrtj aa abool lwri!ii .iMapr rlcu r. iira ia pgoo wanea wr calt4 eartaia appaaraoea TaoIaaa)Bl m oaatoiaai viu aw aaima W aar aaaa ana aaan. fUE JOSH BILLINGS PAPERS. Many baa doit eoa tblog for tba world BUdlny ITpm. Al tb aauuoo foe tbla baaltby m aietlUM - frolt U tow opoo oa, ad In flaw of tba fact of tbatr aoanoanca in tl.l. aeetioo, wo wold ,,,1, no,hIojt ejM eonl(t .bt? Mir-U r:.yr"?-n,7. "IV. tba b.t kind of idrleo for no to foN 9VVVIJ vi viBcauvrrr Fin i n . 1 r ... .. f T-I..I r " y SrS-i .lT?""r Oiling W D,Har, and ebarca my akoant :j:Trr'." V',l:TMoa Careb.- I bad raH,er baralO " . A"! TJFr?r?I 4ol.rt of thta kind of ' idf iio than all wioa, sou ua panij ana anpanor qaant u.i . i 01. j ; kiss hzn roB urn iioniER f , NEWS 0F'f THE DAY, 1 ' rr uuciai vmvi. boAwtoara owj.madl : . . . " . ki aadSaa, wblcb baragardad aa la- ti.. --.-ni mora aaaaaga In It . ! a t 1 t. m .JaV .! aaw iviiv w aaaK aw WW w lrw ivimm I 1 . . a a . a Peruvian Goanna STTSTra IT iTE3 ' JJVlLr!bl n..:. n.- i.u iJ iba P..t.. o- . , " .7" ' il V IT' factOTO tbla ftr tlcla fcf lamilT naa t Takal w .u" "" V"- " a a t u wvv-feki f w -w - v rnaiiiaMi in naa wi aa amniM iniaiiiinu . - - m i t. r a .l . k.Mm nt-,tl.iUftl . . . la ration of rinm brriM ana bnlu lhnr.lPOi niaiaia iiiwr oraiua. V II ww I J " I fffU HB IBU WBB VBB 1 11 T " I .l . . . . Kt ki.ilWi IxMtmaBtafarmarcaa maka.l-:.L ft , v - loorlilf ao aa to libaMta all Inieattol Jloat SQI tbo srato tblnet fitf bin du II W 1V vuv I , - fl ri - 7 F I. . . . . t Iwlinf amloaa to aromoU Oa fanolet a cul j- i- t" wkich add -ona oaart of bAilliia watar. IbT bUIOt: tba eliaoca. rmaanoa naa Mtl, I roj-u to puicDaaa- Trtaorebaff,T. , - wniio wnoneun luooa- or or taW J air aalUf -f - Oaaaaa ibal- ..rj i.u. t. tMW .W UtMMMtUt kaaleaaionallf aUrrto fit thon atraJa off tha I and! (clear linaor,' nod pot two It, of aonrl ' If saoan had S etomraucki and kVat looverr rat too of tba clear inioe, and I aldoa, tbaa might bo omo axcoaa.for ii ii wi a.JJrr., IW .lmpiyMfiBf Ue eoat la . i-w- -.-i rolf aa aaadat and ba lot XaaiVilubP 4 J.M :.Pl?.CTb6a rtiag WTU.I -ft kf wiib a draaa pi.toL l.iar iLratl eork Ik an L knS Ut tt atatii! tintlt OaTnW: i aitdin 10 rtat.,i ln1r. im nrh rbwrrt-wlll bo teaf of-aT TBal MM4v4Ua. aaka il)ia ar rangamaoCwnrdapnrtnatrTooot,,- mhjot WRt; raftaatere4 ikroaaa a aai .1 aa.ft..a ' a t. f . I I . . I tt ma bctura ine io Aaraai.ai noaiu4 aoaaJ lha door bof aa al urn Kmkaiha . .k. i a. Li t. m l.' u takatlAafafftWnhr---t------ ViTr 'I" J 1. k .T Va. ' ".TTJ lu w.inn;ing . w... ui... --r ' " . iracB.van uwui.. " a -, wbpcd rf f fha'pnrVa -nMaainnallv a alias . t, tw h, HowuiiUUia. Mr,fc k,r u tUaacLaadpravadfauliaaa .Z IT I T T 't -i V. flafialurfriaaaf I86T-J " - ...?!:. h "P 'f MJ-fM wbiri migbt . .. . " - . ..- . . - I iama 7 J! J D ... 1.. l.il. l.l 'Viiu. aai mnrsHi ! ymnwirw luin iig IUoiam f Ekohtc I-Tbo moat alarm. doM " h PP'1 . ;' MMiiaiMi w . I ummI aal rinlilm lha mka into n j reanrin tno preen niatory w tno u gnMt ul aibara ka dJr0l, noppad. dr.. Soatbera , people, la tno atnbboro inau- ot kia " TDE FRUil CROP. Wo laAra ibat nrranffemanta haf a been piatoi egaia, aad brad tba raoMtaiag mti , to , pbiladaJphla, Wilmiogton fleroaeo manifoalod by thorn M it reapceU H101 TV" T T1.' hW-" nnd BalUmoro, and tbe Delaware rail- If. ... . . . . I irHul ahaoL. and killiB kunaalf aJmtMt hi. I i. t i . UtTOr WtfatratiOO, I-"!" ; " , roua,ior rogmag.il loaai lour jrm 4 . Utbo all important duty of ttgiati iib f iew or tno proapeet Dcioro ma conn- try, ibia dogged Indifference ia Lttlo leea tban criminal, and tnrut reaolt diaaatrooa- Irto ibcvbola peoplovrTbero; cao bo Btantly.-T" I dort read enner body olae'a poetry bof llotjer'e,-wpwube-eamo priaoiple tbat'I alwet driok, wbeo it wae joat ax bandy, at of a aprlng iotteaJ of the oatiet v- t Tre4n ! ono Of (hem kind of ataine that wain Well. - : i If a nan baa rot tew bo poor bol bla lire, Iabt tore but It would bo aom money fa bia pocket tew bo Ignorant, Font claw f irtno ia alwoi anxoa tow Lat lie kiaa bar bW adUf Tba ( 'Locratta Aaa " Lai ma kiaa bar for bar motkar Or any otker aiaa. I Lat aia kiaa kef t aonabod, ' Aaybody la tbe world. Wltb barbairao aa-aatlf aabara, Aadao gWioaalr rarUd. i . - Lat ma kiaa bar for bar fglUr,' Aad I do Botearearad, If ba lap roe oa tba BBMltar Witk bia 'Wily aaada ofkad. ."Lai m biaa bar rot bar dadjy - Tha praltT aoatiag elf Or if thai do! tail lk famtly, . Im im kiaa bar tut liaraalf.V-. v aaajaBFBiaBBaaaarai . Itunca tftvH, . .''.."''' V 1ft Ortaaaa, Jane I9.-JAa Aottrlao taaa J " loop of war arrived ia tbe aoatbara paaa ya aroay moralcg, awl laaoea Ittograpolodw patcba tot tbe Aaatriaa rofaramBC Uar aa lioaal taaiga k drapad ia daao mouralar. tbia aad tba raiioaaoa of bar offloart knlffaifleanL ' Tbay, bovtver, rrport that the City of M.iioo mm captarad oa Ibe SOto ioaUot, by (be LiUr- an. Tba oarttculara aaI aoi raacbad Vara . , Craa ap lo tbe time of Balling. ( Tba btatieaa Scboonar Attat, tbo arrtred la ' ' tbe moBtb of tbe. If iuiaaippf reiterdar toons r " lag. barieg oa board twaaly-foar txiltd Itapa- ." riaJiat blaxieaiM, bo have baaa praamptutily ' ' baniabtd. Among tbara are atvaraj aaililary ' ' oojoara. - Tbay- report -tbat oaaia Anaa vat Unfrrad to tba Arqerkaa ttaaraar. Virgipia, at vera Urn ana eoaverea to buaU. it mtnn lag tbe Mfiicaa f aaboat domaadad kba pro of Saou Aaaa. vbick aaa rafaatd. wbaa tbe 4v- TV traino por day by conr ey inir the immenao Ya klnt transplant a yankeo ancks A PICTURE OF THE TIMES. York and other jnarkoia, tbo coming aea- Uot bar bo eomeo one of tbat ciaaa -y . '"'""V """i7""' -V "TU.r..iiJ .i.i.nt taking a deal oa i i - . r .'.r -ri tno MBCU oroD tt Jietit Mintr alone ar I v- - 0 wiiuib wtioTfi a uiau, ma vt uii, uij i r-- . . r r;-. - 1. WIJ - .... I K A Bith K & .V . I .1 . .1.: I .... a:. I. - r. ' .u t.' ii ft. IROOOOO baikata. Tina U of mora . mBnWBr. v..r. . ireeapini.naeanou Don A.na, u, ;.rr, ' ..7," T, " iVs: Orii alitr in writing ia ai diffikalt ax nutuiiucu4 ..-.uifw-v. ,...- - J . -v k... L. l leoj , . Mit iio fia ino la b tLa b ida of a trout lot o.r,wbio pop.Udon. tWo .oo in it ; II. U . bo. . , pUnter an cro "brookl nd tbo good poie. bar bin cat kho most bopeJofa and ruinooa forobod- - . - V," . . .f?, M. tboro waa abippod from Smrrna 70.000 W" Inge for ..b Southrjoa, tho total Afri- ii01J. Bd fta Lortea. dwDiainir chicanerf . b"kt, Thiayonrtba railroad company Itixeixy oonff tew git religion, bat L..n;.:ni thia one faeord. haoof h.iu. .ni;.it. iind i;JTrt T .il rtfea tno qata or omyrana at xw.vw tow noiait ix wnat boinera a tenor, a n -a " rr "- . , - . . , . .. ..i.i L,i;m i r Ibaaa ; e.rcamafancae tha that einat tnfM trne man. ba a worth a P WOTuit. ; gooa gri, ix newer u an ruo-y. I- " ' I " " .... . .1 ihtii mmh Rn onltnn Alh peniwgjrera ana exnortora on yi ikvivro jauiu aad au&iruui i eniow a fiooa lau ouo iuai runri Lt ta 'M'alla atarmirxr . Wharavar I tllOOaand I' . . '' . I Rlhindaan onnrantiefei. 11a nanaaa. and I reglarraUon baa boen begun ij; Md crouch- IDENT. ont of a tVan's aool like tbo breaking op tbo oegroe bare Ucn largely in tho ma-iiBi to hi . kkiJtneed. llaUfootcd.l h.. t.:.!. n t .... of a Sunday achool ; but a Uff that ouma Ijoriij in taking advantage of it. . Even ni-gorrilla, black ajeciinen of aotmalfjoirir Kaabfillo a eonfidentiai wt tflw tbe tf'c Wckro,r iu,V irgmia vbere tbc wl.jia popnianon nty, vna acrapwg one apiay root, a- w .aert.jn lhe rei.tfona that oxfatexl t "" PT, V' " ,ru:r .-. A-..1.1. ' r k. i.l.oira i..l"i.U Mana Tom" for aoiuei hinir to buy al k.. - t w.i p..i. .. a chicken elwked with a chunk vf wol im UVftllj UVU VlV liiaaa vi wuw vihvo I a I vvbwvuu aw .11 Ma5aj aVvrvru obwv a ivfiuout . . ' . . namea restored t.p to tbU Umo, ahow '' ?'J oe?,r no Johnann when both wero In Na.hr illo, ,KatAiu.l.rlrWl,l,l(1a nTaioritr oi leMfow oia ow f nine. u naa daring tbo latUr part of tbo war. After In Ibo BffgroeetO be largely mine majority. - . t I-aa-nn. and become the I. ,i i . . k.t. T1.. ahI. Ia miiAnnl lrm tnla la thai . f i e A h. n I .. I a . . . .. uw vmiw iv -I ir)yriv Uk auina . viivj-iacvu iumw nnlhinir mnhAP waa llarnvarn fearful apathy and criminal indifference tnrbor. wblpper-in fur tbe peJlara and ,hM tnat ytb and tho then Military f the wbitoa." IlaveJ tho poople proper, petniofrgera who are me aomiu airawm Oorernor of Xenneaaeo bad no conneo Ijr, eonBidered tho groat tho mattef irt all ita bearing I Uavel "reaaooed dUpataiooately aa to the do bonia non of tbe effocta of tbo coo- they. reault of their action I I it possible for Aom to aeo any other than tbe moat dia t rowing' and humiliating consequences to themselves and tho country should they obstinately persist In refusing to diecharge a fjntr ao imperative! 8orel Jtho pcopio- of. JSTorth Carolina aro not readyio acoJho oontrolof their State paaa into tho bands of tho moat ignorant, moat depraved, and irresponsible portion of aer population, it so, men, mere ia an excuae ; for refusing to register; other wise, tbey cannot neglect to register and voto . wiiuoat; tncorriag mentea con sure for tho don-perforinarreo of tbo high eat d off it baa ever been their right and prif ilero to discharged Register I Eeg- laior. vXKiavwry ijunncrt -l'; o i ' -r'- t: TERBIBLE TRAGEDY. The IIa(nbnrgsirr relatee a terrible tragedyV but which ' ia; acarcely to bo credited from It atrocltj. Ia tbe coarse of last iommor a whole family, named Thirnitf-.Toder TOsidlug in tho neigbbor- hood oftbt itjpnHTntirTlerod and tbe only member who survived, ono of the aonTwai arrested oo anapicioo. No conclaalf o evidence waa fonnd againtt fl him, bat ' ho waa kept in confinement, and hat at. last " con fessod. Ho states that be planned tho aflair eolely to bo- coma heir to jthe property, and deacribed bli proceeding, thus I "Oathe day he bad' fixed trpon, all tbo family bat tbo servant were out, bat towards evening oue of bia brothers re- larnoo, laugaea wnonisuaya wora,ani lvintr down in tho stable, went to sleep. tbo assailant killed blrtt with the blow of an 1 axe,- and eoneeil4 bi body under some straw. Shortly after an tbe family interned antf went iW they wore , all asleep the. murderer re turned to tho ttable, an 4 making a -PQiso as IfiTTionio wasToose. one of the oitJer young meq fimk'ioMjllV Buffered .the same fate at hit brother. Tbe same ruse was repeated, and tbe third brother fell a victim to tbe fatal weaon. Then, ascending to his father's bedroom. lie kUUd'hUa-Ja hioJeLTbe mother and sister, who were riot yet rone to bod i '.hearing the 'noise, entered the room and tried to leize hit arms, bnt he killed -the mother with a single biowv-Tho "aieter siruggieu wiiu uun, auu .wueu vub uuujr waa disco v orod, thirty-fonr wonnda were fonnd on it. Tbo servant had been roused . by Jthe i crieonpf IhFSoniltiraTnl coming to their aid shared the same fate. TJiO jnm of all" tba victims, f o oraTor.1IIlle.expTeBt ekUcipobbe;; lion with each other whatever. Apro- ioa or tbia, a Kaabvilro paper Bays bo "Strange to relate, General Grant, knew that Booth waa a rank rebel, ajod had reraaed to take the oath, gave bim pats to go to New Orleans in tbe early part of 186, writing and signing the document himself. - From tba Cbirlotia Daraocrat Szjttexckd. We have been favored by the commander of thia Post. Capf. IL M. Laxelle, . with the following offis cial document in. reference to the pro ceedings, , findings and sentences in the eases of A. II. Stewart and Green Bar-1 Agricultural and emigration statistics ririgef recently tried before Militar "ido poblio bj order or rariiamenf, -.-.i.s:.i' .ki . 1 show that io the year 1866 tbe total de DECADENCE OF IRELAND. carrying deadly weapons : Udqtb. So Miutibt Dutbict, I Charleston, June 20, 1867. j Special Ordora, No. 77. , -' Extsact. IIL The proceedings finding and sen land waa 129,526 acre from tho previ oos year. Ine decrease iu respect to me erope was ebieny tn oats, barley, pota- tooa.toruipa.-ani bay. Tbe number of emigranta who left the country io tbe year waa 101,231. or nearly 2,000 Icsa than in 1865. lue decrease waa enure-. tenceain tbe eaaes of A. U SUvxirt and ! " tbt nnmbor of female emigranU, Oretn Barrinaer, citizens of Meckleo left tbo country tn ibfj tban in isoa. bars Count v N. C . tried before the Poet Court at Charlotte, N. 0., constituted by A Ponmco Qvtmax. Gen. Albert Circnlar from these Il wddnartora, dated Pik ipetkiDg of the disfranchisement of ttKXE?. onil,; - "J Soern men bj the Congreea, andaentonced aa followa, vie aaka: -. A n anari "Tn taW th Pnltarl "la the nation aane tbat disfranchises States, ono hundred and fifty dollara, and honored 0t atateamon, aavocater , editors, in defanit tbeifeof to to imprisoned for bant, banker, and men of capital and -intellect- ana- innnenee,- tno men "To tar to the I hom the people navo always trrtsted; two mortths." Green Marring United State the torn of one hundred U.nd that gifet the Ignorant Ethcopean dollar, and In dsfault thereof, to be im- the power to govern and oppress tbeso r.r;nw4 rnr th narind nfaiv waaba. ar men. not to be oxereisod by tbemaelvee, approved. Fort Macon, N. C, ia desig- but by a handful of pettifogging advtn Dated as the place of confinement, in do- tor-raj. Ia it not lunacj that feleasea fault of the payment of the fines. men from all obligation kf allegl- By command Maj. Gen. D. E. Bwkubk t l a VB?A Capt 88th U.S. Infantry. A. D. O, dt A. A. A:Q ance. .. makes tnem toreignerti ana en camps them in a country whoso govern mentthey know only by itt oppreasionsf View of a WeU hnovm Confederate I . 1?Bliaal fiamniaaal a V.fVtnTaf aatal taa aataWt- , - i -a,si iii aa WMiuivva -wniwwviatf tniyir DEMOLITON bFTHE LUXEMBURG r' presented a tot of Union colore to FORTIFICATION. , hMt week, aad mad a speech, winding Tbe rrosiant aro very busy.at JLnxom- Upas rollowt:; 7-. . ; we were Mttettririjbft wafx ana trte of tbe eonqueror became oor flag. dough, I uttvrly lament There aiut no poetry, hut aunt uum- berov faet ov blank verse. When a fellow knows be is being stared st, it makes him ackt ax unnatar al aa though bo was setting for h s piktur I im callei a Mbroat humorist,' nd I am 'gtaiT ov it : there ii a plenty ov narrow humorists in the country with out me, . . Enny rosn who will kompell a' worn an tew iiake a sbirt for 20 ceuia, ought tew bo filled full ov fish' hook, and be used for bait tew ketch other ahaiks with. Silence ix one ov the uagatiff tews. THE BLACK DEATH." Lata launrgsBO Irobi 'Eorope ladtcalts lbs 1 1fixtoaai UraaUBad to tr apoa lbs Virjfioia. Ntorref tM tfrtadfotniianHw to fair tbat it bas eofflmsoasd iu work of bavoe him k 0, ? mot, 'rfD;i r Tb lb" aful rT.g, yat biatory farabbaa moat dw- Aaaa, tbrnat bim Into thair boat, look bimto 'rrr r traating aoaoaaU of lla prograas in Ept, Tar- I Cam poachy and eoafioad bim as a prisoner of ' " ' kay.Nortbara aad Waatora Eoropa, tba two . 1-'- r.i '.r- ZrlL otatarias praoadiag tbe pratenC It ravacad 1 OO h xrvn nattongton. f waamogtoa, jana ao. ttovaaao racetpu -it all Earops ia tba toartoaatb oaetary, Tba iyap toms of tbe diaaaaa are daaoribad tbaa by tba New York WorU: "Tb symptoms of tbia malady ara, ant, bilioas voaHrog aad pargiag, oocetadad by aecle beadaoke aad iooobarcBey: tbaa a parpla arajiuwa, ai.T ao,.uii4 iu... apoa iim wmlMtitt k, JiJ aoiKI,,,, braaataod aboaUara, ad flpraadiag ar Ibai' f. k .1... a a aaa aXst A Mr . I a .1 a a yaaiaraay iiv9.vuu. iouu tor ma uaeai year . aadiag to-!ay ,1269,853,000. Kationai Bank , . drculatloa t2Q8.OO0.0OO. Saeorities forBotaa ' aod deposit Dale to7W.W30.OW. - " -. -.: w. Tbe Jadiciary eommiUae bad a briaf aeaaloa eotira body ; tbaa debility; eollapae acooin pa- J led wila paraJrais, aad eomaUflsee wub a dwa loeadoa of tbe bead aad epiaei aad at laat. daalb. Tbt duration of tbe first variety of eaaaa wblcb have oceorrad aiaoa March. 1800, baa averagad aigbtoaa boara from tba first iaditpoai- lioa uatd tba laial ioiUot. . Tbedaratioa of tba aaoond variaty baa avaragrd from Urrea to Bra daya; and I bat of tba third variaty, which W tba only one ia which recovery bas Ukea place, baa reached many days, aad, even weeks. . Tbe con tagion of tba lick neia ia sbowa io tbe slatemaol made ia reoard to catea wbicb bave oooorrad It is booed bere that the Austria vessel aft "K'4 Kiw Orleans is draped ia moorolog oa account J"" of tbe death of tbe Archd echoes, Alio, who died ' f ' lb evideaos or wetenmar was'eoaliaBeO to. ... . day. lie made many comctioos rfgarding ; ; i dates given be (ore the Commisaioa, but ootblng new waa devaloped. , Tb , Jadiciary eommilt baeieomoBed . ex Attorney General Speed. , ' , r." ';., Ex Hexicaa ifiaUter Campbell U at tba Whit ' t Ooae to-igbt. -;-,-.';5(- . Tha Anatriaa kfinialaf ia at tba Rnrinira. It . . ' m Impoatibl lo get tbe text of bis dupaicbee. . tru.rn.tA Ka Ann Kt.I f k a . f . rr 1 1 h a n asoog ooUmkv - witb tbase asmariabaoeoont of tbe pro-i . , ,v. ,0,k . i . greas made ia Iielaad by ao ssarfafa disorder, 0,14. AihAjl X -m phyiicians ia lb eoontry oill doaUltovuMTcr I xv. ... ti " .. n. . ato thair eollHjUoa of, and for oagbl that ial.UB . . '.,, cm. nn, ;, ktWaVam. thallff AMiMl aUVI uilltf tUa. ttitk. thaw I . . n ... . . ... a a " a a . i .a I VW aVI7 Vt rvanasp WVWVWSNV t-tawj 7 Mil aMOW.IVKx r-' naifwiiiavi iaeWata i a awia ibii w akair I r av raiiau a iriaa i . . -w w vr.nn av.r. v w .... m k... a a-aetlwj mamriuaa ti a. mmmi. i r i a . i a. a I -awvie i"f"r Bavwiawwwaai Hwvvawvivwvi' a-ivaaaulllll Sttflt IbaaKal AT Brktk ll aWfcsBOl kal ika aUalaVa 1 reaL" ' A Text ATot in the BibU.Rer. J. D. Fulton "preached a sermon" in Boston last Sunday, from tho text "What ahail bo done with . Jefferson Davis t" It is acarcely necessary to say tbat a miuiater mmu 282 000 ao idi.e to nia urou, waa raiae aiao io man, and instead of enforcing tbe charitiea wblcb distinguish . Christiana from sav ages, bowled for blood like a wolf.' . Tie grazer, Trenholm b Co. Failure New YorkJjone 30. At meetiog of tba , .' ' ervditoraof Frasier Treobolm dr Co at etale- ' ,t, maot wa mad sbowiog their' liabilitias to be . ' 1,280,000. Ubaacared 1311,000. Estimated " Hon. Geo. C GorbamTwho hat been Choiera l Mamphia, Jane 30. Several cholera are reported. . : ,. - . ft-" From Richmond. ofporaJi Vi ' J' l.)Jt ' Gen. Sickles ha written a letter to nominated by the republican for Gover- Senabr Wilson informing him tbat the nor of California,; waa twenty year ago antiMtirtation for tha exrienaa of rcrnn-1 a newspaper carrier In New London. arrncfioh-is whrlly inadeqnatOi and the i Cbnn gettingliia tchooling and paying foodadevoted to his district are already hip way by hia own Oxertiont. tie baa absorbed. He says the Navy and Trees- been an editor and a lawyer, and ia at ury Departmenta hf e declined to assist present clerk of the Supreme Coort of k! lr.l. r. I. ' TI.-- r..lt I rL.lifr.rnta . una iriiu iuiiuo. aiiv iuii euvi suurvi v - listed 'waa H500.000. and tbat amount o - 8 required for the Carolina alone. " " I " Eory doctor in respectable practice in I mooicated to tba city council bis reasons for; rfr W ashineton has under treatment from aecumng to moauy me oraer retineting bar C Richmond. June fiO.Tbt ofih Ptb of a Monday. ' . -The Colored "Majority, wgistersd yesterday, : , was 87. , r o- ' -1 ''- V?? ? From Charleston, ' . , sA,-h4f . ' 'Charleston, June 80. General 8icklee com. -v.- tivnrtnnrn man addraaji to a mai. I tWOntV tO fifty 00 Of typhoid fever. ingolciUxeDSon bis recent return to JNewl f no oisease ia quububjij mmi. Orleai't, from the N ortb, staled that he I f JPhUo Bradley of Hamden Court, daily naa loi inei .aingiu uiau i uie xionn Mnaa to tJhatterton's fruit store 187 wno approved tbe course OI Uenerai Broad wav. Strawbarrriea aa larrra sui Sheriflatvand that liadicalism waa vir- billiard balls, hoap, and twice at lot tnaiii aeau. xue peopie 01 lue iiorin,icjotu. no aaia. were now iremuiinc lest inev.i tm i .1 .i. 11 i ' too, tbould have the r.ght8 otpieit Statet th "There are two thing in this "jw l"7" " -"r-rv.'l world wbicb a man does not often find lUCIIl. ll - . . I a. owe. faAin Kirna flia flraf iai orvwrl atnn af sir ivv-ivussa,. m .u u x ww rvvys if--- a - - -a 4 ue secouu is oiutueresiea love. The followihf obitoary notices recent- St Lohls bas almost i daily situation !r appeared ia a German paper i .1 .X fn the war of a jntQide. First, a banker - - aa a was war-- r ..-... . . - m fw nnaKanrf ia nrt mnn TTo A r! noi none ium6eir. men a raiiroaa man twai wish r to live longer, and if he had, it lowed atrjcbnme, and now an insurance would have made no difference, for the resort w trie piatol, and, aeleoting o-ont entared hia atomache and waa aoonl a graveyard, blowa , hu bratna out and 1 shall marry tbe on m WWB "urw jjrvuuu. i room neeaees. , ,n , r'-J.y wj'iov-'; . Grand Celebration in Borne 5,' J Rome, June 80. Tba religious ceremooiea " at Rome, io celebrating tbe 1 800th anniversary of Si. Peter's Martyrdom, and tbt canonization' of tbe Martyrs io Japan, was one of tbt most gorgeous tbat baa bea witnessed ia the world , . since tbe days, of King Solomon. ShwA'k-'t' Tbe observances commeoeed with a general ; itluminalion of ibaeilV. - 8l Peter's fflowad like 'J,.- a irraal rhun-Jl art flra. At T A II irrnil oTPrelstes, Prreals, Monks and aoU" zrx - t .-g' followed bv death. doctor who ao kindly attended my late husband, 11 learned then to trust him. Soft rest to the ashes of the departed one whose wholesale liquor business 1 ehall a .'.. M continue at tno oia etana. Maria W, Schixvx. The people of Detroit will lay the cor nor stone of tbeir "Soldiers' Monument" on tho 1st of July with imposing eeremo niea. All the charitable order will con tribute the ladie are to raise $2,000 an dime tubecriptioqt from everybody. birg paeking "vp;'tt the guiia and artifc iery atoret in rtetlrtjefs, "the quBntity of which is so great that it wi reaoir a fixfl creatthat it will require a Take. then, theao olorlTieipUirJT thev coTple Tgforrthato woifcThor art ATfreut reaiiy-atHiieirtt whatever may b their present etenifiea sran among the miliiary 'lumber, 80mttlon. We can all feel an honest pride in of whieh are valuable as curiieitiet, bnt their more ancient history i aa I trust we aa nothing atsa. The Luxemburarer U shall be enabled to do in tbeir future his mtnt bitterly the losa of tha garrison, tory. With regard to wbat I may call hich is not very unnatural, aa it baa tbeir especial history- that it the histo- been calculated that the Prussian! Spent j ry which ebvrt thO four yeara of our in-1 I ' i .1 I . . I . I . -a J J. k-.k .N ona uoourau' ao4 niuoiy tuouaaiiu poaouaiMrneciDO war is ia our umj tram aa yar(mg tbe towoe peeyta . A a tome Chtiattana .andbwUiftrtof&rCTt It tt!e componeatloa the Jting (Jrand That war bas lea many Pokehat offered tofnbkrthetowo a woondysi preMUt ortrTiJUiidiiDgt previously; em- Let uaef the South', do our part by ployed for mtntary purposes, ae alao of cloaing them wit& a tender and gentle tbrTrrottitKyaimbytt'e d of ban4ro;. that ne-tcjfmjaajmtlnj IU6' loruaoautfo" as tuis aHinauou -sairamiaa oi viv ovnutcw- aDu.im na notrvaHd-ithoflthoaawnt-ibeU eoavert thi Bew fiagl rrataffythrTOtgr:-waxta mgetaaihf jtntrtthw etd flag agier tbat w may toy 20th inst. to conarm tho act.v , ,..-'. - it at of voor." . Mf fioble-buaband, Professor Soil, "is A Cliicatro Daner thus sum on the re- dead: the most powerful me'dfcloei woaldlsnltt of Hancock's campaign against tho not keep him with me. X wo sorrowing Hud iana. " 'After, marcuiusr eleven hnn- ehildren would ett alastl pararTiago-watnot thothlett. I Tniier-ithrprodiHout -translrtatidn a t -rj . - . J. : t. l.li.J . . " . j j . il as jio jluslj?H JUi"! D0J?ePe,, 1 train, no ancceeaea, in. capturing one oiu noWT ao norirlsft t tjbtnt broken teg and an ilKtic dorot wish to be reminded tif my lost by JCfey renne gjrt.-. Having poop10 conuoie witn ine. uiai , , . y . . , a. . I a .a .a VI I n aw nnmiUIW IU - I aaaa aru II m laaai. niaiii in death naa piacea mo in tne mourntuii " " c" k V - t.AA -a t .J factored at 8t Anthony Fall, on th? getoutofit." ,iTeW"rerM19MS V-. - .: v T- , f l-.----i- iauiMat.yy...M.i---.-". Some Hmo since a gentleman died h MajorGeneral Rawling, Gen. Grant' the town of X, who during life refoaed 1 chief of atari, baa, been lecturing tn a -WW aa. i . .. -a . a aa "fa .a I 1 - ILa, .a .v. kBT m laaB ' aa a.: II. . . t a llltlW v 'iawanba arrap mo riiimiea rt im w ia MriaitAn itirf ui iud ivuvtitvu aauva aiavi3ki.utiiai sb wgcao auvi uit uiihd uig viii ivvvtavMi - a brrt,iirftTnrfam;m-rnimorriefttion. J lenltLthe act of the Government since . , . 7: .. i i. . i:: -.t": ji.'.'siti'i it Such .read ai Toiiowtt-Dear wite j i ua aurrouuor, luvwiugiuiiiua niucuj. wtelievo, Please-aend-me mrthinjha purtued-aa eminentlvrpcificatoy fp'LJ- .in.- ,, , )carMHelQPPed v , , . i mi nr 1 4n 1r.nr - - - - prooeasioa rl!.ra mar-titx! (ram tha hattaaa ta St. PatarV Tbe Pope waa carried on his ibrone.l St Fefl ter's wa roagnifioently decorated ailb elolbaof a gold and ailvar Upeatriee and paintings and : 200,000 yardi ot .enmaoo iilk. Tb build- ibz. waa Jibled wub many million of wax candiaa. . .Xi ZH .'. ; : Waehin91cn;ev.Si: Waabiagton, Jnly 1. Mr.' Greeley is belore ;.s tbe Judiciary CommiUe to day. . . f -m Tbe Cabinet w in eitra leasioa. . Neither tbe r a., k.. a. .r .k. n-. :n . a imuoui tv, umui wi luw wymwwivwm will !f ire or reports to Cbagreee aoieaeiapecially t called for.". ' s' ' J , .Geaeral Coatar. at the last reliable aocoonla. ' ' t at Aba forks of tbe Kepublican River, ready poj ' Stone aokwen and Elinbetk Cady, SisnUo ara to aJJreea tba faeVHicat LegisUiure; ia favor of temt antfraga; ia a. taw daya. . ' '-..t.P. vine tno iiis-1 ..k. Mr.. k 1 1. . Ife wceiedTtoiy of;.tbe roljoTon andatetcTiTiif W JPopoIogicat jests armadelt Gieeloy al a expooyjwiitirign i -v- - a -a r a . - a w. I . a - XI ngan articre entitled I eaiea ot urs stocx: in vnicago uvsiyear -Froigtof the Waf trri roachol 1,5812 crrtrr tbe Indiana, if tbey abotthl to paraoe gik,.. , - Tbl RepublicMa w h 1 raaj8igbVJ. ..... J 4 SfA ...v..1 PaHa, Jsly l.-i-The 8uUo of Tatkey Us airivad ber.- '" ' u '7' v-'&t1' JL'- cratnre plant ia ia bloom ia New Of leaaa. aad tha New Ortaana rwoeBl" reroiads lbae ipla viba 8ada iiincaBTealeat J vult tq enoajty now, tbat tbay will aav aao'. bar , oppoa6ny"iffordedtBew-m--thaea voo- 1, 1 1 4Sb; .;: V v F -