.V- - , -T "J r:" crirua? " . " -1 -- m m " 1,1 1 -..y... , ,.,..,- . r. . --: . .'- . - .. i - ,- f , 1 JrT . : , r,-....n,,,, ,,1. , , . tm , , , ,M . w, . , , ., , , r ? f ... .-L . . . -. .. , si- VOL-TniRD SERIES. J- SALISBURY, 10,, MONDAY, JIJLY .15,; 18C7; NO., 28 WHOLE NO; 1771.1: i ; I 60 TERMS : j . 1 1 1 1 VAIt M MancL MATKS OP ADVKRTItlNQl , - 3a, 9Laua tin loMntua, tavb, . oo ' ' , . for cvb UiltUutial ublu.tHa, W 0lmu' )bt r uoaLU to rt pTt it. 1 After Mr. 0. "titH! Mr. Joh, (rol nrl) from IUItigli, il i nl rtM need, uJ w mult Mjr in all candur llmt it vft it MniiMc, plain, maitvrur-fael talk that v liv jrti lirani. 11 rYcl Ilia iniark4 U) Mjrii'ft tbtt Ilia KBt'"""'' m Iio had Torall li i Wit Mio f rrn-i lor a tinivch, bnt lie would aai n at li wialied to corrrct a wrong Imprm moii ilut dad voMau into tlia liualtir Id wliite friffiitta. lla aliuded to ilia idaa of 'xM ial rnuallir.' II aid lbt tle law t lli Imiki .urt)d liia rare t qualitr U FO0RTII OF JULY IN CONCORD. , V, iriU ifca Iadraai Tt,m. : TliaPUt Aouitcrtar uLAiiicrimn In daiid:tic a ccfuUaivd in II it jUrr on Tliuradar Im.I. It waa Miiliat.diN fvrtnt from th niaiiMt-r it tint cel. lor th$ law, ttiat race dvmandwd ii bratcu in aaji m jwr,ni wiiuiBi dtrinf all tbat wa4 a.id -or dnna .waJ utuiiW in tliia luiHa t . f i fHieincut Incident ai tlify ocurrel, and give our yoM H.erer.. A nnmlier t colored "L'n Ion Loxgn- from varioua loilion T tin C".n jr nilild ! cIlraio llit )' Afar I lie aiaal rHinini.ric)i, liter cr f.-rmtrd in rauka at lli Arlr. on Dvt trf, and tl Uaraliala from ll.e diU'crxnt Lrat:', on borarliark pronrr.li d lo tiitf rraiilftirv of tt.ar I rrJdrtit Mr. h i. l iung. c r aVjreci'd. d Vj tljfl ilru n anl tile, ai.it Btr 6lxiinlrd Culler, lo i'.crt li'in io tlia lead of tie roCf.ion t'u-ii in w aiiiiy TliO or'r by I lie Ciiof M.ralial, Mr Frank Foard, (i-olorvd ) to diamoiint war obaad, lh t o -I lent imt'le hi n' nr anc and llie flt wm ialuit-J, and tlm-v clierrt jprtn. , ilr. Sxin. Parlce, (colored.) then madf a fw rinaika iuciinir it.e iiiinrtnin;i' il tlia m-exafon. 0ii g 'O the frreal roil. waif unaltla to hear all of Inn re mark, but ii au'iaianru lie ui l tin- IimiI mat together to celelirjtu I lie tiny, am! that thj abould all I e II. a- kl'.il lor thv LloiDg that ha l.uen b.nt .Nr. d on tliem thai llnao bleaiiuj 'ru iiol aunt on iLem by Ilia IU icil U pul ic.n partr. but thrjr vee alone indci-tcd in (jod f r thera; that thef thnnld all lie n aoeh a manner a. Io aecuru llnvu l.le-in-not'tw.tT M ttiemtdrc. bnto tlnsir iiojh i tanty. lla hoj a l they would a'l lalx.r tcil. cr fr the common intere-tt of tlie conn try, that lli.ir former iiiMteia were for gicn by them for uny act .f cruelty eomniilted a;ainal thum, and hoped mI way to lire in g.io I feel 4 n wiili iIumii, and otTered three chcera for ilieir firmer Owner,'wbicli were if i von wiili ii luiut-i will. Ti c l'resideni and M .r.-liull li.vn! luotir.ted and pn.eetdo I to Um I aa a rij(lilf and that It at uothinjc more than told Jmi itvctd, for man lda- " t 1 ' I . . I .I.... 14 ftl.!.... inaiiu ma iitcmift aoi mai u i ii"iuiiir iiuire iliati jiutica that ihoaa rixliUbould hoI''atdei1 til thein." Al1hr'aif1t taunt iir.Nie did not hci tvtr l prop kim- ttlf njr iit any wl.i e nenileiiiMii'. Hilor -tiid talk to hi daughter i r lna wife, bnt il lie had hiituiiva with a white yent'e man, and. if il w .i rainiu le kne h le gentleman would ark It ' m in "out . f dm ei."aiid il' he lT-ri-d him n chair he would ir down, if Ii di I not he would tand n till he tot ihr.il h willilii. i.ithiii a, and then c t to hit own home n I tit down in hit u thmrt. Social uiiuli y Mat a tljiftj to he governed lj h'-tli tU-fCi" ; he knew or aoiue nrgroer ah' in he woiilJ not nbHoriate with, and lie had no douhl tlut thiie wire i.letity f whitv men ' who hit wltile fiieinia would not aaH'i.ite w th.' At to cnti- CMitoti, he neither de ired or ezpecteit it he ittid loid the Kxecutive Commit tee ! the IleiMililicoii .nrtv,it Vltllii- toir, thai the colored i tioii oljhe Sonth denirud to live on cHd term h their Id imiotera, and thai if they wmiied Imii U tuey hoM-d Khin to he able t buy hoii', and that they did not deaire lando i l.oui giving al'iu recciveil fo them, lie tjioke f Hie ii itliiy f iho a'at during the war, hw they could hVe imiidvr.-d, hunted aud destroyed every'. hug lio they C'l.ild hfe intuited woiiifii anu ctiilJiC?', tint HtfT an nor J i it. lItp.ko ol their warm a'tacli UK-lit to their mai'er. mi tl.u tield of but tie, how they cjtrnl t .r them a ik and vti'Unded, and when kilkd, how they Ur- lUlil Ihcm buck to lher wivel mid mtitljerp.; that on the .i.r .ach of the enemy ti.ey helped to bide tlio r u!nn o qnlra a good deal of mauurt and thor otigh tilliij'a lo iidikf tliein mfliahle. Hi a frequent Hiring of the toil, and llie fertillrett are the want of the apple tree, and the root crop enables farmer to gi ' theie to bit orchard, and at the tame timo be it retnunerrated for Lit lalmr. Potatoes, carrots, beets, tarnlp, are all good crojn lor the orchard, if ytn put on mtnnre enoujli to make them pay. A tnrplns mutt bo left in the toil lo maki the apple crop. But will an orchard thus fed bear er ery year?. We have no doubt ot It. Tlie apple crop mar be made aa tore at lite root cropa. .W.onco plowed up lie J neath. au eld apple true that Iiad an ink veterate habit of bearing only erery other rear, and planted with iwUtoe. manarinpr JiWraily.- U' had a 4mU im. of apple the second year, and ehall-al -ways think the manure and the cultiva lion , inudo the change. Horticulturists who make afpcciality of applet and ma nure evHiy year,sut-ceed in getting cropa evert year, with very rare exception David Lyman, Krn., of Middletiold Conn.. dinted at a recent meeting of the hoar! of agriculture, that he cut ivated hit ir chardt, and cot crops every yeiirvTWy were not alwavt hill ciopait5iiT w re enougii to pay for tlio troiiblu. Judging from the Bearance of hit orchard. which we veiled a few yeHrs tincu in the apple seanm, we think that a very modeMt atatement. We have raielyteen .. i . . i so duo a anow oi applet, even ai tne county fan's, as could hafp been gtlier ed from hit trees. The secret of hi mic cees i cultivation nnd manure, and a ren- tonal le watch HgaTust J lie eacroakhmentt ofintec's. The plowi'n; Mia Inllhe fall as well at the Fpt ing, he think a L'reat safeguard against tlteir depiedatiout. ; Tho Eeglstration Order jrrrilt tpojcarrsM to Miirrm District. I . ' . CltaHwioM, IS. C, May 8l, 807, O.ftfmlOrJ, No.18. t. 0j lU tl.id kloaday of Jalf Sflt,ia ubedN-ai' lo iii rq.rrinfl J ike act of Con (frvtt, Uaruh 21.', 1107, llni(uinaadiof Uearral a ill i.rucerd aad eu- lo be niada a rrgi.ptiiou of the mala cilurMof L Uailvd 8alrt le-lr Oite rar vf and errd i-f North and Kvulb Carolina, Mot di.fraa chiWd t tart'iaiioD iu lb raUlllou, of foi Motif i coiutitoa law. S. Uae or more Imardt f ratotraiioa aoo 1112 of ibrre Jurtrl aad qtuhlini pviron l he aiipun.b-0. bribe, coinuiiidiuir Ui-aviaVWll W a-4 4a each euuuty . or kit r, to oia kt, aal euw)4rUlb trgiftraiioa tad et,riniaf lit vlvetlua lo br bvld luvrvaflrr lor tleljrulr ( a coa.rliltiMi lo frame a tv.tlituilui), and limk' Nli'WS fV TIW TtAV "a"! roaenit of lb Settle, or aatoce ii iHavaot. aivu uwil. m aainer m mammx mr Mtxican Attain. iaurf-riaic Kh the Commaadtf of NreOtlMn. Jty 7. TU AaairUa 8ln)-j gl. arling aadcr Ht sutborit, or frees t Jtlitubtth baa o-J-rt to pmrred U Ver pHiWruiaiii eittiif ariaaiaaj weewaiaparweM Crut, io Uinii lite Aeltiaa and Mesica Iiap tbni for any act done aader lae lo wbkk ill riali.ii i.ffi.m ard troon lita. fiha will m. m fti iiirinektarf Itirn iinme lialrlr. Col. L.t.l.r and iba otbar Ii ttalvd laat 0". Uerree, tsjloaalls ofTivr. ..f ih. Vrra CruSKirriaoe alio arid I s aj.licol tot ike Ucxieea mialvW-- la Uubile by lie 7voeK bav oome beta. Fvrtiyn A act. PiH., Ju'r 7. Ii fit rei or-.d ibal Ntroleoa nas cunulual lo !itriu 31 0U0 me of U Fundi riy iamiedialrly. . From, . WhingtotL' WatblntjU.o, July 7. Aa actor. Darned Uat h. w, mm Mre lb Jedioary CvniMiille oe I ioa to p'vCcad to ifclico lo deotaad liasliull Fortign. Loadoa, July 8, M. Tk EnjIUli 0- , rrr.iitrai ia aboat to moJ a body of troopt te Ab)trina'a. - , ratia, J1t J. Tfce Iotarealiofltl moaey Coa rnea prnpuM le 6i ibealaodarj OwU coia at - Ba Fiaot-a aad iu milUlbtra." r ' --1 ' . .. . 4., a, t. 4. M'l, Tnwle, Jul 8 A flewt I aader prepars ' 44.a4o itmJl-im oU, iatt -of -vole. aaxl ii JiinUy,aid trlttwde tf t aa fwilitu t.. Qm jiau'a bwdy. be 4Hvoa eb-eird a drbnfate by a plurali' ol ilia vutr iwt al aucli elet-iion 3. The eoui.tir in North Carolina and lb- tv"t'r"p'ocMl Ji.trilio S.u'h Camha. will b 'or iliv .wrp.uf rr(ilriiun, di.idrd into en .nitwit rrgitrliri pn-eineir! in ntclt 'i-iri'tra itn pr.eiwt. a boar I of r'ir'ifit will, if ptaetir- ablr. broranitvd. Several 1'lvOI will I trij uaird in eeb rvgialra'Hia prretmsl ebrra Ihr IhMril eill inert, ami eilitvn. rhi(ilile lu riiira lion may uu and (m rrviiJrr. J. Tn- lioatd reifi.i rail-Hi will rviiinni Iu taaioa two dT, frun unrt In ui--l al raoli i.c of iii-Wii.u On the dav of lb atMwinatioe Maitbeat met Uuolb n liixMLack, who av kiiu (Mallbvw.) leltri , 'OiMraiio bim to iratm It al lite JmUUigtmctt -nice the aril nvarniiie; af buulb b.d Ufl luoa. Hailhrwa rrcivrtl thv letter jfrB bun t'jrrird- Boatne, MrrchaiiU' Stealing at th$ Hub. Jily 8. Jao. K. Feller, Caah'ier N.lioual Dank, bat teea amtlnd, - irmjjui Mn-t m.,uf. Tut uitfl.U Ju.ii.( I c,ru-d wilb illryally abrtracliag ike faadtof -he rl ilrni'-ni rauwa or me a...-iDuiiii I ilj. IJabk. M-llhi-.ra rtineriil eo-d the brtU-r and rvad it. I Il colitain-d a t airm-Ut tiifod I'T llooth.1 1'arnr, A trjdl and Llamld. The tlrnmol .aa dial llier bad Irit J lo ab Id I lb 1'rv.idrM o.d had failril ; lhn rulvrd 1 1, at lbr uuld aartiKctf their four i- in dr'rbct of Ihv Im atli-Miriiuivel, of lite UmxI. a epv of lite laal I cuuulrr, and rcuiove, by dralb, tin- Pirtidrul of N-roi-. r-icilrre-l will lt d-lnwile-l in a ui.a I hjni ibi-r e tn-idrtr-l the eauae of llie o-.aii- Ire .U wuliin lit .r. cn.cl. Sct.n tUv '"'in tr) rMilea. II tvi-i reaj in lei er U.ubewt pulir iiiforniNliun and iherrafiir. ib board eili I hecatne tetnhVd and LuiDtrd it Untlbae will a-zHMi vi.il f vrrr nrrcntel mid revise tlie litl of Uglify in Im-Iim f of Surrall ivra, ltar olj cliuua of citiifii. a U. anv al .1 -Tl'r... ll'ierual U4vcuu Kece)itt to-day are judication iiiauo and rt-ifiMer any irm wlm e' 88 000, poaiU f37BOUU.OUO, lli-.n 2Ud 6JJ 000 National liauk eircu la- may hate ln-ru utiabl-, l-Jf reason of lln-Mi or oihrr (TimhI and nifhY-iehl i-auav, lo atleud th Him mwi-n i f llie boar-l. 4: All itnoiia a r pointed lo stake tli laid li'ilrivu of .uler and lo coMlil.i aatd flw- 8,3.M.OOO. lion will Im riinii-J lirforM iita-riii Hiin tdair Lmdniii1 inembfra ar thai UotnrreM will Dot Mllliltlldee Ot llie Cliryaallile are Ul, Juitrf.lo lakatid nlrcnl. the itath i.rra. nll take t lite qiihbIioii of rebuildn-ir the Ler 1 s .. I . . - I . .." earllieo, atlU ueHiroycu. ll tm wa at I by ll.eaut ai.road J.tly 21. l0t2.iitnird n I "ii the alneieii.i-l until Hie Siam are rrcou- tended to, and the windfall picked tip ci to i.r-oilw an ollt ol oUio-." and if an alruclrd uuder the aci. of Conirrrta. and fed to the pips, we think there would . iwin-.n altail f l--lv l-ke and ii'.tiImji hoa'i. I The Jlrne CuiiiniiMioiie'a lia.epai I $300 he little damage troll) a'tack4 ot tnM'Ct . or mnuatloli, audi i-t-raon Mit-tf-ndiliiaitd bfnc 000 and oil tlieir reluru will l.av lltr oilier 11 00, NThe h tittle it to fine a frinf. anl si easilv ' duly convicted ihermf, ahall b itl-i--i io ihiOoo f.r Ui r.ou Sujuuuah. '.The Simw4i kjpt it it so mucli both lood and iuxuri',i.pi, ir,,!,,. "ngi uiiyti,.iiiitr wiiicli. ,hy Jaw. . . ... . . . .:i lr.i .-:i . hat no pains should be spared to keep I"0"""' lur "'u 'in-ni.i vie crime ot - . "... i ..it l I . . . . Ti a r . a our1 orchards tn the hct condition. We Aa ealrrpri.ing mrrultantof CiaeianaU pre. pott lo trad wbat dewe Hi aJl-ht pi io New O' leant, ao.1 ibeoce to New elk, lor tile baif lb ruling rale, or Ibirly au a beabtU . .. , i ...... . At a printer' fnti.al, on Frai.khVa llrtb dy, tb folloeiinf ih ibe I'tb rrgalar tuaal ; "The editor and ibe lawyer I he devil i tali fiJ with ibe o.y of lb tor mr, but reqaiie lite oriaioal of ibe latter." ;f. , ... . - A eooduetor if i Xewipaper, tpeakiog of a b-iurui-a lirM for National Bnuki and de jo,wlmtwrarr, mi: "lie waa iWmerly a weiaa . l.nnhnfliiA V.... I II. L ..: I I. ... J . ... bef of CofiK'i-aa, but rapidly rote till be oblate d a tvirciahie poeiitoa at an eililor a aoble Tin- li-t- iual K-ttinue IWipl. for tb week rXampl of pvrMveraac aader dprMiaf ciie cuntttaocc. Tne rRorusiox. ' TliO proeeioti wh formed "n Dc pot Street and rontiated. we wi re in formed, of ten different Leairnc (c-.l..r-edVof this ronnty. Etch Laoue had Tta reirular oQlceni. with" the inrcnia of rank at lis h-ad, and f-tnned a i i Imnn Dear one litlf toile in letth. Af er pro Ceadintf to Alain Street, tiiuy ihn inarched to tlie Concord F .ct-.ry, where a took pis ce. Mr. McDonald, the proprie- torof the Conc .rl ratlory, t!nn pn. sented them with a lieaiitiful fl r, ahd we conceive lift remark ii theo'cait--n, to be well-riniC'l and. full of gNl com mon sense soitH.i advice, lie siid lie !id l)ot t-lpectud to iiiitko a sVee II. iliat iech-makiiiir wh n t in hit line of buiiie, but that iind. r. the circum stances be Cocld not icfiaiitjffom making A few remark. Ile-iotd tl cm fhthey were indebted to ilitt il m fr the k)i.Hi.-Ii . they now ocenp'od ru the State that, tluo'ig'i the influence nf the Kepuhli cjio l-arty, they had efjuil right In fore Hierra"wLiialCT"e1"'tliFnr'and Ttmt it wa JflJojhrmnd.tliein o'lj, to ny whether tin so iiTits would Tie einVtiniied to them, or they would by idlenof H"d dl'plion, relapse into a state of I.Hrini' rlsin. lie hoped they would all go to workn earnest' and build up f..r thoni selves and tin ir children a rep.iNtiiin Loiiesty 'id SOltriely attd 'iiiako fhvm--Selves Hatful citit-n of the coiiutiy. lie ild thatJhe 8 .iith "beeded . their labor, , and was willing to pay ihein for it, and it Was fr themt-el ve 'o ' dotarmiue whettier thi greit boon of freedom that . had been given to them, wouh1 be matlo ble-sinror a en me. Three cheers were riven for Mr., McD nM anil three cheeis ..-.1 ipli..n -li.ti.mr iiuaj I hey delixiod t'eni ii, all in jjootl uiition. (in riu poitit he grew leaiiy lile.1 nnd enpp ed co are tjred of seeing apple (tuned at $7 a barrel bnt even at that juice they arc much cheaper than pills. ' -itf..l .ii.l utni.l n.-j.i.. Tl. I" r.t... ... I. i brrwuh published. a f -lloWt: "I. A U., do 1 hut ..Clt', all J his rp. Cch, O 1 till! Whole i.ml h bc-Uur elluct oil thu whitu poriioit ol ihu ini.Iuuwo tuaa tliat it any oilier speaker. Mr. Schenck, (col-ired.) from IJnc-'In- ion, waa then introduced, and ui-.de a few remark on the present condition of lite J? reed men. lie advised them to go to aotk in vood faith, to keep their prom iet, to oid the a Ivice of danennii', drai.nino men, to alttUitf teetotally from the itreot liquor, lo endeavor to t'ft the ijo-m! will of (he white, utid to lead lire- I hotteety, frugality and tohnety; lo .1 unite their children and iiihUu ihitUr solves nuueially nful to become uomI Uw-ttiidiiii ciiix.'"". After which the Hiidietice tang "Blo'O ye the Trumitx Isund, when tiro Ap mi. die If ncliciion wan f ro .ounced by the Jiev. M. Springs (c -hired).- Tho piocesaion wa re-formed and they marched to the grove, where ihcro wus a x T DI.NNEB t'iven, and all seemed to enjy themselves in the S eat manner. ."'-It i with pleasure that we record llie fact there wa not an accident occurred to mar ih i.ccaB;on,.Hiid the penera! be havior t the freedmen e icited the praite -o all w h -wit lit-t'd their proceed inoa. The quiet manner in which everv thinjr pi-sited flf ha impressed our citi xeus With nil increased kooo. feeling to' ward the Freediiieii, and il i the hope of all ihnt they may be betterud in their present condi-tten aul.-nmlv te,r or i-hVm lli tl I here nevi r vol untir.lv borne annt aniiiil lite United M-tl- tincv 1 i4k l- en a citizen thereof. Tliat I have .olUllt.rilv' L' I Veil uu aid. couillellalli-r f-iiitlii'il or rUULIO MEETING. ncourai:iiiriil lo n.r.m nijH(ji-. injtrined ho In pursuance with a previous rrotice, i t'b'y tl"V."; thai I have ntiiiher notion nor ae on Saturday, tlio titll of July, a o,),Ily i.eepli-dnur ail. iiirlt-d to exeic Sa ilia luncliolia number of the, citizons of U.iwan C .lint) , ot "")' wlli,ier undr anv aullioriiy or tn.tli white an i colored. Ittseiubled in ill l''"1-'1 "Utbonty in hualiliiy lo ibe United (...rl.II.,..aa frt ...... .ide tl, iiniuirl.iii-,, 1 SlHl,i. 1 l",v ..t yirl-U a Voluntary .up ..( I? ...:.l..r;,. '.n.ll,, l,r -,,'or .l,.a.- lH,ll0hl'.V l'""-ded overninritl; MU botity. leave, in Autfii-t, l'ne uiHj.niy of tlie ntf ml-tr. of CongrfM anitou-ily lt-- lo hni.ti early tirii wntt. A farmer wrote a. follow, to t ditlinffUMlird KCieniiHu airtculturalit, lo whom b fell under obli)aiioa. for introducing a variety of wiue: lUircird Sir I wmt le ike eattl bow. I found nvrral p'if of vour .pecie. Titer a a great aaiiely of boirt, and I eat SktoDiahad at not teeing you haI'.1mn.Jr, A Much accoic larurrrot-W bave bea Iuloritintion ba reit recvived al llie War Uhowo a paienl horae boe wbicb mual CrTUia- D-nariiii;iit that tit Phil. Kraroy ina.Mcre ly .upercede lb old tem wbea it beoonir jrtw out of pUcing military pott on the Molt-j known lo tb public. Il entirely dispenae with lan road bv l'oadrr rtvrr, without tb c -nM-rd nana, bion taalaoed on tlie loot by means ol an Mjwrr or c-on-lilulion Will.iit llie United Slate. .: .1.. ...i . . i. !.... ... .1 . " "I f"cv hoeltle oi inimical Ibereto; and I do further who -propose t.i register. .wear or affi.in.tbai. to thr be,l of mv knowledge The meeting i oramz-d l.y the ap j mlU ., iu,,lortMll., Mvni t,le c,,,, pointinent ol Joux.jv. Gkaiiam, h (j . jIUiio of ilw Uniird sute aaioAl all eueiuiv. Chairman, and Ltwu Hakes, and Uba foreign or domnc; tbitt I w i lar true laiib DIAK WoOliSON. SocreUrief. andallrg ai.ee to the mill. ; lhat I take thi. oh The Oi'ject of the IlleO in w;n briefly jhalhui hre'y, without any menial reservation explained by Mnj. Iiihl.ins, alter winch the audionco wa addies-icd I. v Luke Blackmer, W. II. Dit.K-y, and F. E.Sho her, Eeqr., Co!. 11. C. Jones and Dr. 1. W. Jones. It was then declared lo Ive the sens of the ineetinjc that the Chairman a; point ono or more tren tlemeli to addreg t ho nco fie of the county at each of the Sher iff Tax (j.ilhcriu-'S, when the l'Ho wiuir veniremen were appointed : Gheen't Bridge, July I7lh, Luke Ulackmcr, E-q. (iillesidet " 10;n, ... , - il a. i n . l. i. una, , - lutii, McConnaufchcy's, ' 20th, 25n, 27Ui, 31.t, Cnliivution atid iiiHtiwin will change all thi, and give u rein u tie rati v crop evcty 6ea6iiiTrT6sinily manuring mtgltrl do this eren iflhe orchard wete jelun grass UttJ- tnnangertarrr ineprcwtru CULTIVATING ORCHARDS. Apple orchard left tn themselves bear only on alternate cars, with suili. iint fonnifv. that "heaitnif veais'' have come to-be "regarded aa the-order of nature, . . . j n-i. . rattier man a unman ucvice. tne ircea, tn ui-Drdirtnrr am I An nut hnvn nliiitpnt -for the Hg,-when' Mr. MeDomtld te irid. hcnglT fo v6"TlTtt"a5!p ivmxjmr-' jut, i inn tiiitcoi n-jineir iit n iuw remark. Ho thai kedMr. McD 'tiald and other while Kemletnen for lhetnter' reel uify naotaren on tin occasion, ami ald t Ii rt tttegcBlPTed; man's 4netew-a the interest of the while iiihii iliaf it jrwas the doty of both tv woik tojfeiher and secure the same end; that he hop d that the Idea of some of the colored -ieople of goiMg-4aek- into a mated slavery, might , be Iduttca out, and iuat the ortlj-waT to do it was to go to work and save their iiuutey in order to buy laud and .educate tTietp clilTdreh f tliat If they did this, in a short time all would .be well, and that prospi ri'jr w ould t rown ' their efforts. The proceruon wus again ormeitlWi - ter being sealed and singing i hymn utt able to the occasion, w7As Declaration o Independtvee" was"ibeo read-after "-Mr. Wm. IL Colemso (white) addrese ed the meeting... JTot besriA'g all of ilr. JJr. J.n G .Kmiy. K E. Sli..ter, K-q. Col. II. C low. Jhs. E Krrr, Ej. Dr 1. W Jonw M .j. W. M. Uobl.ina. Di. J..-.li VV. Hall. W. U. B.ilcy, E. August lst Obadiali V -ihKiii. 2n, hi. L. Holme. E-q. ,3(0, J. Al. McJoil.le,E.-s. At well s, Luakera, Harttnau'a, Harkey's Halter Shop, Morgan' Gold Hilt, Miller1, On motion tlio paper of T-Tu'n were req netted to puUlisli the proceedings when the meeting adjourned. JOHN K. GRAHAM, Chmn. Lirwis Hanks, I q. Obauiau Vood6oj,; f ?ecI ' or purtto.0 of rvaalon, -and ',Unl I will well and failbful'y difcbarife the dutie of the offi-v nn which I am about lo euur. ab'o help mt God." 5. M-niber of lha board of registration will n allifd. p tHiiniieiihatiun. four dollaire aday fur each d iy actually and urcewsrily emplojrd in lh pt-if-.ruianor of their dittiea, and ti-n a. nta a mil tor each iinle I ravelwl ou.dutv, Otncer of the m in V detailed for inch .lu'Vi wil! be uaio the per diem and mileage aJlowed for aUetidntice on court uiaitials 6. Any citizen di-iiinj to terre a a mem ber of a b-.ard of regi: ration, may forward bi. applicJitio'i to tlirae hea-bpiarter. ad.lreMk-d to Capt Aleiaudet Modre, A. 1. C. No applies lion will be cor.e idervd, onli-s accompaiiied by a written recommendation, .iued by either lltr l'rovThttial Oovernof of the Slat-, or Jud jof the C'rcait or District Court of the United S ate, a Col'eclui or other principal olHeeFof Cunlom or of Iitieiual li-venue, tne Aui.lai.l Com mil aluuei ill. .1 llB,iVeeiJ.UW ol tlie Indian. The Ctr)enn war wa Cauoed by the itppioaclt ol Hoop.. The Indian, abau doiird lh- nllrtg and allerwarda burned it. Tuu ntlicial report will be made by a commit tee fo Collar. as which will inaure peace auioli all Ilia li.d .i tr ie-.. A luller from C iUhiil Y In the S'ata Do-. pailu.eiil dted Mauritius, May 6 aj: Since my laat dii-patch ibe fever ha. greatly lucre. e.l. I. v. Nearly ilia 1 I of February. The Medical faculty ap . -il . i , . . - mjo tuai ii wiu conuQua inrouuoui iuu year. 4 li.tical band. oiirty 00 lb out.id of ih boot, and yielding readily to it growth. The form of the alio alo tend to a lateral eipao- kioo. It h been exhibited lo lb offioer of the War Department for tb parpote of iotro ilur.mif ii into the cavalry and artillery service of (he Uohed Statcn. Ckroniclt, 1 Tlia luVkl 5tlrtka of T.nn-.A. In a mmmI A iteraons who can, are leaving ibe Colo. I . ... , 1 . .l . vr 1 o,, nni. iit 6 1 peecli apostropuiltid pace thu: . Nearly 30.000 death have occurred noca 1 ' , r ... - -? --t "An, my colored 11 earn, did yoo aevr . rve eeive tb lah I" A misguided oro. wbo ili.i-jghl Stoke wnted inforraaHon, aotwered : "" t e, by jolly," you cib m lot of it wbo I worked on your plantation near Liberty." Sud dec iubeideoc of Stoke. " Tlie cold wealher attein. rather lo aggravate rtrt Uu.iueM auopended. I aiutick and have been uideted by the pby.ician to leave Mauritiuv bul declined leaviuir my ito.1 a. tbet are a number uI.ciki from Auiencan veaelio di ire-." , Jix Governor Laztru W. Powell, of Kentuc kytn dead. , Jltgitlration Brituh. Consul Killed. Savannah, July 7. 151 white and 129 col nred reenter d yenteiday. Total, so far, 8J6 wliite and 1 7."3 coloreil. , J. 'ettii-rland. tb Briii.lt Consul al Dr.un.s wick, (ia, a killed at tliat place by Captain Marl n en the 15b int. Tlie deceased bad on ly b-ei' nurried tour'bours. Martin wa arrest ed and brought to the city. There ii (Treat oiy lery regarding the sfTiir. ikrt iOi'jowud.it. wa- nure. . . The common objoctinri offered to jtlow infr w the datnaeo dutio to the roots pf the trees. ' We nave no doubt lhal an orchard mijcht e plowed deep and ao near the trunk ot tho trees as to aauiage - But--, diaeri4on i lo be usei and tli plow is to bo kept so near the surface under tne tree, as not to oreaic on tne e ropts. Il hasahto been ascertained tit irrnin rmno nr not lToOtj Tr Orcn DECIDEDLY COOL Tlie Ke w York Herald, which "it the nerce.t ot RjQ Republican, 111 speaking of tne cruel devasnon 111 ine o urn oc casioned by tho recent rain y.te on to gay lhat ''the only con rue left to pursue is to push ahead and phmir 1 up the rom nantt of the d imtged crpT and endeae j or to replant as far asp'tttle with com, - This has the sound of bitter iron, when we reflect on the coiirse.ltaiou diy thi prnfl'rgatejoqrnal. It is full of rfgiratioo aad- breathes ... tavaljJltuijiryxtt'itti tnttut utraTneTCT:ly"ai VesuvmsyOr poured mandmg officer of the militaiy miH wnhin which llieappl cant reside,, ceriuy 111 '.lie ap-iieaitt .i Iw a DI uj proper prou to receive the appoint ment 7. It in .enlil that every lioard of rt-jjis. t ration uliould Iw Composed ..I perstuts i-f r. Cut: ni-d coiMHileratioil and worth, fairly re.r.-ent-iiijf llm thiiitilati-iii, and in a h- e iinnattialiiv audetpacity ibe body of voter, io tbe vicinajre Ilia hvejii.l 1 eliauce. ' e). The boundaries of preci not for registra tion in tb .everal i.laoe wilbitt each precinct where the, boaid of rejitiatiin will meet the day or da). .111 which the, board will meet in each precinct, and also such regulations as mat be iii-ce..iy foj-lhtt (javer niinuikiif rtif titers and. of L1 inpector of eleutlon In the uiachaiga ot their iluneii, and lo eitaiire the aecurauy ami comi'lete forth smoke and lava, and 'add it great nower to a iterpctuation of a condition of tlttngs wliricb keep money out -6f the ttrtith;- '" ' Mxt h this ail. Jt sssists injhe iitay tibn which keeps the laborer from hi crop, and it is next to idle to tell tis to made barren for sevefal years in cotiso queoco of a crop ofrye - Grain crcps, unless buckwheat bo an .excjeiirion, take from-ibe--w4ifctlio-lfett wed,- aad shade tho laud .too nmch. -Root crops (re the most desirable, because they re pinched for money and have tirc-brnnd orators in the lock of our fence. Ji'or. Virginian. : lie. 01 111 rei.tiauon, win oe auiy ot-UJineU lor general HiforjiiU'fc. . . " 9. Lt Comiitander wm rrpoft'wfihfjtrt des ftarwpntrthritnwt redreBt dtritetbr-tgr- rtty wrthia tbetr -eummarnl tnio renrtton j. reel net, liv inu; refeience, w hen praci icahle, lo dialing laws and cutotn eatabl idling the Usual voting place, an. I keeping in view .lliu tmporl aiice of aJT.trdinsf ample faiclitrerfoT reniairitfiorr ,wu h tfce teaal ii4f uj4h ot the ordinary avoc tious of the people. ' By command of 11 - -V -V T" . r-w---gy.aiueA u: ew.ttae,Ts(aja J. VV. CLOUS, Cai lain, S8th Infantry, A.'IXC. ii K. A. A. 0. lltgitlration. Mobile, July 7. hVitralion Tn the fifih. siitlt ami. eiohlb .W ard for tbe Wees, 1,334 blacks and 781 while, , . , , oo-,,, The Texas lladicala. r IIonMon. July 7. Tbe K.-publican Stat Con' Veiilion adjourned on Frid ty. afier adoptint; the principle, of the National Republican party, eo d'trsiit-f the Civil Rtgbt bid and ibe reciuudruc .lion ,...mtaure of Conjre. thanking tbi Com- mandinir General of the Fifth for declaring (he Stale officer. bol(J cou.uuctiou proce. dii. tp. Arc. ' - o- L YtUow Fever. , Galveston, July 7 Titer wer th'e ce ol yellow fever iu llo'pitatyei.lerday and Iwo in ice city, li.it two death dav occurid .0 far. " " ' . .. Tb "Federal Uoioo," publ'uihed at Rocbeea ter, Minnewt, say io iu iuu of tb 83d ' instant n . 'A very intelligent fentlemtn, eonnrcUd with a prominent buiuer bobs hi Milwauk, and a decided Republican in politic, proclaimed .. v it s his own opiooion, in this eitv. a faw dan . ince, that a rerudiatron of th bond and pa. - . : 1 . . a per mouej itaumi oy ma rederal UoV9DUlOt was iitevitablo, and that a proposition, if ut mitted to lb people of Wisconsin to morrow to pay or repudiate, would bi decided in favor of ibe latter alternative.'' 1 Th paper throoghoot tb South ara eigfog registraiion wilb great earnestness, and appear much more aniiou for reeoottretioo ander tbe laws of Coogreat tba'a ibee wbo enacted lb ' law. Tbe grealeet obstacle to reconttrwetioa at the South are ibe sentiments avowed by Steven, Butter, andnmeooTIEelFcTasa new' demand add ' throwing unoarUintv" oC whatever eclioo th SdUh may Uke. i?ofoii Putt. ;- ' - A bridal drf 10 Fir! Ct 12.000 frSBc. It tar a.l.ila ml. Il J 1.-1' 1 ... '. . M Military Di-lrct 1 -""-"F ."-rgaiwy. lliDea, osiHe to ibe lie- "r"0''- Ud tr,u,,ned Prl. eadade. wi.M.el rpilllie. , . : : : -r-.rr r.i'-:j.-K-----v n orchard To bo -rfiyrpff tharwn shaft ,M,7T ready to sheath the sword when the work we auto .-'commenced is done.? Vou have already sheathed ronr sword in the hetof jrOHr-eoentryOr- sraiw to the wlule racol Ana 11 your wors unoi ai ready don, jour country is. Negro Vattettt Fueivn of i he- Emmriner ' and, the Enquirer. a. Uibmnnd, JuU'7.A culoreXa(Ku in iljf. U.pr wai j, o3 TiKlty mjitnl dendml tm ren mug a cohired candidate;- for Mayor, and a Council ticket with two while and three Col ored. bavw bee ' -f.d, -and -wi WpttWfhed ya joint Companr, araon whom are U-u. Jas. Lyons J u.lge Ould, Itaieigh T. Daniel aad -other I prouilueo t cilUi ci. B. 8. tltlt, one of th ablest mea is publitbier ia the Aoimtta . m Political rxciiemeitlH. (11111111111 hijjb through ery dlrtnct. inai due not "incnoe tawara 01a radical vi.w. In op dwlricl wber biifriepd. registered tb first two day and bisor.pc.neal - J - aAeafeaai.-BBBhtBaaaBha kaaaatiaafav.aBuii- - aktata.a.amaW. - IliV tw vuvOVVhy 1 11 ajjj wfcw wXfarn vui first two day. U, bold lb eaid and will carry tb StaU. . . ; Report of th CnmmiU;e on Itetnt(r6- . tton. J Tbe Iloa of Ueoriria, Jbolicie,,' 'a erie of eloqeaot aad powe rfo art teles, entttled 'Noteoa lb Siatioa r ft nppota th voluntary acceptance of tbe Military - v Ia bi tlb mbr be say t - "-Jr "A a peo.l w bave but little -searcely enough to prevent afarvatipa. AH lb world seemi To be moving to send breadlo keep a alive. ' What a curious peonla we ara I fit aha aVeebT ecu far"- eoa fWcat ion I - the same tram bring. the bread to feed, lb tBr to oppte, aud the emistirr to breed tiiie aad to rob." thought it very unfair to influence a child's' mindT""b' inculcating any opin ion before it bad come to rear of di. crcitoa id cnoosetoivtt him mr garden and told htm it was my botanical garden," r 1.1 1 - 1" .. : I. ti.'. : i .. w.. .;.-... t..'. o r ti.. ;.t.. ,ri "" ' 1 wvcreu wita place tbe Slate Ooveraraeoi ia' comi.leeeub- jrclioo to lb Military Commander, wbopr vkm ad are validated. - - ' 4t taekee the Dowrd vf Iegmtwr Jadxwof tbe qaalitksiiotts :tor rNrnlralioa; forbid lbs rsaova of tb Cemnaadera, withoet tbe ad OLIIfippIicd tluttTa becsuse it 1 not jet come to years of discretion . and choice. .The weeds yon aee hao takea we Itoertr tocrowTiml t tironirhrttrnii- fair to prejudice, the anil towards rose and strawberries." tferidg. ...I -. :-e . i