fr altar I A - ' I tfcftft saw' , SHE VOL. 2. THIRD SERIES. SALISBURY, N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1867. NO. 37 WHOLE NO. 1780. TERMS : Moo ...1 50 "--'".'iCUv CM to irfvaaea. HATH O AOVIRTISIHOi Si Ad. tad ilk i, each, for ) as-iii! publication, V4LI.4BLK 9 PLANTATION FOR SALE rptjg (ghMMtov oaTer tor i vtUable iUtiu 1 iMO t-fio-nlnf, Ebst on irWi be rvawdM, known Z!rtFTx3il Utim ihrn lsre, fA arfor. IWs is on lb pUos itottom H Mr Dibu. neatly eaiabsd ; well of rood wu lav to to yard, weie i beautiful grov of astir h, til ai iimn oK-mml including prr Bva Tbs loealrly it beakhy, ud tb con.- Ml Ilk Minted on iu Ud ile Ml of (roury. for fur- i till II MM l Sahabtirv, or call sad xoine the prvajton KlCrf'D. H. COWAN. Jh 28, 1987. 4 U ft O. I. c. 6. B. P0ULS0N, A CO. Drwggtets and AiKdliecari", lake all oar owo loane. snd they bought them it the uceriou discount of thirty to forty centi, u a matter of Investment; to thai wo ire not colled upon or MJ eqoltable considerations to pay a dollar mora than tha boodi eompsl as. Tbo nidi ia true in regard to tbo five twen ties bold bv oor own capitalist. I lie argument utvd why wo thoold pay than ia gold it that our eapitaJwU tod bul- ers took them when the country m en raged In war aa an act of patriotism ; but with gold at 100 and tram ttaat to M0, one cannot forgot that way bad aa eye to proceed aa wall ia this, that tboy shaved them at from fifty to aizty par cool. Now, why aboald tbo couutry bo called upon to-dissrrange ita bealoasi re lstioue, to (educe iU values, to burden it. people wlih taxation, ia order to pay frotn tbo poor man labor into tha capi talitt'a pocket tbia immense premium while, loo, tbia investment eacapaa laxa lion, which ia thus wholly thrown apoo productive industry t It woald aoem to be wiedom in the first place to have all national aecoritiat taxed, and while ona tboald recognise the fact that d or ing tbo war tha country might raiee money apt on any terms, and that tboae term, what ever they were, ahould be faithfully kept but, now that j race bu returned, with return to financial poll frieoda in the 8ooth, they will but batten, ia fact see re their own rata and speedy deportation frosa la eoeatry, These resells are inevitable, ana te thee the action of the lata Ooo rent Jon lead te a certainty beyond qaastton. With the many baneful influences brought to bear apoo the Ignorant aegro meases by on principled white men, we do not wonder that tby do not see the rain to which they are hastening ; bat It Is high time that the mors liberal mluded and in . leJIigeat negroes were beeotniag eoljgbt ened with respect to their greet danger. If they would promote the best Interest of their race and country, lot them be ware of the oooneei of the white negroes, The 1'JMPKMi Cablott a, accord ing to the laired inH-lligence from KaftM, it u hoped, may be caved. Tha celebrated Belgian physician, Dr. Jlulknne, haa been called to pro nounce an opinion upon her caee. and after careful study of it, he at a l! that he had hope "of a alow but certain cure, if he were allowed to sailtM ( t the illustrious patient to a ran of treatment different from hitherto adopted, and especially to dbtcoiituiui) tb- slate ol complete ran in which the German phy hare kept her. do eotomaly twear er aaVss, NEWS OF THE DAY. !r t Ma, a I u. iswe, aaiaety: Death s Gov. lUm Kentucky Loaitvilla. Sep. t, af.-Osv. Helm died jr.. israsy at bis retittoaes near Ehaabeth. 11. funrr.l .ill laks slaot on Tassdav. iul on asr for Fatrrr Tana. The ii awifiiiMi I'll ii if m ri- urn lit ii iianciai iruu i I, ii, .1 . V m macn love tor tlism organise a negro cy which shall raise the money to pay off ... , 8 . , these untaxed obligations at the earliest or block man's party-no matter whether aa u km i interiooers and offiee seekers, whom thev ! .ouguuwn given ua I this: lake a unit of rnule tMtrnle are now bat too blinaiv tollowinr toeer-l . ..r . t r- tain destruction keep out of all poli'l. cal organisations, cultivate friendly ra lationa with the whites and they will be awarded all the rignta and immanitiee that good eitisenship entitles them to. Bat let them eontinoe to heed the reck less teachings of tha old negro trader and ur.der-irapsr, who now profess so to W. a ROBERTS CO. possible moment, and sobeiilute for them Ami it ia Ibsir iatsotioe lo ksap siwayt on I evrrr Uiine m tlieu tios ot biaanaaa. and war rant it Pure, Freab and I'oaJultrrated, aed will make it the cheapest DRUG STORK to porobaur Mi-tlmn-t for eaab ia tbm Suta. The baaimai will be wadsr the nwVs aiaaasswant of Dr. O. B. 1'ocl- soa. VeaffJh oM 8IS...1 Uaio tt, Salitbary, JL C. -lory Uth, 1867. S6f J. J. Oils at bis residence. West Ward, BAI,I8UUKY. TAXING THE BONDS-PAVING TIIK NATION At DEBT WITH GREENBACK. Gemral B. F. Butler, better konwn as the Beast, says that be is arcostormrd to having his ep'nions of govern men tal qatMions approved one year after dite. He is, therefore, according to disown ac count, skillful in t ho art of shifting hi sail so as to catoh the bre r. which he foreeees will be blowing in a gieeu direc tion twelvee month a ter da,te. When, therefore, such a man apd soch a Radi cal roines out in favor of witbdrawirg the circulation of tbo national banks, tax ing the national bond, at.d paying the national debt in greenback,., these ques tions may as weH be considered as set tied. A letter In the 11 bn Advtriuer reports a conversation betweea him and the correspondent. In which ho said : KATK'JtiL BAXK l I KKK.N. V. Another and vital miaiake in finance, it seems to me, ia allowing the national to iasno currency. There is some four hondrod millions of this currency, on tha Issue of which Government snbstAnti" klly pays some $30,000,000 yearly. That is, if, instead of thete bIHs, Its own legal tender notes to the amount of $tX), 000,000, it conhj withdraw that amount of 7 8-10 bonds, the intereet of which would amount to mote than 30,0)0,000. Now, aan there any reason be shown Why tbi amount should be given to the national banks I Mr. HcCalioch is retiring as fast a securities liable to taxation. ''Now, the 6-SO bond become psyable at the option of the United States ia five years after the issue. There are six hundred mil- liont becoming payable in the present year. Again, they are not, by their term, payable in 'd. On the face the interest is declared to be payable ia gold, and tbo very fact that the intereet isstat ed to be so1 payable excludes the idea that it io. The exsct letter of the bond (and 1 think yon will agree with me that theGovernnent creditors of each aahave are entitled lo no more) requires the bond to be paid iu sucb money as other ci editors are paid with by the United States. The popular idea is that the 5-SO's are payable in gold ; but that ari tcs from the fact that Mr. Ohasr, while Secretary of the Tteaaury, upon the fits! jiuuein 1&63, had a letter add 'eased to him by tome banker a lo whether these bonds woald be paid in gold, and be re plied, what was true at that time, that all the obligation of the United State had e i oaid in gold, and it was proper to pruume that they would be so paid in future. And upon the strength of that letter the bonds were deemed gold psy able as well at gold-bearing, although it was in exact opposition to the words of the contract." they openly adopt f r their platform the proecriptive principles recently enuncU sted at Raleigh or not their doom is sealed, and tbo dky of their extermina tion bat a question of time. Whenever tbo faaaa is made, the beet eft i sens, and in fact the whites to a man will enroll themselves with the white man's party. We do not wish to see things come to snob extremes, for we know that the net gro race will then go down in darkness and hideous rain. There will be another St. Domingo slaughter in which the whites will triumph. Lot all sens. bin negroes take heed and ue their influence to avert it. Salisbury Banner. a as urn, ami a gallon and a nail ot aoap. Mix immediately and let the mixture atand till the whole hi intimately blended, and then dissolve in twenty gailona of water. It ia perfectly safe on trees, and it will extirpate all kinds of insects that infeate them where it cornea in coAtact with them. nssk frosa lbs day of hi iBss(arsuaa., The Amntty Proclamation. Waibiagtoa, Sep. ff. II. Tha followieg pro eUraaiiee aa beta itietd : By the President of the Uni ted State of America. "A PROCIaAMATION. Wbersss, la lb month of Jaty, AaeoDon- an iaaaiawMvUeaaaaaf Coaspaaa, woVes tiaordtoary aaanimity, tot stair declared that lb ear Uisa tibuing was not eased, oe ibe part of lb gorerainmi m soy tpirit of nprxe. on, aev for aay perpot of eonoemt or .sl-jug tioe, nor parposs of ovsrurowicg or inttrfrriog lib tlis rtgbla or niaMubed lotiilulisn of any atal, but lo aelaocl ami roaiutaio lb .uinrma cy of lb Coo.litulioa, and to preserve lite Ua ion with all lLa dlgsily, rqutfiiy and rights ot tbveral blalv uoiiniaird; and thai a soon a ibess ot jecls thoold be souomplisbed, lbs war ougbl lo ccsm; and Wbereaa, The rrecideet of tb lB:ted State, oa tb 8lh, day of Deormbsr, Anno DoiDt, 1883, and on 'i be tUi day of starch, Anne Docuici 1884, did, wilb Uie obj-ci of .uppretiag lbs ashling rsbtllioa, of iudacing ll peron is prrsraosof Ahaigbly nd, tbal I Witt I fortb faithfully aepaort, protest aad defo ConMileltoe of tae Uaitod rkatss d lbs Ueion of lbs etataa taereaadsr, sad ibst 1 will ia kike oiaossr abids by and faithfully support all law tod proolaraalioea wbicb bv base sssde de ring lbs tote mbsUtoo wttk rWstwaee te lbs rmanripatioe of stoves; so belp at (ass). A New Hampshire farmer aays that be knows by bia own experience that the manure from fifty hens, if carefully eared, properly composted,! 10 n u hr loyalty, aed of restoring tbe and judicioiialy applied, is more val uable than fifty dollars' worth ol anv of the manures that can be bought in the market. possible the legaMender notes, and sub stttnttng for enrreney Ibe National Bank notes. Why should not the precine op poeite be done T Tti Oovertiment U res sponatnle Tor all these notes national Bank nolis. Why should not the Gov eminent take the profits on their issue, aad thug nave from thirty to fifty million yearly I It is ssid that there, notea can not be withdrawn without a shock to the business of tbe country Now, assum ing that the legeHeu'ler notea and the bunk note are sufficient for tbe curren cy of the coun ry -putting the legal tender at three hundred millions and the bank notea at fettr hundred millions ss ;JM approximation why does not the becretary recommend legislation wbicb would enable him' to hold on upoh all ifattonat Bank irwtcO TwrM-vVrtaaea iuui,,,,. ammoshjee, aaJ resultmJha ss internal revenue aaebwantb, instead thereof of legal tender notes, the whole were withdrawn, without may check to the business of the country. arl sre six hundred million more of our bonds in Europe, bought at rates from forty to seventy cents on tha dollar. To say nothing of the effect of a return to specie payment on on r orn bonds, the fiist effect of such return would he to pat some two hundred mik lions of doWare into tlte pockets of tlie bankers of Unrope, which must be paid from the taxatioo of the products ot la-, bor la this country, which it the only source of revenue in fact. There might probably be some call upon as ia equity to do this if these bonds had been taken by the European backers to aid os with money fur our great struggle ; but it i notorious that they took not ona dollar of bonds nntil our iuccoss tn the war assured. Dtriog the war wo had to The Mongrel Convention tit rttulU A word of Warning to the Segroee. The great length of the proceedings of the mongrel (Jonvention, which ere gave in oar last issue, prevented any comment from oa as to the purposes and results of that atopid and reckless assembly. The porposes of some of tbs baser, radical mongrels of this State have been pretty well understood from the begin ning, but we were hardly prepared to see tbe ruinous policy of the mad few es dorted by the Convention without 10 much as a respectable resilience by those who are represented aa more liberal and hooest. Yet, wo confess we had no eon fidence in white men who pat themselves on a level with negroes, or negroes who associated with mean white men, while We ho;ed that enough hpnet members might be found in the body to prevent the consummation of the wieked par poses of the outlaws and scoundrels, who are, by virtue of those characteristics, the best radical. Tlie rejection of the resolutions against confiscation and favoring the removal of all disabilities to the privilege of the fran chine, was sn open declaration of war, alike against the best citizens, and the best interest of the State, which will have the effect, aa it was no doubt intend ed, to alienate, the two races, organisation of a white man's and black man's party. This . much has been se cured already, abuost beyond the poi- aibilitf or nower of prevention. Such a W ' 9 & a a policy can not be too severely condemn ed. It is, if persisted in, the certain ru. tn and extermination of either the white or negro race. Which it wrH be, after years of bitterness, persecution, and bloodshed that mast finally aueeomb, is. not at all doubtful. The negroea are la a minority of 1 to 3 in the South ; and. in the Uuited S'atei of 1 to 8. Their only trne friends are the whites of tfie Sooth with whom they have so long lived happily, although-in slavery. Should they now take advantage of their new bora freedom and political privileges, through any organ ir at ion whatsoever, to incur the ill will or distrust of their only brarr-l Caaby teaeial Sickles. General Sick lea was removed by the President aa Commander of this Military District for interfering with the proees of the Circuit Court of the United States. We publisheJ at length the able argu ment of tha Acting Attorney General in defence of the action of the Goverc- ment. Elsewhere we publish to-day tbe or der of General Canby, assuming com mand of this District The last paras graph of the first section reads : "All existing orders and regulations are adopted and confirmed, and will be observed and enforced unless hereafter modified or revoked by proper authori ty." When it is recollected that Col. Frank, onr Post Commander, in obstructing tbe process of tbs United State Circuit scted ander the direct and special in structionsof General Sickles, it becomes a matter of inquiry in view of the tact that the order is still in force, if he would not be compelled, nndsr this order from General Canby, to prevent Deputy Mar shal I tff from exeeoting the process, snd Uins open afresh the former diflicul- ty. If such bo the case the removal of Gen'l Sickles amounts to nothing m -re than the substitution of one ofbeer for another, and we hope tbe President will not use his power, the little left him by a usurping Congresses, to make war upon ndivldosla. Hie position be occupies before the country and the world will not warrant him in such conduct, and we will not believe he will be guilty of it. General bicklea was removed to Mexico. The Mexican corres pondent of a New Orleans paper says that Olferbourff recently pre sented the demand of Secretary Se ward for the surrender of Santa An na, and gave President Jaurez two hours to answer. The truth of the story ia not vouched for. He also says that two hundred liberal officers have been thrown into prison recent ly t'.r plotting the overthrow of Jua rez. The army is reported unfavor able to the President, and intelligent men predict a revolution in ninrty days. Pleasant recollections promote cheerfulness, and painful ones pro duce gloom. Thus the happiness that Hows from the right regulation did.oo tbe 3d day of April, Adoo Domini taso of the feelings tends to perpetuate i proclamation declariog that the iour authority of Uts foiled States, iue procla mation oijoriog ainoetty and ardofi to all per son wbo bad dirrully or indirectly participated is ibe tbea xwling rbelliou. except .uch sa ia ibets proclamation wr pcifid aid rstened; and. Whereas, The Pretideetof the United State, did, oa tbs XStb day of M cy, Anno Domini 180$ iu a farther proclamation, wilb the aro ob -jet before mentioned, and to tbe end that the suthority of tbe Government of the Uaitod Stales might b restored, aad that peacs, order sod freedom might b established; and th.Pre lident did, by the ssid last mentioned procla mation, proclaim to all person wbo had direct ly or indirectly participated ia tbe then existing rebellion, except a therein excepted, amnesty, and pardon, with restoration of all right of pro party except a to lav, sod except in certain esses where Isgal proceeding had been institu ted, but upon condition tbatsocb persons should lake and subscribe an oalh therein prescribed, which should be registered for permanent pre servatioii; aad. Wbereaa, In and bv tbe said lait mentioned, proclamation of the Sffib day of May, Anno Domini 1865, fourteen extensive claetes, there in specially described, were altogether except ed aod excluded from the benefits thereof ; and, Whereas, Tbe President of tbs United States, maintain the vitality of the Constitution, and1 we doubt not his successor will share the same fatu if he gives the same cause. Wilmington Journal. A Radical Candidate for Cnngrets Favor jPaying the Debt sa Green bemkt. 1 Krom Ibe t'iuetanati Knuuher. TUB aaoOBO imnukkssmn m. nts run r The nreeeeet is very oroiiiisiior for a free tight in the second congressional district between Richaid Smith and General dry. The General, wo Are told, ito make a contest, and, in our opinion, can beat Smith handsomely The General takes strong ground in fe- for of paying the Government debt in greenback. Ue i also in favor of the eight-hour system, wiucii our mechanics and laboring men strongly Tavor. the Democracy, we hope, will make nonom nation, but leave tbe contest entirely be tweea these late Republican contestant. As the district has been largely against us in tbs past, we cap see nothing which should indue our friends to bring out s candidate in the present aapect of affairs. All.the prominent Democrats spoken of n mo Olttrici uavw uccmwu iu luaau me race,' , itself. Ta Rraovalf Old Apple Trrrs. Take fresh made lime from the kiln, slack it well with water and well dress the tree with a brush, and the insects and moss will be completely destroyed tbe outer rind will fall otf and a ne smooth, clear, healthy one will be form ed, and the tree will nssume a most healthy appearance, and produce the finest fruit. o lira. Nancy Rutherford, living at Mount Airy, in Wythe county, V a, gave birth, a few days since to three health v, living children, weighing in the aggre gate 21 pounds. Two are girts and one a boy. o An editor, getting tired of paying printers, resolved to put his own shoul der to the wheel. Here is a specimen of his effort at setting type; we tipns Me sh vll drtmost of O wn sotp'Ng t xPe hearaitcr G Fr Hi rers mai iaLK tBotit iTs bAEing diiicult in sEt tipe' hnj II V dOn,t eiparienaU mcch dijicultir o bnvortant.k a convocation of a reclioa was at an sod, and was thenceforth to be so regarded; aad, Wbereaa, There now exists no organized armed resistance of misguided cilixens or other lo the suthority of the United States in :be Slates of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Teaaestee, Alabama, Louisiana, A rLxm. Nlia.i.sifWti Krtrwla mnA T.tu an, I rMhe law can be sustained and enforced therein by tbe proper civil authority, Mate or federal, and the eopls of said Slate are well and loy ally disposed, and have conformed, or, if per mitted to do so, will conform, in their legislation, to tbe condition of affairs growing out of tbe amendment of the Oonstiiution of the United State prohibiting slavery wilhio the limit and jurisdiction of the U. S; and, Wherea, I here no longer exists any reason able ground to apprehend within the States, which were involved ia the late rebellion, any re nawal thereo', or any unlawful resistance by tbe people of said States to the Constitution of the United States; and, Whereas, large standing armies, military, oo cupation, ncartial law, military tribunals sbd tbe suspension of Ihe privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and the right of trial by jury are ia time of peace dangerous to public liberty, incompati ble with tbe individual rights of the eitisen, con trary to tbe genriu and spirit of" our free insti tutions, aod exhaustive of the national resources. and ought not therefore tot sanctioned or al number of the Judges recently held' in Raleigh, it was decided by them that where defendants id action of excnn tracts returnable to Spring Term, 1867, failed to comply with the provision of the Convention Stay Lay by paying one tenth of the debt, and costs of suit, tbe pi o visions of the stay law would no lon ger apply as defendants had neglected or refused to avail themselves" of its pro. visions, and such suits in court will now stand aa they would have done prior to the war, and juJgineiifa will be render ed at Kail K-rm, 1387, fur the entire Jebi, subject to the provision of General Order No. 10. which stays execution un til the 11th of April, 18G8. The Judges concurring in this decision and who will be governed by it on the f all Circuit are Warren, .bowle, names, Dux ton and Snii.p, Chiet J est ice Pearson approved of tlie decision. XortU -sVr V. , The following person, and so others, are ess Iadd from lb bencfltt ol ibis proclamation, and of tbs said proclamation of the XOlb day of May, 1804, naatety: 1. Tb chief or prlendd chief Rseewdvs, tb Psasideat aad Vie Prsaidset, aad all Used of Dt part meats of tbe preUndsd Confederal or rebel Oussfaaitat, aad an tree wetwag is I hen of hi Iwrs-ga States and ooeetrics, aad all who held or pstsadsd to bold, ia tbs sarvtes of aid prslsoded Coofsdsrats Govt! meat, a ail, lary rank above tbs grade of Brigadier Usaeral, or aaval raak or title above it at ot Captain, aed all wbo were, or pretended to be Governors of Stale, while maintaining, abetting or submitting to and aoqaietcing ia the rsbtllioa. S. All persons who, ia any way treated, oth erwise than aa lawful, priaoesrt of war or per son wbo in aay capacity were employed or en- gaged in the military service ol the Lulled .Malta. - 3 All pertoas wbo at lb time they may seek to obtain the benefits of this proclamation, arj act ual'y in civil, military or naval confinement or custody, or legally held to bail ciiber before or after oom iction; aad all partoa who were en gaged, directly or iadiieetly in tbs aasatsioation ol tbe late Presidset of the United Stales, or ia any plot or conspiracy ia any manner therewith Connected. lo testimony whereof, I bav signed these present with my baed, aad have rested th teal of lb United Stales to be thereaato sffixsd. Doe at tb City of Washington tbe XAU 17lh day of September, otte thou - aand eight huudred and sixty- ssesa. ANDREW J0UNSON, Preaident. By lb President William If. Seward, Secretory of State. From Washington. Washington, Sep. 7, P.M. Tb President has instructed tbs bead of the several Executive (department to furnish each person holding aa appoiotmaat hi their respective departments wilb an official copy of bit proclamation of th a Sdiait., wilb direction lo observe strictly its requirements for sn earnest support of the Con. tlilution aod a faithful execution of th law wbicb bav been made in purtnsnce thereof. Tb President it said to be highly slated with tbs Democratic Victory in California, and pre dict similar results at the election la the At lantic States. The latest retains from there show s Demo cratic majority in tb Legislature, aad thus cut ting off all probability of a Hepublicao Senator to succeed' Con neaa. New Orleans, Sept S, P. If. Gea. Sheridan iissed an order to day turning over the corns in and of the Fifth Military District to Maj. Gee. Cbarb Griffio. He left this eyeeiag, at 7 o'clock. There were 44 death from Yellow Fever during tb 84 hour euding al 0 o'clock, thia evening. Conservation in Alabama. Montgomery, Al., Sep. 5, P. M. The Con -servative Convention of Alabama adjourned to day, after adopting tb resolution which wer recently adopted by the Convention iu Penn sylvania, whieh are as follows : First The Constitution of ihe United State being that form of civil government established by tbs founder of tb Union, with such change as bav been subsequently mads therein, ia th manner prescribed by itself, is the only rightful goverameai binding upon every inhabitant of all -rank, sexes, age aad conditions ; aad it is tbe duly of each and every one, without exception or modification under any circumstance, to adhere to, protect and defend tbe same. (Id-re follow 4 lowed, except in eases of actual oecessitv fot re-J for W"B' of space. peliing iuvasion or suppressiong insurrecKodr ( Wi That tlis oar earnest aim aod pur- hkm io cur.iiaie reiaiious oi irieuotuip, usrmunr rebellion ; and Where'., A retaliatory or vindictive policy. attended by unnecessary disqualifications, pain, penalties, confiscation and disfranchisements, now, as alwsy, could only tend to hinder recon ciliation among tbe people, and national restora tion, while it must seriously embarrass, obstruct fnd repress popular energies and national indus try and enterprise aod W he teas, ror these re.isona, it is now deemed essential lo the public welfare, and to the more perfect NStoWaaSafc eoiiiatioal law and or der, that lbs aid last steationed piocl mat ion. as aforesaid issued on th t9th day of May, A. D. ' 1 863. hou.d be mcdified, aWttaf tfie faft aed beaeesi pardoa osad sd thereby should b opened and further extended 10 a large num ber ot lbs person wbo, by tbe afore iep- jp, ,j desptt and peace betweea tb two race, to da I justly wilb tb blacks aad to instruct tbm iaa proper understanding of all their duties te themselves, lo ociiy aad to tb eoaat-y: aad w denounce. as treacheorous aad baa, all attempts by bad diss to engender or encourage be has A blind colored, hoy at Clinton, La., I a taught liimsoif to read by feelifig j burial ground. . A man haa been arrested in Belle fonte, Pa., and bound over to answer a charge for stealing tombestones from the cemetery. r- ' . ' Idleness is tbe stupidity of tbe body. and ttuoidity the idioms, of the mind tion, have been hitherto exclude J iroiu Kxecu- live elemeoef : Now, therefore; be it known, ibst I, AN DKKW JUUNSON, Ptosidtjal of Ihe Usued State, c!o bereby proclaim and declare, thai tbe fall pardoa, described in the said proclamation oftb29lb day of May, A. D. 1865. shall heoecAtMh be suad aad exiend- d to all per lion. B H. Hill WrUee to Gen. Grant in Reply to Pope. August. Sep, ft, P. M.-Hos. B. BL Bill i vsv r i ttia. a tAaainasvam aaa Aaawaa ksaSa, asskssa. itMswsSMsA Smssa aaaaaua wriinifj eft wBWIw?&B?MHr!ffier WafS. JaVTesV-ael vwytj Ift. ffepA.' aMw5'.' H. -WffejfcSsWflafclBaMfi a I. He man io lb South approves of tbe milita ry bill, aa constitutional, nabl, just, or desirable. Th eaeaodid aseaaS. lb candid reject. the inscription upon .rib-stoiies in a ZTSSITM . " I ik. Li. tmSm linn with rMLmhuu ol all tirivt- leges, tin muoitis sad rights of property, except aa to property with regard to slsve. and except in eaaea of legal proceed isgt under ibe Isw of the Untied State- bat upon tbi eoodttiow, oeverlbe'eu, that evvry such person who shall Th first article will appear in th ChroeioM to morrow aad will b followed by others. , . : The California Election, Se . P. M.-Aatheane re ports from CabalOrnia are awaited with great iiitereat. . KawiT oea.'beber that tare Dtroocralio Coagreraea aad a Democratic Lsgistolar are elected, San Frsacbjco has goo Democratic, oat aad The Califvrmim Fdtdiem, eek to avail bimtelf of tDk proclamation, .hall ; t rover aor, tae A xtei toVM tok and subscribe th following ostb, sad shall crals. Nearly olid IX Mnj. ika aame lo b raaiaterBd for permanent defecation m sleotsd from the same to b rwrbtored lor permanent preservation ia Ike .am manner aad with lb ti -r rT I hi 1 1 I ft irtfl piva-' " v aww S.n Francisco. Sep. 6. M.-Haight i Governor, ssd Axtel to CoagrsM both Demo- kaS a ' Wa a St.- So rrsaewco aod prevents lb re-eh'cti'oa J delegation Sacramento l"ni