111 III ' I 1 I I iuisfdlontous NMM.-S5&rsEl, "JtlTt .- kitb in polrtt. J their own parte must, .. - U nc.-Mrt o.NiMHiMii'r i iheirprin IC YMk'Al.lNal ANI ARAIUAN- Ow pmol of thi i. tube found ... l.vM Mr. It.-1 v i ill iL. 1 - -- I Scheme" Tj - - - ' r..i ..n. niiu ii to man mm mm iii-nigi ' our day and generation, mis, in Ins Lite of Oewar. that MftM success ol .niicrioi mrti depends much more nr metrardHTrf i.i profit by fiiftiMMica the on UmiI I ' mmption nUUntr blind to make I hem belie themselves capable of earn ing event to b bom when are in the ..!. of God alone " We are all the crvatnraa of circumstances, and the on It diflereace lies ween lite groat man and mall, i that th great man seixosthe rirc.iiustaaea aa it arises, while the man ol interior capacity let lb opp.o luail slide av and alloc himself to be I t babied. The foul amnc tbinka that he ran create event or tbat he can pre ent cert.iu effects from following certain raitac 1 be wmld move bv Bled law. Jl.rre i log'f m evfnts. It it easy to arum pasatut V. boTit is impoHible To Stevens' "mild easifi.eai.on -eitra constitutional a be ad be. Mild confiscation ! (iod ft I m 1 ft . fta ve i no maia : one tmgin aa wen Otal uf mild highw.iv robbery mild Fattening Hogs. The lime to tsegui tbe process of feel it. To each and all of these cliuaea, mi would aj , go to work. If voe are not competent to nan in brm.cb of indeaiiv. It) another, and fattening hogs Au, See, trying, and tbe op... awe. w ither I hev eat ereet 1., i.mnti, MHifior or laiar . .ii an ecnis, .. to wtirk ! Take five acre of land more or lees, if you cannot do belter, and put in a iinatl crop; but go to work. Drive a dray, go a tUtung or bobbing for eela; m.U uiuidai. ii ia Hue that tin. .,, ,. m ,,rk scheme ia to day iaiet.ded to operate on worfc mbou. thtt MMata - . l ft... i. i z . I lie .uiii. on. ii ii suee.-eus ii ( even ... . , , .,.,,., , mall rriJ int.. the .rrtr If ii , (r0 to work" yuef M; vou. la the ill of tbe majority to take away ' i. . k" ... ' land fi. m the landowner ia tbe South, ..L. . 111V,P h to ar landle-, -rfll.U-j IT,;- . o. ibT" "ibi ,.e,oa D. Med w.u. an- in mm ajor, M h fc, ,U watch ty ia the ftNortb, the landowner or the . - no( P ,, ' gK ' mmamA lai.oir- i ia not tue win .i me raaiort . of character. Go to work. Wilmimilo Pt. aviee CMf aV- ifr. VmJmJif knm mm tk Nati tUi Dmht. ai ion il In odd :,,,,L.aMj to,,..,iih. ----- nM.uiu.mit ratten . -- I-..! 1 O wbicii iriilll I'tmnir, iiiiniiaw iHlle. CHnmence with them tn Au- Irni da.ed the h o the N-w guat, f. eding them liherally through Vork Her. Id, J. . 'In. following account ihf Fall month, and when cold ves-j..f ' ,n uuiIhh.ih.iil I m-cratie meeting titer net m they Mall be let ; mMd by ' fi i U . conlimimir iho. iikmIc td'ltHhmr thrv " '" monnnn till now wajfona - w w ' I will be in fine eondittnn killing time urn rs. E duiv to ledeam end to aave it from iU peril in wl.leb Ufa lneled. nave aaethcr mnle utterance, tad that utterance ia, let every mi heretu uigbl aavaacoaeeienee and a eoevietioo in relrience to the piueeivatiou of ,. (ntiiutlon of tbe coontry, and all will ho tale, t 'rieairt "Hear, hear.' J Ut eaicienMiiiia convietinn be ear i Met urn puniMfiofj n our aim, ana i UiNIlltllllll ot lii ty law I Le not common aenee aav that ii i not the will of the majority to Jie poor while the minority are wealth) , that it ' not tbe will of the majority to be tenant while tbe mtnotiiy are laud lord.! I We do not car that we approve of Ua lb oouirarv, wo bo rUaa-ouuoucea of Itb.eaiJwar. "V common Out-, common right : . . ti - jand coinmon juatiru pr unce tliem . -.a ft i- --a e ri.i- ralao ; bet we do aav that thee are tbe Ai ,1- (!., rf .ftlKw.on I. II... 81.1. .'I;''.1 ' J,1 l'' i.i a irwntl.uiii from tbi city hi m are men ensairh in Soatli Caroli na wbi can raiee a enn, bor there i not one in tbe Stale who ceo rjbjcil that tona wbea raiaed." liie ofltr! between the North and the bo .tti ha tenatnatevJ ia gi ing a dm Led development to theory uf blind majotitie. Under that theory minori ties are entitled to no protection. Tbey ! -fravd. Tbey mutt be ereabed. Car rted oel feTly it mcene entbing more nor Icm than re Vtctii woe lo the conqner Toe are defeated, let the car -.ver yoe. We are tbe majority. r will and piaaanre. Vou abonld not complain. Yoe made the fight and you are orttqoered. Tins maybe jnat. Il certainly ia out viae. To-day tbe victor tramp It under foot lit victim. To-mor-Mt, tbe victim baring gained etreugth and learned the leraon from bia conquer or, in turn play tyrant and trample on In former oppreaanr. II err are other and more dangeron remit growing out of the theory that tbe blind will of the majority is the law f the land. Tbe first and nt-ceaaary re ult i the total loaa of linertr. line lo, it kt true, take tbe shape in the fret place of dpoGm of ibe mikwi, t ut :,crevrr that depottam xiat the diaraoce kt oot great trom anarchy on the one band; or one man power on the other. Oer father foreeaw tnia. Tbey were not only wiee men, bnt tbey were animated by pure and coble inatiuct. Well vercd in tbe policy of tbe aat tbey were dctei mined to frame a govern ment which woald avoid the aboal and quick -aanda on which other government bad been destroyed. They knew tbat a race of bora kings may become effete, and tbey determined tbat their chief ex exeeative officer ahould. be elected. They knew tbat long pern wine of pow er made men forget tbeir reepuoaibiii to tbeir fellow men, and they elected tbeir preside) t tor a abort term. They bad aaoa oJuxarebie savmea the people and tbey avoided anything approaching to aj paaaiBW. They had seen turbulent demicraciea banish and ostracise tbeir noblest and beat men, and tbey guarded , ieaioutly the right and privileges of the bnaibleat citiaea. Tbey had aeea tbe had effect of tbe anion of Charch and State and they provided against the pot ible anion of religion and politics. They knew tbat email States would cer tainly be oppressed by tbeir stronger end more powerful neighbors, and they ea tabliahed a perfect equality in one branch of tbe legislature of tbe nation. Tbeir was a government of perfeclj checks and balances in which tbe small et mimirily was protected by a written coestjtation, horn tbe most powerful and I aaeiona'e majority. ITnder that gov ernment tlrree million of people rapid increased ten fold ; commerce, art and tbe science fiouri.hed. Every man with health and industry foand bread, and with ordinary prudence contd lay op a snrpfna. Itiei American people are thoroughly pracii cat. They are educated both to think and to act from tbe cradle to the grave. Educated to believe a theory, tbey will tollow il out to it logical result. The truth of t hi ha been recently illustrat ed. At tbe Chicago Labor Convention among other proposition was one to start a laboring meu t political party. If this maana anything at all it meau the array of labor against capital ; the poor tbe majority, against the rich ihe minrnty. If the teachings of the teal party are true, those men were nght. Agrarianism ia jot Property is in tbe manse. Will tbe American people ever come tolbisf Will .bey not reflect long be fore Umt adopt the theories which must little Tkinom. It it a great point mf wiMlora to know how to estimate little thing. tbe best pen an we caw do for en vy ing anolbei merit it to endeavor to tur- 1M it. r Amjum Ammmf In man. in.l.H.. Art. " 1 . - II- I .1 k. l" I 11.111 m I.1.WUIT I CHI 1 H Wl'IIK 11 w .rig ing told of oar own fanlt. VV hen ap parently enraged at others, we are really en rafed with ourselves for being an rag ; ed at all. For further confirmation con sult yonr owa oul after a tit of passion. There itaa instinct in the heart of man which makes htm fear a cloudless hap niaees. It aeeint to him that b owe to mitfoitan a tithe of hi life, and tbat which he doe not pay hears interest, it amaased.and largely t sell a debt winch red- toouer or later be mutt pay. Indolent. There it in all men a pro voking love of quiet comfort; they are like dogt, who Will let themselves he fondled Tor ever to long before they will get up. Once moved, however, it it just a difficult to keep quiet. Out first piece baiidry (1747) advisee m follows: To euro com aterp it in water or a will till the corn grow aotl ; this opena the part, (live the hugs the corn to cat, and th water to drink in which the corn was hUhmkhI. The l when hog-0' oUlatMud n.. dvlratont with jan illi it ll i bauds, do ic . I n.ou Ask and bit-kory no I " ,lu!bn.b., have been larmg mio tin. town dei eeahtry be ear sruid. and all mil be s ell. I Cheers J And w agaiii accept my thank for this bind , haa 'nil pi uilng into tin town oemoiisiranon jow n. waste, ana lass lo Ibe Uemocrsiic mate meeting, at wun you, in mg to you gojteT9, a. whlebDament C. Vsllandlghtm, r rank best a ihe tor jour welfare. La Blond and Judge lloag will speak The 1'residi.iit then retired, the crowd tin aftern.MHi. Ti.re countirt of Ohio1 cbei ing loudly. A tbe President was have sun delegation and parts of South-1 making his last bow tome excited indu eru Micbijiau slid Xurlbest'crn Indiana, vidual jutt in front of him proposed ft A - I ..I . - .ft ..I' I ..T1 1 . I l ft f . .. . ' Aromiu a ierg grom, anuui qiisi in in "mras cnoeia lor tue rseiuODI Wno u.iu, -"i.i, gir uVs oi i. mitr frmn h.oe, an tmiiin.e .ntiilM-r .if' wasn't afraid ofbeins; thot." vehicle are already grouped, and a train j ware given with m will by Ii just in from Toledo ha brought Dltsrn The I si ge concourse then tiiiraed in an hundred pataenger. The meeting 1 orderly manner, all well pleased with considered to be th largest that ba been I tbe occurrences of lb evening. held on either tide tince the campaign. I 0 Over twenty thousand persons will com price tbe attendance. M uou eetbusiasm j fru, ,rJ boul prevails. .now. and Inn amounted. togelLe with Juat'sfter tendTng the above, tndden Jhart prMlet fhdaa atjjlia ebaege look place ie the weather and nr? 175,000. One house la clouds and raiu were tubstitattd for tba!??'t h.M ,,'PV1 WSi.OOO worth, also bright nn.liineol the moruin. Tims r- 6- A '"H"?' "' "rcnantt Z Ts a. . i ie.a 10 JM retails, latter ami capital jof M,ifir COit, u, mo troube Iuan .ji hsve clashed before tosday, and tbe coo i.-i,-.,.. one. m DouhU Naturet Y does not follow test baa been bitter and bloody. Willi .. l l.i .l.l reason and sober aenee reject a rtv : thai because anan viiactt two distinct whoaa teaching must ineviiably produce nd widely different aartt in life at the H..eh effects f Will thev call anarchy !metime. he it therefore a hrpocnte.-- imnrovemtri.t. deaootism an advance, air-1 T,,e ,rolh ,n1 .er" , . r . rw r.rianitin nroeress I Will they those who openly reject the teachings of iliepaatt W ill they follow th.e who O) eoly reject tbe plighted fsitl. of s written constitution, h mded down to a by Washington, II isnilson, M idiao-, Jefferson and Adams, or will they not rather sdoit a co' aervative course a i.d follow tin f grand old patriot that seven eight of us do follow ry thing. Just as the lilue and lute iSiles run parallel w ith each oili er, for hundred ol' miles, without mix. ing, to do two nature, quite as strongly c. intrusted, tometitues seem to be in op eration aiufallaneousiy in the same indi vidual he being all the while uncon scious of hi. own dunlitv. Of course in such nn one cannot justly be called a dis paasvih through luein innligcstod ; thi ia the hardest part of the com and ili.it which principally makoa tbe floor. It ia bet ter titan grimling, besides what we tniYfl ill ib' ivll und tie timo and charge of the carriage; for it is found by experience that even bran, when steeped in water a long time, ia much the better Ihe lapse of time has not diminished Ihe force and value of thirt udvice. One ' hundred and twenty years after the above wa written, we find a writer in the Southern Cultirator (September 6, 18IM3,) advocating this plan, which he says he 44 learned from an eminently practical and success ful farmer." He says : 44 Place near ihe hog-pen two vessels, either bar rels or hogsheads, according to the number of hogs ; fill op with corn in the ear; then fill up with water; feed out one vessel, and as soon as emptied fill up again and commence who had gathered on the meeting emend I ui' H ., ,Bocb vr probably returned to town, and tilled to owrflow j "or- I-''dh, ia Ibia roaoij, it ing the various store and saloon. For tunately it cleared up in Us than half an hour, and when dinner lisd iieeu it s uol much behind, and the skiptneata Ir. nn ilmi place will probably twell tbs 'gxregst lo 100,000. Thi is all poednf an immer.t prKJ.s.ion atarted lc-illy the work of women aud ehi I . . . . . Vt I. n- ,,.. ..I U iC forth, on fiKt and ia vehicle, to a very handsome grvv on the ouiakirtt. At the Mine lime canal boat made its ap- pea ran ce, pmlu.ely il.cr.til w.tlills.'. 11 , . . i a m uera n mj ecuoii ui ine OODltl Of North that can beat this ? They deserts credit, and all who have aou deserve a g hhI hoahaml, an I we and evergreen, and beating t delegation I on the other, and soon tbe object f tion. A device representing Ashley being lo soften and sour the corn.lmtrscniit a negro voter tound much Is A little svrup may be added at lint or ilu ilm Democracy. to start h r in ui at i.m. A abort expe rience will show how long the corn ought to soak, as the soaking process must not he carried too far, or the obiect will be defeated by converting ieac principle. oi - llif mionr riiitninl in lli inrn tinit : merits O UieU IU to alt bacbeldoai, far and near, aa to the meetiii!. U. L. sllsiiLMham. 1 ....... a wis aaa Mr IW .,! Mr W.iii.,., (..ii housekeeper that can be foand within on the gr und in a carnage at 1 o'clock, j hordere of lias Old North thaU- and wars roee.ved with boi.terou. cheer-, Al,4i U45,r Y?,'im ing. L'uioa Aug covered th speakers' i ,M"' WW",J" 1 J"1 - tiand and ttudded Uieemv in all direc f f4Ur ',d 'r,M4, bui "J -ou't ... i ... .... - i' ... .. i - .wan i vijiiyicwuiui iuwirsn si though we don I believe they would ob. ject to a lew small supplemental bills. Winston Sentinel. BANK FAILURES. After much delay, resulting from the , unlortunate eoorta of a iimnio-r of jer sons to liske bandt with Mi. Vallandig- ham, Mr. hdgerton called the assemblage Tn. jr;Mnaai CArmmieb, ia referine to order end introduced the spwtte ot to til larn u,lir m.ntLr.ik". I m 1 1 M , . no .lw,lfft.fl lit III,. ' . . i . . . ........ -r w. iaci inai out ot in i.oov national oaaka, both tbe coutendiKa , irM ,h-n . tcorm i.... r.iW durin th. ..i . ... . years. And there ia every be asauied that the weak in- mI vent institutions whiali are left are ex- semUlcr. teachers I We beiu-ve that they choose Ihe latter course. Hie mssse. ! Eenthusinsm for a person ha no such when not excited by the pasli n or the grand control of a man as ha eiiihuiaiu ptejudic of the b ur, think correctly for an idea. The masters have all been and act honestly. Tbey know, to bor- ltd hy ideas, tbe disciples by person, row the word of him whom we qnotid, rittU ut.. , :. ,i. i;,.i. after all who ia the meanest uf the mean, at (be heitiiinin of thil article, "that when Providence raised np ueh men" a tbe father of thi republic "it it that they may trace ont to nation the path that they should follow ; that tbey should stamp with Ibe seal of their genin a new era ; that they ahould accompli-b in a few ve,,rs the work of ce iti.rie. Uap pyfcc nation tbat undertis'id and fol. t lowt them. Woo to tl ose know or combat them. the vilest of the vile, the crawliugcst of the crawlers. lie is all horrible. A. T Stewart, the Merchant Prince of New York, died in that city on the 20th. Hit property it valued at i0, 000,000. Brick Pomeroy savs Judaaltcariot who do not ' Ma Radical. General Beauregard and the Xrw York Expre. RtnitoaE, September 19t 48dl To Oit Editor of tki BaUtmor Gazette : Dear Sirs, I notice in Three young men engaged at tbe game of base ball, in Troy, New York, recent ly, purchased milk for tbe purpose of dnnkiiig;and were verv nearly poisoned because Crown Oil had been mixed with the fluid. Suspicion hat fallen on two your paper of personi at the perpetrator of what was to alcohol, and finally into vinegar.; "f J'",1 ,"' ,,, . , .T.: fhr" .. . ' o. Ohio f Mi' dein.?r.its h i, I t' e ,ni loiml'V. . .. 111. Ihn ftiinia nn llio :uli rinl.-iiii'd i.l . I I 01 "rr . " a f ir a te t as ots' u and men of nn' ' ill as rirntnmi ar irwi anew urn w . .r . . . - . I" -."" - 17 wim lonv me.., ne pa-en on 10 mo emelv lew. well known, and closely t. ned by soaking, nnd hence, more eominVraii ; ib. r lop.tt, ibe leeshna walc)u fl.e sum amhority adda: easily iiiu;ticalrd ; secondly, hv soiir-; u-s l uug Us ouhlie dti, iiNtiouti, - -J .w ing, is nntre easily digested arid con-! o "d tuuslnv of t..ii . tj r ntti eoiieerned that s fw nkiional verted into fat ; thirdh, il can lc f.tl 1 u,1lt '' '1'" 1 maliitamed that the I i,.,,., for and the- efmnld fail, may on ihe ground withimt wostmg a" !' tb m irrain the whole nrocess tmaiittno-l VI .1" ,qH L ,, ' '' ' ' ,"' hntli.tta fail bec,e the) cannot com. grain ine wnoie process t 01 .1.2 no debt. He would a-k Uepuhiicana to en : yiy witb the .rCing provi.ion of th thing when compared I with either dors, bun , .d,t,.,g ,,-t ,.,.ur, ,., thi. law" while by it. .ten. cooking or grinding. rite-larmrr. and 1 e o U.t ui4i.y uf tkw : ppiiCatiot it destroy tbe rotten paru - jhad.lre.dy done ... 1 1 r fi rince to r lt. tiiianeial machinery, only doe so Forney'. CKroniete for several dar. '''' J" JWi' ti'7"1" i order that the rear of the fabric may has had long article, denouncing the 1,0 Lm" "'. 7 "'-. have fo,c. and eUfieilv enough to re. Maryland (militia law as treiwniable, I "" ,e ricl' "d V" -i.t all the al.mrk. which future monetary rebellious. Ac. Tlie fact ia, tbe new con P",' , ' Ittl' w" "", revulsions may try its ttabillty ana ttitu.ion abolishes it. PhlM dbt- , "'m tlrongth.'' Minn, 11 uuuiie ue'.i one .ui 111 iie (ieneral Ord orders that as the negroes 1 form of pension .ud bimntiee to tbe ml tive country, I do m publicly uphold 4t ti government loved at home and respected .bread Ilutnaa vahTfyTwerer, aiid-nnmeliiy uis ,imei w)len sssion cau awo oiien utn.v tue no lilest wotk- The war came and with the passion of the War the liadical party 1 ( ........ nu.A ft , . . 1 r .... r wVlUTICU p'ic.'. .-1-11111 iiurn uy iui a teacher, asfvgatiug to itself superior vusdont, rejecting the lessons of Ui past and the light of experience, it dee.ared tbat change wa progress; tie Cou.titu tion of the United bt.esao instimnent llhbbaals oa4y endure aohmg as twmemkr temw or-leas-prolouged. niigorny woui-j periiii, ww uw 1 ne win "m raajority of the American ' pi-op.J. i the supreme law of the and. This it tbe twl icy now actmuimr the d . . n ; t a 1 ; . usriyai ant bine c stetratti. Tlmvisl the platform hud dowa by tlie mott. yesterday sn article copied trom the j m tended t' be a joke New 1 ork Kxpr&t of tlie 17th instant,; , m in which certain poliiieal opiniona are , , T stated to have been expressed by meati , "ri wn'l 01 Mtwrencw, fumtsw, . m Kr . iri.iul mt th f,J,1(i "n pbospboroo 111 a drug ttora, New Yori Hotel. Tbe dinner ivss a pri i aU4 coutucated a uece. While b was .a ,1.- ..... ,.r ,1. 'eaK P"" ignited npon hit pre, being but a brief and incomplete h,,d' w'd .,,e ""T'fl bM." a attract of the remark, which I made h l',crvtf d lhe difflenltj. Ilia whilst conversing with the few friend. uu u,,r"cu " "r,hH ut"uro "i" ! i present, convey, an erroneous impreior. Br cuutu ngu.w.eu 1 . : . T 1 1 . 1 . or ine views exproseea uy me on mar eeaaiijju fi-.tiftf ttill an "outlaw" in my own na are taxed, thev mutt be provided for at pan pen 1ahir dlitrtcr. All the taxes they pay woald provide for very few paupers. A lerrifle flood, or veritsble delnge, has recently been experienced in NW Sooth Wale. Very heavy rain, com hJyied with continued severe gales, for many day fl -oded tbe country to a depth of sixty or seventy feet above the usual tide level ; the wateit tpresdiiitf over imrnen-e tract of alluvial lauds, sweep. ug away hundred of houses, ruining cropt and destroying many Uvea. iiers who fought in put down the rebeN ttoo. Thi debt was uered, and should lie p.id. lie wa one of tlmse who op PAUTII AND PRINCIPLBB. An t hing in 1 l,o nature of a calm u alysi or that on which we have been accustomed to feel much more than which closed &M.OUU vol- A man named White sentenced to be hung at iudianepolit, Ind., Friday, was .:. j 1 .1. . .:i i s not feel called upon 'eBf" VJ uatu.ine teoouu -. . - wees 111 iciooer. vrreat excitemeni en- ij'.im 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 , fhp country ueu among me crowu wmeu nu Kam ; j . .. is ui.iueu iij opinion m to ucinri von- fcxeeutive consitute "the far and near to witness the I execution when this fact was aunonnced, snd threat, ot lynching the criminal were made. 1 1 1 crest or the executive constitute Tovernment. out 1 am lice to state that utiles, the conservative elemeiilofi the natieu oon awaken, to the dangers 1 which threaten the liberties of the conn A little girl was playing in her father's try.T confidently believe tbat it. form pf yard at Erie, Pa., the other day, wheni a government will ere long be changed to : rifle ball .truck hrtr in the centre of the a military despotism, after a period ot toreneao, penetrating the brain.' ine hall Had evidently oeen tired trom a 1 ourt, very truly, bvng, distance, and, Jbe careless user of , Senate from (Jarilornis. G. T. tHtscariABD. , ftrCarm. eannot fbe discovered. I. . At the fall book lr.de, at New Aork on Monday, ine were sold for .bout $3.K),OO0. Tlie Iloboken ferry company has ae- cumulattd twenly-five barrel of pennies that they csnnol dispose of. Reports from the northwest part of Wisconsin y the orn crop has been cnusider.bly injured by th frost. T1r first dr'amatir d version of Beecb. er. Norwood ws. brought onf at Buf falo, N. Y.. Iat week, and failed. Tlie man who pays-mora for bis shop rent than hn ad vrtiing don t know hi business. Grtely. Tbe proportion of northern men who recover Irom yellow fever in New Or le.n i very large. f'DukenGwynn itaid to be a Demo cratic cendidate tor the Lnited btate boned the VAr, becattae be knew it could t 1 1 .1 ... . , ,enwr " y" eiween l0 ,,lillk aeefal lo na. Nor ti.ewoctionttledoneo..tot,on.l it ,,a let valuable pt of it principle. He would not, if h. aoeld 1rt jt ,boj (MM.h , to disentangle cbang. one vo e or on. expression ofj nctym first from parties, and then upiunAad. during U.m.Ymx Unri 0n anothet; first of all a. proclaimed n .w that he held tin. debt now lmperfecily all parties rep to.he brsve Sold irs who fought for the t eir 0 principleTsad the., ..ppreM.on of the reh. hen iwas .acred. ,ow ,he principle. .hemsel ve sr. a min a..dmbep..dtnhe la.tdoll.r Tb.!Blod ,iasue, ll.e g.md and evil being republican party however iniended to , ,1 combinedtogetber, and. nra? keep np tl... 1 debt to rets.n tliemisclvm tr, ,iemH ,nmt whith nnr ,M,wer snd destrny the hlmrt.es of the , ttn W(M or u chlM, uoder people. N.gro Mitfr.ge wa but slnhl- ;(i;rft.r. 1 lytonebedim. tl.. otiwwJi.o Several loc-l c.lebrit as followed after j ArnM, Lectures on Modern UUtory. whicii Ibe Urge nieeltng dispersed sheer ing, and in the best of humor with them- ( 0 elves. 10 WEB. , 1 The powerful will always be unjust and SERENADE OF PRESIDENT JOHN- viudictiva. tlte Dne de Vendome id SON. 1 pleasantly on this subject that, when , , . : , troops were on lb march, ha had exam After the serenade to Gen. Hancock, inea Uie between the males and in Washington, on Tuesday night, tbe I their drivers, and that to the shame of vast crowd called at tbe White House! bumstttty, reason was almost always 00 and paid the same compliment to the !l,,e ,,,c In",'t- M- .Ierney, ao Pre.ident. Vrer hearty cheers bad j !CttrI,c in wVnrmI f' know - , 1 .1-1 .i.sf itii ssf in l.w.th et sis emma if ha I . . i -1 wi iii- iwea wi set unuei . pwws was eartnvorniia or grartivorona. lie imod to aay, "show me th tooth of an been given by the laige aaaomblage, tbe President said : 1 FelloitkCiliitnt : In appearing be fore yonVhi evening it l not for the purpose r.f innking an address, buf tim ply to tender &5 Colonel Wtlltatir P. Mauleby, iatOTT nothing, do it .treiiiendontly.f uiing men 111 incin .fun 111c ivmiJvryiH: on veusjon 7 1 j i 1. vou tnv thanks fur this t kind mtrmtrsraiion of respef t and regard l-.t ....,;iu 1... . . - Wl- , . '. mm c .w iiij b" 011 me preseiii OCOH.IOII, P.etence aporop nxes the con vention . md un,,,r ,,,. existing ciVciHrntsnce..- .-ter- rnyat gmrernrrs--rftven it ye no r repeaf. that it i. not mjy obVd my purpose to inaiiKs, lor this demonttation here to n if ht, and for this largo and b'nesssem- DlSge. 11 the time and circumstances unknown animal, and I will judge of his habits." By hit ex ample, a moral phil osopher could say, ,4 Mailt to m the de gree of power with which a man i i loilf.d. und br that power I lll judge of Id quality." tllj, . tj Tt Ffl AC art I xr 1 l ' t r. 1 . 1 1 1 v vr atxiJK. male nn nddrc. on this iuHinii l,nr I tender y" "iy t'Trhf, my li'sartfclll Milk alfiirds Sn interesting SttbjctfiL study, trotn tt octng rue nrat aliment on which sll have, or ought to have, ted. Any deficiency in its supply in infancy There are more or I " . . , - y- . - 1 -i 1 . l ft' U- . ... ; f I f . .1 : r rrrt- Pi-mmeet arid ewtiuniy ine Mwrncai every state, .pending their mnetn tttle." " I!n"IBa,lt"rlbek up It.lr it it would only kniick tbat tl..... I I IjliiMftti.vli.i ., . A,. I. ;,, ,,,.!,.... ,11111 ueeli lictiilc tuJ I .1. r'u 11... ,.l l.u . . Z .. . . ' TT"" . r, ..V-.,-... .p. ... isBurwi; ...T , r - rr y- , chip otJ -apolem slmalaer Ksnltstbts nohey wiH leed-anless the So and living at the expense of friends or insanity is attributed 10 ihe deaih of lngi r . ' bar iaesf the Awericsa peopbtakoeld bv tlietr aits, waiting in a lackadaisical wife. j Tlie authorities at Palermo sapicntly jnstified, f would with much fpleasnre! ofteo felt through chibiheod,yoaad- in time drive back tlie current. .condition for something to turn up to f. (rr nr o,nth -.i:n. kM '"jos'ned in q n are n tine the phystctans. address vou on jhe questions which di I e v manbood. Alow can gTWing4Sds Tuewisa tlebi ml 00-.$MQ6.- .-tiieie aramatee. The, drone ,n the ' make irrt.tlc and bone, if thai do pot 000 tie to paid. Tb population of the I' m hive of human industry are ief and .. :,,,. , :,..,. . , ".city. V.ou km.w, inyViemh. however, that take 'in tbe proper materials to make ted .State I'SUW,000. Vf that 36,- evesorcs in anv eOiiMiinnity wheieloiinil. ' 1 lm nt. ( tn.l.n ns.-ds tUou l.r.rf I the coutnrv is in iient ihm II- n,w.rrs I them with? Pan and arrow-root may 000,6ou about . ball . million ar own Some of them, who nave obtained here- or u.fe A- Cortesponde.'d M 4n-iieis' I work to nmf WTfting from N..a Scolta, ; sbtre ,t,e people talk openly and 'fa vorabl M- It mM .w . . 1 -ir - t 1 t 1 - ertof ttteoewT? Bnm" mai pen own- . t....H-e s ownr wtToivjfn -ttre-;-miiw fi.'li neip er has a family of four person luaddt- ers. are in a kind of Itiji Van W-nkle death tio. to hiuvsell. an I we wobid ua f.n. Wp. hoping to aroused.some fine d.i' papers .v.-.mmiiii snti -a uau.-Ot .gsamia,- xtW'i t'lg 1 aHaaiXCMtM Luaim!UsJVVd. M-u .i- 1 ft a ..I L...H.. 1. 1 i-. .! . 3L ,. in. isoor ano me iuii, tnu uci.jaiiiyij; j ers laca me rrouiMie capacnr rSiIw. u arieiiotne cimicra paiients in that ' yjde and distract the public mind ipress-'' Vou km.w, myNfieads, however, that pskslfi 'he proper v .4 'l)ie etr of ndn ne-d cheap bread. ! 'be coutttry is iu trreKt peril; therefore. I diem with! Paps -...V- ea .i t.,e r-so... that ajj.jts bker knead, n. prond to - - that r, rv ttr,.uJ ad as mtlatablo but her do Wtsno-mentef A. -T.-ewartw.- ,, r,v3, pr.,-ed aiUcl-. five to I furies of 'Dooirr - ".hat's' 'he same eremenls as mtfll. Mtfk in list Wellington or BalUmore - . - . , the talk !'" and "We can save iU'l Von : alone and nnaided, to maintain Tlm.eof New Vork speak of it J"; "rtl' (--r: 'i'r'' I livs aalsstl it in Umm ft.aTtiy. and rrlsTrTrar-bnlily fm A "- do not eon tain snrnaai- and de- as-aiidscrfcpui-i. l he eat oT tbsr sasUioti five l.un not tla energy to eo at some .... Km . ft-. r I ft' a . .ft . . " . Ure4 :!ii.amt. tijorit,ea 1 mij id ru,e, make tuuus-.i.i tudepcuunt iarV- )ti, nxe. orkl curious pro b- I fet l well ssturcd that vou ran and will lem. llinrefore. oreseuts itelt st the ont- aa v it ia limu 1 n oniiin V I . .' 1. Il ....f ' SAlt nmnul v In f run. in the comiwitioo Uueof the beit ilfu.tratiuji.of av.rice Hear!" and We wrtl.! l I retiest onr ! of milk, the coinjiosition of our bodily lI'lltT liV-tuit, cue Voter split oje. s s a..- We 'It .1 I ( t 1 jjyms rameate. 1 heir w... 1 tarctaesr wiio cmisioer a atan ahoxittonto tbe rnned Slates. . 111 lt ov tue win 01 ionr;een men. 10 crime 10 son meir nana, ev taiior tanebt to heiie.e tha no so .ai compact 1 mnot.g an .ger tuso me majom itta, urr ...r., . un 1,1m c wni. j repeat our "l , rabi v pf : we-ever heard of 4 that eontsined in s country is in perilT the .institution of organ.. 1 - canciiturB which repreciim Ottf-Ntck oer entmtry i tn great peril tbat Coe-I - . fin;is iW4 fta.ii..M.au, -car.yitiir a Jmtirhm.n down to ln re. sfitntion whiM. f,mi t 4 . y.:..i : ra.r ih reswrd All tlieaeciasst ought to know by thi. Hon. John W. Ncll, member of Con uions. Sod while 011 'the va. the lloliao by onr fatksira. be th nn,.i. ..t ,1 i m.sr..- r... rVwi-ii. otion he Con. . . . s v - a - t m . . . , 1 , . . - . 1 -0- , , w 1 ay - uer iuw 1 ninniivjtjic'i tis 1 11 v w . j nine iii.i ine are ponee tin ine con., .greet irom .i 1 won, 1 vi mir osuawouiy uer .4 auKm protnions 10 tnpi.iy him Keto hnrtm. and vHn.- 1 lhv . .1 .......,!. .. . 1. 1, . Til im T . Tv -c-S r . .,- . , : , r , , a-TT:, ri-r- ' 7. -". vm.m .wmi liiw mm m " o;v- s swsi .o ms mi .ni... , . r , .'siurtwii ... , une"Tiijii tiii.isi mjm rt ifwrmjw vuut ' thtp.,tr