PJSj itttsrcllanroas News. Umrnt ef I As Irish IatgrsAt i Lr scrrsai A NEW PARTY. Wi obwrt that several of tetuparalee an- calling- I T senium lor ihe puipoac new uMrrmtt lu -r,h 1 '"'; aa. We have, an lo tbe present lime, advised ag-aine tba formation of parties uotil ele ibeqaeetioe of it -organ iui ion iaave been disposed of. Itat in the midst t rr roluUoaa II is difficult long to Main tMMMWiM. KeW WIH WW ilaee ef nltliu issue, sre c nf snllv pn-senting thesaselvee which stay is uaire sew change of hat. Such la iUmM bow. " Th result of fits oeT.be-, ratios of lbs Isle Republican Coovass. ' noa in this State baa decBorstratsd tin-' tct law wa hava atuoag us a proacrip- , live pArty, bent apon scquiting power at ' ibe expense of lha peace and tlm besti interests of the State That thia party MB be defeated by an organisation which ( uld combine 1 7 the clement of op . pneitioa toil te hae not the least doubt. ' ' sbeee eieincuta be ao combined f , We believe thai the cAn, hot I dithcnhics inteqweeto psasaat it- wiiich . can only be overcome by the use of1 great alill and lunch moderation. Any new rtjr to be organised fr ; stveb parpnae should be baaed cutirelv ii poo existing, living issues, as it can, M-arceJybe expected to survive their set ileioeat. Tin- past should be utterly jg , nored. Dead issues shonld be burrird in tb sea of oblifion. The finer alone j 4iM be the object of our solicitude. t or the good of the present and s at ceed ing gnr rations should oar labors If di- r-cied, and be so directed M ton-cure, the active co-operation of all wbo their country of whatever name or what ever Conner party. The platform of; wch party should be broad, liberal snd uipieuenaive. It should avoid every j appear ot that pruscripti'in of wbicli 1 we romp!am in othera 1 lie just rije'its, j prrvileres snd interests of all etas i ' ahosld be equally consulted. TTie idea , of a party based wholly opon caste, race j r cohr aooaid b entirely snf utterly i d sesrded. If such a party can ba form d will certainly ba effective for good, and we for one are prepared to tend our ttoaubkt assistance in organising it. And ' ie reason lo Ue. ee mat many are heretofore acted I risk tba publican party will join in I r movement, if wisely and jadicn usiv condaclad. We have given oar views briefly tori tba a aisi deration ot oar brethren of the conservative press of tba 8tste. With! 1 1. IiUlt-iga Sentinel we can tee no good ' to result from a joint convention f the I la U tat rveaat Asti ot as author. a tovale ia aaasfa a sb was Uiuieot is S State Co- I SMUS, bwimhiioi, wiereat iiucm u law avum uf oriratiamv a 9n ,,n " aSBBt ml n o iih taoui 1 m uiaf ue lit him, Mary. M her mi by skW On trvtt bnffct May annua', loaf aga, W'ba Sivt you wen my ansa ; Tlx- ix a wa Ujirrag Imli uj rraaa, Aa-I tl lark aag UtoU and kb Ami u m4 aa aaa Ua, Mary, At.J tlic lord gLi ia your ya The pit k hllla caangad. Mary, Tk Uy a origkl a uVc , Tbe avk't load aoAf i w my ear, And taa eora m grrao again ; Bui I mat Um anA. ctap of your Uand, A ii J wur breath warm my ctm-k, And I Mill swap bat' bib' for the wurda You arcr imc will paak. Ti but trp down yonder Une, And the httl chureli taad near. The church where wa warr wed, Mary, I -r (be tpirv from here. But the giarv-yard lies batweeo, Mary, And my tup ought braak your raw I Tor Yi (aid you, darfin', down to aWp, WW Democratic parly in tbe October alec Hon. londl snd aa stroagiy for war, as any trus Confederate. Hut a still asore importaal fast should ba noted. Any system of ts Deflation, whiab may ba devised, mast Baosasarlly bu put ander tbe c"nnisnce of the Courts. When tba lUdiesIs coma to play the gaiuo of con ti scat ion ia fact. the "rebels into the I'm very lonely now, Mary, Kor ika paur ansa no aaw friend, Bui oh I they lore the batter tdl Tba lew our tather eod ! And you were all I had, Mary, My blewxn' and my price ; There' nothing left lo care for now. Since my poor Mary died. Your wa tba rood, brave heart, Mary, Tbat Mill kept hoping on. When lbs trust in God had left ray oul. And my arm' young itreorth wa gone ; There wa comfort eveo on ever Hp, And the kind look on your brow 1 bleaa yoa, Mary, for '.hat wait. Though you cannot bear roe bow. I thank yoa for the patient smile When your heart wa fit to break. Wbea the hunger pain wa gnaw is' there. And you hid it for my aake ' 1 blea yon for the pleasant word, When youi heart was asd and wore--Ob I I'm thankful you are gone, Mary, Wbere grief can t teach yoa more I I'm btddiu' yon a long farewell Mr Mary kind and true I But If not forget yoa. darling I In the land I'm going to; They ay there' bread asd work for all, Aad tbe tun thine always then Bit I'll not lorget old Ireland, Were it fifty times at fair ! And often ia tbow grand oil wood III ait aad that my eyes, And my heart wiQ travel back again To the place where Mary lie ; And I II think I'll tee tbe little Mile, VI have wt at atde by aide. And tbe spring! n (.ALVESToN ni'UlNU TIlKMtbTI I.I. M I Tin; following paragraph reminds one of ie Foe's ileacription of London dur in the (iiaat I'lairue. Some one wrilit g they muet taku from Galveston says : Coasts, to rvee tba gill of tba parties. 1'Iisj strvct seetiee at night arc waggei Aay other oourae woald ia volts a civil live of anything bat the prevatoaoeof a war, mora daetractiva tbao lha ons mot epidcajio in our midst. At an ear through which we have passed. When ly hour Ilia negro list lot appear In great jthey bring tba ease iato the Coarta, tbe number, i kneviallr on tba moat frwiuo oolv plea which we have passed. When ented thoroughfares. They are most im- they bruin the case into the Coarta, the pmieiitand disgraceful in plying their only plea which tba great masses would avocstion, and often the afreet resound 1 mske, la, "1 am a pardoned man." Than till a lale hour of the night with thoiri woald be brought lo the test the tsal drunken revelry. Tno while courtesans value of President Johnson's amnesty are equally numerooaand impudent, and , prxclsmations and his parson si pardons, ss they often travel in oocks with their Tbe Courts would be bound to respect dsrker sisterhood of sin. the scene pn- them, and the confiacationists would, for j i The Bonded Ariitocracy. sciiiedtsa strange one inoeetf. men ccine the midniirht brawlers fiotn the Iste tsverns, some reeling; slong the side wslkt snd others in carriage, the di in it I rumbling of which must make m discordant music in the ears of the sick snd dying. And so the niirht wanes tnj dehjiuoliery snd sin, while on every hend are houses of sorrow and suffering, heait of sadueea and eyes of weeping." Jfoay Order Ojficu. As an evidence of tbe progress of iho reotablisliment of lha mails in this State, under the sa- pervasion of Special Agent, Dr. A. Joda, we notice that in addition to the large number of the pot routes and post offi ces re-opened, thsflie has succeeded in establishing nine more money order oflicao, vis: Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Eli zabeth City, r avetteville, Oreanb.iro . Raleigh, Salem, Salisbury andTaroro, together, with Newhern and W timing ton, which have been money order office tine the establishment of the system. Our people now have a safe and cbesp wny of aeiidiug money lo all part of the Lnited. States safe, because the mon ey does not go through the mails, bat the postmaster receives the money and gives a draft or check, which can he sent to its destination and there be presented to the postmaster who immediately cash es it as is done by any banking institu tioncheap, because f r ten cents twen ty dollars or les can be sent to any office jn I he United State. Larger sums cost in proportion. Journal of Commerce. Oft of the mean ward by th b oliiion part) of New Eogtiiwf Jo excite the whole Northern people against their whit ft-How-citizena o(j the S.uhIi, mi thsj 'charge that thu Southern plaiilrra Mere aristocrats. If the peaweawoo of wealth, however acquired, nntl high mural and mtei le luaJ t till i at ion, t oitatitute an arav locracy, then, perhapa, the Southern owners of large astaiea and hberal education were ariatocrata. And yet it is not a little strange that the runs OATtrrDinn a. jus ovuiosiMi IIKPATIC PILU, MADR aad ssU If G w in. KMC, ta sVaev ear, wba has msssvvs i liiuw,, tl4 a eaa aava aaava i Um wrat m4 km M. aa ia aast ff. i.kl. tarwa, N wilt kff aa aaada big. Mawir. aaMWltaUia a. wlal aS retaU at ia ahantM BM)e vary shame, crawl off into their biding places. Let tbe people do their duty to themselves and the country, without re gsrd to confluences. "Oar (iod and our count rv truth and right the Coo stitution, Liberty and the Union," should be oar motto. Red. SmtimeL e " A pretty woman is one of tbeioalila- lions of the coontry an angel in dry that they wdl, if renidmitleMl to tamee la lb pr ear ilea af ia vary essrtei aad (iteai fill. a ut or nwaSU a ' w kssae Um ri r- " et' m pwiaciaia, la aaiat af ataby, aaavawaa Vad awash. They aaatsh) swa .ukU wawS a arwaaaly ar War mnj M asssbaa. aad wMeb U a swrral aseat la . iaf sb Ueee. (which ee lbs aa d(ataav at t ether nS haif' i aVrd ia ia aabb ) Ta sum i aaed M vaea PMb I saeaSiS), -,'. parad by lbs a ad the aWsajeaesr, aad) jaks mm 4 fral (Mlim ia IB aaaw aasu aliaaOi.. .nhaf atal ar fca , M Swat abat aSta. Sst svataallsa ai biaMy traagihiaiaa aaw ia taair aataaa aa tba kuwala, aad iadaad, fa a nataU l.k . ania wSin aalda aad laaahs aaa sawaa a. political party which, in this eection 'fr'Saa " is .aa-. es.aM (. mtutk .r ,1... I .1 1 ll... S,w..b a,-'i.avf asaai a M a ui sesv w isivftt wviivutevv.is sv -'w"B ifa ttMMwawM an UMaW tM ern slave-owner as ariatocrata u ieeling and principle, aocused I hem, in the same breath, with being Dem ocrsts in their political sympalhiea, n Hi hat ion and action. The Hadical party to-day avowedly opposes the restoration of the Southern whites to their civil rights as citizens of the t'tiHcvJ mates on Use auotpiu gruuul FAD CASUALTY. We leurn that two little bor, living goods and glory. She msket sunshine, blue sky, fourth of Julv and happiness, wherever she goes. liar path is one of delicious roses, perfume and beauty. She ia a sweet poem, written in rare cui Is, choice calico and good principles. Men stand up before her as so many ad miration points, to melt into cream and then bnttar. Her words float round the ear like mosick birds of Paradise, or the chimes of Sabbath bells. Without her. society would lose its truest at tractions, the chorcb its fitted reliance, snd young men the very best of com forts and company. Her influence snd generosity restrain the vicious, strength en the weak, raise the lowly, flannel shirt the beaten, and encourage the fumt hearted. Whenever von find the virtuous women, yon also find pleasant firesides, bouquets, clean clothes, order, good living, gentle heart, piety, music. light snd model institutions, generally. She is the flower of Immunity, a very Venus in dignity, and her inspiration is the breath of heaven. ream ia be'iaa bi lit r aaS aewak wall a thee lavalaaal via. Wlaw i aaa na as kaawa, eaNr . tha SaelBeta Mtala. wbae laay aava beta eweelaiW aa aiiraaiaaljr, I Way aaad a rtTTBf laSBISia lln. at ma an au wall kaawa bf ikair raaaha Priss U Caaata Bafi tt M a H wMI kp aa had Sflaly as Deems' Sovereign Remedy, ear taaaaS a Fa ear aad Aga aadfal at bar Cbiu aad ra W awaa at I la dtMlaetfe aadavwaad, rBX a) aaaaa as tmt Veer and igae IN ALL ft rtWMM. ay aaaeaitag aa awes sad at lie ssaa law. Il aaw aaivereaNr tdawllad, aad laaght by lb fiafciw n. that favae aad Aaa., aada aaari an aad bmmIiihni, iacaaaadbsa tarlM Male a tk User, raadarlag tba aaoeal kakl Sr ia Islreeac use iata Um )! U rlaie ausiaa ar in i. t a ri (ailad Malaria, ot Marab MfcaMsa. far rurnts, vote tne Lseniocritic ucaet I fere is a glaring inconsistency. But supposing that aristocracy consists in that independence of fortune and thoroughness of culture which ab- ,aaa ikaiar, w raraaas a asaasgw saasskjlaa Iwa mty trom the necessity of tne lowest - f ruia, .aa to astaaae sb Lea. . a. - dm. vr "Si - - ' J f . ,1 rrrad.inf manual Iainr hirh w ? rW .rH ' Saaltt.i sstlv. eo.. . a, aaa deny whutihenT Is there not aie'. "h k.. i ' r l.: l : 1 'a'eika etrraStiWa i law ot unit M.111U ui etCTj aucrvtv i , u ska lata the i sad, be af Ika i Is there not such a class here in the " fcairwaait.aBd p.i.nr. aa aarisers ia tb aavaatag la thai traauaaal i Sara Mr a, aa. taal a laiataa niama. jun J saaMaf iata saatart n i Malah. aeawaJ. uti Mi-Kim creek. K:teliio coun'v. came lion . to their death in a following n. inner on his capital here, than the planter in the South, who lived on his before the war f The latter was mo idler. He not only put his means al risk but he directly exercised his person al enre and intelligence in the pro duction of wealth which not only enriched him, but the nation. The labor he uaed was asave-Lsbor, but it was labor that he paid for. The ne- ll i- I II I .I I A A A..'. .wW. iLa )-... groen were wen icu, wru t luincu, mini Railroad. A few days siucc a gentle well lodged, and it vet remains in man from this city in passing over the doubt whether the chnnge which e- Danville railroad, mot at Uurksviiic June mancipation will work ui the conui . " a -a . . s. f i . ... a gentleman ana iauy, wnoere ,, ot the necro as a laborer nhsl! c -naervativi o! t irgin:a sue rti Carolina. State organisations can alone ba productive of any good effect. If ' the question shonld be further discussed wa may teear to it again. Xortk Slate. When first jou were my bride. corn, and Uw bngl.l -y l0e of ,he i)rtyi crRwk. j nfltj,ti,e lou.e to nud S-one ecit t there, ami ctmu out in i few moments saying the hen I a I bitten him. Hi brother tin n CjrdWtyd "under the house and hef'ore he came out the tirM one 'junction, druppeu dean, the other one tailed to uld. ..P f.ll.l U 4 . f L.I 111. .11 ivl. I ..111 . I ..... I ff a I i T . I um ... " " r.nerzei,oi iips.c, sxonj.naa oven j, W1W ,eilred .rattlesnake had a : pointed ont to him by Hie conductor a. . ff . , M reav advanlJa-aos an eloping party, who bad come down i . . " "f . n . , ., L !....! iKal nuiMilaa -r 1 . k ll i .. 0 ll IU1 8 nil t he COUrtl T V. Ifllt lf t Il8t -i i.i . I : . L. .ft- - ; . .. ..... n i i .. ft iiia ma. i i.r ti,,,i'ii I ll tw n n iiih ill T rill'Iii'M vl 1U W vi ftiiv I.-.- in... hi w ...... , . - j. , - ...... . i , , l r. n mi, l- ...I.Aff I tlw, .1 , 1 1 . . i-. . t . . . . Ik.. fi-ntiiin nt runim.r ",,n In Itielimuiii . in , "inn ii" i ii North? And how much better is the aristocrat, who can afford to lire waasaji ib saasKy w aeaakis tb AS lb above edwia. aaa aa BMawbad at ally per eaal 4aoaal, by IB gmm A I tba shave rale they eaa ba aaa I ky asaM si te S aay yaMt ks the Uaiud Atataa. Tb saak aiaat miiaaar ika order af C. O. D. wa taaaa I' ea aahasw faaor aa aaajinf I Waif aaaarala 0 W. iVa W, SVart Cadaawa Srraai. BwAwaar. Sara they wills prutwplly (tiaadad Sa. Farthasa MWaa ealli a S raafaetabl Drag . t a everywAera, aad i.a all um niaaalWS la Sak kary. A.C. Uf. OT John H Eoniss, SaUovy, (DragrsM,) ia pacitl agent liHwa SrllaaSBarat aaaASkfS , aad boa I bay wal aaauaaa u PKMM9, DR. BASON. DENTIST. neat under .the house and had Stur the boys. Serch being made their fears were sid ly realized. A rattlesnake was hauled out and was found to quite fill but-hcl measure. The above is vouched for by reliable persons cogn'zant of the of the fact. "Parkersburg, (VY. V.) limer. THE CONFISCATION' SCUEilE. Ah Jmporiaat Dicovi '. Au in van- a . .... . tiou ha recently been i.a'eiited that I promises to works revolution the in man nerof liifhtinir all lanre establishments A i AKIMA JllltALI.L'At.OtK. Tba groai novelty in 1'sris, and tlic subject of all conversation, is the mirao nlooe gift of healing possessed by a Zouave of the name of Jacb, who, by Uie mere exercise of bis will, per tor ma daily the meat estaordipary cures on paralyzed persons who for years i art been enable to move wit bout assistance. The Zouave receives no payment for the boon be confers, he is perfectly unassum tog in manner aad does not attempt to explain by what means he eccotnplishes the cares Im undoubtedly effects. Hi regiment is quartered st Versa-lies, bat in consequence of the difficulty the poor esperiened in reaching the only portion of this barrack in which he was allowed to receive his patients, the Count de Chsiesnvillaid, hintretf S paralytic, of fered him the use of several rooms in his bo lei, where Zouave Jacob daily admin isters relief to thousands who flock from all i-arts. The Count publishes a plain statement of bis own experience of tht I tmcacr of Jacob s luDuace. He drove jsuiiiec's in bis carriage, acoompsnied by bis wife, j Atrieol of Genetl Hancock Military avowals of their opponents, that the ad to the manufacfury of M. Da Noyet.j J,dc n MiuiippiA ltiahrlland-'X) ' of tho measures would form where Jacob was ened with sever-; , c nrf wnia! chief ground of warm opposition to al poor and disabled iiatien's. ..A, .' fiieir success exDeriineniinat with petioieum witli a view of generating im from that oil, Aad the result is said to be the produc tion of a gas which, for brilliancy, chesp ness and facility of manufacture, will cosaptre favorably with any hitherto in as. The proceu of making the article con sists of furcius the netrc leiiiu into a re tort, which is subjected to a red heat, and tbe gas is thus generated. 1 he ma chine is simple in its operations, and can rea hly be msde of st.y site from that suitable for the lighting of s private dwelling to that which would serve for the illnmination of the largest city in their late Convention in the world. The gas is pnre snd modor- those deleterious el which are attributed who had received a dispatch at Murks vHle, which cansed them to stop at that and remain until the up train OKt'lCE oa ike coiner at Ibu and Churih. .alir.ury. N C. OmAlMMS'S TKKTIl. .arrfully raawlalad. A'lijUul 7 A AT, uu burt not we and by say . . l'L.4L i ween uie aristocrncv wiucn mo wnr ,,roce- i.r(erre.. ban put down in the .South, and that i Teth esinned or ihei, Nwn osstmysd wnb- . . Ta.iI ...In ill ..IM.MI ....I ,l..ul.i l ft Hmu.L nriHtiit-rncv which it has created in i .,. iT.T - T7.7...7 I.Ll.u. W V BA0OM. M D., D. D. A. K I! ('Karen a rrawasMa as Say fwraiarl ons, and free from fects npon health to coul gas. As i early as can at present be calcu- Our readers have been struck wiih the difference between the conversations ot tiie Radicals of this State, ripon the sub ject of confiscation, snd the action of this City. No white Radical, who claims to be a lesd er among them, in ptivate conversations or at ordmsry public meetings, openly avows the advocacy of continent ma or the extension of disabilities. They re lated, the cost of petroleum gs is about i pel the- clisrge tfiat they arc favorable to one ihird of that produced Irom coal. enner, yc, in arawmg up a ptaiiorm tor the p: rty eschew all allusion to these riiis is done in the face 'I the came along, when they got aboard and h, NHl,, f HouthWn p4anlerA, S"ZTZ " 7" 7r. with their thousands of ncn cover- N B Cbar .-Ullll Vruilllu, Wll ll'iH.iiiii viivviia I , . . , i ,-ill ..,1 IViilial . . . 1 ,, ,ii, ....if.... n m I ftift,iaft fkml v , . - - i 11 llll i .ni'iii, tint, puai , niin iir Tha Count, who hsd been paralyzed for years, was sapperted by hie footmati and a workman, who ohl'gtngly lent him his srm from his cairiage to the alU. Democratic Delegation. Diapstch to lbs Baliiiipor SunJ Washington, September 18. General Hancock srrived here Ibis evening. He where he was allowed t.i tske a place in j will have an interview with the Presi- tbe circle of ti e sick surrounding Jacob. I dent and Grant to-morrow. It is proba Persons were being transported on litters: hie he will remain here several days. or cariied is men's arms to his presence, I General Sheridan is expected to arrive in my being S m utterly helpless as t be here to-morrow. unable to sit upright, and only able to A case comes tip from General Ord's: support tbemsvtves by leaning against 'command for reviaion of the pr-.c'iedrng- Wherein., it i-. tt.ei! known that Mr. Ste each other. As soon as the room was of a court martial recently held in Mi- ' vens, the father ot Confiscutiou, never It is evident thfy do not desire tonell the fears of the timid upon this inbiect. Tiicy desire to hold it over the beads' ot farorTd on other folks' money ine nouiiiern pe ipie, as a rou or terror, iu order to drive them into the RtdicaL party. Even ror men, whose lauded estates have never been assessed higher thitn 500, thst tbe tsin protection, in the Kadical party. boro' they weut to the "Southern House, and registered as "Mr. Walton and lady of Norfolk." They remained in Greens boro but A short tune, lue gentleman procured an ambulance, and the pair went into tbe country somewhere. On hi return to this city yesterday, our informant learned that the doping pair were a Mrs. Solomon, from some point near Wilson, in North Carolina, snd Mr. Walter, a clerk or Mrs Solo mon's husband. The lady appeared to be About 25 your, uf Age, quite pretty nud lady-like in appearance. XHc gentleman was young, haodsoine and gay. Hick. Examiner. o A GOOD HIT. An editor who seems to have lost his temper, gets off the following well mer ited rut: "those lellows wlio don t tske their home paper, watch them I they are always on the alert on publication day and when the papers come ronnd to yonr place of business, are tbe first to snatch it np; failing in this, they read it over your shoulders, toe impatient to demean themselves in A Irepectful manner. Spot these fellows. They are the smell sou led. stingy tiAOdtiu, wuo go through ..the I ........ . . a a a- . a ... I . . I a i I t I I 1 1 . f , . 1 I .... . 4 Udt i ri f" Mill "IHV tun I V eat a I 111 II. ' an a capable of taking a most useful, as well as prominent part, in the politi cal anairs of the nation, but they produced crops, on their own soil, by means of pa id, though slave tabor, which, while it returned them a libe ral profit, added millions of dollars ! lo the financial resources of the country. What is substituted ? The Northern aristocrats, who own the national debt in the shape of the D. T ttmmmm flat Of its WILLIAMS & CO. esantasi lotwro. ltsf ( Bunnfat-tuirt, hint, Jlttt, ronflT. rnrtnw 'aSaMwaal 1 Wa?HlY TOrV4atAw OFFICE Ho 1. TOBACCO EXCHANOE. MCHMflMn. VA a su Radical Plot for an InturreetUm in Mnmihind. The Waliinirtoii corrnaiion 00 -.11 000, or $3,000, arc told j Jent'of,he ITWwys: ' y bad better seek protection, cer , ji m. liio government. n receneu inieiii gence that the Radicals in Maryland con template the inauguration of a scheme at 'he election on tlic 18th instant, when reielveni' tirouiiacd to hretk nn Avnrv tide, i.nt ti ),...v il at lo.ai tumn ! the new State Convention is to be snb It has beeu very forcibly insinuated, mi,,ed for raliflcaiioli, which will surely tbat Mr. Steven and his confreres bad! lead to not mnd Hood-shed, Under the . . ... ........ I. ..n II...I . ... I . ... .1 . 1 1 1 a k i i-uiMii'ii inai.i una n and vote in bu full, Jacob entered and said, ' Let n sissippi. The facts, ss proved, are thnt .jijagapeak ontil I question him, r r I the I euteiiant eonimaning in a town iu hsWfjro away." Fertect silence ensued. 1 Miesiseippi sent h parainoitr to a hotel The Zaa6 then went from one sick ; iu tbe place to board. The hotel pro- person te snotber, telling each esactly prietor refused to iive hsnva room. JlW two ubjscts ia vuiwi in brinan wutiualaVmPV0r at llia'iliaaftua 'mai ailiii-h ha ar alia ani1. i.ffliia rumolislrltafl ulill thrilaiiu,l ni.it utiaMa Tiiufinl Ba I,...". . . ... 1 1, .. HI n ell riaTht. tO VOtS lariaa TLna In Ilia nan rl ha .111,11 r fai ins In 11,1 nr I i lint.- i. ... t. r f ,. i rr lanalfwiliia-r .. ti HJ, ' ...,1a ..t UM m V irsinia. Hie moie uostrerate UltU isid, "Rise." The Count, being of the ; yield, sent fir a deUchneat of soldiers what they could jftt, rather' than run the f' leaders In- tne former fctate, are org rjsk of conbscati n, in order that orth jmsjitm cuioieu men piowiy iiiern-emamVt-wbo-1iAB--grr;wir selAtthe-pi.aAdmand the right npon the.wax,ffliiht tecome the wbule'0 vo'em "ew Cow!,lnl.,on- 'lUt alu purchasers,; Tin aeoond w. iIia' rso'eaneo Oflrfier syare uonventfott. vrmen tlic and took p s-eision of the hotel, ar ' piaeea nt pTratncrtrr m a ruorit-; and iMifiil.er, arose, and that, without ettjfhTesr dielrf. In about r imi.iites Jseeh dismissed the crowd. M Tim Facia was reported to General O'nL" de Chatestivillaid walked to his emrrlm- Nl c nrt litartiai ordered, and the c url without lite slightest difficaliy, and when found the lieutenant guilty as charged, the fearful a d timid niirht be driven his w ife wlilied to express his gratitude : am! sintdnced him to diaiursNl from tlie f pell-mell into the Itiidica! party. 15 . th to Jaeob, he reptidtthal he had no time sei vice. GeneryK Grant approve i the : of these surest ions have received very to liaten, for he bad other patient to at- 'aVhismre. 4w1im Ifolt recoiuinen Is (he i strong support by recent developmeuis. lend to. Medical meu are taeinswlvea ahaUioent of the sentence, and that the j There is, however, one tact, which our taken hjr surprise, but the farts ure not ebatrsacte. COarh&m Jf assembled in Baltimore to-day, evident ly means mischief in that direct inn. Pro minent Conservative citizens of the State liave been tfere to-day, among them Es Governor Pratt, confening with the offi '.ff.ndr he aunp.-r.iJcl one inon'li, onSieaifui people have not aa carefully con C!.u 011 Ute ttnpenduig trouble. 1 lie the atrmnd t1Mt the. principal witness 'sWed as th-y sli -i d have done. ' St; tr anthoriftes feel confident of heing 1 " . . ' I V ' Kla In r......., i I. a I.,. I it 1- ..... - . aaa auaiai't la aaaaaai pi raa Monti 01 tne Government, mey i -r rVd . crw V" I aj. HMSaAjtet.vM aakSt SrfWwSwaSyfJt I bought the loans of the nation at a I .. - i I . , larsniast aaa laiaaatrSwSSwSl liAnvv ninrount. and tlmv nri ilrntv- -...... I i j j j - w I ins interest on the debt, ererv six i months, in gold ! The people v ,i .1 c, w ur ii,, w JU. a. s , ' . . ,r- a r A. SraSaia. MIBaBar.': )aae tSarakaaa, Saw- ObwwSSi i S. taxed oppressively to enrich them, 1- wihi..., tua,. raaiiii, rsaan. Jea?a,a- . . .1V1 . ' .j.. a-. . a. Still ;,. paying usurious premiums on mans which they paid for in depreciated paper currency, and on which, they are exact iog interest ia gold, at the rate of l. l. in currency lor onej Hnllnr in anaar-iA A nrl aavlint An tkttv I 1 .'.... ... ....... .... fftllu ,. wv J I prod. km', meanwhile, to benefit tffcjjjel iiaiKni, or buu to us pecuniary re sources, or industrial prosierity ? .othing. Literally nothing. They retire lazily. and in stupid ignorance; on their bloated incomes, wrung from tho sweat and blood of the laboring whiles of tho North, and subsidize miscalled "Union Leairues to carry ! elections in the interest of the drones sjsaajfc who flourish on the discord, distrac! jEf tion rid misery of the countrr. saTLft They are like the lilies of the fteW, of which it was said that they "toil 1 not. iietthnr rb tin v ui.m vi t S,,l,.. . moa m all his glory was dot arrayed like one of tin s. 'u7. jfcrfvry. Attenmf Af aaataawHw, I aauaraai; was once in the Con'ederate service. The i system of confiscation can be devissid,! tine to preserve the peace, but it is no' .WArliAArmur.ltoiiar tbal...tioxeia(!- ,.SjrjMJUt,miU. At present Russia is the chief so ogee ol of disniiasal. laome of the hypocritical Radical as up- "s'o"' call 911 Uie general government j. delegation, or U mcratic politici- on the Conservative mn of tins Smith. r r3 "iiBa m manner sns were here to-dsy, aflrrmjc tbein Hon. jit was so in tho matter of di.franchise- j Precr,bl " the Constitution. 8ainoel J. BaAdalta. member of C n -n - -neri. Ahhoet every leading Southern j o from 1 be first diairiet of Pennsylvania, , native Iiadica! t. a dirfis icnie I man,' Henry Wilson says Hepiiblicaiia never and General MCandless, of liiat Stafe.aud as justly so an any "rebel" in the ( tired aifioo the Urtieftflag. They called Tbe purpose "f tiie visit is understood to'South. Iu atanr ' inatancis they were: it a "ffauntintr lie:" however and han led in wnifu tue ursp os curope ns lecent-1 ne to mase some arrangement lor me the oeiore aay ly. wtori pstcbed up.Tsnd she s logins' . distribution ot the, euswmment patron too cowardly to o iiuo tba ffghi ifiai. I esft H H nse age t at will resti t in a lean's. the reives, bnt who these reports, and that country is report ed by seertt spies sent from Austria to be inajtitig extensive preparations f 'T war, by Collecting large ar;i - and ar ming I .er troop witb ir jo .v weap ons. Itusaia i dirsapi-ointcd at the mode -fbra Alios of Taikish Orntory. rebels," many ot tbeni I h down from the dome of the Massachn 1(0 inln the BglUthassi I sett State House. nevertheless talked ss ' oi Boton Poet. - ireiand.tht frly ofths - 1 . ' a a a . . . armen revomtiun hi Ireland lisvtttg been demonstrated, the calmer minded people there sfe faljlng belek npon (yConneH's policy of peacefifl sgftafioa for reform and the redress of grievances. On the evening of the Sdfnst. a mass meetins; was .held is DuU.o, the Lord Mayor of the city presiding, st which resolutions in favor of manhnod suffrsjie and of the formrrrorrwf,,-hwaf orgaiiitsi linn tWAgt tate the question of eqn 'slits for all Wt-ro iinaiVimoUely adHred. Aiaem the FOR SAI.K. A T No. 490, Bmadway, N. T., a spsroataf IX. rorte, oowt s-kx' stay be bad for 37o m ser-ir-ot fuatJs. The I'lano m of iipwndid Rosewood, Seven Oct ret, estrs InouMiniri, erpentin base, fres lyre barn pedal, and Loom XIV atykv Apr ly a aV "la no il if 1,1 . THE OLD 8PORTING C itcrarn Emporium, 302 .aM Fifth ttrti. PhiUitMpki. WSBara raaaaUr aSSaS taaarHaaS a aaav alSj liwl Oaa aT BKB aa Sara Saaaa. FaaaMata. Saaa. Cna rf. VMtaa, MawtraHia, St., aa. ra bar Oil Hill1. kM'iu ; - j-T asTjatass 9, mWKmwt ummm! , Oa I. C. G. B. P0UL80N, & CO. Druggists and Apothecaries, RE ftucceaaors to W. C ROBERTS 4 CO. And it Is their intent Ion to keep always on Hswl every rtifof in ttietr Ass of btrsmsss, ansrwar rant M-Xtuttj Erasw and L'Wuluwatsd, aad wijl mske it the chsapest DRUO STORE to purcbasS Medicine for rah in lli Plate Tm tlWBMSl will under the eniira manacemant of Or. O. B. Pect sos, VVystt s old Hiacd, Mun t , Ssiiabsry, Ji. u .v-jiyfe.Xlilk.lI;,...-Z.....-. .. .......w-.2yj -t .. jH V ALUABLE lg PLA.1STTATION FOR SALE noteworthy incidents of the great sath enng wss the reading of a letter from Jolui Stuart Mill, tn whibh be avows his eonvfcfirMi'thst Ireland's only hope of com plete j nst ice He i n the ansfenn g of a tarse snare or no iticaJ nowee to nlaaa- itux tnar smaoollieTlerwfro ats not uTTdsf the inflnertos af land or church pvfyedlees. rPUE subscriber irnersfor sale a -ffiP" I 1 .! adiiiiniria iliat oa which he reaid, kBSWD ...... ii, 1.1. ...1..., 1 1 i-iiiniimes 1 1 u acres. SMI!.-??.' .. ' - 'Vrtiiaaavaaar M4 Snrat rintira. ing arTeSeelleul pl(' fi ww --t meatow an.) .V) acre woOSlana. Tne ibtw m good order. There is on Ota plea a aanoauwa aory Dwelling, neatlvJiDislied ; a Well good wss tsr in tba ysrd, which Is s besirtiful grovepT aslivs Tlw. UnftJiia ia Uatihv. aud tb mnnil. a,laiitlaft aaanrat It'll alluated OS the aUV- colntoe rosd.ws mlhs west of SslAAery. Ftrr far tber iiaVruen add raa ass st uat'iskery, ssU sn W, tiair. RTCfl'D. IJ 7 71 y - - .T

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