- " ' - - . Jl. ?et " ich : ier : ber lea' rnU' le. lol "V ou. : or ion ik of rf. ) kw Hit r -VOL. 2. THIRD SERIES. "j SALISBURY, N. 0.r MONDAY, OCTOBER' 21, 1807 NO. 42 WHOLE NO. 1783. i I - ' a o JO ,. r U ) .."' J - -7-A i ir ' hi r a"' t TERMS? , month, ,,,.,.',..'.'..1 ta I. advanc. ; RATES OF ADVTIlOl OaaSquat (!' 0,1 2 litw) flr InMflMXi, fl 00 - JJtl, tfU, .aww.ww, K CI I aw lll Tha w mill nn donhf ran la oo I '' eoamr bt au wuiaataa 'Til oOfehinc to hssr them. for vscb ed Jiiiocal publican, U Thtr character i food eonier-Ative ill car the support of aII food eitl- 60 amis, And their electiea over radical THE RADICALS OITOSEDTO NCI . GIlO 8UFFBAUE. odi)ale4 tjr AB orrwblmlof majori- ij 74. a&MORINQ'SCAlCD. I o It 1 t ir I. . J - - 1 i iL. ,.,,-v. - f XfoHk StaU of 84lorJ.f. io which b lia Mint mphat l. I .1 I L I t- 1.1 ...mvv-- ji I M M a4d AAMMiMtal. ,..n: . . Mm bad L aut o-Ula, iiC9 In pro- teat aaint nemaa kIUtaf office. : Tli ill wake them lae Lint and bring Up on dim certain Ad uioat hutniluiln ds eat. ilttaidea, lie Itaa not tatifled inanj t'at Mr. 13iler'a etateioont lLat lie wa A eeceeiotitf U uutrue. lb. rOOtt FELLOWS! T1i VaaIioe CkritU, oaa of Tvfj't of tl Sou lb aliouIJ no longer i deceit ed. Tlio raJicala ItaTe do or for ikem eicet to uaeUiein in acquiriog office. 15ut lli oerooe aoetn net to be ineliod to j(t rdit to an jr tiling the vbitre of Ibe South, HieJr onl true frienda tell t!iem.-ThJ tarn a deaf ear to tlie booeat and lolelligaut meo of ibe Soptb, and roali on to. tlie err brace of ilie dcpie jivodsiiw, mn teAmtfi laguUiuu of dosinal of raJicalUm. Tliey know nut Ilia Jiumfitora faidi it. jmrrj k atiaiaxL wbat lbV 4o. IL IL Helper! tliellla CkromieUm pculirfjr paibrtirt aad kbil rrcAt espooeol of the radical, end lie I i-L. aad wich a r,,rJ impilM, wbicb bat hot too trotbfullr furelold the fate b "f. g thct it to belal! tbew. if tber txraiat in I J u,u ttmU : rflng To leid" tl.e counaela of their Nu,W. U. "H,r c"u1' h 7- intelligent end reapeclable white friend nUM'omMm w. !... .U..!, ii,ori of tbe txrtith, The radioHla. when tbejr u 4Ubbaadljiifpbtiefipaioilalrflaii can no longer nae I hero in Acquiring of- f' ewwin e kUI oT moral.ijr, bui fice will turn nrxm tbem with ell tho niA- r!,W l' mZ tT. V" !!! lignify of diaajpjwmted and enraged ..i b ch ukee ia E-r.. fiaud. but if the Are true to their real fur tb- W te eratarin. deto auimau frienda in the South radical disappoint- -"J y -t-ibU f, N-.0. E.err.v . , ... , ' olaitua m ailtal by a rbiUl U npe b.s went and erneltjr eao Jo them but little Ungf Md w, fc u lb, ,1. barm, ror II10 fact 1 mat corrupt ana iioy." tjranical partj will aoon be powcrleea fr xxJ or eil.. lta av are nmnberea. t bai i'ecti weighed n) the balance and fnud wanting. Jttn$ Mfnt, UM vphdt$ii hu been written on the wall. ixilulury Banntr. mar latratee of Bth. The) hotel baa A peeioue chaj pel wiibA Wtinf " chap- Uin, And tbe teypona are dail acooui panicd with About Aetentj naal organ a Tlie property le well looked After, a the d"or are of Iron aad dauble locked ; tbe windowa bate iruo bare to keep thieve From Wttkingio National f inane t Stcrdary JteCuOoeA'i LeiUr and Kit Financial YuwsJiieolum Eivit punt. . . -J SmmI Diaaateb la tlx BslikttM laa.) 5YMlimrKa, Oc. I. U lb W( of 8er. Urj MeUue-aWaut.ajBIfa.rirrtb. t.ffday tbae wa aa error ia oee funt I bet (e4)r eotreuae. The nalfo referred 10 timid md : an I !W Ibat asr turn idrabi eaaibrf of awmtwraef CtXigntat would faer aa aJJuioo.l ! for aay ortfaarf per pow. much Um lor lb prp of payiax bonJ. ie ioaiioe of tb aipnrM aaJmUodioj adr bice lby ware a-tfo(iiL Ia tbM eoaardioa H may IX aajrd ibal Ho Mary iluCallocb b. U( that tb Iruib ill ap m tu be ibal eery purtioe of iba bondrd dU of Uia Koromet bK)b fea oa paid or par- cbaard ie tinea 1 801, bat Ue rJin.l ia gM; lbt k ba ba tb eaitera aoJrrtlaaJiug of lV pUe Ibal all loaaa or Iba oTaramaat .bould b paid, priocip! aad inturwt, ia goll. anlraa, te (be eaaa of Um eoieioead laiarrai Doa, iba Ueiporary ioaa oariiiicala, and ibrrtiaa, vbaaewt eoaitJ into f a(entica. ibe law eadvr wbicli tbey wcralatuvd urwijrd for tbeir pai men I io carrrncy, or it wa ober la eadrratoud by lha takara Ibat Ihr-r tboald b paid ia urraey la other word. lh proml of lb ttnlni. of Uvegreaa, of lb bnaoctal offlorra of th country and aetaal aetioe of tb foveraiMbt, baa pledged tb peblte Mh of tba L ailed Bute lo Ida narireoi ia eolo of all u loadU-doea eot riprwMly airread aad eeder- Umd tw be paid oUierwiae. AU otbtr ietrfU' bera are ataorbM ia lae rleciioo aewt wb eb ia oomiar ia from earioe farla of IVaoei leanla and Ouio. The aawe- paper vfficaa are btteiitsd by aoiiou ioqui- rara. Data. 0 The International Medical Congreu, Vuo trim U.li Cbaioi. Tb mNlitwdaf Uut llue. U mIob Craiif a-ill b rejted l leare ibtU ba baa teen iviall) pardiaej by the PreUi. " '' Mr, Craig l ona of ibe moat roMat, U, and worthy roea of our Stale, and it ia w it b great p'eauta (bat w-nak tb above an-aoaaoifiai.---. Wat ibere evr cb a parfaelly pofUm hiaef 0 .... rival lha Sealteri. LOOK OUT IlL'dKtYfcS! Uaaaaa. Eorroaa: I leare thai Ei-Prov. Gov. Uoldea aye : e bow tell Obk iba. iba (wlHd maa iU vole hi Ouiu." Will not lie But key ba e;rily alarmrd wba lby ber tlit t Tbvr bad baitrr, ( i aetbor c'aia4 Ibe ll'oaerio 'k and make ali.e." llut mu'l iLi. era anJ 0f almo6t all euidemica, and ven- lretij cool from a maa ibat caa't vote tilatton is the beat means of preventing biintelfl I ana stoppiug each iiiaiaaiee. 10 neru U.ra ia ebat Duanicutt aay aboot tba them together like beaat is to kill them nailer : which baa j net met at Paris, haa decided that cholera ie not contagious, but ie em inenily infectious, like yellow fever, ty phus, d:c. It originates where large nn in bera of individuals are collected nu der bad hygienic or cliinateric conditions. ft I. aimiiortoil a Inner crroat mariiinin. fluvial, or land ways of eommuincation , bt'ce of 1 opptition Fjcitement on Taylor t Farm, Norfolk County rdtM OJlaert Driven vf llFruUt f Radical Teaching. The telegraph announced a difflenlty with toe kfgrooe la regent to the Ty lor farm ir.Merty, near Norfolk. Tbe Norfolk Firyi'aia brlnire ns the folio in tartioelare of tbe affair: We give below the tacts in rerrsd to the procveJiojft of the blacks on Taylor farm, it teems that they hajre determin ed tohoJdbia-aarnlTsI and flirht it out . . a . on that line in tfeOance of Mr. Johne-rti, the j readme e Uureao, or any other man,, it appears mat a party of gentle men UMtttf -TAJJOtS Jarin. on Hunday, tbe fl'h tDatapti amon - whom ware uw eiala Authorised . to offer aoh family liooae .'auT; eirfpliTTmenr, or' eetr tbem ciearea leoae at a tow price ana give Idem tiire and five year to pay f. them. Tbe nrgr-e called a rUfeotin and organised .by electing Anthony Sutler rrtident, and Ethan Rocket Seoetarr rropoaitions were made to the nugrn ieople for heir consideration ly Uapt John Da Pas, who In a very brief man tier eipluioe l o them hnt they were re cupriiiJC tlio Tarlor farm vritlmut warrant of law: t last tlie Government bad" turn ed the property over to Mr. Tar lor, and he was the only person now who could give them a legal tight to occupy it; Ibal the Government would provide places for them, and desiie J them to vacate the farm ; he beeeecbed them to act sensi bly, and if they thought there was any le.tre to taka advantage f them, to ap. point a committee of Ore, aud let thai committee proceed to examine the prop erty and locality, - (Wisa's farm) and if " x.. . . x hechanre would bete their iuterest they coold then determine what would be beat fr tlicm, After this advice was given, a negro amed Anthony Butler gained the stand, and harangued the people in the follow tog strain. "That persons were eontinnaliy telling them thev had 00 riht to occupy tbe farm, as l icaidcnt Jolioson b id pardon ed Mr. Taylor, and restored his property, but he did not care if the President did lardon him, the reconstruction ac's of Congreaa did not recognize tho Presw dent's pardon, and the tropertv mas 'their uwn, and they would bold it in de- tT the travellers who frequent them. r - ... - Crowding is tho principal cause of chol Frm Oit Seluiury Araaar VedinJay laM. , C0KSERVAT1VE MEETING. Ia peraaaeea lo pravioM appoialmeal a good- "It may require, atom, lLaade and liglit aing from heaven; it may require eathqutkra; it I mar require a war of Iweaty yar dareiioti; i may rroiire tbe atlir inaultenor of tbe wlioU laation; H may require laa elauiilrihg 01 ball as a matter of certainty. Individuals in infected district muat therefore be scat tered, ar.d disiufected Rich. Purker, negro, better bown as "Uncle Dick," next addretsv-d tlte crowd, lie Informed the people that the Indians wt-re the original owners' of the land. ana were ariven ou oy Force; mat me white man took lie land from the Indi ana by force, and we (the black) will take it from the whites by foice. They Aooilaate was sure of succe, no matter wuai iuiKnt bu Uia cluracletuif jUe mtn orthentnre of tbe measures to whieh they vera pledjteJ ih" fiist result of incn a eon re is to make the party which adop's it crrupt, and the next is to make it weak. Tue republican party ie Ad monial.e I by the blale alectiona that Lava jott occuried that they mutt reform tbwit action in tiiee reatoU. The oeoole will not sanction the extreme couraes Which have been maiked out for them. NIGGERISM IN PUILADELPUIA. In rliilat.Vli.hia the iDular aalnte on the street is, "Have you heard theBew.r CmpauteaQf merrAroyelltngtiaJTbls U Wills white wsn's country 'Where's Now bigger equality r Leading Kepuhi " f iicans a Imil bat - the Mgra . eoialiiy f . qtiesiion in thissute is dead. They open y express regrets mat it was allowed to enter into the campaign, and S'evena. Kelly, and other Radicals are renerallr couaemuea lor tueir aavanced ilea. Ttlegram in Herald. ' I o- Dr. How, of Htou, went to Ciete some tuno ao with a shrphnid of sop- 1 . a . . . . pnea, contnontro rv American eituma for the dial retted Chriationa, who had suffered from tlie lory of tho Turk. The uretan came is now loat. so far at leaat NEWS OF THE DAY.' Flection Jltturm. Wa4iacU.OcCl2. V. Foraav UWrat.la' from Pbilad. Ipbia Ibal gbarteood, Detaueral, it alecled by al leaat 000 I Wa.biagtoa, Oct. IS. P. U.-Xtblag has Ua reorired froia Oliio. Tb poliiiciaae from ibal 8ula aeeoi afraid lo (peak aate ibe retail. Tbeie ia aotliag le taade SbaneooJ Btjor hydoeUful. Wa.hintoe, Oct It, P. U-Tba RepaVIU r.a nm.niy ia Iuw eel I mated at JO.OOO. -(A flliajr off of ever 18.000 tine Let year ) Tbe Gubernatorial malt ia Obio eaaaoi be puauiiely.kaoaa.. aotiLTortlay. (Al which lima tba official returee will be comMireJ.l' themselves and their clothes ''eno right to it, and shall nt have it. aa soon as possible. W 1 , c u,r h Pent nor A negro in Georgia Announcing him ' Ty number of tba cttti-ni of itowau mrt ia ti Jtfa iahabUaata .of JJ.e Baiion; bui jjijce i!)lelf a candidstofof Congress from the Coart UaM oa' TeeKiar, or ll.e purpoteef 10 mevra out a ma . Tliird District, says : - aetu!natingandidaiea te repraeoi Oa Ooeaiy 0 remained firm in my dnty to my old man bad to go : bnt, ia ths approaching State Conveotk. I THE ELECTIONS. master (Joseph Tooke) daring our terri-j times have changed, Freedmen'a Bureau. We have suffered long enough ; let the white man suffer now. Ti.e time was when the white man cvo Ulack my as winning it by arms is concerned : and a aa a . ur. Uuu arteaks fi-elincly of th s lu-avy miafortane to the Gre. k race and Greek proapcc'A In a recent letter from Greece he refer to the damajre wlwich the eanse of tbe Greeks has suffered from the sen timental enthosiam of Philhelient-s win who have flocked to Athens from all parts of the worlJ, talking nonsense and doing mirchief. Ihese adventurer turn ed op in the recent time of trouble, ai formerly they turned up in tlie day 4 of tne nrst urtex revolution, and it nteu to be a common qnestiun among the nas uvea, on the arrival of anew I'hilbellene, Well, where is bectAckedP We do not wonder that the real friends of Greece, and the people of Greece them selves, have loat all patience with these pestering fellows. Such characters turn p in connection with everv good cause, nd often defeat or turn into ridicule movements which are really deserving of success. Look what scorn they have been the means of brinirinir opon the late Geneva Peaco Conf-iiice.. Look ow they d image the interests of pro gresa and lived oi n ia half tie countries f Lorope. This country is afflicted with tlicm beyond tho rest of the world, and SAD LETTER FROM IIERSCUEL V. JOHNSON. Ex-Go v. Johnaon writes to a politics friend in Olicuian : " the future datkness is scarcely re- heveu t)T a single rar of hope. And K4 raj, VAinie nere Woun, ana aeems that w iy boots," and the poor black i'foaeof depth of otir Woe; "The mling tny incnos, me powers seem bent opn onr still ereater ana 1 iiopo 1 win humiliation. Die tlieme isoue on whic 1 Oo motion, D. A. Dav'EM, wa elected -i4.c,ti..a.ai in Pannavlvania. Ohio, ble sfrnggle, and have not deserted lum live to see the day when I can say to the it is too painful to dwell. Reaam seems Chaired, a4 ttrfc?fotIplf aud J. i. Suwlrnj,.na .j iuvt g,ow th waning pow even now 111 his greatest trouble. art. Ktuvntanr. - lr and twmillar.l of the lnnl.litiri rir i t 1 J - - : r , -.... t tt: v v 11.11 .1 it.. f.JU.; It It ......1 1 r..n.nih.rMt that the con- connuence in me ironi JMI. IMII ivn.-iwL 1 . . a ...ww. -w v.... . lie. 1 have white man, "Come here, John, and Mack I to have surrendered the sceptre of states er and iwn.ular.tv of the IteonblttiH f?ir-i nmv every reason lo btlieve be has .f real ntj IhmiIs.' and he must cme. I cover manship to blindrand vindictive passion. I t r . . . Y. . .. ' . r,m tl.A l :n,l:1 u.Mt .M.fl.jil- n.il M,a wlJl vi.. 1 .1.. I ' I 1 u IH"J 1 . ..in .vi ... ...m. i TT lint IO W W IUV f n.tlrWfHI akJV, ol at ka, wbWb wa adopted : aidered at'deleiraU to lb meeting, aud; requ led le take part la ita dliUrlioi. "J-JrCrsutr, Enfrwffvwd lb fVIiowiag r the 1..1 .... . ..,.1 nnan fm'i 1m ne&sea siiown. not oniy to me, uui to e-- I eweseT e st vv eeas-ai w -- ' 1 " " . . mai !, but to ev. forced to serve the black man, hs the and lie only caff rescue the countrr ijuJj Th.. ... member of tb Couaeree. tweeh the De.i.ocfatr an t the lUdical. ery one ot hit cowr. wWn wnom ..a. oiaca man wa. .orn.er.y compo.reu to m.m tue worst late thai ever litrpon wmm, imt mi i in. wuto..-i ... I n H. mm " 1 1 ia iilafl.trni ia Ainnoaiea I aervai 1h wnifir. Nne in v Irianaa. wa t..ni. r, on nprtanarina and Itnittiv' a.uiI live iMirte U ILiwko who are iTeaeot be coK Uemocrano party nas many aioa r. " V ' , " , ' ,i . . V. , 1 . 7 i '-'s';,.; lira party 01 liowao, at are preteu oa ew ' , ..:11.i:. .rt (in the f-ll.iwinff words : "Let everT Cd must drive them away. ; If they want tol Periiarw votnimv lie. 4n some di cree. in- flht against aud the result ia not a uTr orea man nave wihw iauuo uun, ma ogiuieiaj mejr hiubi o uui criuii. u me 1 lerestea in wnai is (lersonai to iiiyatit. ;..tt...i..n .1 .i...r t.r ..uidiff ar. of person and property. Let it be turkey are not satisfied with that, let them got As vou perhaps know. I resisted -scce- sioM to the lutbieranr some where elce. Vi e .4o not intend to jaion as long as it was an oj.en question. tT which has ruled the nation tor several . iw.ov y - "'. '" i wwimbjohii reaonutuu.aiyia.A JISQ tt vvHt peSelDle tO COlnOine I vn oaiuraay aiierooon, air. iaac ora.iu ami i ff'-ji ".mi j i,iui iuu.nw yi w.j w name lea I two Oli'liree. aoa nn. n i.iiam luuier, rH an i wki km " uvw iviuie, leriiux ciiiiuneiik umi wo biivuiu olution! JitiolttJ, That to er-ler to proroot ananlrol If amoAir alt Uia . frirndi of oontervaliv princt plea, -and lo avoid eeery appvaranc of unfair . JhddctLCoattUutionaLl . LoaumlU, Oct. )S, P. U-Jatiie Swaye aad Ballard bava decided tba Civil Kigbl UiU ConetitelioeaL I t Convicted. WilmiogtoB, Ool. 11. P. if, Wra. W. Para' ker, wbua trial bat brea poarating lor lb lael two dart, wa raWTicied to tbe Bret drgree. II killed Win. Children la 1803. Tbe evMaoos ia eirvumalautial, but tlrong. " Wathington Newt. Wbiugtoa, Oct. 12, P. M. Tb apphea lion of pardon of IL U. T. UaiUr, recently pab Iiabad, waa writtro toe after tbe clot of ibe war. Uia eiprwaaio. of approval apply lo tbe 1'rwticUui aad sol to tbe Cogrtatioaal plan of reeoBiuectioa. Tba Supreme Court of New York, on aa ap peal, baa decided lb Gardner will eat ia (aver of Mr. Tyler. Yellow Fever. New Orleans, Oct. IS, P. VL IotermeaU from the fvr, for tba day, lo A ibie moraiog. were 40. iears. the whole opp-i:ioti under raiigles and of Cbatbam,C. W., while dmingk tbe country defend it if tieeossary. reap the whirlwind.', I have j not, been and party lavormtm, H laiue orxnion oil -i--- - , , . . . i. . ..i,.,! it,. ak.U Tl.. . hMim.a t.itfl in mrh in .. n..int . .ni tl.A....l. I n.r.r -l,..,.! Hi.ti.iuhiitii..Mii.d.iii "in a wa ucuvtv hit iw miuiiv.u. w.. ........... i . . . i . r --- - . r ... r. ' : , ' t. . . . ' i Vila! BVtLauI l.r ' St'ofr toJ"" R!Yj,l0c'' Dick" in pos- 'fathers nnder if--thongli HiaveTspent a tb. old Whig and UemocTAtiep. excif-meut and furore of the war. ' b.o.ib Mriou.iy. . -( soniton of the fa.ld. . . . quarter ot Aeentcry lr trying to ophold nhikn.JMmlkh The content i. cW, And not yet fully "A panny mornint; paper bat juit maditaap Thia is -what we call the practical re- otl,-yet i.oNe I hmt myself, aMhe end .th,, n , ,i ,itrffm.- w ---H Muti-J iliouirh wesupoow itial.evond pauca ibdadelpbia. . aultA of Bad teal teaching, aud ere Jong of such a career, disfranchised and a- WMparHcHHedrnly Me-ra.nj.ckmrr.Br.avr, lt1p P - 0 - those who have sown the wind will reap 9igI,ed to a position, in respect to politi- SboWr, UalL Robbiu. end others, when iba V ""ndZ Republican. Ohio. I IMSANITY CAUSED BY SATAN a'sPIR- "Slirrl winded unless; wore m enlrigt.K.uferior la that of my lortner viiuwinK, a a uuemiiw, wa. mg.v hh . . - . , m . aall nn iu It m. Net ti-it.r ncurnv t taaen in our esiimaio 01 uie voiiiiiiMnu- tiaeei. xuy nome in me iraca oi ouer I VIMilt w I e SVWei V w wwiw wm-m - - aa JttkJtd, That w agree to ignor all old pr ty dnritioM an j .nit a one body with ih great v oooaiaiia party ie miorir.g uur 8iaU to iba It was llied propoad to pnjeied to th Horn- Igrotuffrage is defeated overwhelmingly rr ' ling General of this District, there may inan'a march. Ills army destroyed near WW i. . A a a I . . a I . . . . a : tUl lit, ate. la- faUaftta WA lkeaIiVe Ifl ' " I . evew-vwaw U(J tGVIlwlln IO UM! 1119 HHWHI FU.AIUU Ul NT eCrTIUinff I IKWt'WJCU, I tltl WU MIX III J wl,ich1iVw.,.doa..la.ue. SJ?!-! LT nlT-- ia.. x, - private. aper. and title deeds, And re ......... ., i iiiwa ma imm romiori ii iioTenr.. t" .. , , r It waa a remarkalile coincidence that the very Richmond papers wl lil U;..UI r ki. ii.aanrl k Ur N.traa lha kaail lllCll COu-1 n...;j- n,.mn.nUi. M, K,. Mil.. atma,'Vkr hiiiiI.J.Imi . h. Ikati.a hun .u I . . t a ..v . . .. ,I....A b..wIamI . ... - - tameu tne oral return. i mcao ii,..., ataleinent. aod eXDlalna now Da attacked etecllOTenmtHW man i inaaoity, o..nvincedbira by tbe moat to I naerffetiu reaaJniniT'ttiitb taabeae .Bared v agreed to. Tbaaamet'of s-vral gntlmen war nlaoed frage contained nominations of negroes toertergetiu reaniDatttb ia-nmtHrr,iir.t-ftib irH Wl be waa partly reaponaibU for llaear. W 1 i.la o. and U L, llajaaea Hon An AatAiublagO which, ilia political hi eyadiUee, enlil b Bnally brokadowo into " -" " w- o . . . . . a . i i : a it-. iv.Kau tiAnjiP. isi that iit liiir he-r Olif m V. iiictj 11 1 cutiiwiuq ou pa-., awwic uamw l.a .i and i.riuiarv delibe- thai iutaaity, in at lal toma of ita moat lerri 1 1 were were declared by the Clitlfmtp eUcld aa can- dalat.... B, -a SIr,,i'-nbbiaS'.'btbB: and Very sni.ropriat r A RADICAL VIEW ELECTION. -Trre-Nevik-Tw on tho result of IhojAtoJections !5Te"nbT tyivania, Ohio,1 and sother States, re- uiaika: , . - ,a . ... ... Theieaderehip of tire regnblican party leyfr young, ud could be alone I OF TOE LATE might rally trora prostration but at my time of life, in view of present surrouna inir. and the darkness that enrtains the ure.ljc.a.rcely Hope to be abie to :eei Calle Summary. and boha mFjamTIyIAyhes-r beea tent te L in no apirit of unmanly repining. 1 ov 1 , . . . 7?v Z7fT . , - . . . - . . 1.1 A S I a a . 1 .IS : f .w-tw -it r ----- - - aw 'r:..T.lTiTaai.isrvliinltTiM f i ..... r "'.Tli.i t ... ww.'aw'af,....M(.w...F - pc,:.- - - . I I I .- v.1 1! . f ' :.. I V I. . ' '.' ."T" t K' W m euiyaw ItiiH vvirce. au maoa S tuori l,ttm ..ja .J Wa,Bdryw 'evaeHaw-a. w -mumuv luaiajrruiBsa . - . . . .. a. a at calleU lof. tpeecb. Mr, elte addrtaaed Urn OMlirg returning bit. thanks done this thing here in the mvanie l.iw d the IlHinell,in.lu .j.e tinrtl.L-rn men the on nth and m who have! bich prltiepfe, fa tliikt,whu fully dvkpd: may empty our laaaiieaiyiuma. . x dtc.dte. V Oamotioallb tafin than a-tjmjnied, rJXA-; DAVIS, Cbrma.o B.F. CaonLtao, J. J.Ejtwtar, I? Sec'riea. -' "-HIE ' STEKT1 NfTYESTgltD A Tr IlKtaeirr. entinrr in tlio norther States to 1 exclude negroes fWoHmejighjovote I What mock err I WhaTan aTiOTiiinarhn in the eyes of all maHkinlicAr patck. A FACETIOUS PRISONER. Thwf.H4tewttrirTir-d)n a- meK diliargea irotli adopti or men re len t leas, of the wildest and most theoriters have been forced noon the par tyiaa th;MBaiof its credits And Jhe pldesr.'atrorigest, and -most devoted an J . .. : n .. . ' . I ..'. t . li.. .t.na ,. . . . ( O .... k .... ; eulCllHll. uivu VI nil? I' ' . .iia.v vvv". 17 , "?. r.:.i..t i ,k1sDurned and tradueed. with reckless vto Wa learning in. iinwwitv.B rw mct i , , i , ublwana propoaa lo concede their ow. opin erly is a misfortune bul l wool-l weico-ne itr if, ly Jho sacriflce, I eould luring back t4i& JlieJLUKJLie4ol my country and Uuiw-ir -. A movement baa been inaugura(ed by prom Irtanv Itepublican laernbart of Congretyiti taid wb oh ia utleaded Wtacura. bar mooy bet weep , the Pretid-al and lb foghdathr. bodiea ou the il n it kas lieen Airke iiiteniperute and J. . t ' .i servant, d niion the par-J ' pectfuily, your obedient Uebscocl V. Joussos." Serenade to Franklin Fierce Nell Ut' - ierance.. .1.-J. Watbiogton, Oct. 12. P. M. Ki-rrfidet Franklin Pirrc waa aera.aded al Coooord, S. oa Wadnetday eight, and aaid : 1 warn you, my frtaada, lo not tb f ct Ibat . Ihete triumphs whatever ibey may be, are no -party triuropbs. Tba people bare rlaetrla tbeir mxinaty with a eotneioutneia of tbeir power, ' and, dieregardiog . party . lines and party atpira- bona, ba been - MMlllyeoeMueruig wbat bekinga to them, their children and tbeir ' country. . 1 think th great baltle hat been fougbt aud won ! If lb result are aigniScant ia nothing e'e, they are in tbit: that iba whit race our race, tbe German, Italian, French, Iritb, Scotch and Anglo Saxon are till lo ba thecoolrollieg power in tbM Continent I , j Gen. laxboden More of the Negro law leunett. -Richmond, Oct. 12, PrM. Th eats of Gsn. Imbodeo ia exciting tome interett. II applied lo register under, tb President but Amnesty ProctaraaUon, upon taking tb oaln to aupport,. he Constitution, but waa m-cted b uowioa tend to apply to tba U. S. LKtiricl Conn for a writ of mancamut to compel Ibe Kegiatering officer lo ' rrgittef bit name. Ia cat tb Court - -refute to grant tha writ, be will appeal to the ' Supn-me uurl of Jlij U Saud Ihut teaUle ralidilv of th oatb required by tb leeontlrue ion act, and deraonfttnite what tirture there ie in tbe tMdon accorded oy ua X'rettdeci w ui ' luluded claa.,, .1. - Sipoa will ba taken to rict tha tautUert on i Tavlor farm, oaar Norfuik, by civil proeeta. There has been no outbreak a yet and no armed demonatratioo, but it is (eared that trouble will result, and iTial'btoud win bribed before tb gro squattera will leave. ' The United State Deputy Marshal teised tbe British Dark Mulhall, of Nova Scotia, al City Point, toda v.Toiaf isly a elai m of tb Mat. The Captain rfisti;d tb seixure and waa very inaoo IruL ' irtbraateneii; lb Country with English vengeinea. A ad Wlegraphed ! ad vice lo the Hntwh Consul at Norfolk. New York and Rich mond, but was finally pacified aad yielded to lha law. ' . v - , '.; v- . Cotton Claim. t VVaaHingtoo, OotJ3vlL.r-Tht cotton claime of loyal Soutbera ewaora. amoaoUng le 1120, 000, wh:cb were .awaided by Uia Court of Claim ia Jane lasl. have beea paid, Inaa two and a half per cent. Tbe toocew-fu! claimant. ar.raurnta of UobiU, Uharlealoa and At'anta. Tb Court required abaolat proof that tba claimable aevcr voluntarily aided the rebel. !ioa. ' "; ' o ; ' . -; Napoleon complain 6 Aettria'a debiy ia ibe leorgaoixatioa of lier' iripy. ' The Garibaidiaut ar eelraeobed at variow poiati... NatioUoa and lb Elagif Pruia" meet Sooa alliadea. . ;i .r t . Fraat tb Raleigh Frofreaa. ThiaJalhs most audaciout satrtpictl fulmia- alioe.w avaweMuai ioca;lb surrtddef of Lee at tk. ....... ii.i.1 Ithe cnll of a tnsone - tug PHWI l'ir iiitciii'II m mm uo my I - , , ,x I J .r... tiarmonioua neiu in ime cnj ijr reog tU u,on,j, impjanninelit for a Tclon tinuvAndcAMJuIjrspioJhe xpecta-l"Tobe let, ready tnrniahed, a very nug tinn.f ita mnat ..mrsina frir.da. I apartment loTTIie BatlrTity rrotelrTwer- ; A .i.-. MrT.f I.!.,-, aeld. -.ad .Tlie manager of the hotel, or gov V" '" " x 7- "lermir; kM it an re-pedai le thai noone Japektheyre regarded at i among N admitiei M a rA'deht"withoutpeci iTiUtnost woA-thy And " AeceptablAofoUr'Al reBjaeAdAjiwr purpoae, and thus secure representation for the S .wtbern Sla.aa by in tiro u H4Two- the bosom of his wife like a fellow indulging in ft BfrwT- Bwau?e ho bona buaL . V ""i lence, if thev failed or faltered in gtv ing their assent. grew too strong io uo wis-o. ii iisisj nau o much in its toaition that A. Ire and nrglar-proof ratV, which tA ppomatlox coert boos : - s been sunjeci to a vouanic er..,.uon, GasaM.o, Oct.S, 1861. 31 r. K T. Cletwnone, High Point, haa haa been discovered among the ruins of Pompeii, ita contents cninjured. It very If lost all .. I. ......!. .1.. . . I . . ... , I IIIUWUM'uumr airviilfiii 1 1 mi hid ictuiivi AV ny waryungttTCcuwngflni, h.t.4t-f44i itseiJLin vincible ami f. .ijliiiirw'iir'" li--tfalamrta Thaarate-oTjiaalUt-aMaiA: t-htajj mail euetraetowatweei UigbPo&taad became presoniptoou. All questions of policy terAirvatedjitb coiiteiiipt. Its leader f4t that ov liekv' keep warm. Second, eat regtilarly ana slowlr. Third, maintain regular daily habTt.TroirtVrkyT" very4fgut 1 suppers, riftlr, keep a dean skin, sum, geVa plenty of sleep at night. You ar hereby ordered to dtist running op petit low cnacWer waooa ta lb regal v UW . Salem, X.G-. npliTTurtbef rdT Ur order of Mj. Wa. & Worth. .IlLWiuaoavPort AdiV We treat Mr. Ctemmoae wiU r(v lb wbols malbtr t CoL IVwuford.

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