.imm nftrta T i Ull I I1.. J ut r 4- IT-' 4, it I.- ! -. I' I- iff- . r JF ' Ulinccllancono Xcuj 0. lioW Till-; PACIFIC KA1LUOAD JS LAID. - ' IaUhtU s IoAm Ir Tl.i speed with winch thettsck is laid i ti tl.e IV'. tic railroad is one ot won , c,lll,.UJl,.l.n,KH!1.nI,l,,, !f- --..J..Ur. Natei-hec- to t . . . I... ..I ii in l.r I ) li mi I I i'm I linn ire I I 1 1 I. iiiiJ.'rvt.Hl that the "r " ' ' ." . V m.t ll is madder "vaded" lotbf foot V' 1 .I IM..I II II. t.,1 ... t,l n, tl... f'nrlli.-r 't I LI! Jiiaia ililta, ' 01 ' Mtuv" Illl. MKN WHO AUK TO 4JOVEHN j"d Hlmseif the Un.re ef the otored Al.AllAM A A REM AUK AHLK n but lit lurad them on but to luirav S IHIiATK Ktili LIKL'ltN AM ! most uccetulH liOVLKNOli. 'doiie. Ho fiiiUti State k rniif in Vv.-t Ok MsHttomtry JW Hie Radial Contention w lut h adjourn rnl die oilier day alter making ltM-!l lie Ui,... g siock and by wotd ul a c i li- littiahzed ll departure by tmi-ii- add that the Mill tlirjau up u lurf r.ilnH.lMil nl !. ti l !m1 Bil l Ml muii illl!!! If. 'that Ml. II: . .lrv asdust. out of which peep i"rl rar iriaJtopied lakut to ii. Jiot llio ili i r J U- el of tin- sleepe-i. First come .. ., ..... . in !...!. . ,t -Jo fftf . mt-astiri" ' r.. i i I. r. I inmlii i' oince ! iur tei.iiu oi ih . i ., .,.. p. I lie I ion of iLe :u. To olbcr nui. ii. a. J mull iuouti! nl'liN.rc ctriii. in. I, :r'kin their kln'tl iu!' '!. I '4"' ..n tiie munJ, bile a mm take rg'it i. mi Inland ainl diu-c:iln' i" oi ii' 1I.c..a'T tl.rilil t- I t .'' , llli ..'I. t l f' nvt-l cll.'l'l" 'I n.H'iim-1 ale ;:a i 'jn ck; 1 lilnl.-r the ltniln.nl nun li, !. .!, I Ik- (-i IkvII i."lllllialivi Kf i- iini, a Mr. .Niiiih, will not ! Id . i.i . i uh-. il fierieu. in -ii' uian n .1 f i-lerlej. iii -io limn n ' . Il 1 !lu deiu i'1'llie Kal nnd it wium t'xprewid at ' Jim,; ca cm i tiuiirli-r Mr, Sni I'jtflv tn tlio 1 ii i led Stutca S 1'ie mnil w lin w ill la t-lrctetl tu ' l l.it-uun.int ti.'verti.ir, in the iiiUL .id liy ilit- taiiru to rule lliC.: ni . i .ti-.t!:!i -i Alabama lor tin- Ivro ti yea'-, in wiiicli I lie iiulilin l,ll iera tH l.j fi liri in'-, t 1) tjiifJ t:j v !i ltfl'fr by ati.!'.kr-o 4 uv. wa-i tain- '.LiUi tu:n the c A n. u i,id. uLliu Lliev a:c dialcbuitd bv a t.i .:, V I. II, 111. l-a - g.tr.-. 1 1 o or v f inf ,i ut mils ana I, h... ;ie:fi-. I ho I.. I.i, ii'i-M.rit ti" cnior, it M-d t-i Ji idirala, in :i . ! A l.iliam hi n, ir h Milt C.-uliliy III VKiUtlull t'l Hit) I "II- i lut. oiii-l tl. V. Statr but anion.' tin iii.inv ti in. a lut itii,aiil vra tba' 'lif i-t elect I.hMhI llli II lo I'lli.-O wliiili -1 'iii'i I in (l,o LU-rlinn el OnTi-mm I nit. -li und uli the (Mlker el Hie State in (i vc'.nr donii t.i C-MiMaMt w a . ict.-d 1,-r Ii, air t'omplic'lK'U witlitlu 'i'.cI'i hi Hii t ilirct'tiiiiir the St.fe then - mil a Loyal limn in I'tH.-e wl t'.c rx , , . Il.ni ,,l llltf te wll.l II iVe I l ull )'.t III . .!ii.-o br irderni l!,u luiiiiaty (mii.i.ikIi J,,'. (A oico in Inn tl'.ivi'd, "liny hi fn it .") i-11'..ltl .i.e.l !. 1. ' II "It i frcnnetit' v mi. hv i)r t-m iih titiiil icw ntil C ut Ibo cnli. red until w a r i l tit In c e tbe rijjlit of aiitrine hut mv b I I lljliCll.'U lI.O W'lll, III 1 II II mb B miii, e i i u e ! o t.i l.,it !y ri H in avi-iy lli .iit L liii-.iti -ii ti tun.' in mi i:.ekit ttui bi-t.,ry , l ist i .mi it n .fv.s in. p : c- I . i 1 1 .i, tiiv! t n. .i-. m til in , l.i,iij;.iiy tiie n.mei tbi-uelve ' rruta tb IUnow. M. HUiHTr .t.N. 0. lVc. 13, lu7. KtHior t tk la' tltlrtiw you i'ikiii tlii iim io day, I am hervtt lending the acaaioll of tllO S. C. AoOOttl (iiili'ience. Thia botljr ol'iniuiatera con vened hero on (he lltliinat., biahopIXig i;ett in tho chair, and up tu dale all ii ml ion have been quito hainnitiioii. 1 tako llio number ol Hiinittera ii attend anco la be about I wo lliirda ul' tint wlnde millibar iHdtiiiin to that body. The uihcia are detained from tbia annual roti vocAtion, from various cHtiae; mot of them tor want of meant to reach Mor gUllloll. Dm iiijr the past Conference year, threo nl tbi-fe t-oiiM-crated men went lo their NEOUO JtTJFS-AN 1LLUSTHA- ' HON. 1 On of Ik f laat acta of uaarpas lion and oppreMitia by Satrup bhcridan, befor Ida removal from tbu command of tlia Filth JJilifary Daiiict, wan to et aiJatbejary ym ei'atin ndcf th lati ol iii.iklai a, a'-d to tubatilala limit for tirh n nleio m liaa liet-n im p d ii m dm I'toiplo ! lb D alrirt ut Chiiiii i by H. e i-vt iv tir.iiuyofa coaaiilly fei i f heiiaioit ami iniuilr r. I lU.lV II)' t.i tliC I it ol t.lir ll.l l.ll .l.f tff-l ntiim trii.i t.t flu t Vitikl'lEi'liin -l.i.r. ppe w ' ' : ' tv iintit tliHWhte Mini ol (In t- 'iiioi V III Ml- ti - , T.-r " C lk.-tula of Una ioui!;v biive i.i.'i-r.i.'c, iintitnlent n-r Iumii l bi;-,, li.itned A A Th! t'cis ti. A l'i-lei;;itc, ha i . f . . .1 l ... i . , 7 . i : 7.. i . .. i.. VLroVci, hv tLt: X. . ia:lLilii.. 4UOI. Coi il u ft vtlncn lliiitea l ol cli-vatllijf Iiuu , I., tl... ,u,,.'iv.. rl.;i:r,,f n v i rt , m. ai.d ' Ik" l'''' 1 !,it H purpoao to ru.O In h "I m I' tl,lr - p.t T-t-r r n rrrrrrcr i ! dowti the tie and ti cr j 'p,e mion prnhahlv rlo0on next I'll Mniidav tl.,, I Til, 111-t ulion I uv ll m. port the iippointiiit'ii!i for I ho year 1SC9. The political Condition of tbia connliy ill a deplorable one. Tho Radical candl dalca I t the Coiivetition smiti lo he or-.It-ied, had a majority in lSnikeand Mc I) ivicll, of about nx bundled votca ! J. l'ui lis. I liii rlioseu nieiiibi-r I'liiin ilu ke, haa alwav boeti a coiiiU-iit I'm on man; though he ia no Radical. Wo cntitiot, however, .but regard ihe wlioh matter oa a partial tiiumph of th , ,., ... " VIII 'lll 1 i . 4. .- ,r v ;,. ei l . I lie il 1 e iii tiie ear'ii. i bell cuiii-a tiie iow heavy truck, hnii ll iin roi.pnn bar, and apike. and drj ii l a lit t,n tho tf't. 1 he incut it rc.iche. llio end of the l-t : ielv pa t i l brawny amis fix c-ji a ,Je e ac a couple of rail, draw out. and u jK-t tht-ni at their plarci- at t -unti.'ii. The lot-man fho'ita ' 1 on, u e h.,r ittr! tip, a:id the prt'c.o :rc-;- a'el with ut intertn vin. Tne-i t.,i I the coupler with bolt and -plicm bars uik'rJ of "cliairt i lion tio i i.r. Willi I.AI.,t,.r,ill. .'.,,1 t.U'II ll 1,1 r . , i . I , , r ii.. i -. i ..m w ti.. 1 1 1 , , I r, i ' . i 1 v -o. in'cK.pVlit people, khonid pnpeilv J---bar In in a a tebm from the ptivilee nl dclinemielj walk off And roam at iarv.t teaktiif t! rwaKt),ai AiIm-ailuB crop io a moat critical eiditl..ri Mat) J of thf JitaDUrt dictar (Ut willctter malt anmlior nciinh and Ut w&tr frttn (b ooaniy n t'M' llallvf "rio tipoiiencM of tln( ttf dt't-larc that iln ln of cwliif lt)jl J,, f.rm A'i-1 em, I yoi a nuitibtir t,f Ifti w.ll I i'htidiieiJ and whuiti Ilit van, I be p'hMtx tla rt(' ira iiifif . Uiida lo hi'ti UU-rrr, dtw, miiiio i" be Truhla and t iud ni, r ..I... I. t ! iiiiioo .arna Tkteui tor 'their own onatltoti...... '"'"" T-ud.t.c. cf th, A brief riteri-iie of lh praffcal l! the ltd vice of v ur htiml.lo correa pondent had boen Hi-ted upon during the riiininer, and had organization ofcuti- ert ati i e heetl loi tned, both of the w hite I ..ii t.. ,,. un'Mi ineii tliin li.cv c.i,lio cninliy an. bniifer and ti,cy proji.ne to 'i. , 1 I ikn i u.r i i iiiimrd u 111. ......i ... .. ' 1.. ..... . fiiUrttre. i in man, u C.li ct tm ail v en l" " i"""1'" ,TUI,(" ,L" Hirer, vrb i.e ktand:tiil ih.,i:e.l br at..- ! ,: " r M" rh" 1,1 l " " 1 t v' reawlt mitflit have been nvoiiled. At vai..t. iiitlu:tiieo that every win. re i b be peell I d'iO to ti.i! lrlo'ar.ce ul'd tl.i ' ncwr comer a3 uukn iwn aiid h MiHcct 1:1 A I .11,.. 'l' .1.1. fli.. Willie . ,' I !li. l,i,,r.i race, a member of which he U . pei.lv "I""" that tho Kebol ..I ll.o S-uM. ci.ar-ed wtili bavin- swindled. Wtictli ",r ,u 'uV of ,ci'nrr"c. ierthemut. i-Ji.h.i.iv.r ornot wc d- not ! lu,!l ol '.' n.an had Ur prii . i u. ev., i,. A ..... .,,,. ,, 'veil lln:.-t I wi.rtl.v ot tie tri;t atnt a BilU'n . V Vi I'i I U'at OUI ' H II i. ' chuiotn from w hat we eeu boldly 'cUiined atid utirvfutcxl in the If not hi!louet, the in.i i mIio i uuli.otie L'oiireat w ho jfi via i In, (Joior . . ll. l . : Mlbl'f' man u; -.rien r'' na wmi ner imvv v. ,i i i . ir v . , , n i u ,,,,i ,"i in i it i. we havo been out-cciK-ialcd. and now tliere i but one hope it-niiiiiiifi wu may cote down the Constitution in ti tiib-d lo be trust upon ti it. and thuo avoid the ni'srer cpu!.' v and doiiiinati..n f.iaf now pare n in the taro. Will the gro. LTlI'.!, tMi" rm and M)l!tt tiie rtek pr..p.ieil a future G..tr-r of AUhama) ,lir l J'- U'M " :f "u n ttve 4 wrtfi a ltr of If.' F' wn " T RnJ . ' .1 .... i. .1..-..: l .t .1 Ici-e.- of anv ni.-.. of le - A t'ioi. of !.; ... 1,, ,4. I 1... ..., w..i..t. uhieh l.i.. -l.:-i. ;.....- ,..a.t e f.,r tntf ,U t.-. ..! isuiow I en . u rc r, Hf O! H Ol i;ie coin ni' iioet i uii.ii.eti; o: c-JiJcatton. lt. ; . not r, re ,j 1 us a? proof. Tliis App'.e-.ite became iu- dufiti-tua: tl.iv four and otiefix ii mi were aceouipltehed ; beiujr the greitteft liay's mork ever accoiu; l.hel. h.vry ftug. i kept nj) to the mark, aitid there i bo lagging. auU tAch man beeais nux oat fir the earl v completion of the l'a ctic railtOitds. The average proreso i? to and one half ro les per day. .I Liber'y an 1 i.ni er..t! K'ju'itv of ail men before t-ie loi B'ol for n e first time if tl.i Ciun'rv tint the Declaration of American Ja.i'e, e-det.ef , Cee.-ot anV i-i.-K of ,e I loi, ol f.i.-or in.' ..l,ur f.iii.i 'ml ml- lri..f,.i. irn..r cm rtmction tra il, wrti it t aiuount u........ ... v.,,,.,... n. olmarenal and lravl.i.-, boaru.t- a,,l per.or n, aiiUre at.,1 education can U . ; , ' ,wk "F.,,.t ili, . j i . . .i . i i. i. ,i... toi.sid in anv f..:!ect:..:i nr- i pnn ciaiiirti on w .in .i i-xoi r. o i " n UHging uoate lor ... nanus , le " i ,i ; . . a .. .. ! tirt dav ot January l6.l toil the h.i mraijtiuie Ihe men wttii tiie lotij; p-sc v ...- . ..i i,. L-:.. ,, t!. 1..I..1 .l-'OsC-iv, but wirli anitoo ina'ciini! SHU ire. : ..,.., - - . Ti- I i ir -i . . i iv i :i . i nt miiriHit. 1 u Ai.n i nana lune ai.eau. " mi: r.. .u , '', p , 1 ;,. t,rt r.,., .r.. sratclitn-. a mile ot rrack was laid ; and ctmi at thW.W. lor pubtthtn?- lue L "r am account of ir gwitnli . iil' i-, ti luct to - v' .....v-.-.. waids tbe ne-rroen in hi. employment. ' i-"'er a i.i -, nut nut air ut-b In tbe mean time, tbe people are in- He -elit ' ii;i.-'ur a onv .1 tiie K ,1 .. .1 1 e,. c i.iea.ea ir-e an i r.piai i ne oh, i . v Hi ij to feint mi t Heir CI, . r en. a tiiei e r.,r, nfll,:. nrl -r..'.- I..-..- t Wl'lcll WO finVC -S workin(f of tbe new ratctn demoi,strat ed io mm of all parliva and faction in Lou'aiunu that it was not only prt judicial, but absolutely destructive, b ad juaiicu mid nNiil in jury tatea. lCepri-erta-lioii to thiiilKi-i were madg by llitt va riou judicial i lli erto (icuelal Han cock upon Id a-umiii couimand, and in In btatcamaiilika and aduiirable Oi der '23 he levelled the ibnoxiu Older made by hi-riiljtii, a in J restored the for inaiiou i f jane to the lusting tu il l.iws of the Male. Tu" fol-wii-jj tcrtinetit C"inin.nts of thu 'cw Oileat a 1'icai una upon this ac tion of General Hancock may well ne a an Illustration of the practical result of the luyrojury Uw "recti til if pAhiud'ty (Vnres for this (ilrict :( t f coiire there i a grest c'tmor aa'in-t I'.u aitof (L-iiiral llat cutk. lime l IiOTLiiijJ be could do which wold i pie ike the KaJical rin, if lie do not Mini-infer his cent ictiou of duty atid hi. official' power to t: clr personal uei. liiit nothing it more clear ti the uiiderstaiidiii of every man .who has ei auni.id tl.o law. aud ktiows any thio-of the t ie's on which the fteneral proceed ei. uli.i will tt,it admit that the action ni'h mind.-.l, honoiahle pe. pie of North ' w.n 1 tw ful and highly espedlent. t i-olitia d it f I "In re-nrd U the cXi-cJieiicy there i.ii.e ik oca r-m naiv c'omu in. econu i oamiot i,Hi le two i-oiniolis. 1 lie . ... i ' . "u iii.l -ei nun iito A'lmliiaion of n-roes lo 1 he next M-.ioti, w hieii is I,, c-.tn -l,,. i.;rv ,... by the 'nulltarr oid. r e' m. i.ce the second edtiesdav ot 1 brtl ( ; , ,,. SIk-h iail, hua alm.Mt sLj, lied lite L . .. i . . I I . : . I ... i. . . I . - . m. "... irj 1-VJ-, uiui lair i, i enrol or i. ore , a,l n i II ist r.i' t . ll ollaw. ilia iUAlii.a. FORKEV AND BHOWsV. Iliere ia a jerfect tempest ahead ons that w ill blow repuiAtiona to pieces aud shatter tho well laid plana of the spoils men to atom. Atcmdmg lo the kuow nig ones, Secretary Forney and Sergeaot-ai-Aruia lirown are destined to grief. Sums of Ihe uoble ssuaiors, j seem, havo smelt out big things, and prefers to believe that tt.a adiuinislraliona of their Secretary and Bergeartt-at-Arras have not been in every particular what tier ought to have been. O.hor senators do- date tnat tin looa complaint is without foundation, and that the opposition to homey and Liioffu is caused entirely by l aitie who seek to sul-plant this urex " ' " j il'l lllll BUtl I Ml i l V . HO UallSBI- . , t Ihe social term ot the Inst m tlPtl , sullicient iru the one fa. Ttproactio.uuuuiTir,o ,u ina njoymeot It thos appear that the wbol arrlml tnre of the boolb is perfectly at its on ibis labor question, and w kaoar wbitberweaie drilling. Uany fariur, At ui.i iuhmj Bupiiuunvy urgo labor and more would gladly do so prhlet they could obtain while labor. Titers being no uiAue -of enforcing a eelii)o ous contract running tboregh year'i crop and oo ounJe of eoineliag him to I j her, when li chorees to idle or dii.. pate, having noiLing to pay with hi tabors in H e field are aoreliabte and i mere sham an J he antesre lo liae be come such an Intolerable nolsanee tint Ihefarmeis and p'anlsrs are nolm. iter w Uling lo ttul Urgo pitched crops f bein' registered, and I av ng Voted on pupil, ion, together with the deductions made' in laior it wounded soldier and nipbaii ri-.-i.-traii ti. The prop.nti ui of blacks cioiurcn, win ne iioilsiCl soot) in me m whites h shown in tbe coinnosition ol (tie iraud jury, drawu in this parish, on t ,i in ot a people. Catalogue', and -'ivctl to the in Miltnn ttr- nijfiit i,siillicient ro.un for all w:,- come. ut. n the iiiarir n ot the jap er a note' vv " ,,L' uvn Hl" rolled back to tl.e l.o.ud can be had at fiotn which d.K-e not denv the conduct imputed to hint, but endeavors To implicu'e oth ers, as tliongh Hsor:aiioti of numliers if a sufficient cxcihu in his coti-cience Mi systematic fraud. The lndi.pt nduxl gives an exact copy of the note, wh c!i is writ ten in a vulgar, illiterate hand, as loN SINGL L.CR BLABOLISM A private letter from Tennessee, re I mivi.1 I , try i'a. t (in iiart i rnlitr of i r ' lows : : a ra.t itib'uiLaii ontraie which was re ) , . . . , , , eerHtr perpetrated ia Williams County, I Complements A J. App.cg.:fe li.-p" me tVelV; or fifteen mile, eoatbewet ou Wil1 LV u,, ! tle. meiuberj .,1 th, f Fauklin, in thalState. While rrtiug f coenctred with your iU.yu.o let awiirtberoada tew n-h-s iiJ ".ct lor partci..r, 1 w..M rc -er WilhAinlS. Eaxlr. a grSide.pb6-- oil l" Jl'!'u ("u'sVr J,'l" n!"1 - i;i r.,' r i i v. who wa also membere ot that fi'tn un-i tta,.-.-! hvii,,s. , -;.;t- rmst whom au Attachment Mm a now WV .M. v ut.iv.a lll A " . i , . W . v M .unt.tiiiH ot the N"f b il wih bo k t motion u'it'1 Lver'hill t' arid in Kver ,iiv umf be herd ilniiiiit ,.f ti,-bco motive, and iiu'ii He ..ui.i of a MM Spindles may bo her i a I'mUsilid c ! bo:ises may be Sc. ll "ll a-, ll a ii and unt.il tnis la.r l.t.-.-i : ,i,t- si,.-, blo-iiij and bbissoine afiuastlie r se." iiiontli, in cm reticy. -o- llANKUI'I'l' ADVLl;lI!Mi The "id .Vj', .,- d.-i, line.- c.li i.i'i ot it- i.i-t i.-.-.ie .War.-J Ji. L'.j i:.--k-, in he ,; (; o'! ,ii,r;,i,' or ; ! I 'H'lV V-ii'i wliicli tin io aro but two wlntts. ihe same lii-j r purloin prerail in all other i uiies : and the c nea ut-iuo i that the and i mint intiicate nuealioii i f law, and the J to per I are,t iiitereats of pr- petty, and the I'illLO. niost sacred right' of vr-o'i, must coiio nn t r the judgment of men absolutely : lii ti-rHte, i:ioint of iLiO s inpiest pnnci AX ANIX DiTE UN DKAN SWJI'T. ph ol law, and at lh moment anima'- t, . . , - ... li ted by bitter I rriudu-e, lacti.ualy incol- lhc i ccctitric DeanSwifr was walking! . ; .! J 1 ., ,,, . , ,. ,, , ,cateilu poll tu in. ,n I..e I h-enix road, Diibi.n, .when a, ,. r r , ,, it. ,, , . ,ii.i I i.c n e v itu . lo coiisi m ut t co Ii a bee, tiiuioler shower cifne on, ul . J l e .ik' , , 1 ,. . ( . , . , , . ( i ,e lino-nit iii ti jiHi.iv, i..v .iijuiri 1 iii ' t all tbe maxima o lu. isin u-bou-r, 1 ,i le i.cial to i f baj J u li-s, nii I'u'i otiictal to brn tn - I'l l! I i f -ft ei tin ir a tiei-. wl.eie a l arty 1 a!-.., t ' i Voim i , .tneti t4n V"titi litem Oire of the iritis l'.wkel"i '-' . 1 1 . t . . . . .1 was : nnd ' Vl t i .1 iw wan. whooecLief oLiect is sum-., used to hare beta robbery. Ilaving beaten their rietira uoti! tLey tbooght hioa dead, they robbed Lis person of all that was worth lakiag aad laid liim apon a pilo of rails which they had thrown np lor the pur pose, bet the rails on lire, and then fled Air. Larlr came to hi t-enes in tune to ft! he bad been severely burned. Ilav. ing crawled from the bunting pie, he again became insensible, an May in that Couditiwti until about tun rise tine next pendinz in vour town for taid clai'tics. Thi is not :!ie only evidence v . jave of the total unfitness of this mao for the fosition of ruler of a gn at State. Oil 'rid ay night at a Radical ratification, meeting held by a few wh.tesand a small , crowd of negroes, this candidate tor the gubernatorial chair delivered an ad. Ire-, maik.-d by vile iiistiita'to the white peo ple of the Slate and lying proui.aea to the colored people. It war, the speech of a depraved, cunning, illiterate, brutal do inago-gue, iiiflamma'ory of the passions tl ,- r.'i.n f--.i. '. 1 be Di an i nju red tl.e c ii, -e ai d ieai lied liial if was liit-tr.. wrrt'irrtg dav I' ll llieir wi-v to cliiirc her white rlo J.es-wor.'-wi t and she couldn't g. "Never iiittd, I'll marry Voti," said the Dean; and took out hi prayer W'k and ' lii'in 1 1 oo r wi f iif ' r. j i : . .... .. , ,i I- r, !.,., a h,,,m Hlnn I, n . n . RM' I' .;,. , . i . t i i .i i ,'neris, we ueuete, uiiiTersai w un me hllVlll IIIS ""Illl, fflll'l I, Mil III? uviaii , i a . e .ii . i Leiich. Ail the tad ,a v gives ilioo tw.o. patn-rs the -.,. ...Lii i.., i,. ..j 'o tuam At aie40; t -wi-e- mi - - - - - - - - - . - ....... hmiarr Thr,w,-u nil di.iUsUrjij to the , white. M tlw. ; TiiuTCinif' utea lie mairaifcd fli feacli t1e p.ip,1 Ir. ,.w.,, r.f iti-m u-orn r. ,n f.fl I couc.iiwiOQ ot his sooecli he wrote It bt-ti. .ir t.; .mr..;,.,.w.n ,i,idowu, leaving out the inceudlarv tea- crime, and hu at oce contested bis g'tilt L unfortunately, the white man made his escape. LouUriUe Journal. der," iVc, or the Ihtnkrupt advor wdo ttot iora nitmteift oeTTvve. imli'aiy ad yeriising, wt presume, tures,forthe reporter of the Associated ' 1 B" J, c; ,ru.tr the Rink .-r'iitii; inns', in ail ea--., be L'M.'tl 'o Mo- .Voi7 ; ( ati.j .Vlietlllf iv-h--r. Tticsubject, We ilnder-tan I, 't .is brought befoie J udge Jlrooks, at :he j,i -sent terui, and w its ably argued by Mr. li -ivden and Jmi Merrima.i ajaiiist . i - . i -- liii exciii-ive claim ot tln.se twoii.ii.ers I l.i. biiriniti. initiilile, if, ft i ra nh n li. i .. , ,i n . ; i. . . . . ,- . wrote and Mirncd a c-rtiticate, which he , Clerk ot t!ie lloii-e ot lkepre-en .rives , . . , , .. . ' . ., ;, . ,.,.,, I i, ,i . I i,, I haiidea to the bride. It was as billows: tiie power to publish tue L. Ia.i in i . i I'.i..... . . .... l nuer a tree in srnrmy weanicr, I tiiarried thi man atid woman togeth Let none but him who rules tho thun '. der, Sercr this man ati woman asunder. ' 1 1 e , , e . 1 1 i - - i , iiii.s. ti i a uiuvi'i.41 Ktoo.iiii-141, i.-. i li.ui "i 'ib,-i' or v pi'eii i a f,' ll Inert i .. .... I. . .... i. I... i . .1 . 'i. I ,1 it i - "v ' an vn iiiv'i o' .neru eo-s "i.-ir nur on tni-ii .- 10 einiieii, .1110 , . , . , -i . iuihi'i' til,! i,f let. t , ii1 hit v ni 1 1-n I i i ii . ow'ht-r wioto c.o'hc-wo-f'-wi t and she, , ., ... . I in. in I .n m- v. u-mI w i.l inku a Uiir flv bt . iij.i it'i'i iiii iti'iiciii irteiiii.'iiei. I il ' .. . 7 " ' i'lfljn.il inf ruiittio:i on w I, iih (ii'.ita jot' the loaves and fiahea. Tli result is that the noble senators hae lost their usual (juietudo of msuner, aodbav be come anther warm Over tho claims an I charges. That this should be tbe case is not so very surprising after all, when it is considered that the deposition or reteu tmn in tituce oi Rrown and Forney im voire the. control of large amoont of iatroiiage, aboat which Senators, like ordinary in or a Ik, seem not lo be iodif fereiit. Ftiniey apjieans to hart ft.w friends, indet-il, among the Senators. Thu complaint is that lie Uk- ao attend to bis dune, tli.it he has not been libeial in hi managfitient of the patronage, hav ing given most of tho best joi lion to people fioin his own Stale. Senator (.'ameron is bitter in hi pursuit of llio Secretary, protesting thai ho will drive him 1 1 in Hu. capitol if its lakes aii year to do it. Cameron has an old grudge, 11 nd keep sjcIi iln'ngt fresh in memory, lhow n ii.is more nitliielictl at his back .to , miii .inn trui ills i. . B n , ii .. . . , i . I Hancock act tiiii"oubted!y is ibu inlof there and then married , ( ,, , , ,. . . . ruatiou ol tbeiuiUes, lor ibu "i luiou o se being pre'tif ; and I ,, , - ,r t c , .-M..,'tiT U i-.lt!'v iirachievwui .elfect of bneridan.s or. Sill l-tl' lio :i p ipers a- lie may select. lie Inmng ;c:ed 'liose two pflpelri, tneie C.i'l .,i.i-,o.iti upon that point, ihr t be i,tt I'res. The copy furnished by him is rv Commandant of the D strict. taryr Tiie cer- ;i.i ia a . I tiie GARROTKD, A well-known colored man of this city 1 in placj of Mr uil -es aro i t tiie act cepted loyalty a Union men, and some of them of Llio clear Radical stamp. Among them is one, at lea-t id (teneral Mieridati's own appointment.. We thins we are not mistaken when wo sat that the experience of bis court has shown to him that jostiec cannot bo n miui the M'non, wtio became Attoriiey by the appointment of Uciieial Sheridan, llei ron, rem ivi-d a an t o In hcud. Ho hails Iroiu Illinois, and ha Trtimhnil as his clmiupioii. Sumtu-r, Atilhony and Fessenduu ate laoged ugaiust rniiitbnli in ibis tight, aod sup port General . RurbriJge, of Kentucky, lor the 'pi-aitiou of scrgeaut at arms. Ycio York Unald. wn to him that jesl.ee cannot bo a i w"', l "eikB MO istered there ...rdJr -ho provision, v " trne, nir l .il the Sheridan tnleTf-Attori'i T (ieneiai .'-'',"M V4 - ';0 Ch, who became Attorney lioueral ' r lUt SUto h4 tvAj t PHILLIP DRL'NK The Chicago ' i bv the Keoublican nartv ftW giat-r4t-r iw,d4he great wa'kerl one miilioii of Atabamiati. ' .. . I '.ul. L' 1', ,1,1 u.K-l.r! . !,, -,l lh., ('. ,.irl J ,.l I .1 .1 f ,. 1.' .. . , .. -,,..... I I... , l..,ill, ..i;..,... ' I.. . .. .. .....I. I.I ...I I .. I., UOW ill OUr pOeoeaolOtl, ami bV aplnrndtnir ' --v.. .. ...v. ....., .ej-.. ...a., mm .niiiiw..., .ins, " o nm lem, i.iiuitij it ft this editorial we vouch rr its etiTir- aaiaturaerw oanktapicy. uy c.jur-.cvcnmg, uuout nai'-pa,t b o CJtcfe,iu Uu.poci iacciiacy. It is silly and i.lirera'e to t,-v loclaime i ibo iiniioVsib lity of in tkine ticre.iotore. tn tAurts liave lev l the was passing by tbe residence ot tbe lateicaaea intelligible 1 such a grand jun ....... i. ....... - .. ..i'i.i-" i .. , ii t ... i .. . i" I...... .i ... .- i . . i i . i - i .. , ii degree that is not amu.-ing but actually .v.io.i.ie8 in . w -.a-e, ; i . jv. u chiiison, ne , was anaeseu r.y r rt - wrcini rxr nTpj iva-'w n 11 y y ihjiju ; live WIIHU Hlt'll, urt'ubl'U if! Uttt UIUIUIIU OI . TiM, of the Mi, has the ' heart-rending; The creature- wild p.imed n f , , , j tBis thing, called a speech, is proposed 1""'U n"r- l: unt of a fate pertorm.nco . - ,r i ' ( V i ,na-:er . t' opfroi, i thi case, leav; the , I'nited States soldieis, two of whom aiiz 1.V i of the Attorn-.rv of ;c-d him by the throat, and held him in a tWelitjn-K If i -1!0-' important trvftt-- thj-rtce-Hkegrap,- whiiit; a htrd -Trfhsd.iu Ti. -is ,.i tnl" tu im.Ufti,, thut Hi a ..Mhir. "'r'"' '"'"'""- o"oui4i iioinv a w . pocheib Ol t en i v-u v u uoi lai 9 1 11 Kieeu- Chic -o a few evening ago. Wfcstoiifroitt Ohio, who is to govern our brave, 1""" concerned in each appl.ca-, back,. Alter securing their- booty the the heToof WoetW. wuik, auJfeiierida,.,! inWiigent and virtuous people, speaks of '1,c Uneuuot the lawvjt plan.; rob bore beat a ha-ty retreat - - . AlhtrtJ i&trVri supposi.iom tht the gar- oftncetirig was on. w here tk,,,o Verelili. Accideney at Washingtort.-' He "r ,1,u I'l'T""-'' wh c'' wounlu';t I mson at this point soM. Tile two heroes approached each j capitalizes common' words in the middle k "l'r '"''f cu eula-, may prove a mistake. The tr.p. o Col. -..i,... .1 t. i,it. .il;.!, L.i' , ..,,i,..iP,. ..i i;. k;- '''t- t Standard and tonr doe . I- rank command have heretofore borne 1 , ill. 1 1 Aiav.'aV .avu'ate ri"J sT-rvav .a Ki I si AV I v . v..w-.w fe w t5tr s itei'Mt has it that thev broceeded to c.ou i ces with a small letter. .f ngsfe 4he rtitcres aud got far vrht-re the indec t, ... i...,i. ,cmfW!i.m. Atli,e 'l.i.ur : 1 . J fli." He MVi that lLe t&leiisiuu of u - ! - , , r- . n'n .'tm tTr .t 1 U-:..ljXfit.Ct ,1 Jiurfe Ilia -.a. 1.,..! tl.-: ..a. a, .. I rr-- rttf1 t A f f t i fV.lnM.lt Iri'irt ll Ili I . t-1 I v i. . ' f I . 9WfFW t W VU V liAVSJ 9 ll 1 Ii i I X V-lU ' ! iw - v-i'iv uiuo hu- ('lUitH IIJV j jng4l the rb -to gcT.Qflect.1"' " rmtmpiiit.!----i'hiiifr-f:rvas J.. . . J.... ..i-s .-- - .. j iaJjuatiiillUi! V - i-4i.U ir-. hl;vi-pAt rt-fL-tt urtj, f ,'f"rN-,-v i,f nrf yr . .fe,.,, ' 'K iiy, 1, . tjetn jn. wto m -.,-'y irivei,e. hearly j Mllack oti one of our VMlwl i-vf.u ir iu.il t.i 'L..r. in in .in. ii nut, I l it I .in Of tb 5 W.s'ion Stat.-.i. WI I l.i eve. I o.at as they have cien - Lint, on thu whole panel of., which there are oot inore thaii two or three who can tead -Or-. write. "Tim ie.stor.iii ii "of the ol 1 mode, ia accrrrdrtrgfy, desired" by all ill tho to.-li- mtfniiy who teel any merest in the ud- tinii sii aiion of l.tw. Nobodyr complains d it wiiorha irot an evtdunt pnrtoe.t.ji. useHasiin rpporionity to inflamtf pas s.ous lur pai tlsau purjes. - ' ' "1 " " "'' Fi ouVtos S'or lo.k Djr B ujk. . N K(iR) LAl;R AN D TOiiACCO. The time is not far distant when the true value of free negro 1 ibor will be as well iitiiicrvtood at the North as it is at the S .Hill. We are acouaitited with tin. ARRAl I.V'r irsELI , rt,berv issaid to have been Coinmitte, I delay ill Lfettini? liie cotton i run Id nur. A'?.ALS1-IJJ.LNL!jR'J. is well adapted to tho 'operation ol gar-fket ibe prencnt season, atid ihe wie and lattheyKroctl.;,! toi',.0 Ices with a small '.letter. Ilu st,eak of ""t reacti many peiiHins, nu, thetetore, an u..ex';ept,o.iablc character, so far as seating TOkT.tell.ioH,'--iifrl --the - rrghfTif '"rupf Rw r"!? mwtler ot;, prop, le bavo. Jitutrd any wpKasuiti of imm as the "past particl plo."i. age' lie ay that the. Colored man tU he 'Iivin , i n ; and we should .egret t know-that ctions Lecarne some what i fca.4u! to ibaKiaergiuv," and the rebel. 'W'tig the papers o! the State, r- 1 any ol the.n had W y ot such an .and were aoon l.r iu I want to make thia fair laud a '-paiidem 1 j on Was rorded above. '. j.turt. aJiiiiilv ..Uxo. xti.. ...j ..ii.. A. moit.i.a.'iJliju.tit.nil.'obsiir.vafit. 3)ei.ix.ot.ujj,..auu.aa ouce-beaure -.um,hcene.oi. p in motion until a thousand A suibmsn of S-'O.a dsrlr: , -L. nfA sT "L' T ilUi;lU' d4iTa-iaitds: .U. Wal.lr"ilu..safrty.ltf ..LWs;':..) V-rM 'i'l. cLaiLo,!.. l... hopvw2t,t'ruro'lr 'o lUi.-i "4, i lu"iUu' -J.l . rVt,!te''h?'Q . .'.... thy ,irZbvni Ike 4W. ill lai r:y, vn- ' oish f llort I, the iMMVp.-uch 1 Read un of llio u.'i;in:a'..-.i, wi Ii I.m eye wi tu opnr a-i I l.i jKfcej t.i e f.icn' i. in t1i pTtiy , wtT-n ibe- HitrhtUnrrd Ao'(V .r that tr-rh' run ,i i-ed l.im ii;f so A Ntw iindlcal daily pnpprre'fTfitled los siitreivl. by the platiteiS In m t he l! t ihe c oirt laiut and tho evidence of t.li b fact coms -laa itrom the lohaceo ' ii.J ihcluxurj of ttk"J rsdS-tijie J -; , 1.-..1,-sni ' AJ b-fy til liii ., , j,M l., ii, ri-stry of d-i'ln an tS'' '' n iii--(..rc'. To' i'jr,,ai,n i n,; j,- n r 4 sii.J oii a Vcu jiy. . sL.-r ..).:. i ..- J, lu fird a tii-cr ou. Jha Uis;ivof l.j. r, iu d .y b.'.'e m t.M ! r,?': ' "I"4' .' ,ve '!'"V H'.mng !i "Tlio litipublkau 'party will not lieprc wU",,1" '"''acco-tl.e latter being the (,,.. rt!,i,.; w-hlc., orrh- ( "-v".,rw!i'" 1:'-' H" ' vyid..;t,alt,MW l.e great coolest -of lWnntrtt 0,a,l,ie ""'' Wten-ive.eaperimeiits i-cureto'' A!bm.i a rei -!.-' ' V1 " 'U '! i;-'I"-"' 1 In ha- piJrgel itscif of tho corrupt men i HV1 "vi)Tl "he, freedmen in ..', . ii Secure-to a) fiUt he . wa about io t-.,.r."U.e-. who-are piacti. all, ,rl- of villainies' T?", l" lt,Ul8 T'jj . i . .. i 11 . . 1 . . , . . ' . . ' .... .1 iL'lltl,np liil.ifiAA tn ., .. 1 . u ...... . r. . 1 1 .. .. i liiiich in tMit h'n aS too. iJite.."'S..j tl,)j'egf', ,!.-' -i trak'- Wiifplcci.il r-if; 'ii ! lU.staU.Guu.r,I, hanjust bee-n , started ; pfl.,ter. M.nv adininim, eounti... 7 i::tM:llmihlmrgt; Penn. In ah edit urial in 1 yirgfii ia and jKoft h -1 , 'rsyiet n it auJ Woep ' 1 M-' co ic' .! 'I r.-i itf : tit iT. .rr A 1 1 a i..i a first t.tiu i it'':Ul ill l.il , C irO BUoti IO prot ti. uo-lto t,, ,u- ,i v, .; i i , .i i " . .' . . . .. ... , ' roft Tt-tr-J to ra-ns or co!-ir and if :L, ' . ' n - . iMiiii i at 'i,-s i lie w ork the-(J.h-Veir t in l-i A I ..1 11 li i It 1 1 1 1.1 srt oti H i.i. a t-j' ... " 1 I ; it I ,t(. Httivhp's i f trie'regaril fi- thtf approncliing Prc-hidetit;ul ' fer"waters of -t!,e Rba'n.ko and un the l.im o ir evil and iio-' contif, this 'languaire li used : !D:rn and Staurij.on "nverr taise corn, .-veloped H'.K.ng all ' "Tim Ipublicaii parlv will not be nrr-! ,''.", i,r." 'Mco-tlie latter being riio COT AND BUIED. The Winston Scnliml aaya: "Wc heard an intelligent gentleman. who bad the means of knowing what he Coostrtotion tho Convention, been prepared io ) aahiiii'.oii hy tlio liailical members of Coheres, and that il was noiv iu Ihe pocket of a member of the Convention from New ILiovcr." Ab ! indeed f 'J he "Radical memliers of Congrurs" referred to are doubtless those c on;.! islirg vht -Cwiniif ttefl to which werefi-rTed a teje.dj ij si nee. So. it appears I lutt tttey fot ottfy employ or -aloroai gilitrsr hot ttuik - Vonttita tivn, for the South. It is well, howev er,, for thorn to keep a tck of their Con stitution on hatrd ; and, espe-flhtlly, onO adapted ro negro snpremaey ia A or III Carolina; foi there will itol he brain. enough it itur Aletiagerie to. draw- a p a bill ot sale. x, Ji . . Ii is not s'aied which of the members Iron) N (I aiiover ha the distinguished honor oi leiiig tite custoJian of fhe pro ciyns doc ii un nf, but we suppoeedt most be(Ja!loway, lie certainly ought to bo tho man i lor be is tbe ou.y .North Caro linian elected from this county, and it is for the btiifij(n of h s race that the tt 'gM CAuyltti0lli4 la bo seiii.b!ed, I. ,i :.. . ... ... .-: ' l. JM want iif sullj.'nt In Ijs lu pick it out. .Thai Utjatslliiu cxe.po... i'h 'eight doHaf ciTctU'elufi is Hint the negro m a4aboi c r," "? dietn" being cut and dried for the iu Ins prc nt relation, is failure. .Menageries, they will fioFhe -sohjccttd hil le d RiCS.lT rlbMli-Mst-d Iiiii,!o I died UiU. Jiir of li'.e Itu a i ts.1 sJit'SiSiiaior, tb o Lif S'"' r ' ' J - -pt.liiaslaa ot -m sua, mAtamr L I ,j;latb li yVi eiiiHi on k i- 'urr; to tL city, , ' ufj'ri-d to ti'n li st L b.J ter btales. uholi ot t'.e a-.v.icates of and l.e fi.,i re'tini i o i viet oii that a no ilis'.mt i nfl"iin-du-nino irr.!l s tit ii 1. Ji.Ji w "eulur IU"cCO call Oe SUl'CMe u v and efwitt;tvodHdhTabti;We y the I, ., witji which the agitator and ,hc , fu t is statea to bo unfavorable. The iidi oe were jui e i some on wareaanil , I f ii I ,1 ir I t , , Oi 1110 llllill WU) lOi.O until s'ie r.va.s utany of Uer-iJ.Jir lea Jad fuf Kitua sk, Slj 1, I nll't 1.1 4 i.-j'ro w II be swept Ir on ll continent l-deniairoirnn Iibvp iila-ter.-il iia l....,i " ' H-'' .'' ". "Ivlloacl She. tuani Thh, lt,els.ritili.u...uLrc..a." .J.:ar.!'"",,c !,n Hi"c;Vf..,'.c.r"l'-.nc'RJlj "sT-foT 'A 4na.-sl4.pfe4 down.-in lA trchhttnr. lt't:il. - Myfriends. tliewreto'ife'nea' every.Surday., an'i.ttokehia JefiJoir-'-'-, lie u -' war to be eeen Tn tine 'taie s a -men n' li.vrVf rhjAt oil the leg '.uetioifc isnr.1 Illm ftfii.iiiinn'niia fwlltf antl in.,,1.' ..'IT . ,i ... -,r me imci.i"ii, i;ic l'ii ij i. is a iMiiurt' tNu tnoie nigger iMdiceman,'! was the. ess of bis Aeidenev hiVjtihluUM-A in I io. ida this t ear: Lad we.-.ther and ealtaot cry ol ti, New Uiicauj' iiy w-,dry JohftS'D. who when he He nia'Je hi the Widt hate ruined iu" JiLtck bird. lwrtl ihdfV tv ftitisJL. - ' : . . llimnni l mnisA J in&ArrlLis. siuf dt ihar Mitl u im , lak i I .. I l.l: . i .: . . ; r, , ...ijuo .sej.uunt.ai. puny, oy man co iiplain that it was a liiitr busineaa son of its onspeakahly great rorruption, 1 Fei-litig and furnising tho teams, tbieth is m a most pitiable plight "No TitTga- i w'th theootlay for guano, and tlrj wxn tioii that it cafi put itself to will besiilli l,! f'" bo hborer, a.routvt bimrel to the iiicoiiveuioueu ot heing kepi from ll.c-ir tegiliiuaTo ""8e'c'oTaTlif'tjr'""WB'"'rn'V' deli nl to per iod. Most of I he mem hers ar iiierj engaged In rtrtlve occepaltoiii.; and,' with "all tl.cir.fclf-dcnlal atid patris otisur cannot be .induced to work long at tight dJlar ui dav, i W heu, tbe llogus doee eaeerahte we h'jie it will not overlook our Claims for The position of Public Printer.'" We have fi oe Assortment ol type, an,dan print eitJierjlaiKW Tho Doston ptWrJRadicai) aaya :. "Tfile tnaT'l threatened, actual, or postponed, has be come a disgrace la the nation. The court-. try has become diftsfed with tiie ras- cUlnrrngconrwT'ursned In'-tint matter, ' ......... v . v4innig titiiirsiT Tiurwot-ii in tioa j' i Uiikiuiieiiiiuij. inl thi n.n tbe eeir !au I it ia stil'o to say Hut ut tblt Utii day- the reopJb at the ballot-ho in Novemt r"'. ? U il i"PbU Mi te an, aetioa. which w 1 k.K . .. . . .. . . . . . ' l.' i.i.. it . 1 ' some shall no fxt rdiinelmniilihi In tnanv res 1' IS, , ...... 7. ... -s--r---