1 V Whole Xo. 313. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JV. Cv) Tuesday, August 21, i830, FoL VII Xo. 1. 1 J North-Carolina Free Press," J5V GEOuirt; huwaui, is nub'iied weekly, at Dollars and ' ' Jufiu Cents per year,' it paid in advance "or Thrcs Dollars, X the expiration of the ; vcar. For ar.v period less than a year, 'Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers ire at liberty to discontinue at anytime, on iving notice thereof and paying jirrears thoseVesiding at a distance must Jivariably J pav- in advance, or give a responsive refer ; nice in this vicinity. i Advertisements, Jiot exceeding 16 lines, Uvill be inserted at 50 cents the first inser- tion, and 25cents each continuanc. Long Mr onesat that ratefor every 16 liies. Ad vertisements must be marked tte number :oi insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. ) v Letters addressed to the Editii must be . c.st paid, or thev may not be attinded to. i For Sale.l Lit the Store of li.&S H Gotten, '? IN TARBOROUGH, Turks Island and AT , j Liverpool sack 5 kJa1.U J. 'Tninn;. ;ulmi'. coffee, tea, andenocoiate, j, Iron and steel of everydescriptioi & quality, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti cle to make a complete sett of Black smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, f Jamaica rum, 5 years old, j ; Chard's cogniac brandy, 10 yeais eld, i'urc Holland gin, old rye whiskey, Madeira wine.N.E. rum Sccomnon brandy, Togetherwith an extensive assortment of : Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at s low pri- ces for cash, as can be bou'rht at any store in the place. i A constant supply otSivai)nys Pana cea, Dr. Chambers'' remedy for In ;. temperance, Judkins's celebratedOint ?nent, &c. &c. ; QyTrie. highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. ! HERRINGS. JUST RECEIVED,and for Sale, 300 barrels very superior Cut Herrings. Also, 20,000 wt. of BACON". EVANS $ AND RE (VS. Sparta, 13 May, 1S30. 37 TUST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancySc staple Seasonable Goods, ) At unprecedented low prices. R. e S. D. cor TEN. May 12, 1S30. King J Gatlin, QENSlBLY grateful for the very lib- eral encouragement heretofore mani fested bv the citizens of this and the ad jacent counties, have the pleasure to au nun -ice the arrival (direct from NEW YORK) of an elegant and extensive as sortment of every article pertaining to IIIE Subscribers are now opening at A their old stand in Tarborough, Afresh and varied assnrhnent of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, &c. Which they offer at their usual low prices. RICHARDS 8? CO. May 2, 1830. Henrv Johnston, ; f ' 1 17TSHES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just return ed From New-York, with his - Fall Supply of Goods, f In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on better terms than is usual in this market among them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Hottle green and drab do. Superfine Cassimeres, of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestincs, Plain and fancy Silks for vestingsi Dark and light Valencias, new patterns, White and buff quiltings, . Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, ' w uite anu lancy cravats, patent fuspenaers, F. A. Hart .s patent braces, ; A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will he sold low for cash, or to punctual customer? on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. Tarboro', Oct. I, 182f). , Millinery c. PHE Subscriber respectfully invites - the Ladies of Tarborough and vici nity to call and examine1 her Spring sim ply of NEW GOODS, just received di rect from Petersburg and New-York in this assortment are Pattern Satin Straw, Gros de Zan, and Rat- tese bonnets, latest Northern fashions, Leghorn and Straw bonnets, of a superior quality and at reduced prices, White, yellow, and black Navarinos, Children's Leghorns and open Straws, Caps, turbans, and head ornaments, Gauze handkerchiefs and scarfs, J White, yellow, and black Silk Fringe, An elegant assortment of Puffs and Curls, A superb variety of ribbons and flowers, Wax beads, dolls, &c. &c. Ladies' dresses, riding habits, Sic. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets cleaned or dyed, at the shortest notice. A. C. HOWARD. Tarborough, April 2I, 1S30. 1 GENTLEMEN'S jfasljioitalile CiotJjmg, Selected by a first-rate judge, and at 'j the most reduced prices among which splendid assortment may be found: Black, blue, olive, steel and mixed Cloths, ; Plain black silk Velvet, Figured and striped do. Plain black Florentine, j I Valencia vesting, of various r.rW White quilting, of a superior quality, ALSO, Patent Suspenders, and a general and well selected assortment of Fashionable Trimmings, All of which will be sold at reduced prices for cash, or to punctual customers. Tarboro', 25th Sept. 1829. Notice. nnHE Subscriber will commence, on Monday 26th July, to teach School at HICKORY GROVE ACADEMY, within 4 miles of Tarborough, 3 of Teat's bridge, immediately on a small public road leading from the river road at Wm. Clark's to the Cokey road at Mrs. Garrett's. This Academy is on a high, healthy, piney woods hill, which affords excellent water; in a wealthy neighborhood, where board may be had at four dollars per month. The terms ol tuition, SG for five calendar months, i or spelling, reading, writing and arith ) metic; and $VZ for those who study the an of surveying, which generally em P'0 them six or seven weeks. T FREDERICK PHILIPS. July 2 V1830. 48-4 Notice. T?0R SALE, by the Subscribers, an elegant light CARRIAGE, suitable tor a small family and calculated for one two horsesit will, be sold low for Cash, or on a short credit. D. RICHARDS S- CO, -3th April, 1830. Notice. THE Subscriber has on consignment, r,,,v. r, i i r tun u live uuiuneu puuuus OI GOOD WOOL, In the dirt, which he will sell low for cash. & u ROUNTREE. 10th Aug. 1330. 51-5 late returns, is 1711; com municants, 173,329. Com municants in the Baptist churches, 303,000; in the Methodist, say 450,000. Notice. rE have on hand, which will be sold on moderate terms, a quantity of Excellent Bacon, Corn, Seed Teas, and Herrings. D. RICHARDS CO. May 18, 1830. AJ ale & Female Academy. WM. A. WALKER respectfully In forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and adjacent counties, that his se cond session commenced on the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tar borough, in the immediate neighbor hood of Sparta. Terms, per Sessic?i of 5 months. Cl'C.nr T nrA tVio ciilmfiii'itu branches, - - 5SU 00 Duelling. h his rec- Geography,Eng1ishGrammar,Ilis-7 R 00; charge to the Grand Jurv c; ton-, composition, 5cc. cc. 3 lOyer and Terminer. Ju ope., ng, iteaa.ng, anu yv r unp, o uu, K- . . rW . Hoarding, Washing, and Mending, 25 00 o""y which Hoarding may be had in many pri- aPPa"Uy must do harm, r ,k u.i.i.i :r a"d without provocation, and . . . ..v uuiiow Negroes. At St. Clairs ville, Ohio, on the 22d ult. a debate was held upon the question of whether the ne groes are not a distinct spe cies from the white, or, whe ther the difference in color may not have been caused by climate, and other phyral causes. I he judges we re of opinion that the former was the case two were of a con trary opinion. dge j5l COTTON GINS, Packing Screws, Horse Mills. Chain Bunds and Still He pairing. riHE Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens of this and the adjacent counties, that he is now building be tween 15 and 20 Cotton (Bins, Of good materials, part of which will be steel saws and the ribs or bars faced with steelthe large Gins will be dou ble framed, two seed boards bearing in the middle, and double cushioned, to answer the purpose of two 40 saw Gins. Packing Screws, Of the usual size, and larger than any . : a i f , . . $25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, abouf the Sth inst. ne gro man HARRY Harry is a!now n use in tne State, and no doubt bright mulatto, (half white,) j suPcrior cy will be .made in an en w ith larse freckles, between i Sint' erected for that purpose, which can- thiny and thirty-five years of ago, nearlnot t0 cut lne screws more accurate six feet high, and weig'.is about one hun-y lna" l,lose which are made by hand di ed and seventy pounds; he is a good ; or olner ordinary means the thread will ditcher and well acquainted with all j be a square or v, or any other to please kinds of work usually done on a farm; the purchaser, he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, Hoi'SC Alills well calculated to pais himself for a free; vv;n ,;it -t ,i ,. , i rii mi tl vv ill be built at a short notice, on the man, which no doubt lie will attemnt to!; i i- , . n , . . . iiinproeu perpenr.ic.uiar pun, or any preferred. Under an arrangement with his pre sent patronisers, the vacation will com mence 1st day of August and terminate 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com mencement of the session, will only be chargeable irom the time of their en- June 23, 1S30. trance. quence, is murder. Express malice is where one person Kills another, with a sedate deliberate mind, and formed design; such formed design being evinced by external circumstances manifesting the inward intentionjying in wait, antecedent menaces, former grudges, and concert ing schemes to do the parly bodily harm. Within this class of cases are embraced VALUABLE HanB for ale I w bllluiULCU THE PLANTATION owned by the those homicides that result 1 . M XT T .1- 1- -!! i ... uiui.i. deli., on me norm siuejirom tne detestable practice oi lar river, in r.cgecomoe county is now for sale it adjoins the lands of Jas. S. Battle and the late Sherwood Hav- J ' .W4 illVI wood, and lies in one of the most ele-Jsign of taking away the life s""1 fv."oa ui v-uuuuj' in.ui 111s opponent ana wnen ixorin-varoiiua. ii is improveu oy buildings and orchards, and contains Mont 750 Acres. Its soil is well adapted to all the ordina ry products of this part of the State, and particularly to the cultivation of Cotton. It is now under crop, and persons desi rous of purchasing are better enabled to judge of its quality. The land will not be oflbrcd at public sale. Purchasers can be accommodated in their payments and possession given on the first of Jan uary, 1S31. It will be sold low. Ap ply 10 JAMES S. BATTLE, or B. F. MOORE. Nashville, N.O. June, 1830. 45 Edgecombe county is of Duelling:. In these meet ings of blood, each parly- comes with the formed de- death results to either, the survivor is, as well in the eye of the law as in that of religion and morals, a mur derer of the most unequivo cal character." Philadelphia paper. ward will be paid on the delivery of the said Hany to me near Sparta, Edge combe county, So. Ca. if taken within i o I C tit.' on without this Mate and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person.' of harboring said negro on convictioti. RICIID. IIINES. 16th Nov( IS29. 13 Notiee, TS hereby given to all my creditors that I shall attend at the next County Court, to be held for the county of Edgecomoe, in larborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, for the purpose of taking the Insolvent Debtors oath whe and where, any or all of you may if you think proper attend, and shew cause, if any there be, why I may not be entitled to the benefit of the Act of Assembly in lhat case made and pro vided. EDWIN BULLOCK. 22d July, 1830. 50-3 II m Notice, STRAYED, or Stolen from the Subscriber, on the cven inor nf thp 2(Ith Julv. A DARK BAY HORSE, About five feet and an inch high.... He iias a crease on his neck, and when he left, his shoulders were considerably o-alled from having been lately driven in a stage. Any person who will appre hend said horse and deliver him to me, or give information so that I may get him again, shall be handsomely re warded. BL 0 UNT NOBLES. Grceuvilli", AvvAl, 1S30. 51-3 pelled by the same goer Chain Bands and Wheels, Of a superior quality, will be furnished those who desire them, which are ex tremely well calculated for the propel ling of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above mentioned articles, either made or re paired, can be supplied low for Cash or on a short credit, by making an early application to the Subscriber, who will gratefully receive and promptly attend to them. JOHN WILSON. Tarboro', May 10, 1S30. 37 Five Cents Reward. "O AN AWAY from the Subscriber, sometime in March last, an inden tured apprentice, a white boy, named RUFFIN HARDY, About 5 feet 6 inches high, light com plexion, about 20 years of age, &c. The above reward, and no charges, will be paid on delivery of the said boy to me. All persons are hereby forbid harboring or employing him, under penalty of the law. JOHN II. DANIEL. Aug. 3. 1S30. 50-3 Salt at 60 Cents, "I70R SALE, by the Subscribers, ten I t V n n o o n L n p U 1 TURKS ISLAND SALT, Of the best quality, which they offer at the above price for Cash, or in exchange for seed Cotton, at the highest market P"ce. D. RICHARDS CO. Tarboro', Dec. 8, 1829. Notice. STOPPED, at my. re sidence in Edgecombe county, a small SORREL MARE, About five feet high, S or 9 years old, with a noted scar 011 the right hip.... her route appeared to be from some of the upper counties. The owner is request ed to apply for her. JAMES J. PHILIPS. Aug. 4,1S30. 51-3 Notice. rPHE Subscriber, having resigned the office of Constable, requests all per sons holding his receipts for claims pla ced in his hands for collection, to pre sent them and receive their papers BEN. B. L.ZNCASTER. June 16, 1S30. 43 Indigo. William Partridge Esq. es timates that two millions of pounds of indigo are used in this country annual ly, only the tenth of which is made in the United States. The average who 3 sale price of imported indigo is about Si 15; of that made in this country only 50 cents. The best of liengal indigo is worth Si 80, or more. Mr. P. thinks that the southern planters might raise enough to supply the U. Stales, of a quality equal to the imported, and he : .1: . 1 1 . c ives uueeuuus as 10 uie lime 01 cutting Drunkenness.., Lord Chief Justice Hale, nearly two cen turies ago remarked: fThe places of judication, which I have long held in this king dom, (England,) have given me an opportunity to observe the original cause of most of the enormities that have been committed for the space of nearly twenty years; and by a due observation, I have found that if the murders and manslaughters, the bur glaries and robberies, the riots and tumults, the adul teries, fornications, rapes, and other enormities that have happened in that time, were divided into five parts, four of them have been the issues and product of exces sive drinking, or of tavern and alehouse meeting." Judge Rush, in a charge to a Pennsylvania grand jury, nearly echoes this: "I de clare in this public manner, and with a most solemn re gard to truth, that I do not recollect an instance, since my being concerned in the administration of justice, of a single person being put upon his trial for manslaugh ter, which did not originate in drunkenness; and but fevr instances of trials for mur der, where the crime did not spring from the samp un happy cause." Bad Habits.--A gentle man frnm TJnsfnn. nn , .riclf ' , , a - - - j tun tne plant, me iermentation, extracting to his friend in the country, the color, Sic. Great loss is now sus tained by the planters, from the igno rance of the cultivators. 1 Steam. The almost incredible fact has been stated that an increase of pro ductive power through the aid of steam and improved mechanism with other scientific appliances, during the last 40 years, is equal to an additional supply of six hundred millions of men. (jyThe number of ministers in the Presbytarian Church, according to the - j j speaking of the times, stated that his wife had lately ex pended fifty dollars for a habit. His friend replied, here in the country, we don't allow our wives to get into such habits." A gentleman asked ano ther how his friend, who was involved in debt, came to drown himself: "Because, he cculd not keep his head above water," wasthe reply. JWv' , -L .