t I Whole Xo. 3(1. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JV. C.) Tuesday, August 31, 1830. Vol VII No 2. The North-Carolina Free Press," " II V GEdllGE HOWARD, , is published weekly, at T:vo Dollars ami Cnits per vear, if paid in advance lov, five Dollars, at the expiration ot the year. any period less than a vear, ' Trj 'nt : fve Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears 'thoseVesidinsf at a distance must invariably ' pay in advance, or ;ivc a responsible reter- ence in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding; lS lines, will be inserted at 5'J cents tne nrsi uinci tion.and 25 cents each continuance. Long er cues at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number pf insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. " Letters addressed-to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be atterded to. I HERRINGS. i-lUST RECEIVED, and for Sale, 300 y barrels very superior Cut Herrings. Also, 20,000 wt. of 13ACO". E VANS ANDZEtVS. ) Sparta, 13 May, 1S30. 37 For Sale. $tthe of fs" i. D.Cotlen, IN TARHOROUGH, l Tn,. Island and 7 Q 4 V rp .. Livvipfl sack 5 Ol. Li I M'd isses, s ipr, coffee, tea, and cnocolate, Ir md steel of everydcscriptionSc quality, Blacksmiths bell'ws, and eery other arti- ! ci - '.) make a complete sett of IMack- , s M OK " Jam . M ' To- !is tools, 1 ndy, by the barrel retail, i rum, 5 years old, : roni c brandy, 10 . v.rs eld, : i'.and in, old rye whiskey, v" cX.E.. rum Sc common brandy. erwiih an extensive assortment oi ' Ic and Fancy Goods, Of ii a -t --very variety, at as low pri ces h- tsh, as can be bought at any stoi ;i the place. ' ; A constant supply of Swaiin's Pana rcca, Dr. Chambers'' remedy for In temperance, hidkim ' s celebrattdUuit menf, &c. &c. t3Thb highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. UST RECEIVED and now opening, a splendid assortment of fancy& staple beasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices. ' R. S. D COT TEN. I May 12, 1S30. Salt at GO Cents, .TC-OR SALE, by the Subscribers, ten -r thousand bushels v TURKS ISLAND SALT, Of the best quality, which they offer at the above price for Cash, or inexchange for seed Cotton, at lhf hi-host markpi price. 2). RICHARDS & CO. Tarbonr, Dec. S, 1S29. H Ring Gatlin, ' Wl-'NiuIsLiY gratetul for the very lib n era! encouragement heretofore mani fested by the citizens of this and the ad jacent counties, have the pleasure to an nounce the arrival (direct from NEW YORK) of an elegant and extensive as sortment of every article pertaining lo . GENTLEMEN'S ifasijionaljlc Clotlnns, r, i Selected by a first-rate judge, and at me most reduced prices among which splendid assortment may be found: lilacl:, blue, olive, steel and mixed Cloths, Plain black silk Velvet, Figured and striped do. 1 lam black Florentine, Valencia vesting, of various colors. AVhile quilting, of a superior quality, v ALSO, Patent Suspenders, and a general ' v;nd well selected assortment of Fashionable Trimming v All of which will be sold at reduced P"ceslorcash,or to punctual customers. .:? Iarboro 25th Sept. S29. ? Notice. fjMIE Subscriber, having resigned the ;f- office of Constable, requests all per sons holding his receipts for claims pla ced in his hands for collection, to pre ,t ?ut them and receive their papers REN. B. LANCASTER Tne 1G, 1830. 43 Mtto (Boohs. npiIE Subscribers nre now opening at their old stand in Tarborough, fresh and varied assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS Hardware, Crockery, &c. Which they offer at their usual low prices. t). RICHARDS CO. May 2. 1830. Henrv Johnston, V17'ISHES to inform his friend's and customers, that he has just return ed From New-York, with his Fall Supply of Goods, In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on better term than is usual in this market among them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do. Superfine Cassimeres, of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestings, Plain and fancy Silks for vestings, Dark and light Valencias, new patterns, White and buff quiltings, Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, White and fancy cravats, patent suspenders, F. A. Hart's patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will be sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. Tarboro', Oct. 1, 1S29. Notice. FjpHE Subscriber has on consignment, four or five hundred pounds of j GOOD WOOL, j f.i the dirt, which he will sell low for I cash. iV. n. ROUNTREE. 10?h Auq;. 1S30. 51-5 VALUABLE 3tanD for aie THE PLANTATION owned by the late M. N. Bell, on the north side of Tar river, in Edgecombe county is now for sale it adjoins the lands of Jas. S. liattle and the late Sherwood Hay wood, and lies in one of the most ele gant farminsc sections of country in North-Carolina. It is improved by buildings and orchards,, and contains About 7;)() Acres. Its soil is well adapted to all the ordina ry products of this part of the State, and particularly lo the cultivation of Cotton il is now under crop, and persons desi- rous of purchasing are better enabled tojGin, occupy the same place and be pro judge of its quality. The land will notjpelled by the same gecr. be offered at public sale. Purchasers can be accommodated in their payments and possesion given on the first of Jan uary, 1831. It will be sold low. Ap ply" to JAMES S. BATTLE, or B. F. MOORE. Nashville, N.C. June, IS30. 45 Male & Female Academy. WM. A. WALKER respectfully in- forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and adjacent counties, that his se cond session commenced on the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tar borough, in the immediate neighbor hood of Sparta. Terms, per Session of 5 months. branches, - - jfcl4 00 Geography,EnglishGrammar,His- Q nA Spelling, Reading, and Writing, 6 00 Boarding, Washing, and Mending, 25 00 Boarding may be had in many pri vate families in the neighborhood, if preferred. Under an arrangement with his pre sent patronisers, the vacation will com mence 1st day of August and terminate 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com mencement of the session, will only be chargeable from the lime of their en t ranee. June 23, 1830. Notice. lOR SALE, by the Subscribers, an A elegant light CARRIAGE, suitable for a small family and calculated for one or two horses it will be sold low for Cash , or on a short credit. D. RICHARDS $ CO. ( 20th April, 1830. Millinery, $gc. HPHR Subscriber respectfully invites the Ladies of Tarborough and vici nity to call and examine her Spring sup ply of NEW GOODS, just received di rect from Petersburg and New-York in this assortment are Pattern Satin Straw, Gros dc Zan, and Bat tese bonnets, latest Northern fashions, Leghorn and Straw bonnets, of a superior quality and at reduced prices, White, yellow, and black Navarinos, Caps, turbans, and head ornament; White, yellow, and black Silk Fringe, An elegant assortment of Puffs and Curls, Wax beads, dolls, &c. tic. Ladies' dresses, ridinsc habits, &e. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets cleaned or dved, at the shortest r.olice. A. C. HOfVARD. Tarborough, April 2.0, 1S30. Notice. X$rE have on hand, which will bo sold on moderate terms, a quantity of Excellent Puicoiu Corn, Seed Feus and Herrings I). RICHARDS if CO. Mav IS, IS 30. COTTON GINS, Caching Screws, Horse .Mills. Chain Hands ami Still He pairing fTnlR Subscriber begs leave to inform the citizens of this ami the adjacent counties, that he is now buildimr be tween 15 and 20 Cotton (5i$, Of good materials, part of which will be steel saws and the ribs or bars faced with steel the large Gins will be dou ble framed, two seed boards bearing in the middle, and double cushioned, to answer the purpose of two 40 saw Gins. Packing Screws, Of the usual size, and larger than any now in use in the State, and no doubt superior they will be made in an en gine erected for that purpose, which can not fail to cut the screws more accurate ly than those which are made by hand or other ordinary means the thread will be a square or v, or any other to please the purchaser. Horse Mills, Will be built at a short notice, on the improved perpendicular plan, or any other dcsireir by the purchaser the per pendicular Mill may, by removing the Chain Bands and Wheels, Of a superior quality, will he furnhshed those who desire them, which are ex tremely well calculated for the propel ling of both Gins and Mills. (J Persons desiring any of the above mentioned articles, either made or re paired, can be supplied low for Cash or on a short credit, by making an early application to the Subscriber, who will gratefully receive and promptly attend to them. JOHN WILSON. Tarboro', May 10, 1S30. 37 $25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, abouTthc Sih inst. ne gro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half while,) with larsre freckles, between thirty and thirty-five Tears of age, near six feet high, and weighs about one hun dred and seventy pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in this county, particularly in this and the neighbor hood of the late Lemmon Ruffin, Esq. where he has a wife. The above re ward will be paid on the delivery of the said Harry to mc near Sparta, Edge combe county, No. Ca. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. JRICHD. HINES. 16th Nov. 1S29. 13 Died, at Baltimore, on the 10th inst. Samuel Keep, Esq. of Washington, a nati ve of Bos ton, formerly agent of the Uni ted States at l'ensacola, Flori da. The circumstances attend ing the death of this gentleman were of the most melancholy nature. He arrived there with his family; and took lodgings at Barnurn's. In the course of the morning he called for a glass of cider, when by a mis take, the servant gave him cor rosive sublimate, sufficient to cause Iii 3 death in a few mo ments. Thus by an uuforscen and unfortunate occurrence was a persevering, honorable, and useful man cut olf in the prime of health; aud his agonized wife, to whom he had been united but eight days, left without a friend or protector. Uer feel ings may be imagined, but cun nut be described. Death by Lightning. In a harvest field on Thursday week, near Blairsville, Pa. the light ning struck a waggon, about which several hands were em ployqd in loading oats. Two persons were on the waggon, one of whom, named Alex. Glassford, was instantly killed, and the other struck senseless, but afterwards recovered. The four horses harnessed to the waggon were all killed, yet the driver, seated on one of them at the moment, escaped unin jured! A Monster. A young male slave was recently burnt at Ab beville, S. Carolina, in pursu ance of a judicial sentence, for attempting to murder his mis tress when the rest of the fami ly were .absent. He attacked licr without provocation, beat her with a flat iron, and slie hav ing attempted to run to a neigh bor's when he was seeking a broad axe, he followed her, made her return, and had near ly killed her when some of the family returned. She is expect ed to recover. Justice. The last Skenatel es Telegraph mentions the case of a fellow who was prosecu ted for detaining a person on the road unnecessarily, by dri ving slow and turning occa sionally, so as to prevent the other from passing. 1 he jus tice very properly rendered judgment against the defendant, on the ground that a man who drives faster than one before him has an undoubted right to pass if there is room, and who ever prevents, by turning eith er on one side or the other, is liable to pay damages for deten tion. Neio- York paper. Introduction of Rice into A merica. -iMartin states in his History of North Carolina, that the planting of Rice was com menced in this country, in the year 1693, as follows. A brig from Madagascar, on her way to England, came to anchor oft' Sullivan's Island. Thos. Smith going on board, received from the Captain a bag of Seed Rice, with information of its culture in the East, its suitableness for food, and its incredible in- crease. Smith divided the seed among his friends, and after an experiment being made in different soils, the Success surpas sed the expectation the Captain had excited. Thus from this small be ginning, accidfntly occur ring, arose 7 the staple commodity of Carolina, which soon became the chief support of the colo ny and the great source of its opulence. Rahigh Reg. 31oney... The New York Age says, "that at no time within its recol lection, has money been so cheap, or in other words, the rate of interest so low, as at the present. This remark is applica ble, not only to the Unit ed States, but to the whole commercial world. It be lieves, that the United States could obtain any sum of money that they would ask, at an interest of four per cent. This State has borrowed, with in a few weeks past, the money required to build the Chemung Canal, at a rate but very little excee dingfour per cent, inter est. They have created a five per cent, stock, sold it at twelve per cent, a bove, par; or, in other words, for every hundred dollars of stock that they issue at five per cent, in terest, they received one hundred and twelve dol lars in cash, being a more advantageous loan, tak ing into calculation the advance upon the stock, than ever the United States, or this State, have heretofore made. And another evidence of the truth of the position as sumed, respecting public stocks, is the fact, that the United States three per cents, as they are ter med, are now selling at ninety-four per ct. or, in language to be under stood by every man, that portion of the United States debt, partly funded in the year 1790, bearing an interest of only three per cent, each one hun dred is worth ninety-four dollars in market where as, during the last fifteen years, these stocks have fluctuated between fifty eight and seventy-five per cent, instead of the ninety four per cent, which they now sell for. It is, there fore, not unreasonable to conclude that the rate of interest, on public-stocks is only about four cent, per annum." The Ladies rule the world. So they lately said in Maryland at one of heir celebrations of the National Anniversary. Toast, "The men rule the world... tee ride the men." We are sorry, then, for their credit, that the world is not belter governed. Augusta Courier.