Whole Xo.3t5. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.J Tuesday, September 7, 1830 Vol rilyYo 3. The "North-Carolina Free Press" f rV GEOROE HOWARD, , Is published weekly, at 7ro Dollars and Fifm Cents jk'V year, if paid in advance or. Three Dollars, at the expiiv.tiou f the year. For any period less than a year, . Twcntu -five Cents per month. Subscribers 'are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing at a distance must invariably u pay in advance, or give a responsible refer """"tncc.in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, , will be inserted at 50 cents the first inser - tion,and 25 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Ad . vertisements must be marked thenumber of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. ' Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. ; HERRINGS. i,l UST RECEIVED, and for Sale, 300 V barrels very superior 'i Cut Herrings. j j Also, 20,000 wt. of BACON. : EVANS Sr ANDRE fVS. Sparta, 13 May, IS30. 37 i Notice fjIIE Subscriber has on consignment, four or five hundred pounds of S GOOD WOOL, In the dirt, which lie will sel low for cah- iV . ROUNTREE. ,7 10th Aug. 1830. 51-5 ' For Sale. At the Stove of 11. & S. I). Gotten, IN TARBOROUGH, 1 Turks Island and 7 O 4 T HP i v Liverpool sack 5 tJ i . Molasses, sugar, coffee, tea, and cnocolate, Iron and steel of everydescription 'cqu-ility, Blacksmiths bellows, and every other arti clc to make a complete sett of Bhick smiths tools, Old brandy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, t Otard's cogniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pore Holland gin, old rye whiskey, .Madeira winc,N.E. rum &z common brandy, Togethervvith an extensive assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. . A constant supply of Stcaim's Pa na Cea, Dr. Chambers remedy for In temperance, JudkiJis's celebratcdOint yicnf, &c. &c. J CC7 I'be highest price paid in Cash, for good clean baled Cotton. Henrv Johnston, ISHES to inform his friends and customers, that he has iust return ed From Neto-York, with his Fall Supply of (foods, In his line of business, which He is hap py to say he can sell on better terms than is usual in this market among them are Superfine blue and black Cloths, Brown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do. Superfine Cassimeres, of different colors, Plain and fancy Velvets for vestings, Plain and fancy Silks for vestines. Dark and light Valencias, new patterns, White and buff quiltings, Pocket handkerchiefs, gloves, White and fancy cravats, patent suspenders, F. A. Hart's patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will he sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the. most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. Tarboro', Oct. 1, 1S29. VALUABLE Haiti) fox aie THE PLANTATION owned by the late M. N. Bell, on the north side of Tar river, in Edgecombe count' is now for sale it adjoins the lands of Jas. S. Battle and the late Sherwood Hay wood, and lies in one of the most ele gant farming sections of country in North-Carolina. It is 'improved by buildings and orchards, and contains About 7j0 Acres. Its soil is well adapted to all the ordina ry products of this part of the Slate, and particularly to the cultivation of Cotion. It is now under crop, and persons desi rous of purchasing are better enabled to jjudge of its quality. The land will not j be offered at public sale. Purchasers jean be accommodated in their payments and possesion given on the first of Jan uary, lbJl. u will be sold low. Ap ply to JAMES S. BATTLE, or B. F. MOORE. Nashville, N.C. June, 1S30. 45 UST RECEIVED and now opening a splendid assortment of fancy& staple Seasonable Goods, At unprecedented low prices. R. 4 S. D GOTTEN. May 12, 1830. JflMIE Subscribers are now opening at 'r their old stand in TarboroiHi. Afresh and varied assortment of ' h FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery, &c. : Which they offer at their usual low .prices. D RICHARDS $ CO. May 2, 1S30. ?' King r Gatlin, ? GENSIBL.Y grateful for the very lih . eral encouragement heretofore mani pjsted by the citizens of this and the ad , jaeent counties, have the pleasure to an nounce the arrival (direct from NEW YORK) of an elegant and extensive as sortment of every article pertaining to y ' GENTLEMEN'S Jf asijionafcle etotfuitg, .f Selected hy a first-rate judge, and at i Tf reduced pricesamong which ' splendid assortment may be found: 1 S!a?kM 1Uv Mt'e,Vstcel and md Clotlis, Plain black silk Velvet Figured and striped do.' ' Plain black Florentine,' " Valencia vesting, of various colors, a t qS qu ,UmS, a SU,Pevior ality, ALSO, Patent Suspenders, and a ral and well selected assortment of Fashionable Trimmings, All of which will be sold at reduced fJ ,'ces for casli, or to punctual customers. ,; J- V ;.rboro '25th Sept. 129. neighbor- M ale & Female Academv. WM. A. WALKER respectfully in- forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and adjacent counties, that his se cond session commenced on the 4th inst. at his resilience seven miles from Tar- borough, in the immediate hood of Sparta. Term?, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the subordinate?,,, n branches, - - Geography, English Grammar.His-" fft tory, Composition, &c. &c. $ Spelling, Reading, and Writing, 6 CO Boarding, Washing, and Mending, 25 00 Boarding may be had in many pri vate families in the neighborhood, if preferred. Under an arrangement with his pre sent patronisers, the vacation will com mence 1st day of August and terminate 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com mencement of the session, will only be chargeable from the time of their en trance up to the completion of their re spective sessions. June 23, 1S30. 25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, about the Sth inst. ne gro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with larsre freckles, between thirty and thirty-five years of age, near six feet high, and weighs about one hun dred and sevent5 pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in this county, particularly in this and the neighbor hood of the late Lemmon RulHn, Esq. where he has a wife. The above re ward will be paid on the delivery of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edge combe county, No. Ca. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict anv white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RJCIID. JUNES. IGth :ov. lS2i. 13 HE Subscriber obtained letters of administration. at the last term of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Edgecombe, on the estate of John Coffield, dee'd, requests all those that hold claims against the said deceased, to present them pro perly authenticated within the lime prescribed by law, or this notice wiil be plead in bar of their recovery all those indebted to the said decl are requested to make immediate pay-! merit, as the situation of the estate will not admit of indulgence. j . JOHNS TO A Adm'r. larboro7, Aug. 2S, 1S30. 2-3 Just Published, And for sale at. this Office, and at Mr. E. Porter's Store, A Patriotic Discourse, DELIVERED liY THE Rev. JOSHUA LAWRENCE, At the Old Church inTarhoro' N.C. on Sunday, 4th July, 1S30. Price, 10 cents single or, $1 perdoz. Tarborough, Aug. 11. the committee appointed to ob tain additional subscrijitiohs to make up the capital of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, reported that 504 shares only were wanting to complete the subscription. . A gentleman then Stepped forward, and said he would be one of any number, to take the balance of the stock unsubscribed. Other gentle men joined him; the subscrip tions were made, and the books immediately closed. We learn that the company who took the balance of the stock, will receive associates on or before to-morrow, after which time they will hold in their own right the An Adventurer. The BostonCommentator states that a young man about twenty-six years old; call ing himself Col. Henry Ma son; of Macon, Georgia, lately made his appearance in Dresden, Me. upon a fine Virginia Racer, and at tracted much attention. He gained admittance to one of the best families with whom a young gentle man from the city, with his sister was on a visit, inads love to a young lady, pres ented to her an elegant dia mond ring and a gold watch, and accompanied the young people to Boston. Here he sported a barouche, to the sorrow of a stable kec- shares they have subscribed. It is with much pleasure we state that the entire stock of the Company, necessary to Com-! per, made a tailor a "suf- pie to the Rail Road from this! ferer," to the amount of two city to Hamburg, is now sub-suits of clothes, one for :i 1 I. I . . I l . Tll.l 1 f i r. . aunuuu, anu mat me worK wmiiumseir and one tor Ins m- be prosecuted with vigour. Charleston Courier, tended brother-in law: and having taken the watch to a J jeweller to have the vounsr v Manufacture of Bounds. lady's name engraved An extensive establishment for1 thereon, prevailed on a lady the manufacture of artificial5 to suffer him to put diam leghorn bonnets, was establish- onds in her wedding ring, ed about two months since in land borrowed the aforesaid Westerfield, by Mr. Israel A. j diamond ring to have it Lewis; at the present time, a-!set by; he sent ollhis trunk bout twenty hands, mostly fe-jin a packet, took the east males, are employed, who fur-ern stage, got his racer at nish two hundred dozen of bon-j Dresden and is now in oth- nets weekly: they are sold by the quantity, at three dollars per dozen, ailording a hand some source of income to those engaged. riM . 71 . iir i jute rana. ve loincd a! few of the Fancy lately on a morning visit to Captain An derson's Long Room on the Cotton Exchange, where boxin, Fencing, and other branches of the fine arts are taught. It was a noble spectacle to see a score o: two of brawny-limbed fellows, gloved and mailed, ac quiring these noble sciences, with the thermometer at 95. Being tin amateur, we could appreciate the great proficiency of the Captain's scholars. We understand he has fifty-four pu pils, lhis proves what we Snags in the 3IississippL nave always satu, that neitlierjThe New Orleans Argus of the the heat of the weather, nor the2d ultimo, says, "Wc learn pressure of the times, can for a from a western paper that Cap moment retard the march of tain Shreve, the agent of the improvement in our Athens. government has been quite suc We are requested to state by cessful in removing the obstruc Captain Anderson, that this af-tions from the Mississippi river, ternoon, between the hours of. with his double steam boat, four and six o'clock, he intends j The bows of the boat are unit to have an exhibition of hisjed by a tremendous beam cov scholars, in the use of the small jcrcd with iron, and the snags sword, the broad sword, and; are run down, and uniformly the science of self-defence, on I break off at their junction with ;he common beyond the grave, the bottom of the river. yard. If the weather proves un favourable, the exhibition will take place in the Theatre. The Fancy and Amateurs of the town are invited to attend. Newborn Spec. Spontaneous Combustion. An alarming instance of spon taneous combustion, occurred in this place on Wednesday ev ening last. At a quarter before eight o' clock, our citizens were alarm ed by the cry of fire which prov ed to have originated in the stable on the premises occupied by Mr. Joseph Goodman. This gentleman had eight or ten days ago packed 5 or 6000 pounds of Fodder in the house, and as the building was not used for any other purpose than for hol ding provender, and no fire be ing in its immediate neighbor hood, there is no doubt but the accident occurred from sponta neous ignition. There were in all, four buildings burnt fortu nately however none of them very valuable. Camden S. C.) Jour. The Rail Road. At a mee ting of the Stockholders in the South Carolina Canal and Rail ( Road Company, held yesterday, I one?, by actual count. The one cent contribution for Fulton's heirs. The Norfolk Beacon, contains a copy of a letter from upwards of twenty respectable citizens of Rich mond, Va. to the proprietors of the steamboats on James river, accompanying a present of box es tor the reception ot the sug gested one cent contribution, for the benefit of the heirs of Fulton. The plan of this con tribution was proposed in Vir ginia, and it has already been adopted in most of the princi pal rivers in the country. It will probably meet with the de sired success. er parts. He was 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, lijhl com plexion, sandy hair, and hacx several scars, two of which, on his hands, he said ho received from a highway man. Revival. A letter to a gentleman in Oxford, con tains the following, which we have been requested to insert for the gratification of those who feel an inter est in the advancement of religion: "I was at a two days meeting, held in Louisburg on Saturday and Sunday last, by the Rev. Messrs. Carson and Speck. I have been at many meet ings but I never saw such times before about 15 or 20 professed religion, a bout 30 joined the Church, aud 31 were baptised, (one infant only.) At an exhor tation on Monday morning, about 40 mourners surroun ded the altar whether a ny of them got religion or not, 1 cannot say. Smuggling. Twelve b ales of contraband coarse cloths were seized a few days since, on the borders of Canada, by one of the Custom House offi cers of this city. The cloths were so packed up, as to appear like a bale of furniture. ,N. Y. Cour. Prolific Two Water Moc casins says the Salisbury Jour nal, were recently killed in the neighborhood of Mr. Partee's, and on being opened, they were found to contain 150 young Shocking. On Sunday night last, Mr. John Fran cis of the county of New Kent, whilst asleep in hisr own house, was murdered and robbed of a large sura of money in specie, and then the house set on fire with him in it and consu med. It is stated that three of his negroes have been apprehended, who confess ed their guilt, and thev have been committed to jail.... Petersburg Times. ft?- Mr. Enoch Walker, of Pennsylvania, has appli ed tor a patent for a mode ot stopping carriages sud denly and safely, when de scending steep hills, or checking their descent when too rapid.

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