t hole So 15- Turhorough, (Rdgecomhe County, X. C.J Tuesday, September 21, 1830. Vol. VII Xo 5. r i tin nun The 'North-Carolina Free Press" lil GEORGE HOWARD, t, ?.i ,lu-( week v. at l-:vo Dollars cnu jV.fu, Cent pe r year,' if paid in advance Ol" i iltCt IJUilUls, clt nit- v ajjii an- .i -" year. I'r :in' period less than a year, Twrahi-jiv:' Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears .those' residing at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or tivc a responsible reicr ence in this vicinity. , Advet lisemcnts.'not exceeding 1'j lines, will be inserted at 0 cents the first inser tion. and 2.1 cents eacii continuance. eror.es at that rate for every 16 line. Ad: Superfine Cassimercs, of different eolers, Henry Johnston, SUES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just return ed From New-York, with his Full Supply of Goods, In his line of business, which he is hap py to say he can sell on hotter terms than is usual in this market among them arc Superfine blue and black Cloths, Krown, olive, and steel mixture, do. Bottle green and drab do THE Subscriber obtained letters of J vJJOJI tg $tl$$$ administration at the last term of j Packing Screws, Horse Mills .Chain Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the Hands, and Still Repairing. County of Edgecombe, on the estate ?3MIE Subscriber Ur, in.ni!. : vi uuu: vvuii'iELD, nee i, requests all those that hold claims against tiie vert i',. iTients must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be CO!i tinned until otherwise ordered. Plain and fancv Silks ior vtsiin'cs. Dark and light Valenci. is, new patterns, tinueil ll 1 1 L 1 1 uuiinvist wiutiiu. I ?- ...... j Letters addressed to the Editor nust be I White and bulTqujltings, post paid, or they may not be attcnlcd to. j i'ocket handkerchiefs, gloves, - ----- -- 1 " White and fancy cravats, patent i c UST RECEIVED, and for Sale, 300 barrels vcrv superior Cut Herrings. iAlso, 20,000 wt. of 13 A CON. EFANS c AND RR TVS. Sparta, 1:5 May, 1830. 37 Notice fjPHE Subscriber has on consignment, v lour or five hundred pound of GOOD WOOL, In the dirt, which he will sell low for cash. x II. ROUNTREK. 10th A us:. 1S30. ,51-fi said deceased, to present them nro perly authenticated within the lime prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery all those indebted to the said dee'd are requested to make immediate pav- ! ment, as the situation of the estate j will not admit of indulgence. I . JOHNSTON, Adm'r. , Tarhoro', Aug. I8:i0. 2-3 patent suspenders. r. A. liart a patent braces, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS. The above goods will be sold low for cash, or to punctual customers on a short credit. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth, can have it made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. Tarhoro', Oct. 1, ISiJ'h m For Sale. VALUABLE mh for &zfit 1MJE PLANTATION oued bv the t ; v v. , .1, .,,....1. 1 of Tar river, it. Kdgccombe county is now for sn'e- -it adjoins the lauds of .las. S. liiilie and thi late Sherwood llay vvisod, and lies in one of the most ele gani tarmintr ve.tio, s of country iV Jit the Star- of l.tf l).Collcii,"fC""l"- . is i!"",rotv?1 b' 5 1 buildings anil ore-iards, and contains IN TARHOROUGII, I ... , iwji -hi it rrtt Its soil is il adapted lo -;ii iheordina- Molasses, sugar, colTee, tea, and i nocolate, ! ry products of this inn vi i!u; Si;ite,aud Iron and steel I of everydescript'um JcquaJity, particularly to ti:c euii i vai ion of Cotton. .Blacksmiths bellows, and every other art"- L js 1(AV UiUiei r,,.;)i .uu m isotis c cle to make a coninlcte sett of Bbck- c ... . . ' ... . . ' , , , .... .ilius u'lieiinsin ail' ''; ! . j .v.J of its ou.il it v i T1!K Subscriber hav- mi lauen in I o consuiera tlon !iti- li:ii'diinCi nf lln. times and ireneral de pression of business, by the low price ol produce, has thought proper to HE DUCK T11R WC7 of Hoots & Shoes :do, by taking olf Sl 50 from the price of HfxMs, and from 25 to 7.1 cents from the different kinds of shoes. Mis work will bo continued in the usual first-ratc manner, having iho best kind of materials and workmen. J.1S. II. IllRTMUS. Tarhoro, Sept. G, 1830. 3-3 JL e i. i . . . KMuiuiu pum;c, usat he is now buihling between 15 and 20 COT TON GINS, of good materials, part of which will be steel saws and the ribs or bars faced with steel. , PACKING SCREWS, of the usu al size, and larger than any now in use in the State, and no doubt supe riorthey will be made in an engine erected for that purpos-e. HORSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, on the improved per pendicular plan, or anv other. CHAIN 15ANDS & WHEELS, "f a superior quality, which are ex tremely well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN IV1LS0N. Tarhoro', Sept. 1830. Richmond Meeting. O a Tuesday night 7tliinst. a numerous meeting of the citizens of Richmond was held in the Capitol, at which it was decided that a Public Procession be had on Saturday next, after which an oration will be delivered in the Capitol by Wyndham Robertson, Eq. and a general illumina tion of the city recommen ded the same evening, in celebration of the late glo rious revolution in France. Millinery, French Jlcrolittion.-Tho Fredericksburg Arena ob serves: The analogy be tween the histories of the Stuart and Bourbon famil ies has now been fully com pleted, and is indeed most VV Turks Island and 7 j .Jiivcrpooi sact y jl smiths tools, Old bv;.ndy, by the barrel or retail, Jamaica rum, 5 years old, Otard's coniac brandy, 10 years eld, Pure Holland .in. old rye whiskey, Madeira vine,N. K. :um cv common brandy, Togetherwith an extensive assort nent of Sltirle and Fancy Goads, .Of almost every variety, at as low pri ces for cash, as can be bought at any store in the place. A constant supply of Siva imf-; Pana iea, Dr. Chambers'' remedy for In temperance, Judlcins's cclebratedOint ment. &c. &e. Ti !-nd will not be ohenHi at public sale Purchasers I'm be accommodated in their payments ::nd possession sriveu n the first of .Jan uary, 1S31. It will be sold low. Ap P'y I" J.iMES S. BATTLE, or B. F. MOORE. Na-hville, N.C.June, 1S30. 45 M ale & Female Academy. WM. A. WALKHR respectfully in forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and adjacent enmities, that so- VJS'PU U- p..;iri.ii..Jcniiii.uiMUIUIl.UI VII nit- -till li:sj. Q I he hi-nest price paid m Cash, :it residence seven miles from Tar- i e.eau uaicu cotton. I borough, in the immediate hrm.l nf Sn!i-li US f ti KCEIVED and now opening, j v o r - o ,i . i . . rr 6 ? lerms, per bessum of u months. a sn end id assortmnnt of hnnvRi tin . 1 11 J ,-'"t' , , . " " 1 ' ! Greek, Latin, and the bubordinatc ) OP Till' J are at lenrih MnLLd i,. .... tlOUaCe tiie imhlir :illnn .if ll.o i ''Proceedings and Debates id the Vj,-. jsiuia Convention for 1S29-30." The ip'.ibhc may ret assured that we have spared no pains to make the volume as penect as possible. We regret i bat the publication has been delayed, longi r than was expected; but the de lay, perhaps, may liavo ad. led to its value, as many of the speeches have been revised by the members, and many of the debates are now publish ed for the first time. Wc mav re peat, ir. the- w-nds of the Preface, that. "If the volume we now lay be fore the public be not complete, we are sure, at least, that it is valuable: and we may be, perhaps, excused the THE Subscriber respectfully inviles'T , y r 1 Iho Ladies of Tarboro' and vicin-1 1 "SC81 lieud' dlWo LoUls itylo call and examine her Spring sup-; 10 l"1"- A government, ply of NEW CiOODS, just received ! republican in its character, direct from Petersburg & New-York. is established m both eotm--in this assortment are- ;triCSj anj lagtsJ for abouf tj)e i aiLcrn naunairaw.i.ros: tie an,Sc Bat- same loisrtli nf lino A tese bonnets, latest Norther:, fusions, i Ot time. A L tdioi-n and Straw bonnets, of a sunerior ' 1 0toratI0D tUtvCS place ill cpiality and at reduced prices, the person of UiO son of V ax be.idw, doils, See. fee. ..i I . i , Ladies' dresses, riding habits, &c. !,1U!lcs aiul l brother of made to order, in the iatest and most ! OUts; these are succeeded approved fashions. jby their respective brothers, Leghorn and straw bonnets cleaned who alike deaf In tho vr-iipw or dyed, at the shortest nolice. A. C. HOWARD. Tarborough, April 2.9, IS30. of experience, and unchas- jtened by misfortune, hold the sume absurd notions of 'indefeasible right, and are guilty of the same foolish land Xew Prospectus. THE EDITOR Has already announced in. n. mj' tXnX gratuitous tvrannv to his readers, his determination no Pcuple rise in the ma tn issue proposals for impro- ;jity of their strength, and ving and enlarging the .lames c2t nt fllmrb.c iha - , " ... viiui n , o ig 13?5lliI;OtK!1Ulh arc ;Iven from their 0 soon as a sufficient number of ad- " 1 1110 lime Wh,C" i ,... . , i i . c ansps mm ! iMcoctnr.ifinn uuionai xnuxf Uiiiiai suoscMhrrsi r mo i i-oiui ui iuii neighbor- Srasonablc Goods, At unprecedented low prices. T. S. D COTTEN May 12, is;:o. III Subscribers are now opening at their old stand in Tarborough, A fresh and varied assortment of KANCY AND STAPLE .: BUY GOODS, s Hardware. Crockery, c ( Miich tliey ofier at their usual low pticcs. D RICHARDS CO. ; May 2. is 30. branches, - - Gengraphv, English Grammar.IIis- tory, Composition, tec. &c. 3 8 00 Spelling, Heading, and Writing, f 00 Boarding, Washing, and Mending, 2.5 0u Boarding may be had in many pri vate families in the nei'jrbboi hood, if ; preferred. Under an arrangement with his pre sent patronisers, the vacation will com mence 1st day of August ami terminate 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com mencement of the session, will only be chargeable from the time of their en trance up lo the completion of their re spective sessions. June 2S'r 1S30. 'Cing &' (jlaf tin, i ,S 'i V .,r..l c im w(a.eiui ior me. very nil encouragement tieretolore ti.an - i I $25 Reward. ILN AW AY from the Sub ciibcr, aboul the Sth inst. ne gro man II A RUY Harry is a Tested by the citizens of this and the a.!- fJL !!!. . r , ( lal while) jacent counties, have the pleasure to an- j T' UCCK,CS', DelVve4;n jounce the arrival (direct from NEvJ,,.'m, ' ,!Ut;hve farf of near Y0UK) of an elegant, and extensive as- 7" " "S "? -e,gl aboul one hun- wrtment of everyarticle pertainin to VT S ? " ? P yr 1 ditcher and well acquainted with all i GENTLEMEN'S I kinds of work usually done on a farm; '3r9'IliDltflllfr JTfrjtTlinrr !hc is a vcr' hitclligent ingenious fellow r( ly WUWUlt VLWUJUIQ, ; weI! calculated to pass himself lor a A'ee Selected bv a fn vt-nii-, ;,.,i.. i . ! man. widch no doubt ho will Minm.u u tne mnsit i, J n ... : n i ., . 1 - 'wuuoti jirices -among which spleudul assortment mav ho fnrt. Black, blue, olu p ttoi i , ' , Plain black silk vi! mixed CIoths' ! bar mless vanitv of cvnipwind- .mi-i slmll h rihi:ilni in incfir.. ii,. !to t.l I. 1 y. v ...... .. Dili ; -v.... IU JMOlllJI IIISJ Uli-j - .-v-.Jvyi KJ 1 WUUil surprise, that instead of not doing l dertaking. For this purpose, the pre-1 nasty isj of nearly equal more, we have done so m,c.'r-M prospectus is issued. The Old length. In short, whether V hen we determined on the pubiica- Dominion, it is, perhaps, useless to' v n.nrri tilrt- , ' j-"'" lion, we had no idea that tiie work will continue to 'advocate and! ! f clldtfr f would exceed GOO pages; but we havo! defend sound republican chictr incs, lndlVKiUals, Or the inci been greatly disappointed, as this vol-1 and will support the existing pure!con,? f tir lives, the most time contain- 921 pagos, large octavo, 'and patriotic administration, in all -Striking and Wonderful his closely ptinted on brevier type, hand- measures having for their object the'totieal Coincidences are ap som. lv executed, and on good paper, j maintenance of the great principles of' parent. L contains about as much matter :,n "76 ami '9s9d. While the Old ' 2000 pages Svo. in small pica tv -po Dominion will be thus republican in equal to four volumes of 500pages 'character, its Editor will not engage I1 raud in Cotton. TllG each! It is, Ui truth, as complete a; in a blind partisan warfare, andjos-i Intelligencer printed at Tus history of nil the. Vm.v of thej ing sight of principle, support any Caloosa, Alabama, men onvcntir.ii. as well as a Iteister of ni an, or set of men. hownvpp pvnhpd ! ti.,t, i . r. their talents or prominent their situa- :tl10t ,drt,w, I .. i Hon i life Although the Old Do- . ,,0r0 reccMiY n- n.ini,.n will continue to be, as former- tUrC(l "" agfeentent to iiM'ioi;.,. : Prosecute, in nvprv ins:trwp : public course, vet it will not hoax, where fraud is Hicr.fwtrnr! subjects, which can enraire I rlusivel v nulitical. The additional fn l.nvo lr. j the a tention ol men in society; thejioom which it will possess, when it, packing cotton- and nled'r foundation of government, ami the shall be enlarged, will enable the Edi-; , ' ? . P tUJ elem-ntwbich should enter into the! tor to render its columns more ac-! themselves jointly to ompositionol its various departments. ceptable to the public, in manv res- "eray tae expenses ofpro- acuuiiuu. a ins measure has been adopted in conse quence of several frauds of the kind having been detec ted at that place, and which had heretofore suffered to pass, on the seller malnirr . . . - . . o success attend his pr-sent underta- up tiie deliciency. One or king, a vehicle of varied and valua-jtwo cases of prosecution ble intormation, equal in general in-jwin T)mbaKv t an pnr! i -j i Fiirured and strined ('' PI ain black Florentine Valencia vesting, of vaVious colors, V lute quiltinq, et a superior qu-litv ALh ), Patent Suspenders, aiulk Vcneral and v. ell selected assortment of b eitU Fushionable Trimmings "i of which will be sold at reduced prices for cash, or to punctual customers 'arboro', 25lh Sept. 1S29. do; he is well known in this county, particularly in this and the neighbor hood of the late Eemmon Kuffin, Esq. where he has a wife. The above re ward will be paid on tbe delivery of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Ed"-e-comb.- county, No. Ca. if taken within this Stale, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said nero on conviction. RICIID. HINES. 10th Nov, 1S29. l; all the D'Ua lis, as could well be ob laine.i. ii gives most of the views, as well as much of tbe wisdom and the eloquence, of nmsl of the distin- gui bed men in Virginia, upon the greatest We have always felt the strongest ! nects. When the nronosed cnl.ir rP disposition to present this volume to ment shall take place, the Editor the public at as low a price as nossi- ble yet, in order to indemnify our selves for the heavy expences we have incurred, and the risks we have run, it is impossible to fix the price at less than $ for handsome calf bind ing, and Si 50 in boards. This is considerably below the price suggest ed by our booksellers and upon comparison, we may fealessly pro nounce, that it is infinitely the cheap est book ever published "in the State of Virginia- or, perhaps, in any oth er Slate. If wc may judge by our Subscription List, the No! of copies now printed, may fall short of the demand and, theiefore, it may he advisable for those who wish to se cure a copy, to make early application. j0ur distant friends will per ceive that the book is too large to be transmitted by mail their orders, by private conveyance, will be promptly attended to, if accompanied ivith the Cash, which in a transaction of this description, isan indispensable article. RITCHIE $ COOK. Ri.-hmcnd.Vi. Aug. 31,1 S3Q. would wish to consult every taste and feeling, which shall not militate against, his political principles, lie will not make any labored protesta tions, but thinks he can promise to render the Uld Uaminimr. shnn H terest to any other paper in Virginia. tie deems any additional remarks su- well known not only in Petersburg,; lenity observed but in this section of country ger.e-jthose guilty of it. rany; and lo the liberality and uis cernment of the people, he submits his Prospectus and his hopes. The terms of the Old Dominion, when enlarged, will he Four Dollars per annum, if paid in advance, or Five Dollars at the expiration of the year. Subscription papers will he forwarded to a number of Postmasters and other gentlemen in this State, North-Carolina, Sic. whose kind aid is solicited by the Editor. EDW'D PESCUD. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 7. 1 to the practice, which crew ;and waxed bolder upon the towards Arrest. o Mower, formerly editor of the Lib eral, was arrested at New Orleans, on the 19lh tilt, for the publication of a se ditious circular, addressed to the free people of color. Education begins a genilc-m-in, conversation and good manners complete him.

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