Hi -nrftSr 11 hole Xo- 3l7. Tarhorough, (Edgecombe County, JV. C.) Tuesday, October 5, 1830. Vol. VI 0 7. '.'' The "Xorlh-Caralin.i Free Press,'1 BY GEOIUIE HOWARD, " Is puMWicd weekly, at 7:o Dollars and "jufio Ccntx prr year, if paid in advance Cr, 77; nr Dollars, at tlie expiration of the year. I'm' anv period less than a year, 'Jv--?:t rfv? C-uts per month. Subscriber? arc at liberty to discontinue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those residing r.t a distance must invariably pav in advance, or give a responsible refer ence in this vicinity. . Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at .50 cents the first inser tion, and 2.5 cents each continuance. Long er ones at that rate for every 1( lines. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be con tinued until otherwise ordered. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. NGrS. .JUST RKCKIVKI),and fur Sxe, 300 c . barrels very superior Cut Herrings. Also, 20,000 wt. of BACON. EVANS cS- ANDREWS. . Sparta, 13 Mav, 1S30. 57 ; VALUABLE nplli: PLANTATION owned by the late M. N. Bell, on the noith side of Tar river, in Edccmnbe county is now for sale it adjoins the lands of . fas. S. Battle and the late Sherwood Hay wood, and lies in one of the most ele gant farm inq: sections of country in North-Carolina. It is improved by buildings and orchards, and contains About 750 Acres. Its soil is well adapted to all the ordina ly.products of this part, of the State, anil particularly to the cultivation of Cotton. It is now under crop, and persons desi rous of ptircl:a?i ate better enabled to jaclc of its quality. The land will not 1 dc ouereu at putmc sale, rurcliasers can be accommodated in their payments and possession given on the first of Jan uary, I S3 1 . It will be sold low. Ap Vb: 10 JAMES S. BATTLE, or B. F. MOORE. Na?hville, N.C. June, 1830. 45 IVlale& Female Acadcmv. pirM. A. WALKER respectfully in forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and adjacent counties, that his se cond session commenced on the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tar borough, in the immediate neighbor hood of Sparta. Term?, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the subordinate C1, f branches, - - 14 00 Geography, English Grarnmar.IIis- tory, Composition, &c. &c. 5 8 00 Spelling;, Reading, and Writing, f 00 Boarding, Washing, and Mending, 25 00 , "Boarding may be had in many pri vate families in the neighborhood, if preferred. Under an arrangement with his pre sent patron ist'rs, the vacation will com mence 1st day of August and terminate 301 h of September. - Such as did not enter at the com mencement of the session, will only be chargeable from the time of their en trance up to the completion of their re spective sessions. June 23, 1S30. '25 Reward. RAN AWAY from theSub- scrioer, about the Slh inst. no- pro man II AURY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with larce free k I oj lint thirty and thirty-five years of age, neat six leet high, and weighs about one hun dred and seventy pounds; he is a ood rlitnKr. ...,11 . . ' ";IUIU a acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, vell calculated to pass himself for a free . ijnan, which no doubt he will attempt to uo? he is well known in this countv, .Pabular y in this and the neighboV hood o 'the late Lemmon Uuffi,, Esq. where he has a wife. The above re ward will be pa.lonthe delivery of the said Harry to me ncar Spa, ta, Ed re combe county, No. Ca if , , this Slate or Jtfty DuIl .f , . without this Slatc-and Firtv J)ol ; will be paid for evidence to convict any .white person of harboring said ne-ro en conviction. main. nixEs. , 'rth Nov. 1S29, 13 Look at This. IIIE Wardens of Edgecombe coun- ty, finding it indispensable for the accommodation of the poor of said county, to add to their building, and also finding a division among the people respecting the plan, and Teeling a desire to act according to their views, they have postponed a ny further building until Novem ber Court next; and recommend to the captains commanding each dis trict in said county, at their next muster, if to take place before Court, and if not to appoint one, and open a poll of election under their inspec tion, together with any other person hoy may call on to aid them: and and take the votes of every taxable person that lives in the district who comes forward to vote; the votes to be taken for or against the poor house and tho votes to be returned from under their hands to some one of the Wardens or to the Hoard of Wardens on Wednesday in Court week, in Tarboro'. If a majority of the votes should be found in favor to the pre sent plan, they will immediately proceed to let out the buildings be fore theCourt-house door tothe lowest undertaker, anil if a ma jority should be against the present plan, the house and land can be sold for the support of the poor of said county. By order of the Wardens. Sept. 9 IS 30. 5 rMIE COMMANDANTS of the different companies in the 1st Re giment Edgecombe Militia, will pa rade their companies at the usual pa rade ground, (James Bridges',) on 'Thursday, the 2Sth of October next, at 11 o'clock, for the purpose of A GENERAL REVIEW. The day previous, the Officers and non-commissioned Officers will attend the officer muster, equipped agreea bly to law. D. WILLIAMS, Col. Com. Sept. 15, 1S50. f3 nnlJE COMMANDANTS of the different companies in the 2d Re giment Edgecombe Militia, will pi radc their companies at the usual pa rade ground, (in Tarborough,) on Saturday, the 30A of October next, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of A GENERAL REVIEW. The day previous, the Officers and non-commissioned Officers will attend the officer muster, equipped agreea bly to law. B. II. BELL, Col. Com. Sept. 15, 1S30. 5-3 Packing Screws, Horse Milts, Chair Bands, and Still Impairing. rjplIE Subscriber begs leave to in form the public, that he is now building between 15 and 20 COT TON GINS, of good materials, part of which will be steel saws and the ribs or bars faced with steel. PACKING SCREWS, of the usu al size, and larger than any now in use in the State, and no doubt supe rior they will be made in an engine erected for that purpose. HORSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, on the improved per pendicular plan, or any other. CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, of a superior quality, which are ex tremely well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN WILSON. Tarboro', Sept. 1S30. rpiiE buildintr on in-street near M j "pposin; iiiu vuiu i-uuusej 101- merly occupied as a Store by Mr. Joseph Lackey, and recently by ihe 1 nnting-ohice. Apply at this oihee. Ma MERCHANT TAILOR, WISHES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in his line of business, suitable for the sea son:::such as Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, oliv e, and steel mixtures, Green and drab do. Superfine white, drab, and favn-colored cassimeres. Plain black and figured velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks far do. Dark and light r.oloied valencias, Plain white and figured cjuiltings, Camblets for ladies 'c gentlemen's cloaks, Fine white linen, Cant. in ll mne!, First and second quality suspenders, Worsted shirts, pocket handkerchiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Patent shoulder braces, Iiuckskin gloves, black horseskin do. White linen collars, cravat stiil'eners, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS of every description All of which he will sell low for Cash or on a short credit. (y Gentlemen furnishing their own cloths can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable man ner and at tin shortest notice. Tarboro', Sept. 25, 1S30. N. 15. Wanted immediately one or two journeymen tailors, of steady habits and good workmen, can have constant t-mpioy at the best wages. State of JVortli-Cm olina, EDGCCOMI5E COUNTV. Court of Picas jy Quarter Scssio?is August Term, 1S30. Randolph c S. D. Cotten, Qr-tS(inai j,. wm-XS"t C tuchuient v illiam Lain. J Levied on W illiam Lain'.; interest in a rcrtiin tract of land in the county of Edgecombe, adjoining the lands of Wm. Dician, Henry Die ken, and oth ers containing 157 acres, more or less. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is not a resident of this State, so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served on him: is there fore ordered, That publication be made in the North-Carolina Free Press, for six weeks, that unless he appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to be held for said county, at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday of November next, and then and there replevy antl plead to issue, judgment final will be entered up against him and the prop erty levied on be condemned subject to the plaintiffs recovery. Test, MIC IP L II EARN, C. C. Price adv S3: 50. 6 nnHE Subscriber, having obtained an order from the County Court of Edgecombe, August term lS30,for settling the estate of Allen J. Knight I dee'd, at the. ensuing November term, requests all persons holding execu tions and judgments against said de ceased obtained previous to his death, to present them to him on or before the first day of said term for liquida tion otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. IIENRF SHU RLE Y, Adm'r of A. J. Knight. Sept. 27, 1830. 6-3 Corn Cobs, It has? been pretty accurately ascertained that thirteen bushels of Indian Corn in the ear, ground up corn and cobs together, afford at least as much nutriment in fee ding cattle, as nine bushels of corn without the cobs. The difference is owing to the great quantity of saccharine matter contained in the cobs, as well as in the additional stimulus of distention afforded by the food, which is all important for graminivorous animals. Columbia (Penn.) Spec. Maxim. lie whose first e motion, on the view of an ex cellent production, is to under value it, will never have one of his own to show. Aiken, "wa wjiMUMaBMi FARMING. Extract from Gen. Washing ton's "Agricultural Notes:" "Economy in all things is as commendable it) the manager as it is beneficial and desirable to the employer; and, on a farm, it shows itself in nothing more evidently or more essentially than in not suffering the prov ender to bo wasted, but, on the contrary, in taking care that .cry atom of it boused to llio'l"",1I-v wi."'V! imd 1,ucn lnJur Mt ndvontngp; and, likewise,!?1' !,int';rlIll!y hY Wevil, ev be in not permitting the nlougii.s, harness, and other implement of husbandry, and the gears be- Ifirirmirr tn tlinivi ti tw nnnnn,iL ! , - snri v pvnnaml trnl.m mwt,i,u 111 mecumre. lie iias ...... ..j ij. U XlJU'.ll UIIMV , j j ' loot, run over nv cans, ath bused in other respects tun. iiiii iutisviiii' Miiti iiii: it! i s good is derived from attending; VV iL "M"cr " uostroya the to the minuue of a farm, than! ll0Jt- coiisiderublc. qtian strikes people at first view; and I t!ty ,ltlJls V neat has !etUi examining the farm yards, feu-l'! destroyed. It behoves , ...' a. a i .iall tanners in t!ie nresm: .-vr to see that nothing is there but11 SriI.lfl"wl re watcli what is allowed to be there. isitu ot. t,,cir own interests, to ofipniimns thn mnnns nf nrndu cing more good or at least a voiding more evil, than can be accomplished by riding from one working party, or one over seer, to another. 1 have men tioned these things not only be cause they have occurred to me, but because, although appar ently trifles, they prove far oth erwise in the result. "To request that my people may be at their work as soon as it is light, work till it is dark, and be diligent while they arc at it, can hardly be necessary, because the propriety of it must strike every manager, who attends to my interest, or re- 1 1 1; 1 1 1 i Lif i ii v 1 1 1 1 1 :i i: i . i i ards his own character, and' ira who, on reflecting, must bex c"s've armer, that in a convinced that lost labor is ne-j 1 , 0 . nventy acres of corn vertobe regained. The pre-rbf 1 not savc 400 bundles sumption is, that every laborerlffodder from t,,e ravages of does as much in twentv-fouri U,.ese 5orm" and tllcrQ JJre hours, as his strength, vithout!,U,cr armcrs who are surfer- endangering his health or con stitution, will allow. But there is much more in what is called head work, that is, in the man ner of conducting business, than is generally imagined. For, take two managers, and give to each the same number of laborers, and let the laborers bo equal in all respects: let both these managers rise equally early, go equally late to rest, be equally active, sober, and indus- trious, and yet, in the course of the year, one of them, without l- ii i i .. pushing the hands under him more than the other, shall have performed infinitely more work. To what is this owing! Why, simply to contrivance, resulting from that forethought and ar rangement which will guard a gainst the misapplication of a bor, and doing it unseasonably. In ploughing, for instance, though the held lirst intended for it, or in which the ploughs may actually have been at work, should, from its situation, be rendered unfit (by rain or other cause) to be worked, and other spots, even though the call for them may not be so urgent, can be ploughed, this business ought to go on, because tho general operation is promoted by it. So with respect to other things, and particularly carting, where nothing is more common, than, when loads are to go to a place, and oth ers o be brought from it. though not equally necessary at the same moment, to make two trips, when one would serve. 1 nese things are only mentioned to show that the manager wiio takes a compre hensive view of his business, will throw away no labor." Important to Farmers. Mr. J no. Beard, Jr. exhibited to us, a few days since, a handful of Wheat of the first . " UuUi n,nts,of U n 1 i 1 1 Ulld strunu togctner in oi twelve i grains, each, witn a t worm Inenrly one quarter of an inch ' 1 t vi 1 j not been aide todi:ovoi what it is, or in J?,,ar" Ilgnst the ravages of guard ajjainst the this insect, as well as the Wc vil. Western Carolinian. Another Scourge. Worms, of a reddish brown color, black dotted with various stripes, white beneath, many legged covered with occasional sharp hair or strings from i to inch long, similar to the common worm found in the silk end of corn, have made their appear ance in this county, within the last two weeks,' and done much damage to the corn crop, by destroying the blades and green husks, and in some ca ses attacking the lain o - vui We ha.vc htion informed by an The crops on Main Broad River have sustained the most injury; ii ia caiu, uuu in me mornin from 100 to 300 of these worms may be found under and within each bundle of fod der as it lies on the ground every turf and stone is their covering during the day, while in the night they pursue their depredations. Since the light shower which fell on Sunday last tIl0T are saitI to he more numGVOU---liticrfordSpcc. - Manner of mailing Castor Oil very palatable to Chil dren. 'Fake the quantity of oil you purpose for the dose, and boil it for a few minutes in an equal quantity of milk, then sweeten with a little su gar. When the mixture has cooled, stir it well and give it to the child. There will be no necessity of giving the child any thing to drink after taking the mixture, for rh taste of it is more pleasant than any drink you can give. Learn some useful art, so that you may be independent of the caprice of fortune. ... i. ........ ... . ? i w . vu l

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