- Jl 27te "North-Carolina Free Press;' , Ki" c.Eonon iiowAno, - 'js pnMished weekly, at ':: Dollar end f-'ifiy Cents per year, if p ;U in u! vancc or, Tfircj Dollars, .it the rxpir ' tion of the year. For :m y period It s than a vc:ir, T zvcntii-five Cent e month. Subscribers are at liberty to ('.is- I ' continue at any time, on ;ivin notice thereof and paying arrears those resi ding at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or sh e a responsible reference - nth is vicinity. Advertisement?, not exceeding 1G lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first in sertion, and L cents each continuance. , Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked ,.;Ke number of insertions required, or j Which he. is disposed to sell low for tliev u ;!l I.-? culinued until otherwise LW1 i, i ... , it m - r , , , i .i eah or harlr. lie will riv the ordered. - Letter, addressed to thej. . . . f . -...xt Editor must be post paid, or they may not he attended to Ml'IlCHAAT TAILOIJ, WISHES to inform UU friends nul customers, that he has just re ceived from New-York, a new and Jihdsome assortment of Good; in his j line ot business, sujtaoio lur the sea- 5.on:::such as Superfine blue and black cloths, 'Brown, olive, and steel mixtures, Green and drab do. Superfine white, drab, and fawn-colored cassimcres, Plain black ami t'.gurcd velvets for vests, 'Flain black and fancy silks f- r do. I) ark and light colored valeneia.-i, Plain white and figured quilt'ins, Camblcts n:r .aches 6c genileuien s elks, . Fine white linen, Canton il 1 ; First and second quality su-jH-nder.s, Worsted shirts, pocket handkerchiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do Patent shoulder braces, Buck skin gloves, h'.uck horseskin do. AVhite iinen collars, cravat stitVeaers, Jceiviug and delivery of .such article-; A complete asscitment of TUIMMINGS j as may he forwarded to him, and Coi t of every description jJon 1(, ,jm f0 j)0 s,jj,prd to Nor- A1I of which he will sell low for Cash . f0i; si,aii mect with all possible dis 'orbn a short credit. ! patch. "iglPGcntlemen furnishing their i Storage of Cotton, 12 J cents per own cloths can have them made and !11lpni! nfhn- o ..mnnrtlnn trim mect in the mosi fashionable man ner and at the shortest notice. Tarhoro'. Sept. 25, KS;0. N. B. Wanted immediately onci,.. ,..v T . v . or-two i3urne3men tanors. ot steady ; t.vM,. j'at4JAJt . habits ana jrnod workmen, can have constant employ at the best wages. VALUABLE LANBFOHSALE.ithari f&MIE PLANTATION owned bvllh.cf' ! Inst ul. sidcncr? seven .'4 the late M. N. Pkll, on f!;u miles trom larborou-h, in the im i.or'h. side of Tar river, in Ed-e- I mec!lalc ntliborhood of Sparta. . combe coualv, is now for sale ii ad-1 ?ioi;is the lands of Jas. S. Jlittle and .the late Sherwood I lav wood, nml Hps ' in one of the most ele-ant fannin-i .. - . x, " , .. I Sections ot country m North-Carolina. I Itis improved by buildings and or- j -ch'ards, a,ui contains about , 50 GB! Its soil is well adapted to all the nrdi- nary products of this pan. of the StateJ Under an arrangement with his and particularly to the cultivation of P!'scnt patronisers, the vacation will ..Cotton. It is now under crop, and ; CiJir.mcncc 1st day of August and tcr- ;pe'rsons desirous of purchasing arc j minah; oOth of September. :betcr enabled to judge of its quality. I uc!l as not cnlor at ,ne com The land will not he oflercd at public 'rnencement of tiic session, will only .'sale. Purchasers can be accommo-! f)e chargeable from the time of their "dated in their payments and posses- !?iq,n given on the first of January, I -1831 It will be sold low Apply to J.-1MES S. BATTLE, or n. F. MOORE. Nashville, N.C. June, 1830. do .. Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain . Lands, and S'itl Repairing. rwTTT. C.,K. :i i i 'I 'iiii oui5uuuer oeirs leave io m u V..-.- L ... - ! -..r. iui us iiiu puuiu , null hC is MOW ! building between 15 and 20 COT-1 TON Ci INS. of goo? materials, part i oE which will be steel saws and the i ribs or bars faced with steel. ! PACKING SCREWS, of the usu- j - ai size, and larger than . leVm the State, and nr) any now in doubt supe- nor. i uey will be mad ot! made m an engine , erecieu nr tnat purpo H0IISE MILLS will be built at aihort mdice, on the improved per ''pcndicular plan, or any other r.,CIIAIN HANDS" W1IKKLS, of a superior quality, whic!, a,.(, cx' tremely well calculated f)r tju, ; pelling of both Gins and MilU. pro- ' Peions desiring any of the a'C0V( articles, will please apply lo . JOIN IVirSON : ''e.boio, Sept. IS 30.. Tarborough, (Edgecombe (Jaunty, X V.) Tuesday, October 12, 1830. bscribcr takes this method of informing his friends and the public n;"nerally, lli.it ho has just re 'urned from New-York with a splen- 1 1 1 assortment r.t Well adapted to the Fall and Winter seasons, together with a large supply of GJEtOCSSJRSBS, Hanhvare, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassivnre, c''c. IIIIH "l II!. M pi ICt'S liM VsKJ I I baled or seeded.. .Corn, beeswax', tal low, &c. in exchange for good at cash prices, or in payment of debls. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of R. & S. 1). Cotton, and next door to Mrs. (he- gorv's Hotel. A'. II. ROVNTREE. Tarhoro', Oct. 4, 1S30 kinnK Subscriber informs all liiose j -- wishing -to send Cotton to Mill's Ferry to he shipped lo Norfolk, that ' his Warehouses will he O'v lor the UcCfiitinV tf Ctittnti. I ' 7 l.hz 1 of Odubcr next. Having been appoinlcd Agent for i?Ir. .James Gordon, he promises to igive his personal attention to the re- IV11ITMEL . ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. is. 1S30. 7 j W- A. WAEKER respectfully ! ' ' inform the inhabitants of Edgecombe and adjacent counties, his second session commenced on i''vws. per Session oj o mouths. Cireck, Latin, and the e subordi- " . brandies, 00 GjVf 8 00 History, l ompfisiti(,n. fee. ecc. ! Spelling Rending and Writing 6 00 Boarding, Wnsiini;, and Mciuiinj;, 2. 00 Jjoardin- mav be had in inanv nri- Ivatc families in the neighborlicod, if pnderretl. entrance up to the completion of their respective sessions. June 23, 1 630. o RAN AWAY from th( Subscriber, aboul the 8lh int. negro man IlARilY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with large frec- kie-, hetwecn thirty and thiity-five !i'i'.r if :icp. np.ii' viv lrnt bin-i or-ifl ...... i i u'iii awom unr ii'iuui ru uuu ?etii- ly pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a verv intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt torlor bp woll known in lhi!Pnn. ty, particularly in this and the ncich- horhood of the late Lcmmon Ruffin, Ksq. where he has a wife. The a - hove, reward will be oaid on tho hli- ....... v. very of the .said Marry to me rear Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. it taken wiUun this Slate, or I 'Jty m M Dollars if taken without this State and Fiftv Dollars will be paid for evidence-to convict any whi person ot harboring said negi'0 on conviction. NIC III). JUNES. Kith Nov. issp. n jTiiiainii-.iiii n-fT rm" rryimrrr Look at This. pIIE Wardens of Edgecombe coun--IL ty, finding it imlispensable for the accommodation of the poor of said county, to add to their building, and also finding a division among 'he people respecting the plan, and feeling a desire to act aecaidin to their views, they have p ji ponr.d a uy further building until Novem ber Court next; and recommend to the capl lius commanding each dis trict in said county, ;.t their next muster, if to lake place In fore Court, and if not lo appoint cme, and open a poll of election under their inspec tion, together with any other peisor they may cali on to aid them: and, and take the votes of every taxable person that lives in the district who eomos forward to vole; the voles to be take u for or against the poor house and the votes to be relumed from under their hands lo some one of the Wardens or to the Board of Wardens on Wednesday in Court v eh, in Tarhoro. If a majority of the votes should be found in favor to the pie sent plan, they will immediately proceed to let out the buildings be fore theCourt-houM; door tot he lowest undertaker, and if a majority should j !e against the present plan, the house and la:;d can be sold for the support of the poor of said county. v order of the Wardens. 'J IS 30. 'TUF COMMANDANTS of the diHer'nt companies in liielt Re itrieni Edgecombe Militia, will pi- raue ineir companies a; me usual pa rade ground, (James 1 jrides's,) on j hursday, the 23 of October next, at 1 1 o'clock, for the purpose; of .7 GENERAL RE FIE IV. The day previous, the Officers and non-commissioned Ollicers will attend tin; officer muster, equipped agreea bly to law. IX niLLTAMS,Col. Com. Sept. 15, 1850. 5-3 nnin: commandants dilTerent companies in the 2d Re giment Edgecombe Militia, will pa rade their companies at the usual pa rade ground, (in Tarborough,) on Salurdaij, the SOA of October next, at 10 o'ciock, for the purpose of A GENERAL REVIEW. The day previous, the 'Officers and non-commissioned Officers will attend the officer muster, equipped agreea bly to law. B. II. BELL, Col Com. Sept. 1 5. 1S30. 5-3 List of Letters., Remaining in the Posl-O'Jice at Tarborough, on the 1st day of October, 1S30, which if not called for and taken out before the 1st day of January next, a il f be sent to the General Post-OJJicc us dead letters. Anderson Joshua M' Williams George Archer Jonathan Mills Evritt ; Bennet Eliz'h Mrs Morgan Henry Uullock Edwin Owens Robert Bowers BarthV Owens Alpheus Branch Tenip'e Patterson Eliz'h ?Irs Barlow Arthur K Purvis Roderick Hriman Thomas 2 Philips G S Bugk-yc Elliott Philips Figures Blount Randal Parker Hardy Bccland John Philips Penhiah Miss Cherry Jerenc Miss Pender Sally Mrs Cromwell Ncwsom Parker Lemuel Clerk S C Etljc'e Proctor Jacob , i ii ii' n Dmyger James B i r.vans Soartman ' Mil is Kt held red i i'nnis Henry C Parker Weeks Jr Pitts Sylvia Miss Uutli Catharine W Rnberson John Savage Wra Esq Sessums Nathan Stall ings Mary Mrs Sladt; Adalirit- Mis Wooteu Levi f . f A X ... i oru Aiar.Jr i ! Goff Thomas ; perr Wm , Horn Henry Sept. of the j Hobson Richard M Webb William Hcarn Mic'l Clk. 3 Worseley William "6,, IlUle Jane Mrs 2 Willi ford Edwin Little John A Whitley Jesse - ne J. R. LLOYD, P. M. nirin Stale of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1S30. RandolphS. D. Gotten, Qriginhl M. ix-:n- L' t ? C tuchmeni William Lain. J Levied on William Lam's interest in a certiin tract of land in the county cf Edgecombe, adjoining the lands cf Wm. Dieken, Henry Dicken, and oth erscontaining loTacres, more or less. T appearing to the satisfaction ofi(ay afternoon the factory of ine court, urn n.e deicnuant m Ull.-N t. .IJt. I liUL U I UMUCIil Ui US IS Ol.il C, made in the North-Carolina Free Press, for six weeks, that unless he appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to he held for said couutv. at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday of ?ovcmber ne!. and then and there replevy and ple ad to issue, judgment final will be entered up against him and the prop erty levied on be condemned subject lo the plaintiff's leccvcry. Test, MICIVL II EARN, C. C. Price adv S3: 50. G nHE Subscriber, having obtained an order from the County Court of Kdgeeombe, August term 1 830. for settling tlie estate of Ai.lkn J.Kxigiit! dee'd. at the ensuing November term! recpicsis all persons holding execu tions and judgments against said de ceased obtained previous to his death, to nrcscnt them to him on or bofnrr i ne ursi tiny oi san; term lor ikj for linuida - tion otherwise this notice will be p!e:ul io bar of their recovery. HENRY S HURLEY, AdnSr of A. J. Knight. Sept. 27, 1S30. G-3 Stantonshurg "ril-L. commence on Thursday, v the I lib inst. First Day.. ..Jockey Club Purse, 1 .i . t v r i was blown tin. It opnoars mat so thiit the ordinary process of law UUMk" 1 1 cannot be served oii him: .11 is Atrc-j'out 5 o'cloCK tilO steam c:i fore ordered, That publication bclginc, used for tllC fusion of lle " o i n t t r paddles seeing that thftirwast Seeond Day.. ..Proprietor Purse, if . 0 m;(; hoals hng ot strrngth was to no pur Tliird Day.... Colt and Mule race?.! po:o, suddenly shot from the 1 mile heats. j course and jxavc up all fur lost. CTlhe Purses made known on the. days of racinS. i tin riiuriiiju i iui. Oct. I, 1830. 4? 5? $$1-1 fIIK building on Main-street ncar ly ojpDsite the Court-house, for mcih occupied as a Store by Mr. Joseph Lackey, and recently by the Prinling-ofiiee. Apply at this office. Septal. 1S30. Wilmington, Sept. 17. A about 0 o clock on the morning of the 9ih inst. as Mr. Williams, a farmer, living about 5 miles nnrth ot K onniKVilln. in drivinrr ..w.v.. . , - Qj his wairon over Little Bridge, I ho middle arch suddenly gave way, and the wagon, with the whole team of 3 horses and a muie was precipitated into thej creek. As the bridge was sink ing, a piece of timber project in if touched Mr. Williams' foot and enabled him to spring from his horse into the creek, and al though he had never learned to swim, he was providentially saved, being kept on the surface of the stream by his clothes and exertions for about twenty-five yards, when his servant came to his aid, and brought him on shore. The team being entan gled together, and the wagon with its load pressing on thcm.ilivc and learn. 1MHMII lll'l were drowned in n few minutes. The wagon was saved but the load lost. The proprieior of the bridge, a widow lady, lmg since the accident, paid 8350 as an indemnification to Mr. Wil liams. Rec. Another Explosion from Stcam..ihont 5 o'clock yestcr- Mr. M'Quccn in Cross street metal employed, burst, and tie- stroyed the entire: front of the liihlinrT A lirmsin ne.nnniiui . ,. XT nl . . u. aiTll " A,1U1 "l11 v" opposite side of Cross street was entirely destroyed a piece of the boiler measuring four feet in height and about thrco feet in diameter was thrown across and entered one of lite rooms in which two or three persons had been but a few minutes be tore enao-ec in l- ronmir men. l ne part oi uiu boiler which entered this house ! could not weirh less than six i i " JWUMlS. In the cellar attached to the establishment, the engineer, who is dead, was found. The other person who lost his life, merely passing tlimugll Across street, on ins way io y-, . . i Bear market. N. Y. Courier. The Paddle and the Oar. A trial of skill was made yester day afternoon at Iloboken, to test the comparative speed of ati Indian bark canoe propelled by two Indians with paddles, and one of our Whitehall boats rowed by two men with single oars. The novelty of the attrac tion collected a large concoursej who appeared to be generally in favor of the natives. The race, however was hardly a contest. The "oars" took the lead, and kenf it anuarentlv without much rdbrr, until the poor a The Indians submitted to the defeat with a ffood grace, and betook themselves to their birch bark wigwam erected on the jyrccn with as unmoved muscles as they waited the watch-word for the start. Nctc- York paper. Settling Coffee. A gentle man awhile ago, at a boarding house, complained to his Innd lady that his codec was not settled (clarified.) She, having probably got up backwards that morning tartly told him to put his foot in it and settle it. Thus directed, the gentleman did not hesitate, but putting his cup on the floor, he coolly ap plied his foot. But in making thorough work with his coffee, he unfortunately smashed the cup and saucer into powder. 0 heavens!' screamed the lady, "you've spoilt my new set ot China!' 'I bag pardon, madam, replied the gentleman, 'if in my zeal to follow your directions, I put down my foot a little harder than I should have done But it was to mt) an entire new mode of doing business and some allowance should be made for my want of knowl edge However we must all

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