ft gfir Whole JW. 3 id. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, jY. 6fJ Tuesday, October 19, 1830. a 9. lida" can . V7i' "North-Carolina Free Press'1 UV OK ORG I? HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Txvo Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, if paid i;i ad vance or, Three Dollar, at the expira tion of the year. For anv period less . ... T :..".. month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis- continue at any time, on jvivin-; notice thereof and paying arrears- those resi ding at a uitancc must invariai)v pay in advance, or eive a resoonsible 1 Jference in this vicinity. - Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first in sertion, and 2; cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked thtf '-number of insertions required, or they wiil be continaed until otherwise ordered. fiLetterii addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. q ME u CI! ANT TAILOK, "ISIIES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from New-York, a new and handsome assortment 0!' Goods in his line of business, suitable for the sea son:::siici: as Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive, and .steel mixtures, Green and drab do. .Superfine white, drab, and fawn-colored cassimeres, . Plain black and figured velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light colored vaiencias, Plain white and figured quiltings, Camblcts for ladies Sc gentlemen's cloaks, Fine white linen, Canton flannel. First and second quality suspenders. Worsted shirts, pocket handkerchiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. J'atent shoulder braces, Buckskin gloves, black horscskin do. WKite linen collars, cravat stifle ners, A complete assortment of TRIMMINGS . C 1 .ci ueserjpuon All of which he will sell low for Cash folk shall mecl with all possible dis ci r--6.n a short credit. " I patch. (jy Gentlemen furnishing their! ' Sto'ra-c of Cotton, 12 cents per own cloths can have them made and 03icaj othcr arliclcs in proportiori. trimmed in the most fasmonable man- TL'rirMrr it nnrrririr -nerand at the shortest notice. I " iI 1 'VrJ'"'. ?V !H9Nl' Tarboro', Sept. 25,1830. N. B. Wanted immediately or two journeymen tailors, of stead v j -one habits and good workmen, can have constant employ at the best wages. VALUABLE L'ANI) FOIi SALE. TJMIK PLANTATION owned by .A the late M. N. I3ell, on the north side of Tar river, in Edge combe county, is now for sale -it ad joins the lands of .las. S. 15;ittlc and the late Sherwood Ifavwood. and lips In one of the most elegant farmisv ! SPCtinnsnfrnnnlrr In M.-ih.P sections of country in North-Carolina. It lis improved by buildings and or chards, and contains about Its soil is well adapted to all the ordi nary products of this part of the Slate, j and particularly to the cultivation of I Cotton. It is now under cron. and! persons desirous of purchasing are ' 7 better enabled to nidge ot its quality. The! land wiil not be offered at public sale. Purchasers can be accommo- j dated in their payments and posses sion "-iveu on the first ct January, 1831. It will be sold low. Apply to! J.MES S. BATTLE, or . ' B. F. MOORE. Nashville, N.C. June, 1830. 45 Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain ' - Hands, and Still Repairing. rpHE Subscriber begs leave to in form the public, that he is now building between 15 and 20 COT TOs GINS, of good materials, part or which will be steel saws and the ribs or bars fac?d with steel PACKING SCREWS, of the usu al Size, and larger than anv now in use. in the State, and no doubt supe-nor-they will be made in an engine erected for that purpose. HORSE MILLS will be built at .a short notice, on the improved per pendicular plan, or any other CHAIN I1ANDS"& WHEELS, of 2 superior quality, winch arc ex tremely well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to ' , JOHN WILSON. iaihoro', Sept. 1S30. V??1 ?MMJ Subscriber takes this method of informing ids friends and the public generally, ihathe has just rc iuruv from New- York with a splen J,tl dmenl ot j ,, , , . A . . tTT. tWeU afhipted to a and V inter seasons, together with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, c; c. Which he is disposed to sell low for cah or barter, He will give, I ho highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, .beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for goods at cash prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-oliiee, one door below the store of R. & S. D. Cotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. Ar. . ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Oct. 4, 1830. rjIIK Subscriber informs all those wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Reception of Cation, By the 1st of Ociulitr next. Il .ving been appointed Agent for Mr. J a mi:. Gokpon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery' of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot- 1nn 1( 1 tn . p r,, tM v,. I l-aimyra, in.. cpt. as, i S-kl?l '&9-f rrJC m. A. WALKER respectfully informs the inhabitants of Edgecombe and adjacent counties, that his second session commenced on the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tarborough, in the im mediate neighborhood of Sparta. Terms, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the subordi-") nate branches, - j bou Geography, Fn-lish Grammar, ? 0Q Composition, gCC. SvC. 3 Spell m-r, Readme, and Writimr. 00 Hoarding, vVasking, and Mending, 2.5 00 Hoarding may be had in many pri vate families in the neighborhood, if preferred. Under an arrangement with his present patronisers, the. vacation will commence 1st dav of Aurrust and tcr- . o minatc 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com mencement of the session, will only he chargeable from the lime of their entrance up to the completion of their respective sessions, juries, icu. RAN AWAY from iho Subscriber, aboul" the Sth inrst. negro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with large free- between thiny and thirty-five years of age, near six feet high, and weighs about one hundred and seven ty pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds ol work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will atlcmpt to do; he is well known in this coun ty, particularly in this and the neigh borhood of the late Lemmon Ruflin, Esq. where he has a wife. The a bove reward will be paid on the deli very of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. if taken within this Slate, or Fifty Dollars if taken. without this State ami Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICHD. HINES. IGtb Nov. is 2 P. 1 - ..... kles, 'jMTE building on Main-Mreet near A ly opposite the Court-house, for merly occupied as a Store by Mr. Joseph Lackey, and recently by the Printing-office. Apply at this office. Stale of jYor Hi-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTS'. Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions, Aug'ust Term, 1S30. Randolph fv S. D. Cotten, vs. William Lain. Original Jit laclimcnt Levied on William Lain's interest in a cernin tract of land in the county of Edgecombe, adjoining the lands of Win. Dicken, Henry Dickon, ami oth erscontaining 157 acres, more or less. T appearing to the satisfaction ol the Court, that the defendant in this case is not a resident of this Stale, so that t lie ordinary process of law cannot he served on him: U is there fore ordered, That publication be made' in the North-Carolina Free Tress, for six weeks, that unless he apppar before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court to he held for said county, at thf Court-house in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday of November next, and then and there replevy and plead to issue, judgment final will be entered tip against him and the prop erty levied on be condemned subject to the plainlui s recovery. Test, MICIFL II EARN, C. C. Price adv 3: .50. . (i Look at This. HEIIK Wardens of Kdjreeombe conn ty, findini; it indispensable loi the accoiinnodation of the poor of sain county, to add to their building, and also finding a division among the people rcspeeting the plan, and feeling a desire to act according to their views, they have postponed a ny further building until Novem ber Court next; and recommend to the captains commanding each dis trict in said county, at their next muster, if t o take place before Court, and if not to appoint one, and open a poll of election under their inspec tion, together with any other person they may call on to aid them: and and take the votes of every taxable person that lives in the district who comes forward to vote; the votes to be taken for or against the poor house and the votes to be returned from under their hands to some one of the Wardens or to the Hoard of Wardens on Wednesday in Court week, in Tarboro'. If a majority of the votes hould be found in favor to the pre-j sent nlan, thev will immediately ; nroeeed to let. out the buildings be fore theCourt-housc door tolhe lowest undertaker, and if a majority should be against The present plan, the house and land can be sold for the support of the poor of said county. My order of the Wardens. Sent. I'J 1S30. 5 List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at Tarborough, on the. 1st day of October, 1830, ichich if not called for and taken out before the 1st day of January next, will be sent to the General Post-Ofjicc as dead letters. Anderson Joshua M'Williams George Archer Jonathan Mills Evritt Hennet Eliz'h Mrs Morgan Henry Bullock Edwin Owens Robert Bowers Barth'w Owens Alphcus Branch Tenip'e Patterson Eliz'h Mrs Barlow Arthur K Purvis Roderick Briman Thomas 2 Bugley &c Elliott Blount Randal Beeland John Philips G S Philips Figures Parker Ilardv Philips Peninah Miss Cherry Jerene Miss Pender Sally Mrs Cromwell iunvsoin Parker lenmel Clerk S C Edge'c Proctor Jacob Dowd P W Rev Dugger James B Evans Spartman Ellis Etheldred Ennis Henry C Voi d Marg't Mrs Goff Thomas Gregg Wm Parker Weeks Jr Pitts Sylvia Miss Ruth Catharine VV Roberson John Savage Wm Esq Scssums Nathan Stallings Mary Mrs Slade Adaline Miss Wootcn Levi Horn Henry Hobson Richard M Webb William . f learn MicMClkS Worseley William Henly Thomas Webb Nancy Hammond Edw G Ward John F Dr Little Jane Mrs 2 Williford Edwin Little John A Whitlev Jesse t2 J. R. LLOYD, P. M. riMIK- CO-PARTNERSHIP here tofore existing under the firm of John H. Maliewson Co. Was on the first day of the present mouth (October) dissolved by mutual consent. All persons who are indebt ed to the said firm are requested to call on John H. Malhewson, and set tle their accounts by the 15th Novem ber next all persons who have claims on said firm will call on him for pay. The R A LANCE of the GOODS on hand will be sold at cost until Fri day and Saturday, 2Dlh and 30th of this month, when they will be oiler ed at vendue. N. MAT HEW SON J. II. MAT HE IV SON. Tarboro', llith Oct. 1830. Slate of nVorlh-Carolwu, KDGI'COiMia: COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW, September Term, IS 30 Rh-oda ShoIIington Petition for WilliamShollington, ) Divorce. SfEKREAS, a M,hj)oena ad rcnion- V denduvi and alias haw hecn issued against the defendant in th'ry was returned by the Sheriff ol t which ! found', and proclamation having 'been v M,tlw,, v.x. houst-ot saul county, by the sard Shenir, for the defendant to appearand answer as connnanded liy the said snl;piTen::s and he having failed: It h therefore or Jcrtd buthe Court, That notice be civer. six weeks in the North-Carolina Free Press, andt'io Ualeigh Register, for the dtfen dant t o appear at the next Suj)crior Court second Monday of March next, then and there to answer or demur to the said pe tition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. WITNESS, Nathan Mathevson, Clerk of the said Court, at otlkc, the second Monday of September, A.D. 1830. Test, N. MATI1EIVSON, Clk. Price adv $3:50. 8-6 ;iThc Kaleigh Register will publish the above and send account to this office. Ami XT. a The, of Salt. It is singular that such a body of evidence should be brought together on tlm tu:u -itn'mw nf tln nnnlipn- of Law tobe held for Edgecombe county, jampton Courier states, that a at the Court-house in 'I arborougli, on theicow, in that lOWIl. owned bv r tion of a moderate quantity ofdrought which has prevailed in salt to every description of.some portions of the Western growing crop, from grass tojStates, is still complained of in limber trees, and to almost ev-'the Lexington (Ky.) Reporter of cry domestic animal, from the; the 22d instant. Tn a number horse to the honey-bee, and yctiof the counties about Lexington that salt should be so little in the crops of corn would fall use. We have not a doubt short from one third to ono ourselves that it may be of real half, and it was believed that the use to live stock; because wclusual supplies of live stock sent have seen it very generally on the continent. Mr. 21VC11 Johnson says, "I have given my own gig horse an ounce of salt every night in his corn, for the last five years; and though he has, during that period, wor ked very hard, he has continu ed in the best health, never hav ing had a dose of physic in his life." To be able to dispense with physic, either in the econ omy of men or cattle, is a grand object; and we certainly think the occasional, or perhaps the constant use of salt in the food of domestic animals, and espe cially in that of the horse, as being in a more highly artifi cial state than the others, a de sirable object. N. E. Farmer. Tar for Sheep. A gentle man who keeps a large flock or sheep assures us, that during the season of grazing he gives his sheep tar, at the rate of a gill a day for every twenty sheep. He puts the tar in troughs, sprinkles a little fine salt over it, and the sheep con sume it eagerly. This pre serves them from worms in the head, promotes their general growth, and is supposed to be a specific against rot. . Extract of Pennyroyal. farmers might easily save the flesh of horses and cows, and confer great kindness cn their animals in prnvcnting.the u.sual annoyance of flies, by simply washing the pans wilh the ex tract of Pen a vi oval. Flies wiil not alight a niuinent on ti.- ?;t to which this has been apphuL. Every man who is companion ate to his beash;, ought to know 'this simple remedy, and every llVCry sJ,iuIe ana comiiry man, u"gi iu nave a supply a; nana lor travellers. I ibnoiitancuits Uomomhon . :c.?!ili shooner Herald, at llarn- "Stable, lately came near bcinp uurnt ov tne sponi;ini,ous com- i ? . , . HUStlOIl Ol a pair of duck trOW- iC;rs, which a sailor ilUel oiled ' :r i i " XJI"eo'u Uil- A good Cow. -The North- Dr. Barrett, has given milk, and made butter after the following schedule: she has been milked for the last fortnight, every eight hours, and each milking has yielded a pajifid niesuring teti quarts, the weight of the milk, averaging daily 491 pounds. Her milk has yielded, daily, 2 lbs. 5oz. of butter, making 32 lbs. G oz. in 14 days; from one milking alone, 1 pound and six ounces were made, which will give four pounds and two ounces of butter in one day from one cow! The butter . was of a supe rior quality, and sold for a shilling per pound, while ihe usual price in th village has been but ten cents. Drought. The excessive to the southern markets would be materially lessened. A writer in the Norfolk Bea con mentions having seen a mouse corne down the side of a vessel, and another from a store, and engage in deadly combat, until the sailor mouse killed the landsman. Walking. The Philadel phia TJ. S. Gazette says "Yes terday Mr. Newsam commenc ed liis walking match against 1000 miles in eighteen days, on a bet of 8100. The place cho sen is Smith's Garden, in Arch above Broad street. A large number of persons assembled to witness the feat." Maxim. The best thing to be done ivhen adversity pinches is, not to sit down and cry, but to rise up and work.

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