wiitf tin Jwt lf3w Whole Xo. 3eL Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C ) Tuesday, November 2, 1830. Vol. VLl Yo ii 27ie Nrh-Ccrolin;: Free Press;' , uv ar.onv. i: howard, , Is published weekly, at ':.- Dollars and Fifty Cents- pir year, it" paid in ad vance or, Thi c D jlur.s, at the expira tion' of the year. For anv period less than, a e.ir, T;ve::':; j! Ctnts per month. Sub cribers aie at lihertv to dis continue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those resi ding at a distance miht invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference j in this vicinity. f Advertisements, not exceeding 16" lines, j will be inserted at 50 cents the first in- j scrtion scrtion, and J.i cents each continuance, j Longcror.cs at that rate tor every 16; lines. Advertisements must le marked Lon line ir ua'" ' 1,1 i;j.-iuireci. or theyw.il be continued until otherwise i ordered. ;)7-Lettcr. addressed to the i Editor must he post paid, cr thc-y may , not be 'attended t o. " ' j ; ---r r-... , .: r- ' 31 Mile:! A. T TAILOII, JISHES to inform his friends and customers, that he has just rc- j ceived Horn .ew-lori;, a new and ; handsome assortment ol Ooods in h:s!,rorv Hole line of business, suitable for the sea son :::such as Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, ( lie, and steel mixtures, Green ar.d dra!) do. Superfine white, drab, and fawn-colored i a Worsted shirts, pocket handkerchiefs, White and lancy craats, black silk d-j. Patent shudder braces, Buckskin gloves, black horscskin do. White linen collars, cravat stiiVeners, A complete assortment of TK1MMINGS ,ot every dcscr.ptu-n . AUDt which he will soil lowlcrCa.h or on a short credit. ; - uj . uwu tiuuij ea.. uav un.ui .wa ..m, trimmed in thc most fashionable man - ner and at the shortest notice. v.r , rt- iooA .- larhoio , Sept. 2o, 1S30. N. R Wanted iinmediatcly one or two journeymen tailors, ol steady habits and good workmen, can have constant employ at thc best wages. V ALU ABLE IiAND FOE SALE. rniK PLANTATION owned by the lite M. N. Iell, on the north side of Tar river, in Kd-e.. combe county, is now for sale it ad- ! joirjs tin lauds of Jas. S. I. title and the late Sherwood Haywood, and lies in one of the mo-t elegant farming sections of country in North-Carolina. It; is improved by buildings and or p,rb buc. :;,, ,hcfot , ; i Vol r ; : y'r;, ;;, i; i 1 1-'-1 ;! nM - w ?l ? Si"'i!i11 -nd oihtT Thc !"ar" Plain bl c! -fid f nicy sil'is f' r do i, ""' . lUl'JJ" 111,1 : -nterd up against him and Inepiop-! v .'i,vi and a.-a h;ivc been issutiiiluiii is now in complete repair, on ;t Dark and light colored xalcneias,' ! c,''. U) J lo riiAk, that ' ,evi(!ll mi )e t.ol,demned subject j :linsl lht k';,di't in this case, which! js a comforlalle Dwelling House and Plain white and figured quillings, arehouscs will be open lor the lQ nlaiui;lf 's teccverv. was returned h the bhentt ol Ldgecombe! J;il thc uecesgJiry oul houses, and suf- Cambletsic r ladies gentlemen's cloaks, UeCtpliOH of VoltOU, ! Test, . t0 k S or 10 vZT'tT K AH, ,r n,J,, , i MICIFL UEARXy C. C. made publicll at the door of theWt-i hands to advantage. : ' r -m xs i i 1 k.' .! . i : xv i i . i chards, and contain about j Hoarding may be had in many pri- B,3SiS5 vale families in" the neighborhood, if Its soil is well adapted to all thc crdi- preferred. nary products ol this pari of the State, j Under an arrangement wilh h and 'particularly to the cultivation of ; present patronisers, the vacation will Cotton, h is now under crop, and 'commence 1st day of August and ter persons. deiroiis of purchasing are ' minatc b'Olh of Sejitomber. better enabled to judge of its (piality. j ch as did not enter at the com The land will not be offered at public ! menccnuMit of the session, will only sals. Purchasers can be accom mn- l be chaifrcabhi lrom tiie time of their j jtLuiiimu. and losses- of January, dated in their payments sion "riven on tlie first of 1831. It will he sold low Apply to j Nashville, N.C. June, 1S30. -I.j Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain ' Bands, and Still Repairing. rjplIE Subscriber begs leave lo in-1 years of age, near six feet high, and form the public, that he is now j weighs about one hundred and seven building between 15 and 20 CO T-! ty pounds; he is a good ditcher and TON GINS, of good materials, part j well acquainted with all kinds of of. which will be.stcel saws and the! work usually done on a farm; he is a rib's or bars faced with steel. ' very intelligent ingenious fellow, well PACKING SCREWS, of the usu-1 calculated to pass himself for a free al size, and larger than any now in man, which no doubt he will attempt use in the Stale, and no doubt supe-'to do; he is well known in thiscoun tior they will be made in an engine j ty, particularly in this and the neigh erected fortii.it purpose. borhood of the late Lemmon Ruflin, , HORSE MILLS will be built at ! Esq. where he has a wife. The a- a 5hort notice, on the improved per- peridieular plan, or any other. CHAIN HANDS & WHEELS, of a superior quality, which are ex tremely well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. , Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN IVILSON. "J'irboro', Sept. 1830. 'MIE Subscriber lakes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned from New- York with a splen did assortment of rsr -Ti T. hp fcje rds s r r 'SfJ' 'SA vAfcyfiJ i J SJ Ay3 !k vVell adapted to the Fall and Winter easous,together with a large supplyof Hardware. FlltlcriL (Uocheril I j. (li'd U l(tSSWttre9 C? C. V,Sch he is disposed to sell low for . 1 ... . ,r ,,arler' He u lM S' ,hc highest market prices for CO 1T0N, haled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal- low, Sic in exchange for jroods at t hum; wimiimu i!i puicjie goons at I low nrices. would do well o call o: ;lhe Subscriber at the Pot-o!lice, one joor i,elow the store of II. & S. 1). coULM1, and next door to Mrs. Gre-i N. If, R O UN TREE. Tarhoro, Oct. -1, 130. lt the 1st vf Hi . c aving been appointed Agent lor ! Mr. James Iio::io:j, ho promi.s;s to give his jeison;d attentitjii t( l!e re ceiving and delivery of such article as mav he forwarded to him, and Cot ,Qn (,u () hiin lo be &!lipi)Jd Ui olk s!;aI1 mcrjl wilh all p.ji.j di; ,,at-ii. s .1K1 borage ol i;otlon, o a o her aitic os in nrontiition ; lVrHTMFl II 1TTJ0TY : n , . U" ' ,CVM 1 i P-Imvra, N.C. Sept. 2s, 1S3U. , ' ? ; , .t ;4.ysvi w vSj-'wa JUa . WAi.KFTi respectfull;. 11 ; lnlorms the inhabitants ot !! 1 11- . .'I r,ugocomhe arm aujaceni counties, the -1th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tai borough, in the im mediate neighborhood of Sparta. 7-rmi, per Session of 5 months. j - .entrance up lo the completion of their respeclive sessions, dune-'o, lSdO. RAN AWAY from the SubscriiK:!", about the Sth inst. negro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) wilh large frec- i kles, between ihiny and thirty-live i hove reward will be paid on the deli- ft -ill i .v.. U1 ...u . Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. ( a. if taken vviihm this State, or r ijty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICH I). II1NES. H3th Nov. IS'JH 13 Greek, Latin, and the subordi- ... nf) under their hands to some one of the ' 1 J U" ;fu,u,JL,u Ul VU"US , acrricnltnr-ilist Tint this nn . nutc branches, - 1 00 Wardens or to the Hoard of Wardens lhtMr Iinu ol hus,ncss' sullablc for lhe, f - i 1 thib nU" Geo-aphy, English (Grammar. 7 8 0Q!on Wednesday in Court week, ii; i son....such as... CI oU aild respcdU bi- portion H.t.ryC.i.oMt.oic.i f (lf) j TarlW. If a .najorilv of the voleV Superfine blue and black cloths, ot our Citizens, taken as a Jspelnm;, heading and W ritms, f 00 i J . liiown, olive and steel mixtures, u, Jn :., f..ot mMKn i:tt n n i:.,., i j.j;:,., - :Mim d be found 10 favor to t ie nre- . .... . v noit, (JO III IdCL IlldKC I1U1C OT I ri-v $ rPHE building on Main-street near- ly opposite the Coui t-housc, for merly occupied as a Store by Mr. Joseph Lackey, and recently by the Printing-office. Apply at this office. State of .Yorth-Cfn olina, EDGECOMBE COUNT!". Courl of Pttas 8? Quarter Sessio?is, August Term, 1830. Randolph S. 1). Gotten, p M t i ac unit ni W il!iam Lain. J Levied on William Lnin's interest in u cert dn tract of land in the county of Kdgccombe, adjoining the lands of Win. Dicken, ilenry OicUen, and oth erscontaining liT acres, more or leas. "V appearing to the satifaetion ol the Court, that the defendant in this cast1 is not a resident of this Slate, so that the ordinary process of law cannot he served on him: is there fore ordered. That publication be made in the North-Carolina Free i i..-. . . .i i,,... i... i f , iui m, i;ti-.?, iitui uuiess IJC aj)p;,ar before i!ie Justices of our Court of Picas ;tnd Quarter Sessions, at the n; xt Court to be held for said county, at the Court-house in Tarboroiigh, on t .11. 1 ."T . next, and then and there replevy anil l rice auv .s.kou - Look at This. PjjMIK Wardens of Kdgecomie cotin ty, iinding it indisj)e!isable tor the accommodation of the poor of said county, to add to their building, landaiM) finding a division among the neoide respeeliuir the id-m, and ! feeling a desire to act according to I their views, they have postponed a- ;j.y i oer furlh' r building until .Novem ' Murt next; ami recommend to ii) cp'aiiis commanding each dis im -::d county, at their next muster, if ii take place before Court,! a; if not it appoint one, and open a poii of --lection under their inspec- j tson, together witn any omcr nersoni ,hev m;iv cjli on t0 aifl j !Knn :-and ; : and take the votes of every taxable! person that lives in I ho district who' comes forward to vote; the votes loi be taktu for or against the poor house; plan, uiey win unineuiaieiy ( proceed to let out the buildings be-j fore theCourt-housedoor tothe lowest , .... . :r :.: i .1 nut c r ai or, ano u a 111a in n y m:uuki ' , . be against lhe present plan, the house and laud can be sold for the support . . . . 1 . . , . of the poor of said county. Hy order of the Wardens Sept. 19 IS 30. 5 List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-O'Jiec at Tarborough, on the 1st day of October, 1S30, which if not called for and taken out before the 1st day of January next, will be sent to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Anderson Joshua M' Williams George Archer Jonathan Mills Evritt Bennet Eliz'h Mrs Morgan Henry Mullock Edwin Owens Robert Bowers Barth'w Owens Alpheus Branch Temp'e Patterson Eliz'h Mrs Purvis Roderick Philips G S Philips Figures Parker 1 1 art! v Barlow Arthur K Briman Thomas 2 Bugleyc Elliott Blount Randal Beeland John Philips Peninah Miss Cherry Jerene Miss Pender Sally Mrs (Jromweii rewsom rat ker ncniuti Clerk S C Edge'c Proctor Jacob Dowd P W Htv Parker Weeks Jr Dugger James B Evans Spartman Ellis Etheldred Ennis Henry C Pitts Sylvia Miss Ruth Catharine W Roberson John Savage Wm Esq Sessums Nathan Stallings Mary Mrs Slade Adaliae Miss Woolen Levi ru u ;tuh Ford Marg't Mrs (Jott i nomas i Gregg Wm Horn Henry Hobson Richard M Webb William Hcarn Mic'IClkS Worseley William Henly Thomas Webb Nancy Hammond Edw G Ward John F Dr Little Jane Mrs 2 Williford Edwin Little John A Whitley Jesse J. P. LLOYD, P. M aim mo uiu iu uu leiuiueu imhu ; tllllU nollllllir CM! liei mCUIO hV sent Mrs. A. C. How arch 5S now opening her fall supply ol " Goods, in her line of business, and respect full' solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Elegant turbans, caps, and capes. Curls and puffs, everlastings do. Superior ostrich feathers, Changeable silks, for dresses, Plain and fig'd silks and satins, do. Feati.er'd, velvet, and straw flowers, A reat variety of ribbons, &e. &c. Ail of whivh she is disposed to sell at her usual low pi ices. Ladiesr pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &e. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or trimmed. Tarboroiigh, Oct. 25, 1S30. Stale of , Xorlh-CttrolinU) EDGECOMBE COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW, September Term, 1S30. Uhoda Shollinsrton ") .... reniwn jor WilliamShollinglon, ) oust nf s:i !fl rf.nntv hv the nu ShrM-i'T :cr uje ueienuaiu 10 appear a:iu answer would io well to make early applica as commanded bv the said subpoenas, and . tj,w ,..;m , , , T. c 1 , .(lion. 1 ossession will oe given ot ; Ta . . r 1 . lion, possession vm oe given on e having tailed: It m therefore ordered . , P , . 1 r& ... , . the Court, That notice be given six!l,l,; firsl ol J:1'lljnO' next 1 W,M a,s t ks in the North-Carolina Free Press, jsell :he whole ot my Crop and Stock ii b second Monday of March next, then and there to answer or demur to thc said pe tition, otherwise it will be taken prc confesso and heard ex parte. WITNESS, Nathan Mathcwson, Clerk of the said Court, at dike, the second Monday cf September, A.D. 1S30. A7: MJ2 THE JFSONy Clk. Price adv 3: JO. 8-6 :l"r"The Ualeigh Register will publish I the above and send account to this office. 3! E K C II ANT TAILORS', lk.rISH to inform tlieir friends and; V v . ,m; . .!... .1 1 iL'unvni ii ii in ie-xu:i, u new aimr.UI) cord suitable for ridimr panta-i lo. ns, jPhim black and fig'd velvets; for vests, Plain black and fanrv silks for do. n . , , , . , Dark and liht col'd valencias, h.l:iin tt1lit " n",, nnihinsrs. - " r-, -1- o- ' Cotton flannel for dra s and shirts, Patent susinnders, inxkct handker - .,c,hifcrs' f lit . in W lute and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stifi'eners. Together with a complete assortment of TULMMINGS, all of which they are dipscd to sell low. Gentlemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in thc neat est and most fashionable style. T-H-boro Oct. 13, 1S30. rpIIOSE Gentlemen to whom pro jiosals were sent for improving and enlarging the Old Dominion, will be so good as to return the same without delay, that the Editor may determine upon the propriety of forth with ordering new type. If the coun try has done nothing, or next to nothing, tendered only a feeble sup port, we fear we shall be compelled to forcjro the execution of our project! of enlarging and improving the Olf Dominion, and must content our selves by continuing as we are, for a few months longer. It is useless to labor against impossibilities; and ii the Jacksonians of the South-Side will not support the only original Jackson paper in Virginia, we must reluctantly give up the Old Domin ion, but not Old Hickory. 13e oui future destiny what it may, we shall always be found under this standard. ED IF. PESCUD. Petersburg, Va. Oct. 9. audt'ie Kaleigh Register, for the delen-iat the market price. c:am. t apptarai uie iie-.i oupenur vouri i y -j p q y- at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the Uct J4tn ISoO. IIIK Subscribers inform the Pub-- lie, that they have just returned From New- York, with a general and well selected assortment ol FArfSY A.ND STAPLE Hardware, Crockery, c-c Which they are now opening at their Old Stand, and which they offer at their usual low prices. (frpThe highest prices given for baled and seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange for Goods. R1CIR1RDS. IV M. TSiNNEJULL. Tarhoro', Oct. 15, IS30. .- ? rr Tft? 1 5 x vNTA'l u to ?h- Subscrihei ION helontrinsr containing TIk; p eater pail of uhich is well j-i'!;.j.led to the culture of Corn and jCo'Jou. It is situriiod on tin r- stage road from Warrenton to L nis hurg, 3 miles west cf Shocco Springs, and adjoining the lands cf James Gordon, Dr. Stephen Davis, Georgo I rr ricrsnn ivKhincr f o nurnliicn SO UTHERLAND. 10-3 Just rublished, And for sale at this Office, and at Mr. E. Porter's Store, A Patriotic Discourse, DELIVERED BY THE Rev. JOSHUA LAWRENCE, At the Old Church inTartoro' N.C. on Sunday, 4th July. 1S30. Price, 10 cents single or, Si perdoz. Tarborough, Aug. 11. Agricultural. It is ofe n as- '"""I'.scriciJ, bv farmers tlu'tiisivcs, and i ,i . . r . . noininir can t; made "ounn-j more titan a uarc SUD- i port for themselves and fumi- j , t)nnf 11, .t tdllllOt 00 (ICniCU. - IjUt tl.; ,1 , . it this ClOCS HOt prove the Ilirana 1 . . -H , . t ... A? I I J 4 -' 1 Illillv i inauo Inci ntlVO WllCn nroncrlV iconducied. Its unprofitable- ( . . HGSS tliere IS reason to bcllCVC, is to be attributed principally to an injudicious and mistaken policy in conducting it, or to carelessness and inattention. Among the capital errors of our practical farmers may be ranked a disregard to manuring and tilling their lands sufficient ly. Although much has alrea dy been said on this subject, yet it is one that cannot be too often brought into view, so long as the present system is pur sued. Many of our farmers attempt to improve more land than they can attend advanta geously. If they would expend the labor and manure on onciniru, or ai most one una thc quantity of land they now do, they would in most instan ces obtain twenty-five or My . i - .. i . i.. r per cent, more produce; and the danger of a total failure in their crops would be greatly lessened. (CPlf people speak ill of you, and speak truly, amend: if falsely, laugh at them. '" f J J : - Jj