'Whole Xo. 32 3. TarboroaBh, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Tuesday, Xovember 9, i83(h Vol. VII Vo J 2, The "North -Caroline: Free Press," rr g::okge iiowakd, 'Is published weekly, at Tiro Do liar a and Fifiii Cents pi-r vimv, it puid in ad vance or, Three Dollar.,-, at the expira tion of the year. Fur any period less than a ye:;r, Twenty Jive Cents per month. Subscrihers arc at liberty to dis continue at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying am-ars those resi ding at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference . in this vicinity. Ad ertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at jO cents the first in sertion, and 2.3 cents each continuance. Xonger ones at that rate for every 10 lines. Advertisements must he marked the number of insertions required, or they will lie continued until otherwise! ordered. ; """Letters addressed to the! Editor ainsVbe post paid, or they niay not be acteadcvi to. nHHE Suhsorihers inform the Pub Ji- H ,. . .. . . --lie, that uipyiiave just i etnrncil From New- York, with a general and well selected assortment oi FAIVCY AM) STAPLE Hardware. Crockery , cc Which they are now opening at their j Old Stand, and which thnv nflTur nt their usual law prices. 03 The highest prices given for! haled and seed Cotton, in payment of debts or m exchange for Goods. D. RICHARDS. I I'M. TANNE1IILL. Tarboio', Oct. 15, 1S30. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. rytii- n.A.s l a i iu: owned bv x the late M. N. Hull, on the north side of Tar river, in Edge combe county, is now for sale -it ad joins the lands of Jas. S. Battle and the late Sherwood Haywood, and lies in one of the most elegant farming sections of country in Noi t h-CnrolinnT It1 is improved by buildings and or chards, and contains about ff"J C ,f fa ,-ra c? Its soil is well adapted to all the ordi nary products of this purl, of the State, and particularly to the cultivation of Cotton. It is now under crop, and persons desirous of purchasing are belter enabled to judge of its quality. The land will not be offered at public sale. Purchasers can be accommo dated in their payments and posses sibn given on the first of January, 1 S3 1 . 1 1 w i 1 1 be sol d Io w. Apply to JAMES S. BATTLE, or B. F. MOORE. ' 'Nashville, N.C. June, 1S30. 45 tftim minx, Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain Bands, and Si ill Repairing. FjlflE Subscriber begs leave to in form the public, that he is now building between 15 and 20 COT TON GINS, of good materials, part of .which will be steel saws and the libs oFbars faced with steel. ; PACKING SCRKYVS, of the usu al size, and larger than anv now in . . I ., ' . w" 1 1 t t o j - - - juac hi i ue oiaie, anu no oount stipe Tior they will be made in an engine erected for h:H purpose. ; HORSE MILLS will h built at a short notice, en the improved per-i netidieular nlaiv or anv nihnr I CHAIN HANDS WHEELS. Ul f superior quality, which are ex- years of age, near six feet higli, and res? -.Ay f) f dirulated fr the pro--weighs about one hundred and seven ellmgol boll, Clins , rl Mills. ty pounds; he is a s;ood ditcher and .1 rrsons desiring any of the above well acquainted with all kinds of tre pell articles, will please apply to JOHN IPILSON. J ar boro', Stpt. 1S30. movies. T WILL give a reward to any per sou wlio will give suflicient'infor matioi) to conviet the person or per sons who entered my stable on the 30th of October, in the night time, and inflicted a wound (with a knife or fome sharp edged instrument) on my lay mwe Tiveniy-Jive Dollars if a i.egro Fifty if a w hite person and 1 wnty-fivc if a negro abetted by a vvjmo person. BENJ. BOYKIN. 1 aiVjro'j Nov. C. IS 30. II r11!. Subscriber kes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re lumed from New-York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Fall and Winter seasons, together with a large supply of liar div are, Cutlery, Crockery una ulass7oave, crc. Which he is disposed to sell low for ea-li or barter. He will nve the P1'.'1 - 1 nmrkct ju ices for COTTON, muled or cculed. ..Lorn, beeswax, tal- i'low, &e exchange lor troods at (Msh price, or in payment of debts. Thoe wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well lo call on . . .. me auoscriuer at the I'ost-olhce, one door below the store of K & S. 1). Cotlen, ami next door to Mrs. Cre- gorv s Hole Ar. . ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Oct. -1, lfc'MO. j'T'"" .juustnucr iniurms an inose wishing to send Cotton to Hill's 'Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that jhis Warehouses will be open for the 'Vll K Subscriber inform nil n,n0 open llccepiwn of Collon, By the W of October next. Having been appointed Agent for ; Mr. Jam cs Gordon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re- ,1, i: c i . i ceding and delivery ol such articles 1 . , J U1 u,"ul'1 as may be lorwarded to him, and Cot- ton sent to him to be shipped to Nor- lulk liall meet with all possible dis- Palpi: Storage of Cotton, 12 cents per j bale all other articles in proportion, ill 1 MEL H. ANTHONY, i Leghorn and straw boantia bleach Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2, 1S30. 7 cd. dyed, or trimmed. TM. A. WALKER rcsncctfullv informs Ibe: ildl:lhil:mt c ff Kdgecomhe and adjacent counties, , that his second session commenced on i the 4th inst. at l:is residence seven ' mi!(!s fiorn Tai borough, in the im mediate neighborhood of Sparta. Term'i, per Session of 5 ?nonlts. CrecK, J.atm, and the subordi- " - nate brum hes - 5 Hitorv, Cinnposition.&c&c. j 8 00 case i not a rt idcnl of this Slate, ftpeUing.'Kradinjr, and Writing, 6 00 so that the ordinary process ot law Hoarding, Washing, and Mending, 25 00 cannot be served oa him: U is there hoarding may be had in many pri- fore ordered, That publication be vate families in the neighborhood, if made in the North-Carolina Free preferred. ; Press, for six weeks, that unless he Under an arrangement with his appear before 'he Justices of our Court present patronisers, the vacation will of Pl,eas and Quarter Sessions, at the commence 1st day of August and ter-inext Court to be held for said county, mi nate 30th of September. I at the Court-house in Tarborough, on Such as did not enter at the com- j the fourth Monday of November mencement of the session, will only! next, and then and there replevy ami be chargeable from the time of their j plead to issue, judgment final will be entrance up to the completion of their respect i e sessions. June 23, 1S30. KAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about the 8th J inst. negro man HAURY Harry is a bright mulatto, 1 I 111 if 11 II MIII.I II II I Id IICL" (half w hile,) with large free Ups. I.,nv,,n ihiriv nml lhi.lv-f.vn acqu work usually done on a farm; he is a i . . . f ii ii very lutelliirent mucinous leuoiv, wen calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in this coun ty, particularly in this and the neigh borhood of the late Lemmon Kuffin, Ksq. where he has a wife. The a bove reward will be paid on the deli ver' of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. if taken within this Slate, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviciion. RICIID. II INKS. lG!h Nov. 1S09. 13 i mi,, v MKKCHAXT TAILORS, riSH to inform their friends and customers, that they have ius! rece ived from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season.... such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable fur riding panta lbons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd valeneias, Plain white and fig'd quilthyjs, Cotton flannel for draws and 'shirts, Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat softeners. Together with a complete assor TRIMMINGS, all of which t tment of they are disposed to sell low. (Cr Gentlemen's cloihino- mad,, im at the short t-si nm;,,. nt eat and most fashionable style. Tarhoru', Oct. 13, 1S30 Mrs. A. C. Howard, jb now opening her fall supply ol Goods, in her line ol business, and , J ,rIcnds 10 cal1 an,i gamine ihcm j amoi'St bcr assortment will be found: i1'"01'" Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon- respeemmy solicits her customers and nets, latos fashions. Diamond straw Dunslabies, plain do. Leghorn an. I strau ;onnets, Kleirant tiiifians. r.iii-. niwl rrmrs. Curls and puffs, e eilastin-s do. "ljeiiot' ostrich leatlici , p.1n'u1b1lc ."j1! 'd'ecs, lam and hg d silks and satms, do. rti-..i.M r.i. . n i catlicr cl, velvet, aiu: straw 11 owe rs, A great varietv tf ribbons, vcc. &c. All of which she is disoo-ed to sell at her usual low prices. Ladies' pelisses .'h.yLs dresses, &c made to order. ;?! !!, hiwst and innst approved fashions. larborough, Oct. 25, 1S30. titale of Xorih Cui olinn. EDGilCOMBE COUNT Y. Court of Picas Quarter Sissiuus. August Term, IS 30. Uando,Ph D-Gotten, Griginal M, William Lain. 3 tachmcnt Levied on William Lain'a interest in a cert lin tract of land in the county of Kdgecondje, adjoining the lands of Win. Dicken, Henry Dicken, and oth ers containing 157 acres, more or less. 'JT appeal ine; to the salUfaction of " 1 lie Conn! that ihe defendant in! entered up against him and the prop erty levied on be condemned subject to the plaintiff's recovery. Test, MIC IP L II EARN, C. C. Price ad v $3: 50. 6 THE ESTABLISH MEAT OF The Xorth-Carulina Journal. IS FOR SALE. rpHIS Office is well found in all the materials and furniture necessa ry for conducting a Newspaper. It has two good rresses; and besides the type in common use, it has a quantity of Ornamental, Job and oth er type, entirely new. The patronage of the Journal is re spectable, and might be much extended- To a competent person, who would devote a portion of his lime and tal ents to the management of this estab lishment, it hold out fair prospects of handsome remuneration. Persons disposed lo purchase, will apply to the Editor for terms, which will be liberal and accommodating. Editors with whom we exchange, wil confer an obligation upon us, by the insertion of this notice, in their respective papers, a few limes, i Fayettevillej Oct. 27. PLANTATION belonging to the Subscriber, containing 3- SO 21GREJS, The greater part of which is well adapted to the culture of Corn and Cotton. It is situated on tho main stage road from Warrenton to Louis burg, 3 miles west of Shocco Springs, and adjoining the lands of James Gordon, Dr. Stephen Davis, George E. Spruill and others. The planta tion is now in complete repair, on it is a comfortable Dwelling House and ail the necessary out houses, and suf ficient open land to work 8 or 10 hands to advantage. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to make early applica tion. Possession will be giwn on the first of January next. I will aUo sell the whole of my Crop and Sleek at the mai het price. SIMEON SO UTHERLJ1ND. Oct. 14th, 1S30. 10-3 State of Xorth-Cuvaluiit. L'DGECOMBE COUJfTr. SUPERIOR COURT OF LAV, September Term, 1S30. Rhoda ohollinsrton ') T. .... vs n Petition for Wil!iamSho!lington,S Divorcc' J UMWS.Xy a subpoena ad respon v f dendnm and aliaa have been issued against the defendant in this. case, which was returned bv the Sheriff of Kdirecumbe county, that the said defendant yvj.s not lound, and proclamation having been made publicly at the door of the Crurt housc of said county, by the said Sheriif. for the defendant to appear and answer i as commanded by the said subpoenas, and i he havlnir failed: It is therefor artwrf' he having failed: It is therefore ordercc hy the Court, That notice be given six weeks in the North-Carolina Free Press, undt'ij Kaleigh Register, for the defen dant to appear at the next Superior Court of Law to. bo held for Edgecombe county, nt the Court-house in Tarborough, on the second Monday of ?Iarch next, then and there t ; nswer or demur to the said pe tition, otherwise it will be taken pro ernfesso and heard ex parte. V 1TNESS, Nathan Mathevson, Clerk "f the said Court, at office, the second Monday of September, A.D. 1830. Test, N. MJ1 THE IV SON, Clk. Price ad v $3:50. 8-6 :7'Vc Haleigh Register will publish the above and send account to this office. Look at This. TMIE Wardens of Edsreeomho -L n,.,i; : r . i i , iy, iiuuiij il iiiuispeusauie ior toe accommodation ot the poor of; 'use. rut them in casks or said county, to add to their building,! bins, in layers well covered iJ w!th d7 s eatl1 ,a- hf$ feeling a desire to ?ct according to : l;0V,irc.d- 1 1,18 P'eservos them their views, they have postponed a-i rom a.ir l'0Tn moisture & from ny further building until Novem-! frost; it prevents their perishing ber Court next; and recommend lo : by their own perspiration, their the captains commanding each dis-1 moisture being absorbed bv tnct in said countv, at their next l. n i r. . i i i r r line sunu; at the same time it muster, if to take place before Court, ! , r. l' 1C and if not to appoint one, and opeii W Pfeservs lhe flavor ol the ap. a poll of election under their inspec i plos, anl prevents their wilting, lion, together with any other person j Pippins have been kept in this iiic wii wii uu iu .uu uium; anu and lake the votes of every taxable peisonuiainve, mine district who comes forward lo vote; the votes to betaken for or against the poor house and the votes lobe returned from under their hands to some one of the Wardens or to the Board of Wardens on Wednesday in Court week, in larboro'. If a maionlv of the votes'.! houh! he found in favor to the uiu ne lounu in lavor to the pre - sent plan, they will immediately proceed to let out the buildings be- fore theCourt-house door tothe lowest :OI his usual quantum of the undertaker, and if a majority shouldjgood things which make up be against the present plan, the house the principal daily meal, went and land can be sold for the support of the poor of said count3'. liy order of the Wardens. Sept. 19 1S30. 5 Jusl Received, And for Sale at this Office, Lawrence & Lemay's NORTH-CAROLINA rrice....l0 cents each, 75 cents a dozen, $4 for half a gross, &c. October 25, 1SS0. Constables' Blanks for sale, Fall soicing of Seeds. Cab bages, Parsnips, Carrots, Spin ach and Onions arc sowed to the best advantage, in-the fall, when it is desirable to get them earJy the next se-asbli. Miller's Gardener's Dictionary says: to cultivate parsnips sow the seeds in antun.-i, soon cl'ier they are ripe; by which means the seed will come early the t, Jaw ing spring, and let the plants get strong before the weed will grow so as to injure ;hem. The young plants never mate rially seller through the severi ty of the season." Indian Corn. Mr. Hadncr, of Saxony, attributes the exhaus tion of the soil by Indian ojrn to the routs after the crop is gathered. He therefore plucks up the roots with die plant and remarks that Ids cornfield is fa-1 vorabiy distinguished froni those whic h surround it. Scratches in Horses. This disorder or difficulty is too well known to all who own these noble animals, or deal in them, to need paticular description ofit. The remedy is simple, safe, and certain, in all cases which have come to my knowl edge, however inveterate. Tt is only to mix white lead and linseed oil in such proportions as will render the application convenient, and I never have known more than two or three applications necessary to effect a common cure. I 'V 7-i-i A -- ' . j t-ct rjyctd ui wuiiCT S liiailllLT SOUnu ailu Ifesli till ! midsummer; and how much Io ngcr Ul wou,a have & . i J 4 , - , 1 !1S p.l .nown' Any klnd oi ! sand u ,I! answer, but it must j be perfecly dry. -n Rustic. Fc.nn.nmu A stmii i i c .i 'u'"""' Kom inc ? - . " a , ' , , . i 1Jt1 4 , . Aaillci been deprived for several weeks into a Hotel in rortland, the other day, when dinner was preparing, and very seriously inquired the price of a dinner. "r itty cents, said tnc landlord. "And what do you charge for a breakiast! said the hall-starved countryman. . "Twenty-five cents," was the reply. "Well, then, 1 guess Til take abreakfast. (Troubles spring from idle ness, and grievous toils from uselessea.se; many without labor would live by their, wits only; but they break for want of stock.

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