"1 M ;(" -I ! ? -)FwIc Aft 323. r&oroit-ft (Edgecombe County, JV. CJ'icZajybrciJi'iG, 1S30 Vol J I'll -i-Xti 13. ' 2$ e " Xorth-Carplinz Free Press, BY CL'OKGB HOWARD, ; , k ' ' Is published weekly, at Two Dollars and Fifiy Cents per year, .if paid in ad ' ance o'", .Three Dollars, at the expira tion of the year. For any period jess than a year, Twenty-Jive Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at. any time, on giving notice thereof and paying, arrears those resi- ilaig at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a .responsible reference hi this vicinity. . Advertisements,not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first in isertion, and 25 cents each .continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 1G lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will be continued untilntherwise ordered. JT'Lctters addressed to the Editc-r must be post paid, or 'they may r.r"t be attended to. fjnn Subscribers inform tlie Pub lie, that the y have jtrt returned From ATew- Fork, with a general and well selected aso' lmejit ol FANCY!-. AND STAPLE . Ha rd rca re, I vocitertj. ' t AVhioh tb,iy are now cpenip' at their r.O)"d Stand, and which tliey offer aL their usual low prices." , fiC rhe highest1 prices "ivenfbr baled and. seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange .or Goods . 1). RICHARDS. X IFM. T.iXXEUILL. Tarboro Oct. 15, 1S30. w. i - Packing Screws, Ho rsc Mills, Ch a'ui . Ba n ils, a n d Still Repa iring. fjpIJE Subscriber bos leave to in- form the public, that he is now building between 15 and 20 COT TQN GINS, of good materials, part of whicli will be steel saws. and the . ribs or bars faced with steel. PACKING SCRKWS,of theusu . alsize, and larger than any now in lise in the State, and no doubt supe . rior they will be made in an engine .erected, for that purpose. , i ; HORSE MILLS will be built at : ;a'short notice, on the improved per- pindicular plan, or any other. CHAIN HANDS" & WHEELS, . of a superior fiualilv. which aro nx- tremely well calculated for the pro- r i. . ii. ' i M-ii pcim.g ui ..ouvums ana :muis. ici.uu uesu jug any oi me anovc ,-p.rticles, will please apply to JOHN WILSON. ' (Tarboro-, Sept. ,1830. & &kjfcxl& . Ul r lite Scotland .S eek' Course, j Tl'f I T rni ui.n'nL- .... . i ned;i;vihe lst da'.of, Decem ber. 130, a-.d continue three day s. YyV I) A V A S v.cepM ake loi; :"3;. old 'colts and fillies, 1 mile 1km:. :,50 entrance,' three or. more to rial, j yACt- to be closed the eveii- pi ece.tli nr tho rare. If there 'slieoi.l iK-kt'bf .intri,.. .w.U !. . i.'-! vim ii.? vlUJIIU IU IHrllMJ! 7 , ' . v. a iao- this day, there will be run for, j Ivies," between thirry and thirty-five. -ah ( !. vant S.idll and Hridle, tree forj years of age, near six feet high, aiid .'n -yddle horse, except those Vegii- weighs about one hundred and scven- larly trained. ' -" ity, pounds; he is a" good ditcher: and SECOND DAY-Jockcy CIub'! well (acquainted , witlr all kinds , of Purse, Si 50, two mile heats. ; work usually' done. on a -farm; he is a 'TIIIRD DAY Proprietor's Pur&e, vr intelligent ingenious fellow, well 3100, mile heats. J tccllatcu to pass himself for a free tic course lo be in good order, I and accommodations for visitors bv 1 II . J the Pioprietor. : JVM. II. POPE, Proprietor. ' 1 iNovember 1, 1S30. 12 FOR SALE, the Subscribers, two ovpollont second-hand COTTON flixrc: vhtch are now in good order arid rea ly for use. They will be sold on moderate terms. . v D. RICIIdRDS 5- CD. ov. 1830. ' W IJt I I I 9 CI LI L.I I y?HE Subscriber takes vthis method m imuiiiiiiijf ins iiieiius anu tne public generally, tliat he has just re- lurneix j rom.ieio-prfc with a sp.Ien did assortment of AVell adapted to the Fall and Winter seasons,o'gether with a large supplyof Hardzvare, Culler Crocker y mid Gl(iss7V(tre, cfc. Wliich'he is disposed to sell low Yoi cash or barter; :IIe will give tfie highest Market prices for COTTON, baled or seedi;d..Corn,' beeswax, tal lov,&c. in exchange for goods at cish prices, or, in. payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods a low prices," would 'do well to .call on the Subscriber.at the Post-office, one door below the store of IV. & D. Gotten, and'next door to Mrs. Gre gorv's Hotel. . ' ' A'. ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Oct. 4, 1S30. " oscriber informs ;all .those wishing to' send, Cotlo.v to. Hill's Ferry to be s.hipped to Noriolk,"tbat h'is Warehouses wijl be open for the Ihcfplion of Voiiiiv, By the 1st of October n ext. Haying b'ecri appointed' Agent for Mr. James Gordon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving ami delivery pf such articles as may be forwarded ,to him, and Cot-, ton sent' to him to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. ' :' "'"'" . '' ' Storage of Cotton, 12 cents' pet baleall other articles in proportion IVIIITMEL II J2NT1IONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 28,-lS30l 7 WJI. AI.WALKKK ropcclfglly " iiifnrnitt thr i n K hi , lulorms the inhabitants of Edgecombe and adjacent .counties, tht his second essioa commenced on the dth instJ it. his residence seven miles from -Tarborouerh. in. the im- mediate neighborhood of Sparta. - ' ; . Terms,, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and, the subordi- " 1, , Vr mite branches, v- Geography, E.f-lish Grammar,"? History, Lou; position, cvC.&c. j 8 00 6 00 Spelhn-, Mfe uiiug", and Writing, j Boarilmg, vVashing, and Mending,. 25 00 Hoard in 2: m.Vy be had in many pri vate families in the neighborhood,' if preierred. , ' . . L.'uler an arrangement with hi present patfonfsers, the vacation, will I commence 1st day of August and ter- mate yuth oi September. Jencement of the session, will only entrance up to the completion of their respective sessrous.- .junesj, iojv. KAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about the Sih inst. negro man - HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, &JzLL half ivhitn vvilh l.nrcrp frpp- nian, wnicn no ciouik ne win attemjit t0 do: lie is well known in this conn- .... - ... . . . . ... ty, particularism tins and the neigh borhood of the late Eemmon RufHn. Esq. .where he has a wife. The a-' bove re ward-will be paid on the deli-, very of the said 'Harry to me nea.. if taken" within this State, or' Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid .fpr evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviciiou. 1UCUD. IJ1NES. , , IGthNov. 1829. 13 ' ML MERCHANT TAILORS, JISH to inform their friends atic? customers, that the v have iust received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment . of Goods in their line of business, suitable, for the s' ion....such as.-;; uperfine blue and black cloths, Brown, oKv.e and steel mixtures 'An asbortineut of Casimeres, Bang-up ceixi suitable for ruling panta ' joon, ' . ' " - cm .black tnd i d velvets for vests, lJiam Liar fx :vr ;i:c"y ulu iVr do.' Dark and (..-I'd v,i;. :Tias, ' Plain, whife . Jd !;gM quitiinist t Cotton flaniit l tor draws ...nil shirts. Patent suspentiers, pueket haiidkcr , chiefs, W hite and 'fancy c.rava'tshlask silk do. liuckskin gloves, 'craV.u siffein.'rs. lo.t ther with a conij'icte." assortment ci TRIMMINGS, all of which they arc disposed to sell low. (QGentleriien's elothit.i; made vp a the short esvt notice, and io-the neat est and most fashionable st)le. .Turboro',' Oct. 13, 1850: lw.JL C. Howard, 9J S now o)ertinr her fall sunnlv of ,r Goods, in her iirie of business; and respectfully sQlicits. her customers and friends to call ! and examine them amongst her aoitmjeiit will he found: Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain' do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Mleant turbans, '-caps, and "capes; Curls uui pull's, everlastings do. -Headed and' spangled sprigs, " Superior ostrich feathers," Changeable silks, for dresses, Plain and fig'd silk's and satins, do. Feathir'd, velvet, and straw flower?, A great variety nt rihbons, fee-ike. - . All of which h: is disj)o-ed to sell a! her usual low prices. iadie-i' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw, bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or li immfd. 'I'lrborouh, Oct.. 25, 1830. TQR SALK. a Sulkey and Harness nearly new it will be sold On ve vy n'atonable , terms. Apply at the storo of D. Richards & Co. in Tarbo rousjh. 11-3 ' ' Nov. 1. Look at Thisi , . .t HTMIE Wardens of f!d;ecombe coun ty, ' findinsr it indipensable:for the nccoiiimodation 'of the poor off said county, to add to theirbuilding, and also finding a division amonjr the peode respecting, the. plan, and feeltn a desire io act "accorflinsj to their views, they have postponed a ny further i)iiildins; until Novem ber :onrt n'-vt.: and recommend .10 llie ca; -f.ainV 'Mnmanding . each dis 'rict in said county, at their next muster, if to take place, before Court, and if not to appoint one, and open a poll of election under their inspec (ion, "tojretber. with any other person they may call on to1 aid them: and .md take the votes of. every taxable person thai. lives, In the district who comes forward -lo .vote;-the. v3 votes to ; e faken foror against the jnoorjiouse M,d theotes to be returned from )i.ier their hands lo some one of the Wardens or to the Board of Wardens on . Wednesday in Court week, ' in' Tarboro?. If a majority of the .votes dioul 1 he louiid in favor to the pre ent plan, they will immediately proceed to let out the buildings be fore theCourt-hpuse door tothe lowest undertaker, and if a majority should be against the present plan, 1 he house and land can be sold for the support of the poor of said county. By order of the Wardens. Sept, 191830. 5 Temperance Convention. i T the suggestion of set erai Tejn perance Societies, a Con vent ion of the- friends of Temperance will be held in Raleigh, on the 15th d y of beeember'next. . Delegates from, the Jifferent societies and comities in the State are requested to attend. - The principal object of the Conven ' ion will be, to form a State Society. :'WM. PECKy Pres. R. T. S. Nov. 4. Stale of North-tkroUtia, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT OF LAW, . ' September Term, 1S30. Rhoda Shollington vs. ' ' WilliamShollingtonJ Petition for ' Divorce. HEHEAS, a snbpcena ad respnn dendun and 'alias have been issued against'the defendant in .this case, which was returned by the Sheriff of Edgecombe county, that the said defendant was not found, and proclamation having been made publicly at the'door of the Ccui t hr.use of said county, by the s.aid Slveri'fF, ft r th e defendant to appear 'and 'answer as commanded by the said subpoenas, and be having failed: It is therefore ordered by the Court, .That notice 'be given; six works in the"NTorth,-Carolina Free Press, andt'u Ualeigh Register, for the defen Jantto appear at the'next Superior Court t' Lawto ')e held for Edgecr mbe county, at. the. Court-house in Tarbo-ough, on the ecr-iul Monday of March next, then and there to 'answer or demur to rhe said pe titioui otherwise, it will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte. WrrNKSS, Nathan Mathewson,C'lcrk of the said Court, ai .fnce, the second Monday of Septemoer, A.D. 1830. ' Test, ' . : N. MTUEJVSON; Clk. . Price adv $2:50. S-6 JThe Raleigh Register will publisli the above and send account to this oirice. T AVILL, give a reward to any pr-r-'son who will give sufficient mfor mation to conviet the person er t;e. ons xyfu) entered my stable o,: -. ,. oOth of October,' in the. hiht time, and inflicted a wound (with a knife or ome sharp-edged instrunent) on :,v bay mare Twenty five Dollars .-. negro Ffli'if 11 while person a ! Scvdnly fivc if a negro abet led by a while person. BEXJ BOYKIN. ! Tat boro', No v. 2, 1 830. " 11 JyJfersoti. -In the works of Thos. JciTersonriow in a coarse of publi cation by -Messrs. Gray & Bowen, at. Boston,,. Mass. is the following letter to his" namesake,' Thomas Jef ferson. Smith: . . . "This letter will, to you, be as one from the, dead; The writer will be in the grave be fore yoii can . yeigh its' coun sels?. Your aHectionate and excellent father lias requested tliat. I should tultlress you something which might possi bly have a favorable . influence on the course of life you have to run, and I, too, as a name sake, feel an interest in tliat course. FeVv words will 4 be necessary," with good disposi tions on your part: -Adore God reverence and cherish your partintslove your neigh bor as yourself, aiid your coun try moro than yourself be true murmur not at the whys of Providence: So shall the life into which you have entered be the portal to one ot eternal and ineffable bliss. Amh jf to the dead if is permitted to care for the things of this world every action of your life will4 be un der my regard. Farewell TH. JEFFERSON; Monticdlo, Feb. 12, 1325," ; Danville, (Vt.j Oct!26.Oii Wednesday evening last; after having received 'intelligence of the election of Samuel C. Crafts fo r G 0 v e r n b r, a small n umber of the citizens of the town man ifested their joy on the occasion by assembling on the green; although the rain poured down in torrents, and discharging an -old defective swivel. "After having discharged it 23 times, it was. loaded the 24th and fast time, with a heavier charge, and fired; off, when tlie swivel split and' flqw riii every direction, instantaneously ''kil ling 'Air. Benjamin West, pfthis low u and Mr. Nathaniel Cham--berlain,, of Derb,: who was here on business,, and severely wountiing '.ir. James Uiirran, and slightly Mr. Jesse Gilalt vand, Mr. West was in the 41st year of his age, and- Has left a wife and one child to mourn his awful and untimely exit.. No wound, or. mark of violence was found on hisbocly.. iMr. Cham- , berlain, we learn, was about. 30 years old, a man of property, 4 who has left a wife, in reeblo health, and three small chilOrea to mourn his.-loss. A piece of the swivel struck him under the chin, which 1 literally cut (lis throat from ear to ear, and ail most severed the head from his body. The 'next day, lie 'was conveyed to his bereaved family antl friends. . . A'piccr of the swivel likewise struck, broke, and t-r; il! .r.e rafeci the leg of iir. i; )i ran, winch has been ampir..i jd a bove the l;nef ti ts thought to b Joit-g' vveii. rind will p; ibably rector. . it sva?:, U. tt -..:.. id 6 gftlier, he n'ost iiear- j -nding and nielaiicholy v.:en,j u ever beheld.., .' ' L ibr ral' i h ) .7 ' to n. h . i sj. suited iti -he Cincinr.aii A,ip r ican tiiai Arthur 'i'app.-,n, E-q. ' NtHV-Yurk, i'ui ni;u:.; , n o- naiion of ixvtmy thousand dol lar, to 1 ho Lane emHuiry, a Presbyterian Institution in Cincinnati. .,.'. Donation. A munificent do nation of 820,00tf has been pre sented by "Mr. Joseph Xee, of Boston, for the use of "tho McLean Asylum for the Insane, subject, however to a deduc tion of 250 per annum,' to be paid Dr. Rufus Wyman,'. the Physician and Superintendent. . v. -; . v 1. Lightning. The house of Dr.Guerard, in Beaufor!,(N.G.j was struck by liglilning "nn -Sunday ' afternoon, ;: the ,10th , ult. Three of the family were struck to. the floor by the fluid. ; A fourth though severely stunned by the shock V had v I sufficient presence of mirrd, immediately to throw cold water over them, to which p r o b a b ly t h e j ) r es eV vat i on of their lives may be attribuh.d. They remained incapable of lo comotion' for ''some time, but with medical aid recovered in a few hours. s Tiierc t were left marks of burning, or bruising on their bodies. The house was without a liglitningrpel. Easionl Pcnn.) Oct..2Z.--Some time last winter, a Fed ler from " Philadelpliia dlsap- peared sudrlenly somewhere in the neighborhood of Mauch Chunk, in this J county, . and was never heard, of afterward, . altlt.ough strict inquiry was made after him. iiv difTcrent places by his relatives. "aS. few days since, a person who keeps a tavern in the neighbor hood where the unfortunate Pedlar was last seefi, . having an altercation with his wifo, in an angry moment she charged him with the murder of the un fortunate trader, in the pres ence of several persons. We forbear stating any thing furth er, as the man and his wife, are both in prison, and a legal in vestigation will soon be had. Mi i t t . - ""I i 4 1