yiWJMV The "North-Carolina. Free Press,1'' JSY GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Two Dollars 'ami Tift 7 Cents per ye :ir, it" paid in ud yaiKc or, Three l) jllarf at the cxpir.t- r tion of the year. For ,inv period less than a year, Twenty Jive Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at any time, on jiving notice .'the reef ami paying arrears those resi ding at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in Ihii vicinity. i , .Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first in sertion, and VJ5 rents each continuance. ' Longer -?.es at that rate for every 16 ' lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or . .they will be continued until otherwise t ordered. iJLetiers addressed to the Edit' r iiinst ic post paid, or they may not be attended to. .m J npriH Subscribers inform the Pub lie, that they have just returned From Ntw- York, with a general and well clected assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE - Hardware, Crockery, &c Which they are now opening at their Cid Shmd, and which they offer at their usual low prices. fCJ3 The highest prices given for baled and seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange '"or Goods. r J). RICHARDS. lf JVM. TANNEHILL. T."iboro Oct. 15, 1S30. . (J. Howard, r.n ..mni,. rf ,lTl""s in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her cutomei s and j irienus ;o c.iii ami euinine ur.'m amonirst her assortment will be found n v -w " .-v. -.v... pattern mi.;, civet, ana i;unstablc Don-1 ....... , , n l:, I,,,.. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Elegant turbans, caps, and capes. Changeable silks, for dresses, Plain and fig'd silks and satins, do. Feather'd, velvet, and straw flowers, A great variety of ribbons, i'ec. Sec. j AW of which she is disposed to sell at her usiijl low prices. Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &.c. -u.i.. . ;.'.t... i ' . UJUUC IVI UIUII, Ml IIIO liUt3l UI1U approved fashions. - leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or trimmed. Tiirborousrh, Oct. 25. 1S30. Packing Screw, Horse Mits, Chain ? . Buxts, and Still Repairing. , 1 'JHin .T)uoseriutir uegs teavu to in-: ow i w TJL I Oi t'JL "IS now r Good'. buildi nir between 15 and 20 COT-Ni.. TON GINS, of good materials, part ! of which will be steel saws anil the ribs or bars faced with steel. It PACKING SCKKWS, of the usu al size, and larger than any now in Use in the Stale, and no doubt supe rior they will be made in an engine erected for that purpose. ;v- HOUSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, on the improved per pendicular plan, or anv other. n CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, of a superior quality, which are cx- tremely well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. '5 Persons desiiiug any of the above articles, will please apply to , JOHN WILSON. . Tarbcro', Sept. 1S30. Hl WaIi aryJXirn f &ESPECTFlirj.Y infnrmciho mJty pounds; he is a good ditcher and - f- naimants ol Edgecombe and I!. e xuli.icent counties. th-,t t, n,, Wed fur llvnnirinrr Pntfnn ?;,. nvtking e repairing riding Chairs, .G'Vs. at hi th,. otf i from Tarborough, on the waters of totJi he is veM knovvn in this conn- JsaJLds dee'df Edgecombe eoun Tow Creek, near the road lcadin-' particulai ly in this and the neigh- ly; he has been hired hy Edwin from James lh i.lcW. i,. vaZ borhood of the late Lemmon Uuflin, Whitehead formerly of Nash county, .T.ivlor's. He will oi. r j -w iiidnu ijl'u- stead?, Tables, desks, &c. at the short- et notice. All ot which will be done cheap for cash, or on a short credit to ipur.ctual customers. Q3Ue would fefer those having Cotton Gins out of order, to Messrs! !( Redding Sugg, John R. Scarborough, .imcs Barron, and others, for satis ftctory assurances of his ability to re li3ir them. 14 Nov. 1S0O. GOODS. f MIE Subscriber lakes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned .row New-York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Fall and Winter seasons, together with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Gla8fnc(ive9 ere. Which he is disposed to mcII low for cash or barter. He will give the highest market prices for COTTON, baled or speeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for goods at cish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of R. & S. D. Cotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre- grorv's Hotel. N. II. ROUNTRRE. Tarboro', Oct. 4, 1830. fjPIIE Subscriber informs all Uhjs.? Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the I K UIIU UUIIU1I lli 11111 heceptwn of Cot Ion, By the 1st. of October iu.rt. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. J Ami-: s Guudox, he promises to give his personal attention to the re- VLI llli tl H H i I Ul V U i 3UI 1 ill I1L', ' . r . . .as may oe iorworneii to rum, and l,ot- trtn v.nt tn biii in lu. vi,;ro.i To f0j - sj,au meet w;h all 'n,wSihln dis- patch. ounra: vi iouon, cenis ner l r n . . . , ... .. .bale all other articles in proportion. tVlUTMEL H. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2S, 1S30. 7 WM. A. WALK KR respectfully , , hd-ec.mb- informs the inhabitants of and adjacent counties, that hi- SG2 nd session commenced on the dth i.ist. at his residence seven miles from Tarboi ongii, in the im mediate neighborhood of Sparta. 7rm$, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the suboidi- 7 ?, nate branches, 'Geography, Knlish Orammar, g 0Q L U;vv . ConMo!,itijH,&.ifcc. 3 j Spelling, Kcadinjr, and i ltmi, 6 00 09 00 Hoarding, Wasluni;, and AlenUing, 00 Uoardinir rnav be had in many t)t i- f.,mi in tl,o nnirrtd.nrhnr.d if I w ' preferred mner an arrangement wan nis t .-.li present palronisers, the vacation will commence 1st day of August and ter minate 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com mcncemc.it of the session, will only ud four west of Hamilton, be chargeable from the time of their Roanoke river; fitteen cast of 1 ar entrance up to the completion of their borough; fifteen above ili.amston; up pletio respective session? June 23, 1S30. fly RAN AWAY from the j&f Subscriber, about the Sth inst. neirro man II ALLY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white.) with large frec kles, between thiny and thirty-five ....- .uro nrJf iv fpl hinrh. Mild weighs about one hundred and seven utr""llA' 1W work usually done on a (arm; he is a vci v intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man. which no doubt he will atlerr.pt Esn. where he has a wife. '1 he a 1 ... -..i bve reward will be paid on the deli- very of the said Harry to me neat Sn.nrta. KrirpcomDe COUniV, 1NO. I 3. .J . P.. .. o Ty a . it taken within tnis siaie, or rijfr nnllam if taken without this State and Fiftv Dollars will be paid foi evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction: TTf?ND. HINRS. 'ic,uv icon 13 Ming & &3$f MERCHANT TAILORS, 171 SI I to inform their friends and customers, that they have just received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season.. ..such as... Superfine blue ant! black cloths, 15 row ii, or. nd steel mi turesi hi asbt T'u. '-i oi t is'.ir.eres, mng-up coid suitable for ridin loons. Plain black and fi$l velvets for vests, Plain bla -.k and fancy silks for do. Dark and tight eol'd Valencia:-:, Plain white and hi,Yi quilting, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts. Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. iiuckskin gloves, cravat stilfeners. Fogithei with a complete assortment of 1M. I.N Uh, all of which' they are disposed to veil low. JGentlemen's clothing made up y?. the shortest notice, and in the neat est and must fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1830. Male of .Yovth-Ci'rolwtr, EDGilCO MKK COUNT Y. COURT OF EQUITY, September Term, 130. Jonathan Ellis, R'-derick Amason, y Hill in Equity far an re?"' hJ- 1 appearing to the satisfaction of this Court, th.it the said Elijah riucLone of the defendants in this case, is not an inhabitant of this Slate: i.y therefore ordered, that publica tion be made for six weeks in tho UNonn - uarouna T .1 I Free Press, jrivinsr notice to the said defendant to appear at our next Court to be held lor the county of Edgecombe, at the Court- House in Tarborough, on the second Mondav in March next, and answer, plead 01 demur, or judgment will be taken pro contesso and heard ex parte as it respects him. Witness, IiAAc Nortleet, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office. the second Monday in September, 1S30. lest, . NOR FLEET, C. M. C. Price ad v 53: 50. 13-G I WILL inform the a of of r4 it? )'ung Archie horse, ix-.-A tile first ,.a.e hlood the mother side. He was not out of a i-iatlcr mare that was got out of one of Collector's colts, that Collector got out of a Mark Antonv mare. Is a dark chesnut sorrel, and is about five feet one or two inches high, five years old last spring. 1 let him cov er a fe mares at tour years old; he got ten or fifteen colts that cannot be excelled by any horse whatever, for I will show with any horse in the Uni ted States. ALLEN DAVY can be forty below Halifax. I take thi pains to inform the public that there is such a horse, as those gentlemen wishing to raise good horses may have the opportunity, as I have not advertised him yet. If he can run, it is unknown to any person; it is judg ed that he can, but he has not been tried. I shall let him to marcs next spring at moderate prices, which I will make known before the spring. ED WIN EVER ITT. Nov. 17, 1S30. 14-G 40 Reward for Guy. GUY is a cooper by trade, he was formerly owned by Joseph Philips, ior the lasl two or three years, and has a wile at w imam Bellamy, sen. s . . . i t 1 1 Tn .i , im JNash county, anu his supposes ie IS luiuiuii in nidi utmiuuumuuu. I. mi ' ... A iUr u win given. iu.uu iw. delivery of said negro in Tarborough l Jail, or to me in Martin county. The Uaid Guv is well known in JNash and Edgecombe counties as a cooper FIGURES LOWE. I Nfnr. 7.1830. 13 Female Academy-. XRS. MARY LUCAS, Principal A of this Institution, informs the Public that her School will recom mence on the first Monday in Janua ry ltibl. Jo those acquainted with the pleasant and healthy locality of the buildings, and the success with which her exertions have been rewar ded by the satisfactory instruction of those committed to her care, she deems it unnecessary to make any re marks. To others, however, she would observe, the Academy is situ ate eight miles south of Wanenton, one and a half from Shocco Springs, and an half only from the Sulphur Spring, on a high, beautiful and heal thy eminence, contiguous to a Spring of excellent water. IJeing determin ed to devote her time exclusively to 1 he superintendence of iier School, he flatters herself from the advanta ges of her situation, the liberal pat ronage ?die has heretofore received (and for which she now takes the op portunity of returning thanks and expiessing gratitude) added to the a ble assistance by which she will be sustained and the very moderate prices for Hoard and Tuiton, to re ceive in future, a continuance of that patronage. The courses of study are, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Cate chism, Bible Questions, Definitions, Geography, History, Grammar, Rhe toric, Astronomy, Philosophy, Che mistry & Botany. Each young lady is instructed how to make herov.n clothes, and in the ornamental bran ches of Needle Work, such as work ing on Muslin and Lace, executed in the neatest manner, for which no ad ditional charge is made. Painting on paper, no extra charge. For board and tuition, Fifty Dollars per ses sion. Music, Twenty Dollars. Painting on Velvet, Five Dollars. Each young lady, it is expected, will furnish the necessary bed clothing. November, 1S30. 15-G State of North-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. JUSTICE'S COURT. James Lewis, vs. John Ritler. John Ellis, vs. Same. Thos. liarron, vs. Same. Thomas Taylor, vs. Same. James Rarron, vs. Same. Edwin Ellis, vs. Same. James J. Horn, vs. Same. Original 4t tochmentsTQ- V turned levied on three negroes &. sundryother pro perty. Ephraim Dickcn, vs. Same. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Justice of the Peace, that the said John Hitter is not an inhabitant of the county aforesaid: It is there fore ordered, that publication be made in the North-Carolina iMce Press, for thirty days, that the said John Ritter, the defendant, appear before me or some other Justice of the Peace, at Benjamin Sharp's sad dler's shop, on the fourth Saturday of December next, then and there to plead to issue, or judgment will be entered tin acainst him as conlessed, and execution issue accordingly to sell the property levied on, &c. Given under my hand and seal, tins 22d November, 1830. BENJ. SHARP, J. P. Price adv 4. 14-4 Constables' Blanks for sae, AT THIS OFFICE. The BRINKLEYVILLE ACA DEMY, in which the Brinkley ville Post-office is now kept by the Princi pal, is to open again for the reception of pupils on the" I Monday of Jan itury next, under the continued su perintendence of the Rev. Sidney Weller, A. M. former Principal of the Quanky Academy. The price of tuition will be SlO per session of five months lor the Languages and higher English studies; and for common En gl ih branches not to exceed fiSS. Board, &e. net to exceed $6 per month may be had of the Principal, or of others living at convenient distan ces from the Academy. Nov. 24, 1S30. Farm $ Negroes FOR SALE. f5HE Subscribers, under the autho rity of the Court of Equity for Edi:f.'combc county, will offrr at PUBLIC SALE, on Tuesday, the 4th day of January next, tint very valuable farm, belonging to the estate of the late Joel Battle, dee'd, well known by the name of the SHELL BANK This Farm lies on both sides of Tar river, 10 milts above Tarboro', and 8 below the Falls and consists of Of Low Grounds, on the north side of the river, equal to any in North Carolina and of about Of good Uplands imme diately opposite. There is a small but very comfortable D WELLING-HO USE, With every other necessary building for the residence of a family and for farming operations, situate on the most eligible part of the farm. The plan tation will require IS or 20 hands, and for its size, is one of the most val uable that has been in market for ma ny years and we trust, will receive the attention of those disposed to in vest capital in good lands. The sale will take place on the premises, and the terms made known on the day of sale. At the same time and place, we will, as Administrators, sell 8 or 10 valuable Negroes, At six months credit Bond and good security required as usual. WILL. H. BATTLE. AMOS J. BATTLE. Nov. 24. 1S30. 15 N Wednesday, the 22d day of De cember next, will be sold at the late dwelling-house of Elisiia Rob bins, dee'd, two valuable Young Negro Felloivs. A credit of six months will be giv en, the purchaser giving bond with approved security, upon the delivery of said negroes. D. WILLIAMS, Guor'n. 24th Nov. IS 30. 16-3 noises. WILL give a reward to any per son who will give sufficient infor mation to convict the person or per sons who entered my stable- on the 30th of October, in the night time, and inflicted a wound (with a knife or some sharp-edged instrument) on my bay mare Twenty five Dollars if a negro Fifty if a white person and Seventy-five if a negro abetted by a white person. BENJ. BOYKIN. Tarboro', Nov. 2, 1830. 11 FOR SALE, BY the Subscribers, two excellent second-hand COTTON GINS, which are now in good order and rea dy for use. They will be sold on moderate terms. D. RICHARDS 4' CO. Nov. 8, 1830.