'Whole Xo. 327. Tatborough, (Edgecombe County, JV. C.) Tuesday, December 14, 1830, Vol VII Xo. 17. The "Xorti-Carolina Free Press," ' w geouce now a no, "-..'Is p'iblishc-l weekly, at 7ro Dollars 'and Fifty Cents pt-r year, it' paid in ad vance or, T)n e Dollars, at the expira tion ot" tlu year. Fur any period less than a, year, Twenty Jive Cents per .month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at any time, on giving notice thereof arid paying arrears those resi ding at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will' be inserted at SO cents the first in sertion, and 2.y cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate 'for every 16 lines. Advert iswiejits must be marked the number ot insertions required, or ..1- ...ill !,,. ci-itiiiiu..! iiTil ..I-!-, nmilitn ' A t .. .. ' ! 1 -v 1. oruereil. j ieiifi s aauresseii n me !( f tffP ITlli.T I!" I S M.ll.l- Ill" 111. 11I11Y not be attended to. THE Sn-b-cribeTs inform the Pub lic, that' they have j:it returned From Xew York, with a general and well selected assortment ot AM) STAPLE. f FANCY "ik - 12s?e $ V WIS J lav dw arc, Crockery, cr'c Which they are now opening at their Old Stand, and which they offer at their usual low prices. 'tt'riio highest prices given for baled and seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange or Goods. :, RICHARDS. WM. TAXXEHILL. T;uhoro Oct. 15, 1S30. ';Mrs. JL C. Howard rjPlIE Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re lumed from New-York with a splen did assortment of S now opening her tail supply of Goods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon nets, htcst fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Elegant turbans, caps, and capes. Changeable silks, for dresses, 'Plain and tig'd silks and satins, do. JFeathcr'd, velvet, and straw flowers, :A great variety of ribbons, &c. cc. V All of which she is disposed to sell at her usual low prices. 'Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. made to enter, in the latest and most approved faiions. I Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach-' ed, dyed, or trimmed. -.Ta! borough, Oct. 2"u 1S30. Well adapted to the Kail and Winter seasons, together with a large supplyof Hardware. Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, &c. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. lie will giv Se highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for goods at cisii prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of R. & S. I). Cottcn, and next door to Mrs. Grc gorv's liolcL ; X. II. 110 UN TREE. Tarboro Oct. 4, 1S30. HTMIE Subscriber informs all ihose wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Jlea)ion of Colion. By the 1st of October next. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. James Goaoox, he promises to give his personal attention to the. re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to he shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 2 cents per (bale all other articles in proportion. WHITMEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2.S. 1S30. 7 2Uii&cm? A. WAl.KKU rrsneclfullv Cotton gs$i, minimis the inhabitants ol Edgecombe and adjieent counties, that his second session commenced on the 4th iut. at his residence seven miles from Tii hoi ougii, in the im mediate neighborhood of Sparta. Term?, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the subordi- MERCHANT TAILORS, IV"ISII to inform their friends and customers, that they have jusi received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season.. ..such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimcres, Ban-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fi'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd Valencias, Plain white and fn'd quiltms, Cotton flannel for draws anil shirts, Patent spenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buck.skin gloves, cravat stiffeners. Together with a complete assoi tincnt of TRIMMINGS, allof which they are disposed to sell low. "Gentlemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neat est and tr,;.Ml fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, l5.fKJ. 86' of North-Carolina, i: d t; r: c o m uu co i; n t v. COULiT OF EQUITY, September Term, lboO. Jonathan Litis, vs. Roderick A mason, y Bill in Equity fur an Blake Little and in unction. Elijah Price, J 2 P ajipe uii g to ihe :it isfaclion oi this Court, tint ihe said Kluaii Pinci:, o;u: of t'n' defendants in this ca-.e, is not an iih.vbiu:it of this State: is therefore uritcrcd, that publica lion bt; maiie for six weeks in the Noiih Carolina Free Press, giving notice to the s;dd defendant to appear :it. our next Court to be held for the e uiiiy of Edgcrombc, at the Court H)iise in Tarborouh, on the second Monday in March next, and answer, plead or demur, or judgment wiil be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as it respects him. Witness, Isaac Norfleet, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, the second Monday in September, IS 30. Test, . NO 11 FLEET, C. M. C. Price adv S3: 50. 13-G v 1G nate branches, SH 00 I Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain Geography, Ln-H.sli Grammar, 7 8 t i) , i v- n ' i Historv, Lomposjtion, ccc. ic. j . ; Ji titus, (intt Slut Iieiiitirinir. 'e ,,. 1 , ... r 1 ; S;h 1 un Heading, and v nhn. 0 THK Subscriber begs leave to in-1 liuardim V;i!,in, and Mending, 25 r.-v..t- i.-iKi; '... twin. i i! . I.. l.- i . form the nublii .building i;etweea that lie is now linn din- mav !w bad in manvnri ' j- j j i 15 atid 20 COI- V :,io f;1milips in tlio npbrhbor hood, if -flUN bl. ol good materials, part preferred. of winch will be steel saws and tiie : Under an arrangement with his "fibs or bars faced with steel. (present patronisers, the vacation will I fl PACKING SCUF.WS, of the nsn-! commence 1st day of August and ter ;al size, a:id larger than any now in , minnle 30th of September. U&e in the Slate, and no doubt supe-j Such as did not enter at the com- rior they will be made in an engine j menccment of the session, will only erec'.c-u ior that purpose. chargeable lrom the time ot their IIOKS MILLS will be built at pntranee on to the. eomrdetion of their a short notice, on the improved per pendicular plan, or any other. Mi CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, . of a superior quality, which are cx tremely well calculated for the pro pelling ol Uolii tuns and Mills. ,". Persons desiring any of the above ahicies, will please apply to v JOHN IFILSON. (J- Tarboro', Sept. 1830. respective sessions. June 23, 1S30. Nashville mmmmmwrnm ?piIE EXERCISES of this Institution -3- wiil be resumed on the second Mon day in January next, under the superin dence of Thomas (. Stone, Esq. TUITION, as last year, viz: $6, gS, and SlO, per session; and Board at 30. The atjilitvot' the Teacher, the great moderation of the terms, and the healthi ness of the place, it is hoped, are suffi cient inducements, to insure a liberal patronage. . BLOUNT, Sec1?. Nashville, Nash County, N.C cJth November, 1830. C N consequence of a want of punctuality a. on the part of most of our Subscribers in paying tneir sut)'.;criptiony, the TIMES will cease to be published after the 'JJth of next month, which will make 35 num bers, or eight months since its publica tion. To those who have paid us for the whole yt-ar, (and they are "few and far between,") we shall .stand debtor to the amount of one dollar, which they will please to apply for. Those who were Subscribers when the paper commenced, and hav e ptiUI nothing, will owe us two dollars. Those Vh. have paid the first half year's advance only, will he deficient fifty cents. Those who live at a distance, and have not been Subscribers for six months, will please value the numbers they have received at 6 cents a number, and remit us the amount as early as pos sible: we adopt this method in ordi r to save the postage of our accounts. It is j:::iitll iz CC miner the necessity of dis continuing the paper, but we have hun gry mouths to feed, and French jiatron age is slender diet. As the reader may probably want to know what sort of pat ronage tills is, we will tell the tale: Once upon a time a Frenchman who had taken a newpaper fur four or five years, and in the course of that time had never paid a farthing for it, was at length pre sented with his account by the printer's devil ha! JSIonsieur devil," says the man of Gaul, "thin is one grand mis take: I no 'scribe to de fiaicr to .ay, but I 'scribe to de jiajicr to 'courage." i j u a RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about the Sth inst. negro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with large free- between thiny and thirty-five v fppt hirh. and S'ff'QJSE&f Sri1S-SliT -Sc weighs about one hundred and scven- w . . jounds: lie is a gooa aticner auu m i. - i .i . n't- npmifiintrd w in an k ims ui Ui,l.UUlilUU UIIU IMC 1 -adjacent counties, that he is now pre -pared for Repairing Cotton Gins, kles. fESPECTFULLY informs the in-j lY l)( f'i . habitants of Kdo-fnmho nn.l tt.oiwell work usually done on a tarm; ne is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well WAvrn. to pass himsell lor a Iree r 6V,&c. at his shop, about IS miles. niah which n0 doubt hexv,H ftP1 - from Tai borough, on the waters of t0t,; ,ie is wel1 known m thiseoun : Town Creek, near the road leading! l' particularly in this and the neigh .. from James Bridges's to the Widow i borhood of the late Lemmon Ruflin, -Taylor's, lie wdl also make Red-Ui- where hc as a wife. The a- I WILL inform the. public that I have a W iwui'i tiiv-'iivi "Vll.'Vt ui the mother side. He was got out of a Hatler mare that was got out of one of Collector's colts, that Collector gyt out of a Mark Antony mare. Is a dark chesnut sorrel, and is about five feet one or two inches high, five years old last spring. I let him cov er a few marcs at four years old; he :rot ten or fifteen colts that cannot be excelled by any horse whatever, f)r I will show with anv horse in the Uni ted Slates. ALLEN DAVY can be found four miles west of Hamilton, on Roanoke river; fifteen east of Tar bofongh; fifteen above Williamston; forty below Ilalilax. I take this pains to inform the public thdt there is such a horse, as those gentlemen wishing to raise good horses may have the opportunity, as I have not advertised him yet. If he can run, it is unknown to any person; it is judg ed that he can, but he has not been tried. I shall let him to mares next spring at moderate prices, which I will make known before the spring. ED WIN EVER ITT. Nov. 17, 1S30. 14-G The Printing hstablishment OF THIS OFFICE IS FOil SALE, And may be had at a bargain. It is well supplied" with all the materials necessary for conducting a newspaper and for job printing. Part of the letter in common use is new. Washington, N.C. Nov. 27, 1830. steads, Tables, desks, &c. at the short . est notice. All of which will be done cheap for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. gyile would refer those bavin" - Cotton Gins out of order, to Messrs. ,Jedding Sugg, John R. Scarborough, ."James JJarron, and others, for satis fu t'ory assurances of bis ability to re-jai- them. 14 Nov. 1S30. , bove reward will be paid on the deli very of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. if taken within tins siaie, or rijiy Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence' to convict any while person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICIID. HI NFS. lfilh Nov. 1S29. 13 " $40 Reward for Guy. GUY is a cooper by trade, he was formerly owned by Joseph Philips, dee'd, of Edgecombe coun if hf hr.s been hired by Edwin j i " Whitehead formerly of Nash county, for the last two or three years, and has a wife at William Bellamy, Sen. 's in Nash county, and it is supposed he. is lurking in that neighbourhood I will sive the above reward for the delivery of said negro in Tarborough Jail or to me in Martin county. The said UUV is wen kiiuwu hi iasu auu Edgecombe counties as a cooper. FIGURES LO IFF. Nov. 7, 1S30. 13 blate of 4orlh-( arolina, EDGECOMBE COUNT. JUSTICE'S COURT. James Lewis, ) VS. John Kilter. John Ellis, vs. Same. Tli os. Barron, vs. Same. Thomas Taylor, vs. Same. James Barron, vs. Same. Edwin Ellis, vs. Same. James J. Horn, vs. Same. Original At lachments re- -turned levied on three negroes & sun dry other pro The BRINKLKYVILLE ACA DEMY, in which the Brinkley ville, Post-office is now kept by the Princi pal, is to open again for the reception of pupils on the 1st Monday of Jan uary next, under the continued su perintendence of the Rev. Sidney Wellek, A. M. former Principal of l he Quanky Academy. The price of tuition will be SlO per session of five months for the Languages and higher English studies; and for common En glish branches not to exceed SS. Board, fkc. not to exceed SG per month may lie had of the Principal, or of others living at convenient distan ces from the Academy. Nov. 24, 1330. J3. H&Zi&ESzm rami c Negroes FOIi SALE. fjpiIE Subscribers, under the aulho-- rity of the Court of Equity for Edgecombe county, will . offcr at PUBLIC SALE, on Tuesday, the th day of January next, that very valuable farm, belonging to the estate of the late Joel Battle, dee'd, well known by the name of the SHELL BANK r i..iXrMTio:r. This Farm lies on both sides of Tar river, 10 miles above Tarboro', and S below the Falls and consists of Of Low Grounds, on the north side of the river, equ.-d to any in North Carolina and of about SN?3s, SC01 Up'ands imme- - - "II ......w.ow Ephraim Dicken, vs. Same. J TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Justice ol the Peace, that the said John Hitter is not an inhabitant of the county aforesaid: It is there fore ordered, thai publication be ni3dc in the Norlh-Carolina ! rce Press, for thirty davs, that the Fait! John Rittek, the defendant, appear before me or some other Justice ol the Peace, at Benjamin Sharp's sad dler's shop, on the fourth Saturday of December next, then and there to plead to issue, or judgment will be entered up against him 3s confessed, and execution issue accordingly to sell the properly levied on, &c. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d November, 1S30. BENJ. SHARP, J. P. Price adv 4. 14-4 J&Tlt small but very comfortable Z fVELLlXG.IlO USE, With every other necessary building for the residence of a family and for farming operations, situate on the most eligible part of the farm. The plan tation will require IS or 20 hands, and for its size, is one of the most val uable that has been in market fur ma ny years and we trust, will receive the attention of those disposed to in vest capital in good lands. The sale will take place on the piemies, and the terms made known on the day of sale. At the same time and place, we will, as Administrators, sell 8 or 10 valuable Xcroes, At six months credit Bond and good, security required as usual. WILL. II. BATTLE. AMOS J. BATTLE. Nov. 24, 1S30. 15 jN Wednesday, the 22d day of De " cembcr next, will be sold at the late dwelling-house of Elisiia Rob bins;, dee'd, two valuable Young Xegro Fellozvs. A credit of six months will be giv en, the purchaser giving bond with approved security, upon the delivery of said negroes. D. WILLIAMS, Guar'n. 24th Nov. 1S30. 1G-3 1" WILL give a reward to any per son who will give sufficient infor mation to convict the person or per sons who entered my stable on the 30th of October, in the night time, and inflicted a wound (with a knife or some sharp-edged instrument) on my bay mare-Twenty five Dollars if a negro Fifty f a white person and Seventy-five if a negro abetted by a white person. BENJ. BOYKIN. Tarboro'," Nov. 2, 1830. 1 1 FOR SALE, BY the Subscribers, two excellent second-hand COTTON GINS, which are now in good order and rea dy fcr use. They will be sold cn moderate terms. RICHARDS $ CO. Nov. S, 1S30.

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