Whole Xo. 333. j The. "Xorlt-Carotim Free Press," J5V GKOitCIK HOWARD, j is published weekly, at Tzro Dollars end W'-y Cents year, if paid in ad i v.i u c it, V'iTf at theexpira- j ti-n oi the year. For any period' less I t'nui a Twenty five Cents per month. Subscribers arc at liberty to dis- Ifontiniie at any time, on giving notice tVivof and paying arrears those resi tlirvjj at a distance mu.st invariably pay in chance, or give a responsible reference I in this vicinity. j AdvcriistiucntSjiiot exceeding 16 lines, j will be inserted at 50 cents the first in i sorti.T,, and 2.5 cents each continuance. I Loiter ones at that rate for every 16 j lines. Advertisements must be marked I the ir.iin'K-r of insertions required, or ! they tt'id continued until otherwise f ordered, li -"Letters addressed to the iiii.n.j.nu .w IWC j Editor must be post paid, or they may I not be attended to. not rrtHK Subscribers inform the Pub ; lie, that they have just returned 1 1 row aVciv- York, with a general and IneJI selected assortment ol FANCY AND STAPLE Hardware, Crockery, &c Which they arc now opening at their Old" Stand, and which they offer at their v. low prices. J.JM'he highest prices given for .baled and seed Cotton, in payment of ikl;! or in exchange 'or Goods. I D. RICHARDS. IVM. 1VINNEH1LI. i Tr:boro Oct. 15, 1S30. 2. C. Howard I'J I T JL VV MM XJCXSIAjI Lift 7 I S now opening her fall supply of Goods-, in her line of business, and loped fully solicits her customers and friends to c;i 1 1 and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: iTattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon- i lx-ts, latest fashions, ".Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Lk-.uu turbans, caps, and capes. Changeable silks, for dresses, Plain and fig'd silks and satins, do. Vtathf. r'd, velvet, and straw flowersj A great variety of ribbons, &c. &c. I All of which she is disposed to sell fit her usual low prices. '- Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, Sic. jmade to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach led, dyed, or trimmed. I Tarborough, Oct. 25, 1S30. Sottos? l n.!tj PacJcini; Screws, Horse Mills, Chain Geography, F.uglish Grammar, fi Baiuls, and Still Repairing. , IIi?.tor ' Composition, &c.&c. 3 c , ., , . Spelling, Heading, and Writing, 6 00 jilh Subscriber begs leave to in- Boarding, Washing, and .Mending, 25 0o i - .11.0 public, ;hat he is now, Uoarding may be had in many pri ;Jj;"S M ween 15 and 20 COT- va(0 fiJ iri lhe ueighbot hood, if jiu tiLh. rd rood materials, part t nltlfrtrrn i lof which will be steel saws and the I . 1.5 i I m'!js or ba: s faCJd with steel. .; PACKING SCRKWS,6f Iheusu-j size, atu! larger than any now iu in the Stale, and no doubt supe ,iinr they will be made in an engine. .irectfd for thm purpose. ; HORSE MILLS will be built t j 'asbart notice, .m the improved per- -.pendicular plan, or any other. ? t'ilAIX 1LNI)S'& WHEELS, jef a s.pe,ior (,'ii;,iiiy, which are'ex- trenuly well calculated for the pro- jpelln-of both Gios and Mills. j Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to , JOHN IVILSON. farboro', Sept. 1830. 1 ifiJ-SPECTFULLY informs the in bubiJtmts of Edgecombe and the ! aujar:c!il counties, that hp U iwuv me- j paiv.1 for Rrnairiu" Cotton Gins, yn'tkinz $ repairing riding Chairs, at his shop, about IS miles! hum Tarborough, on the waters of. tdown Creek, "ear the road Icaditiij ly, particularly in this and the neigh l!',011' l imes Bridges' to the Widovv : borhood of the late Lemmon Rufiin, ldyltn-s. He will also make liedi stcads, Tables, desks. &p. nt J,r,,i. LSl notice.- A li of vhnh w ; 1 1 bo ,ir,,,o cheap for casj,t or 0 a sjlorl crctl;t to Punctual customers. J GjHe would refer those having j tton Gins out of order, to MessrsT ycdchng S.jgg, John R. Scarborough, !"es Barron, and others, for satis j r,ciory assurances of his ability to re-V-w them. 14 tfov ls30t Tarhorougb, (Edgecombe County, X. C) Tuesday, January 11, 183 1. 'PIF. Subscriber lakes lliis method w inn. i nimg jus iiieiuis and the public generally, that ho has just re tin ned from Nv.u-York with a splen did assortment of - ..c ... Weil adapted to the Fall and Winter seasonsjtogether with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, &c. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. He will give ihe highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for goods at cish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-ollice, on door below the store of R. & S. D. Gotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory s Hotel. N IT. ROUNTREE. Tarboro'. Oct. 4, 1S30. Hp-IK Subscriber informs all those wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, thai his Warehouses will be open for the lleception of Cotton, fiy the st of October next. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. James Goudox, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to he shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 2 cents per bale all other articles in proportion. IVIUTMEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.CVSept. 2$, 1S30. 7 Stcaticmp, WM. A. WALK Fit respectfully informs the inhabitants of Edgecombe and adjacent counties, that his second session commenced on the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tarborough. iu the im mediate neighborhood of Sp-iiu, Terms, per Session of 5 months. G-b:-h,sml t,,e .u,,o,'ili su eo under an arrangement with his present patronisers, the vacation will commence 1st day of August and ter minate 30lh of September. Such as did not enter at 'ho com- niprippmonf nf thn session, will oniv be chaiireable from the time of their on trance up to the completion of their respective sessions. June 23, 1S30. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about the ttth inst. negro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with large frec kles, between th'my and thirty-five years of age, near six feet high, and weighs about one hundred and seven ty pounds; he is a good ditcher ami ell acquainted with all ki work usuallv done on a farm; kinds o! he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself lor a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known In this coun Esrj. where he has a wile. 1 he a- I.nvo mward will be paid on the deli- verv of ".he said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. if -taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence" to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviciion. RICHD. IIINES. IGth Nov. 13 lEItCUANT TAILORS, TISH to itiform their friends and cutomers, that they have jusi received from NeW-York, a new and handsome assortment of Coils in their line of business, suitable for the season. ...such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixture-., An assortment of Casimeres, Bangmp cord suitable tor ruling panta loons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd Valencias, Plain white and fig'd quilting, Cotton flannel for draws and shiits, Patent " suspenders pocket handker chiefs, White and fncy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stifleners. Together with a complete assortment of TRIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed to sell low. (JGentlcmen's clothing made up at the shorfr-st notice, and ui the neat esl ami TiHist Jashionahle style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, lsfio. State of jYoriU-C.trolhia, E I) G E C O M li K C O U N T V. COURT OF KQUITY, September Term, 1830. Jonathan Fdlis, vs. I Roterick Amnion, yjiiUin Equity fur an Bl.ike Little and injunction. Klijah Price, J 'T appeasing to the satisfaction of tiiis Court, that the s.iid Elijah Pkice, one of the defendants in this case, U not an inhabitant of this State: it therefore ordered, that publica tion be made for six weeks in the North Carolina Free Press, giving notice to the said defendant to appear at our next Court to be held for the county of Edgec .umbo, at the Couit Uo'ne in Tarborough, on the second Monday in Match next, and answer, plead or demur, or judgment will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as it respects him. Witness, Isaac Norfleet, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, t Jig second Monday in September, 1S3Q. Test, . NOR FLEET, C. M. C. Price ad v S3: 50. 13-6 40 Reward for Guy. & GUY is a cooper hy A'sJ trade, he was formetly USiV ovvned by Joseph Philips, wa&sxtea decM,of Edgecombe coun ty; he huti been hired by Edwin Whitehead formerly of Nash county, for the last two or three years, and has a wife at William Bellamy, Sen. 's in Nash county, and it is supposed he is lurking in that neighbourhood. I will give the above reward for the delivery of said negro in Tarborough Jail, or to me in Martin county. The s:iid Guv is well known in Nash and Edgecombe counties as a cooper. FIGURES LOWE. Nov. 7, IS30. 13 lOMKTIME in the month of March 5 last, a man calling himself ALEX ANDER J. MAURICE, came to this place, professirg to be a Univcrsalist Preacher, and as such, was cordially re ceived by the friends of Universalis. Some short time after his arrival, his friends becoming his sureties, he was en abled to purchase one half of the Printing Press, types, ana otner materials used in the office "of the Carolina Sentinel, to gether with some other articles, amount ing m all to about &1H00. Scarcely have six months elapsed, when this same un principled scoundrel has shamefully ab sconded, and left his friends to pay his debts. Since his departure from this place, we have heard ot his having car ried away u goiu waicn entrusted to nis care by a lady in the country, for the purpose of having it repaired in this 'jlace; of his endeavoring to pass a note forged by himself to the amount of 300; of his purchasing several watches on the eve of his departure, for which he gave his notes; of his borrowing sever tl sums of money, and finally leaving his tavern bill unpaid. This notice is therefore to caution the public, (particularly in Philadelphia and New-York, where he has been seen,) to discountenance such a villain. Said JL EX A ND E li J. MAURICE is about five feet five inches high, dark complexion, black hair and' grey eyes, with a very prominent forehead. C. R. GREENE, EDIVD. S. JONES. Ncwbern, N.C.Dec. 21, 1330. 1 n tc rn a 1 1 mp ro ccmcu ts....On the IGth ultimo, a meeting of iheeitiztms of Wilmington was hold, for the purpose of Liking into consideration the sfate of commerce, &c. between thai pluco and Fayetteville, when Christopher Dudley, Esq. was called to the Chair, and Dun can G. M'ltae, Esq. appointed Secretary. . The following re solutions were then adopted; Resolved, That this meeting, deem the act of assembly, incorporating the Cape Fear Navigation Company, to gether with the immunities and pri vileges therein granted, unjust, op presMve, and unconstitutional. Resolved, That the operations of ahr Company have in the opinion of this meeting been partial, dilatorv ;ujd injurious. nesolved, That a committee be appointed to dtaw up a memorial o the Legislature, setting forth the cause of complaint; and praying re d.itss, and obtain signatures to the same. , Cajqfs Mine. This Mine is now worked by a Salisbury Company, who have leased it lor a term of years. The fol lowing can be depended on as a correct statement of the pro duct of the Mine at this time. Of the hands employed, there arc 33 negroes, 10 of whom are women, which includes all that are employed about the es tablishment; the capital inves ted is $20,000; and the weekly product of Gold is from eight to nine hundred pennyweights, The expenses per week are $125. One-sixth of the pro duct of the Mine is paid to the heirs of the late James Capps. A steam-engine, of 14 horse power, has been put up at the Aline, which is applied to pum ping water from a shaft 90 feet in depth; the engine also works two mills for grinding the ore, on some of the late plans. The engine consumes cords of wood in 24 hours. The Company have lately established on Mallard Creek, about G miles east of the Mine, and have now in oporation, 4 mills for grinding and 13 poun ders for pulverising the ore, all by water power. At the Mine they are 75 feet deep from the surface on the principal vein, which is not so rich as it has been, but the ore is more abundant and the vein more extensive, tit was stated to us about a week aro, that the last 3 feet in depth on the vein had produced as large an amount of Gold as any former 3 feet in the Mine; and at the present depth of 75 feet, the e vidence of future productive ness is as flattering as at any former period t--Cj a f Jour, Use of Cotton in ike Nary. Reports from three several naval Commanders, on the subject of the experiments which have been made with cotton sails during the past year, are among the documents transmitted to Congress accom panying the Secretary of lhe iavy s Report. Captain Mc- Call states in an official letter to his Commander-in-Chief, Com modore Elliott, that the sails ot his vessel, which was supplied with a full suit manufactured of cotton, had stood the test of twelve months trial, during Vol. Vll v0 ai. which time ihe vessel had been almost constantly at sea, and her sails in constant use. The winter winds on the Coast of Mexico, where tho vessel was cruising, and the squalls in summer, are frequently very violent. Lieut. Boerum, who commanded the Erie, made a similar report. He states that he is much pleased with his cotton sails, and .thinks they will stand every test. ;It had been apprehended they would be found unmanageable- in wet weather, but Mr. Boerum re marks on this point, that as lit tle difficulty was experienced with them as. with other sails; and that they hold wind better. Commodore Elliott, in trans mitting those opinions to the Department, suggests the pro priety of using cotton also as the material for the wearing ap parel of seamen in warm cli mates. Twilled and dyed blue, he is of opinion it would make excellent shirts, trowsers and jackets, and would be condu cive to health in a climate wl lere a better absorbent mute rial than linen is required. JV. Jr. Ev. Post. Imprionmcnt for Debt...Tho hiladelphia Gazette publishes statement of fortv eases? nf im prisonment by magistrates of the city and county, in which wiesum total ot debt was but 823-40i, while the cost amoun ted to $70 20. In one of these cases, a man was imprisoned thirty days for a debt of tioo cents. In another case a debt of $1 50 appears to have been divided into two debts of 75 cents. Beggars. In Philadelphia a beggar upon crutches lately en tered a bar room, imn orino- charity. He had a dog, which he offered to sell for 25 cents. One of the company, pretend ing to be a constable, entered and charged him with stealing the dog, and took him into the treet, as if to take him to a magistrate, when, giving him a chance, tne beggar threw awav his crutches and scampered out ofsiffht ina minute! 'Theological Duel. Last week a disputation was held at the church in Miltord, JN. J. be tween the Rev. Mr. M'Calla, of Philadelphia, and Air. Lane, of the sect calling themselves Christians and who deny the divinity of our Saviour, and the existence of a Trinity, and who had challenged Mr M'Calla to the disputation. The ques tion vas: 'is the man Christ Jesus the supreme and eternal GodrMr. M'Calla in the af firmative, and Mr. Lane in ihe negative. Several of our citi zens attended the discussion in whole or in par!. It is said that a Mr. Clow of New York, who was in atiend ance at the debate, and belongs to the same sect with Mr. Lane, has -challenged Mr. M'Calla to another discussion on the sub ject iu the city of New York, on the 4th Tuesday of -March next, and that. Mr.' M'Calla, who atlopts as his rule, never to give and never to refuse any challenge of the kind, has ac cepted the challenge. Nor thaw j)ton IVhig. 1 L