Whole JVb. 33.5. j J'ic. "North-Caroline: Free Press, r,Y GEonan Howard, j Is published weekly, at Two Dollars ami rtjiy enis per year, it paul m ad- j x incc or, 7m Dollars, at the expira- ' lion of the year. For any period less i than a yc:ir, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to clis- continue at any4 time, on giving notice thereof and paTiig arrrars those resi- (ifn;at a distance must invariably pay in I advance, nr pvc a responsible reference j in this vicinity. I Advertisenients.not exceeding 16 lines, , will he inserted at .50 cnts the first in- MM-tion, and 25 cents each continuance, j I.onscr ones at that rate for every lf ! lines. Advertisements must he marked j the number of insertions required, or ( they will be continued until otherwise . ordered, acuers addressed to tile Editor must be post paid, or they may not he attended to. a 'a 'PlIE Subscribers inform the Pub ! lie, that they have just returned j From New York, with a general and well selected assortment of j 1AXCY AND STAPLE i Hardware-, Crockery, &c j Which they arc now opening at their 1 Old Stnnd, and which they offer at 1 their nnal low prices. : (jyr.hc highest prices given for l.'cd and seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange 'or Goods. I). RICHARDS. IYM. T2NNE II 1L L. i Tprboro', Oct. 15, 1S30. Mrs. A. C. Howard, ("IS now opening her fall supply of 1 Goods, in her line of business, and i respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon- , nets, l itest tashions, jBiimond straw Dunstables, plain do. ; Leghorn and straw bonnets, hl-jgant turbans, caps, and capes. CUvutuble silks, for dresses, I'hin and ivi silks and satins, do. t Feathcr'd, velvet, and straw flowers, j A great variety of ribbons, cc. ike. i -11 nf irhlnli chn i c fliii-.n.n.l 1 1 at her usual low prices. T.ubP n .lloc nl,L-e ,ir, c ! i made to order, in the latest and most i approved fashions. ' t j Ltghorn and straw bonnets bleach i ed. dyed, or trimmed. T.'.i hurougli, Oct. 25, 1S30. I Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain I Bawls, and Still Repairing. nnilK Subscriber begs leave to in- form the public, that he is now ( buildinj hot ween 15 and 20 COT. 'I'AV 'IX-.. r- . . . w ot good materials, part j . w'1"!-1 Wl" be steel stvvs and tne ribs or bars fac-d with steel. PACKING SCUKWS,of theusu , -il size, and larger than any now in u;e in the State, and no doubt supe l i of-- mcv wil, be made in an engine j r hp !' ?,,,p,r?ie: , , , I f iiuuM-j MILLS will be built at; snort notice, on tne imnroved tier-1 j j jji.iu, ui any ouicr, 1 C. 1 1 A I V 11 vnc'o. i'f CHAIN BANDS' WI1F.PI.S i of a superior quality, which arc ex j iremely well calculated for the pro ; filing of both Gins and Mills, j Persons desiring any of the above . nicies, will please apply to JOHN 'ivilson. I arboro", Sept. 1830. :r (vnrT nn.ry, - w-r! 444 s weighs about one hundred and seven- RESPECTFULLY informs the in- l3' pounds; he is a good ditcher and lialjilants of Edgecombe and the,U( '' acquainted with all kinds of adjacent counties, that he is now pre-! work usually done on a farm; he is a i'Twl for Repairing Cotton Gins ! very intelligent ingenious fellow, well "inking repairing rid in Chairs calculated to pass himself for a free &c. at his shop, about 18 miles 'nian which no doubt he will attempt bom Tarborough, on the waters of ,Qdo; he is well known in thiscoun iown Creek, near the road leadin'y particularly in this and the neigh J'm James Hridges's to the Vilov j borhood of the late Lemmon Ruffin, 'aylor's. He will : Hsu. where he has a wife. Then- s s, Iables, desks, &o. at the short-1 Csl notice. All of which will h tor cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. jUe would refer those havin Utiori Gins out of order, to Messrs? wldins Sugg, John R. Scarborough, ; (.llnes liarron, and others, for satis I 'ctory assurances of his ability to rc l)iur toom. H .Nov. 1S30. Tarhoronh (Edgecombe County, y Tuesday, January 25, 18.3 12SW GOOBS. 'jPHE Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned from New-York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Fall and Winter seasons, together with a large supply of llunhvare, Cutlery, Crockery ana hlasswnrc, cfc. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or baiter. Ho will o-iv- iu highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, kc. In exchange for goods at eish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of H. & S. I). Cot ten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. n. ji RO U XT R EE. Tarboro', Oct. 4, 1S30. SlIE Subscriber informs all ihos wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Heccption of Cotton, Ej the 1st of October next. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. Jamks Gordon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Col ton sent to him to be .shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 12 coats per bale all other articles in proportion. IVIIITMEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2S, lS.'iO. 7 3Ccaticmp. M A u ALIvhk respectfully inlorms the inhabitants of S?comhfi and adjacent count.es, mat in- ?iumu scismuh eommcnceii on I the 4th inst. at his residence seven miles from Tat borough, in the im j mediate neighborhood of Sparta. lk n I l . , o . I : 1 Terms, per Session of 5 months. Greek, Latin, and the subordi- " Cl , f,r nate branches, - Sjl ltC' Gepgraphy, English Grammar, ) Hinory, Cnmposition.&c.&c. 3 a uu Spelling, Reading, and Writing, 6 00 BoardMg, vVashing, and Mending, 25 00 Boarding may he had in many pri vate families in the neighborhood, if preferreJ. Under nn nrrinmnnt with hU present patronises, the vacation will " v ... commence 1st. day oi August and ter minate 30th of September. Such as did not enter at the com- mencemenl of the session, will only he chargeable from the time ot their entrance up to the completion of their i oo icon 3 lEISyOilDo RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about the Sih inst. negro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, ( half white,) with large frec kles, between thircy and .thirty-five years 01 asf near ?,x ,eel anu hove reward will be paid on the deli vcrv of the said Harry lo me hear Stiarta. Edirccombe county, No. Ca. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fiftv Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any while person of harboring said negro on convicuon. - RICIID. JUNES. 16th Nov. 1S29. 13 MERCHANT TAILORS, HSH to inform their friends am customers, that thev have, iusi reee.ved from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season.... such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, "I own, onve and steel mixtures, An assortment of C. Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fjg'd velvets for vests, i i.un mack and lancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd vak-ncias, Plain white and fig'd fpiiltings',. Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stifl'eners. Together with a complete assortment of 1RIMMINGS, all of which they arc disposed to sell low. (PGentJcmen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neat- est and most fashionable style. ' I arhoro , Ucf. IS, 1S30. Srte of Xorth-Coroliua, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. COUR T OF EQUITY, September Term, 1S30. Jonathan Ellis, vs. Roderick Amazon, ynillin Equity fur an I i I k e Little and inju n cti'o n . Kbj ih I' rice, J i" ij)pea.iig lo the satisfaction of thi Ci.un, liiat the said Kmt mt Paid-:, one of the defendants in this case, i not ;!! is.haiiitanl of this Stale: It is therefore ordered that publica tion be 'n:'(bi for six weeks in the North -Carolina Free Press, giving notice to li.- s.i,l d'-i'Vudant to appear at our next Court o be held for the county of KdOLombe. pt the Court Uouse in Tarborongh, on the second Monday in March i:ext, and answer, plead or demur, or judgment will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte as it respects him. Witness, Isaac 'Xoreleet, Clerk and Master of said Court, at office, the second Monday in September, 1S30. Test, . NOR FLEET, C. M. C. Price adv $3: 50. 13-6 $40 Reward for Guy. GUY is a cooper by trade, he was formerly owned by .Joseph Philips. dccl,of Kdgecombe coun ty; lie hciS been hired by Edwin ' M HI- 1114 1 UV-VII lllll ll i 1 1 V I 1 1 I Whitehead formerly of Nash county. r . i. . i . .i i i for the last two or three vears, and has a wife at William Pel! amy, Sen.?s in Nash county, and it is supposed he N lurking in that neighbourhood. I will give the above reward for the delivery of said negro in Tar borough Jail, or to me in Martin county. The said Guv is well known in Nash and Edgecombe counties as a c-oper. FIGURES LOIVE. Nov. 7. 1S30. 13 . f!- I y fl it ! SOMETIME in the month of March lu,t. a man callimr himself ALEX ANDER MAURICE, came to this place, professirg to be a Universalis! PrMrhcr. and as such, was cordiallv re ceived by the friends of Universalism. oonte snort iniic unci in iinivai, ni; frirnds becoming his sureties, lie was en abled to purchase one half of the Printing rrcss, types, anu otner materials usea in the office of the Carolina Sentinel, to gether with some other articles, amount ing in an to anout itjuu. scarcely nave six mirths elapsed, when this same un principled scoundrel has shamefully ab sconded, and left his friends to pay his debts. Since his departure trom this place, wc have heard of his having car ried away a ghl watch entrusted to his care by a lady in the country, for the purpose of having it repaired in this place; of his endeavoring 10 pass a note lorgcti uy 'iiiuivii ii nit ciiiiuuiu v of his purchasing several watches on the .p his deoarturc. for which he cave his notes; of his borrowing sever il sums of money, and hnally leaving his tavern bill unpaid. This notice is therefore to caution the public, (particularly in Philadelphia and New-York, where he has been seen,) to discountenance such a villain. cv,,, JT RXJA'DER J. MAURICE UUUl - is about five feet Jive inches high, dark . LI - I. I comjilcxion, ouu nair.anu grey ajes, with a very prominent forehead. C. R. GREENE, EDIVD. S. JONES. Newborn, N.C. Dec. 21, 1330. Li. S. Bank. We are more t liar, gratified to learn that the statement recently published, relative to the loan made by the U. S. Iiank to the State oi Pennsylvania, was incorrect; an arrangement was effected by the Mate with one of her own bsnks. We may yet, therefore, entertain some hopes of -ass;stance fmm Jul democratic State, in the endeavor to destroy this mammoth institution or weaken its influence. A Wash ington City correspondent of the N. iork livening rost remarks: 'There is a conridnncn. 1 think a mistaken one. in the renewal of the charter of the bank of the United St This is at most a very doubtful question. The votes in the House have been merely inci- cntal and nfiord no certain evidence of what the decision Would be were the question of its renewal presented directly. it lias not yet been examined I bei pardon Wc have had a report and a review both from distinguished Kcmh?men both on one side thev are able and nuvcrful arguments, but after all mere argument in favor of the Bank as it is now chartered. The question of national cur rency is profound and interes ting it should be handled with caution, but not with so much apprehension as to perpetuate evils which it is in the power of Congress to remedy. Those who are interested will no doubt think otherwise; but those who make laws for a whole people, which affect them not for a day but for gen erations, have a higher respon sibility. The Bank of the U nited States is not the only, certainly not the soundest in the world, and it will become the duty of those who arc to decide on the question of its .vnewal to examine every plan, and, if we must have a national Bank, to place its credit on a ' I foundation so solid, as not to be . I ... f. . i . i i i shaken bv unskilful manage' tnent, the plans of speculators, or Um vicissitudes of war. Tic Hanks have existed and slili exist." The Post Oili;c nt Dnvv- sons r Koads has boon discon tinued, and a new office estab lished at Crowells X Roads, of which Joseph J. Pittrnan Esq. is Post Master. Halifax Ad. The Army. From the An nual Report of Major General iVl Lomr, it appears that there arc 24G Commissioned Officers and of non-Commissioncd Of ficers, musicians and privates, 5G42. That within the last vear there were recruited 1538 men at an expense of 827,210, and from the Report of the Secretary of War it ap pears that about 1000 deserted from the Army within the past year. Fire. On Thursday after noon last (Gth inst.) while both branches of the Legislature were in session, an alarm that the Capitol was on fire was gi ven, when an immediate and simultaneous movement was made by all for the doors, whose dimensions, tho' considerable, were scarcely sufficient for the crowd which pressed forward. On reaching the outside of the Vol. rr.Va. S3. building, it was found that the flames were issuing from the roof near the northern chimney. A few spirited individuals immediately ascended the roof, and, taking off their coats and placing them over the fire, kept it under until water could be obtained. The fire is sup posed lo have originated thus: the end of the ridge Dole beino- inserted in ihe chimney, took fire, and the flame burst through the roof, where it was iortunately discovered in time to prevent any material injury. Haiti "h Star. C7 . Steam J3oats. It is estima ted that the fuel used at ftew York, for house use and Steam Boats, costs 2,400,000 annu ally. Salem Murder. Wc Icarn unofficially, that Mrs. Bcckfmd, the housekeeper of the late Captain White, has been arres ted, and cast into prison, char- 6v. Having ueen accessary before the fact to the Salem murder. Although suspicion has rested on her from the day the murder was committed, it was not sufficiently strong to induce her arrest, till the publi cation of the late disclosures of Joseph Jenkins Knapp, iie principal in the Salem tragedy. Blood enough has been shd, but if the woman be really guilty let her suffer the penalty of the law. Knapp's testimony cannot be legally received, but circumstances may sustain it. fJe married the daughter of Mrs. Beckford. If what he has staled be true or false, it only adds to the dark nd dam ning infamy of his story, and proves him to be, not only a bloody murderer, but an aban doned sickly coward. Richard Cr ownshiold, as hardened n. wretch as he might have been, when compared to Joseph Jen kins Knapp, is presouied to the eye of the puhic in the guise of a man of honour and a saint. Let not the infamy and cow ardice of Knapp be told to fu ture genet ations. Literary Subaltern. Execution of Itnapp. Jo seph J. Knapp, jr. was hung at Saiem on Friday last, pursuant to sentence for the murder of Capt. Joseph White. He was placed on the scaffold at 7 min utes before 9, when the death warrant was read to him, du ring which he was supported on each side by officers. His demeanor was tolerably com posed, though he appeared haggard and;, dejected. The convulsive spasms continued a boutfive minutes; in thirty min utes the body was cut down, placed in a coffin, and carried into the jail. His last inter view with his wife took place on Thursday evening. The scene is represented, by a per son who witnessed it, to have been truly heart rending. She was unable to support herself on leaving his cell. His father also took his last farewell at the same time. "Massachusetts Jour. Bad Symptoms. To sigh, yet feel no pain-to laugh, yet hear no yit to cough, yet have no cold. 1