o i 330. 'fr iXurtt-Cftr.flin;: Free. Press" jiv GEoum: iiowaud, Is published weekly, at Two Dollars r-d i'V'V Crnts Vvv year, if paid in ad-v.v,icc-"r, Three Dollars, at the expira tion i.f the year. For any period less (Yui a year, Twenty-true Cents per ,r,t!i. Subscribers are at liberty to dis--.in'lr.ae at any time, on giving notice thereof and paying arrears those resign.-; at a distance must invariably pay in ;iiiva;u-.e, or give a responsible reference i;i thi.-; icinity. Ailvertiemcnts,not exceeding 1G lines, be inserted at 50 cents the first vei'tia, and 5 cents each continuance. in- Lcny '-ncs at t.nat rate for every 16 Advertisements must be marked t;u number of insertions required, or tisvy wi'.i he continued until otherwise (.v.ieved. iyLctters addressed to the Iv.liter must be post paid, or they may v.oi ui' aueiKteu to fSlUK Subscribers inform the Pub lie, tint Ihey have jut returned Prom New York, with a general and v.cll elected assortment ol FANCY AND STAPLE 1 Hardware, Crockery, &c Which they are now opening at their Old Stnnd, and which they offer at their umu! low prices. fyi'he highest prices given for baled" anil seed Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange or Goods. I). RICHARDS. IYM. TANNEHILL, Tarboro', Oct. 15, 1S30. Mrs. A. G. Howard. S now oneninir Iier fall sunnlv of Goods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable boa nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Elegant turbans, caps, and capes. Changeable silks, for dresses, Plain and fig'd silks and satins, do. Fcather'd, velvet, and straw flowers, A great variety of ribbons, ike. cc. All of which she is disposed to sell at her usual low prices. Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or trimmed. 'iVbcrough, Oct. 25, 1830. Tucking Screws, Horse Slills, Chain B ni ls, toid Si ill Repairing. TIIK Subscriber begs leave to in Cr -. I I I I , 1 . 1 lumi me puuiic, mat ne is now h'lihlimr betwf n 1 r, nnd on CfYW ! 111. 1 IIUVV I 'VON GINS, of good materials, part rvciShs nbout one ''nlied and scven of uhich will ha sieel s:nv, ,,,,1 niLv po""d"s; he is a good ditcher and ribs or bus I'kv.nI with steel PACKING SCUKWS, of the usu al sizc and larger tlian any now in use in the Stale, and no doubt supe rior they will be made in an engine erected for that purpose. HOUSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, 'on the improved per pendicular plan., or any other. CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, f a superior pnliiy, which are cx hemtly well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN lYILSON. Tarboro', Sept. 1830. KSPECTFULLY informs the in habitants of Edgecombe and the fJjicent counties, that he is now pre pared ior Repairing Cotton Gins, vuiking e repairing riding Chairs, f'igs, &c: at his shop, about IS miles "om larborourrh. on tho u-nirr nf lown Lreek, ncar the road leading I 'om James Bridgess to the Widow Vaylor's. He will also make Bed heads, Tables, desks, &c. at the short est notice. All of which will be done cheap for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. (CP He would refer those having Cotton Gins out of order, to Messrs! lidding Sugg, John U. Scarborough, James Buron, and others, for satis touiory assurances of his ability to re ,,,!r lhm. M Nov. 1830. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JV U.J Tuesday, 2 T3MiK Subscriber takes this method ol miorming his friends and the public generally, that he bus just, re turned from New- York with a snlen-' did assortment of Well adapted to the Fall and Winter seasonSjtogelher with a large supplyof Hardware, Cullertj, Crockery and Glassware, &c. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash fir barter. lie will give the highest market prices for COTTON., baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for goods at cisii prices, or in payment of debts. Tho?e wishing to purchase goods at lovv prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-oifice, one door below the store of U. &. S. I). Gotten, and next door to Mrs." Gre gory's Hotel. Ar. . ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Oct. 4, 1S0O. I i I ! Subscriber informs al! those u isliing to send fJotlon to Hill's Ft rrv to be shinned to Norfolk, that i . i ' - jhis arehous'-s will be open for the Hect-piinn oi Cotlmi, By the Is of October nc.vt. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. .James (ioiidon, he pu,mi-es to give his person :1 attention to li.e re ceiving and delivery of iu:h article- as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 121 cents per baleall other. articles in prop ut'ov IV HIT MEL 11. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2, lSJJU. 7 ? SALE, I)V the Subscribers, two excellent if second-hand COTTON GINS, which are now in good order and rea dy for use. They will be sold on moderate terms. I). 1UCILQRDS CO. Nov. S, 1S30. . ' KAN AWAY from the iSSubsci iber, about the 8th in st. negro man II AUK Y Harry is a bright mulatto, (half while,) with largo frec- - ..." , wv l u unity .lllti UMI IV-IIVU i,,,f ii,; !.;. , (... -vcars 01 an ncar s,x icci higln and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in this coun ty, particularly in this and the neigh borhood of the late Lemmon Rufiin, Esq. where he has a wife. The a bove reward will be paid on the deli very of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. ('a. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State ami .Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any while person of harboring said negro on conviction RICHD. HINES. lfilh Nov. ISSfL 13 The Establishment of the NORTH-CAROLINA IS FOR SALK. nriHIS OFFICE is well found in all the J materials and furniture necessary oi conducting a Newspaper. It has two good Presses; and besides the type in common use, it has a quantity ot urna mental, Job and other type, entirely new The patronage of the Journal is respec table, and might be much cxtenaeti. To a competent pemon, who would de vote a portion of his time and talents tc the management of this establishment, it holds out fair prospects ot handsome re muneration. Persons disposed to purchase, will ap ply to the Editor for terms, which will be liberal and accommouaung Tayetttrille, Oct. 27. , kles MERCHANT TAILORS, ''ISII to inform their friends and! customers that thfv have iust received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business suitable fur the season.... such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, lirown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd valencias, Plain white and fi quillings, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, Patent suspenders, pucket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stitfenevs. Together with a complete assortment of TRIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed to sell low. (QGentlemcn's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neat est and most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1330. QOMETIME in the month of March KJ last, a man railing himself ALEX ANDER J. MAURICE, came to this place, professirg to bc; a Universalis Preacher, a;.d as such, was cordially ie- l l... r..: i . . l- it- i- cirivuu uy viiu irteiuis ui univei saiism. Some sliort tiiiie after his arrival, his friends becoming his sureties, he was en abled to purchase one half of the Printing Press, J';( p.-., and (ther mate rials used in the oihee of tlit- Carolina Sentinel, to K'dli.T with some other articles, amount in;; in all to about 0O. Scarcely have s'.x months e!;:p-ed, v!ten this same un pvin iplrd sc iMnlrel has shamefully ub sco. ,;:d, and left his friends to pay h is: d. b?.-. 'oincc ids departure from this place, we have heard of his having car ried away y:-u watch entrusted to his care Dy a laay in- the country, lor the purpose of having it rvjiaired jn this j)h:ce; of ln tndvavorir. to pass a note forid ; n.inis.elf to l!ie amount of $300; of hi a r-iuchasin;; several watches on the eve of his departure, for which he gave hi.i notes; of his borrowing sever il sums of money, and finally leaving his tavetn bdl unj. aid. Plus notice is therefore to caution the j public, (particularly in Philadelphia and Ncw-Ygi-k, .vlicre he has been seen,) to discountenance such a villain. Said ALEXANDER J. MAURICE it uboz:l live t'ett five inches hitrh. dark ,.co?ij!lucij?i, black hair and grey cues, I zvii.'i a very irominent forehead. C. R. GREENE, EDIYD. S. JONES. iewbern, N. C. Dec. 21, 1830. prospectus of tlje NORTH-CAROLINA fPllE undesigned announces to his former subscribers and the public, lhat he will, in a few weeks, resume the publication of the N0HTH-CA- 10 LIN A SENTINEL.- He has been induced to this determination by the discontinuance of the paper on the part of its late Editor, and the im probability that its publication would be undertaken by any other person. He is already sufficiently familiar with the responsibilities and inadequate support connected with a Press in Newbern, and in again subjecting limself to their operation, he yields more to a sense of duty, than to any mpe of pecuniary emolument. His expectations will be realized n me business allords but a moderate pront; and this, he trusts, will be secured by the kindness of his friends. That the Sentinel may be rendered mom neeentable to its readers, the Editor is making arrangements to is ue it on an imperial sheet, with a handsome r.cw type. It a correspon din1 improvement should not be ef fected in the general character oi the Paper, the deficiency will be attnbu table to the imperfect qualifications of the Editor. 11 is judgment, however deficient, will be honestly applied to the promotion of what he conceives to be the puonc good. CONDITIONS. The North-Carolina Sentinel will be published once a week, on an imperial sheet, with a handsome new type, procu red for the purpose. The Subscription will be Three Dollars per annum, payable in six months lrom the time ox suusci lumg. Advertisements inserted on the cus tomary terms. THOMAS tVATSON. Newbern, December, 1830. Feb,-, lavy 22, 1S31. ye male Academy. RS, O'BRIEN proposes to resume her School at this obire on tht- 4th Monday of the piesuit month. The aid which she will have will be adequate to the calls cf the .Seminary. The Subscri ber, when not en his circuit," will feel il his duty, as it shall be his pleasure, to de vote his leisure hours to the promotion of the best interests of the pupils, entrusted to our care and protection. Terms For board and tuition in the higher branches of polite literature and science, $60 per session of five months. Do. do. for the elementary branches or first rudiments, $50. Alubic, per session, $25. SPENCER O'BRIEN Williamsboro, Granville county tV1 January 8, JS3t. !' HP HE Subscriber respectfully informs e. his friends and the public, that he has procured a first-rate BLACKSMITH, and is prepared to execute that business in all its arious branches. His shop is situated on the public road, leading from Tarborcus;h to Halifax, and at his resi dence about ten miles from Tarborough. Those who favor him with their custom, may depend upon having their work faithfully executed, with "despatch, and on reasonable terms. NEIVSOM BARNES. January 8, 1831. 21 Stale of North-Carolina, LDC1EC0MBE COUNTY". Court cf Pleas isf Quarter Sessions, NOVEMBER TERM, 1830. John Parker, (Stiff.) . . , , vs ' Original Attcch- JohnRitter, 5 mc!lt Lcvicd on the following property On the lands ot the defendant, adjoining the lands of Dempsey Webb, Sr. John E!ih-, and ethers 20th Nov. 1330. T appearing to the satisfaction of the 3- Court, that the defendant hath remo ved beyond the limits of the State, or bo conceals himself that the ordinary pro cess oi law cannot be served on him: It is therefore ordered by the Court, That publication be made in the North-Carolina Free Fress for six week, that unless the defendant on or before the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said county, at the Court-hcuse in Tarborough, on the fou rth Monday of Fe bruary next, appear & replevy and plead to issue, judgment will' be made final, and the property levied on will be condemn ed, subject to the plaintiff's recovery. Test, MICIIL. I1EARN, C. C. Price adv $3:50. 1T-6 rglllE next Annual Conference oi the JL Methodist Protestant Church, com prising the Associated Methodist Chur ches for the District of North-Carolina, will set in Granville county, at Rehoboth meeting house, two miles cast of Oxford, on Thursday, the 17th of March next. Jan, 13, 1831. HpHE Rub.-criber respectfully informs fi. the inhabitants ot this and the adjoin ing counties, that he has commenced the Tailoring Business, AT STANTON SB URG, And trusts by punctuality and attention to his business, to merit the approbation of his customers. JESSE W. TAYLOR. Stantonsburg, Jan. 13, 1831. 22 List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-Office at 'Tarborough, on the 1st day of January, 1831, which if not called for and taken out before the 1st day of April next, will be sent t to the General Post-Office as dead letters. Andrews Wallace Lloyd John Barnes David 2 Lawrence John 2 Bishop James Mooring William Batts Daily Mayo John ? Berryman Thomas Mayo Reuben Bridges Ueddick Morris Lewis Col Bell r rederick 2 Newsoni Ldith Bagley y Elliott Philips J & E Drs 2 Croom Daniel philips Geo S Coggins Eliza & S'h Pender James Cobb Edward Parker John il Dr Dancy William Pender David Davenport Fred'k Price William Edmondson Thos Petway W D Evans Elisha J Sessums Nathan 2 Edwards Hammond Southerland S MD 2 Evans Sparkman Staton Aithur . Foreman Cornelius Smith Susan Mrs Hardy Jas & Thos Thigpen James 2 Hopkins Stat n Todd Josiah Hadly Weeks P Vanpeit James Hincs Charity Mrs Wilson Louisa M Hopkins Daniel Ward John F Dr 2 King William - Wheeler Babel Knight Lewis or Ar'r Wilson John Little Mary Ward David C Lawrence Joseph Whitehead Math 62 J. It. LLOYD, P. M. roi. rnxo. 7. For Philadelphia, And Boston. TO facilitate the intercourse between this nhir.K tli it'i.. f ri;i..,ii i " - vs.vi..j ui i miclUCJ- phia, New-York and Boston, I have en gaged the following vessels to run regu larly to those Ports: Schr. William A. Blount, T. Farrow, Master, 102 tons. " Francis L. Kennedy, H. Stacpoole, Master, y -Ttons. " John Myers, J. Robinson, Master, 99 tons. " James G. Stacy, S. Snode, Master, 74 tons. ' American Coaster, G. R. Dixon, Master, 83 tons. " Nonpareil, V. Dixon, Master, 81 tons. They are first rate vessels, command ed by men experienced in the trade, and will take freight at the lowest rates. All Produce addressed to mc, and ship ped in these vessels, will be lectivecl free of storage and wharfage to the own ers; and from the numbjr of vessels cm ployed, early shipments will be mr.de. Should the business require it, an addi tional number of vessels will be engaged. All Produce, while here, will be de posited in good warehouses. v JOHN MYERS. Washington, N.C. Nov. 1, 1830. $40 Reward for Guy. GUY is a cooper by trade, be was formerly owned hy Joseph Philips, dec?d, of Edgecombe coun ty; he lias been hired by Edwiu Whitehead for mcrly ol Nash county,' for the last two or three years, and has a wife at William Bellamy, Scu.'s in Nash county, and it is supposed he is lurking in that neighbourhood. I will give the above reward for ibe delivery of said nero in Tarborongh .hdl, or to me in Martin county. '! ht" said Guy is well known in Na;h and Edgecombe couniies ?s a cooler. FIGURES LOWE. Nov. 7, 1830. 13 P0 Reward. KLOPED from roe in No vember last, my negro man Formerly the property of Mr. Mickncy, in Scotland Neck, in whose neighborhood he is now sup posed to be lurking;. He is between 25 and 30 years of age, dark com plexion, common size,a-d is ii'icliucd t limp in walking. The above re ward will be paid in cash, on his de livery, without incurring further ex pense, s. L HART. Edgecombe count v, Jan. 1 S3 1 . 23 The "Old Dominion.'?. 'I'ffK Subscriber having become in- leresieu in me oince oi uie "Uiu Dominion," . respectfully informs those who have hitherto patronised that establishment, arid the public ge nerally, that he has undertaken to conduct the publication of that paper, which will be resumed at an4early pe riod probably on Tuesday morning next. lie deems it only necessary to say that, under his management, the "Old Dominion," will continue to advocate the cause of the present-Administration, and strenuously urge the re-election of Gen. Jackson, as the surest means of perpetuating the liberties of the People, and the best interests of the Government. -To this end, he solicits the aid of the friends of the establishment, eilher original or selected. A Prospectus will be issued in a few days, when he hopes lo meet with such further encouragement from those who are not already jjs patron?, as will secure him success in the prosecution of labors. NATIVE O. BLAIZE. HAVING, withdrawn entirely from all interest in the Establishment of the 01d Dominion," I heg leave to recommend Mr. Blake to their consideration, and to solicit for him a share of public patronage. Asa native of Petersburg, he has some claim upon the friendship of the good people of ihe town; and from his ca pacity as a Printer, will no doubt give satisfaction to those who may fa vor him with their custom. , E. PESCUD. Petersburg, February 8.

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