1 ' v At V mmm It' hole Xo. 3-1-7 TarioroH"-,, (Edgecombe County, X.C.) Tuesday, April 19, 1831. Vol VnXo 35. jv,. "Xrti-Cfirnlinz Free Frcss" BV GEOUGK HOW A FID, ts published weekly, ;it 7-;t' Dollars aid Fifty Cents per year, if paid in ud v jr.jjnr, T.'iree Dollar, at thv expira tl.,.i of the year. For any peri(d U"b i th.ia a ye;,l' Iiventy-hve Lenta per i muiith. Subscribers ai e at liberty to dis I t,niinue at any time, on sivinj notice thereof and paying anvars those resi i (4 :,,; at a distance must invariably pay in i ;liv:ir.ce, or give a. responsible reference in this vicinity. Aflvertiscments,not exceeding 16 lines, w ll le inserted at 50 cents the first in l r.-tio:i, afcd 25 ccr.ts each continuance. 'I Longer ones at that rate for every 15 i, i:;Cb. Advertisements must be marked i i)0 number of insertions required, or ' thev will be ccntinued until otherwise ovaVved. ""Letters addressed to the i'.diter be post paid, or they may , r.ci be .attended to. 'jIIK .Subscribers inform the Pub ' i lie, that they have just returned . from New-York, with a general and v;A selected assortment ct , FANCY AND STAPLE ; Hardware, Crockery, &c ' Which they are now opening at their : Old Stand, and which they offer at ' their usual low prices. (jJThe highest prices given for ' baled and seed Cotton, in payment of Jebts or in exchange for Good. 1). RICHJ1RDS. ; IVM. 7VJNN2H1LL. i Tarboro', Oct. 15, 1830. Mrs. A. C. Howard, ; "IS now opening her fall supply of Goods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them , amongst her assortment will be found: ', Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bon- nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. 1 I,-c;horn and straw bonnets, K! :ant turbans, caps, and capes. Changeable silk,, for dresses, ; I'kiia hg'd silks and satins, do. i Ff.itnt r'd, velvet, and straw flowers, j A rrcat variety of ribbons, See. CvC. 7 All of which she is disposed to sell at b'.T usual low p: ices. Ladies' pe!isse. flunks, dresser., &.c ma ie to oruer, in the latest and most J cvf-u iasnions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach uh dyed, or trimmed. K.rboronh, Oet. 25. IS 30. Packing Screios Tlorsc Mills, Chain Bunds, and Still Repairing. HpIIE Subscriber begs leave to in form the public, that he is now building between 15 anil 20 COT ION tilXS, of good materials, part of which will be steel saws and the Wbs or bars faced with steel. PACKING SCUHWS, of the usu al size, and larger than any now in liSG in tbi StaJc. ind nn dnilht nrkn- ,;ni. ,i , ! not -they will be made in an engine vit'jteti tor that purpose. HORSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, on the improved per - pendicular plan, or any other. CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, of a superior quality, which are ex tremely well calculated for the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. Persons deshing any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN irLSON. Tarboro', Sept. 1830. v$m mmmm M:SPECTFULLY informs the in k habitants of Edgecombe and the aljacent counties, that he is now pre pared for Repairing Cotton Gins, 'f'H'tking 8s' repairing riding Chairs, 'igs, &c. at his shop, about IS miles J'otn Tarborough, on the waters of I own Creek, near the road leading 'n James I3ridges's to the Widow Xylol's. He will also make Hed 'sb;ad, Tables, lcsl;s, &t at the short e,t notice. All of which will be done c'i(.;ip for ca-di, or on a sjiort credit to punctual customers. ftjHe would refer those having 4 t ot ton Gins out of order, to Messrs. Kedding Suig, John H. Scarborough, ;"'mes Uarron, and others, for satis t,,5v assurances of his ability to re- ' r,J:' them. H Nov. 13m rlMlK Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re lumed from New-York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Fall and Winter seasons, together with a large supply of Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, cr7 Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. He will give the highest market prices for CO TTON, baled or needed. ..Corn, beeswax, tal- low, &e. in exchange for 00 ds at cish prices, or in pa J mcnt of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-oilice, one door below the store of K. & S. D. Gotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's lintel. N II ROUNTREE. Tarboro', Oct. 4, 1 830. fpHE Subscriber respectfully in- forms the inhabitants of Edsre combe and lhj adjoining counties, that he has commenced the 7 V ilo ri n ' : s i ? vs; AT STANTONiSiliriu;, And trusts by )unctuality and atten tion to his business, to merit the ap probation of his customer. JESSE IV. T.I Y LOR. Stantonsburg, March, 1S31. 31 Subscriber informs all those A wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the lleception of Cotton, By the sl of October next. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. James Gordon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to be shinned to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis- patch. Storage of Cotton, 2 cents per bile all other articles in proportion iVULTMEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 28, 1S30. 7 9ltton fl3CttC. rjHK office of the Milton Gazette and X Roanoke Advertiser is for sale; and will be sold at u great, sacrifice. The Type cases and all of the Materials are new. The office is furnished with every material requisite for the furtherance of all demands. The job-printing & adv er tising has, and continues to be, respecta- t hie. More than halt the purchase mo ney, may be assumed in bank. The Subscription liit has at all times, (under the management of the late Editor,) mountc1 to about 300, the most of wh a- whom j are punctual subscribers. Any person 1 wishing to purchase, may apply and will find this odcr a great bargain, March, 1831. ft KAiN AWAY Horn the Subscriber, about the 8th inst. negro man HARRY llany is a bright mulatto, sis, (hail white. with arire tree- kles, between thirty and thirty-five years of age, near six feet high, and weighs about one hundred and seven ty pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well caieuiaieu to pass nimsen lor a tree man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in thiscoun ty, particularly in this and the neigh borhood of the late Lemmon Ruflin, Esq. where he has a wife. The a hove reward will be paid on the deli very of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fiftv Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICIIT). VINES. Kith NTov. b:9. 13 Ming & i&.&rKf tt MERCHANT TAILORS, riSII to inform their friends and customers, that they have just received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season. ...such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimercs, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loon1. Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy Mlks for do. Dark and light col'd valcncias, Plain white and liM qudtins, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, Patent suspenders, pocket handker chief?, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stUTeners. . Together with a complete assortment of TRIMMINGS, all of which they arc disposed to sell low. (QGentlemeu's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neat est and most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oc. 13, 1S30. No Tariff of Prices. FEES TRADE. Earthnwure, Looking-Glasses, fyc THOMAS J. HARROW & CO. Importers, SS tYalcr-st. New-York, flV'KEK for sa'( the lamest and n.osi complete assortment ot Ej.rtJiemcare, Gss, China plain Uhl x!-' Looki t!f-Glasses, fyc. which the New-York market will afford, comprhing ovei v style and variety of the newrst patterns. They return their most cordial thanks to their friends in tiie Southern States, for tln ir support in the persecution now carrying on against them, for their tefusal io join a combination in fixing one tariff of prices for Crockery, throughout the trade, It is mainly attributable to ;bo iiinV.er.ce of our Southern f;ien enabled to m:; most trying combined :? Ti' T wiule t;ulo, i roi.i and a at we have been ihus far, in this ; exposed to the ui capital of the 'ing o effect our irof. bi:dnfs. !" r friends to H;:;: ,; ;f"i in our We pledge ou; vl give them every su :; power as regards the v it V of our goinis, tne excellence ot our p;.cKer anc! i he lowne.-s of. our prices for Cash or City Acceptances; and in return, solicit from them a continuance of their patronage, and particularly re quest thoe who have influence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, as we trust the cause is one they are all interested in, and much benefit will accrue to us from their friendly acts m tins way. It has been said, the Combination was broken up. As it regards prices, this is tiue, and all, we think, friends or foes will allow that we h ive effected this change; but we do assure our friends, that at no period since we commenced our sys tem of unshackled prices were we in greater want of assistance than at the present moment. 1 his combination of men are leaving no means untried for effecting our ruin, that they may revive the old system: our credit and character are assailed in every shape, our importations waylaid and stopped in every instance where threats are sufficient to intimidate the manufactu rers from supplying us; in fine, no vexation or trouble which the malice of men could devise has been neglect ed in this struggle to subdue us. We once more call upon every friend of a free trade to come up to our support, and pledge ourselves to give them no cause to repent of their liberality. T. J. BJRROJFfy CO. S3 Water-street, above Old slip. Jan. 1831. 21 Just. Published, And for sale at this oHice, The North-Carolina Whig's For the Kehukee Association. containing: l. A Watchman, crying with the chil dren of Zion. 2 A. Reply to Nehemiah, of Georgia. 3. A few Thoughts, in answer to the Address of the Baptist Convention of North-Carolina. Frice.,..Q cents, single... Si per doz. JACKSON MEETING. A large and respectable por tion of the citizens of. Wake county having met at the court housiL' in Raleigh, (on the 4lh inst.) in pursuance of notice heretofore given, to express their views of the administra tion of President Jackson, and take such measures as would promote his re-election The meeting was organized by appointing Romulus 31. Saunders, Esquire, Chairman, and Henry 31. 31iller as Secre tary. The Chairman very briefly and eloquently stated the ob ject of the meeting James Grant, Esquire, sub mitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were read and unanimously adopted, viz. Whereas the citizens of this cotm ty, in common with the freemen of North Carolina, repose undiminished confidipco in the integrity and tal jentsol Axdeew Jackscx, President the United States, and believe that the leading measures ofhisadminis tration have fulfilled the most san guine expectations of his friends, and are eminently calculated to preserve in its purity our present democratic! form of Government, being based upon the true principles of the Con stitution and soundest national policy; and whereas it is the opinion of this meeting that the preservation of the great interests and civil quiet of our beloved country requires the re-election of Andrew Jackson to the Pre sidency of the United Slates: j nerejore, Hesoived, 1 hat his . w the Constitution, (mani! thepnnt!i.n;n ;f..i .L I u.v, vuiijuiuuuuj liiauiiLOlLU pal UCU I larly in his veto on the MaysvilleS Turnpike Road,) merit our approba tion and gratitude, and eminently qualify him for the discharge of the duties of the important and respon sible station to which he has been called by the voice of the nation. Mr. William H. Haywood offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adop ted. Resolved, That for the purpose of promoting concert and union among the friends of the present administra tion in this State, it is recommended to our fellow citizens in the different counties of the State to hold meet ings for the expression of their will, and to advance there-election of An drew Jackson. Alexander J. Lawrence, Esq, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adop ted, viz. Resolved, That the Chairman ap point a corresponding committee of seven, and a committee of Vigilance of 22. H. M. Miller offered the fol lowing resolutions, which were unanimously adopted, viz. Resolved, that those proceedings ; signed by the Chairman and' Se cretary, and a copy be forwarded to the President. Resolved further, that the Editors of this city be requested to publish these proceedings in their newspa pers. 1 he meeting tben adjourned sine die. R. M. SAUNDERS, Ch'n. II. M. Miller, Secretary. Committee of Correspondence, Alex. J. Lawrence, William H. Haywood, jr. William Hill, James Grant, William S. Mhoon, John C. Stedman and Henr' M. Miller. Committee of Vigilance. Col. Allen Rogers, William 13. Dunn, Charles L. Hinton, Newton Wood, Anderson Wilkins, Johnston Busbee, Willis Whitaker, Nathaniel G. Rand, Woodson Clements, Wesley Jones, Kimbrousrh Jones, William R. Hin ton, Dr. Thomas Cottrell,' Henry Jones, Henry JVFGehee, Thomas Roycroft, Henry Warren, James M. Mangurn, Absalom P. Woodall, James D. Newsom, Durrell Rogers 4 David Holland. Star. Th e Co r respo n dence. The Nashville Herald says, that a manuscript copy of Mr. Craw ford's letter, published by Mr. Forsyth, had been in circula tion in that place and neighbor hood, several weeks previous to the appearance of Mr. Cal houn's pamphlet. The copy sent to us for publication, had been thumbed until it was as black as a worn out primmer. Other copies, we learn, had been in circulation at Rich mond and Albany. Yet there are some who insist that the correspondence was a fire brand thrown into the republi can party by 31 r. Calhoun, Washington Tel. New Jersey. -The people of the thrifty manufacturing town of Paterson, having resolved to make a rail road to the Hud son river, opened a subscrip tion for 250,000 dollars to ef fect the work 20 per cent, to bo paid on subscribing. But on the cloe of the books, the first day, it was found that 81,291,750 had been subscri bed; or five times the amount required! May speedy and complete success attend this noble display of public spirit at Patterson! ib. - Georgia. A man lias been apprehended and committed for n Savannah, for counter- fcitinp; silver half dollars, ouar- - 1 lur uouars, ana ten cent pieces. ine material of which he com posed them was block, tin,' and his die was formed of a mould of lead. -ib. Singular Casualti.An infant child of Mr. Midleton, in North Fourth street, as we glean from a morning gazette. was left on the bed in the nur sery, while the mother descen ded into the lower part of the irning, after a very brief absence, she observ ed the house cat spring from the bed where her child lay. She approached the child in stantly, and With extreme an guish, found it dead. No marks of violence were per ceivable on the infant, and its untimely death is supposed to have occurred from the cat sucking its breath. Phil. Gaz. B reach Promise of 31a r riage. The case of Rebecca Hoffman vs. Rev. George Heim, for breach of the mar riage promise, was tried last week, and a verdict given for $490 in favor of the plaintiff. New Berlin Times. A young lady, in Alabama, lately attempted to right herself for a breach of promise of mar riage. On the day her faith less lover was to unite his des tiny with another, she posted herself on his route with a horseman's Pistol, and actual ly had courage to fire upon the inconstant one, but unfortunate ly without effect. She had al so a razor, whether to finish his agonies, or end her own bv his side, nobody knows. Fayditzitle 0-: