I' ) 1 1 J of Whole JVb. 349. fpf uXrrth-Caroline: Free Press, i rv GEOHr.E HOWARD, j j, jv.ihlMicft Weekly, at T-.vo Dollars lend infill Centx per year, it' j-aid in ad fv;'ice or, Thrtc Dollar.., at the expira uin of tue year. For any period less t!u a yt:"', Twenty-five Cents per 'ti :ith. Subscribers are at liberty to dis Mntiir.ie at any time, on giving notice jtVrei'f and paying arrears those resi &vr at a distance must invariably pay in '(advance, cr give a responsible reference Tia this vicinity. i Advertiscmcnts.not exceeding 16 lines, Vill be inserted at 50 cents the first in Jsertii'ii, and 2.? cents eacl cvatinnance. ;Lo;cr ones at that rate for everv 16 dines. Advertisements must he marked tie number ot insertions required, or "they via he continued until otherwise ordered. j'Letters addressed to the jKm'tor nuust be post paid, or they may 'r.ct be attended to. HjMIK Subscribers inform Ihe Puh 1 lie, that the-have just returned jfrom Xew- Fork, with a general and well selected assortment ut ; FANCY AM) STAI'LE -;!rrr$. ""Y &v Jt Xvr&J $3 & litivdivave, Crockery, &c s'Vhhm tl,rv are now opening at their s0id St. eid, v.,d which they olfer at Imtir u-u.il low prices. J 0C I'be highest prices giwn lor .!t:iled and setl Cfton, in payment of Juibts or in exchange or Goods. I) RICHARDS. I WM. T.1XXAHILL. ) Tflrboro May 2, ;,n. Airs. A. G. Howard 3 now opening her tail supply of Goods, in her line of buines.and :; respectfully solicits her ciMomcrsiaud f friends to call and examine them J amongst h-r assortment will be found: Pattern Silk, Velvet, and Dunstable bou- i:ets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. litghorn and straw bonnets, I Llcrnt turbans, caps, and capes, i Changeable silks, for dresses, I'tein and fig'd silks and satins, do. Feathcr'd, velvet, and straw flowers, A great variety of ribbons, &c. ;c. ; All of which she is disposed to sell at her usual low prices. - Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. nadc to order, in the latest and most j approved fashions. j Legh'irn and straw bonnets bleach- cd, dye 1. or trimmed. 4 Ti borough, On. 25, 1330. Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain Juntas, c. ' 9 '11 i T'-I OSC! 1 ' -er !;'. ' foi 'U -Line, t i PCL (ilNs. of ;r .i "I r, ! . ? : i leave to in h" is now and 2'J COT- mateiK'.ls, part 1 I ' oil iv s dllU 111V f ribs or bd-s faced with .:oel. I . BACKING SCIi. WS,of the.Ku ! al size, and lar-r than any now in 01 whirr. ,v,;i k.. ctr ,.1 OT.,-.. , "se in the Stat-, Cd no doubt sUpe-( nor they wil, .u ide in an engine ' 1 erected for tb .t purp.w. ( 2 Short notice. On IWn imnr.n'i il mr-1 ...luu,, win uu uu:u ai fl pendicular plan, or any thrr ; CHAIN BAM)S"& Wl'lKKLsJ ; Of a superior quulitv, which are kx - iiemely well c;i -uiated fur the pro-1 nellin- of hnth r'i , i m-ii 1 j peuin& oi ootti (jhir, and Mi s. X Personsde.i.in.anv.nh, ,uJ i inues, win please ; pply to JO IX ivf. vmv Tarboro', Sept. 1S30. y"f)1"?Yr 1 Mt(flf a v. m,USJ&AM &y Ji'-b ECTFULLY informs the in-jly habitants of Edgecombe and the adjacent counties, that he is now pre- ; pared for Repairing Cotton Gins, matting if repairing riding Chairs, yigs, &.c. at Ids slum, about t mih.c miles i I J'otn Tarborough, on the w.iicro nfltodo: he is vvoll known in thisftnnn. .- 'Own (.reek, Ileal' the roiil lAndlno-itV. James Piridges's to the Widow i , l aylors. lie will also make lied- i Steads. Tables, do Jc X-r iU .k.... i ' m.v . 11. mi, nimi i- notice. Allot" which will be done Uieap for cash, or on a short credit to i punctual customers. , GCPHe would refer those having ; -ctton Gins out of order, to Messrs? Redding Sugg, John R. Scarborough, imes Rarion, and others, for satis I lc,07 durances oLhts ability to re l them. H Nov. 1830. Tarhorox,$hy(MSeconibe County, K C.) Tuekuy,-May 'jMIR Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned from New- York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Spring & Summer seasons,togcther with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Ltt(iss7vnrv, &c. Vyhich he is disposed to ell low for caih or barter. He will ivu the highest market prices for CO iTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tab low, &.e. in exchange for goods at ensh prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well o call on the Subscriber at the Pot-ofijce, one door below the store of 11. & S. 1). Cottcn, and next door to Mrs. Ore- gorv s Hotel. a: it. roux tree. Tarboro i!av 2,1 S3 1. IIE Subscriber respectfully in- biirns the inhabitants of Kdg;-. combe :iui the adjoining counties, t)lat he lias commenced the i V i !o rin U i s i ?" ess , AT STAXTONSIJUHG, And trusts by jmi net n I i ty and atten tion to hi business, to merit the ap probation of his eutomers. JESSE IV. T.1YLOR. Stanlniishijjg, March, 1831. 01 rgHK Subscriber informs all those A wishing to send Cotton to IiilTs Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Reception of Cotton, ' Dy the sl of October next. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. James Gordon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 2 cents per bale all other articles in proportion JVIUTMEL II. SINTIIOtfV. Palm vim, N.C. Sept. 23, 1830. 7 Hilton 5asmz. rpIT o.Tice of the Milton Cazvtte and ti. Roanoke sidvertiser is fi.r salej and will be sold at a great sacrifice. '1 he Tviif fiiscs htnl V.W if thr. M;iriri;ih; .iff 11 ew i iie ;jhce is turnislud with cver . iii i injt.i.iin. hji int.- i u I i i 1 1 i m i ee ia :iil demands. I be job-printing &i adver t sine; has and continues to be, resecta- :.. i .......... i .. i .,... i . i. i Die. IK'V .More lb m half the purchase m in. iv be a-.su:n'd in bank. The Subscript ion Li-1 ha.s t all times, (under the m magement of the late Editor,) a mounted to cibout 300, the most of whom are 'punct'ial subscribers. Any person inifr to purchase, may apply and will find this offer a ereat bargain. March, 1831. 1 BiUWA lB i w T i v r KAN AWAY irom the i -t i .i absenber, about the Stn iu.st. nero man HARRY VJ Harry is a bright mulatto, JLVX . ... tsbfc. fhalf whiteA with 'larsre free- kles, between thiriy and thirty-five jy of age, near six feet high, and rweihs about one hundred and seven- pounds; he is a t;ood ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt rnrt innTiirl vr In ihU and thn noorh. horhood of the late Lemmon Ruffiu, Esq. where he has a wife. The a- bove reward will be paid on the deli very ot the said Harry to me nea Sparta, Edgecombe county, No.Xa. if taken within this Slate, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty 'Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. 'IUCIID. HINES. Ifith Nov. 1829. 13 MERCHANT TAILORS, ytnSTI to inform their friends and customers, that they have just received from New-York, a new arid handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable. for the season.. ..such as... . Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casin-.cres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fanc.v silks fur do. Dark and livht col'd valencias, Plain white and fii'd quillings, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stiffencrs. Too ther with a complete assortment of TRIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed lo sell low. (? jGenliemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neat est and most fashionable style. 1 aruuro7, Oct. 13, 1330. No Tanlf of Prices. TRADE. tL& iy i-j Em the aware, Looking-Glasses, $c. THOMAS J. HA It ROW & CO. Importers, S8 Hater s t. New-York, Z 4 "v 11,1 I'e, toe largest ana rnot zi'are. Glut, China, ilaln and xilt Lock-ing-Glax.f". j?c. which the New-York market wdl afford, coni)rising every style and variety of the newest patterns. They return their most cordial thanks to their friends in the Southern States, for their support in the persecution i.ow car n aig on ii-.i'.nt ihem, for their i efusal to join a combination in fixing one tariff of prices far Crockery, throughout the nade. It is mainly attributable to the in fluence of cur Southern friends that we have b .'.-n enabled to survive thus f.u, in tin , .no.st iryinj; situation; exposed to the combined iidliunce and capital of the whole trade, endeavoring to effect our rum and expulsion from business. U c pledge ourselves to our friends to give them every satisfaction in our poweV as regards the (tn:lity of our goods, the ex ct lier.ee of our packers and the lowness of our prices for Cash or City Acceptan ces and in return, solicit from them a continuance of their patronage, and par ticularly reque. t those who have influ ence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, n we trust the cause is one they are all interested in, and much benefit wilt accrue to us from their jrindly acts in this way. Jt has been taid, the Com bination was broken up. As it regards prices, this is true, and. all, we think, iri nds or f es will allow that we have e fleeted this change; but we do assure our friend-, that at no period since we commenced our system of unshackled prices were we in greater want of assist ance than ut lb present moment. This Combination of men are leaving no means untried t r effecting our ruin, that they may rehe the old system: our credit i '"""-'H Ji J'.U (if; and character i.re assailed in every shape, our nnonrtations wavlaid and stonned in .-;......;.. i ii r" every instance where threats are sufff cient to intimidate the manufacturers from supplying us in fine, no vexation or trouble which the malice oi men could devise has been neglected in this struggle to su.xlue us. v e once more call upon every friend of a free trade to come up to oui support, and pledge ourselves to give them no cause to repent of their liberality. 7'. J LVRROIV V CO. SS iVater-slrcct, above Old slip. Jan. 1.S31. 21 rUIE Subscriber has purchased from Mr. S. L. Hart, negro man 3 yfi 9 Advertised - in this paper as a runa- i i . .i v;iy anu nereoy gives notice, mat if said runaway will surrender him self he can either go to work for me, or I will give him a permit lo seek an other master. JAMES ELLINOR. April 9. 1S31. 31 Just Published, And for sale at this office, The North-Carolina JVhig's FoT the Kehukee Association. containing: - 1. A Watchman, crying with the chil dren of Zion.. 2. A Reply to Nehemiab, of Georgia. 3. A few Thoughts, in answer to the ' Address of the Baptist Convention of North-Carolina. Pncc.,.10 cents, single... Si per doz. March, 1S31. 4 From the Washington N. C. Union, , April 23. We, have received several communications on the subject of the npproaching Congre.ss ioritil election, fciome in favor of this gentleman ami some in favor of that, all teeming with abuse, and endeavoring to ar ray us on one side or other of i lie contest. By one wo ari accused of being om-sidtd by another of our press beiii"; muz zlcd; by a third that '-you Ut nouvtly bat yourself talk in your paper;" and by a fourth that our journal is under the .,1 ... t J. 1 f i "v withdraws his patronage be cause we will not publish the circular of a candidate for Con gress in a neighboring district; and another says he intended to have patronized us, had we published his communication, but in consequence of our refu sal he declines doing so. Do the gentlemen really imagine that we are to sacrifice, our pa per that we are to resign it to scandal and personal abuse'! IJo they believe that we ate willing to become a toel f,,r the basest of purpuM s!--- Do they expect thai foi the pull rv sum o"l our subscription we are to be bought and soid!. Veriiy, would say, our friends musi have foriueii a very exalted o pinion of us; and we ought to siiow our gratiiude for the in terest they have taken in our behalf. We have received e nough of these communications to Jill tito such papers as our O'irn, from beginning to end: but the course which we hae laid out, and which we are de termined to pursue, excludes every one of them from our columns. Jt is true, we have solicited communications from ou; friends; and have stated that all dispassionate contributions on political subjects, would be ad mitted, as truth rather than victory is our aim. But such contributions we have never yet received, on the subject of Con gressional candidates. Those we have on hand, are not fit for the columns of any newspaper having the least regard for its : public success. standing or ultimate Fatal Accident. A neuro man belonging to llltrrit Oil- Hard, Esq. of this 'city, was drowned at Capt. Cobb's Mills on Saturday night last. The negro and a white' man, we un derstand, were in a canoe fish ing; and in attempting to un loose their net from some ob struction to which it was fasten ed, unfortunately upset the ca noe. The white man swam safely to the shore; but the ne gro, being unable to swim, was drowned. Raleigh Star. Accident. We learn that on Tuesday week, in attempting to lord Tabb's Creek, on VV Taylor's plantation, Mr. Jas Bullock's Wairfron was carriet away by the tide and a Boy and one Horse w?ere drowned. The driver and the remainder of the horses were saved. The wag gon was carried near a mile down stream, and recovered. Oxford Exami 3, 18 . - . . f . Fayetteville, April 20. The Ladies' Fair for the benefit of the Charity School, was held at the large room in the Acade my buildings ou Monday, eve-.-ning last. A very large con course of visiters attended, and nearly every thing .ottered by the Society, was sold, reali zing for this benevolent institu tion, nearly 300. We ought !o have stated before that a Fair was .'held by a Society composed of a number of very young Ladies, about ten days; ago, w hen about 120 was real ized for this and other benevo lent purposes. Obs. A Distressing Accident. On the night of the 3th instant, during the severe gale, a boat belonging to John Cox, Es quire, of Edenton, on tier pas sage with stores, from a fishery on Chowan River, to another on the Sound, with two negroes ou board, was lost. The boat was seen at anchor off the fish ery of C. E. Johnson, Esq. It is believed the heavy nortli wind (in the night while the. negroes were asleep) threw the stores to one side of the boat, and caused it to sink. 7 7i e Bou n d a ry Q u cs t ion . 'There is nnji-h excitement produced in Maine bv the lato arbitration of the K ino .it t h- j, 1 HIV ie?herlands. Her Legislature has taken up the subject wa'rm- Iy; and a report of neariy 20 pages lias been made to the House of Representatives bv the Select Committee. It is ordered to be printed, and a copy, to be transmitted to the I resident ot the U. S. and to the Governor of each of the Slates. It denies the validity ot the decision unnn rwn grounds: 1st. That the date King of the Netherlands having1 lot the greater part of his kingdom, and become peculiar ly dependent upon Great Brit ain, is no longer an independ ent arbiter, and his deciMon is not binding: and 2d. That he did not decide the question submitted to him, and his deci sion is therefore a nullity. The report concludes, that the federal (jrovemment is not bound to ratify a decision, with out violating the constitutional rights of Maine.. - Richmond Compiler. Intemperance. An old man. by the name of John McMillan, was found dead about two miles from Town, on the East ide ot the river on Saturday morning last. Anson Baily, Esq. coroner held an inquest over the body verdict death occasioned by intemperance. rayettexdlc Jour. The Grape. The experi ments which have been made in some of the most extensive vineyards at York, Pa. show that the Madeira and Lisbon giape vines have withstood the severity of the last winter much better than any other species. The fact is mentioned for the information of those who may be disposed to cultivate the vine, TT'No man ever, offended his own conscience but first or last it was revenged upon him. t tV f - u

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