ipi "'If' 1 'ii V Whale JVr;, 350. Tarioro,, ('Edgecombe County, JV. C) Tuesday, May 10, 183 iV FW. nr JNo. 3. I i f'ic iNsth-Carolina Free Fress," BY GEORCV. IIOWAKD, Is published weekly, at Te.ut Dollar c:i Fifty Cents per year, if paid in ad vanceor, '7yc Dollars, the. expira tion ot the year. For any period less than :i year, Twenty-fior Cents per month. Subscribers arc at liberty to dis t. nt'.aue at any time, on giving notice hereof and paying arn-ars those resi jia at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference ia this vicinity. Advertisements, not exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at 50 cents the first in sertion, and 2.) cents each rnntinuance. Jjajrcr ones at tii.it rate for every 16 linos. Advertisements must be marked the, number of insertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered. :i7Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they, may not be attended to. rPHK Subscribers inform the Pub-! - nc, ui.u iney nave just returned Trum New- York, with a general and well selected assortment ot FANCY AND STAPLE liardivarc, Crockery, &c Which they are now opening at their Old Stand, and which they offer at their usual low prices. (jThe highest prices given for baled and seed Cotton, in piymentoi" cebts or in exchange 'or Goods. D. RICHARDS. IVM. TANNAHILL. Tarboro May 2, 1S31. Airs. Jl. C. Howard TS now opening her spring supply of Goods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them am Hjgst her assortment will be found: IV tern S ..tin-straw, Silk, c Battese bon- t!ct, Litest fashions, Duauiitd straw Dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Ek's?.nt turbans, cvc. Aa :ivo:tmcnt of Puffs and Curls, Gauze & barege scarfs Sc handkerchiefs, Strir.v and fancy flowers, A i.i cat variety of ribbons, &c. &c. A I! of which she is disposed to sell it her usind low prices. Li i;es' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most sppiovcd fashions, i Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach- eJ. dyed, nr trimmed. Tuborough. .May 5, I S 3 1 . -ff Packing Sere ics, Horse Mills, Chain K J an ds. 8'C. npflE Subscriber begs leave to in-; s x f'.-in the public, that he is now ' building between 15 and 20 COT-, ION viINS. of good materials, pirt; ui which will be steel saws and tiie tibs or bars fac::d with steel. PACKING SCREWS, of the usu-; al size, and larger than auv now in ; :c in the State, and no doubt supe- : rior they will be made in an emrine" erected for that purpose. HOUSE MILLS will be built at 1 a short notice, on the improved pet 1 pellicular plan, or any other. CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, of a superior q-nlity, which are ex- tremely well calculated for the pro pellingof both Gins and Mills. I Persons desiiiug any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN JVILSOX. j Tarboro', Sept. 1S30. i . KSPECTFULLY informs the in- ; habitants of Edgecombe and the ! sdiicenl counties ihot bo a ...... mv, IIU" JJIW-' pared for Repnhing Cotton Gins. waking y repairing riding Chairs, 'igs, Uz. at his shop, about 18 miles 1 lorn Tarborough, on the waters of 1 fWn Creek, near the road leulino-, 'om James iJnd-cs's to the Widow I'aylor's. He will also make Bed Heads, Tables, desks, &p. at the short-;f-,t notice. All of which will be done heap for cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. QZFUv would refer those having ,' J'olton Gins out of order, to Messrs! lidding Sugg, -John R. Scarborough, -amcs Rarron, and others, for satis j mtory assurances of his ability to re I rair 14 Nov. J80O. ii.i4 ouusuiiucr lanes mis meinou of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned from New-York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Spring & Summer easons,together with a large supply of Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and (Uasswurc, etc. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. Efe will trive the highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &c. in exchange for g .ods at Cish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well o call on tho Subscriber at the fost-oftice, one door below the store of U. & S. I). Gotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. AT. II ROUNTREE. Tarboro', May 2,1831. THE Subscriber respectfully in- forms the ir.habitat.lt of Ede combe and the adjoining counties, that he has commenced the 7 V Uo ring Jin sin rss, AT STAN TONS JJUJiG, nd trusts by punctu dity and tion to !i:s business, to merit the ap probation ot his custom 3rs. JESSE IV. TAYLOR. Stanton-burg, March, 1S3L 31 fSTHE Siihsrrihrr lnfr.TM1c 1 1 ft.oco i HUE Subscr iber informs all those I X .u: ..,..,.1 r... ... Tirnv. rerry to be .shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Reception of Cotton, Ihj the 1st of October next. Having been appointed Agent for Mr. James Gordon, lie promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery' of such articles as may be forwarded to him, ami Cot ton sent to hitii to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of . Cotton, 12 ' cr-nts p.-r bale :ill other articles in proportion. IV II IT MEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.O. Sept. 2 , 1S30. 7 :ItDn emetic flUIK office of the Msi:o?i Gazette end ; Combin-tion of men are leaving no means ft Roanoke Advertiser h for sale; and ! untried for effecting our ruin, that they will be sold at a great sacrifice. The j may revive the old system: our credit Tvpe cases and all of the Materials are and character are v.ssa1 .!. d in every shape, new. The office is furnistied with every jour importations -vay.k;'! ; ud stopped in material requisite for the furtherance of j every instance vlu-tv eats are suffi all demands. The iob-nrintintr & adver- ! cient to imnniii.ite nv- manufacturers tisinghas, and continues to be, respecta - i u j ... blc. More tlian half the purchase mo ney, may be assumed in bank. The Subscription List has at all times, (under the management of the late Editor,) a mounted to about 300, the most of whom are .punctual subscribers. Any person wishing to purchase, may apply and will find this oiler a great bargain. March, 1831. RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, about the Sth inst. negro man HARRY Harry is a bright mulatto, (half white,) with large free- between thiny and thirty-five years of sge, near six feet high, and weighs about one hundred and seven ty pounds; he is a good ditcher and well acquainted with all kinds of work usually done on a farm; he is a very intelligent ingenious fellow, well calculated to pass himself for a free man, which no doubt he will attempt to do; he is well known in this coun ty, particularly in this and the neigh borhood of the late Lemmon Ruffin, Esq. where he has a wife. The a bove reward will be paid on the deli very of the said Harry to me near Sparta, Edgecombe county, No. Ca. if taken within this State, or Fifty Dollars if taken without this State and Fifty Dollars will be paid for evidence to convict any white person of harboring said negro on conviction. RICHD. HINES. 1 flu Nov. 1829. .'" ' 13 klcs. MERCHANT TAILORS, IRTISH to inform their friends and customers, that they have just received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable, for the season.. ..such as... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimcres, Bang-up cord suitable for- riding panta loons, Plain black and figM velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd valencias, Plain white and fig'd quiltings, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stiffeners. Together with a complete assortment of TRIMMINGS, allof which they are disposed to sell low. Gentlemen's clothing made up at tiie shortest notice, and in the neat est and most fashionable style. Tnrboro', Oct. 13, 1830. No TiirifF of Prices. Rat thi'iiivare, Looking G hisses S-e. THOMAS J. HARROW & CO. Importers. 88 IVater-st. Neiv- York, 4 vFFLK for sale, the largest and most V complete assortment of F.arihtn warr. Glaus, C.'iit.n, plain and gilt Look- '. o (11 ,c.r...c, fl-",. ,t, ... V .)... X' atten-lm..kct :uT1(1. romnr;,in. pvh. i - ---. style and variety ot the newest patterns, l'hey return their most cordial thanks to their friends in the Southern States, for their support in the persecution now car rying ea against them, for their i efusal to join a combination in fixing one tariff of prir.es for Crockery, throughout the ti ade. It is mainlv attributable to the in- !lucnc,c ot cu'-' Soutiu' h;k-nds that we "uence lKU ' been enabled to varvive thus fa.i,jn most trving situation; exposed to the combined influence and capital of the whole trade, endeavoring to effect our ruin and expulsion from business. Wc pledge ourselves to our friends to give them every satisfaction in our power as regards the quvlity of our good:,,, the ex cellence of ou,- packers and the lowness of cur prices for Cash or City Acceptan ces; and in return, solicit from them a continuance of the:r patronage, and par ticularly i tque t those who have influ ence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, as we trust the cause is one they are all interested in, and much benefit will f verue to us from their friendly acts in this way. It has been said, the Com bination was broken un. As it retards j . ices, this is true, imd all, we think, friends or foes will allow that we have I effected this change; but we do assure our friends, that at no period since we j commenced our system of. unshackled prices were we in greater want of asvist 1 ance than at the n resent, moment. This from supp'yiiu- us;-:-: nr.e, no vexation or trouble whicii tie- ;:alice of men could devise has been neglecteel in this struggle to subdue us. We once more call upon every friend of a free trade to come un to our support, and pledge ourselves to give them no cause to repent ot their liberality. T. J. B ARROW k CO. SS I Voter -street, above Old slip. Jan. 1831. 21 rtjnHE Subscriber has purchased from Mr. S. L Hart, negro man Advertised in this paper as a runa- !way and hereby gives notice, that if said runaway will surrender him self he can either go to work for me, or I will give him a permit to seek an other master. JAMES ELLINOR. April 9. 1831. 34 Jits; Published. And for sale at this office, The North-Carolina Whig's For the jZehukee Association. containing: 1. A Watchman, crying with the chil dren of Zion. 2. A Reply to Nehemiah, of Georgia. 3 iVfew Thoughts, in answer to the Address of the Baptist Convention of North-Carolina. Price....l0 cents, single... $1 per doz. JWareh, 1S31. Gaudaloupc. JN'ews has been received at New-York, by Capt. Shackleford of the schr. Compeer, that the inhabitants of Gamialoupe were very much alarmed in consequence of se veral families having been poi soned by the negroes. About 300 of the latter have been im ptisoncd on Pigeon Island. Antigua. An extract of a lf;tier in the Nevv-Ilaven Adver tiser, dated Antigua, March 24, says: "This island is in a state of insurrectiou....alI business suspended martial law in force.. ..and nobody sleeps but on their arms. Prompt mea sures, however, have been ta ken.. ..some slaves, supposed to be ringleaders, apprehended.... and trials by court martial commence to-morrow. We hope a few days may restore or der and tranquility." Letters, dated 7th April, have been received in New-York, which state that the disturban ces in Antigua were entirely quelled. Colombia. Accounts from Colombia represent that coun try as in a wretched state of confusion. Since the death of Bolivar, it seems that every pet ty miliary chief who has cun ning enough to raise a band of ruffians, has power to inflict deep calamities upon his iil faled country. Jlucnos Ayrts. Letter from an ollicer of the Vandalia sloop of war, lying at Rio de Janeiro, to his friend in Washington, dated Feb. 23, 1331: . ."By an arrival from Monte Video, yesterday, we received accounts of the city and prov ince of Buenos Ayres being again in a very distracted state; Rosas and Paez having com menced hostilities against each other, and -orders from the commander to repair with' all despatch to the river, in order if it should be necessary, to give protection to our country-j men, and their property. A letter received by an officer on board from the Hudson, now lying at Monte Video, states that -they are in Buenos Ayres obliging every person to take up arms heretofore the Ame ricans and Englishmen have been exempted from that duty." Mexico. Advices from the capital of Mexico to the 2Gh of Mai'ch, represent the couvilry to be tranquil. The National Congress were occupied with the -proposed reforms of the Constitution. Ch in a. Recent a c r o tm t s from China speak of a dreadful earthquake in that country which destroyed a number of towns. No particulars are given it is rumored that between 500,000 and one million of human be ings must have perished at Canton. " England. In the British House of Commons, Mr. Per cival presented a petition pray ing that a general fast might be annointed. Mr. Hunt asked if the honorable member was a ware that one-third of the popu- lation of England fasted every day? Mr. P. asked if he knew who was the Almighty dispen ser of blessings and the giver of all goodness! Mr. 11. was per fectly aware of all this,and aiso aware that such as Mr. P. tonk nway from the poor what the Almighty gave them. Ireland. The famine in ma ny parts of Ireland is distress ing. A public meeting was held in London on the 21th March, at which the Lcni May or presided, to devise tempora ry means of relief. A state ment containing extracts from letters, was distributed in the room, from which it appeared that the distress was most ap palling; several persons had died from starvation, and at that present time, in the six pa rishes of Westport alone, there were 31,904 persons wholly without food. Sanctuary in Tarawa?.- The French government has resol ved in council, that in future the surrender of no .one who basset foot on the Fren-h soil shall be minted, no matter from what quarter the applica tion may come. This liberal policy is worthy the land of La til vet te. Siagirfar Jnci'dcn t. Several yenrs ago, there was a charity sermon given cut lohc p? t nch Vd one Sabbath rv rting in a dissenting chapel at ;- nport town of thr west ol Ej.vhind. When the preacher useonded thc'pulpit he thus addressed his hearers: "My brethren, before proceeding to the duties of this evening, allow me to relate a short anecdote. Many years have now elapsed since I was last within the walls of this house. Upon that evening the pastor of the congregation (of which many now present must have formed a part) addressed his hearers for the same bene volent purpose, as that for which 1 am now about to ap peal to you. Amongst .he hearers came three evil dis posed young men, with the in tention not only of scollirifr at the Minister of God, but with their pockets filled with stones. for the purpose- of assaulting mm. Alter the 'Minister had spoken a few sen tenons, one of the three said, him, let us be at him now;' but the second replied, 'no, stop till we hear what he makes of this point.' J he Minister went on for some lime, when the second said, We've hpard enough now, throw!' but the third interfered. saying, 'He's tiot so foolish as I expected, let us hear mm out. The preacher concluded his discourse without being inter rupted, and then went home amidst the blessings of his hear ers, and with the approbation ot uod in his heart. Now mark me, my brethren-of those three young men, one of them was executed a few months ago at Newgate for forgery; the se cond at this moment lies under sentence of death in the gaol of this city for murder; the other," continued the Minister with great emotion, "the third, thro the infinite goodness of Cod, is even noic about to 'address you listen to him"