i I! v- Tiipftoro,, fEvecomi)e County, .V. Oj Tfc;,, ,1 i 51, 183 1. FoZ. VllXo 40. "North-Carolina Free Press, nv gtorce now Aim, t, published weekty, at Tro Dollars '. .. r- ..... . rr i .., ; r.fm Cmta per vear, if paid in ad-1 Ijr, ''mi iar,,at Ihe expire! of the year. For any period less thin a ye ir, I :vcnty-rive Lents per ni:wlU. Subscribers are at liberty to clis rnt'nUC at any time, on giving notice J jji' at a distance must invariably pay in I juacc, or give a responsible reference i; :!iis vicinity. ! ".lvertiseme'its.not exceeding 16 lines, ! viU 1' inserted at .SO cents the first in- v: m, and 25 cents each continuance. I lt , :-jr o-acs at that rate for every 16 f Ii'i.t Advertisements must be. marked I t- muaber of insertions required, or . t;.y 'v il be continued until otherwise ' ori'.-na. ilIiCtters addressed to the V.-vtvv raft si be post paid, or they mav - -mended to. Henry Johnston, . MERCHANT. TAILOil, j fiiTKS this method to inform his 1 friends nnd the public. 1 hat he has jjn received From New-York, his I Spring supply of Goods, ' In lit s lino of business consisting of- Fip.rrVie blue, brown, and black Cloths, . .:'-v li-mbazcne, superior quality, v:c a'ul fancy drills, for pantaloons, j ?... bhxk Velvet and Silks, for vesting, I V. i f.ury Marseilles, for do. su- I y.iie beaver flat-., latest fashion, &c H-j !i";S on hand, and intends kcp f r.. a trood lssortrncnt af r-crhi ;n t ' i ests awl r infaloons. iho is wiil be soid at very reduced prices for cash, or on credit to pimc tj i' CHlomers. 36-4 Vuboro-j-h. April 25, 1331. No Tariff of Prices. FREE TRADE. Earfimwarc, Looking-G 'asses, 5c THOMAS J. HARROW & CO. Importers. S3 fVaer-st. New-York, i OFFER for sale, the largest and most - 1 complete assortment of Eartlun f nare. Glass, China, plain and gilt Look-iZ-Glxssct isfc. which the New-York ;riu'-;et will afford, comprising every . styW and variety of the newest patterns, j They return their most cordial thanks to ! their friends in the Southern States, for their support in the persecution n.uv car- , rviDt, on against mem, lor ineiri j joi'i a co.nbination in fixing one pi ices for Crockery, through nine; on against them, for their l efusal to one tariff of iiout the trane. it mainly attributable to the in-fuun-c cf our Southern friends that we hie b?tn enabled to survive thus faj, in this most trying situation; exposed to the crnblavd influence and capital of the :ilio!e trade, endeavoring to cfTect our ruin and expulsion from business. We pledge ourselves to our friends to give them every satisfaction in our power as retr irds tb quality of our roods, the ex cellence of ear packers and the lowness tf (."ir prices for Cash or City Acceptan ce: and in return, solicit from them a nntimiance of their patronage, and par tn.'ii.o ly request tho e who have inilu-t'v- v it n their friendr to exert it in our c.if, as vc trust the cause is one they aic u intciested in, and much benefit yi.l accrue to us from their friendly acts this way. It has been said, tbc Com iaitim was bveken up. As it regards p 'iccs, i;Jls ,s true, and all, we think. ' is or foes will allow that wc have ted this change; but we do assart c i mends, that at no period since we " .v.i e nced our system of unshackled i"nr:cs v. rre wc in greater want of assist t' -'- than at the present moment. This f-nuut.-ticn ;.i int-rj are leaving no means ru d for elicoting our ruin, th;.t they fay revive the old system: our credit and character are assailed in every shape, car importations way-aid and stopped in cry instance where thieais are suffi cient to intimidate the manufacturers irom sumvvir - -in fine, no vexation n .rouble whicii the malice of men could 1evi.se has been neglected in this struggle , -.jui.u-. v c once more call upon very fn.;nd of a free trade to come up to rur support, and pledge ourselves to give t "tin no cause to repent of their liberality. J T. J. JL I Hit OIF 4- CO. fiS Tatcr-st reel, above Old-slip. ' 'Jan. 131. 2! Hilton c3a$ettc. T-I.E office of the Milton Gazette and Roanoke Advertiser is for sale; and "'11 be sold at a great sacrifice. The - Mpc-' cases and all of the Materials arc . ' Vr- 1 he ( tlicc is furnished with every li'.ttei ial requisite for thi? furtherance cf i".'1 'lemands. The iob-Drintine & adver- "rtglias, and continues to be, respecta e. Mr,,-,. ti,., i, ,ic lb lnr'V be assumed in bank. The - 'ibscrintion List has at all times, (under j management of the late Editor,) a- I "tinted to about 30p, the most of whom 'c punctual subscibers. Any person I ..'"no tf purchase, may aT.ply and -11 hnd this offer a great bargain. The THK Subscribe !,, ,Ln., iB . . " v,',C'iSiat havejust returned ' Vork with a general and well selected assortment of FANCY VND STAPLE Hardware, Crockery, &c Which they are now opening at their Old Stand, and which they offer at their usual low prices. fJFhe highest "prices given lor baled and sceit Cotton, in payment of debts or in exchange lor Goods. 1). MCIMRDS. Tnrhoro', May 2, 1831. fHE Subscriber takes Ibis method x of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re luinedfrom New-York with a splen did assortment of vVrell adapted to tho Spring & Summer scasonsjtogether with a large supplyof Hardware Cutlery, Crockery and (Uassicure) i:c. Wbieh he is disposed to sell low for ci ii or barter. He will riw tho nigrum mari.oi pric-s for COTTON, baled or ei.'ded...Corn, beeswax, ial low, &c. in exchange for goods at cash prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on tlv; Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of R. &, S. 1). Gotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. iV. ROUNTREE. Tarboro', May 2,1S31. Mrs. A. C. Howard, S now opening her spring supply of Cioods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Satin-straw, Silk, 6c Battese bon nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Elegant turbans, ?cc. An assortment of Puffs and Curls, Gauze Hz barege scarfs c handkerchiefs, Straw and fancy flower. A great variety of ribbon, ic. fee. Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, Sec. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or trimmed. Tarnorougb, May 5, IS31. Packing Screws, Horse Mills, Chain JJunds, 'C. r-nll JT Subscriber begs leave to in form the public, that he is now building between 15 and 20 COT TON GINS, of good materials, part "of which will bo slee! smvs and t he ribs orb.vs faced with sieel. PACKING SCRKWS,ol the usu al size, and larger than any now in ue in the Slate, and no doubt supe rior they will be made iu an engine erected for that purpose. HORSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, on the improved per pendicular plan, or any other. CHAIN BANDS & WHEKLS, of a superior quality, which are ex tremely well calculated lor the pro pelling of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN IVILSON Tarboro', Sept. 1830. rjnHE Subscriber has purchased from A Mr. S. L. Hart, negro man i9 Advertised in this paper as a runa wayand hereby gives notice, that if said runaway will surrender him self he can either go to work for me, or I will give him a permit to seek an other master. JAMES EL LINO R. April 9, 1831. 34 11 i A MERCHANT TAILORS, - " YriSH to inform their friends and customers, that they have jjist received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season. ...such as.... i Superfine blue and black cloths, , ! Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, : Plain black and fancy silks for do. J Dark and light col'd VaU-ncias, Plain white and fig'd quiltings, Cotton fl annel for draws and shirts, ! Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stifleners. Together with a complete assortment of TRIMMINGS, all of which they aie disposed to sell low. KJ 'Gent feme, u's clothing made up at ihe shortest notice, and in tie neatest and most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1330. fMIE undersigned havingentered in to co-partnership under the firm of Andrew Anderson & Co. Take this method of informing the public, that they have taken the store house formerly occupied by John II. Mathewsou & Co. for the purpose of carrying on the Tailoring Business, IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. And where they will be found at all times, ready to accommodate those who may favor them with their cus tom. All those disposed to encourage them, shall have their garments made in the neatest manner and at the shoit est notice. We take this opportunity of infor ming The public generally, that we have reduced the prices on our work: C; its that have heretofore been $7 for making, we will make for S5, in the most fashionable style; and other gar ments in proportion. We therefore hope, by our strict attention to busi ness, to merit a share of public pat ronage. All orders to us from a dis tance will be promptly attended to, and executed with the uimos; dispatch. slNDREiV . JNDERSON, E. C. MIX. ROBERT II. MOODY. Tarhoro Feb. 7, 1831. 25 'MIE Subscriber respectfully in forms the inhabitants of Edge combe and the adjoining counties that he has commenced the 1 a i lor ins; II nsi ness, AT STANTONSBURG, And (rusts by punctuality and atten tion to his business, to merit the ap probation of his customer. JESSE fr. TAYLOR. Stanronsburg. March, IS31. 31 fH 1 ! E Subscriber informs all those f- wishing to send Cotton to HHPs Ferry to be r.iiippod to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Ilecepiion of Cotton, By the 1st of October next. Having been appointed Accent for Mr. James Gordon, he promises to 'give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery ot such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage ot Cotton, cents per bale all other articles in proportion IVHITMEL H. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C Sept. 28,1830. 7 Just Published At this Office, (with additional notes) a second edition of the Patriotic Discourse, DELIVERED BY THE Rev. JOSHUA LAWRENCE, At the Old Church in Tarboro" N. C. on Sunday ,4th July, 1S30. Price, 10 cents single or, $1 per doz Tarborough, April 18. : RAN A WAY from the Sub scriber's Cool Spring Plantation, on Tuesday evening, the d9th inst. negro man 5E Without very little or any provocation. I he above reward will be eriven to any person who will deliver the said ncirro to mv overseer on the above plantation, or Thirty Dollars, if delivered into the iail of Tarborouyh. Tho nhnvf. fntinw ;c strong arid muscular, weighing at least 180 or 90 lbs. and has an impediment in bis speech, or stutters in his conversa tion and considerably when confused. All orderly citizens are solicited to have a look out and arrest him if an opportu nity should offer. It is expected he is lurking about in the neighborhood of the above plantation, or has gone to Hali fax county. ' JAMES S. BATTLE. Tarboro', April 22, 1831. 36 " Just Published, And for sale at this office The JCorth-CaroUna Whig's For the Kehukee Association. containing: 1. A Watchman, crying with the chil dren of Zion. 2. A Reply to Nehemiah, of Georgia. 3. A lew Thoughts, in answer to the Address of the Baptist Convention of North Carolina. . ' Price. ..AO cents, single... Si per doz. March, 1831. it "f vv-r i .V w. f"-. RESPECTFULLY infoiWthe in- u habitants of Edgecombe and the adjacent counties, that he is now pre pared lor Repairing Cotton Gi,s, making $ repairing riding Choirs, (f'gs, iic. at his shop, about IS miles rom i arborough, on the waters of Town Creek, near the road leading from James Bridaccs's to the Widow Fay lord's. lie will also make Bed steads, Tables, desks, &c. at the short est notice. All of which will be done cheap for cash, or on a short credit to lunctual customers. (fj'He would refer those having Cotton Gins out of order, to Messrs. Redding Sugg, John R. Scarborough, James Barron, and others, for satis factory assurances of his ability to re pair them. 14 Nov. 1830. Poland. The following im portant and affecting address to the Polish Nation has been published by the Government of Poland: ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE OF POLAM). "Countrymen Already the combat for our existence, for our liberty and our indepen dence, has begun: it is perhaps the last. Our iirst fixed pur pose is gloriously to conquer or to die; and , we have sworn, that if it should please Providence to permit us to be subdued like the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem, we shall never case to be Poles. We will swear now that we will hide our na tionality deep in our hearts from the eyes of our enemies and that never will a member of our great but unfortunate nation unite himself with our enemies, either by blood or by friendship that never shall want or contempt bring us or our latest descendants to deny Poland but that we will look upon one another a brothers, help one another in toiland, in the midst of misfortune and in misery, live upon the recol lection of the past and present, and preserve the moral pres ence forever, and rather dis perse over the face of the earth than languish in slavery. May those Powers who are favora ble to us at least obtain this much that after our fall we may be permitted to leave the sacred land of our fathers with our possessions and .-goods. The Diet shall prescribe tho form of our oath. The Diet shall take it with the Polish people, and shall order it to be read from the pulpit. The Minister of Foreign Affuira shall address notes to England and France exhorting those Powers, that in the event of a defeat the remains of our na tion, as well as the prisoners, shall be set ai liberty, and per mitted to leave our "fatherland, profaned by the enemy, soaked by the blood of the Poles, and strewed with their bones -that we may sell without hindrance our possessions and goods, and carry with us what we can take away. Those powers will not repulse the prayers of a people who for ten centuries have guarded Europe on the East and on the North, and the con queror will rejoice to be rid of a generation which must ever hate him. If he possesses tiie magnanimity which he profes ses to the world, he will wil lingly do a deed contributing a likc to his glory, nnd io his in- t a. rft km est. j nose amongst us whom Providence shall permit to survive, or who shall bo wounded and in prison, will, with v.yna full of t -a;s and with biccdin Iwrts, love the land of our f;ithr, w'wu tin priests of our H,iy Faith, and repair Tct tts sv dis::i regions of Aia, Africa and Aoir'rica, which the providence of God and hospi tality shall point out thankful to the. giver of a!) n? vluin where our nationality mav still be permitted to survive." Improved Machinery. It is said a machine is in operation at Wheeling, Va. propelled by steam, which saws boards the proper width for flooring, and ploughs, groves and planes them. It is said to do as much work as 20 men. Light in the West. A very general sentiment appears to be setting in the western states, in favor of a reduction of the duties on those articles consum ed by poor people. In . one year the vessel of state will get righted. Singular and Outrageous Circumstance. Yesterd ay af ternoon, a white and black man oi into a dispute on a sloop near the south ferry, when ?hc latter seized :he former in his arms, nnd thrrw him off the sloop into the river, nnd he was drowned. The black fellow has been arrested. Albany Daily Adv. Mr. Madison. Among the monthly returns of Donations to the American Colonir.aiion Society, we observe the name of the venerable Ex-Pre:dent of the United States, James Madison, as a contributor of 100 dollars. Cotton Ticine. The Mobile Register mentions a sample o very handsome bagging twine, fabricated from cotton, whicii possessed great strength, and appears to have every other re quisite for the purpose intend ed to be served. m Ml' Ml ip'i i 'A I 'i 1 f i 11 41 P L' . V1 n III I "

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