POU TIIK FREE THLSS. CHIVALRY REVIVED, In Amasius und C:issius two young knight crrants, supposed to have sprung from the allies of the okl redoubtable Don Quixotte, alias Knight of the Wind mills. The sublime effusions of these young knights remind me of that beau tiful llower of composition which Don Quixotte addressed to his beautiful Donna Dulcinea del Toboio, when he first sallied out from his own habita tion on his admirable love adventures, armed cap-a-pie and mounted on his celebrated charger, the matchless Ro zinante, (to wit:) "The reason of the unreasonable usage my reason has met vith, so unreasons my reason that I have reason to complain of your beau tv. Tlie hiirh liea en of your divinity, beauty and renders you meritorious of that merit, which by your highness is merited." ! Arm'd cap-a-pie with poetic lance and s'chU i Two modern Qmxottcs grace the chiv- Uric ficli- lkdiindach onJalovc-tuned harpdoth hang, j And row and then they give their chords ; a twang. A cure. IV IVill-iil.'l i ,.n - I Oil V l I XJ .1 IL1II . 11 UlllllIlD i-.H II If 111. V. IV.. I wire, Some maid unknown their 'witching strains inspire; And when they twain?, (like Orpheus' melting lute,) The' lull the winds und even "hold echo mute." Anvasius, chief of these two bards sub lime. First woo'd the maid and stitch'd her up in rhyme; A plaintive lay to her this poet sung, A sweeter strain ne'er flow'd from laure ate's tongue. She heeds him not to her he sings again, Another plaintive and bewitching strain: . Oh love! pure love thvouehcut each sen- 1 terce mi l' tence rung, Oh love more pure ne'er came from lov er's tongue. This in Cassiu-. roused a jealous ire, He arms himself and tunes his golden lyre; Upon its chords a war-like strain doth thumb, And bids Amasius to the combat come. Thus opposed these knights with lance in rest, Don Quixotte like, with targets on their breast, For their Dulcinea enter now the field, Kesolv'd tod.e, determm'd ne'er to yield. No, ne'er to yield so fair so rich a prize, Till fate decrees that one cr tVthcr dies Oh fate! eh fate! withhold your dread decree, And let these knights their shameful er ror see. Oh! knights forbear, for ye will fight hi vain, " J The maid, 'tis said, your conduct does disdain; Forbear, therefore, throw down the lance and shield, Declare a truce, and quit the battle field. Forbear! O Cussius, forgive Amarus' crime, That both may live to 'witch the world "with rhyme; Forbear, O bards, for should ye fight and die, 'Twill make Apollo and the muses cry. Minerva wailing fcr so dire a loss, VM 'loud exclaim "the world is new mere dross;" And "her owl will hoot in so loud a stvle," That one may hear the grieving bird 'a mile. Therefore forbear, and stay the grief, That would ensue were two such bards to die; The Gods would "mope for days in bus'- ness slack, "And like a hearse" the world would "hang m black." WHIMS Sc ODDITIES. I III fTTl iTIIHm Dinner to Mr. McDnffic. Agreeably to previous arrange ments, a dinner was given to this gentleman on the 19th ult. by the citizens of Charleston, as a tes timonial of their high respect lor -Ins talents, character and public services." The Mercu ry SAVrf. "flir n.it-f. ' . elegance and splendor was ful ly worthy of t,e occasion, und the company was numerous and highly respectable." Mr. Mc IIuffie in response to the toast given him, addressed the com pany in a speech of three hours length, of which the following sketch is given by the Mercury": MtisGea upon both these points, a disposed to rely unon the at all hoarpd hl'8 fixed conviction, of the VZJ forlified his belief by a variety of rea sons, and insisted that there is no re medy left for the intolerable injustice under which we labor, but the linn and speedy application of the Caroli na doctrines, lie drew an appalling picture of the colonial degradation of the South, showed the extent and in justice of the taxation to which it is subjected for the support of northern industry, whilst the manufacturers of the North are totally exempt the monstrous inequality of federal dis bursementsthe regular and ruinous depletion of the South, through the operation of the American System ami the inevitable tendency of this state of things, to enrich and aggran dize the protected State?, nnd to de grade and impoverish the South. lie enlarged upon the doctrine that the producer, principally, pays the duly; which he explained and enforced by a variety of illustrations. He touch ed upon nullification, and adduced several instances, in which it had been successfully and peaceanly em ployed. He declared hinisilf siu- ccrciy anaeneu 10 ine union, nonvsu ami constitutionally :ulmin"Mi-rt-l, bu-. could never consent to put the V ior in competition with liberty .mj1 t!i" ririns ot iVcenieii. lit: gave it as his m i ,( , . p ,r deliberate opinion, thai the I : ! shoU,J he nested --that t.e St;Ce should bo placed upon its sovcruiiity th:i( Sotit h-Oai olina should do her dui v to hi'rseli', re.-mlli-s of come- - Ij IV illlU UIV.X Ull illllillllllll Jl- tiast between the condition and con- dii"t of our ancestors, resisting upon principle a pitiful lax of three p' nee upon tea, and contending against Great lhitain, with halters round t heir neck-, and their descendants of the present day, who hesitate at re siting the monstrous oppressions of the Tarilf. although shielded and pro tected by the sovereignty of the Si ale. A correspondent oftheMer- i ii i curv mves tin? lollowmi: as a p;ir t of Mr. McDtlfhVs speech: t. v .. , Are ye men and grown mcn- to distract; the purjioscs for which ye wen1 cn-ateJ, and to ! e ail'i ihted by tlie phantom of fear, which tin; adver- saiy has conjured uj) of raw heads and bloody bone, which even the women of our country lauh Jo scorn? Do you believe can you be lieve can any man of common sense be- lieve, th;it the exertion by our State, i of her natural and inherent rights of sovereignty, to protect r.cr own citi ziii:5 fioni ui.jut and unauthorized Mx.iticn from abroad, will or can h ad ; rights of the States It cm only act upon the citizens and then, lhank (lod.our hi.ld of sovereignty can p'o !cct them from ruthless destruction.'7 Mother of Washington. The citizens of Kredricksburi:, irginia have appealed to the peopleofthe United States for aid towards erecting a suitable monument and tomb for the re mains of Mrs. M.iuv Washing ton, mother of the illustrious man whoso memory Americans will never cease to venerate. P is stated that the deceased was for many years an inhabit ant of that town; that she died there, and was buried in a field ined for agricultural purposes, wherein the plough and harrow may ere long obliterate every trace of her humble grave. A new church is to be erected in the town, and it is suggested that a near and permanent me morial may he therein placed, ami a proper asylum furnished for those relics, which may o therwise be soon commingled, indistinguishably, with their or- ' I v.l . . . fin i iunu t;iemeuis. i ne House in which she lived and died is the property and residence of the pastor, to whose church it is proposed to attach the monu ment. Another Match Race. Wil liam 11. Johnson Esq. has ac cepted the challenge made by the friends of Clara Fisher to run her against any horse $5, 000, half forfeit. He names the Bonnets of Blue (who re cently won the New York race) I us the horse he intends running. t,xM,ea ron. abroad, w.l or can h-ad j u a part of Wan.lt vV skin to j co,,,!.,,. fhe concerns of a fa in to war or desolation? 1 lie I' t drra I i,,, ,..,,.,.,,1 ..n. . , - mi. i (iovernmi-nl cannot act has no func-I . " ' . Mmi' t l! u 1",,,t economy. It mat- tion to act upon the sovereign I purpose i;- priaonei ters not whether a man furnish Emigrants for Liberia. Kirhh!i!i! necrroos left here on Thursday last for Norfolk, to take passage in a vessel Lxpt. ted there from New-ork, c to .... .. c ( nr . carry r.migrniiis was a very valuable family con- nmnv. iYiiiuii" mwo -mi I .... ,r llilO I 1 I . I I IV . ' j i sistmg of a man his who ami children, emancipated by our worthy townsman, Mr. Horatio N. Williams. Several were free, from Durant's Nock, Per mihtiiino flmiMiir nnd three be- loured to the Society of Friends. Elizabeth City Star Inflating the htngs.A French paper stales that a still born infant was carried to M. Portal, of Paris, for dissection, who conceived the idea of in flating its lungs. The experi ment was tried for a few min utes, when the air returned warm, the blood began to cir cular, and the child was sent bark alive to lis parents. A tir reou at iiyons rece ntly m.ide a mii!ar experiment with complete success. Raleigh Star. Carious Incident. The fol lowing curious incident is rela ted in the Police Reports for tin; N. Y. Com it r: Alfred Jozedo, a young inmi of jdausi bltj afipearernM1, indicted for having atttempted to steal a pocket book, containing some money from a gentleman's pocket, ll appears that the at tempt to steal was committed in the dissecting room of the College in larclay alreet, while the Surgeons w?re engaged in preparations to dissect the Pi rates, and the pocket book which it was attempted Icrstea! was made from a j.art of the skin of a negro, hung near this ciiy a few years since for Pira- jcy; and the owner of the pock et-book was in the dissecting room for the jmrnose of oroetir- was found gui!:y. Scents in a City. On Sun day morning, an inquest was le ld in the Alms-House on the body nf a female who died in Bridewell. It appeared in evi dence that slit? was found lying in one of the streets in the course ot the inghr, in a state ... oi gross intoxication. lu was carried to the watch-house, and from thence to Bridewell, where she died soon after. On an examination of the body it was determined that intemper ance was the cause of her death. The name of t he deceased was Mary Ann Bailey. About 12 o'clock on Sunday night, the Coroner was called to hold an inquest on the body of a woman who resided in Greenwich street, and who it was imagined, was killed by her husband. On the examin ation of witnesses, it appeared that the deceased and her hus band were both seen drunk a bout 1 o'clock in the afternoon, lying on the floor of their wretched dwelling; after they had partially recovered, they a gain became intoxicated and little more was known of them until the female was discover ed dead, between 10 and 11 o' clock. On an examination of the body, no marks of violence could be discovered; nor was there any testimony that the husband had beaten her since He first of May. The Jury, ihcrofore, returned a verdict of "death from intemperance." Ihe husband at large, of course. N. Y. Cour Canals and Rail Roads. Such ami so well established is the confidence in rail-roads in England, Hint three canals are abunt to be filled up to make -i - in t heir maces: 1 ne , ,,a3 eflVctC( - u n a i i I J M t V - 1 wonderful changes on land and water. Actual experiment has proved, that a locomotive en gine will travel on a level rail road, with perfect convenience and safety, at the rate of twenty miles an hour, and draw one hundred and fifty tons. What further improvements are to be made we cannot say, but o nough is done to prove the e conomy as well as expedition of this mode ol transportation. It is less than one third of a cent per ton per mile, making a lib eral allowance tor wear and tear and all possible expenses. U. S. Gazette. Spots on the Siui. writer in the lallimore American says: '-There are now two large spots close togtther on the Sun's disc, a little west of its centre, If the observation be correct which the writer has made on these phenomena, of so fro cpient occurrence for several years, we may expect during the ensuing season considera ble alteration of great heat and cool weal her." It is certain, that in the memorable year 1816, when, as well as we can recollect, there was frost every month in the year, there were some singularly large spots on the dhic of the sun. Economy rf a Family. I here is nothing which hk:s o far towards placing young peo ple beyond tin? reach of pnvertv as economy in the management of their domestic allairs.i It is as much impossible to get a ship across the Atlantic with half a dozen butts started, or so many holes in her bottom, as to little or much for his family, if there is a continual leakage in the kitchen or in the parlor, it runs away, he knows not how; and that demon waste, cries more, like the horse leach's daughter, until he that provides has no more to give. It is the husband s dlltv tohrimr iiitfiflio j in, house, and it is the duty of the wife to see that nothing goes wrongfully out of it; and the least article however unimpor tant in itself, for it establishes a precedent, not under any pre tence, for it opens the door for ruin to stalk in, and he seldom leaves an opportunity unimpro ved. A man gets'a wife to look after his affairs, to assist him in his journey through life, and not to dissipate his property. The husband's interest should be his wife's care, and iier ambition should carry her no further than his welfam nn.i happiness togeth with that of ner children. Thjs should be her sole aim, and the theatre of her exploits is in the bosom of her family, where she may do as much towards making a for tune as he can in the counting room or the work shop. It is I,otT l,,G money earned that makes a man wealthy; it is what s saved from his earnings "A good and prudent husband makes a dnnf r ? -. - m uiu iruit ot l"s labor with his host friend; '!' if that friend be not true to 'cdare not place confident ; iiiL iias ne to hone If - companion of his bosom where is lie to place it? A wife in 'H .not tor herself only, but is the agent .of many file loves and 8he is boUnd . their good, u,d 0f S; own gratification, u or!' band's good is the end h'1: she should aim; hi, . V tion is her reward. sVr tication in dress, nr ; AK in nnoetite. nr than his purse can wc f.'illl lirn t)Tn..lt.. ,u f'.lii. viuuiiy r)i.rr; I he lirsit !t,lo i,....:. -' '. . .. io vaiiiiy tr e aiancf the eX!r... SCCOIK f.,Jt. dnftrr' litl I. I.. . llrn xwi.w uiu vj ii iua account; and the hater V; intemperance, the worst r evils, in its train. 1 Death from Ff;lfU small blade boy, cmnUlT1 bout one of the Pliih.T Theatres, was so tniirlri'T ened, a few davs s cirunUen tellow cxhibiij old collin ano shak-'mn. some skull bnnoc .,,.! a l -i io p,i op ting other unbecoming ries, that he fell into violent and died the next day. man had been :irro.ii commuteu to prison, iVormonism.''Ylui m n her of the Gainesville (Oj ery week brings new reports me iatat iniaiualinri ol the monites. It will li- rccr; lected that when they their appearance there, "thfu j,: i i . i i J c.iuicu uiemst'ives iminorii1 Death, however has pui, m no respect, other than ,v fre. quent visits. In defiance i! reH;ated instances oi' morialiiv. tluiit of ill m-,v!i..., iim- y ciui iiiu oVCT Oi healing, refuse to call medical asM!ance many fall the mis- cranio vicums or their hull. riM l I lie latest reports are, that a hort time since, the wifpnfa ?lr. Murdoch, daughter of Judge Clapp, of Mentor, Oiiio, and a believer in Mormonism, died among thern in child-bed tor want ot professional assist ance. The w i fo of the prophet mith hardly escaped the same fate; she was in labor three A. ... . 1... . ..!!. .1 ,J..J oas, ounug umeuuny uicu their spells in vain; at lustllicy called an accoucheur, nnd she was delivered of the dead bo dies of two fine boys. TU mother barely survived. Ina- nother paragraph, under tlis head of "Fresh arrivals," M Gazette remarks that within the week then past, there had ar rived from the Slate of Ntff York, some by the Lake aul others by land, at least 2'JO iMormonites. They brought with them their household fur niture entire, bag ami baggage, and roots and herbs and jdanti ready for the soil. Thoy pass ed on to the "holy land " ana are scattered about in the seve ral common slock frniili The wife of the prophet Harris refused to be a jlormoniu ana he has left her among "'3 Gentiles." She it was purloined several pages oft'15 first revelation, and which, tj the direction of the angel never been supplied. Anot children, and openly elector?1 they never should live with h1 until they embrace the uewfai1"' Every breeze wafts to uS some new rumour from tl115 prolific source of fantasies, some of which prove true anil some taise. 'Fame (autism Gazette) now whispers in sly and obscure hints, something about a miraculous concept11' from which we conclude iJlC Mormon nublic mind is bciV? 1 . prepared for the nativity o some wonderful personage." (TWith all thy gettingsS understanding

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