t Whole No. 357. 'tut 'Xorth-Carnlhiz Free Press" KV (iEORGB HOWARD, Is published weekly, at Tzvo Dollars f.fnj Cents ptM- ye;ir, if paid in ad- v.lik ; - lac trxpira- th:i of the yti: Vir any period less tK.iiM a ye-u Tvjcnty-fivc Cents- per ;n.)nth. Subscribers are at liberty to dis c ntiinie at any time, on giving notice thert-of and paying arrears those resi gns at a distance must invariably pay in :l.lva:ic.i or give a responsible reference i:i tlii-i vicinity. Ailvcrtisemcntsiot exceeding 16 lines, will be inserted at .50 cents the first in sCrtijn, and 2 cents each continuance. , y.cv ones at that rate for every 16 li-e-.. Advertisements must be marked t;;c iri:il)er of insertions required, or will he continued until otherwise orient!. il'Letters addressed to the ;,'it(u- must be post paid, or they may r nt l attended to. cronrcnecslnp, rjiJIK undersigned havingentercd in to co partnership under 1 he firm of Andrew Anderson & Co. Take this method of informing the public, that they have taken t ho store h:uc formerly occupied by John II. Mnihrwson & Co. for the purpose of cirrving on the Tailoring Business. IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. Ami where they will be found at all limes ready to accommodate those who may favor them with their cus tom. All those disposed to encourage ihem, shall have their garments made in the neatest manner and at the shoit est notice. We lake this opportunity of infor ming the public generally, that we have reduced the prices on our work: Coats thai have heretofore been S7 for making, we will make for $5, in the most fashionable style; and other gar ments in proportion. We therefore hope, by our strict attention to busi ness, to merit a share of public pat ronage. All orders to us from a dis tance will be promptly attended to, and executed with the utmost dispatch. ANDRE IF ANDERSON, ;. a mix, ROBERT II MOODY. Tatboro Feb. 7, 1S31. 25 No Tariff of Prices. FREE TRADE. Earthenware, Looking-G lasses f $c THOMAS J. BAUItOW & CO. Importers, 8S IVater-st. New-York, kFFKll for sale, the largest and most complete assortment of Earthen ware, Ga.v.f, China, plain and gilt Look-ir-Glasses, ifc. which the New-York market will afford, comprising every style and variety of the newest patterns. They return their most cordial thanks to their friends in the Southern States, for their support in the persecution now car rying cn against them, for their l efusal to join a combination in fixing one tariff of pi ices for Ci ockery, throughout the trade. It is mainly attributable to the in f.uencc of our Southern friends that we hive been enabled to survive thus fa a, in this most trying situation; cxposcel to the combined influence and capital of the -w'hole trade, endeavoring to effect our lUiii and expulsion from business. We 1'ledge ourselves to our friends to give them every satisfaction in our power as regards the quality of our goods, the ex cellence of our packers and the lowness of our prices for Cash or City Acceptan ce; and in return, solicit from them a c-cmtinuance of their patronage, and par ticularly requc-.t those who have influ ence with their friends to exert it in our behalf, as we trust the cause is one they are all interested in, and much benefit ?vill accrue to us from their frinidly acts jn this way. It has been said, the Com "inaticn was broken up. As it regards prices, this is true, and all, we think, tritnds or foes will allow that we have 'tTted this change; but we do assure friend", that at no period since we (fiimneiiced our system of unshackled F'ces wu'c we in greater want of assist (.r,C0,t!lSin.at lhe present moment. This n.liui .ticn of men are leaving no means itried for effecting our ruin, that they iuay revive the old svstcm: our credit a:ifi character are assailed in every shape. importations waylaid and stopped in Very instance where threats are sufft- jiC"t to intimidate the manufacturers m supnVincr us: in fine, no vexation 'v trouble which the malice of men could Revise has been neglected in this struggle 10 subdue us. We once more call UDon tvery friend of a free trade to come up to h'lr SuPp"i t, and pledge ourselves to give hvj viiusc iu 1 1:1:111 ui lucu jiucj amy. T. J. BARROW CO. 83 IVatcr-strecf, above Old slip. Tavhovough, (Edgecombe County, X. 0.) Tuesday, June I HPHK Subscribers inform tho P.,k lie that they have just returned with a general and aciecieu assortment ot FANCY AISD STAPLE Ilurdxvare, Crockery, &c Whieb ilimn . .. ...... lt. uww upeumg ai ineir uid Mand, and which they offer at their usual low prices. (Q'The hi-hest prices fnvpn fVw baled and seed Cotton, in payment of utuis. or in exchange lor Goods. 1). RICHARDS. IVM. TANNAHILL. Tarbciro', May 2, 1S31. rMl E Subscriber takes this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned from New- York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Spring &. Summer seasons, together with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Ciockery and Glassware, cfc. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. He will give the highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, Sec. in exchange for goods at cish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of It. & S. D. Cottcn, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. iV. . RO UN TREE. Tarboro', May 2,1S31. Mrs. 1). Womble, HAVING been well patronised liu Town of Halifax, has recently made arrangements for a permanent settle ment, and will therefore find it her interest, as it ever has been her plea sure and duty, to execute all orders with taste, fidelity and promptitule. Mis. W. is now opening her spring supply of Goods, in her line of busi ness, and respectfully solicits her cus tomers and friends to call and exam ine them amongst her assortment 1 will be iouud Pattern Satin-straw, Silk, and Batttse bonnets, latest fashions, Diamond-straw dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Elegant turbans, &c. An assortment of puffs and curls, Gauze barege scarfs ik. handkerchiefs, Straw and fancy flowers, A great variety of ribbons, ccc. ccc. All of which she is disposed to sell at her usual low prices. Ladies' pelisses, cleaks, dresses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach- ed, dyed, or trimmed. Halifax, June 2, 1831. 42 Packing Screws, Horse Milts, Chain Bands, c. rpHE Subset begs leave to in- form the building bel ,c, that he is now 15 and 20 COT- ton gins: )od materials, part of which vvil sleel saws and the ribs or bars faced with steel. PACKING SCREWS, of the usu al size, and larger than any now in use in the State, and no doubt supe rior they will be made in an engine erected for that purpose. HOUSE MILLS will be built at a short notice, on the improved per- nendicular plan, or any other. CHAIN BANDS & WHEELS, of a superior quality, which are ex tremely well calculated for the pro-nellin"-of both Gins and Mills. Persons desiring any of the above articles, will please apply to JOHN IVILSON. Tarboro', Sept. 1830. 1 . PliNiyia'ij Printing neatly executed. AT TIIIS OFFICE. w t l I AO-' U. m i i a x .v iri-. a iu vw- '- . . , MERCHANT TAILORS, yyiSH to inform their friends and customers, that, thev have just received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season... .such as.... Superfine blue and black cloths. Brown, olive and steel mixtures. An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fis'd velvets for vests, 1 lain black and i'ancv silks for do. Dark and light col'd Valencia, Plain white and fis'd quiltings, Cotton flannel for draws and shirts, Patent suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stiffeners. Together with a complete assortment oi TRIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed to sell low. Q3 Gentlemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neatest and most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1S30. ffUIE Subscriber informs all those wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Reception of Cotton, By the 1st of October next. Having been appointed A sent for Mr. James Goudox, he promises, to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded to him, and Cot ton sent to him to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 12 cents per bale all other articles in proportion. IV HIT MEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2S, 1830. 7 By the Subscribers, a quantity of Corn, Hacon, &" Lord, Which they offer low for cash. I). RICHARDS 4. CO. Tarboro', May 23. Stale of J)r Hi-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNT!. Court of Plea? $ Quarter Sessions, May Term, IS31. Patrick S. Cromwell Petition to re vs. move Admin Asa Pate. 3 istrator. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is a non resident of this State: is there fore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the iMorth-Ca- rolina Free Press, that the s;dd Asa Pate appear before our said Couit of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said county at the Court- iousc in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, then and there to plead to issue, otherwise the aid petition will be taken pro con- fesso and heard ex parte. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of said Court, at Tarborough, the fourth Monday of May, A.D. 1831. MICIIL. HEARN, C. C. Price adv S3: 50. 44 Slate of JS'or Ill-Carolina, EDGECOMBE C0UNTT. Court of Pleas Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1S31. Joseph Bell )Judical J2t- William B. Collins, ) Louis D. Wilson summoned as garnishee. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State: is ordered, that publication be made in the North-Carolina tree tress, that the said William B. Collins appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held lor said coun ty at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in Augus? next, and plead, answer or demur, or iM cause will be heard ex parte and iuuVment rendered accordingly. Witness, mnjuAJuA. ntuAR, of our said Court, at Tarborough, the fourth Monday of May, A.D. 1831. . MICH'L HEARN, C. C. Price adv 3:50. 44 23, IS31. Population of the U. States. The Washington Glohe con tains a table of the official cen sus for 1330 excepting parts of two wards in the city of New York, and the State of Missis sippi, from which no returns have been received. We have added an unofficial statement of the present population of Mis sissippi, and of the two wards in New-York and have an nexed the number of inhabit ants according to the census of 1820. The figures prefixed in dicate the relative rank of the several States, according to their present population: 1830. 1S20. 12 Maine, 399,453 29s,335 17 Vermont, 2S0.G79 235,674 IS N. Hampshire, 269,533 241,161 8 Massachusetts, 610,014 523,257 23 Rhode-Island, 97,210 S3,059 16 Connecticut, 297,711 275,248 1 New-York, 1,934,496 1,372,812 14 New-Jersey, 320,779 277,575 2 Pennsylv'a, 1,347,672 1,049,548 24 Delaware, 76,739 72,749 11 Maryland, 446,913 407,350 j 3 V irginia, 1,209,435 1,065,366 4 Ohio, 937,679 5S1,434 13 Indiana, 341,582 147,178 52,211 66.5S6 564,317 422,S13 611,829 502,741 340,9S9 127,901 75,448 153,407 33,039 14,246 20 Illinois, 157,575 21 Missouri, 140,CS4 6 Kentucky, 6S844 7 Tennessee, 6S4,822 5JST. Carolina, 738,470 9S. Carolina, 5S1,458 10 Georgia, 516,505 15 Alabama, 309,206 22 Mississippi, 97,865 19 Louisiana, 215,791 Dist. of Columbia, 39,S5S Arkansas, 30,3S3 Florida, 34,725 Michigan, 31,12S 8,896 Total,- 12,762,975 9,635,205 Ofthis number there are upwards of 2,000,000 slaves. lJ Ship Building. Our ship- yards at present exhibit a scene of bustle and activity such as! osition now on foot for effecting we have never witnessed be-1 tne enlirc abolition of masonry fore. The keels tor two brigs jin tins s!;ue by dissolving the of about 300 tons have been Grand Chapter and Lodoe, and laid at the yards of Mr. Jno.jby closing all the Lodge and Bushall and Mr. J. M. Gncc, burning their charters without and from the number of work- ireserve. This plan meets the men employed, these vessels approbation of masons in this will probably be ready to;coumVf as thev consider that launch, in three months. ; time, "and the institutions of our Mr. Gnce has also at his government, have rendered yard, in 'full tide of successful m;1S0liry useless. We have, as operation,' a Marine Railway, every bodv U10VVS no partiality which is conducted with great' for ami-masonry, yet we ap efheiency. Vessels from oneprove of the plan proposed, as to two hundred tons are eleva- j tending to remove all causes ted by one horse and a few i for the excitement, and we hope men in two or three hours high !tne presscs throughout tho and dry, and made ready for ; State will give it their attention, the reception of the required , We have taken the foregoinrr repairs to their bottoms. J he:paragrap, from the Dutchess great expedition, safety, and . County Intelligencer of yester- absence of strain on the ves sel's frame, which attend this mode of repair, unite in giving it a decided preference over that heretofore pursued of hea ving vessels out. Eliz. City Star. George IV. Everitt, a quondam Money Lender. It will be seen by illC lUIIUttllli 11 U 141 iioiiLuvn jiu - vertiser, that we as well as many ofiu i" '"ltJ V1 assernoie in a our brother editors have been most i few days, and it is hoped the pgregiously imposed on by the alore- said G. W. Everitt. As we have given publicity to his advertisement, and thereby deceived some of our readers perhaps, we deem it a duly we owe them and the public, to make his rascality known. "An Advertisement has ap peared in this, and in most of the newspapers in South Car olina and Georgia, (and North- Carolina) for some weeks past, bearing the enticing caption, 'Money! Money!! Money!!!' and having the nethermost end thereof bedraggled with, GEO. W. EVER1TT, of Philadel phia. To the original adver tisement, by which so many of us have been duped, was at tached a request that the news papers in S. C. and Georgia would pubHsh the same for onrj month, and forward their ac counts. Needing the precious metals, or their nigged repre sentatives, more than we love, value or honor either, we ac cordingly did 'forward' our ac count to a friend in Philadel phia, asking of him the favor to present and collect it. It now becomes a dulv to nut our friends and the public on their guard by advertising this adver tiser of Money as a pretty par ticular villain and 'pickled ras cal Read what follows, from the reply of the gentleman to whom we ient our bill for col lection, and say if it is not even so. 'The only remuneration that I can promise you, is the plea sure of advertising said man as a miscreant and impostor. He is not to. be found. And this is the endorsing which your oill must receive, Non est inventus. On calling at the place, I learn ed that about twenty bills from disapppointed editors had been sent in, and met the same fate. You have therefore the comfort which arises from company in affliction. Besides losing payment for publishing the fellow's adver tisement, we are minus Fifty Cents postage on the two let ters, to and from Philadelphia." Abolition of Masonry. We undnratnnd tht thm-n ; n r,r. day, and most heartily do we concur in the project. It has long been our opinion that, un der existing circumstances, the members of the masonic order, not only in this State, but throughout the Union, would act wisely to disband them selves not only for a season, but forever. The Grand Lodjre i , will entirely dissolve the b'1) ..... j ..WKJU. HiV-- 1 Anti-masonry will then d,? an" peace and harmony 1 restor ed to many distrac and acl tated commuuiti' jyt l7. Com. Adv. (LTTk three things most difficult are to keep a sreret, to forget an injury, and to rnako good use of loisure. Jan. 1831. 21

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