)Yholc Xo 3l0. CBdgecombe Cotinty, X. C.) T,iesdaV, July 19, 1831. Vol VII Xo 43. The North-Carolina Free Press" BV GEO RUE HOW'AIU), Is);:')l;.-','' weekly, at Tzvo Dollars aiJ l'flV C('"fs iH'r .vear if l,;i'd in ad ; 'i 'rr dollars, at the cxpira ltV.. i t the year. For any period less I'. vi i 'c u' i ioenly-hye Cents per ,llj:.t!i. Subscribers are at liberty to dis ,,r,:i aie at any time, on giving notice .v,t:.a t' and paying arrears those resi gn; at a distance must invariably pay in .Ivance. or give a responsible reference ia tliis vicinity. ,Vhcrtisi-'ments,not exceeding 16 lines, vill be incrted at 50 cents the first in e. iiion, and 2.5 cents each continuance. l)on?;--'i" ones at that rate for every 16 jint Advertisements must be marked tK. number of insertions required, or cV will he continued until otherwise c'ri!iTiJ- ll"Lcttcrs addressed to the j'j ::rr-nisi le post paid, or they may f;ot !,e attended to. 1500 Bushels CORN, 20,000 lbs BACON, For Sale by VTANS $ .INDUE TVS. Sparta, N.C. 17 May, KS3i. 40 Mrs. A. C. Howard lS now opening her spring supply of GjihIs in her line of business, and rc'jK'd fully solicits her customers anil f;ic:uls lo call and examine them s-ri it hrr assortment will be found: IV.tern Satin-straw, Silk, c Battese bon- ntt, latest fashions, Diumuiul straw Dunstablcs, plain do. Ciii'ii eiiN dunstablcs and straw hats, Lwhoni and straw bonnets, Aiavortmcnt of Puff and Curls, G-iuze & barege scarfs & handkerchiefs, Brcuuand yellow barege, P.bkct caps, capes, veils, fee. Sis, satins, and florences, S :uwand fancy flowers, A great variety of ribbons, &c. &c. Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. jr.acle to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyed, or trimmed. Tarborough, .May 5, 1S31. Co$artnerslnp. rPHF, undersigned havingentered in A to co-partnership under the firm of dmh'CiV Anderson & Co. Take this method of informing the public, that they have taken the store house formerly occupied by John II. Maihcivson & Co. for the purpose of carrying on the Tailoring Business, IS ALL ITS VAKIOUS BRANCHES. And where they will be found at all times, ready to accommodate those nho may favor them with their cus tom. All thoe disposed to encourage them, sh ill have their garments made in the neatest manner and at the siioit cst no! ice. We take this opportunity of infor j511": the public generally, that we 'ave reduced the prices on our work: toils thai have heretofore been S7 for waking, we will make for $5, in the rcost fashionable style; and other gar ments in proportion. We therefore "ope, by our strict attention to busi ns, to merit a share of public pat rnage. All orders to us from a dis ,ance will be promptly attended to, 'J executed wit h the utmost dispatch. J SDR E IV ANDERSON, F- C. MIX, KORERT II MOODY. Feb. 7, 1S31. 25 S25 SWASIS. frj) KAN A WAY from the Sub- vuy 'w llJ-r s vooi spring rianiaiion, on Tuesday evening, the 19th "isi. negro man . WW (Mi m 1M MM iheh!UtVCry littlc or any provocation. K-r ve rewa,"d WH be given to any jtiy r ! Who wiu deliver the said negro to 7"i;rVen',:r n tllc ahovc plantation, or f r Ix)otlars f delivered into the jail ,t 'arborough. The above fellow is liQJ1"1 "uscular,"weighing at least liis l 0 lbs. and has an impediment in tion ,ee, 0r stutters in his conversa Allua? considerably when confused. a look citizens are solicited to have itv i Ut and arrest him if an opportu lijik' lUld offer 11 is expected he is Mi-i ,.,nK about in the neighborhood -of the f,ve I,lantation, or has gone to Hali- T JAMES S. BATTLE. Jboro', April 22, 1831. 36 Minting neatly executed) AT THIS OFFICE. HK Subscribers inform the Pub- Vo , A "le;Jiave returned well selected assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE llavdwure, Crockery, &c. Which they are now opening at their Uld Stand, and which thev oiler at their usual low prices. ttT1 The highest prices given for 'ied and seed Cotton, in n.,,... debts or in exchange for Go.-ds. ti. RICHARDS. IVM. TANNAIIILL. larhoro', May oy 1831. i w XiiK Sllbscriber lakes this method of informing his friends and tin- public generally, that he has just re turned from Nno-York with a snlen- did assortment of Well adapted to the Spring & Summer seasons,together with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery una blasszvare. a?c. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. He will ligiicst market prices for COTTON. baled or needed. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &.c. in exchange for goods at eish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase goods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-oflice, one door below the store of R. & S. D. Cotton, and next door to Mrs. Gre gory's Hotel. N. II IW UN TREE. Tarhoro', May 2,1831. Mrs. 1). Womble, HA ING been well patronised du- uci iuii icaiuenee in me Town of Halifax, has recently made arrangements for a permanent settle ment, and will therefore find it her interest, as it ever has been her plea sure and duty, to execute all orders with taste, fidelity and promptitute. Mrs. W. is now opening her spring supply of Goods, in her line of busi ness, and respectfully solicits her cus tomers and friends to call and exam ine them amongst her assortment will be found Pattern Satin-straw, Silk, and Battese bonnets, latest fashions, Diamond-straw dunstables, plain do. Leghorn and straw bonnets, Klegant turbans, 6cc. An assortment of puffs and curls, Gauze & barege scarfs & handkerchiefs, Straw and fancy flowers, A great variety of ribbons, &c. Sec. All of which she is disposed to sell at her usual low prices. Ladies pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed, dyedj or trimmed. Halifax, June 2, 1S31. 42 rjlIIE Subscriber has purchased from Mr. S. L. Hart, negro man Advertised in this paper asa runa way and hereby gives notice, that if said runaway will surrender him self he can either go to work for me, or I will give him a permit to seek an other master. JAMES ELLINOR. April 9, 1831. Just Fublhhed, At this Office, (with additional notes) a second edition of the Patriotic Discourse, DELIVERED BY THE Rev. JOSHUA LAWRENCE, At the Old Church in Tarboro' N. C. oil Sunday, Alh July, 1S30. ALSO, The Xorth-Carolina Whigs For the Kehukee Association. Price, 10 cents single or, $1 per doz. Tarhorough, April 13. MEIlCUANf TAILORS, yyiSH to inform their friends and customers, that thev have just received from New-York, a new and handsome assortment of Goods in their line.of business, suitable for the season.. ..such as.... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta- Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, I lam black and fancy silks for do. Dark and light col'd valencias, Main white and fig'd quillings, Cotton flannel for draws and'shirts, lutein suspenders, pocket handker chiefs, White and fancy cravats, hlack silk do. Huckskin gloves, cravat stifleners. m1" with a complete assortment oi 1KIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed to sell low. (O Gentlemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the neatest and most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1830. rjMiE Subscriber informs all those wishing to send Cotton to Hill's Ferry to be shipped to Norfolk, that his Warehouses will be open for the Iieceplion of Cotton, By the 1st of October next. Having been appointed Asent for Mr. James Gordon, he promises to give his personal attention to the re ceiving and delivery of such articles as may be forwarded lo him, and Cot ton sent to. him to be shipped to Nor folk shall meet with all possible dis patch. Storage of Cotton, 12! cents per bale all other articles in proportion fVHITMEL II. ANTHONY. Palmyra, N.C. Sept. 2S, 1830. 7 By the Subscribers, a quantity of Corn, Bacon, &z Lard, Which they offer low for cash. D. RICHARDS S? CO. Tarboro', May 23. State of Xorth'Curolinu, EDGECOMBE COUNTV. Court of Pleas $ Quarter Sessions, May Term, 1831. Patrick S. Cromwell ) Petition to re vs. move Admin Asa Pate. 3 istrator. T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is a non resident of this State: is there fore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the jVulh-Ca-J rolina Free Press, that the said Asa! Pate appear before our said Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said county at the Court house in Tarborough, on the fouithi Monday in August next, then and there to plead to issue, otherwise the; said petition will be taken pro con- fesso and heard ex parte. Witness, Michael Hearn, Clerk of , said Court, at Tarborough, the fourth Monday of May, A.D. 1831. MIC II L. IIEARN, C. C. Price ad v $3:50. - 44 State of Xortk-Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTV. Court of Pleas Quarter Sessio?is, May Term, 1831. Joseph Bell vs. Judical At tachment William B. Collins. ivvbssu... - Louis D. Wilson summoned as garnishee. T nnnpiarinsr to the satisfaction of UlVy v--7 - - - irtf aii in tin hitant of this State: Ills' iu i .mirt. tnat me oeienoant is livji. ai - . ordered, that publication be made in j .i TVT K tn. -l t- i roa Procc ti o t the said William n. uollins appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held for said coun ty at the Court-house in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday in August next, and plead, answer or demur, or oaiicf will be heard ex parte and .... 11 n I iudment rendered accordingly. Witness, iviicuAx. . of our said Court, at Tarborough, the fourth Monday of May, A.D. 1S31. MICIPL.HEARN, C. C. Price adv S3: 50. 44 KPThe Cape Fear Recorder, after lamenting the burning of the capitol and the h.ss of Canova's Statue, men tions the following interesting fact: "Alfred Moore, E.sq. one of the members from Brunswick county, made n motion in the first session of the General As sembly, after the Statue was conveyed to Raleigh, that it should be placed on rollers, and that the doors of the canitnl should be enlarged, so as to rentier it practicable, to move it irom the edifice, in the event of a lire. The expense was esti mated at 81200. The motion of Mr. Moore was renewed at the following session, and was grounded on his observation of the carelessness and negligence of the menials and workmen employed about the capitol and on these facts he predic ted the event, which now affects so extensively and so deeply, the inhabitants of this State.... and he rung and re-rung this prediction in the ears of his col leaguesthat the capitol would be burned! The warning was unheeded; and we now natural ly enquire on what defensi ble grounds was it so Is it not to be imputed to those nar row views of economy, which are not only opposed to the counsels of liberal patriotism, in instances such as this, but also too often, shed a blighting influence on the lasting inter ests and general prosperity of the public?" It is suggested in a Phila delphia paper, that the loss of Canova's Washington may not be utterly irreparable, as proba bly the original model still ex ists at Rome, and if so, a com petent artist might be engaged, at a comparatively moderate price, to execute a statue inferi or only to the first. CTA daily paper is about to bo published in the City of Washington, avowedly to advo cate the election of the Hon. John McLean to the Presiden cy of the U. States. ..Phil.Gaz. Voice of New Hampshire. The Republican Members of the Legislature, to the number of more than one hundred and fifty, being nearly two thirds of that body met in convention on Friday last. This convention unanimously passed resolutions approving the nomination of Andrew Jackson to the Presi dency, and recommending a general convention of republi cans friendly to .the re-election of Gen. Jackson to be held in Baltimore in May 1832, for the purpose of nominating a Vice President. The Veto of the President on the appropriation from the Treasury of money to build the Mavsville road, was approved, and the re-charter of the United States Bank was disapproved without a dissent ing voice. Concord rat. ' Gold Mines in this County. We are informed that a gold mine has been discovered; on the lands of Mr. W. Davis, in this county, " about 24 miles West of this place. It has been slightly examined by gentlemen engaged in the min- O ing business, who expressed an opinion thai the gold which had been collected was remar kably pure, and the quantity ob tained from bushel of earth as much as could have been ex pected from the hasty and im perfect manner in which it was "panned out" Halifax Adv. Suicide. Robert Cochran jr. of Rutherford county, put an end to Ins own existence on Sunday, the 12th instant, by hanging himself, with a bridle, in his barn, while his wife was at church. Hal. Star. Magnanimous.- The Ox- luru examiner states tna,t a number of very small boys; stu dents in the VVilliamsborough Academy, Jiave contributed a bout 25 or 30 dollars for the re lief of the sufferers at Fayettc ville. ib. C, 1 I7 . . Nembern, July 6...The unre mitting attention of the Post Office Department to the inter ests and acommodation of the public, is entitled to general approbation. We now receive our letters and papers from New-York in four days, and from Philadelphia, in three; and the Charleston mail that former ly arrived but once in seven days, is now received twice in six. Air. B:own, of the De partment, passed through this place a few days ago, on his way south. He is inspecting the Southern route for the pur pose of acquiring such informa tion as shnll tond to bestow on the transmission of the mail all the advantages of which it is susceptible.. Zfv7ic....The New-York Jour nal of Commetce notices tho following important decision: The Superior Court decided at the last teim, that the mere acknowledgment of a debt that was barred by the statute of li mitations, was not sufficient to entitle a creditor to recover, un less there was a positive prom iae on the part of the debtor to pay the debt. -Fire. ..One of the most dis astrous fires ever known at New-York, occurred at New York on Monday night, 4th insr. 125 families were rendered houseless and utterly destitute. Potatoes. ...A London paper states as a fact, that taking up the potatoes intended for seed next year, before they are ripe ...that is, before Ihey are full grown, and exposing them to the sun for a month or six weeks, and at planting time, ob serving the eye end and placing it upward, wiil secure without any other trouble or expense, a crop of every variety of the po tato, six weeks earlier than the same variety of the potato, if al lowed togrowripe,will produce. Plugging Trees.. ..Prof. Ka finesque recommends as a sure mode of destroying caterpillars, the filling a hole bored one third through the tree with a gimb let, with the flour of sulphur, and plugging it up. The sul phur is carried into circulation by the sap, and is exhaled in a gaseous state, while it poisons ana Kins an caterpillars ana in- j - - sects on the tree.

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