.li ihrc evils may cc nvi-rted, of multiplying antagonist '.' exciting animosity and '"l throughout the nation, mark- lv geographical boundaries the .'j.uiierous of all, that measures adopted, would preserve iv inteie-t of the country, in the ;.,;),) of which, every section 1 -ii ... I )0 reconeueu, and which , j j., f.ict draw together the dif ,t )Ut with honds of affection ! , r, mutual, personal, as well :.;-m1 interests." Vi', 21. It is with , i:1jr(j we learn that our .nian, Robert II. B. Rni- ,. j;q. has been appointed j.!,:,,. Hoard of l'ublie Works "VipMnia, engineer for theoas- iiiinci oi mat otatc. ttfrir. r?Wo aro requested by I ?ssw. Hansom &, Potter, to , lint they are making nr r ..lcnts to eommeuce short jv ;iJt publication of this North j;!j, iei)t mitnbor of subscribers i lV,i)j hoen obtained to justify im t'(.:iin(Micom(?nt. IVr ..ins holding subscription ;s aro requested to return .'i without delay to Messrs. lc)in & Potter, at Raleigh. luitct. Obs. Tb.r Mails. The Newborn e-f Wedne.Mlay last, n.tiinsa loiter from Mr. O. B. Ilrii.vi), chief clerk in the Post lii.T Department, by which il vais that "the Pnstnmmf im- povt.uvuts to be effected on (;;. c;:ire line between Balti r.'.vv and Cliarleston, as will rue to our northern and south ern m;iik a dispatch hitherto t;!!;irei'eilented." The whole .iisiancc is estimated at GGO niiK .-, which will be performed hi 5 days and 1 hour. The nulls will take the seaboard route, ly way of Norfolk, New tern, Wilmington, &c. Flagrant Outrage. The Norfolk Herald says: We has ten to pjvo publicity to the fol lowing statement, communica t:d to us by several gentlemen ot the first, standing in Acco mack and Northampton coun tievuul call upon the publish ers of newspapers South of us to follow our example, that the cipctrators of this lawless out ra; against humanity and the htv$ m i v bn brought to justice, oh their victims rescued from lHcpd bondage. Or am mo fid Town, Accomack Vounttj, Va. July ll.Somc-:iT,- during the month of Octo ber last, two negro women, the one called Abigail, and the oth er Ann, with two children call f l Leonard and Jane, were ta ken from the possession of a certain Daniel McKenzie, a ne Cio trader, (who brought them "cre from the State of Dela Wfro) and committed to the cus ly of the sherifTof this couti )f ,Jl)0" an application to sue m forma pauperis for their h-cedom. I :,i 1 1 v' in June last, 'he jail 0f t,j;. Jounty was bro- Vll af)J tluo negroes escaped ll!t0 ''ityland, where they were "Ppreliendod and committed to jail of Worcester county, in lS,,,,w Hill. In the first week ! nils month the deputy sheriff U1 "us county proceeded to re ,novJ them thence to our jail, licti a man named Cur- who professed himself to 00 an agunt of McKenzie, got them out of the custody of the 'jcputy sherifi; and crossing the J'hesapeake in Floyd's packet Jrni Northampton, landed thern Portsmouth. It is probable j,',1'11 lie is now on bis way to Nnh Carolina, or come other SrtH ilium CJ.v that t n' S " .,s hPed ivill T ,,,CIIUS OI "umanitv v,. lV) ,n rUsiL mis K 1 , I e'"pto trample on law a3 w" ,:ber' a"J Prevent his rp. movinn lUese Ullfnrtimnr I. in us i .. . ue- :v; rT "s to winch ia ve 7 1'Ule doubted here. Marxian A fri, M " l""umore i "ii announce the lamented cease of tle Governor nf.u tto of Maryland, ZnfcZ jar hsq. He died at his resi dence near Easton, after an ill ness of three tUvs. Rv .I.;- unexpected event, George'llow ksq. of Amies Aniridd country. President of the Uxo- CUtlVn (".Ulnn'.l I r-1 nwr ot the State. Pause! The people of this -"y were thrown into sorn ov ettement on Thursday hst i, j ... III e circn MMnn nf n.. uii niiony- mous pamphlet of 1G pages. It proposes a Missionary Soci ety for Richmond the city to be divided into three wards, by certain metes and boundaries, &c. and agents to be appointed to pay domiciliary visits, every two weeks, for an hour or two to each house to circulate and read the bible, tooflor up pray ers, to give moral advice, &o. The names of three or four mi nisters of the gospel, of differ ent persuasions, have since been named as the authors or aiders of the scheme tlw names of a few gentlemen, who arc to patronize the association and to assist in carrying its ob jects in execution. We hope the opposition, with which this proposition has been received by several of the most enlightened citizens of Rich mond, will nip it in the bud. The people of Virginia arc dis posed to cherish the gospel the great mass of them visit he temples consecrated to the divinity. They have delighted to listen to the admonitions of different ministers of the differ ent sects to the affecting ex hortations of the venerable Bi shop of the Episcopal church, the erudition of a Rice, the elo quence of a Broadus, the touch ing enthusiasm of a Parks but when they are asked to receive the domiciliary visits of the mi nisters of the churches, or their agents, they will be apt to say to them: "No, no, gentlemen we must decline your proposi tion. We esteem you as men; we hearken to yuu at the chur ches or at the lectures with the respect which becomes your sta tion. We will listen to your arguments, in favor of that holy religion which you preach to men. But, we must decline such visits as you propose. We cannot consent, that you should visit our households for the pur pose of regulating our conduct there or that of our families. It looks too much like an Inquisi tion, and we cannot consent to the introduction of any thing which looks like such an institu tion. We must judge in these respects for ourselves. The .rrcat quality of the Virginians is, that they dare to think for themselves and this is said to be the groat secret of the inde pendence of their minds and the firmness of their character. While we yield all due defer ence to the ministers of religion, we cannot consent to become their dependents." Rich.Enq. Three days later from Eu opc.'Yi eshipNereus, at Bos on from London, furnishes LiOndnri ,tniA- i. .i rhnQii i 1,10 evening of r e3d June. With rbn ;jn of some further details of continued success of the uies, their contents are unin westing. The London Star, of !hoo,ro ng of the 3d June, says: The brave Polish Commander has mpiete.y out-manoeuvred the Russians. While a Polish corp "a amusing them at Minsk, fekryznecki united all the corns rm In.. LT. . . I ..is ibii, crossed the Uiifr, and taking Ostrolenka by a.'sault, proceeded to r.nm A f. "WUItlH, - ited the Russian mmr of jcnosin, and in fact occupied the whole country between the uug and INarew. Accounts from Wnrs Jhe 25th,lefiDiebitsch at Zoco lo, apparently in route for O. trolenka, or for Bmlsfci nr lystock, witluio resource but to throw himself on the protec tion of Prussia, as Dvvernicki threw himself on the nrotnetinn of the Austrians. He has, how ever, to cross the Bug and Na rew, with Polish corns at everv side of him. Ry this mastcrlv movement. the Polish General has placed himself in contact with the Sa- mogitians, Lithuanians, and o- ther revolted districts, by whose i i . . r population his army will be in definitely augmented, so as to leave to Diebitsch no prospect of escape, but within the Prus sian frontiers. The foreign journals assert, he will endea vor to reach Thome, in Prus sia; but we expect he will seek to cross the Rossoka, and avail himself of its vast forests. 'Phe Messager de Pologne, a Warsaw paper, announces that Gen. Skryznecki had taken Os trolenka on the Jotli May, where he obtained a large sum of mo ney, the baggage of the enemy, and 1700 prisoners his aim was to get between the Rus sians and their supplies. DIED, In this county, on Friday, the 15lh inst. aed ahoot IS years, Mr. Abra ham Sharpen leaving a wife and eiirht children to lament his los. l'ricc Current, At Tarboro Norfolk $ New- VorA JULY 19. per .Taro. Aor'k. A: Y'k Racon, - lh 7 8 7 8 8 9 Mfcswax, - - 20 2. 20 21 20 22 Brandy, apple W 00 S( 56 60 37 42 Coffee, - N 6 2t' 1 1 13 1(; 113 Corn, - Im'l 40 4.5 OS 07 65 70 Ciitton, - lh 75 7i 8 9 8 10 Cotton basing yd 20 2.3 18 20 Flour, feupf. bbl $5 5 $-1 $4$ 5 Iron, - lh 564A545 Lard, - - - 7 8 y 10 9 11 Molasses, - gall 40 4.5 24 30 22 26 SiiG;ar, brown, H 10 12 6 7,1 5J 7 Salt, Turks I. Jbn'l SO 10C 50 55 50 55 Wheat, - - 70 80 90 93 Whiskey, - 'gall 40 50 36 37 32 35 List of Letters, Remaining in the Post-O flee at Tar borough, on the Is day of July, 1S31, which if not called for and taken out before the 1st day of October next, will be sent to the General Post- Office as dead letters. AbintcnPen'e Miss Mariner D B . Barnes David McWilliams Geo Bell Marmaduke Mayo Cullen Bullock Orren Owens Alphcus Barnes Mahala Mrs Proctor Jacob Brown N K Barlow David Bryant James Biyan Dempsey Bembry Miles CoRield Benjamin Chace Peter Pitt J Pender David Parker Archilus Parker Am a'a Miss Randolph Mil Miss Staton Harvey Shurley Pen 'a Miss Suite Readinc Collins Patrick Clerk of Sup'r Court StatonAlavana Miss natiiel 2 Snarkman John Deanes Daniel 2 Gardner William Harper Stephen Hohane Mrs Jenkins John Jones James King Augurs Lackey John Lackey Nancy T ittle W Mrs Smith William Savage Adaline Miss Sessums Nathan Tison Louisa Miss Thigpen James Vatm Thomas Webb William Sr Whitley Jesse Williams Robert Williams P E Miss 2 Lee Wm C Esq ,ua Thns or HV Wieeins Lawrence McKenzie John Dr Wilson John Mathewson N Cl'k Williams ancy Mrs Mayo Martha Mrs 59 . R. LLOYD, P. M. (tPEIders Croceer and Wor hell will nteich at Deen Creek M H. on Wednesday, 27th July next at Daniel's, on Friday, Saturday and ounuav. Uom. Summer dEfoofcs?, AT THE CHEAP NEW QJ Opposite Mrs. Gregory's Hotel, Formerly occupied HY BELL & JOYNER. HAVE NOW OPENED Their assortment of desirable siisis mom Which for .variety is not surpassed In Tav bo rough. And for CHEAPNESS has not been equalled in North-Carolina. Amongst their assortment will be found Rich 4-4 printed Muslin, an elegant arti cle for Ladies' summer dresses. Adelaide Elegantine, a new article, Adrianople de Persia, Crape d'Orleans and Crape de Ltsse, French mandarines, Gauze de brocade. Gro de Portuguese and Gro de Berlin, Italian Lustring, Calicoes, most of a new style, some at 9 and 10 cents per yard, Belgium, English and French Ginghams, in great variety, extra chean. Ladies Bolivar Leghorns and Straw Bon nets, extraordinary cheap, Ladies work baskets, very cheap, Rich Italian and Parisian neck shawls and scarfs, Extra rich belts, in endless variety, Thread andbobbinet Laces, extra low, Plain and fig'd book and Swiss muslins, a superb assortment, uncommonly cheap, Mull, medium, plain and check Jaccnet mulins, extraordinary cheap, Bandanna and flag silk handkerchiefs, from 37 cents upwards, Extra super English Spitalfields hdkfs. a great bargain, Hosiery and gloves, very cheap, Superb black Canton, 1 Fashionable linen drilling, Russia Janes, French bombazcen, Brown linen, Londt-.n satin face drilling, French Rouen cassimere, Fawn col'd Orleans cord, Pittsburg cord and striped Janes, Black lasting, Black Princctta, In great varit ty, as tonishingly ytficai, for i Gentle' n's suimner iv car. Ladies and Gent.'s SHOES, asserted wonderful low, Mink, beaver and roram HATS, Boys do. do. a great bargain, Men's wool do. do. Broad cloths and super double mill'd cas si meres, extraordinary low, Bleach'd shirting, 8 and 9 cents, Best osnaburgs, 9 cents, Pepper and spice, 18. cents Shot, 6 cts. CUTJLKRY, uncommonly cheap, CROCKERY GLASS WAKE, un precedented!' low, Freeborn PLOUGHS, spades, shovel?;, hoes, scythe blades, axes, te. the greatest bargain ever known. RIFLES W GLTjYS, flint and percus sion locks, at half what they are usual ly sold at in this section. With many other articles, which they of fer at the usual cheap rates. jShippcd middle of last month from New-York and daily expected, a few pieces fashionable plain Gro de Nap. which will he offer'd extra cheap. Alto, momently expected on con signment, a supply of Loudon Duffle Pdankels. To those who wish to lay in a supply for the ensuing winter, a favorable opportunity will then be afforded them of supplying themselves cheap!! & CO. Return their sincere thanks to the ci tizens of Tarboro and Edgecombe county, for the flattering and very liberal encouragement they have ex perienced since they opened and heg leave to state, that every effort shall be used to please them, arid to furnish them with goods as cheap, if not cheaper, than they can be found by retail in any part of the U. States. Tarboro', 11th Julv, 1831. 47 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, on the 4th day of Ju ly, my negro boy Formerly the property of Richard Manning, of Pitt county, where he may be lurking. He has a wife at Sam. Williams's, on Roanoke he is about 20 or 25 years of age, of a yel low complexion, between 5 and 6 feet high, and has a notable scar on the back part of his head, occasioned by a burn. The above reward will be paid in cash on his delivery to JOHN MANNING. Martin Co. X.C, July, 1831. 47 rpHE Subscriber takes this method A of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just re turned from New- York with a splen did assortment of Well adapted to the Sorinr & Summer seasons,together with a large supplyof Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware, crc. Which he is disposed to sell low for cash or barter. He will irive trm highest market prices for COTTON, baled or seeded. ..Corn, beeswax, tal low, &.c. in exchange for goods at cish prices, or in payment of debts. Those wishing to purchase iroods at low prices, would do well to call on the Subscriber at the Post-office, one door below the store of R. &. 8. D. Cotten, and next door to Mrs. Gre- rrnrt? N II HO UN TREE. Tarboro May 2,1S31. 1500 Bushels CORN. 20,000 lbs BACON, For Sale by EVANS S? ANDREWS. Sparta, N.C. 17 May, 1S31. 40 Mitt S-im$ttu MERCHANT TAILORS, riSII to inform their friends and customers, that thev have iust received from New-York, a new and landsome assortment of Goods in their line of business, suitable for the season.. ..such as.... Superfine blue and black cloths, Brown, olive and steel mixtures, An assortment of Casimeres, Bang-up cord suitable for riding panta loons, Plain black and fig'd velvets for vests, Plain black and fancy silks for do. lJarK ana light col e' valencias, Plain white and fig'd quiltings, Cotton tlannel tor draws and shirts, Patent susnenders. Docket hanrlkrr- ' s chiefs, White and fancy cravats, black silk do. Buckskin gloves, cravat stiffeners. Together with a complete assortment oj TRIMMINGS, all of which they are disposed to sell low. (0 'Gentlemen's clothing made up at the shortest notice, and in the ?ieatcst and most fashionable style. Tarboro', Oct. 13, 1S30. Mrs. A. C. Howard, S now opening her spring supply of Goods, in her line of business, and respectfully solicits her customers and friends to call and examine them amongst her assortment will be found: Pattern Satin-straw, Silk, 6c Battese bon nets, latest fashions, Diamond straw Dunstables, plain do. Children's dunstables and straw hats, Leghorn and straw bonnets, An assortment of Puffs and Curls, Gauze 8c barege scarfs & handkerchiefs, Brown and yellow barege, Bobinet caps, capes, veils, fee. Silks, satins, and ftorences, Straw and fancy flowers, A great variety of ribbons, &c. fee. Ladies' pelisses, cloaks, dresses, &c. made to order, in the latest and most approved fashions. Leghorn and straw bonnets bleach ed. dyed, or trimmed. Tarborough, May 5, 1S31. RANAWAY from the Sub scriber's Cool Spring Plantation, on Tuesday evening, the 19th inst. negro man Without very little or any provocation. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver the said negro to my overseer on the above plantation, or Thirty Dollars, if delivered into the jail of Tarborough. The above fellow is strong and muscular, weighing at least 180 or 90 lbs. and has an impediment in his speech, or stutters in his conversa tion and considerably when confused. All orderly citizens are solicited to have a look, out and arrest him if an opportu nity should offer. It is expected he is lurking about in the neighborhood of the above plantation, or has gone to Hali fax county. JAMES S. BATTLE. Tarboro', April 22, 1831. 36 rpHE Subscriber has purchased from Mr. S. L. Hart, negro man 0 Advertised in this paper as a runa way and hereby gives notice, that if saii runaway will surrender him self he can either go to work for me, or I will give him a permit to seek an other master. JAMES ELLINOR. April 9, 1S31. 24