11 i! Whole No, 386. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Tuesday, January 17, 1833. Vol. VIII No 22, The "North-Carolina. Free Press, BY GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly, at 7vj Dollars a::c! Fifty Cent per year, if paid in ad vance or. Three Dollars, at the cxpira- ii'm m mc year, for any period less man a year, jwenty-nve Lents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at any time, on piviim nr.tir.r thereof and paying arrearsthose resi ding ai a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements. not pvrppHinn' lfi linps. will be inserted at 50 cents the first in sertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at tiiat rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will .be continued until otherwise oruerea. iJr'L.eiters auaresseu to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. Communications. FpU THE FREE PRESS. "None so blind as he that will not see," o consistent as he who is not guilty of a solecism. Sic Oiinor. Mr. Editor: A wise man ought not to be "much concern ed" about "the most bungling, nonsensical budget of jargon" a "heterogeneous commingle-; ment of contrarieties;" nor pro nounce jargon to be oratory notice what does not deserve notice deny pride, and then extol it; nor be too charitable to believe me guilty, yet identify me with "Garretson, it id oninc genus." He wishes me to prove what I have said. To prove to explain: The toleration of slavery does not prevent the form of our Constitution from being a happy one: (but, "Do unto all men as you would they should do unto you;") nor does the violation of that Constitu tion prevent its being a good one. 5The present Tariff of rlulics, the present system of Internal Improvement, Corpo rations of every description, Sec. V III UlVUtU(lIIV. ...... v -"I" ! rit of the Constitution; quid vide. Hi did not intend to deny the seeing-man the exercise of his thinking powers; but only wish that XY, Z, the next time he sees, would think also. 5 If. pride is all that distinguishes1 man from brute, he must be a brute also, alias, a devil. The brutes may possess pride. 'The bounding steed you pompously be stride, Shares with his Lord the pleasure and the iridt:"Poie. It ennobles man in the follow ing manner: Of all the causes which conspire to blind Man's erring judgment, and misguide the mind, What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools." Fofie. "Pride is the master sin, and first-bom of the devil." Butter worth. "Let the proud be a shamed. "David. "lie proud, knowing nothing." Paul. Let Us not confound pride with vir tuous emulation, and heartfelt benevolence. See Slew. Mor. Philosophy. I did not intend any thing of an incendiary character, nor do I think it is such: therefore 1 cannot but view the censure of X, Y, Z, as harsh and unjust. If, however, my language was so incautious as to justify such a construction, I have commit ted a fault. He acknowledges slaves to be "fanatic incendia ries," that they "prowl around us at midnight, anxious to act over again the massacres of St. Domingo and Southampton." Is this a desirable situation! Yet that which suggests a rem edy, is termed "ill-timed and improper language." I am rea dy to shoot any negro, white or black, whom I may discover moving or abetting designedly an insurgency among our slaves. If the slaves shall again assav to do what X, Y, Z, believes or intimates they are ready to do, I hope that, if least, I shall not be last, in hastening to subdue them. One or two more at tempts at insurrection, and I am ready to begin the work of ex termination. Meanwhile I sub scribe myself, VIDEO. Note. X, Y, Z, will please correct his orthography in the word, abbcttor and then ask me to parse for him. V. On referring to the manuscript of X, Y, Z, we find that this word is spelt correctly, abettor consequcnt y the Printer's Devil must be sad dled with this blunder. Editor.' UV KfiQUEST.'J From the Banner of the Constitution. The Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury will be found in our papor of this day. From it we learn that the Public Debt of the U. States will be, on the 2d day of Janua ry, 1832, $24,322,235 18. We also learn that the Government will be in possession of availa ble funds to discharge the whole of this debt, if it thinks proper, on or before the 3d of March, 1833. In anticipation of this event, so desirable to the true friends of American industry, the Sec retary recommends a reduction of the duties upon imported commodities, to such an extent as will bring down the revenue to the annual sum of fifteen millions of dollars, tliciiiount at which he estimates the future expenses of the Government. Vc regret, however, to observe, that the mode in which the Se cretary recommends the reduc tion to be made, is not such as can meet the views of the sound political economists of the coun iry. Instead of assuming the broad and liberal ground taken by the President that is, an immediate reduction, which should operate in favor of "all our national interests," he is willing to show special favor to the very monopolists whose privileges constitute nine-tenths of the grievances which have brought the nation to its present crisis. Ilk? language is thi: "The propriety of reasonably protecting the domestic indus try is fully conceded." The objects more particularly requi ring the aid of the existing du ties, upon the principles of this Report, are believed to be wool, woollens, cotton, iron, hemp, and sugar, as , comprehending those articles in which the ag ricultural and manufacturing industry are more particularly interested." Now when we take these sentiments in connection with the assertion that "it is deemed to be comparatively un important whether it the duty be collected from many or from few articles of importation," we are forced to conclude that the Secretary would be willing to collect the whole of the revenue, for some years to come, from these few articles, if their pro hibitory character would allow them to produce a sufficient sum. And here wc will take occasion to express our dissent from the opinion expressed in these words: "Happily for the U. States, the sum to which it is now proposed to limit the re venue, is not likely, to be op pressive on any class, even ac cording to the present numbers of the American population." Oppression is a relative term, having reference to the princi ple upon which a burden is im posed. A tax of two dollars a head upon the people, for the support of Government in the discharge of its legitimate func tions, would not be oppressive; but a tax of six-pence, if une qually and wrongfully imposed, not for the support of Govern ment, but for the advancement of one particular interest, at the expense of all other interests, would be oppressive. If, then, the mode of taxation recom mended by the Secretary par take of the character we have described, it is oppressive. Now what are the factdl The duty on wool is an une qual tax, because it is not impo sed in proportion to thci value of the article. The duty on the coarsest quality pays the high est duty, and. as those who wear the coarsest clothes are the poor and working classes, it falls more heavily upon them than upon the wealthy. The duly upon woollen cloths is an unequal tax, as it is high est upon tiic coarsest cloth, and falls more heavily upon the poor and working classes than upon the rich. Indeed, the in equality of its operation, as the law now stands, is a crying sin against this nation, and one which every philanthropist, who has a heart capable of feeling for the sufferings of those who are only half clad at this incle ment season of the year, is bound to raise up his hands a gainst. The duty upon cottons is of the same unequal character. It falls upon the poor, precisely in proportion to their inability to pay. The most expensive mus lins pay but. 25 per centum du ty, whilst coarse calicoes pay 50 to 100 per centum. The duty on iron is an une qual tax, because it falls almost entirely upon the working class es and upon navigation. The dutv on sheet iron, which is 78 40, falls heavily upon the article of stoves and stove pipes, which arc more used by the poor than by the rich. It also deprives of employment many thousands of blacksmiths and manufacturers of hardware, who, on account of the high duty, are prevented from main taining a successful competition with the foreign manufacturers. The duty on hemp is an une qual tax, inasmuch as it. ope rates chiefly on ship-building. It also deprives rope-makers of employment, by driving ship owners to foreign countries to be rigged. The duty on. sugar is an un equal tax, for the same duty is imposed upon the lowest quali ty of Brazil sugar,that is impo sed upon the finest quality of St. Croix or Jamaica sugar, va rying from 75 to 200 per centum ad valorem. Thus, then, it would appear that every one of the articles enumerated is characterizxd by inequality in the duty; and, to retain the duties upon them as they now stand, even for a mo ment after the present session of Congress, .would, we con ceive, be an act of injustice to the great body of the people; and, so far from occupying the middle ground which a spirit of compromise would call for, would leave the whole of the wrong, against which the friends of Free Trade are protesting, and against which we trust they will never cease to protest, al together unredressed. There can be no termination put to the present contest, we humbly conceive, upon the principles thus recommended. So far from satisfying the just de mands of the opponents of mo nopoly, it would only tend to confirm their opposition: for they are too conscious of their strength, armed as they are with truth and justice, to yield a point so destructive of the best interests of the country. Had it not been for the strong and decided language of the Presi dent, on this subject, it would look as if there were almost an identity of views between the Administration and the Tariff Convention of New-York. That body says, in their Address, "Let those who acknowledge this great bond of union never forget, that, 'united, we stand and, divided, we fall;' that su gar and iron, hemp and lead, wool and cotton, and the other productions of our diversified soil, elaborated Ivy our own in defatigable industry, and pro tected by our own free Govern ment, are, in effect, the Govern ment that holds us together, and make us one people." The Secretary seems to be pretty much of the same opinion, or he 'equivocal and mystified a style would hardly have seconded, so ! that nobody can exactly tell identically, the very monopolies ; what they mean. so prominently put forth by.thel We honestly confess that we Manufacturers' Convention. 'have been puzzled more than a Now can it be believed, by any little to find out what were the sensible man, if he will give the precise views of this Report, subject a little reflection, that 'and, if we have erred in giving - i r . i 1 j. t .!. .....; ... k . 1 1 five or six monopolies, of the most odious character, and bea ring most unequally upon the laboring classes, shall, in this free country, by a free people, be permitted to stand out, in bold relief, as an eye-sore to all who have a regard for the eter nal principles of justice, or ev en for the "abstract doctrines of political economy!" Wc think not. So sure as any pre tended compromise is forced upon the Free Trade Parly, founded upon an adherence to the very monopolies deprecated by them, so sure will the war fare which has for three years been carried on, with such ef fect as to arrest the onward march of the American System, be continued, without relaxa- tion, until the end be accom - nlished of bringing back the! Government to its legitimate sphere of action. But perhaps we do injustice to the Secretary. Perhaps he intends, as his business is to recommend thewavs and means for raising a revenue, that the duties on the articles named by him should also be reduced, as i a o a mode of increasing revenue. There can be no doubt that an abolition of the fraud called a minimum, in the cotton and woollen duties, bv which it was intended to prevent the people from knowing how much they were taxed, would greatly in crease the revenue. Tim same result would foil ow from a re duction of the duty on wool, iron, hemp, and I sugar. The duties on all these articles are too near the point of prohibi tion to produce the greatest amount of revenue which a ju dicious adjustment of the Tariff is capable of producing; and, as the Secretary's knowledge of Finance must render him fami liar with this matter, we are in hopes that he has a considera ble reduction in view, at some early day, if not at present, up on these very articles. Indeed, there are detached parts of his Report, which would seem to imply that such may be his iu- ilention. In one place ho says: "Regarding, at the same time, the diversity of interests result ing from the peculiar situation of the United States, the manu facturing interest itssell should be content with a moderate and gradual protection, rather than, by extreme measures, to endan ger the public tranquility." And again: "These duties could not be materially changed at present, without the effect al ready deprecated. No objec tion is perceived, however, to such gradual reduction of them, in future, as may withdraw the aid thus afforded, as the growth and stability of our rnanufac tures will euable them to dis pense with it." It would, how ever, we think, have added to the reputation of the Secretary as a sound expositor of matters of fiscal concern, had he divest ed himself of the practice, so common with our public men, of expressing .opinions in so them an interpretation, wc shall be highly gratified. Had the Secretary said that Congress 'ought, without delay, to abolish the mmimums on cottons and woollens, as one step now de manded by a spirit of concilia tion, it would have conveyed a definite expression that any ono might understand. As he has not done this, and as he must know that the existing duty on coarse cottons, and on some coarse woollens, is entirely pro hibitory, we have found it diffi cult to imagine how he expects a revenue to be raised out of a prohibitory law. Upon the whole, wc are not able to perceive any material difference between the doctrines of the Secretary and those at present held by Mr. Clay; and, should the friends of each unite in such a modification of the Tariff as will not be calculated to meet the views of those who Relieve that no system ought to prevail which shall not consult the benefit of "all our national interests," wc think, without the spirit of prophecy, that no such modification can long stand against the assaults which will be made upon it. OyCall rac cousin sin me not. -but con- S i 'I"