Whole JVb. 3J1. The "Xorth-Carolina Free Press," UY GEORGE HOWARD, , RT,!cd weekl-V, at Two Dollars and tifnj Cents per year, if paid in ad- ""cc uuuirs at the expira tion of the year. For any period less taan a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at any time, on giving notice thereot and paying arrears those resi ding ai a distance must invariably pay in JUa:,w Ul K a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements.not exceeding 1G lines, vr.n uu insciuru at 5U cents the hrst in sertion, and 25 cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they will jbe continued until otherwise oruered. IL.etters addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not. ue aiicnucu to. The following Acts were passed at the last session of the General Assembly. AN ACT To incorporate the Tarborough and Hamilton Hail Road Company. 1. Be it enacted, bv the Ge neral Assembly of the State of iNorth-OaroIina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the 4ame, that it shall be lawful to open books in the town of Tar borough under the direction of Michael Ilearn, Thcophilus Parker and Spencer D. Gotten; in the town of Hamilton under the direction of James L. G. Baker, William R. Bennett and Exum L. Lowe; in the town of Williamston under the direction of James B. Slade, James Shaw and Henry Gray; in the town of .Norfolk under the direction of James Gordon, John Newton anujonn u. itoy; in iMtzauetii Uty under the direction of may be required by the Presi- 'shall have power to make con John L. Bailey, William Grego- dent and Directors of said Com-1 tracts with anv nerson or nr- ry and Charles R. Kenncy; and! at such other places, and under the direction of such other per sons, as the Commissioners herein named for the town of Tarborough may appoint, for the purpose of receiving sub scriptions, not exceeding the sum of sixty thousand dollars, in shares of one hundred dollars each, to constitute a joint capi tal stock for the purpose of ef fecting a communication by a Rail Road from the town of Tarborough to the town of Ha milton, Hill's or Anthony's fer ry,? or any intermediate point; the precise route shall be deter mined on by the Company here by incorporated; that the said books shall be opened in each place, at such time as the Com missioners, or deputy Commis sioners, shall respectively ap point, between the thirty-first day of March and the first day of July next; and shall bc kept open at such place, at least sixty days, and if it shall appear that more than the whole amount authorised by this act shall be subscribed, then it shall be the duty of the Commissioners, or a majority of them appointed to receive subscriptions at Tarbo rough, to reduce the number of shares subscribed for, among the subscribers, in fair and equal proportions to the amount of stock subscribed for respec tively by each, until the whole amount of shares shall be redu ced to six hundred But if the whole number of shares shall not be subscribed. for with in one year from the time books ahall be opened to receive sub scriptions, then the books may be closed or continued opened as a majority of the Commis sioners nained to receive sub scriptions at Tarborough may Turboroush, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Tuesday, February t, i8SZ judge most beneficial, until the whole number of shares h;dl be subscribed fur; and the time and place of receiving such subscriptions as aforesaid, shall be advertised in one or more newspapers published in the ri- ty of Raleigh, in the town of larborough, Elizabeth City, and Norfolk, Virginia. When three hundred si inrr shall be subscribed in manner aforesaid, the subscribers, their executors, administrators nr n. signs, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be ineornn- rated into a Company by the name arm style ot "The Tarbo rough and Hamilton Rail Road Company," and in that name may sue and be sued, plead, and be impleaded, and shall possess and enjoy all the rights, privileges, and immunities of a corporation, or a body politic in aw; and may make all such ye-Iaws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the Con stitution and laws of this State. or of the United Slates, as shall be necessary for the well order ing and conducting the affairs of the Company. Upon any subscription of stock, there shall be paid at the time of subscribing, to the per son or persons appointed by this act, or by virtue of this act, to take subscriptions, the sum of one dollar on every share sub scribed, and the residue there of shall be naid. in such instnl- merits, and at such times as pany: The said Commissioners anu deputy Commissioners shall forthwith after the election of a President and Directors of the Company, pay over to the said President and Directors, all mo nies received by them: ami on failure thereof, the said Presi dent and Directors may recover the amount due from them, or from any one, or more of them,! at Tarborough or the seat of by mm ton, on ten days previous ' government to appoint aTrea notico, in the Superior Courts, surer, Clerk and such other offi or in the Courts of Pleas and ccrs aa they shall deem expedi Quarter Sessions, or before a ont, and transact all the busi Justiceof the Peaceof the coun- ness of the Comnanv during the ty in which such Commissioner,! his executor, or administrator, may reside. 2. Beit further enacted. That:if anv stockholder shall fail to when three hundred shares or more of the stock shall have been subscribed, public notice of that event shall be given by any two or more ot the said j Commissioners appointed to receive subscriptions at Tarbo rough, who shall have power at the same time, to call a general meeting of the subscribers, at such convenient place and time as thev shall name in the said notice: To constitute any such meeting, a number ot persons' i i ! .. r -li 4.1 i noiciing a iii.ijoruy ui an mo i i :i j i it i shares subscribed, shall be pre sent either in person or by proxy, and if a sufficient num ber to constitute a meeting do not attend on that day, those who do attend, shall have pow er to adjourn, from timn to time until a meeting shall be formed. 3. Be it further enacted, That the subscribers at their general meeting before directed, and the proprietors of the stock at every annual meeting thereafter, shall elect a President and five Di rectors, who shall continue in office, unless sooner removed, until the next annual meeting after their election, and until their successors shnll h lprt. cd, but the said President or any of the Directors may at any time be removed, and the va cancies thereby occasioned, be miea by a majority of the votes given at any general meeting. The President with anv three or more of the Directors, or in the absence of the President, any three of the Directors, who shall appoint any one of their own body President pro tem pore, shall constitute a Board for the transaction of business. In case of vacancy in the office of President, or any Director happening from death, resigna tion, removal or disability, such vacancy may be supplied by ap pointment of the Board, or by the proprietors in general meet ing. 4. Be it further enacted, That the President and Directors of the said Company shall be and they are hereby invested with, all the rights and powers nc-i cessary for the construction, re pair and maintaining of a Rail Road, to be located as afore said, and to begin at sUch point, and to be prosecuted in such direction as the stockholders shall direct; and may cause to bo made and constructed all Works whatsoever, which may be necessary and expedient, in order to the completion of the said Rail Road. 5. Be it further enacted That the President and Directors Isons, on behalf of the Compa- ny, tor making the said Kail Road, and performing all other works respecting the same, which they shall judge necessa ry and proper to call on any emergency a general meeting of the proprietors of the stock, giving one month's notice there of in some newspaper published intervals between the general meetings of the same. 6. Be it further enacted That 'pay the sum required of him by the President and Directors, or 'a majority of them, within one j month after the same shall have been advertised in some news paper published at Tarborough, or the scat of government, it shall and may be lawful for the President and Directors, or a majority of them, to sell at pub lic auction and to convey to the purchaser, the share or shares of such stockholder, so failing or refusing, giving one mouth s t r !. .: i previous nonce oi uie ihiiu unu I i . i . ..c place of sale in manner afore said, and after retaining the sum due, and all charges of the sale, out of the proceeds there of, to pay the surplus over to the former owner, or his legal representative; and if the sale shall not produce the sum requi red to be advanced, with the in cidental charges attending the same, then the President and Directors may recover the bal ance of the original proprietor or his assignee, or executor, or administrator, or either of them, by motion, in ten days notice before the Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions of the county of which he is an inhabitant, or by a warrant before a Justice of such countyand any purcha ser of the stock of the Compa ny, under the sale of the Presi dent and Directors, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as the original pro prietor. 7. Beit further enacted , That if the President and Directors cannot agree with the owners of land through which it may be necessary to make the said Rail Road, as to the terms upon which the said Rail Road shall be opened through the same, then it shall be lawful for the said President and Directors to file their petition in theCourtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the county wherein the land lies, under the same rules and regu lations as are now prescribed by law for laying oft public roads, and upon the filing of said petition, the same procee dings shall be had as in cases of public roads and when the jury shall have assessed the da mages to be paid to the owners ot the land through winch the same shall be laid off, then it shall be lawful for the said Prc sident'and Directors, upon pay ing the owner or owners of said land, his, her, or their guardian, as the case may be, or into the office of the Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the county wherein the land lies, the sum or sums so asses sed, to enter upon the land laid off, and construct their Road thereon, to make all necessary excavations and embankments, and other structures necessary to the construction, and preser vation of said Road, and to hold the said land to their own use and benefit during their corpo rate existence; and in all things to have the same power and authority over said land, so laid ofF, during their existence as a Corporation, as though they owned the fee simple therein Provided, that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to give power to said Company to lay olfsaid Road through the yard, garden, burial ground at tached or appurtenant to the dwelling house on any planta tion through which it may be deemed necessary to lay off said road, without the consent of the owner thereof. 8. Be it further enacted, That whenever any wood, gravel or earth, may be wanted for the construction or repairing of said Road, and the President and Directors cannot agree with the owners of the lands adjacent, as to the terms on which they can procure the same, then it shall be lawful for the President and Directors, by themselves, or officers, or a gents, to enter upon any adja cent lands, not in a.state of cul tivation, and take therefrom all wood, gravel or earth so needed as aforesaid Provided, that they shall not, without the con sent of the owner, cut down any fruit tree, or trees preserved in any lot or field for shade or or nament, or take any timber or gravel constituting any part of a fence or building And where any gravel, wood or earth shull be so taken as is provided for in this act, it shall and may be lawful for the owner to file his Vol. VIII.- JVo 27. petition in the Court of Pleas and Qaarter Sessions of the county wherein the land lies, from which said earth, gravel, or wood may have been taken, first giving ten days notice to said President and Directors, their officer or agent, of the filing of such petition, praying to have a jury summoned, to go upon the land and assess the dama ges he, she, or they may have sustained thereby, upon which it shall be the duty of the Court to order a jury as in laying off public roads, which jury shall go upon the land and after be ing duly sworn to do equal jus tice to all parties in assessing the said damages, shall consi der what damages the owners of said land shall have sustain ed, and after assessing tho same shall return their procee dings to said Court; and if the Court shall approve thereof, tho damages so assessed, together with all costs shall be paid by the President and Directors But if the said Court shall not approve thereof, they shall or der another jury to be summon ed, Who shall proceed in like manner to assess said damages, and return their proceedings to said Court And upon approval thereof by the said Court, said damages and costs shall be paid by the said President and Di rectors: And if said President and Directors shall not pay tha damages so assessed, and all cost, execution may issue a gainst them therefor as against other corporations Provided always, that either party not sa tisfied with the sentence or de cree of the County Court, may appeal therefrom to the Superi or Court of Law for said county. 9. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for said Company to purchase lands from the proprietors at any point on said road, not exceed ing ten acres in any one tract, to be used by them for all ne cessary purposes of said Road, or to be disposed of by them when it shall be deemed proper. 10. And be it further enacted, That whenever in the construc tion of said Rail Road it shall be necessary to cross or inter sect any established road or way, it shall be the duty of the said President and Directors of said Company so to construct the said Road across such esta blished road or way, as not to impede the passage or transpor tation of persons or property along the same; or when it shall be necessary to pass through the land of any individual, it shall also be their duty to pro vide for such individual such wagon ways across said Road from one part of his land to the other. 11. And be it further enacted, That the said President and Directors, or a majority of them, shall have power to pur chase, with the funds of said Company, and place on tho Rail Road constructed by them under this act, all machines, wagons, vehicles, carriages and teams of any description what soever, which they may deem necessary and proper for the purposes of transportation. 12. And be it further enacted, That all machines, wagons, ve hicles, carriages, and all other personal property purchased by