Whole JYb. 402. The "North-Carolina Free Press " BY GEORGE HOWARD, . ' Is published weekly, at 7vo Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, if paid i ad vanceor, Three Dollars, at the expira tion of the year. For any period less than a year, Twenty-five Cents per month. Subscribers are at liberty to dis continue at any time, on' giving notice thereof and paying arrears those resi ding at a distance must invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements,! exceeding 16 lines will be inserted at 50 cents the first in sertion, and 25 cents each contimmnrn Longer ones at that rate "for every 16 lines. Advertisements must be marked the number of insertions required, or they- will be continued until otherwise ordered. 3yLettcrs addressed to the Editor must be post paid, or they may not be attended to. DOMESTIC. Mr. Van Buren. The Albany (N. Y.) Argus stales that Mr. Van 13urcn expected to embark for this country on the 10th inst. The Ar us also contains the Correspondence between the committee of the repub lican members of the Legislature of New York and Mr. Van Buren, in relation to the recent conduct of the Senate of the U. States. The follow ing is Mr. Van Buren's reply to the Committee:- London, March 14th, 1332. Gentlemen Your letter of the 10th ultimo, communicating to me the views of the republican members of the Legislature of New York, in relation to the conduct of the Senate of the li nked States upon the subject of my nomination as minister to this country, has found me in lhe hurry and press of occupa tions, public and private, prcpa- iaiury to my departure. J his ' circumstance increases the dif-! ficulty which I would at any time feel in expressing in suita ble terms, the emotions of my heart on receiving so eloquent a testimonial of sympathy and confidence. I cannot but be deeply grati fied and flattered by the appro bation expressed of my public services, though I feel that in the warmth and excitement of the moment, that approbation! has far exceeded my deserts.! In exerting myself to the utmost! to discharge the successive' trusts with which I have been! honored, I have but fulfilled the obligations incumbent upon ev ery citizen: had my merits and success been tenfold greater, they would already have been j more than repaid. But while I dare not arrogate to myself the measure of ap plause so generously awarded la me, there is one testimonial! which gives me the proudest j gratification, and a part of i which I hesitate not to accept and appropriate as my due. You tell me that the Democra cy of New York have long felt themselves identified with my political career, and have ap preciated my adherence to their faith under the most adverse circumstances. In the latter respect they have but done me justice. Looking upon the de mocratic principle as the pure life-stream of our government, I have endeavored to distinguish and adhere to it as closely as possible in its course through the mazes of party; and when ever I have found myself in danger of losing sight of it, 1 have resorted to the true spring head the public will. I believe this principle, main tained in its purity, and opera ting through the representative channel, to be the true secret of Tarbarough, (Edgecomhe County, JV. C.) Tuesday, May 15, 183.. internal order and prosperity uAiurnai dignity and strength. ii is congenial to all our institu tions, and maintains them in a healthful operation. Whatever miniates against their harmony, is some discordant principle, foreign to the genius of our con stitution, and brought forth to subserve the pride, the passions, or the interest of individuals. Representative democracy . is uul "uuunai laitii; and it is to be studied in the doctrines and example of its founders, not in the glosses and mal-practiccs of modern sectarians. It is nei ther factious nor intolerant, nor persecuting, for it is the public will, exercised for the public good, but cautiously respecting the property, the persons, and the opinions of individuals. Such is the simple and uni form principle by which I have endeavored to regulate my poli tical conduct; and I trust that, while rigid in my adherence to my own, I have always shown myself tolerant of what I may have considered the erroneous creed of others; for I have al ways borne in mind that a di versity of parties is inseparable from a free government, and perhaps indispensable to its welfare, and that it is therefore important to temper those dif ferences by courtesy and mode ration. Yet this conscientious adherence to my faith, has drawn upon me the attacks of psuedo republicans, loud in their professions in proportion as they were hollow in their hearts; and my forbearance has been repaid by an acrimony of abuse and a virulence of hosti lity almost without example in the treatment of any of my co temporaries. That the enemies thus array ed against me, are neither few in number nor subordinate in station, is well known; whether some of them, in their heat, have not returned evil for good, I leave for their hearts to deter mine. I spare them the humi liation of acknowledging install ccs wherein I have requited for mer hostilities by something beyond forgiveness. Yet this recent blow, dealt in bitterness, and, doubtless, intended to be fatal, however I may in the first instance have been shocked by the vindictive spirit which dic tated it, has failed of its effect. My republican fellow citizens have promptly interposed a shield that has deadened the blow, and their heart cheering assurances have soothed the smarting wound. Whether, in their eagerness to strike me down, my adversa ries have not reached beyond their aim, and given a blow to the character of our institutions in the eves of foreign nations, is a question not between them i i and me, merely; nor again be tween them and their country, alone; .but between them and the friends of constitutional lib erty throughout the world, who look to the conduct of our le gislative bodies as the criterion of that representative system for which they are all so anxiously struggling. Fortunately, how ever, the character of our coun try and its institutions is so well established, and has received such accession of popularity a broad during the administration of our present illustrious Presi dent, that I trust the discredita ble effect of the act referred to, tvni oe but temporary. As to the motives alleged for my rejection, their futility has oeen so ably exposed on the noor of the feenate, and in the proceedings of the public meet ings that have already reached rne, that I shall not now aitemDt to take the subject out of hands which have proved themselves so capable of doing it justice. indeed, overwhelmed as I am by the warm and affectionate sympathy of my friends, I can almost forget and forgive the act of my enemies that uninten tionally called it forth. lo the democratic republi cans of New York, I return the thanks of a heart overflowing with a sense of present, and a recollection of past kindness. Whatever of public distinction I may have obtained, or of public usefulness have effected, it is all the fruit of their early and abi ding friendship. It was their unsolicited favor that first drew me from the walks of private life, and elevated me into office; it was their continued counte nance that, for twenty years, sustained me through a succes sion of arduous tasks, and chee red and encoutaged me under every trial; and though in my two last official stations I have been called from under their immediate auspices into a wi der sphere of action, and the trust reposed by them has been sanctioned by my republican fellow citizens throughout the Union, yet I gratefully trace up the success of my whole career to its original source, the spontaneous kindness and endu ring confidence of the democ- racv of my native State. Be pleased, gentlemen, to make to the republican mem bers of the Legislature of New York, my warmest acknowledg ments for the high honor they have conferred upon me; and to accept for yourselves, with the assurance of my individual res pect, my sincere thanks for the affectionate manner in which you have conveyed their senti ments to me. I am, gentlemen, Your ob't serv't and friend, M. VAN BUREN. To N. P. Tallmadge, &c. Nullification vs. Southern Convention. The Charleston (S. C.) Mercury says: It ap pears by the proceedings of a recent meeting at Salem, that the Union party have either ta ken, or are about to take their stand, for a Southern Conven tion. This course, it seems, has been recommended by the leaders of that party, and they are preparing to pursue it. Now, there are only three slight objections to this policy. The first is, that a Southern Con vention cannot be obtained, and that this movement is only an effort to gain time, and to pre vent the State Rights party still longer from doing any thing de finitive. The second objection is, that if a Southern Conven tion could be obtained, it would be unconstitutional, it being expressly provided in the Fede ral Constitution, that "NoStatr shall enter into any compact or agreement with anv other State, unless actually invaded, or in sucn imminent danger as will not admitof delay." The third is, that a Southern Convention might and probably would lead to the formation of a separate southern Confederacy, and would therelore carry in its bo som the seeds of disorcraniza tion and disunion. This scheme ofa Southern Convention, them fore, we humbly apprehend, will not go down with the people of Carolina. 1 hey" have been told to wait and wait too Ions already, and they have no idea of waiting a year or two longer to see whether the Union partv are in earnest, or, if they are, whether they can succeed in procuring a Convention of all the Southern States. They nave no idea, moreover, of wait ing for a Convention which not only cannot be obtained, but which if obtained, would be ut terly unconstitutional, and tend directly and inevitably to a dis solution of the Union. The people of Carolina, (that is the large majority, composing the State Rights party,) are for sup porting the Constitution, notfor violating it for preserving and strengthening the Union, not for dissolving it. They can not, therefore, adopt a plan which is at once contrary to the Constitution, and essentially re volutionary in its character. They arc content with the peaceful and constitutional re medy of Nullification, and will adhere to that. J hey desire nothing but to remedy the in fractions of the Constitution, and to redress the grievances under which they labor, and Nullification is abundantly suffi cient for these purposes, with out having recourse to any Southern Compact or Conven tion. When South Carolina nullifies the Tariff, the other Southern States will either sup port her, or they will not. If they will support her, then there is no necessity for a Southern Convention. If they will not, then of course they will not con sent to a Convention for the purpose of nullification, the on ly valuable purpose for which it could assemble. In every point of view, therefore, a Southern Convention is equally unneces sary and improper. The War begun. We learn, with regret, that the acrimoni ous language which has of late characterized the struggle be tween the Union and Nullifica tion parties of Sumter, has at length terminated in blows and violence. Fifteen or twenty in dividuals are said to have been arrayed on each side, armed with sticks, clubs and missiles, several of whom experienced slight, and one or two, serious injuries. We are in possession of some of the names and parti- culars, but forbear making them public until the statement un dergoes more general confirma tion. Charleston Gaz. The Cherokees. Gen. New nan, one of the Representatives of Georgia, in Congress, writes 'o one of his constituents, under date of the 14th ult. "that the Cherokee delegation at Wash ington have at last consented to recommend lo their people, to make a treaty with the Govern- Vol Fill .No 38. ment, upon the general basis, that they shall acquire a patent for lands over the Mississippi, and at a proper time, be allow ed a delegate in Congress. The delegation will either ob tain power from home, to make a treaty at Washington, or re tire and make arrangements to treat at New Echota. We hope no extravagant demands on the part of the Cherokees, will prevent this long agitated question from being speedily brought to such a termination, as will conduce to the best imp rests of Georgia and the .Tnnn- ral Union." RaL Res. Affray at Washington. Va rious accounts of an nfTrnv at Washington, between Mr. Houston, formerly Governor of Tennessee, and Mr. Stanhnrrv. a member of the House of Rep resentatives from Ohio, have reached this city. It is not our wont to meddle with affairs of this nature, leaving it to gentle- . . . . . . . . men 10 seme their difficulties in their own way. and to tli rivil authorities to interfere when thr public peace is invaded. As this matter, however, has recei ved the action of Congress, irom one or the parties being a member of that body and hav ing laid a complaint before the uouse, it becomes proper to take some notice of it. In eon- scquence of a charcre of afrnnrl against Mr. Houston, in a speecli mmisned in the National Intel- igencer, purporting to be a rc- jort of certain remarks made in the House of Representatives oy ivir. stanberry, the former person is said to have addressed a note to the latter, asking him whether the expressions ascri- i i ... . bed to him had been uttered by him. This note was delivered by Col. Johnson, of Tennessee, to whom Mr. Stanberrv maHn. answer that he denied the rmhr of Col. Johnson's principal to question him on the subject. On Friday evening, Houston meeting Stanberry, "asked him (according to the Standard's account of the affair,) if his name was Stanberry. He re plied in the affirmative then I will give you a thrashing, (said Houston) and commenced be laboring him with a hickory stick. During the affray, Stan berry drew a pistol and snapped it at him. Houston knocked it from his hand and took posses sion of it, aud still retains it." N. Y. Ev. Post. Virginia. Notice has been given, over the signatures of a number of individuals, that a Convention of delegates will assemble at Charlottesville, Va. on the 12th day of June next, to nominate a ticket of Elec tors pledged to support Andrew Jackson as President, and Phi lip P. Barbour as Vice Presi dent of the U. States at the en suing election. RaL Star. Fatal Rencounter. The N. Orleans Emporium says, that on the 1st ultimo, an affray oc curred at Monroe, Louisiana, between Charles Morehouse, Register of the Land Office, and J. Morgan, late Sheriff of Ora chitta parish; in which More house was so badly wounded as to cause his death on the suc ceeding Wednesday. ib.