"1 i ImO! !uvp I iLti I 7.00:) . m,.,-; Cl.l 'J", ) Si;J. Till' ltjl-. I IP h .iiid l lie .-ale .n , i S. 22.i vj,Ji ilr! :nu! v,. ry anini.Hod !emiu h s been i jHTientVil tor ('oHim tn-il.iy, (oi h from tho ttM.lo ; 1 t u 1 t o i .Tin1 -a 1 ? a n . 1 1 1 1 lo nearly 10,000 b!r, :ii .m .olvo.cc of full I ptT lb. o.'i ilio priov-s of vector il.iy, ibout 6'. ().'"!() of which h;jvo been on -perul U ion. opposed to ilio . ilmitiirn- utin i-iiiild beat J)r. sutdi .Im Uds phue, on Wtdnesdav eve- CoUChCS, Gl?$, &C. vipe ofl'ilie disgrace, which the j '',n-Sr. 24th ult by Henry Austin, iv,q THE s-u'jscribe. LVs Keprcsmtation of ihe Di - ,!!";,, EtherldS " Miss 7; f!dfe9 33 wishes to return be- it...il....i . . i 7 rfti yP ) sii-cere rbiuik's to his 7 K.UDAV, JANUAUY J, isL. il'llns number commence- the 11th olnnie of our pujnr. It will he seen that we have somewhat changed its title, :md also imjMi.vt.il its '-eneral anne.u :uK-e rivm- - i - i.. i i. .. .i . . . . . i . uau rasi upon it whereupon ilie call was iv-iiveri. District Convention. t a Convention of Delegates, assem bled foi the purpose of iioiniiialmg smne suitable person to .- present the Third Congressional District ol 'North Carolina in the next Cou uress of the Unite.! States, begun, and held pursuant to previous no tice, in the Town of Washington, oft Monday the 10th day of De cember, ly.M: The meeting was called to order hy Maj r Samuel Latlbtm, of Pitt count) and the Convention organ ised by th.e appointment of the fol !'winmiliicM: Colonel liieliard II. iiouner, of IJeaufort county, I'resident. Major Alexander Krancis (Gaston, of Hyde county, Vice I'resident. John Myers, of Ueaufort county. 7. Uxr raw- On U.e-t h"iihle tlie quantitv of reading : (d H yie count y, Secretaries. (Ji 'v v!hdM ,.itM' ;ifM!n,";,Ilion, the counties eomposin: ii.i.;,i. We did t!n, ui t,iUr to ., ,. . . , . ' pirit im- I;eep p ice w ith the jjrovement, itselt St ro'Tt'vpondini; increase i:i our tcadi iy auvaucnig patronage. tne third ( "ouuressional Distr ict. which lias ohtiuded I wvr? .':icA over, when the follow- tselt even within the borders of tins' in- Delegates appeared and took staleand couli lentlv anticipating a j ,R.jr Seals; In Newhern, on Thursdav evenimr the 13th uit. hy the Rev." Jno. R. Goodman, Richard Hints, Ksq. of this county, to Miss Caroline tinead, daughter of John Snead, Ksj. In Washington, N. C on Tuesday evening 23d ult. Mr. IVhiimrl Home, ot Marianna, I'lorida, (t'oniRilv of this count v.1 to Aliss Maru K. Tvl- fuir. In Scotland Neck, Halifax county, on Wednesday- evening 21th ult. Mv. James JJ'mdcr, to' Miss Po'Ju Jiuivs. DIED. In this place, on Friday, the 19th ult. agedahout jOyears, .lr. George Mc WUtiarns, leaving a wife and three clnldien to mourn their irreparable loss. Co?nmiinicatrd. Died, at Hamilton, on the C-lth ult. E.vui:i L. Imvjc, aged 44. l"he de ceased was for m:oiy vears a resident of this )lace, wheie he was highly esteemed for the modesty and ame nity of his manners, and Ids upright independent character. II is loss oc casions deep regret aniomr his friends. and will be deplored hy his relatives ! long atter the momentary pang ot separation shall have subsided. His various duties and relations ro socu ty were performed in that quiet unassuming manner which disarms numerous ciisomi rr .... ,i. ariei !)(. 111! 1.1 "fulfill ' s?tf' toloie rfcpivt'd Al so to inform them tliat h' li:i just reinrneil from New York, widi a more general ami f.tihionahie assortmeio of Silver Plated and Ilrass fuumtuiu:, SnitaUIe for Coathe, Barouche, Cis ami Sulkies, than has ever before been brought to thi place- He al-o would infmm his frienils and the public generally, that he ha associate. 1 himself with one of the inot large and extensive establishments at the .North, where he can at the shortest notice have sent on jobs of every description to suit those who may favor him wish their order-?, or like northern in preference to domestic manufacture. He ha- shipped and now daily expects, one or two first rate liht one hoise Ha rouclies, sum! a ball' dozen of one hors Whoik. at extraordinary I w pt ice for casli. or to punctual customer-' on it slum credit. KKPAIfl done with neatness and de spatch contract must be made before the work is undertaken. He has Horses, (lis.and Sulkies to let. atan one comfortable tour wheeled accoin- modation estalilislunent. is. Lie ;. nnjiDY. 3TANT0NSBIT.G Female Institute. Female school. J7l3 JUNh'J .n the pleasure., ,n-, trgUlr Kxercises of this Institution wilt sU Ornimr herfnends and the pnbli, j commence ain on the second V.M1 e.itr.i ly, that she has now opened . ,,av in January. Mrs. Il.irrht I All-i .1 School. i returns her pi aieful jirknow It-dgmeiits t Af th brt.,e fnrmprl. nrnmU n ! cr friends and pa t , n? f- r I he liberal ru- i-.wirnfTPmoKt ttu .l I 1 ouiir l adies arid p.mall Bovswillj . . . , ' . ' u iniwfiuiru exertions to merit a con tinuance of it. She also lifgs iave to in. form them that she ha employed Miij Aingtr as a Music Teacher, v!io is believed to be very competent, pariiculaily in the principles ot that science. Hoard 6c Tuition, per session, 5n Oo Music, 'i'to o() (,y French ditto 7 Ot) It is expected er.ch voting lad v will tut nish Iter own bed clothing and towels. Dec. H, !Ki4. I ", Removal. Horn be received on tiie following T Kit MS. Spelling and Heading, per session, '( 00 VVriiiinr, Arithm.-tie, Gi aminar, and Needle wot k, wi'h the above, 8 00 vieora;.hy, Hhetoric, Logic, History &i Astronomy, incbidii.jj tne above, 10 0t I)ravviiir, Painting, with the above, 12 lo French Language, - - lu (0 N. B. Vnunv Ladies ca.i accommoda ted with Board by Mrs. J.mes on moderate terms. Ibis would be advantageous to the youu? I,adies, as they will alw.ivs he un der t.ie soperiot-ndi-iie of Miss Jo.w s. .N..v -:stb, 1S:M 04 Female School. MUS. HOWAHLf has lemnved her Mil iary cstablisiimert Ihe corner house recently orenpifd bvr Messrs. I). Bichards is. Co. She has now mi hnnd an exO inive as " sortment ol articles in her line of business, which will be disport of on her usual moderate and Hccomtiioda- IIIS. lE'ilonnets cleaned or dyed and Man- &mhim ,i,,a Per. 1 S31. il'Ve learn i!iat o:i the night of die 9th n 1 1 tiie (iin house of Mr.7..v. 1'itt county Samuel Latham, renj. F. Khurn, llcnrv Toole, Churchill IV tiocl imsiness cf its unpleasant collisions, f ,?, ;j i p , -nd rendered all intercourse with l i)UCl1 U lS dnilf (tCloriJ. lit (tl'f'o' t Ixins, Frcder'k Had- ci-mniijy Hich- V so:ue Mleiueendurv and tou v I iml - -lamrs t. K. Wil- destroyed together witli abeut .Su.t'OU' ',:,mS '' din .Myers, John htlwarth, Kespas-, William S. ortlon, William M. .Marsh, . r I. :. .1 . . . . - ooo pieasant and agreeable. He was a kind ami hcnevelent master an honest and sincere friend. 1 1 is death and not his life is ...ai-'-e -t v rrer. liickni a drove . L tnlemii. III. School jh ihi place, situ ,,M d uuhi 'A i..ilfc ,. T.t .1. .. :.i .iiii.MMin,niii commence on Monday, 5th oi J uoiarv, 1-3"). nad-r l!w care ol ihe Snhs.-i i. .t l.i. r... price of Six D dins for a TH F. ol)scrib.:r re- spect fully informs his tiiends and the public in ceneral, that he has commenced business 5aali.-..- . ir .... . . . jgjt.-JVI. - 1 ' o I oil UIS iii 1 arloroiih, near the Bridge, where tie w il! Ie pi eparcil to carry on ihe above business in a!' its vaii ou branch.-s. He served a reelr ap. prciiiiceship under Mr. Thos. Cobbs, fl '.)s C otton, ;i his wheat, dims. I Kichanl many oilier articles loss est imateil i ( If 1 l.,.f.. hl',1 It, 1 I .. II.! ii . ' i ii 1 1 v nine ii eii (to - s it . 4-. . . . , .... . . lit-or.ll n , Sniifi.,1 I ..I I...... iais. .vU. , nomas u. Uatlin loss j ' , , caU-.. de, m mths. h.r cat h st holar put mi at the s.i ne lime, is supposed to have ''" Otnnas I ). biliaw, James H. , d.-r his care. been one hundred dollars or more, j FJlUon. ILjiie county, Alex. h-Jlar u ill be ndmiped for a short 'I he perpetrator of this diahohed I i:,a()M VV ' ,i r, iV , ' J11'"1 ,hc other irt li Kimt im l.. f. - i I ' ltliruVV, :. I. I wive n-'reed on. v ' .ii'V,.'viiiii, , . a . - , , , , ., , , CI ..... i. . -i ... J a r V I s. I Ml tui.o.ion Ol i. r . Uas- "uo cm oe nan on tiie prennsaes tor Ct " " " v 11 me,, -ot lie s periectlv or r stiKlei is. aware tliat alter tion is equally necessary '.' El) A". PHILIPS j ,,f,Oii Mliei.tinn he is dtleririned to reii Dc. 'Mix, IS.U l- ,1C' " li"pcs, tln-retoie, that all peisons 5 HE. R1ISSKS JENKINS will re.open their S hoo for the reception of yo.io!; Ladies on the thud M"ndv of January next Menus of tuition for S;-eUin, P,ead invl. ami Wi iting, thrpe dollars perq'ua ler of twelve weeks, or four do'lars for Ihe ad. ditioual studies of (irainuiar, Cieusraphv, Aritlmieiic, Lace. Tambour, or Needle tin? t woik. Board, thirteen dollars. The above i uavin- rem .ve.no a i.irge unu coinim.oi-; ma making continued as usual. oiis House in a heahhv HMa'ion, about one! Tarboro', J,.n. 1 lb3. mile north of their former residetwe mnl accommodate twenty Boarders. j Parents and Guardians may rest assured ( thentinost attemion -hall e paid !othe e.l-j ucation and comlorl ol tht-ir children anil; wards. j Grangev'dle, Pib Dec. 1834. J c f F.dec.iinlie Conniv . j of five ! llf'Su o ho carried on the bu-ine-s vorv I extensively, and kejit in his employ reg n-J bo norihern woikmcu. If several years acpiin ance wit!i the business in one of the most extensive establishments in the Slate could '-,,sure his success, he feels con- ' Also, on l'tidav n'mht. lYithnh.l the dwelling; h.-use of Mr. John Luc- tl),,i ' Hyih' i ouni, Ary, in this county, was consumed hv les ivet, that in hallotini; by hre, toj;vther with its contents, clu ri;i. the ahsence I the t nnilv. A iietro .u ill is now confined in jail, charged with setting fire to the )ie:oi'-es. the ( "onv eninoi for a Candidate to represent ihis DiNtriet in C'ou Lrress, tl:e coniil v (f l'ittl,,- cnti- who may tavor him with their oatron.r,. aimno Lemale .ieademo " Vfr, .",f",n" ,1"i''''(i r diaP- i poiine.i 1 1 1 'JMli: Ierci -':idemv will .17-Mr. Chis. N. WWi lias retir ed from the Kanike Adv:ca;e, -inted at Halifax, and Mr. i ho. K enane win taKe lace m tiie polit ical sentiments of the paper." pointed. Hi- w ork si, .ill Ui. r.ioa.ai.. i in e i.,iiir.r. r einale ( uted and of the bet m.nei o,. He ex- lied lO lllicrli Vote's. the COUIItV i M..nd.,v i I ,., ,. . 1 ' " " " '""""' U'.er.,l a- i ""i ' "-ii- oi.iiiein oi iiii'i-iiii a rri.io x whi. h will enable him t, do his work not interior o any done in this ecti-n of conn try. Impairing done with neatness Htid ib spaicb. Nutuniiel M- Terrell. Tarborough, Jan. 1-t, ls35. I of U .-auf.tr:, twenty volc, atid the !!,',,re r ,y"ti A- -v- la&Aalc . j . i , ! I l"' -kill and expel leuce of the Sunerm coiiiit ill llvde, teuvote: I i,.,,ltl.,t in i i. r . r . ' . ' j ' '"' oit, ami her pi.t-uliar faculty lor mi- VV i 1 1 - ri 1 1 f . v 1 1 ( 'mil iniiiiiii -ill. ii.iili.M. inci r... i ,r. .. .i: i- . o iiiuuat u.oilax, ami Mr. 1 ho. Iv. , i 1 l " ," ; 1 " 1 ",,, ,ll'"i''"i ootu iliomas h,s become sole t.roprietor jouitied to to-morrow 11 (MocU. I'"' ' , ntu ":v"e rs of hdies. ;f that journal Mr. Them ,s say. Tuesday, Dec. lOtf, j ZTZ Zt!TZ n an cd. onal a. ude, "that The Convention met pursuant " ,- "-l-r wi.i,n the ms,.- ;T7W"e insert to-day the Inau-:ira! Address of (iov. Swain. W ere it not tor the obvious partiz.m charac ter (t the Address, the sentiments embodied in it would he almost wholly unexceptionable but it is two evident that the (iovernor has abandoned his upaivocal position since his election, and that this ad dress is an niidi'ius tin ut at the ad ministration of President Jackson, H-hicJi the niajori'v of the people ot this Stat. , as well as their repi een tatives, have recently so decidediv a'piutd. W'e think the (ievernor, and Senator Mani;um, will so-ni find that they have s.ully mistaken the 'si.ns ot the tinu s." I'Ai-iir.'ily to request, we in l i t the nrnceedinirs nf I liinl ' um;! cssi'inal District Convention, i-ec:ntly held at Washington. It v.eii.d seem tliat great unanimity jirevailed in their proceedings; the Statesman, hovvev er, gives us some additional particulars, which we also -.opy li,r the edification ot" our read ers. The H ht Convention. lu this day's paper will he found the proceedings of this body, which assembled in this Town on Mon day last, for tin? purpose of nomin ating a Candidate for Conpress. to oppose the re-election of the Hon. Thomas II. Hall, in this Dis trict and adjourned the next day. Delegates attended from three out of the six Counties of which the District is composed, say 12 out of the 20 appointed from Ieau- lort, 5 out of ilit- 20 odd appoint ed from Pitt and out of some tlo.en or more appointed from Hyde. Those, however in attend ance were lii-hly respectable and inlluenti.il citizen. Uti the first day of the Convention, a portion of the delgates clung to thair de termination to have none other than a repularly built Nullifier as their CaudidatCj but on the second, ;hev unanimously settled down upon Ehenczer Pettigrcw. Esq. of Washington county. A call for :ui expose of.lr. IVttiprrew nine inii..ri-i)i..i- l..i - J '11'l.l.OiUI lift nal Improvement, I tion, Protest, artinVan Buren, :tt one tune, had like to have cans cd a hiovv up ns no one present mold answer the enquiry but it vas affirmed by some one, that he s nniu- jank, luter- m i ... una jntr: to adjournment. The following additional Delegates appeared and too!; their seats: .lohu (Jalla way, from Pitt county. John V. Uonner, from Beaufort countv. On million of Henry Toide, of Pill county, lit solved, unanimous!:, that Kbeue.er I'ettigrt v , of V ashini; ton county, be recommended lo the freemen of this District, as a Candidate to represent them in the next Coiiuros of the U. Slates. On motion, licsolctt!, that a Commit;.. of five be appointed by the President lo communicate In Air. Pettigrevv the wishes ot this (.'(invention, and solicit his compliance and publish his answer. In i enpon the fol lowing persons wa re appointed: (Jen. ). (). K. Williams, John Myers, of Beaufort, Major Sam uel Latham, Henry Toole, of Pitt, Major A. F. Gaston, of Hyde. On motion of Henry Toole, Resolved, that ihe proceedings of ihe Convention be published in all the Papers of the District. Resolved, that ihe thanks of this Convention be t udered lo its officers for their services during the session thereof. AfWr some animated and forci ble remarks by Mr. Toole, ihe Convention, on his motion, adjourned. Richard II. Ronncr, 1 resident, Wer. t Ciaston,Vicc-Tresident, John Jhres, ) c . . r, ,,r , . Secretaries. Zi. v . Banow. ) Petersburg, Dec. 29 Colton Hit market remained steady lat week at 15 cents for good parcels in More none has arrived since Christmas. Accounts from Liv erpool to the 24 Nov. are receiv ed that market was then under a stale of excitement in conse cjuencti of reports from this coun try thai the Crop was seriously in jured. Contradictory statements on this subject, will have follow ed, the effect of which we may not have for some weeks. Int. il'Bi'diop Km at v, of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, will preach in the Old Church at Tarboro,' on Thursuav the ljih Jan. m-xt, Com. tut ; I.-..- (... ., i .. i .. . i 1 '- '" 'l-tl, I. IN- lfl It 1 OlllllK-ll- il-oi.iii .p can oth-r f.r ti e Scliool. C'ar.l ami Tuition on inixit ratr term;. Hy )i-.-r nt THE TRUSTEES Thi l..ro', J,ni. J.t, Jr-3". 1-4 JTJi .sta'f.-l .Vol ice. on-, tiaviii!: rl.iim; ;i"riinsf t he f tin' I.O" (;-r;ildus 1 oiilp mi. i i (.u st.'d lo ntNciit ilifiu to Klizabi-tli Toole, hi In HEX It V T CL.111K. T.n horn", .h n 1 t , 1 s:;.". .Xotice. IIF". uti-ri itirr iv;iiit ;ui Apprrntin-(whin- r l'.i tU ) to the hrii klayi ami plasOiiiifT luiii. For t o i .o s c-oinc wa' S ran !( :ii I. Apply t ' JESSE ST.ILLIXCS. l). r. 17. o.'3 cv-3 hlojiy Hill Academy 11 K Kxt'iries of this Institution will re Commence on Mon l iv, 12ih J oiuiiry . 3 . Torino a for'nerlv for Hoard iinl 'IH it ion of all imiler 1 r ye.r of ai'p, M ahove that Hge, 4." per .esiin. Hooks, Stationary, ami Caiulles fin nilied at cost. In t'iH lnst:Uili)n are t-.nht !h I, ..tin Mini (irek laiiL'uars. and the various Lranchi'S of tin Knirjisli ednraiion. It i sitnat'-tl one and half miles from Mr. II iin'. and niiie from llilliardton, in a neL-hhoi liood surpassed bv none f,,r he.tlth. and tree from the pernicious influ ences of vice and immorality. Cumtntinicaiinim litected to Suhscrihcr at ltaiisom's Biidgc. Nasii count v. M. h G.lIUiETT. n.r. t i-3i. tu V ivv lidgrcom he Cava I ry! atti:.tu). ! ! Li a I (f Letters, Hi Ht'iliiiv:! in tlir 'osf Office nt Ttrboroh tin- 1st .hi nun ry. Is3". irhiri if not lak'rt out !i'Jjrt ll.t 'at oj April re.it, wilt be fri to tht Ciiurul I'ost Office as dual ttllirs. Andrew tiray Ha I--V Joi.aitian V. ills' W .11 - Kandv vii-aiinith H.a.ly S..h H --s.las fiiyan Dempey Hiibry ntlil llooih Dorothy Mrs HnlUick Kdu in Harron Jim I'.arites Willie C.ijit Harne- .las Hood LewH Baker Moses ( I irk "rimitti Ct Cheny Hlount l otclieon Ulijah Clmk Will Dicken Christ , I) iniel IX.ct J .1 Dicken Will ."en Dortch Isaac K Dew I hos Kq Diinfoi ill Jas M Dougherty Hugh A Eilinor Jas Kdwnrds Kinchen Knsou Martha Flow i rs Hardy (I Fount tin Tiino Z Folk Will Freeman Josiali G.iy Mary Harrison Charles Hines Kichard '1 I Imiler Chas G Esq Hopkins Whitmel Hadley Jas Hopkins Will Hopkins Jai lot Johnston Will Johiiilon Heuh n Lavm Levi Lodge Si-c'v Conronrd I od-eS. cM'Moriah Law i i.re Josima Manning F.asou Moot e Samuel Mooring John Moore Elijah Morris Lewis Mrs oily David iorvcU ( hapirian Owens Will I'eck Jolill l'lii.ips Doc! V. 1'rire John i'roi tor Jacob I'aik" r Ann Mrs Porter EIisIih J'eelc Miles Tin J.i V 2 Patterson Geo (' Pender Drew l'ender James Koscow I bos W Snmmerrel Will Sircy Robert Scaibiough Isaac Staton W D ll Savage Will 1 Shtf of Edj-cnnlie Maton It Srsstims II Miss Thicpen Will Taylor Stephen Taylor Will Taylor Will or Benj Grantham Tilkins W illis 3 Wai ren Joshua Webb David Wrivir Jonathnn W illiford Edwin or Britain Safe and Iliriim. fh of .Luiiinrv next, ,it tlx' l.ite r.-si leoe.- of ('i;,iU Wilkiiisr.n. d.-. 'd. w.il be sold at pnl.be sih-. ab(i:t T5 f.t H-s, mi barrels of Com, i!ll bales of Coio.n. 2 Mn'es, (in. j tiin lionse and rpw. an, sev.-ral other ai- lich s. Term, of ali i moat lis ci . .lit. Bond iih ajtproved security r ipiiietl. AL-O. The Lands and Negroes, Celoi-pinjj to said den-ased, will be rented ..ml hired ant tor the ensuing; j car at the R.ime time and plan. S ia I 1Ainsoit , A d m 'r. Dic.2M. 1F31 TVnit vitl ...r.iU il Monday. Ih e Uth Jam.a! v m xt.. A UdtS 011(1 ( CtOS toll atien.bince is expected, as business of Cg OW OPENING, a handsomr- aort importance be transacted. By . r.U-r, dl inent of beaver ?.nd silk Hals, cloth Notice. 'JHE Subscribers are now r'-moving from their od -tamt to the Stou- lor m. rly occupied by Messrs. Hyman & Law rence, and directly opposite to Joh-. Wr. Cottei.N. They will in fe,v days offer for sale, a quantity of Salt, Molasses, Sn C;r and Coflee Easain.z. Rope, ami all the heavy riicle which uro important t.) lai mers at this season of tbevear. (Anil, and the highest price, will l e paid fur baled Cotton. d. nicihinnsscco. Tarbor nh. Kov. 27 ill, 1834. .Notice. jHP. Exerrlses of the U'arrcnton Mule Academy will commence on the second Monday of January next. Tuition varies I from "en to fifteen dollars. Boani can be obiaine.l in oi private families fiomsix to iht dollars. Soomnn Lea, Principal. 1)' cember 5th. lt34. r;i 3 lints! ( f D DOZEN black and OVl) white fur and vilk Hats, from $1 25 to the fmtt qudily made, ."0 ilozea wool Hats, frnm I cents Howards, I S dozen men's iln,i boy-? fur, hair ami seal I Caps. jnt. leceived "and for sale, dt the Cheap Cash Store. i J. JS. IVEDDEIJ.. j 2rh Nov. Irt4. Tarborouch, on C. C. KXIGHT, UtScrt. w- 17. 1WI. i't! Sutiri il.er w i-hes to purclnse n Li i re quantity f F.gs, for whn h the higlirsi market price will b paid i:il':oti. JOSEPH RiVJ ))'. Tarboro', Dec. 17. tV aud hair Caps, xsh'ich will be sold as cheap as can ue desired. J. Jf. COTTEX. Hth 0 t. 1H34. Johnsloii Itacbcl Mrs Whitehead Augustin Jones Fred'k 2 Jones Allfii Knight Jno Knight Jas Little Harriet Mrs Lancaster Joseph Little Cray Ward Kos i Valker5ilannahMrs Ward Duct F William? Elijah W ilson Mr West i y 1 P Esq .. R.LLOYD, V 111 ?i7:Pf,. 3. fml. 1 tialc and Hiring. N WEDNESDAY. the7'h of January next, at ihe residence of the late Ge ralilns Toole, in Cone'o, will be sold about dOii barrels of Corn, a large quantity rf Fodder, about -JO Sows with Pies, also Hogs and Shunts 30 head f Cattle, Hor ses and Mules )0 onshels of Rye, A set nf Jilackwiitif: Tools, Kettles, a new Seine, a Still, one barrel of Brandy, and a gieat variety of farming uten-iis. At the some time and place will be hircJ on! for the next year, Jlhonl f)() Negroes. (Men. women, boy 'iml mrls ) ALSO, will be rci nd for the next year, A part ( f the Farms Of the late Gei-hbi Toolp. 'IV i ins ol Sale six monil.s cred;t on all sum- owvfunr ilvilurs. Bvind wiih appro ved eciniiv rt-quired. Tuere are two or thice negro women with children to be . to the lowest bidder. Any persons des'iting- su.b are requested to make application before tiie sale. ELIZ.UIETH TOOLE. Taiboro", Dec. 1(1 h, 1 S3 L iN B. The sale and hiring will continue f tun day to dav till all is ilisposed of. E. T. . jinTjit? Ha sr 1 :s jf To the Fab fie. jlTlAVING established myself in the J Town of Halifax, the o! j ct ol this is to ay that I have just pin chafed .1 Large i arthonsc. mJ mad- eve. y iieces'ary S..-J- hiu -hior.ing of CO f TON" 5t'ivj rul other I'ro.lm e, to Peters- burg. n I . i : k or Aew York. I his house is situ.it -d verv hih and a Imve the danger of r he ri e of M ai r, to whieJ. scone i fih Wareli'MHes ate subject. Should ny'Wm E eC 'inle hi qn Wnt-a:'c-s, nrj of the a. 'joining ronuties, be .!:.., .i - i n..'i.. ..- .' . flers tor sale her Tract '' M' " . . 1 "U,K" u"s wav" ,ne,r lorini-r knowi-ogt- ot me will be somcient for tl.em to know that their business will be faithfully attended to. WILL. IL WILLS. Halifax. 22 1 Nov. 1834. r2 Iand for Sale. 2?HE Subscriber -'flers tor sale her ' of Land Iv ing in Edgecombe county, commonly called the Hunge Orchard Plantation, Containing 32i acres, with an apple or chard on it capable of making 25 or 30 barrel of Brandy. This laud lies one mile below ihe Great Falls Tar Piv r, nrni ad joins ihe lands of Charles Harrison, Rob- K LEG A AT While Satin Shoes. DOZEN PAIR ebgnnt white satin Mines, btte-t New Yo.k fashion, just ert Sorey and others, and bus on it the ne- i cessary negro hou.es, bains, Vc. A part of Ibis Land is cf an excellent qualily, ami . received and lor sale by the Cheapest of o iiiii ib v mil nmoe, pi.ssesMoii him flg VsltCPp. J. IV. COTTEX. Tarborough, 23.1 Nov. 1F31. be given immediately ami long credit giv en il' preferred. A further inscription is deemetl unnecessary, as no person will buy without first viewing tbe Land. Terms 1 made know n on application to Jno. J. Bunn. RACHEL BUXX. Dep. IQih, 1S34. 6 Land for Sale. '1 HE Subscriber is anxious io sen m, iraci ot l.ana, ait-' warranted inT. f.-n. rrr. .oc ,ft'ci ::n joining the one o which be j Oo pieces newest and most hhonable -in,AV ,,ves' U contains 530 8tvle Calicoes, from 61 to 35 rents nr acr, some of which is low vard-;.!oishinClv cheap sronnds.the balance piiiev v.oods. This 60 p's furnitu, e Cab'coes. from 7 r0 20 cts ..j n,i .1 Soou uweniiig r.ou-e on if,j Jt .n..T - , on -t rooms in iow anu u; NOW OPENING, M the Cheap Cash Stare, (Q J), PIECES of the newest and rnost V- fashionable Silks, Irom 35 cents to the very best made, 25 pieces of tin? most .pb ndid Challys, en tirely new, hotli 1 1 1 1 f and dark, colors stairs, and other out Iioum-s. Persons desirous ot buying Land low, are requested lo call and examine for themselves, as the Subcriher may at all time be found at liime, und in determined to sell if he can get any thing over half the value. CII. 1L1RRIS0X. Oct. 2Sth, 1S3 I. i or ale. yfpl N excellent edition of Gill's Expoi dftJa tion of the Old and New Testaments, in nine quarto volt mi's. Alo. Fleetwood'? Life ofChiioi, in one P-o volume and, Botta's Historv of ihe War of Indepen dence of the I.'. i:ites of America, m two Rvo volumes. 'I he-e valuable books will be sold remai k ibly low, if npj.'ii ation is soon made. Apply at this Office. January 1, 135. Q3Cloak8 and Ronnel'.Q, NoV OPENING AT T1IK Cheap Cash itore. Sfpk(F LADH'S am Girls merino, UNi silk, cambbt. and Circas-inu Cloaks, from I 5o to $9. 120 men's Cloaks wiih and without sleeve Irom S t. and upwai da. ALSO, 200 women's L- ghorns, from 5j cents to the finest made, 250 Straw and Tuscan Bonnets, f,om 50 cents each. ICE DDE LL. Nov. I'Jth, 1S31 best Frencn and English Merinoes, most tashionable colors, 75 pieces Circassians, fiom20 cents to the finest made, M eruio, silk, and enure ShaIs and Hand kerchiefs, in endless variety, Bonnet, cap and belt Kinb mS of every stvle and quality, cheap. 20 dozen ladies " corded Skirts, from 50 cents to 51. GO pieces Trish Linens, decidedly the great er bargain ever offered J. IVEDDELL. Nov. 2tst, 1834. Lawrence & Lernay's And GILES'S, " NORTH CAROLINA ALMANACKS, FOR &S35, For Sale ot this OiTice nt the Raleish pri es, viz: 10 cents e;!c'. 75 cents a doz en, $4 for half a groce, j a groce, i;c. October, 1334.

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