WA).9 irftfl! JVtf. 51;. rrorow-, (Edgecombe County, JV. CJ Saturday, March 14, 1835. VoUXLNo. ii. 7'k "Turbo rmi z h Vcw," H r ;koiu;i: nowwisn. Is published weekly, at 'ZVu Dallam and Fifl't L'rn's per year, if p.iitl in advance or, T'irrr Doll trs, .it the expiration of the tubcriptioit venr. Knr any period es.s than a year, Twenty five Cents per month. Subsi -fibers ire at liberty lo tii-coittinue at any time, on pivin notice thereof and paying arrtvir th.ise reidiu at a dis tance mut invariably pay in advance, or give a responsible reference in this v rinit v. A'ivi -rtisements, not exceeding l lim-s, will be inserted at fl cents the liit inser tion, and -!" cents each continuance. ,.mo. ger ones at that rate for every It) line. Advertisements uiut be marked the nnm bf r ot insertions required, or tliev will be continued until otherwise ordered, and barged accordingly. Loiters addressed to the Kditor nuist be post piJ, or they may not be attended to. From the Raleigh Standard. Gen. SPEIGHT'S DEFENCE. Washington, Feb. 15, 1835. Mr. White: I see in the "Star" of the 12th inst. that the "malign influence" is out; and, like many other poor and unfortunate victims, 1 am doomed to feel its bane ful effects. The "narra tive," as it has been very properly styled, must doubt less prove a delicious treat, particularly when it is borne in mind that it was delivered in the Senate, and, stripped as it is of much of its origin al composition. Surely, I should not attempt to arrest its mighty progress, but for the notice taken ot'mv hum ble self. I should most cheerfully have permitted the author to wear all the laurels which he can possi bly gather by a dcvelnpc ment of his court gossips and petty court quarrels, had he not thought it fit and prop er to introduce into his "nar rative" a private letter of mine, written, as he well knows, under the impres sions made by his misrepre sentations. My object is not to meddle with any of the author's statements, but to show how I came to write the letter, which will be done in a very few words. The author states: "Before 1 read the letter, I will state to the Sen ate, that the genileman pro fessed to be my ardent friend whilst 1 was Secretary of the Navy, and thus became inti mately acquainted with the causes which embarrassed and finally dissolved the Cabinet." Indeed, and was this the first evidence of rny friendship? I remember to have been in the Legislature in 1822, when he was first elected to the U. States Sen ate. I was then his open and sincere friend; and while many of his new allies were pouring out their denuncia tions upon him, I used every effort in my power, and not without success, to procure his election. Again in 1828, 1 stood by him. And now for our connex ion at Washington. When J came to this place in 1829, the author made the same representations to me in re lation to the state of affairs, which he has exhibited in his "narrative;" and fre quenlly represented to me that there was an attempt to force his family to visit Airs. " Eaton; and towards jhe close of his ministerial career, he attributed the whole to the artifices of Mr. Van Buren. At and during the time above alluded to, I was his sincere friend, and did advise him, on more occasions than one, lo pursue the course which his own notions ot propriety dictated. As to Mrs. Eaton, or her character, I know no thing but from report. 1 never called on her in life; and were I to meet her this (lay, 1 should not know her. It was natural for me, as the intimate friend of the author, to believe what he said of her; though I fear that ho and her persecutors have done her great injustice. I will not pretend to de scribe the feelings which arose in my mind, when I heard of the dissolution of the Cabinet. 1 felt that, if it were true, as the author of the late "narrative" and his friends at Washington had represented it, General Jack son and Mr. Van Buren were both greatly to blame. With these feelings, I wrote to the author to give me the causes of the "blow out." In a few days thereafter, I received from him the two following letters, lo which my letter published in his axeful "nar rative" is an answer: Washington City, May 1st, 1831. My I) jar Sir: I have just re ceived your friendly favour of the 23d ultimo; and I pray yon, Dear Sir, accept mv thanks for the kind interest you take in the transac - lions alluded to in yours, as con - nected with my personal feelings and reputation. I hare not time to enter into a detailed statement of the circumstances which have led to this state of things, nor f0 point out to you the causes which have produced its consummation, On most of these points I am per- suaded you will be at no loss; you ha"t seen and heard uvmgh during your residence at 11 ushington, from which to derive a clue to the general understanding of the mat ter; and probably before the lapse of much time, a full and satisfac tory explanation will be given by some of the parties concerned. 1 take the liberty of enclosing to you a copy of a letter which 1 had prepared to address lo a few of my friends in North Carolina, and amongst others yourself. You are at liberty to give it pub licity in any form you please. From a sense of duty to the na tion; 1 remain in the Department until rny successor arrives. This is no little sacrifice; but the duly is imperative, and 1 obey. Accept, dear sir, the assurance of continued esteem and great respect, JOHN BRANCH. Hon. Jesse Speight, Stantons burg. Washington City, May 3d, 1831. My Dear Sir: You have no doubt before this seen in the pa pers, accounts of the resignations oftiie Secretary of State, and the Secretary of War, and the dismis sal of the other members of the Cabinet. The letters of the two former, addressed to the President of the U. States, present their reasons for resigning; and the motives for the dismissal of the others, are as signed in the answer of the Presi dent to the Secretary of th Treasury and myself. In thes the President admits, that the dis missed officers have faithfully discharged their respective duties. But intimates that the want of harmony in the Cabinet, and tin protection of the two resigning Secretaries "from unjust miscon ceptions and malignant misrepre sentations," made it necessary the others should go out also. So far as regards the membersh js known that Mr. Bynum of the Cabinet, this measure is comparatively of little moment. It is, however, a matter of deep concern, as affecting ihe character of the Government. In this point of view, the American people have a right to know the whole truth; from whence the alledged dis cord originated; by whom and for what purposes it has been foster ed; and in what respect and wherefore it has been connected with the public administration of the affairs of the nation. The President is bound to make these explanations to the people. If it were intended to be intima ted that I am responsible for the want of harmony in the Cabinet, the charge is unjust. I deny that I pursued a course which ought to have invited hostility; on the con-j trary, 1 went as far as a man of honor could go m endeavoring to promote a good understanding, and a cordial official co-operation with all the members of the Cabin et. But it seems I was expected . uu hi seems was expected ffVrthpandno it has been held good cause for my lismissal. !f it is asked why I did not aban don the Cabinet and expose to the world the malign influences by which it was abandoned. I shall reply that I constantly looked for ward to a favorable change. That especially I relied for this upon the wisdom, fairness and jus tice of the Chief Magistrate. I have been disappointed. I have had the deep mortification to see him gradually discarding from his counsels and friendship, his old and long tried supporters, and throtv- l'n? himself into the arms of per- 1 50,15 whose cold-hearted self shness jfl artifices were play td off upon ' him for true and faithful tervice. la the mean time, rest assured lJlat whatever may be the public 'judgment as to the merits of this question, no consideration arising ;from personal feeling will induce i mc to t;1'ie a course which I should j 1101 believe calculated to maintain j Jne character and promote the "Merest of the Slate which gave ine mrm. Business of i importancc, cspe- cially as enabling me to settle ters of the gentlemen sign down permanently in North Car-! nig it, are too well known olina, uill probably require my!for lncjr statement to be presence in Tennessee, where I questioned, mav be detained until August Next, i 1 T On my return to mv family, I) lt 1)0 remembered, that hope to meet you, when I shall be! n" this took place in less highly gratified to renew that so- , than three months after the cial and friendly intercourse which j dissolution of the Cabinet, heretofore, so much to my satisfac-j and after he had written the tion, has subsisted between us. In the mean time, I beg yon to receive assurances of irreat respect t and esteem. ' .fortunate JOHN BRANCH. Hon. Jesse Speight, Speitrht's Bridge, Greene County, North Carolina. Upon the receipt of those letters, I wrote to the author of the late "narrative" the letter which he has paraded and published. I wrote as I then felt, that a friend had been treated unjustly. And so I continued to think until a few weeks thereafter, when he returned home. Let us now see if his sub sequent conduct was calcu lated to bear me out in this belief. It is known, that ai that time the Hon. Mr. By num, the present represen tative, was a candidate for he Halifax district; and that oon after the return of the tnfortunate author from this .lace, he was brought out as a candidate in opposition to him. And here, I am sorry to say, is another striking ,jroof of ihe ingratitude which he is capable of exer cising towards h'13 friends. Had been his Jon" and devo- ted frieud, and was brought out by the administration party for Congress before the dissolution of ihe Cabi net. But after the unforiu nate author returned home, he suffered himself to be held up as a candidate in opposition to Mr. Bynum, not however, as the enemy of Gen. Jackson, but as his "personal friend, whom he ixpectt d to meet as cordially as ever, and shake bit the nana and spend many a so cial moment icitli. These and many other similar ex pressions, were made use of by him repeatedly, as I can prove by the Hon. Messrs. Bynum and M. T. Hawkins, and others. And finally, af ter repeated declarations of friendship towards Gen. . r, come to ooncress on v to expose the "rualigu influ ence;" terms of capitula tion took place between him and Mr. Bynum, (whereby the latter withdrew) in which the following words were used, viz: "We, with the Governor (John Branch) believe, from ihe facts disclosed lo us that ! our venerable President, al- though like other men not exempt from the frailties of human nature, has done no thing in this matter that cannot be forgiven," done nothing for which we should abandon him, done no thing improper, which did not result from his peculiar situation: (signed) Jno. H. Patterson, Jno. Hayxcood, Thos. Jones, Jesse Dawson. The above is an extract, to which the unfortunate au thor assented. The charac above letter to me. Now. :f occurred to me, if the un- luthor who had ! nc,MI lnus "tans cercmonie" lacked out of office, could forgive the doer of it, that I could. Comment is unne- cessary. I ask any candid man to look at and compare the parts in italics, and let any one produce such an in stance of inconsistency and contradiction. What could I think, who had been induc ed to believe that he had been so unjustly treated by the President! I confess I was utterly astonished, when a friend (who heard him make a speech in Scotland Neck) told me that Gov. Branch had said that he was as much the friend of Gen. Jackson as ever, and expect ed so to meet him, and I so repeatedly expressed myself; and added that I feared he had been imposed upon by a fiction at Washington, whose track I had gotten upon the winter before. Towards the close of the session, previous to the dis solution of the Cabinet, 1 had been induced to believe that Mr. Van Buren was intrigu ing to get himself into the Presidency; but I found out that those who accused him, were then or had been try ing to play the same game themselves. 1 come now to events which happened during the next winter. In a short time after I had been here, he applied to know if I would btfar a note to Gen. Jackson, asking for some letter he had written him, or a copy; as well as I remember, to which I assented; but oh reflec tion, 1 declined, and advis ed him to call in person, for I thought 1 discovered in him a disposition to bring me in into a difficulty. In stead of that friendship which he had manifested for the President in his electioneer ing speeches, I saw that he entertained the most deadly hostility in his heart against him. Did he ever' call on him, and shake him by the hand! Did he not join in the most violent persecution of himr Can he point to a sin gle vote he guve that was not with the opposition! It was well known that the bank question was a measure in tended to break down Gen. Jackson, and elect Mr. Clay. What was his course on that question! In every instance he voted for the enemy, ex cept upon the main question. His whole conversation was about the "malign influence," and in abuse of Mr. Lewis, Mr. Kendall, and others, a bout whom I knew nothing: And, for no cause under Heaven, but that I would not make myself his ready and subservient tool in a crusade against these men and against the administra tion, have I experienced his displeasure. 1 challenge him to point to a single case in which I have attempted to injure him; I have joined in no persecution against him: But merely because 1 have had the independence to think and act for myself, have I incurred his hostility. 1 am charged by him, as being subservient to the "powers that be," in support of all their measures. oes that unfortunate gentleman know the manner in which he is viewed, as 'having stood to the administration! What measure however obnox ious, did Gen'l. Jackson ev er adopt, but met his hearty approbation! During his continuance in the Cabinet, he'was the most despised of all the members; and mainly on account ol his proscrip tive policy. Did he not ap prove of the plan for a treas ury bank! Did he oppose the course which the Presi dent pursued in relation to the present to the Ottoman Porte! 1 have supported this ad ministration from principle; and because I was sent here to do it, I have too much self-respect to betray my trust: if I had feared vitupe ration and abuse, I wouln have pursued another course I look for no other reward than that of a clear con science, and iho approbation v;f my constituents. 1 seek no olfice; there is none I want. 1 am willing that my conduct and that of the un fortunate gentleman, should be put side by side; and then it will be seen which savors most of subserviency. I have supported Mr. Van Buren for Vice President, because I saw that the wick- j ed had combined to destroy mm. l believe him to be both honest, and capable for any station. I have contrib uted as far as I was able, to the re-election of Mr. Brown. I have been associated with him long enough to discover that he is an honest man; and one who goes for the good of his country. And not withstanding the "malign in fluence" has tried to kill us both, we have made out to get along thus far. 1 have only to say, in con clusion, that if it was deemed necessary to read my letter, it seems to me that it would have been quite as fair to have done it when the au thor and myself were in Con gress together. He came here to expose the "malign influence." He heard me make a speech on the re moval of the W'iscasset col lector, in which 1 alluded to the dissolution of the Cabi net in connexion with other events; and then, it seoens to me, would have been the proper time to have made the assault. J. SPEIGHT. Resolutions to Expunge. Irj the U. S. Senate on the lSthult. Mr. Benton submitted a resolu tion for expunging from the journ als of that body ihe resolutions passed the last session censuiing the President. Mr. Poindexter having objected to the resoh tionj on the ground that it was out of orders Mr. Brown, (ofNorth Caroli na) rose and said, that it appeared to hinij with great defer fence to the Senator from Mississippi, that the remarks which had fallen from him, and the course which he had indicated, was at once novel and indefensible. Whenever a nro- position stated any thing which was derogatory to the character of the Senate, or was inflecorous in its language, it might be ar rested in its incipient state. But it was not pretended that this res olution contained any thing which was derogatory to the Senate, or indecorous in itself. What then was the objection urged against tfte reception of the resolution? The Senator from Mississippi said that it was unconstitutional to al ter the journal. This was anti cipating a conclusion which could only be reached through an inves tigation. It must be decided, after an examination of the sub ject, whether the act would be unconstitutional or not. Yet the Senator from Mississippi wouftl arrest the inquiry in its incipient stage. The Legislatures of as many as four or five States had instructed the Senators on this point: would the Senate refuse to entertain a proposition recom mended by so many sovereign States? After some further remarks from Mr. Brown, Mr. Poindexter withdrew the objection on request of Mr. Leigh; when, n motion ot Mr. Benton, the resolution was ordered to be printed..

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