Whole No. 516 Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.J Saturday, .March 21, 1835, Vol. XL No. 12. The "Tarb irnuk 'vvv,' in ukokuk iiD'.v.vun, pi'ihii-lii .l vvt.-'vly. at ') D-dixrs and SiflU Cut's p-t year, it" paid in advance or, Tirrr l)ullars, at the expiration of th ' 1 subscription vear. Knr any period e-. thart a yea-, Twinfy-five Cent. per month Subscribers arc at liberty to li continue mi any time, on giving notic thereof and paying ariciis those re-iding at ( tJi i !- a nini .i.i.- ...... : i i ... . ', 1 "r ' ' give a respondd. reference in this v:cinitv Advei ti-e:n -nts, not exceeding lii lines, will be inverted at ."; cn's the first inser tion, and 2 rents each continuance. Lnijo ger ones jit that rate fnev.-ry lf lim s Adveriisene its must he marked tlie mini ber of insertions required, or the v will he continue. 1 until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the I'.diloi' must he post paid, or they may not he attended to. Convention .let. Ail Act rovcrrnv a Convention to amend the Constitution of the S!atc. Tpill'.KI'AS, the General Assembly of, . - .nrtli Carolina, have reason to he- trav. I to and from the convention, lie?, that a huge portion, if not a majori-! XII. Be it further enacted. That it shall IV, of the freemen of the State, are anxious be tile duty of the Governor, immediately to amend the Constitution thereof, in cer- af.er the ratification of this act, to trans tain particulars, hereinafter specified: audi mi) a copy to each County Court Clerk whereas, while the General Assembly di. in the Stale, and cause it to be published claim all right and power in themselves to until the meeting' of the Convention, in the alter the fund inental law. they consider it ! newspapers of the State, theirduty to ad pt measure for asceitaiu ! XIII. lie, it further entitled, That the ing the will of their constituents, and toj following propositions shah be submitted profiJe the means for currying that will f t the people tor iheir assent or dissent to into effect, w hen ascertained; thei rfoie, ! the same; the former of which shall be mi BcV enncied by the General Awmbfy of deistood as expressed bv the votes for the State of Xorth Carolina, audit is hereby "Convention.' and tin latter by the votes enacted hy the authority of the same. That j Convention' or "Against Conven- the Court of Pleas and Qj irler Sessions, ' tiou," at the tune ami in mode herein of each and every county in the Slate, at! before provided, to wit: 'lh.it the said roie the first term that shall be held after the j vent-ion, when a quorum of the delegates first day of January, 1:'3). shall appoint ; who shall b elected and assembled, "shall two inspectors to superintend the polls to' traine and device amendments to the Con be opened at each and every election pie- stit'ition of this State, so as to reduce the cinct in said counties, for ascertaining by j mi uber of meinht-rs in the Senate to not ballot, the w ill of the freemen of North Ca- j less than thirl v -lour, nor more than fifty, rolina, relative to the meeting of a State, to heel, e'e I by districts which shall belaid Convention. And if any Court or Courts, Hat convenient and prescribed peiiods by should fail to make such appointments, or counties, in proportion to the public taxes if any inspector so appointed shal? fail to paid into the Treasury of t"e State, hv the act, it Shall be the duty of the MrerilT, or ; the person acting as I is deputy on strch -, shad he divided in the loimatiou of a Sen rasion, with the advice of one Justice ofthe '. atonal dislncl. And when there are one Peace, or, if none he present, with the ad- or more counties h iving an excess f taxa vice of three freeholders, to appoint an tion ahove (!. ralio leipnied to lornia inspector or inspectors in the ptae of him i Senatorial diti it, adjoinuig a ..u:ity or or them who failed to act, which inspect ms, counties di ticient in soi h rami. t!ie excess when duly sworn by some Justice of the! or exci s es aloicsa.d .shall lie ndurd to the Peace, or freeholder, to perform th duties , of the place with tiJeliiy, shall have the Same authority as if appointed by theConrt. II. Ee i! farther ennrted, That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of the respective shall consMtu;e a -u.itoiiri !itrict- 2. counties in this Snte, to open polls at thej That tlie sa'd Convention shall frame and several election precincts in said counties, devise a turt'-er amendment to ih- said on Wednesday and Thursday, the first andj Constitution, whre!iv to reduce the m. in second of April n-xt, w hen anl whereall : ber of meuibers in the House of Commons ' persons qualified by the Constitution tolU not less than ninety, por moie than one . vote formemhers of the ilouse of Commons, I hundred and tweniv, exclusive of bor- ! may vote for or against a State Convention; ! ouh memhers which tlie convention shall j those who wish Convention, voting w it h a ; have the di-i u-t i ui io ex elide in w hole or ! printed or wiitten lic ket, "Conv nt io:i .' ; in part, and t he residue to he h c eil by and those w ho lo not want a Convention, counties or ditric?sf or both, at cm d'lig to I voting in 1 1 1 o same way, "No Convention," . their federal population", i. t. ;o-, tiding to or, "Against Convention.' I iheir lespective iminliers; winch shali be III. lie it furthtr lauded, That it shall d'-ternrmed by add ng 'o ih whole num-! be llie duty :t'the sheriffs to make dup1ii:;se J ber of free persons, including tlto-e bouiul i statements of their poll in their respective ; to set v ice tor a lei in ot v eai s, am! ex el u counties. sAorn to before the Clerk of thjding Indians u t taxed, the esf,f(,s tf all County Court, one copy of w hich shall bOjOtl.er person-, anil the enumeration lobe deposited m shiJ Clerk's office, ami the tnule at convenient and prescribed peri other copy transmitted to the Governor of ! od-; but each county shall have at bast the State, at K deigh, immediately alter the ! one member in the Iloue of ( ouimous, ' el'Ction. j although it rnny not contain the requisite IV. Be it father ennrted. That it shall j r iti of population, '.i That the said' be the duly ot the Governor, as soon as he convention shall also frame and device. hall have received U returns ot the Slier-; amendments I" said Constitution, vvhfre iffs, in the presence of II, e Secretary of by it shall lie made necessary for persons Slate, Public Treasurer and Comptroller, to i voting tor a Seuatoi, and persons eligible compare the number of votes lor & against to the Senate, to possess the -aine resi a Convention; and it it s'i i-1 appear, that a deuce and freehold qualification respei -majority ofthe vnii s pol e I aie in favor of, lively in the Senatorial district, as is now It, he shad forthwith publi-u a pi 'ulamalion i of the fact in such of ihe new sap,'vs as he , may think prope: ; and shall is-ue a writ of! election to every Sheriff of the Mate, re-' quiring him to open polls for the election , of delegates in the Convention, at the same places, ami under the same rules, as pre-1 scribed for holding oih-r State elections, and at such time as the Governor may de signate. V. lie it further enacted. That the same persons who were appointed to hold the polls in taking the vote on Convention, shall hold them for the election of dele, gates; provi led, that if any of such inspec tors shall tail to attend or act, the Sheriffs and their deputies shall supply their places in the manner hereinbefore pointed out. VI. Beit farther enacted, Tha. the seve ral County Courts shall allow- the Sheriffs the same compensation lor holding said elections, that they usually allow for hold ing other State cl-di.uis. And if any she riff or other officer appointed to hold said elections, shall tail to comply with ihe re quisitions ol this act, he shall be liable to a fine of one thousand dollars, recoverable before any competent jurisdiction, to the we of the county whose officer lu i; and it Ball be the duty of the county solicitors to prosecute such suits. VII. Be it further enacted, That all per sons qualified to vole for members of tin House of Commons, under the present Constitution, shall be entitled to vote for members to said Convention; and all free white men, of the age of twenty one years. vho shall have been resident in the State one year previous to, and shall continue to be so resident at the lime ofthe election, hall be eligible to a seat in said Conven tion: 1'rorided, he p tssess the freehold re- 0,'tired ot ;, member of the House of Com mons under the present Constitution. U Bi:it furt'ier enacted. That each COuofy in uns State shall be entitled to sdect two delegates to said ConveuCion, and Ilo more. IX B: if further enacted, That if any acajicy shall occur in any county deleg i tion, hy death or otherwise, the Governor lull Istithwitu iiiiie a writ tu supply the vacancy. And the delegates shall convene i or near the city of I'aleigh , on the first I'hursdnv in June nest; mid provided th;i quorum docs not attend on tliat day, the delegates may adjourn from dav to day tint i i a quotum is present; and a majority f delegates elected shall constitute a quo rum to ilo business. X. B it further enacted. That no dele. gate elect shall he permitted to tnke his s at in convention, until he shall have ta- , kt n and subscribed the following oaih or HlVn ni nion; "I. A. H do snl innlv swear C or aim in, as the case may r) that I will : not. either directly or iiioirecdv, evade or i disregard the duties enjoined, or the limits fixed to this convention hy the people of j Noi.h Carolina, asset forth in the Act of he ('eneral Assembly, pa-sed in 1831, entitled "An Act concerning a convention to amend the Constitution of the state of North Carolina," which act was ratified by the people. So help me God'"' XI. Be it further enacted, That the Pub 1 c Treasurer be, and he is hereby author ized to pay, upon tho warrant of the Gov ernor, such sums of money as may b ne cessary lor the, Contingent charges of Hie ( ,he convention. One dollar ad r,i cents per day, during Ins attendance tlure"- on, and five cents for evcrv mile he may cit iei.s th-ieoi: J'mridtd. that no i on,t v ' taxati.m of iln' r..uu!y or counties nVf.cient; and it w iih mi h add tii'i. the cnunty r j ioi!Uii--s ie etvio n ii iii Have The n cpl site ratio, such countv and counties each I required in the couulv: I'roridcd, II at they shall not in any manner disq taliiy . any ofthe free while men ol this tate, j from voting for members in the llou-e of Commons who are qualified to vote under J the existing constitution of this State. 4. j That said convention may also consider of, and in their discictiui propose the following other amendments to the said Constitution, or any of them, to wit: S i a?, 1st, l.i abrogate or restrict the riht of free negroes or mulattoes to vole for mem Irers of the Senate or House of Commons, -d. To diGquali!y members ofthe Assent bly and officer of Ihe State, or those w ho hold places of trust under th authority of this Sta'e, from being or continuing saTh, while they hold any other office or appoint ment under tin? government of this State or of Ihe United Slates, or any other gov ernment whatsoever. 3d. povidc that capitation tax 011 slaves and free white polls shall be equal throughout Ihe Stale, dth. To provide for some mode of ap, pointing and removing from office militia officers and justices of the peace, different frtmi that which is now practised. 5th To compel the members of the General Assembly to vote ma fore in the election of officers whrjse appointment is conferred on thai body. tith. To amend the thirty, second article of the Constitution of the State. 7th. To provide for supplying va cancies in the ("eneral Assembly of this State, when such vacancies occur by re signation or death, or otherwise, before the meeting of the General Assembly. 8U1. To provide for biennial meetings in stead of annual meetings of the General Assembly; and if they shall determine on biennial sessions, then they may alter the Constitution in such parts of it as require the annual election ol members of Assem bly and officers of Stafe, and the triennial election of Secretary of State, and provide lor their election every two years. 9th. To provide for the election of Governor of the state by the qualified voters for the members of the House of Commons, and to prescribe the term for which the Governor shall be elected, and the number of terms during which he shall be eligible. And the said convention shall ad pt ordinances lor carrying into effect the amendments which shall be made, and shall submit such iii-iidment to the determination of al l qualified voters ofthe State; but the, shall not alter any other article of the Constitution or Bill of Rights, nor propo, any amendments t.i the same, except those which are herein before enumerated. XIV. Be it further enacted, That if a majority of voters at the flection fi.si directed to be held by this Act. shall be found for "Convention.'' it shall be con sidered and Understood that the people, bv their vole as ,f .resaid, have conferred on the delegates to said Convention the power and authority to make alterations and amendment in the existing Constitution "f the Slate, ip tl. particulars herein enumerated, or any of litem, but in no others. XV. Beit further enacted, That the said Convention, after having- adopted amend mehtfto the Constitution, in any or all ot said particulars, shall prescribe soim mode for the ratification of the same by the people or their representatives; an'n shall prescribe ad necessary ordinances and regulations for tin purpose of giving full operation and effect to the Constim" tion as altered and amended. XVI. Be it further evaded, That the Convention shall provide in what mannei amendments shall in future be made to the Constitution ofthe tnte. Head three times and ratified in Gen eral Assembly, this the fjth day f Jan I83r. " iM. j. ALEAnrn ir U M. D. AIO-CI.KV, 6. 5. An ACT supplemental to an Act, passed nt the present sesiou, entitled An .-' ci concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the Stale of North Car- lina." ' it enacted bv the Central the State of .Yorlh Carolina and it istitrt by enacted by the authority of tht same. marine loll wing pr positions snail be su'tmitte' l jbe people lor iheir assent or dissent, in the same m inn- r, a;:d un der the sani" forms, regulations and restric tions as wer n"sci dud and adopted in an Act passed at the present session, entitled "An Act conrernii'sra Convention 1 meiid the Constitution ot the State of North Car olina,' that trie said Conventimi may, in their discretion, devise and propos the 101. owing amendments to the said Conii lu'ion.or ni iv rril,..ii, r 1 'I' vide that the Attorney '.eneral shall be ler t.x I In r 11 1 ........ 1 ..... , o -l- i " tis. . illiutll( a inbun il when bv the Judges nf the Supreme ami Supeiior Cour's and other oldie- rs of the State, iiixy be impeached ami tried for cm roption ami malpractices in office :. Io provide 1 bat upon con viction nf any justice of the peace of anv ic Unions crime or of t ption and mal-praciice in office, his commission shall be vacated, and -aid jits'iie rendered forever di-quablieO from holding such appointment. 4 To provide for the removal of any of the Judges of the iipreme or Superior Courts, in conse quence of mental or physical inability, upon a concurrent resolution of two third of both branches of the Leg islarne. 5. To provide that the salaries of tip-Judges shall not be diminished during their rontinu.iiire in office. f. To provide against oiok c. S-.11 y private legislation 7. To provide that po judge ot the Supreme or Superior Court's, shall, w hil-t retaining his judicial office, be eligible to any other except io the Supreme Com t bench. II. And be it further enacted, That should the people decide in favor of a call of a C invention, as is provided for in the before referred to act. the aid Convention is hereby aut'i riz- (I and empowered In consider of, and, in their discretion, pro pose the above additional am- ndmenti to ihe said Constitution, or any of them. i'ead three limes, and ratified in (Jen- ) eral Assembly, tins Ihe 9lh dav C of Jan. Ib3". ' iv m.j. Ai.rx M)i:n, s u c. w.m i) mom;li.v, s. s. VERY BEST Cotton Yarn and Vwine FOR SALE. UfplIK Subscribers f. el grateful for the mX liberal patMmae w! ich Hoy iece.vs-J the past year, and hope by assiduity and punctuality in business to merit a continu ance of pa-t favors. They now have and expect to keep con stantly on hand, The very best Coton i"tvi.y, Ft m Nos. 2 to IS inclii'ive. Also, various sizes of the very best Cotton Seine Twine us durability and strength has been fairly tested, and the Subset ibers feel no hesitation in pronouncing it inferior to none, if not superior to any in market Both the above articles they expect to de liver to purchasers on as liberal terms as articles of the same quality can be procu red elsewhere. The usual charge for con veyance will be made. Terms of sale for all quantities of Yrtrn over one thousand pounds, six months credit will be allowed for any quantity under one thousand pounds, four months, the purchaser givingiiote (withoPt interest) at ihe lime the Yarn is delivered, payable at the above stated times. The proprietors of fisheries will do well to apply to the Subscribers for twine tor the future, as a very liberal credit will be given. Messrs. Hassell Zz Williams will act as agents for the Subscribers at Williamslon .Mr. lienja. Bell, at Creenville and Mr. Warren Harris, at Halifax where Yarn and Twine can be bought on the same terms as at the Factory. BATTLE BROTHERS. Falls Tar Uiver, Jan. 10th, I800. SUPER ROYAL Printing Press, on iSJi the old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Jlpply at this Office. January, 1S34. Coaches, Gigs, $c. TUP. Subscriber wishes to return Un sincere thanks to his numerous . custom ers, lor the verv lib eral encouragement "on.il ne nas lure tolore re eivel ai 0 to inform them that he has just returned from .New Y -rk, with a more general and ashionable assortment of silver Plated and Brass FURNITURE, Suitable for Coat lies, Barouches, Gigs and sulkies, than has ever before been brought to this place. He al-o would inform his friends and the public generally, that lie has associated himself with one ofthe most large and extensive establishments at the N'orlh, where he can at the shortest notice have seut on jobs of eveiy description to suit those who may favor him with iheir orders, or like northern in preference to domestic manufacture. He has shipped and now daily expects one or two first rate light one hoise Ua rouches, and a half dozen of one horse Wagons, at extraordinary low prices for ash. or to punctual customer- on a short credit. l'F.PAIR dnie with neatness and de spatch contract must be made before the work is undertaken. He has Horses, digs, and Sulkies to let. also cue comfortable four wheeled accom modation establishment. ISVMC Ji. BRjJD V. Dec. 4.134. NEW Coach & Gig Manufactory THC Sufiscrib.ir re spectfully informs his friends ami the public in genera!, that he has commenced Imsiuess Ifor himself on his lot in Tarhorotiph. near the Kridge, where he vv ill he prepared to carry 011 the above business in al1 its vari ou branches. He served a r,,hr prenticeship under Air. Thog- Cobbs, of - - r Kaleigh. w ho canii d mi the business very extensively, and kept in his emidov renn- iMMioeiu Hitihiiifii. 11 several years acqu in'aute with the business in one of the most extensive establishing, ic o ih Slate could ensure his success, he feeis con- h'lent lie should meet it; but fie is perfectly a a are that attention is equally necessary, and this attention he is determined to ren der. He hopes, therefore, thai all persons who may favor him with their patronage, will mver become dissatisfied or disap pointed. Hit work shall be faithfully exe cuted and of the best materials. He ex pects to have in a short lime a genera! n-dj sortment of materials from New York, which will enable him to do his work not inferior to any dune in this section of coun try. Impairing done with neatness and despntcJi. Nathaniel M Terrell. Tarborough, Jan. 1st, 1S35. 1 l; o.ax Dix 'emn Ata J pHC Subscriber, who for several years 1 past has b'-eu engaged in the Uin .Making business, In Kinston, has established himself IN GIIISISNVTLLG, Where he carries on the above business in all its various branches. All those who wish 10 supply tininselv.s willi tiin ofthe best quality, are respectfully solicited Io apply 10 the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be prompt ly executed. From rtie Subscriber' long experience in his business, and from the ap probation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entiie sa tisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage." Gins out of order will he expeditiously repaired. Tlie Sub scriber takes ihe liberty of calling ti.e at tention of those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repaired, to the expediency of applying to him in lime. W hen nil wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a.pres sure of business, that many are obliged of iieces-ity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. ilZiZiSI? TZSOEJ, In connexion with this establishment, car lie; on the Lock? Gunsmith business. He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, and Gudgeons, ol a composition in vented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist MUl Spindle, with Steel Collars. (n:rned. These articles equal to any manufactured in the United States. All lett. rs and orders must be directed to the Subscriber, at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN July U. 1834. 45 Cotton Gins. ipHE Subscriber has established himself LL in the houses formerly occupied by the lale Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the ri ver, and a short distance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on Tht making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves1 wiili Gins of (he best quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will he expeditiously repaired. Bl icksmithh'g, ol every description, ex-tfcni'-tl in ihe best manner. CTTwo setond hand Cotton Gins for sale low for Ca-h. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarbororgh, 30th Sept. To the Afflicted. IlAV S invaluable Ointment, for the cure of white swelling, scrofula and other tumour?, sore legs an ulcers, and fresh wuunus sprain,, bruises, swell ings and inflammations, &.c. c Rfckwith's nnti-dyspeptic pyf, Rovvand's genuine tonic mixio're a per feet cure for ague and fever. ' The above valuable medicines ,Aav be had wholesale or retail on applicant, to Cotlen, Agent for Tarboroush 1S35. a ' Great Bargains, IN WOOLLENS, M the Cheap Cash Store. f)(T piECLS superfine Broad Cloths, from 1 50 to 57, astonishingly Cheap. f pieces Sattinetts, from 40 cents tol, 4 pair rose Blankelts, from 2 to 6, o50 negro Blankets, from f0 cents to $1, pieces w hite and red Flannels, frouv20 cents to the finest made, 20 ps negro clothing, from 20 cts to37L J. JVEDDELL. 21st Nov. 1834. CrTBarira insm v- o a HAVE resolved on selling off my pre sent Stock of Goods at verv rpilnJ prices in order that I may lay in a more extensive one early the ensuing spring, but rather different in its nature from the pre sent. 1 herefore all persons wish inrr to ho v Tie best and newest of GOODS. At the lowest prices, can do soby calling at my well known stand. The chean nes of my Goods aie unknown I have for in stance staple and fancv l)rv Goods, fur and wool Hats, lare size negro Blankets, excellent goods for negro winter clothing ALSO, Ihe very best Shoes for do. Turks Island Salt Sugar, Coffee and the best Teas, from 75 cents to,?! per lb Hard ware, Cutlery, Uc. Apple Brandy, Rum ami Whiskey and raeny other useful art w cles, any part or all ot which can and shall ne ouereo anu sold to persons wishing to nuv, lor Cash or barter, lower than can fee hud in Ibis place. Do not view this notice as a mere act of delusion, but call and con iin.r youi srives m me lact. IIS Put a short w alk from one end of the town to the other, and I warrant if v oii w ill come down v on shall be amply remunerated for vour trouble AT . R0UNTREE. Tarborough, Pec. 19th, 1S34. Jiemuvul. MKS. HOWARD has removed her Mil- linary establishmeit to the corner house recently occunied bv Messrs. D. Richards St Co. She has now on band an extensive as- sortment nl nri in her line ot business, which will bn disposed 01 on ner usual moderate and accommoda ting terms. EFBonnets cleaned or dyed and Man tua making continued as usual. Tarboro', Jan. 1, 183i. HSCOZiXiSSCT, Jft the Cheap Cash Store, Jn?IUL be shown rin extensive assort tJ menl of seasonable Dry Goods. 1 nose mat wisu to see a Handsome Stock of Merchandize, with exceedingly Lov 1 as attached, will do well to call and ex amine, as I arri determined to sell out my Winter stock to mak room for Spring and Summer Supply. J. IVEDDELL. Feb. 19th, 1835. Jim Crow. W7ILL STAND the ensuing season, vv (which will commence on the 1st March,) four days at my stable, four at Henry Shirley's, and three at Wm. Moor ing's, at Mr?. Haywood's plantation, so as to be at his stands every twelfth day. Persons putting mares to'jim Crow, are leouestcd to be particular in sending on every twelfth day from tlie time they are put, aim mey win not ne otsappointeu in finding the Jack at hi3 stands. He will be at my stable until Wednesday evenin?. 4th) March then eo to Mr. Srhirlev's. where fie vvill remain until butiday eve ning, 81I1 March then to Mr. Mooriun's where he will remain until Wednesday evening, lllh March then to his former stand, lie will be let to mares at Three Dollars the single leap Five Dollars the season, ' and F.iffht Dollars to insure u mare to be in foal with 23 cents to ihe Groom in every instance. A transfer f property forfeits the insurance. Mares will be entered by the season, unless I m otherwise informed when (hev are first put .0 the Jack, and when teration will be made. Great caie will be taken Io avoid accidents, but no liability for any- WM S. BAKER. February 2$th, 1835 10 3 HISTORY OP tiii: Kehukee .Association. JJUvr PUBLISHED, and for sale at the office ol the Tarboro' Pres?, "A con cise History of the Kehukee baptist Asso ciation, fniru its original rise to the pre sent time by Elder Joseph Biggs-under the supervision of a committee (consisting of Klders Jos' ua Lawrence, William Hy mau, and Luke Ward, and brethren Th'o mas Biggs, Joseph D. Biggs, and Cushion B. Hassell.) appointed by the Association." Price 1 each, or $10 per dozen. m Coffidd King, MERCHANT TAIL-UK, jTKSrFXTFLLLY intonns his friends W and cuitomers. that he has just re turned from flew York, where he purcha sed his Supply of Fall Goods, In his line of business, viz: Siipeifine blue and blink Cloths Mulber ry and mixt do Clarence brown, sage and lavender CassU meres Drab, black, and Orleans do. Drab Petersham Goats hair Gambler, Striped and figured velvet Vestings Plain black do. Plain hlack and figured silk Vestiuss, Figure-! Marseilles and Valencia do. I-aen Bosoms and Collars, Black i.alx Stocks Gentlemen's buk Glove Umbrellas, tc. All of wt,-,c, he st,jj jcw for 6asn OJ. ou a short credit to punctual customers, those wising to purchase will please to call and examine for themselves. Gentles men's clothing made and trimmed in the most fashionable style and at ihe shortest notice. All orders irom a distance will be thankfully received and punctually attend ed to. ' Tarborough, 0c!. 23. 1R34. Henry Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, STjAKES this opportunity of informing A the public, that he has just received from New York, a general Assortment tf Goods, In his line of business, consisting in part of Superfine Cloths and Cssimercs, of the most fashionable colors, Fancy velvet and silk Vesting's, A handsome assortment of laucy Stocks, Bos-.'ms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, Umbrellas, &.c. He particularly invites all those who want the above Goods to call and examine for themselves, as he is confident he can please such, boih in quality and price. Gentle men furnishine; their own clotlm, can have tnem made and trimmed in the most fash ionable manner and at ihe sholtest notice All orders from a distance w ill be punctu ally attended to. tarlioro'tOci.Pth, 1831. Q3BCloaks and Bonnets. NOW OPEMISV; AT THE Cheap Cash Store. &R(f SADIES and Girls merino-, J'SS5(J silk( camblet. aud Ciicassiaii Cloaks, from I 50 to 120 men's Cloaks, with and without sleeves from 4, and upwards, ALSO, 200 women's Leghorns, from 50 cents io the finest made, 250 Straw and Tuscan Bonnets, from 50 cents each. JAS. IVEDDELL. Nov. 19th, 1834. JLeandery YOUNG JACK, in his prim, wilL stand the ensuing season, at mr stable at Atkinson's store and lit of near Allen Gay's. He will be at Atkin son's jhe loth of March, there to stay three days from thence to Gay's, to stay two days and from thence home 10 remain, four days. He will be at his stands regu larly without an accident, and will te let to marts at Three Dollars the single leap Four Dollars and Kilty Cents the reason, and Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents to insure a mare to be in foal w ith 23 cents to th Groom in every instance. The se&son will commence ihe 15th ot March, and end the 15th of July next. The Jeap and season money will be due lit the end of the season the insurance vvill be due the 1st of January next. Any person put ting by the iimirnnce and failing to at tend his stand, will lie held bound lor the insurance money, wiMiout unavoidable accident, LLA.NDER is now rl-ing seven years old he sprang from the largest family of his kind in Carolina, a.id has gotten as large mules as can be hbown to iheir ages, which is sufficient to recommend him where they are known b;ir as for my word not to be taften ntd lie I will riv0 I h honor of som of his customers. JOHN PITT. Mar.ch 9th, 1835 113 ffZTl have three of said T.ea nlfr'c rdf? one Hi years old, two 2 Years old tbi spring. 1 believe them to be equal with any Jack's colts within mv knowledge.- and lurther say, belfer than 1 hose I hare uereioioie owiie.t. 1 his 23th Feb. JS35. JO. P. I'lTl, Lt. Col. CTl have one of the said Jack's colts. 2 years old this spiiug, large ami likely, for which I have refused 70 2ii h Feb. 1 83J. i: A LI' 11 I' ITT. 01 had a colt, ret bv the Jack, which I was well pleased with. 1 would as l.eve risk hi.u as my Jack in the country. UUlitslil II. isiiAbWELh. 01 put one mare to the said Jack iu feason 1632, whjLch brought men mule tall nnd stout, for which I got ,y,"0 al fifteen months old LLlSlIA "rrt. Mrf. ILi'I Put one mare to sard JrK in season. 1833, which brought me a very fine mule.' IT J I nut a mnr tn c?.rf k in season 1832, which brought a mule that I sold i.rt. 560. al eighteen moi ihs old t .r - if-ri'I1 I 1 no Published and Jor alt al this OJJice. JS PATRIOTIC DIS.COl'USK the Norlh Carolina Whig's Ap'dogy frs theKehulsee Association ud, A Basnet of Fragments, by the Rv. Joshua Lawience. Also, A Heview of Claik's defence and jus--t fic"Un to ihe Kehukee As ociali m, writ ten by a lay men. btr of the Association and, Ocruirei ces in thXife of Uder -seph Biggs, wrote by himelf. Tatboiough, Ayj 'J

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