Whole JVo. 4)47 Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, March 28, 1835 Fb(. AT JVb. 13. The "Tarborough Press,1' - 15' ttKOUUK HOW A It 11, It published weekly, at T.eo Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, if paid in advance or. Three Dollars, at the expiration of tin subscription year. For any period les (ban a year, Twenty-fat Cents per month Subscribers are at liberty to di-enntiuue hi any time, on giving notice thereof anil paying aneirs those residing at a dis tflnce must in v:iri,tll v pay in advance, i giro a responsible reference in this vcinitv. Advertisem-'uts, not exceeding 1( lines, will be inserted at 50 renis I tie first inscr tiontand -J.") cents each continuance. Long- ger, ones at that rate fur every 16 !ins. Advertisements must he marked the num ber of insertions required, or titry w ill be continue.! until otherwise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post pid, or they may not be intended to. Convention Acts. An Act conrerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the Malt. WHEREAS, the General Assembly of North Carolina, have reason to be iievt, .that a large portion, if not a majori ty, of the freemen of the State, are anxious to amend ihe Constitution thereof, in cer-j fain particulars, hereinafter specified; and' whereas, while ths General Assembly di-j claim al! riht and power in themselves to alter Ihe fundament-d law, they consider it J theirduty to adopt measures tor ascertain-j Wg the will 01 ineir constituents, ami to provide Ihe means for carry in? that will inlo effect, when ascertained; therefore, Btif enacted by the General Assembly of the Slate oS"orlh Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, of each and every count v in the State, at the Grst term that shall be held after the! first day of January, U'3, shall appoint two inspectors to superintend the polls to be opened at each and every election pre cinct in said counties, for ascertaining by ballot, the will of the freemen of North Ca rolina, relative to the meeting of a State Convention. At. d if any Court or Courts should fail to make such appointments, or if any inspector so appointed shall fail to act, it shall be ihe duty of the sheriff, or the person actio? as his deputy on such c rasion, with the advice of one Justice of the Peace, or, if none he present, with the ad vice of three freeholder?, to appoint an inspector or inspectors in the place of him or ihetn who failed to act, w hich inspect s, when dulv sworn by some Justice of the Peace, or freeholder, to perform the duties of the place with fidelity, shall have the same authority as ifappointed by the Court. . II. Be it farther enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of the respective counties in this State, to open polls at the Several election precincts in said counties, on Wednesday and Thursday, the tirst and second of April next, when and where all persons qualified by the Constitution to vote for members of the Houseof Commons, I may vote for or aainsta StateConvention; ' those who wish a convention, voting wnn a printed or written ticket, "Convention," j and those who do not want a Convention,! voting in the same way, 'No Convention,", or, "Against Convention." j III. Be it further tvtlrted, That it shall j be the duty of the Sheriffs to make duplicate Statements of their tolls in their respective , counties, sworn to before the Clerk of the J County Court, one copy of which shall lie deposited in said Clerk's office, and the ! other copy transmitted to the Governor ofj the State, at Raleigh, immediately after the i election. j IV. Be it farther enacted. That it shall! be the duty of the Governor, as soon as he j shall have received the returns ot the Sher iffs, In the presence of the Secretary of State, Public Treasurer and Comptroller, to i compare the nuircber of votes for 6i against J a Convention; and if ii shall appear, that a ; majority of the voles polled are in favor oft it, be shall forthwith publish a proclamation j of the fact in such of the newspapevs as he may think prope.? and shall is-ue a writ of election to every Sheriff of the State, re quiring him to open polls for the election; of delegates in the Convention, at the same places, and Under the same rules, as pre scribed for holding other State elections, and at such time as the Governor may de signate. V. Beit farther averted. That the same persons who were appointed to hold the polls in taking the vole 011 Convention, shall hold them for the election of dele, gates? provi led, that if any of such inspec tors shall fail to attend or act, the Sheriffs and their deputies shall supply their place in the manner hereinbefore pointed out. VI. Be it farther enacted. That the seve ral County Courts shall allow the Sheriffs the same compensation for holding said elections, that they usually allow" for hold ing oilier State elections. And if any She riff or other officer appointed to hold said elections, shall fail to comply with the re quisitions of this act, he shall be liable to a line of one thousand dollars, recoverable before any competent jurisdiction, to the me of the county whose officer lie W; and it shall be the duty of the county solicitors to prosecute such suits. VII. Be it further enacted, That all per sons qualified to vote for members of the House of ('ommons, under the present Constitution, shall be entitled to vole for members to said Convention; and all free white men, of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been resident in the State one year previous to, and shall continue to be" so resident at the time of the election, shall be eligible to a seat in said Conven tion: Provided, lie possess the freehold re quired of a member of the House of Com mons undi-r the present Constitution. VIII. Be, it farther enacted, That each county in this State shall be entitled to elect two delegates to said Convention, and no more. IX. Be it farther enacted, That if any vacancy shall occur in any county delega tion, by death or otherwise, the Governoi (hall forthwith hii" a writ to supply the vacancy. And the delegates shall convene in or near the city of lialeigh, on the first Thurstlav in June neit; and provided that I quorum does not attend on that day, the delegates may ad journ front day to day until a quotum is present; ami a majority of delegates elected shall constitute a quo rum to do business. X. Be it further enacted. That no dele. gate elect shall be permitted to tike his seat in convention, until he shall have ta ken and subscribed the following oath or aflii motion; "I A. B. do solemnly swear ( or atlirm, as the case may be) that 1 will not, either directly or indirectly, evade or disregard the duties enjoined, or the limits hxtid to tins convention iy the people ot North Carolina, asset forth in the Act of the General Assembly, passed in 183, emmeti u -nil uuncerniug a convention to amend the Constitution of the State of North Carolina," which act was ratified by the people. So help me God'" XI. Be it further enacted, That the Pub- 'c Treasurer be, and he is hereby author- ized to pay, upon the warrant of the Gov- ernor, such sums of money as may be ne- cessary tor the contingent charges of the convention; and also, to pay each member ' and regulations for Ihe purpose of giving of the convention. One dollar and fifty ' full operation and effect to the Constitu cents ier day. during his attendance there- ; tion as altered and amended, on, and five cents for every mite he may ' AVI. Be it further enacted, That the travel to ami trom the convention. , Convention shall provide in what manner XII. Be it farther enacted, That it shall I amendments shall in future be made to the be the duty of the Governor, immediately I Constitution of the State. alter the ratification of this act, to trans- j uiit a copy to each County Court Clerk in the State, and cause it to be published until the meeting of the Convention, in the newspapers of the State. XIII. Be it farther enacted, That the following propositions shall be submitted ' to the people lor their assent or dissent to the same; the former of which si' til be tin dentiood as expressed by the votes for "Convention," anil the latter by the votes "No Convention ' or "Ajrai t st Couven- tion. at the time and in the mode herein j before provided, to wit: That the said con veniion. when a quorum of the delegates who shall be elected and assembled, shall Ira me and devise amendments to the Con stitution of this State, so as to reduce the number of members in the Senate to not less than thirty -lour, nor more than fifiy, to be elected by districts which shall be laid off at convenient and prescribed pei iods by counties, id proportion to the public taxes p.tiJ into the Treasury of the State, by the citizens thereol: Provided, that no county shai! be divided in the formation of a Sen atorial district- And when there are one or more counties hating an t xcess ot taia tion above the latio leqiiiel to (oiiua Senatorial district, adjoining a county or counties deficient in s.i.-h ralio. the excess , orexces-es atoresanl sh.tll he ad.ied to the taxation of (he. cmitiiy or counties deficient; and if with such addit'ioii, the county or counties receiving it halt have the requi site ratio, such county and counties each shall constitute a eiiaTni lal district- '2. Thai the said Convention shall liaine and devise a lurtiu r anieiitimeiu to ine sain i Coin-tit ui lou, whereby to reduce the num ber of members in the House of Commons tv not less than ninety, nor more titan oi.e Imndred ami twenty, exclusive of bor ough members whicu the convention kliall have the discretivii to exclude in whole or ( iti part, and tin residue to oe euce J ny counties or districts, or both, according lo their federal population: i. t- according to ; their respective numbers; which shall be determined by adding to the whole num ber of free persons, including those bound , to seivice for a term of ears, audtxclu-1 din-Indians not taxed, threefifnis of all other persons, and the enumeration to be mde at convenient and prescribed peri-1 odi but each county .-hall have at least one member in the House of Commons, j although it may not contain the requisite ratio of population. lhat the said convention shall also frame and devise amendments to saitl Constitution, where by it shall be made necessary for persons voting (or a Senator, and persons eligible to the Senate, to possess the same resi dence and freehold qualification respec tively in the Senatorial district, as is now required in the county: Provided, that they shall not in any manner disqualify any of the free white men of this State, from voting for members in the Home of Commons who are qualified to vote under the existing constitution of this State. 4. That said convention may also consider of, and in their discretion propose the following other amendments to the said Constitution, or any of them, to wit: So as, 1st, to abrogate or restrict the right of free negroes or inulattoes to vote for mem bers of the Senate or House of Commons. 2d. To disqualify members of the Assem bly and officers of the State, or those who hold places of trust under the authority of this State, from being or continuing such, while they hold any other office or appoint ment under the government of this State or of the United Slates, or any other gov emment whatsoever. 3d. provide that capitation tax on slaves and free white polls shall be equal throughout the Stale. 4th. To provide for some mode of hp pointing and removing from office militia officers and justices of the peace, different from that which is now practised. 5th To compel the members of the General Assembly to vote viva voce in the election of officers whose appointment is conferred on that body, fit it. To amend the thirty-j second article of the Constitution of the State. 7lh. To provide for supplying va cancies in the General Assembly of this State, when such vacancies occur by re signation or death, or otherwise, before the meeting of the General Assembly, bill, lo provide for biennial meetings in stead of annual meetings of the General Assembly; and if they shall determine on biennial sessions, then they may alter the Constitution in such parts of it as require the annual election of members of Assem bly and officers of State, and the triennial election of Secretary of State, and provide for their election every two years. 9th. To provide for the election ol Governor of the State by the qualified voters for the members of "the House of Commons, and to prescribe the term for which the Governor shall be elected, and the number of terms daring which he shall be eligible. And the said convention shall adopt ordinances lor carrying into effect the amendments which shall be made, and shall submit such amendments to the determination of all the qualified voters of the State; but they shall not alter auy other article of (be Constitution or Bill of Rights, nor propone any amendments to the same, except those which are herein before enumerated. aiv. ue. n further enacted, lhat it a majority of voters at the election first directed to be held by this Act. shall b found for ''Convention,'' it shall be con sidered and understood that the people, by their vote as aforesaid, have conferred on the delegates to said Convention the power and authority to make alterations and amendments in the existing Constitution I of the State, in the particulars herein i enumerated, or any Ot lliem, but III no i others. XV. Be it further enacted, That the said Convention, after having adopted amend ments to the Constitution, in any or all of said particulars, shall prescribe some mode for the ratification of the same by the people or their representatives; and shall prescribe all necessary ordinances Kead three times and ratified in Gen. eiai Assemoiy, mis the uih day . ... I . i cf Jan. 1835 WM. J. ALEXANDER, S. if. C An ACT supplemental to an Act, passed at the present tessioo, entitled "An Act concerning a Convention to amend the Constitution of the State of North Car olina." Be it enacted bit the General Assembtu of the State of North Carolina audit is here by enacted by the authority of the same, That tiie following proportion snail be submitted to the people for their assent or dissent, in the same manner, and under the same forms, regulations and restric tions as were prescribed and adopted in an Act passed at the present session, entitled "An Act ennrerninga Convention t amend the Constitution of the State of North Car olina," that the said Convention may, in their discretion, devise and propose Ihe following amendments to the said Consti tution, or any of them, so as; 1. To pro vide that the Attoruey General shall be elected for a term of years. 'J. To provide a tribunal whereby the Judges of the bnpreine and Supenor Courts and other oljiCf.rs 0f ,1C S,ilUs lnHV be impeached and tried for corruption and mal-practices in office 3. To provide lhat upon coll ection of any justice of the peace of any iiitauions crime, or of corruption and inal-practicc in office, his commission shall be vacated, and said iust ire rendered forever disqualified from holding such appointment. 4. To provide for the appointment. 4. lo provide lemoval of any of the Judges of the Miprvrue or Superior Court, in conse qi;ence of mental or physical inability, upon a concurrent resolution of tw thirds of both branches of the Legislature. 6. l 0 pn.vide that the salaries of the Judges hall not be diminished during their continuance in office, ft. To provide against unnecessary private legislation. 7. To provide that no judge of the Supreme or Superior Ci.nrts, shall, whilst retaining his judicial office, be eligible to any other except to the Supreme Court bench. II. And be it further enaclcd, That should the people decide in favor of a call of a Convention, as is provided for in the before referred to act, the s.id Convention is hereby authorized ami empowered to consider of, and, in their discretion, pro pose the above additional am ndments to the said Constitution, or any of them. Head three times, and ratified in Gen eral Assembly, this the i)ib dv of Jan. 1S3j U.M.J. ALEXANDER, S II C WM 1) MOSEU.Y, 5. 6. VERY BEST Cotton l ai n and Twine FOR SALE. OTpHE Subscribers fi el gratefui for the sl. liberal patronage which they received the past year, acd hope by assiduity and punctuality in business to merit a continu ance of past favors. They now have and expect to keep con stantly on hand, The very best Cation Yarns, Ft ni Nos. 2 lo 18 inclusive. Also, various sires of the very best Cotton Seine Twine its durability ami strength has been fairly tested, anil the Subscribers feel no hesitation in pronouncing it inferior to none, if not tuperior to any in market. Both the above articles they expect to de liver to purchasers on as liberal terms as articles of the same quality can We procu red elsewhere. The usual charge for con veyance will be made. 'lermsof sale for all quantities of Yarn over one thousand pounds, six months credit will be allowed for any quantity under one thousand pounds, four months, the purchaser givinguote (without interest) at the time the Yarn is delivered, payable at the above stated times. The proprietors of fisheries will do well to apply to the Subscribers tor twine tor the future, as a very liberal credit will be given. Aiessrs. Hassell &i Williams will act as ageuts forthe Subscribers at Williamston .Mr. Benja. Bell, at Greenville and Mr. Warren Harris, at Halifax where Yarn and Twine can be bought on the same terms as at the Factory. BATTLE $ BROTHERS. Falls Tar Iwver, Jan. lOtn, 1835. SUPER ROYAL Printing Press, on iStimA the old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Jlpply at this Office. January, 1S34. Coaches, Gigsy Sfc. THE Subscriber wishes to return his sincere thanks to his numerous custom ers- tor the verv lib eral encouragement which be has here tofore received Al o to inform Ihetn that he has iust returned from New York, with a more general and fashionable assortment of Silver Plated and Brass FURNITURE, Suitable for Coaches, Barouches, Gis and Sulkies, than has ever before been brought to tins place. lie alo would inform Ids friends anil the public generally, that he has associated himself with one of the most large and extensive establishments at the North, where he can at the shortest notice have sent on jobs of every description to sun tnose who riay tavor bun with their orders, or like northern in nreferenr-P tft domestic manufacture. He has shipped and now daily expects, one r two first rate light one hot se Ka- rourhes, and a half dozen of one horse Wagons, at extraordinary low prices for cash, or to punctual customer- on a short credit. REPAIRS done with neatness and de- spatch contract must be made before the work is undertaken. He has Horses, Cics, ..nil Sulkies to let. Also one comfortable four wheeled accom modation establishment. B. BRJWY. tier. 4.1834. fJ3 Coach & Gig U ami factory THE Subscribe re spectfully informs his trieuds and the public in general, that he has Scommenced business for himself on his lot in Tarborough. near the Bridge, where he will be prepared to carry on the above business in al1 its vari ous branches He served a regular an- preniiceship under .Mr. Tims. Cobbs, of i uaieigft, who carried on the business very extensively, and kept in his employ regu- in uoriiierii workmen, it several years acquaintance with the business in one of the most extensive establishments in the Slate could ensure his success, he feels con fident be should meet it; but he is perfectly aware that attention is equally necessary, and this attention he is determined to ren der. He hopes, therefore, that all persons who may favor him with their patronage, will never become dissatisfied or disap pointed His work shall be faithfully exe cuted and of the best materials. He ex pects to have in a short time a general a sortment of materials from New Y'ork, which w ill enable him to do his work not inferior to any done in this section of coun try, liepairing done with neatness and despatch. Nathaniel M- Terrell. Tarbomugh, Jan. 1st, lSJfl. 1 J JTIIIE Subscriber, who for several years past has been engaged in the Gin Making business, In Ki istou, has established himself IN GREENVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its various branches. All those who wish to supply tnemselves with Gin- of the best qu.dny, are respectfully solicited to t;po!y to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All order? for Gins will be piomp' ly executed. Fiom the Subscriber's long expeiience in his business, and from theap probation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not o promise entiie sa tisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will he expeditiously repaired. The Sub scriber takes the liberty of calling the at tention of those who wish to procure new Gins, or to have old Gins repaiied, to the expediency Of applying to him in lime. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pres sure of business, that many are ohliged of necessity to subiail to a longer delay than they wish. AXiXiSN TISOPJ, In connexion with this establishment, car ries on the Lock&G tinsmith business He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, ami Mill Inks, anil Gudgeons, of a composition in vented by haniel Pi-ck, of Raleigh Grist Mill Spindle, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured iu the United States. All leiters and orders must be directed to the Subscriber, at Greenville. HENRY CHAMBERLAIN. Julv 12, 1834. 46 Cotton Gins. rOHE Subscriber has established himself in the houses formerly occupied bv the late Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the ri ver, and a short distance below Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where he carries on The incikiug and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the bet quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Blacksmithing, of every description, ex ecuted in the best manner. QCPTwo second baud Cotton Gins for sale low for Cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarborough, 30ih 3ept. 1S3K . To the Afflicted, GRAl 5 invaluable Ointihenti far the cure of white swellings fCtofula and other tumours, sore legs and ulcers, and fresh wound cn.--.;Y.t, i,. cusil. uigs and inflaminatfi,S &.c. &c. Beckwith's anti-dyspeptic" j,;u"s llowand's genuine toic mixture, a per feet cure for ague and fev,.r. The above valuable medicines may be had wholesale or retail on application to J. W. Colten, Agent for l arborviue, 1833. 6 ' Grctit Bargains, li WOOLLENS, M the Cheap Cash Store, ftr PIECES superfine Broad Cloths, JU trom 1 50 to Si, astonishingly cheap, 6't pieces Sattinetts, from 40 cents to $1, 40 pair rose Blanketts, from 2 to $6, "o0 negro Blankets, from 60 cents to 1, 15 pieces white and red Flannels, from20 cents to the finest made, 20 p's negro clothing, from 20 cts to 37J. J. IVEDDELL. 21 st Nov. 1834. iS3Barguins. "J a HAVE resolved on selling off my pre sent Stock of Goods at very reduced prices In order that 1 may lay in a more extensive one early the ensuing spring, but rather different in its nature from the pre sent. 1 herelore all persons wishing to buv The best and newest of GOODS, At the lowest prices, can do soby calling at my well known stand. The cheapness of my Goods ate' unknown I have for in stance staple and fancy Dry Goods, fur and wool Hats, large size negro Blankets, excellent goods for negro winter clothing ALSO, the very best Shoes for do. Turks Island Salt Sugar, Coffee and the best Teas, from 7J cents tojsl per lb Hard- Cutlery, &.c. Apple Brandy, Rum and Whiskey ami many other useful arti cles, any part or all ot which can aud shall be offered and sold to persons wishing to buy, for Cash or barter, lower than can be had in this place. Ho not view this notice as a mere act of delusion, but call and con vince yourselves of ihe fact, lis but a short walk from one end of the town to the other, ami I warrant if you will come down you shall be amply remunerated for your trouble N. II ROUNTREE. Tarborough, Dec. I9ih, 1S34. Removal. MRS. HOWARD has removed her Mil linary establishmeit to the corner house recently occupied bv Messrs. D. Richards L Co. She has now on hand an extensive as sortment of arlir.les in her line of business. Which will be disposed of on her usual moderate and accommoda ting terms. ICTBonnets cleaned or dyed and Man tua making continued as usual. Tarboro', Jan. 1, 1635. ZtECOXiXiECT, Jit the Cheap Cash Store, WILL be shown an extensive assort ment of seasonable Dry Goods. Those that wish to see a handsome Stock of Merchandize, with exceedingly Low Pried attached, w ill do well to call and ex amine, as I am determined to sell out my Winter stock to make room for Spring and Summer Supply. J. IVEDDELL. Feb. 19th, 1835. Jim Cro7V, WILL STAND Ihe ensuing season, W (which will commence cut the 1st March.) four days at my stable, four at Henry Shirley's, and three at Wm. Moor ing's, at Mr. Haywood's plantation, so as to be at bis stands every twelfth day. Persons putting mares to Jim Crow, are tequested to be particular in sending on every twelfth day from the time they are put, and they will not be disappointed in finding the Jack at his stands. He will be at my stable until Wednesday evening, 4th March then go to Mr. Miirley's. where he will remain until Sunday eve ning, 8th March theii to Mr. Mooring', where he will remain until Wednesday evening, llln ftlarcn men to his tormer stand. He will be let to mares at Three Dollars the single leap Five Dollars the Season, and Eigb't Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal with 25 cents to the Groom in every instance. A transfer of property forfeits the insurance. Mares will be entered by the season, unless I am otherwise informed when they are first put to the Jack, and when charged no al teration will be made. Great caie will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability for any- WM. S. BAKER. February 28th, 1835 10 3 HISTORY OF THE Kehukee Association. J"ST PUBLISHED, and for sale at the Vi office of Ihe Tarboro' Press, -A con cise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso ciation, from its original rise to the pre sent time by Elder Joseph Biggs under the supervision of a committee (consisting of Elders Joshua Lawrence, William fly man, and Luke Ward, and biethren Tho mas Biggs, Joseph D. Biggs, and Cushion B. Hassell,) appointed by the Association." Price 1 each, or $10 per dozen. Cofficld Ring, MERCHANT TAILOR, Jfi ESPECTFDLLY inform his friends J- arid customers, that he has just re turned from New York, where he purcha sed his Supply of Fall Goods, In his line of business, vizi Superfine blue ami black Cloths Mulber ry and inixt do. Clarence brown, sage and lavender Cassi meres Drab, black, aud Orleans do. Drab Petersham Goals hAir Camblet, Striped and figured velvet Vestins Plain, black do. Plain black and figured silk Vesiin;s, Figured Marseilles and Valencia do. Linen Bosoms and Collars, ttlck satin Stocks Gentlei'ru n's buck Gloves Umbrellas, &.C. All of which he will sell low for cash or on a short credit to punctual customeis Ihose wishing to purchase will please to call and examine tor themselves. Gentle men's clothing made and trimmed in the most fashionable style and at the shortest notice. All orders "from a distance will be thankfully received and punctually attend ed to. Tarborough. Oct. 23. 1834. Henry Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, 'Jl 1KES this opportunity of inforbiing 41 the public, that he has just received from New York, a general Assortment of Goods, In bis line of business, consisting in part of Superfine Cloths and Casstmeres, of the inost fashionable colors, Fancy velvet and silk Vestings, A handsome assortment of tancy Stock, Bos ujis, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, L'mbreJlas, &.c. He particularly invites all those who want the above Goods to call and examine for themselves, as he is confident he can please such, bolh in quality and price. Gentle men furnishing their own cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the most fash iouable manner and at the shortest notice. All orders front a distance will be punctu ally attended to. Tarboro', Oct. 9ih, 1834. QJCloaks and Bonnets. p) NOW OPENING AT THE Cheap Cash Store. y(R(f LADIES and Girls meriiro, 0yi silk, camblet. and CiicasJan Cloaks, froiu 1 60 to 9. 120 men's Cloaks, with and without sleevt from 54, and upwards, ALSO, 200 women's Leghorns, from i0 cents lo the finest made, 230 Straw and Tuscan Bonnets, from 50 cents each. JAS. IVEDDELL. Nov. 19th, 1834. litandcr, A YOUNG JACK, in his prime, viill stand Ihe ensuing season, at rajr stable at Atkinson's store and at or near Alien Gay's. He will be at Atkin son's the loth of March, there to stay three days from thence to Gay's, to stay two days and from thence home to remain four days. He will be at his stands regu larly without an accident, and will be let to mares at Three Dollars the single leap Four Dollars and Fifty Cents the reason, and Seven Dollars aud Fifty Cents lo insure a mare to be in foal with 25 cents to the Groom in every instance. The season will commence the 15th of March, and end the 15ih of July next. The leap and season money will be due at the end of the season the insurance will be dut the 1st of January next. Any person put ting by the iii-urance and failing to at tend his stand, will be held bound lor the insurance money, without unavoidable accident, LEANDER is now rising seven years old he sprang from the largest family of his kind in Carolina, aad has gotten as large mules as can be shown to their ages, which is suflicjei.t to recommend him where they are known but as for my word not to be taken alone, 1 will give the, honor of some of his customers. JOHN PITT. MaichStli, 1635 11 3 &QM have three of said Leander's culls, one 3 years old, two 2 years old this spring. I believe them to be equal with any Jack's colts within my knowledge and further say, better than those I have heretofoie owned. This 28ih Feb. 1835. JO P. PITT, Lt. Col. ttjTl have one of the said Jack's colts, 2 years old this spiing. large and likely, for which 1 have refused $10 2hih Feb. 1833'. HALPH PITT. ttJI had a coif, get by the Jack, which I was well pleased with. I would as lieve risk hint as ny Jack iu the country. HUBERT It. BlUSU'ELL. DI put one mare to ths said Jack in season 1832, which brought me a mule tall and stout, fo which I got ?"0. at fifteen months old ELISIU f ELTON. D" I put one mare to said Jack in season 1833, which brought me a very fine mule. G. IV KILLED REW. nri put a mare to said Jack in season 1S32, which brought a mule that 1 sold for 60. at eighteen mouths old J0US WILLIAMS. PAtaPHZiBTS, Published and for bale at this Office. y PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE the ttjL North Carolina Whig's Apology for the Kehukee Association and, A Basket of Fragments, by the Rev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clatk's defence and jus t fication to the Kehukee Association, writ ten by a lay member of the Association and, Occurrences in the Life 0 Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrote by him.'elj. Tarborough, Aug. i

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