t0 shine like the mron its tail to re3rli from the zenith to the hori-?011-lafid volcanoes, earthquakes, droughts, and epidemics, and .orgons dire," of every shape, from Kamschatka to Cape Horn, are to be as thick as blackberries, or "autumnal leaves in Vallam brnsa." But we are not to be frightened from our propriety by ih.?ir hobgoblin tales. The uni vjse is in good hands. X. Y. Star. New Rule for Subtraction. A laboring man purchased a cow of a firmer in the State of Maine, for thirty dollars, one half to be paid in cash, the other half in la bor. One day while at work threshing in the farmer's barn, not knowing that any one was near Iiim, he began to soliloquise in the following manner: Take one from tivo leaves three; and two from two leaves four; and three from two leaves five. Thai's the case, and I am afraid, my master's cow never will be paid for. The far mer overhearing the soliloqnv, stepped into the barn, and told the laborer if he would prove it to be the case he would give him the cow, and pay him for w hat labor he had done. The laborer readi lv agreed to doit, and began in the following manner: I have now been married nearly four years, the first year my wife had a child, that's one from two leaves three; the second she had another that is two from two and leaves four; the third year she had another which is three from two and leaves live. "Sow I have five to sup nort, and I fear I shall never be able to pay for the cow. The farmer immediately paid him for his labor, and gave up his note for the cow. CCJ' Diamond, weighing up wards of 5 dwts., was found on the plantation of Mr. Philip Brooks, in the county of Prince Kiwardc by one of his children, who, it is supposed, was attracted bv the rays of light emitted from its surface. It has been examin ed by several scientific gentle men, among whom was the Pro fessor of Chemistry at Hampden Sydney College; all of whom pronounce it the pure carbon. The discovery of this great treas ure appears to have been the work of Providence; for Mr. Brooks was a very pour man, and besides, is much involved. Since t!e discovery, however, he may occupy the station that he former ly did, as regards the riches of this world. Mr. Biooks is dis posed to sell.- Richmond Eng. Knitting Machine. Tho?e who have curiosity to examine new and ingenious machinery, rcay be gratified by calling at the Agricultural Ware-house, where tney may see a machine for knit- stockings the operations of which are performed with sur-P-ing accuracy and facility. It "the invention of a Pennsylvania farmer, and has been patented. should think it would be a risl advantageous machine to ir'tioduce into all public institu lions where it is desirable to give profitable employment to chil Lx Boston Courier. Perilous Adventure. From J-r- Hoffman's very interesting volume of 2 winttr'in the West," e extract the following passage: 'The banks of Lake Erie at -eveland, which are high and covered with sod on the top, are composed of clay and gravel. "" the surface they appear per tly firm, but for the distance of nearly arnje along shore they 'aye sunk or are sinking, to the ,r.eadlh of about 300 feet, and 'PPed off into the lake, whose paters thus swallow building lots ; orth a great amount of money. rAhe cause is believed to lie in sands beneath, and it offers angular phenomenon, to stand the chores below, and, marking 'c sunken platforms ofearthbe- c!avSee.VVhere ha,f an acreof K -S n5tn l,,ro"8h the ndy ' cn n front, within a few inches 'surface of the water. s, treacherous attribute of the . 'e, suggested to my compan though young, has been a traveller in his day an incident he had witnessed while journeying through some of the remote provinces ol Mexico, which would make no feeble subject for the pencil of Weir or Inman. He had ridden with an English gen tleman for many hours through an unsettled country, where not a drop of water was to be obtained for their horses, when, coming suddenly upon a clear stream, sparkling over its bed ofvellow sand, their weary beasts sprang forward simultaneously to drink from the grateful current. , A break in the bank caused their riders to rein up and dismount, retaining at the same time the loosened reins in their hands, while their horses stepped down to the margin of the brook. The American finding that the deceit ful bottom yielded as soon as touched, jerked his terrified beast from the fatal spot, while as yet his forefeet were only immersed in the quicksands; but the horse of the Englishman, in his eager ness to get at tire water, made but one step to destruction. He sunk floundering to his shoulders before an effort could be made to rescue him; and then, as in his struggles to extricate himself from the ingulfing pool, he heaved his broad chest high above its sur face, and the sucking sand drew his quarters in a moment beneath them the nostrils of the suffering animal dilated with the fierce death encounter, and giving that j hideous cry, j " Hie cry of steeds that shriek in agony," He tessed his head frantically above his greedy grave, his mane fluttered for a moment on the shal low water, and the bed of the stream closed over him forever. A Winter in the IVcst. A Dog Story. Last week a j large Newfoundland dog, kept in a tan yard in the Northern Lib erties, had persuaded a small dog to play with him. and while they were amusing themselves, the smaller animal was accidentally rolled into an open tan pit, in which the water was quite deep, though it did not reach within eighteen inches oftheedgeof the vat. The little fellow flounced about terribly, but could not get out and the large dog could not reach him. Some of the w ork men saw the whole occurence, and felt disposed to watch at a distance the movements of the Newfoundland dog. He ran round the vat in great concern, then hastened to the building where the men had been, but they were not to be found. He then ran back and took another mourn ful look at his little play-mate, and then tried again for help. None was to be had, and matters were becoming desperate in the vat. The Newfoundland dog, then selected a place at the edge of the vat, where some of the tan had been removed, and where the edge was not more than twenty inches above the water. He then stretched himself out, and thrust his fore feet down to the water, edging himself along with care, so as not to lose his balance and fall in himself. This was a mat ter of nice calculation, as the weight of the puppy was to be ad ded to that of his head and shoul ders. At length he appeared to have adjusted the weight to his mind, fie then reached Out and took the little dog with a strong grip in his fore paws, and being unable, of course, to rise up with that weight hanging over the edge of the pit, he drew himself back with great efforts, and after con siderable exertions, succeeded in landing the half drowned dog in safety and great and sincere was the joy manifested by both ani mals at the fortunate deliverance. Philadelphia Gaz. (jfThe Jamaica Despatch states that the Governor of the Colony has directed a prosecution to be instituted against the Rev. Mr. Taylor, a Baptist clergyman, for persuading tlitf negro-appren tices (as the semi-emancipater slaves ore called) not to; obey lho mlers of the Special Magistrates, appointed by His Majesty to reg ulate their proceed i tig. Such, it is said, lias been given to the people of one plantation by Mr. laylor, that they are only now making 12 hogsheads of sugar a week, instead of 50, which'they formerly made with ease to them selves. Norfolk Her. Brazil. The population of this empire appears to amount to 5,216,666; of whom 2,0S6,666 are slaves, and of the free popula tion, a large proportion are blacks, mulattoes, &c. Altho' the slave trade is prohibited by law, from 16 to 20,000 are annually brought into the port of Rio Janeiro. The number of slaves however are annually diminishing, as it appears that from one-tenth to one twentieth die annually. From Chili. Bv letters re- ceived in the town yesterday, says the Nantucket Inquirer per ship Uncas dated Talahuana, Jan. II, we learn that a few days previous. the Arawcanian Indians from the interior, with a Iarce armed Tdrce. made a hostile and murderous incursion into the town of Arauco. They came upon their victims unexpectedly, in the night time, massacred about 500 people, and carried off a booty, 2000 head of cattle. C7Notwithsanding the won derful achievements of human ingenuity within the last half cen tury, a great ileal remains yet to be invented: witness the following account from a late London pa per: 'A novel machine was a few days ago exhibited in the Ken sington and Clapharn roads. It consisted of a sort of a carriage wheel which carries a Rail Road for itself, upon which the carriage travels with great facility and quickness. It was composed of a jointed square instead of a circle, and has four rollers, not touching the road, and four feet which al ternately come to the ground, producing a kind of walking and escaping obstacles. We under stand it is the invention of Louis Gomperts, Esq. Should these machines be adopted, prohably common Rail roads may be par tially or wholly, dispensed with." Novel Rail Road It is stated in the English papers that one part of the London and Greenwich Rail Road will go over three thousand arches, and it is intend ed to make these arches to serve the purpose of cottages and that they shall be inhabited. This is certainly a novelty, and one of an agreeable chancier, that carriages full of passengers and goods will go over the tops of human habi tations at great speed with the most perfect security and conven ience to all parties. To get clear of all smoke arising out of these residences of men and women, which would be a great annoy ance on the rail rovl, the apart ments or arches will be warmed by gas stoves, which will yield l'ght and heat, and without im pregnating the atmosphere with any noxious impurity. (7The Earl of Dundonald, long familiar to the publick for his radical politics in England, and for his naval exploits in South America, when he bore the titlle of Lord Cochrane, was called upon, during the last session of the British Parliament; to give his opinion, before a committee, on the practicability of steam nav igation to India, on which occa sion he made an extraordinary statement. He said that he had discovered in quicksilver a sub stitute for steam, and that it pos sessed superior advantages. It would not, for instance, require a large quantity of fuel, and the ships, in which it should be em ployed, might be navigated with vails, and would not differ in ap pearance from other vessels. Had this statement been made by one mknown to trie public, it Would probably have been disbelieved, .r attributed to the workings of a disturbed imagination; but the Earl of Dundonald is so well known as a man of extraordinary talents, that there is less occasion to be sceptical about his discove ry, especially when we reflect on the wonderful improvements ef fected by modern science. He added, that the vessels would be propelled without paddle wheels; but that not havlucr secured his patent right, he declined giving an explanation of that part of his plan. After all, it may, like many other things, come to nothing; but should it be realized, it will probably effect as great a change in navigation, as was wrought by steam; since it could be applied to long voyages as easily as to short ones; a desideratum in steam, ow ing to the vast quantity of fuel required. Bait. Gaz. ' G5Sugar is now being extract ed in France from cornstalks as well as from beets, but in very small quantities; less much than it could be in the United States, where our hot sun brings the maize to perfection, and gives to it therefore more saccharine matter. A young girl was, lately dis covered on board of a Belfast ves sel lying at the London docks, disguised as a sailor, in which vo cation she had been acting for many years. Her story is quite rdmantic. Love for the captain of a vessel led her to the sea. to join him in America, where she tound his grave. She had since voyaged in the Mediterranean, and is quite a practised tar; her hands as rough as boards, her skin swarthy, and her "poll cropped. She mounts the shrouds as nimbly as a monkey. A sailor striking her, and her crying, led to the denouement by some gentlemen, who immediately investigated her case, and took her under their protection. The sailors knew her sex, but her chastity was in vulnerable to them. A'. Y. Mer. Adv. MARRIED, In Martin county, on Thursday evening, the :23d inst. by J. Ballard, Eq. Mr. William Howell, of this place, to Mist Eliza Cocficr, daugh ter of Jesse Cooper, Esq. Prices Current, At Tarboro and New York. Al'R.27. prr Tarboro'. New York' Bacon, lb. 8 10 8$ 9 Beeswax, lb. 18 120 19 20 Hrnnrfv, apple giilfn GO 70 35 38 Coffee", lb. 13 If, 10 13 Corn, bush. CO G" 64 70 Cottun, lb. 15 15 16 IS Cotton bag'-fl. yard. 20 25 18 22 Flour, supf. "bbl. 600 G25 GUO 537 Iron. lb. 4 b 3 4 Lard, lb. 8 9 7 9$ Molasses, gU'n 35 40 21 30 Suar. brown, lb. 10 I2J 6$ 10 Salt, T.I. bush 60 65 35 37 Turpentine, bbl. 175 180 275 312 (Yheat, bush. 70 80 80 88 Wlnskry, bbl. " 33 40 27 28 15.000 Dollars worth OF CffOOBS, Of every description, For WHOLESALE or RETAIL at nearly Cost, by Knight, Garrett $ Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro', April 30, 1835. Jl Still for sdlcT 4 GOOD STILL, holding 120 gallons, may be purchased cheap bv applying to GEORGE COLMERn Greenville, Pitt Co. April 22d, 1S35. 18 3 Again!!! AS USUAL, I am purchasing in the cities' of New York and Philadelphia, an extensive assort ment of Spring and Summer GOOBS. It is almost unnecessary to ay that the stock will combine the two MOST IMPORTANT ATTRACTIONS, Fashion and Cheapness. Economists will do well to wail and examine a beautiful and rich assortment of Dry Goods, At the itery Lowest Prices, Before they determine to pur chase, as the same cheap system which has hitherto been so well sustained, will be uniformly ad hered to. JAS. fVEDDELL. 16th April, 1S35. Bargains! Bargains!! Neiv Goods! New Goods!! Cheapest, of the Cheap, or a leetle cheaper than the cheapest. w E presume to inform the nublic irenerallv (bel'ievin? r t r i j r that we have an equal, right with our neighbors, so todo,)thatwe have just returned from, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came very near going to Boston,) where we purchased the Most splendid Assortment of Spring and &umnler That ever decorated the shelves of any establishment in the city of Tarborough, (none excepted,) and are now Selling off at nearly Cost, For Cash, and at a Very small ad vance on a credit. Among our assortment may be found The most beautiful Prints in the world, French Muslins, Ginghams, (new style,) French Calicoes, printed Jaconets, Figured chintz Calicoes, French BombazettS, Bombazines, . Circassians of various colors and qualities, Crape Camlets, colored satin doe skins, bird eye London do. Silks of every description, silk Shawls, silk dress Handkerchiefs, tiro de Naps, Gro de Berlin, Pink and blue Satin, watered, Gro de Swiss, Poi de Soi, figured plaid Gro de Nap, White Satin, blue black do. Parasols, Fans, Bead bags, Jaconet and mull muslins, cnecked muslins, swiss and book muslin. Robes, corded skirts, Ladies and gentlemen's Gloves, Cotton and silk Hose, Broad Cloths, blue, black, claret, brown, drab and green, Cassimeres, fancy plaid, striped, di agonal, drab, ring-streaked and speckled, Stocks, of various qualities, Rouen Cassimeres, cotton Cassi meres, Beavertines, plaid Linens, ribbed Linen, for summer wear, Furniture prints, birds eye Diaper, Drapery, brown Holland, Oznaburgs, Ticklenburgs, brown Linen and white do. Drills, Lasting, patent Thread, Tur key red, Ladies, Misses, and children's Shoes of every description, dirt cheap, French kid slippers, spring heePd Pumps, prunellas, morocco, leath er, seal skin, &c. &c. Gentlemen's boots and shoes of eve ry description, buck skin, calf skin, seal skin, horse skin, cow skin, and what net, Major Down ing's, David Crockett's, Jim Crow's, Zipp Coon's, Gen. Jack son's, Van Buren's, Nullifiers, Union, consolidation, and amalga mation, About 200 Ladies and misses straw and Tuscan Bonnets, Straw cords and tassels, Palm leaf Hats, from 18 cents to S3, colored and white, spotted and speckled, &c. &cc. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, of every description, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Farming uten sils, Castings, Iron, Nails, Salt, and Steel, 100 bbls. Whiskey and Rum, Brandy and Wine, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, Upper and under Leather, Harness and Skirting Lea ther, Saddles and Bridles, Saddle bags, travelling trunks, travelling mTo bags, harness, bri- ,IVV A 1 hifc vniir. and riding and gig whips. About 2000 shell, horn, arid brass tuck and side Combs, Head Pins, guard beads, bead guards, Gentlemen's and youths fine fur Hats, cloth caps, hair caps and chil dren's fancy caps, Drugs, medicines, paints, oils, white lead, ptitty, window glass, candles; Earthenware, china, jugs, jars, stone pitchers, tin ware, flax, And daily expected, A quantity of prime Pork, corned Beef, Flour, Herrings, Alligators, snapping turkles, sea sdrfi'ents, and the whole generation of vipers. The above Goods were pur chased with cash up and no grum bling, which enables us to sell them a leetle cheaper than the cheapest and as such we are determined to do so, not caring to make any thing more than sufficient to keep us from starv ing, having no heir nor poor kin to provide for. We particu larly invite the Ladies (6 call and examine our splendid assortment of fancy Goods, and see if we have nothing that will please them: Should we be so fortunate as td have an article that will strike their fancy; they shall have it at their own price, provided it 71-- -Art be within the bounds of rea?fw We purchased our fancy Goods especially for the Ladies and we most smcei;ely and religioiHy hope, to , please ( them in some things ai least. In conclusion wc will ;jdd that we have no sea ser pents, snapping turkles, nor alli gators for the Ladie -we shfl reserve them for our own special tooth, for an occasional snack be tween meals. Onr friends and the public generally will recollecjt that we are selling ofSf at nearly cost, for cash, &c. We shall do likewise at our establishment on "Cokey," at the residence of J. C. Knight, Esq. Knight, Garrett Sf Co. No. I, Broadway. Tarboro. April $0, 1835. - JSdroucfies. JUST RE CEIVED, di rect from the manufactory at the, North, sev eral light 13A- ROUCHES, intended for one or two horses. They are of differ ent Qualities and prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms. These Barouches were manufac tured expressly to order, and the work can be warranted. ISAAC BRADY. Tarboro May 1. 1835. NEW AxP FASHIONABLE jIillinary, Sfc. ARS. A., C. HOWARD in forms her friends and the public that she is now opening her Spring Supply of Goods, among which may be found al most every article applicable to her business, viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silt Bonnets. Fancy t Tuscan, plain and open straw do. Misses and children' do. Plain, watered and figured Silks and Satins for dresses, , , Plain and figured ,.Bobbinett", Swiss muslin, blond Gaaze, do . Fancy caps, capes, Shawls, neck: Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs, . Fluted Laces, edgings, insertjngs.&ci. Puffs and Curls, fn great variety, Silk and straw cords and tatfels,. Ribbons, t Flowers,, cc. fic. in great abundance, and at various prices. The above Goods having been purchased on very advantageous! terms, and selected by herself, she can with confidence recom mend them, as being of excellent quality and also remarkably cheap. She invites Jin examination of them, as they cannot fail to please. ,,. Tarboro,' May K 1835. . Thomas L. B. Gregory Portrait f-alnter, VVILL remain in Tarborough three or four weeks, and cari be consulted at Mrs. Gregory's Hotet, when not professionally engaged. April 3, 1835. Stdte of jYorth Carolina, MARTIN C0U5TY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, APRIL TERM, 1835. Lovick Modlin f Attachment) vs. Levy oh Joseph H. Adams, 3 Land. TN this case it appearing to the satisfaction oif the Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made in the Tar boro Press, for six weeks, giv ing notice to the defendant that his land is levied on. Test, . K JOS. D. BIGGS, Clk. . Price adv Si: 75. 18-6 Stale of North Carolina MARTIN COUNTY. Court 0 Picas and Quarter Session APRIL TERM, 1835. Levi Fagan, trusteed Attachment of Horace Ely, J P. D. Sey vs. , j movr $wn Joseph H. Adams,j moned as Garnishee. TN tHis case the Garnishee ap peared in open Court and ac knowledges that he has monies and bonds sufficient fo satisfy the Plaintiffs' claim; say S132 62, interest having been calculated up to 14 April 1835, and costs It is tnerfore ordered, that publi cation be made in the Tarboro' Press, for six weeks, for the de fendant to appear af next term of tiis Court and replevy or judg ment final wilt be ente red up against the Garnishee. ; Test iO& D. BIGGS, Clk. j Price adv. $2: 75. 18 6

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