f TOWN ORDINANCES, Adapfi.d by the Commizuonzri r.f T arbrjro Mo 5, uteres spftetttt -" j - ,.-.arv with tie Mantra'- sfPflfo, to ';e f j t er of such ilave the iuia of foe dollars iu lie of corpora, p-intsament. State, ve-zing in the Corrin,h-.i oaers tj -j-Afrr to mi'-.': such laws regulations- sr. -J re:.tr.c:iorn, ,f the General Asmo.y 01 lr't;-l of tvn of Tarhorough the j ORDINANCE IX. That in fo'-Jre '"ken aaj animal ct any j kind -,ha:i die ithtn the li rails of thh town, it snail he trie d'lty j ofrbeW.er of .joh animal to can? it to be removed a: .ea't one; hundred and uftwarls, to a link over the Beatg Dam Ken to-, ward the river.' And be it farther resolv-d, ta;a! tn car, succ, pr--sor. shall fail to remove or cause to be removed, s .ch an:aaa; to tr.e -ArAA within iit hoars after being- del? notmed ' ot ir.con ,i,tent with the State law-, a, thev may tb:n proper . ,r u.e bo - . forfait and oiy for everv ci:ence tne su a at live oo:;irs, to he recovered tv ama trom tne Magistral oi re..---, u u fr, rrif.j'.-nt fthe same: 7' x 'OorcyA, end if t narf. rj htj th ('rr,T.rr.ii.rjnert rj t'.Z '. ''' t Aer,y nr.raf Ky tht euth'.rity c V'e ."s that from and after. the date hereof, the loilowmg law -ha.! ui :n .'rce in tr., to of the t'Ti. ORDINANCE X. That her eater any per- ? ja THE TAa:20 cersaas want- TztVztj; May 5. 15 35. in? dirt or sand, for anv other purpose than house use, they ihaii cad fzrzi Hwirl. Eiq f o u v . . a " ' r v t . :pc:i t". ?rr. '.- O: l .'. . 1: ,.o ir.-s lir-.r tr.e Ci;ri" i 0.1 TI.'.K.j-. if the Cornrn.'siioners hos duty it ihal! he to phot riiHiivovr i ir. r.tnf it I1!?!! n't he la p!av at ten pins rds ha!!, handy, cricket, or any otrer jrame whaUoever' v.-i thin t!;e lirii of thi, town, on the Sahbath dav, un- d-r the penahv, if a pe-.on over the ajre oi ten:y.one years frorfj ar)V0.i;r prt ,,fthe tn, shall torte.t and pay tr.e sara or nve than a slave, the sum ofte;i shiliinq; it a person tinder the are oil n. yof fVfV 0;-.riCe, to he recovered as prescribed in the Zi f-ventv-one vcars, the penalty to he recovered from the parent, i q.:,. ' " "liardian. or mater: an'i if '-lave, to recede no; more umu ni-.j on anv one o anr r-lir.s fh'iar and Pir.w o! jTeV-iartoe same: and any t f r,r rov io". or causmr run or n c,-: r-ci jv Tir- Hiv.nz ia tr.e r.e-d'.r.Z'. cfa arie-rt.'r.r r.eld i.o tn;? n!:e or. t'e 30 r. oiiimo, "y i r. .a-.'.er c:' ir.e ci:.2ens o: t;.e ty, for the p;rpcse ir.er?:o rt tor::., st v.' r.!;.o, er . zer.i.eaieo a - 1 j 0 Pj.hes. at the discretion of the proper authqritv ror.g, aiu ar.-l rr.etr.m ill Sur-riay corr.e;, to pray- hen I have erred in deed cr word, 4 tears- arise blind my eye, f heart a.vi hpi wuh prayer are stirred, Till I hrget to sigh. I' hen -oP.Iy r-n my dnwny he akr and f.rsd 'he morrilr.;: tr.ere, thir.k whoe srr.ile that rr.orn.r.g madei Vnd :peak to God in prayer. ifldlinamj Store. MISS MITCHELL, L5eg- leave to inform her friend ORDINANCE XI. That as qreat dancer frequently arises to the were noini:ed a.oi voted fcr. rerrrs-.oi J inhabitants and property of fe ton trora the iraprucent use ot stoves, vjible cirtdiaite ts repre-rU tr.e ; ' c'3i and the improper erection of wooden chimneys and biacksm tn'sshops , Cc-ry ia Ihe apprcicmne 5ti:e; :::;.4? 7 1 in pop-ous parts of the town, that hereafter no stove, vrooden china-; Ccnver.;oa, 1005 tr.eao myscls . i.on, ;a V.rs.n.4 .,- :-: ' nevor blacksmith's shop shall be erected or used in the ton of Tar- ' I hive to ask :n- fsvor of ycu. Jr.i i.,f.:u:a c;a-.r.r.r J borough without th written permission of the commissioners. speci-Ud d r.ere-y au'hor.ie a ad re-; have a:: -ten re:t.7t;. th nd the public, ! n:l .jnf t"ne phce and manner of using and erecting the same: and for 1 quest ycu, to m?ie inowa tarouir. hahehaiaken!-t - rjfTence aeaint the provisions of this act, the ofenJer snail medm :a whic.o tae : ed i a z s v 0J' mer'v th opens ine largest next door to Mr. W. Harris, for- Rank where h I.'shsd, th m v . -'. . rr 1 the Store iiouse -',,, nrif u.- ,han fhr. nor more than twelve dollars for everv 1 P:oc month, continuance of tiie' same: and for every iess period than a lrorri :n- ;"? re I month, at the above rates, at the discretion of the Magistrate of Policy -ei'1", A Pfe; ::a:e .:c;' ! uv:r , ne" Hot before whom said nenaltv shall h-e recovereo cm lotormat-on iod red -" y , r---. .c.i-13 t.-; est alenu:d . .ir , , . K llC bv the commissionera. 1 ORDINANCE III. No merchant, trader, or shop-keeper or retailers of spiritous IiqJor or wines, f tavern-keepers who afford general entertainment to travellers and others excepted,) shall keep open or permit his, her, or their store or shop to be kept open within the limits of this town, on the Sabbath day; or shall sell or permit to be sold on that dav, anv kind of qoo.js, wares, or merchandize, :rtv. T-.r R wine,, or spiritous lirjuurs, except in ca ot pressing necessity when the object is to afford relief to the sick, or accommodation to stran gers, under the penalty of forty shillings for each and every offence; and all hawkers or pedlars w ho sha4 sell, or expose for sale on the Sabbath day, in any tavern or other house, street, or other place within the limits ot said town, any goods, wares or mercnandire ot to deil.ae t.-.e r.oaor c:'t:.e r.aao;- ai'i'a. Ta- rr. ;veT.er.l :e;nj -r.tr-'ly vc! ja'iry cn the p 2 r l o: ray friends, his ex::ted ia .ae tr.e tro"i2e?t feeiiaji of sri:.;-de to - w 1 i. i ORDINANCE XII. It shall not be lawful for any person to sell spiritous liquors in the town of Tarborough. by the small measure, without a written nermission from the Board of Commissioners-, un- fjpr a penalty of forty hillin25. to be recovered bv warrant before the'Ti 1 or lne cor.Ldeace t.oey a a v. the Macristrate ofPo'lice, with cost. " .msaiie.ted in my acaes-y ad ia 1 c ijr t ' , a 1 i'.c rs ia - i : :s:e L-z.-" st-re. Tae Aua-: ; for Goverror c: h c - - ORDINANCE XIII. It shall not be lawful for anv nerroes to as- ' tite of my r.eilth, c. semble either at night or during the day, for the purpose of preach- ra in cr. without permission first obtained from the Board of Coramii-; 'Z :n the r de:.s the co, z:.oa of acq f stoners. now e v-r. I do. : e.ectr ORDINANCE XIV. That the Town Constable seal! be entitled Conveai.cn w.ih.: anv kind whatsoever, shall incur the like penalty; the penalty in either ; to forty cents tor every warrant, ana lor every witness summoned p:n. muon :e? c of the before mentioned caes to he recovered by warrant from the' twenty cents, to be taxed ia every instance for which th? Magistrate '-e a:tsc:.-d to 1 shall cive iudrment. n&w.az tr.ai SPENCER D. COTTEN, Cn'n. 1 P'-rtaa- tr.e Cc.oiy ;aoo,!d l.Ll John H. Mathewsc, Clerk. ; iy represented a tr.e Coavent;or: - ; ay rr.ea cf so. ad heads scd i:oa- , . . et heir'.. I ti tae A:a.:: Magistrate of P dice with cost, and applied one half to the use oi the informer and the other half to the use of the town. ORDINANCE !V. Henceforward no merchant or other person shall load or unload any flat or b',it, on the Sabbath day within the limits of the town, except incases of obvious and pre "mg necessity, under the penalty often dollars for each and every offence, to be re covered and applied as above mentioned. v.tir; ' it .2 V i '. c.v i .0 iiteat.cn 1 . , 1 TO. "1 . r Ire ' t i r . -.- some of the religious disputants ot our country, i an eitrart from the prs 'n-.or- lulat-1 V-"d '-r ' ' "Literary cad Catholic Sentinel," a Roman Catholic Journal pub-. l0 dilrirz taV I'-duo'V c lished in Boston. It is a religious paper, and is speakinc of the Boy- : r,f , .rrr-ri .,JW"" t I. OnniWNCE V. The Commi-sioners of this ?own. considering : ton Recorder, another religious paper: the creat danger in firing guns and pistoU, and running horses in the! ilThe Recorder. The allusions which the 'clerical trsducer,1 who i greets or elsewhere within' the limits of said town, do hereby ordain ! is the wretched splling-book scribe of that vile and vulgar Journal. 1 and declare, that from and after the date hereof, it shall not be lawful ! made to us on Sunday last, ia relation to that base and hy p- critical j to shoot or fire any gun or pistol, or to run or strain any hor-e, mare confederacy, the Btblt and Tenptrcr.: Socu.tUt, we unhesitatingly j or eeldin". in anv of the streets or in anv other place within the limits pronounce to have been prompted by the envy of an ignorant mind", t - r . . ". . ... .. 1 i- .- j 11 it .1 1 - .1 of said town; and it any person, other than a slave or servant, shall - and oytne malice oi a cepraveu neari. e nmg oacK, therelore. tne i hi on th I such an offence hafl been committed, and on conviction, to givejudg-l ment with cost of suit, to be applied to the use ot the town: Provi ded, that if the offender be under the age of twenty-one y ears, the parent, guardian, or master of said offender, as the case may be, shall be held and deemed liable to the payment of said forfeiture, and ex ecution may issue against them accordingly . And if any servant or slave shall offend against this Ordinance, he shall upon conviction receive fifteen lashes on his bare back at the public whipping-post, unless the master, mistress or employer of said slave or servant, shall request that the punishment of whipping be commuted by a fine in money, and tender the payment of thirty shillings for earn and everv offence whereof the offender shall have been convicted, besides cost of suit; and in that case the Magistrate may, if he shall think proper, accept the money as a commutation o! the corporal punishment, and account for the same with the Treasurer of the Board. A jiOacr to be very re-pec::,i! v. ojr cb'. server.?, FRANCIS L. DANCV. ic R:ves. fcr tae p.O: Ez:r G 'zr. for c:5?emir.it;r.2 corren .;. actor. g tae peep.? cr. ; cf tae ea-' c PrevOi t;on. We v'.s.i -ie receiviar 2' a : ...?o-. name? c: ;-:?c:;:er; '.: i:sa rs. CTreGi a a :. o a c c ? t a e : . . u w , ? ; ; aaer.:? bv lae Presder.t; Wilhan T. Brry. :: voy Ex'.rsordiasry ir.o M Pitaipaler.tiarv to Szi.:. Aa'iO Keaci u ORDINANCE VI. It is herebv forbidden to the inhabitants of this town, to throw or cause to be thrown into the streets, anv kind of filth or washings from their kitchens or shops, or cher places, un der the penalty of twenty shillings for each and every offence; and the penalty often shillings for every twelve hours that any such nui sance so thrown into the streets shall be permitted to remain, after re ceiving due notice thereof. ORDINANCE VII. That no slave shall be permitted to keep a dog w ithin the limits of this town, and that the Town Constable shall ive'such slaves, owners of dogs, twenty-four hours notice to remove the same;k if such dog or dogs are not removed, tbev shall be destroy ed by the Tow n Constable, for which he shall receiv e in every instance fifty cents. Alio, further resolved, that no bitch or slut, w hile in heat, shall be suffered to run at large in the streets of said tow n, under the penally ot hve dollars and costs, to be recovered by warrant from the .Magistrate of Police, in like mariner as prescribed in the 3d Ordinance. ORDINANCE VIII. It is hereby ordained, that if anv owner or keeper, or any other person, shall allow or cause any stud horse, or lack ass, to be let to a mare within the limits ot this town, thev shall forfeit and pay, if a free person ten dollars, if a negro slave to receive twenty lashes on his bare back, to be taken bv warrant from the Ma $'istrate of Police, and shall be subject to the payment of all cost of said warrant it a tree man, if a slave the master or owner shall pav all cost. It shall be lawful for the Magistrate of Police, in case of a violation of this Ordinance by a slave, to receive from the owner of such slave the sum ot ten dollars in lieu of corporal punishment. Be it further resolved, that it shall not be law ful for any person or r- sons to lead or ride any stud horse or jack ass through the streets of. saul town, or cause the same to be done for the purpose of exhibhincr the same, under the penalty of Qve dollars if a free person, and a cor poral punishment often lashes oil his bare back if a slave; the above fine t be recovered, or the aforesaid punishment to be indicted, b warnvit hefore the Magistrate of Police, with cost; and it may be most irreligious, nnatic, ana ignorant 01 all Christian ects 1,1 this : 7 ; l ' pf V, State, when they cannot send abler champions into the field of con-' r .j 'f, V'.10 troversy than the literary charlatans, who write the misspelled para- j ttdVl fif'" e graphs' in the Recorder and Zion's Herald. But thev. mistaken , inheplmr-Pi 11V CJjih Peticiy wis cs!!ed to tae al meeting of tierce, !ec-j this Bink, harir j tte.o meet- 'n the meaner piescr. ee J. ( L r.arter, -lor th- purp.-e m m n.-itrT i u ciil x: iua i u i i lc i a aJiiii v . 111 i tnnr3 i l- r x.- i i r a i , ' . . . - -,' . 1 uir.iei oy tr.e uasnimou r-r"pt -idenr" the et--,J - edge, or o, expansive mmd amongst them. The unfortunate Metho- ,f said nfee.in2, sl.ted tne t! l,,hinpS,n iV; dists are submerged in the stagnant pools of .gnorance, delusion and, f0I- which the 3-mble took ! Brar.che- A-rcv c immorality. Their mini'ters, utterly destitute ot a common educa- nlace and tr.-n nrr,t.,;; i nf .k;- rLI- v ,-- , tioasweil as gentlemanly leel.ngs area living disgrace to the lit-1 ne?s. by nomtnatins: Benjamin I the Cashier, that 2 -cen! z, erature. libera lit v. and intellect ot the age. We hf ipvp hinmlot. sl.,rr,a rv w n. . -. , ciaiuit-, nuT.iainj, auu i mi. ate. " c j i e k i u 1 1 t u n i e i- " o 2 r pe, Jean v. Barnes Ioes tered preachers to be one and all religious, philanthropic, and moral j Baker, James Barron and John J Dan:el as a committer m r'ntt ve of the sense impostor i resolutions expre 7'Ac Mar Claim. Out readers in this vicinity have lately h-ard i 01 th? meeting, viz: considerable about the Mar Claim, and there is a Mar stock in the ! v erea;? l,e -e.-'"'ature of market, in which it is said considerable speculations have been made, j or.1 Carolina dunns: its Iat The following account of the origin and nature ot this claim is given ! p'SOn P3rC- an act called the luuvcr.uon .-aci. tor tae con e ir. or the Stcckhoi'. or by proxy, will be held purpose sforead. at tr.e ry OiSce in Hle g-. oa . Monday in July next. Branch Mint, at C : We learn, that th ap: of Ccmmissicr.fr to : . in t Wo I.iminftnn Rprordfr. and nrnhahlv r n m p ; Trrm i rrt . ,h r-.Uoo d,nh9i nni," enmp atfpnfJr.n to thp invir-,,; .-.u.iof St3'e to meet icjether. forl-ite' superintend the cc: cnhiprtL-PnrfW Adr,rtisr. I 01 t.n2 tor or a. I01 su,labie buddings sna r-- The Earl of Mar. This nobleman who commanded the armv the Pretender in the Scottish rebellion of 1719, is said to have left 1 - J l. . , V,.r1 .,I-.(-wnTVr, .,1 I - 1 .1 3u auu-Waufc.. - .r" . -iiuu.cumor- declared themselves in favor of tendered to James M. H-' t.mito. nnnrc rroriP thpir p.ranp into r nnrp ;nnn q i!p tk rnn . . U,UI lHW,5HM.M.; 7Tr j i . p . l v 4u' id Convention: We, a portion K-- of that town, bv ire ? a boy came to America and landed a Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 0f the people of Ed.ecombe' h v I tar' of the Tieas rv': b,t where he ,yed a short time and finally married , K.ttery, ,n this in5 assembled together without I Mr. H. ha. been indued county, a.ier i .e u u.m. uu,c.mc. i uramra a paraon to the Larl, i previous notice, and hnMi cline accenting ror.rvirr j 'ne purpose oi votinz tor or a-! OI uitacie Duildincs sno r-.- J s;ain?t said act, and a decided ma-! requisite machinery, is'--' Mjority having in the discharge of ! "cr lne Branch of 'ire l'- -; !l a ; their duties and rizhts of -urease j Sla,e Mint at Char! j:t?. ri? with permission for him to return to his estate at Newcastle, he sent for his son who went to England and had an interview with his father. It was agreed that the son should return to America and accompany his w ife to England, but circumstances of an extraordinary nature detained him for two or three years iu this country; at last he was suddenly taken sick and died. He left six childien, who settled in different parts of Maine and iNew Hampshire, irom wnom originated neariy all in this part of America w ho bear the name oi .jar. l ne heirs have lately taken measures to recover the immense property left by the Earl of Mar in England, and have sent an agent to Newcastle upon Tyne for this mi ... !. t J .i purpose, ine property is diu iu amount to me enormous sum of sixty or eighty millions oi dollars. The Bermuda Slaves. The Bermuda papers treat very lightly the threats put forth in several of our U. S. journals, concerning the manumission, by the Bermudian authorities, of the slaves on board the American brig Enterprise, which touched at the islands, in dis tress. It is intimated that the details of the transaction have been laid before the British Government, and that the decision of the Ber mudian Courts or Magistrates will be sustained, leaving the owners of the slaves to their resort against the underwriters, if they have any and to put op with the loss as ;hey best may, if they have none. " ' election of delegates to represent' ,ne Republican-of Meokir- us in aid Convention as a matter j nave 3 paramount chirr, c" of vital importance, do think it services. Hal. Standard. wisdom and policy to adopt the! . " following resolutions: j CCP"lf nothing eNe 'hr vfs 1. JtesoM, That we view it ' our ood town, the disiUV.y"; as essentially necessary to our in..lurpentine "goes ahead." trest as well as the future pro?-! manJje:.r we have ha J v::' Parity of the State, to withhold ?slab,menl5 oftr.e kr.d; "-r our suffrages from any man who"n ad(ll,ion to these there are :-" maintained ihe necessity of alter-! some f lr,ern extensive ores. 'ng the fundamental law 0f the ! Commenc-ns?- Whether Ger.n State. ' Jackson's French war na; ti:r 2. Resolved, Thit we do re- influence n producins these r-: po-e all confidence in the inlezri- manuactorie?i, we shall ret ?v as well as the ability of cien. l0. in9ure, but believing thit .-: Louh D. JVihon and Dr. P. S. w'" Pfove beneficial to our re-' Suggi and therefore believe theml305 tne adjacent pine barrs-'-4-. to be suitable men to represent tisant C0Dlr'hute to the buice??: as delegates in said Convention. !le tcWD we wih them ?uc:--- Aeivbem or- on the people io all Republican roumnes as the sovereign and that thpv alcnp M i 5yThe Superior Court Law for this Cnuntv i r.o w a wc HUH. JliiigCJ'' 1 f0

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