Miscellaneous Jlrfily to a rjuei-.tkna'-ked tya Lady. nn..,i Ar I lr,vf I luvf to stC. Thy Liight blue eyes, beam bti!- inntiy; I love to hear the witching song, Hv fragrant br zes borne along; I love, when all i still around, To hear its echoes soft resound; More sweet to me, thy melting lay, Than zephyr's sigh, on maimer's day. What do I love? I love to see, Thy fairy form moe merrily. In the gav round of social joy, ( Thou art" so blithsome, and so coy . I love to see thv placid smile, So calm k sweet, 10 nee horn guile. It is to me, mor e purely fright. Than the pale moon's benignant light. What do I lovf? I love to see, Thy lip devout, pray fervently; At matin hour 'tis sweet to hear. Thy voice ascend to heaven in prayer. I love to sec from spirit meek, A tear-drop sparkle on the cheek; A gem more precious far to rue, Than all the treasures of the sea. TO-MORKOW. Whnte'er the grief that dims the eye, Whate'er the cause of sorrow, We turn us to the weeping ky, And sav, "We'll smile to-morrow;" And when from those we love we part, From hope we comfort borrow, And whisper to our aching heart, We'll meet again to-morrow. But when to-morrow comes, 'tis still An image of to-day, Still tears our heavy eyelids fill, Still mourn we these away And when that morrow too i3 past (A yesterday of sorrow) Hope, smiling, cheats us to the last, With visions of to-morrow. (jQA Lmdon paper Male that Gen. Jackson, amonlhe Indians, went by the soubriquet of "the Pointed Arrow." T?The London Times em ploys three editors, the first of; whom receives an annual salary of seven thousand dollars, the se cond four thousand five hundred, and the third three thousand five hundred. This is paying for paragraphs something more than they are worth. The pro prietors can however well afford it, their nett income being about one hundred and thirty thousand dol lars a year. The property is a joint stock of twenty four shares, sixteen of which are owned by one individual, Mr. Walker, a member of parliament, fXr-The Shah of Persia left 50 spns; yet after all, a grandson ob tained the throne, who is son however of the prince deceased, who had been declared heir. The throne would never go a beg ging with such a progeny. The entrance of the young King of Persia into Teheran, in December last, is described as peculiarly magnificent, and mark ed with all the characteristic cere monies of oriental splendor, his majesty mounted his splendid charger at the hour fixed by the astrologer the saddle was em bossed with precious stones the footmen of court, the bands, and the cavalry were in richest cost ume camels, oxen, and sheep were sacrificed on the road side as he passed, and bottles, filled with liquors, and adorned with flowers, broken, as is the usage. The ambassadors of England and Rus sia were in the train, and ai ti lie ry, and companies with congreve rockets. After ascending the throne, and receiving the visits of the great dignitaries, the ceremo nies closed. Marrying Daughters. The Spaniards say- "at eighteen mar ry your daughter to her superior, at twenty to her equal, at thirty to any body that will have her. The Drunkard. Late one evening, drunken Darev, after spending his day's earnings at the grog shop, set out for home, "Well," says he, "if I find my wife up I'll lick htr. What bu siness has she to fel up burning fire and l.ghts-eh? And if I find her in bed I'll l,ck her Whjjt business has she to go to bed p fore I get home? ,,tr " The Use of a dead Wife A Herman journal contains the following paragraph: The wile of a laboring man, in the neigh borhood of Stockholm, died some time ago, and the husband made the necessary preparations for the interment. He, however, oepos iled a block of wood in the coffin, instead of the corps which he con veyed, during the night, into a forest, that it might serve as ; bait for wild beast. By this ex pedient he succeeded in catching a wolf and two foxe. On lb cir cumstance being made known, lie; man was: arrested and carried rVfore a court of justice; but, far from being intimidated, he claim ed the reward offered for destroy ing mischievous animals. (jA woman offering to sign a deed, the judge asked her wheth er her husband compelled her to sign. 'IIe compel me!" said the lady, 4tno, nor twenty like him." Success rnaks a fool seem wise. CT-fV Yes! 0 JW0 Vl-UY rn-m or woman indebted to the Subset rbrr by open account, are re- r ieted to call and fettle lb. ame as tar. Iv as ctiv-nint, tither by csb or note Thf cah wouiJ be preferred, but if that cannot be bad, will take a note. j. iv. cottex. Tarboro', No. Ca. 17th Feb 1PX.J. Ilemnants, Hemnanls! CKKAT VARIETY of Remnants of (Swi every description of Goods, u ill be Sold at half their value. J. IVEDDELL. Xn Feb. 13" Slate of North Carolina. MARTI roi'Mv. Court of PUns and Q tarter Hisnor.T, APRIL TERM, 1835. Lovick Modlin Attachment, v. L vy on Jopph II. Adams Land. IN thi-case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant i not an inhabitant of thi- Stale, it i ordered that publication be made in the Tar boro' Pre?, for six weeks Z' in notice to the defendant that his bind is levied on. Test, JOS. D. BIGGS, Clk. Price adv Si : 75. IS G Slate of J forth Carolina , -MARTIN COUNTY. ' Court of Pleas and Qvart'.r Sessions, APRIL TERM, 1S35. Levi Fag3n, trustee Attachment of Horace Ely, ! -P. D. Sey vs mour sum- Joseph II. Adam?, j moned as Garnishee. 1 this case the Garnishee ap nnirori in finon fntirf inrl on. j j v en 111 i i vwuj w u iiu au knowledges that he has monies and bond sufficient to satisfy the Plaintiffs' rldm, say Si 32 G2, interest having been calculated up to l'l April 1S35, and costs It is therfore ordered, that publi cation be made in the Taiboro' Press for six weeks, for the de fendant to appear at next term of this Court and replevy or judg ment final will be ente red up against the Garnishee. " Test, JOS. D. BIGGS, Clk. Price adv. $2: 75. IS G Stale of North Carolina, r.l'CtCOMEK COISTV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Stmons, FEBRUARY TERM, 1833. Joab P. Pitt vs. Origi?7al Attachment: Edwin Ellis,3 Levied on one Tract of Land contain ing 171 acres more or less, adjoin ing the lands of James Barnes (son of Stephen) and others. TT appealing to the satisfaction of the Coun, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State: is ordered, that publ ieation be made for six weeks in the Tarbo rough Press, that the said Edwin Ellis appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said County, at the Court House in Tarborough, on the fourth Monday of May neX; then and there to replevy and plead to issue, otherw if final judgment will be entered un a- 1 i- 11 . . 1 gairm inni, anu ranu levied upon condemned subject to plaintiff's recovery. Witness, Michael Hears, Clerk of our said Court, at Office the fourth Monday of February A. D. 1S35. MICHL. HEARN, C. C. Trice aclr 3:50. 12 6 I Bargains! Bargains!! JVeiv Goods! New Goods!! Cheapest of the Cheap, or a teetle cheaper than the cheapest. W E presume to inform the public generally (believing that we have an equal right with onr neighbors'so to do,) that we have just returned from New Yurk, Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came very near going to Hoston,) where we purchased the Mutt splendid Assortment of Spring and summer GOODS, That ever decorated the shelves of any establishment in the city of Tarborough, (none excepted,) and are now Selling off at nearly Cost, For Cash, and at a very small ad var.ee on a credit. Among our assortment may be found The tncit beautiful Prints in the world, French Muslins, Ginghams, (new style,) French Calicoes, pnnted Jaconets, Figured chintz Calicoes, French Bombazetts, Bombazines, Circassians cf various colors and qualities, Crape Camlets, colored satin dee skins, bird eve London clo. Silks of every description, silk Shawls, silk dress Handkerchiefs, Gro de Naps, Gro de Berlin, Pink and blue Satin, watered, Gro de Swiss, Poi de boi, figured plaid Gro de Nap, White Satin, blue ulack do. Parasols, Fans, Bead Oairs, Jaconet and mull muslins, clucked muslins, swiss ar.d bock muslin. Robes, corded skirts, Ladies and gentlemen's Glove, Cotton a:d silk Hose, Broad Cloths, blue, black, claret, brown, drab and grctn, Cassimeres, fancy plaid, striped, di agonal, drab, ring-streaked and speckled, Socks, of various qualities, Rouen Casshnero, cotton Cassi ribbed meres, Beavcrtines, plaid Linens, Linen, tor summer wear, Furniture prints, birds eye Diaper, Drapery, brown Holland, Oznalmrgs, Ficklenbur&s, brown Linen and white do. Drills, Lasting, patent Thread, Tur key red, Ladies, Misses, and children's Shoes of every description, dirt cheap, French kid slippers, spring heel'd Pumps, prunellas, morocco, leath er, seal skin, &c. cc. Gentlemen's boots and shoes of eve ry description, buck skin, calf skin, seal skin, horse skin, cow skin, and what not, Major Dovn ing's, David Crockett's, Jim Crow's, Zipp CoonN, Gen. Jack son's, Van Burcn's, Nullifies, Union, consolidation, and amalga mation, About '200 Ladies and rnisscs straw and Tuscan Bonnets, Straw cords and tassels, Palm leaf Hats, from IS cents to 3, colored and white, spotted and speckled, fee. &c. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, of every description, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Farming uten sils, Castings, Iron, Nails, Salt, and Steel, 100 bbls. Whiskey and Rum, Brandy and Wine, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, Upptr and under j3vtv Leather, Harness v.Tii andSkirtintr Lea- o ther, Saddles and Bridles, Saddle bags, travelling trunks, travelling bags, harness, bri dle bits, spurs, and -cri vau vvs riding and gig whips. About 2000 shell, horn, and brass tuck and side Ccnibs, Head Pins, guard beads, bead guards, Gentlemen's and youths fine fur Hats, cloth caps, hair caps and chil dren's fancy caps, Drugs, medicines, paints, oils, white lead, putty, window glass, candles, Earthenware, china, jugs, jars, stone pitchers, tin ware, flax, And daily expected, A quantity cf prime Pork, corned Beef, Flour, Herrings, Alligators, snapping turkles, sea sarfieiits, and the whole generation ot vipers. The above Goods were pur chased with cash up and no gr um bling, which enables us to sell them a leetle cheaper than the cheapest and as such we are determined to do so, not caring to make any thing more than sufficient to keep us from starv ing, having no heirs nor poor kin to provide for. We particu larly invite the Ladies to call and examine our splendid assortment of fancy Goods, and see if we have nothing th3t will please them. Should we be so fortunate as to have an article that will strike their fancy, they shall have it at their own price, provided it be within Tue bounds of reason. We purchased 'our fancy Goods especially for trie Ladies and we most tincerely ar-d religiously hope to please them in some things at least. I" conclusion we willdd that we have no sea sar pents, snapping turkles, noralli lors for the Ladies we shall reserve them for our own special tooth, for an occasional snack be tween meals. Onr friends and the public generally will recollect that tve are selling off at nearly cost for cash, &c. We stall do likewise at our establishment on "fitpv " at the residence of J. C. Knight, Esq. Knight, Garrett $ Co. No. 1, Hroadway. Tarboro.' April 30, 1S35. Handsome and Cheap T AM NOW RECEIVING fic opening, at my well known variety store, a targe and ELEGANT STOCK OF SEASONABLE I Spring und Summer GOODS, Which was purchased previous to! the rise, and on much betier ! term than I ever bouit and will be offered and sold accordingly. I have in part:;: l muc c.c j,ulf... Staple & fancy Dry Goods Saddlery, ?Tf it- s; t- wuvvk 1 Washington, Union, &j jack uowmng boots, Us. Ladies, Misses, c Cliildren's Shoes, Slravv and silk do. a choice se at all prices. lection of Ribbons, &c. Ladies and Misses latest style fstraw (QLadies Dresses made in the Gentlemen's, boys and children's Hats, iV.m 25 cents to 00. Ready Tiade Pantaloons, Vests, and Roundabouts. Farming utensils, and Hardware cf every description, White, blue, red, and mixt ccttcn yarn, of the bet quality. Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, White lead, window Glais fc Putty, Rum, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, in abundance Turks Island bait, Best stone Lime Castings, -snorted, j China, Glass and Earthenware, as- j sorted, elegant and cheap. Jugs and Jars Best block Tin ware. Ladies baskets wood ware, assorted: And many other articles, the in sertion of which is deemed use less though all of which are es pecially designed for the ue and purposes of both gentlemen ar,d ladies. And should any article- in my line he wanting, the quality of which answers the defiredpur - pose, there shall be no objection to the price. Piease favor me with a call and examine qualities and prices, there shall be no charge made unless you buy, and sorely none for looking. Respectfull v X. II. IWUXTREE. Tarboro, April 17, 1S35. Henry Johnston, MLR CHANT TAILOR, TTAS just received from New York, a splendid assortment of Goods in his line of business, supprior to any thing that has been brought to this market. He would particularly invite gentle men that want Fashionable and Cheap GOODS, To call and examine them, as he is confident lie can please all such both in quality and price. He has a large assortment of fine Cloths of all the most fashionable colors, which he will sell very low lor cash, or on a short credit He will alo retail without ma king, to those that wish to have their garments made elsewhere, as he intends turning his attention to thai as well as making. H has on hand first rate white and black beaver HATS, and fine silk Umbrellas, which he will sell very low. He also has un hand and intends keeping a good assortment of Heady made Clothes, Made and trimmed by himself. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner, and at the shortest no tice. A fine assortment of o-ph. I tlemen's Stocks of all kinds. TTCall at H. Js, next to the Brick store. Tarborough, April 22, 1S35. Constables' Blanks for sale NEW AND FASHIONABLE JlUlinarij, $c. Vf KS. A. C. HOWARD in TXf0frT15 her friends and the public that she is now opening her Spring Supply of Good., among which may be found al most 'every article applicable to her business, viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silk Bonnets. Fancy Tuscan, plan and open straw do. Misses and children's do. Plain, watered and figureu s;it S-nins for dresses, . Plain and figured Cobbinttt, Swiss musliu, blond Gauze, do. Fancv caps, capes, ShawU, neck . Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs, Fluted Lfeces, edgings, inserting, Kc. PurTs and Curls, in great variety, Silk and straw cords and taseU, Ribbons. Flowers, tzc. tic in great abundance, and at various prices. The above Goods having been purchased on very advantageous terms and selected by herself, she can with confidence recom mend them, as being of excellent quality and also remarkably cheap. She invites an examination of i them, as thpy cannot fail to please. Tarboro,' May L 1835. JVcic Jlillinary, AT ENFIELD. T T A V 1 N G opened a Shop at the j IX ove named place, is now receiving from New i ork, all the articles in her line, such as Leghorn Bonnets, neatest and latest fashions. Enfield, N. C. April 22, 1S35. THE NEW HUH nary Store. MISS MITCHELL, Heos leave to inform her fr iends and the that she I public, .a' taken the Store House i t wv nexi uoor 10 vjr. fl W. Harris, for merly the Bank where she opens the largest & most splendid Issortment of .Millinary , ever brought to this market. She , Matters herself, that from the ! knowledge of business acquired in ! seven years employment m the most extensive and fashionable establishments in the City of New York, and being well ac qtmnted with most of the Millin ary and Mercantile Establish ments ia that city, she is enabled to purchase goods low, and have her Millinary made up in a supe rior style ind on the most rea sonable terms. Among her assort meni will be found 150 Tuscan Bonnets, taineren: sizes and patterns) at irom l,50 up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North ern made velvet, satin, and ilk Bonnets. A variety cf Caps, Capes and Tur bans. Black, white, bine, pink and yellow Italian Crapes. Black, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flcvvers. Gold and silver do. Black and white blond Edgings and Footings. Hair Braids, Pffs and Curls, A few elegant painted lustringShawls and Retticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many other articlestwo nume rous to mention. MissM. respectfully invites the Ladies of Halifax and the adjoin ing counties to call and examine her stock before purchasingand assures them that she will sell every article in her line, lower than any other establishment in this section of country. N. B. She has purchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press ing Tuscan, Leghorn and Straw Bon nets, in Ihe Northern stvle. Specimens of her work, both in that and the Dress Makinz. mav he seen at her Store, where all orders will be thankfully re- ceived and punctually attended to. Halifax, eb. 25. Printing Press for Sale A SUPER ROYAL Prii.ting Press, on ttua the old mode of construction, fan be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. January, 1834. years pat ha? The Gin .Making iHi t !;... la Kiuitoi), ha ! ( IN GRLLwillc Where he carrie-orj , ; . siness in all it var;r I All thore who us:. themselves wiih G.-, 01 J quality, ire re-pec: "j;;v to apply to the all v or bv letter. a1( t ma in ur prornp r rom ine Jbrcnttf, ; rience in hi- bu'm. the approbation wh;-V has hitherto met with. not to promise eniij,-. to ai! who m&v 4te l. to hitn their patron:-,-. X-' of order will be expc;; ;o" paired. The Sub-i;: : ' liberty of callin- tht c; f those who wisj, l0 pr,r';.t' : Gins, or to hae c JJ G;;i, - : ed. to the expediency of -.'-t o h i m i n t i m e. V r'en & ; ' -is usually the case, i.rii.i is wanted, it causes sk sure of busine-, t Lit rr-- -obliged of ntces-liv ij s.." .': a longer delay than thev h . ' AZiXiBN TXSOrf In connexion with this eti,:;: t. . rie ou tr.e ' " Locker Gunsmith busing He al-o makes .S'vtr Mall-, and Mill Inks, and Gu 7f..-" . a composition invented bx I. '. Peck, of Kaleigh Grin! V Spindles, with Stttl ( (turned.) The-e snide t any mariufaciuied is t: Sta'e. All letters and order be directed Jo the Sjc::::-". Greenville. IIEXHV CHAMBERLcv; July 12, IS34. Cotton Gins HP HE Subscriber r-st:':-himself in ihe houe? :cr.r; ; ! i U r11 , wr-'x k,e-v' def. d near ih. nver. r:; snort ciMance below r.z M. Jackson's store, wht:; ;: carries on The 772 a king and repair j.z Cotton Gins. All those who vi?h to fir r themselves with Gins of fr.:-:: quality, are respectfully sc! : ;: to apply to the Subscriber re ally, or by letter. All orders Gins will be promptly esec'r: Gins out of order will te cxpt--liouly repaired. Blacksmithing. of every c -cription, executed in the be?;?".; jyPwo second hand Gins for sale low lor ca?h. SAMUEL D. PR0CTLI Tarhoro 30ih Sn'. 1 S34 KECOIiZiECT, Jit the Cheap Cash Ston. (ILL be shown an esifsi? jyf menl of seajonat.l Irv 0?c Those that wib to see a ppiaf' of Me rchandizf, with vcr edc ' Pricts attached, will di well toca-U''-'1 am'.ie, as I hm determii ti lo Winter stock to make room f-r Spring and Summer Sv-j J. IV ED I) Ell Feb. 19th, 1S35. Young Harrol WILL STA.v the present at my stable si Falls "of Tar R at Col. Benj. Wilkinson's, a4; Jordan Joiner, Seivr's. alien s. and will be let to mares i'1' reduced price of Five Poll"''1 season, with twenty-five cen ? the Groom in every ir.s'i: The season has alreadv con-R.tr ed and will end the first"! V j gust. Good seed cotton ; taken in payment at the b grf: cash pricts. Those who wn - f improve their stock of horses r.;. icvtrr nae u more ,aui"'- y l - f,nr(VP Cr"i portunity. 'PEDIGREE. As to his pedigtee it i e:r;J necessary only to observe thsi is of the Archie and Co'ltC' stock. The horse and his get?-8 so well known in this vicing that it is considered usele. :i give any further particulars. ery care and attention will paid, but no liability for accidf'1' DOSSEY BATTLE March 19th, 1S35. 1'- JL

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