paij ij our Taxes, ionic and pay your Ta.ves. FjMlK Subscriber having bwn 1 appointed to collect ibe tuxes j-, ili-iricl No. 1, of tbe comity cf rMrromoe rcqmt all prr v) itiit rcslcil lo come forward anil ay their taxes as qui? k as ,-ible. J. IS. M. REDMOND tuhoro May 1 835. 30 l)hls. Flour, 12 " prime Pork, nd a few btU mess 1JKKF, for by the bhl. or retail, by Knight, Garrett $ Co. J,H. is3". For Sale. 1 Subscriber ofl'-rs for sale, on moderate terms, the 7 'met of Lund 0:1 which she resides in Nash foim'V, six miles north of the (ireat Fall of Tar Kiver. The tracl contains between 350 and 40O ACHES, With a very comfortable dwt-l-jiojr hoiiM and all necessary ,jih!ipg-'. aIo an excellent apple Orchard that in a few years will to food for 50 barrels Brandy. situation is very healthy, with a fine well of wnirr. ROSA TOMPKINS. Mav 29t h. 1835. 23 3 Hen r ij Johnston, MERCHANT TAILOR, UAS jut received from New York, a splendid asortmeni rt' Goods in his line of husine, sapr ndr to any linn that tins bein brought to this market. He iwouM particularly invite gentle men that want Fashionable and Cheap GOODS, To c;dl and examine ibern, as he j confident be can please all nch both in qiiality and price. He has a iare assortment of fine Cloths of all the mot fashionable ! colors, which be will sell very hw for cash, or on a short credit. -He will also retail without ma king, to those that wili to have their garments made elsewhere, a he intends turning his attention to !h:it as vvpII uk m'lLrinrr Hm 33 on hand first rate white and Hick beaver HATS, and fine i!k Umbrellas, which he will kII very low. lie also has on nd and intends keeping a good Jiortment of Ready made Clothes, Miie and trimmed by him.elf. Gentlemen furnishing their own cloth-, ran have them made and (rimmed in the most fashionable manner, and at the shortest no A fine assortment of gen- JllerpTi's Stocks of all kinds. EyCall at H. J.'s, next to the Brick Mot. ''rboronh. April 22, 1835. Coffidd Ring, MERCHANT TAILOR, pAKKS this opportunity of informing his customers and theP'blic, that he hasjiM receiv ed from New York, his supply of Spring Goods, h his line of btiinrss consisting in pa it of: S'jpcrfme blue, black and green Cloths, Slue and drab Cassimeres, ,rctn and brown Camlet, for sum mer wear, Llnen drills and summer Cassi mercs, ,?Uin hl;ick vehct and figured Ves- :;'Hn bosom sand collars, "'k patent bombazine Stocks, &c. "Reiner witli hi lormer Slock, 01 which he will dispose of on 1,Vln? terms for cash, or on a ; "Jit credit in punctual customers. ' nse wiping to purchase will " 'o rail, as ihev can have the nh. . ''"uiiuy io examine lor them Uentl emen furnishing "tirown Cloths ran have them and trimmed in the most ,J iionable style and at the short l"otiPe. All lJwdl be thankfully received P'inrtuallv on... ,.i,i f, ii.... i?1 at C. King's, three doors r r,ve, the Planter's Hotel, on -'".v. opposite the Jinck where he will be found y al I'is pot. lalrV7tbMay, 1S35. "'ni wav. Truly Important!!! To till ihose who want to purchase tht most fashionable, and desire an opportunity of selecting from the Most extensive and splendid assortment of Dry Goods, It a very great saving to the Purchaser. NO LESS TiLfhX Worth of most beautiful and superior Selling Off at Cost!!! And many of the Articles for less, at the CHEAP CASH STORE, Comprising all that is M21V, Fashionable and Hand some, purchased recently in the Xorlhern Cities, upon terms the most advantageous, and Will be offered on Monday next, 25th inst. . prices wholly unprecedented and totally nneqmvled in this place, undivill continue to sell at the same Extraordinary Low Prices, UNTIL ATX IS SOLD- JJAVING lully derided on leaving this Sute fur llic Grent West, has determined on ellin r oil his Slock of Rich Goods at Cost, And oviiii LESS, for many uriirli;s. it must be obvious to all economists, who wish to jroous, that such an opportunity may uevor acnin orcur. The :. t i-fi si Stock ihe vast variety of articles and the absolute necessity of selling out, together with tin? newness and splendor of the assoriment, combined with such Extra Low 'rice, are points of advantage not to be overlooked bv those who study their own interest. The attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS, as well as those who wish to purchase largelv, is particularly in vited and he does not hesitate lo assert, that they can be furnished with any article on hand as low for Cash, as they could proetire bv wholesale in New Yotk, having made his principal purchases at auction and of ihe importers. In liis ssort7nent are the follo:ving: 10,000 yN. Calicoes of the new ii & nun! fashionable style, 3,000 OinghamN 2,000 4 Printed Muslins, 10 pieces splendid light colM mj miner Ch.dly, 2,000 yd, hlacl; and colored Silks 400 tlegant p.mzp, crape, and fancy silk Handkerchiefs, 300 pieces bonnet and cap Iiibbons 200 dozen bell Ribbon?, 300 women's Capes, at locts. 600 yds x barred Mucins, for dresses, 200 corded Skirts, '5,000 yds. unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings, 3,000 " bleached do. do. 2,000 brown Linen, for panta loons, from 12-1 cents, 40 pieces men's summer cloth, 1,800 vds. Irish Linens, Willi almost every other Article in the Dry Goods.... llal, Shoe, uml Hardware line. flLSO at 5 ctnt- le8S sortment of China, Glass. From and alter the ath mst. I will sell lor CASH ONLY and those who have been in the habit of obtaining credit, will dense take the hint and make arrangements to pay up. Tarborotmh, 23d May, U,35. Thomas L. B. Gregory, PORTRAIT PA INTER i VyiLL remain in Tarboroughqu three or four weeks, and can i U be consulted at iMrs. Gregory s Hotel, vh?n not professionally engaged. April i; 18u5. lay in a supply of Cheap 350 men's black and dia'o fur llats, 100 " bhu k aiin bea ver from S2 37, 200 44 wool Hats, 120 boys fancy Caps, 600 Palmetto ' Hats, from 12$ cents, 310 women's Leghorn bonnets al from CO cents, 200 Tuscan and straw Bonnets, from 50 cents, 2,400 pair women's leather and seal skin Shoes, 2,600 morocco do 1,500 Ladies prunella and French kid do. 1,000 " boys, misses, and chil dren's do. 2,000 coarse Brogans, 2,500 " men's lined and bound high quartered Shoes, 1,200 " low quartered dt. th(nl C08ti an eMce-Hcnl as- Crockery, and l in ware. 07-0 Yes! O Yes!!3 riaVERY man or woman indebted to the djjl Sol)sciiber by open account, are re quested to call and settle tbe same as ear. as convenient, either by cash or noie l I. .1.1 Ko nruLrr,l hut if tli:it . h d U1 tHke a no(e. J. IV. COTTEN. TarboiV, No. C. 17th Feb. 1S35. PAY UP T SHALL leave this State short ly all those indebted and CHOOSE TO PAY IMMEDIATELY, Will not have occasion to com plain of paying a Constable, for services of no advantage to thetn. J.1MES IV R1)D ELL. May 23d, 1835. Piano Forte for sale. T IlAVK a very handsome - PIANO for sale person wishing to purchase, would do well to call and examine it. J. IV. GOTTEN. Mav 21th, 1835. Not ice. 'PIIK Subscribers ar now removing- from their old stain! to ttie Stoi? (or- in-rly occupied by Mfgsrs. Ityman&i Law rence, ami directly opposite to Jobii W. Cotton'. 'Liny will in a f'e.v days offT fir sal, a quaniity of Salt, Molasses, Su-g-r and Coifee Haqin, Hope, and all Ibe beavy articles wLich are loipui taut to fanners at this sea&on " tbe year. (AH, and tbe bihest price, will be aid for baled Cottoo. IlICUJWDSSr CO. Tarborongh, Nov. 27ih, 1884. Bacon, Bacon. 1U)M 12 to 1 1,000 weight of - prime IirfCON, al 10 to 12 cents per pound, cat- bt; had on application to the Subscriber, 11 miles ea-t of Tarborongh, if ap plied for shortly, ntherwfse it will be shipped northwardly. JOHN EDMUND SON. April 16, 1835. lfj 37 The Oxford Examiner wiil in sert the above four times, and for ward acc't tothi office. JYew Goods. TM1K Subscriber has jiist receiv eil his upply of Spring Goods, Which lor quality, variety, and CHKAPNFS are not .surpassed by any tetail s'ore in this State, and will positively be sold on as accommodating terms as any store in this place. J. TV. C0TTEN. Tarboro.' Mh Mav, 1835. u u u 3 i ii'i Shocco Springs, jIIF meilicinal virtues of which have been attested by Ihe re claimed health of hundreds who have visited them, will be opened for the reception of Company on the fust of June. Terms, for Hoard, &c. as usual, viz: llrown persons, St per day. Children and Servants, half price. Horses 75 Cents per da'. A reasonable deduction will be made for Fami lies by the month. Since the last Season, Chimneys have been built to the Cabins, which will make them much more comfortable. In addition to Ihe usual con veniences of the Establishment, HATHING HOUSES have also been constructed, where Baths of every degree of temperature will be furnished. .1NN JOHNSON Shocco, Warren Co. May 14, 1S35. 216 N. H. On Tuesday, the ICth of June, there will be A HALL given al Shocco, for which fine MUSIC ha been provided. Notice. STRAYED from the Subscriber, on the 7th of May, 1S35, al Char lolle Hyde's, on Deep Creek, in Edgecombe county, a BAY MARE, about 9 or 10 ye.ars old, and about 5 feet or upwards in height she ha a star in the forehead, her back hurt, a large scar on her right hind leg, and was shod all round. If any person will take up said nag and deliver her to me, or lit me know to that 1 can get her again, I will pay them well for their trouble. Please write to Tar ooiough Office. LEVI PEARCE. May 25,1635. 22 mm 15,000 Dollars worth Of every description. For WHOLESALE or RETAIL at nearly Cost, by Knight. Garrett S? Co. No: 1, Broadway. Tarboro,' April 30, 1835. Bacon and Lard, rPHE Subscriber is now receiv ing and offers for sale, four hundred barrels prime Cut Herrings. Also, in. store, a quantity of prime BACON and LARD. J. IV. COTTEN. Tarboro, ' 14lh May, 1835. NEW AND FASHIONABLE Jflittinary, Sfc. VRS. A. C. HOWARD in--LYJ- forms her friends and the public that she is now opening her Spring Supply of Goods, among which may be found al most every article applicable to her business, viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silk Bonnets. Fancy Tuscan, plain and open straw do. Misses and children's do. Plain, watered and figured Silks and Satins for dresest Plain and figured Hobbinett, Swiss muslin, blond Gauze, do. Fancy caps, capes, Shawls, neck Handkerchiefs Veils, and scarfs. Fluted Laces, edgings, inserting,, &c. Puffs and Curls, in great variety, Silk and straw cords and tassels, Ribbons, Flowers, &c. &c. in great abundance, and at various prices. The above Goods having been purchased on very advantageous terms, and selected by hrrsrlf, she can with confidence recom mend them, as being of excellent quality and ao rmai kably cheap. She invites an examination of them, as they cannot fail to please. Tarboro,' May , S35. THE D2EW MiUinary Store. MISS MITCHELL, Begs leave to inform her friends and the public, that she has taken the Store House next door to Mr. W. Harris, for merly the Bank where she opens ihe largest & most splendid Assortment of Millinary ever brought to this mai ket. She flitters herself, that from the knowledge of business acquired in seven years employment in Ihe most extensive and fashionable establishments in the City of New York, and being well ac quainted with most of the Millin ary and Mercantile Establish ments in that ciiy, she is enabled to purchase goods low, and have her Millinary made up in a supe rior style and on the most rea sonable terms. Among her assort ment will be found E50 Tuscan Bonnets, (different sizes and patterns) at from gl,50 up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North ern made velvet, satin, and silk Bonnets. A variety of Caps, Capes and Tur bans. Black, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Crapes. Black, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flew ers. Gold and silver do. Bl.ick and white blond Edgings md Footings. Hair Braids, Puffs and Curls, A few elegant painted lustring Shawls and Rttticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many other articlestwo nume rous to mention. Miss M. respectfully invites the Ladies of Halifax and the adjoin ing counties to call and examine her stock before purchasing and assures them that she wTl! pII every article in her line, lower than any oiher establishment in this section of country. N. B. She has purchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press ing Tuscan, Lectori, and Straw Bonnets, in Ihe Northern style. Specitneus of her work, both in that and the Dress Making, may be seen at her Store, where all orders will be thankfully re- jceivedand punctually attended to. Jtialilai, Feb. 25. nnHE Subscriber liavn g dHcr mined to seek a residence in the wilds of tbe Wf stern lo:esls, in the spring of 1836, now tilers AT COST his entire Stock of Goods, At wholesale or retail for Cash, or on a credit to punctual custom ers. lie will take occasion to ap prise the public that his Goods in part are particularly adapted to ihe Spring and Summer Seasons, and the balance to any and all seasons; and that thy aie new and elegant, comprising al most evpry article within the wants of the people, viz: Staple and fancy Dry Goods Boots, Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, Ready made Clothing, Saddles, Bridles, chair Harness, 5cc. A full supply of GROCERIES, Salt, Lime, Castings, Jugs and Jars, Every description of HARDWARE, Best block tin ware assorted, China, Glass, and Earthenware, Wood 7vare assorted, From a large Tub to a butter print, and a rolling pin, 8cc. &c. All which were recently pur chased in the cities of Philadel phia and New York, previous lo the rise, al such extreme low prices that he is enabled to give persons Extraordinary good Bargains In almost any article they may want either to eat, dunk, or wear. And they would doubtless do well lo avail themselves of the present favorable opportunity of supply ing themselves. II also offers for sale his tour Lots of Laud, And all the impiovements there on, consisting of a comfortable Dwelling, Store, and extensive W alehouse, Gin houe, with two second-hand Gins, and iron suewt Stables, and all necessary out houses, pk-asantlj situated for a family, or well arranged for any person wishing to commence the mercantile business, being in a business part of the town, on Main street, and contiguous to tin river Janding. An excellent bargain can be had in this prop erly, and terms made perfectly accommodating. N. 11. ROUNTREE. Tarboro 14th May, 1835. PROSPECTUS OF ' The Extra Globe. 'PHE undersigned propose to igsue the first number of a new series of the Extra Globe, on Monday, the 25th of May next, and to puMish it weekly for six months, making twenty-six numbers; the last to contain an index to the whole. It will be printed on fine double-royal paper, made up in quarto form, like the Extra and Con gressional Globes published hy us last year. The 26 numbers will make 416 royal quar to pagfes. It will coniain the principal original arti' cles of the Daily and Semi-Weekly Globes foreign and domestic News notices of the public meetingsthe elections, and public proceedings in every State in the Union, in relation to the t auvass for the next Presidency a contest which the indi cations of the present j eer will go far to decide. The first number will contain the Pro ceedings of the Democratic National Con vention, to be held at BMtimuie on the 20th of next month- An e.xcell-nt Repor ter has already bten engaged to report the Proceedings of tbe Convention, and the Speeches which may be made on the oc casion. We request the f-ivor of those frrends to whom this Prospectus may be sent, to cir culate it, for the purpose "of obtaining sub scribers. A copy of the work will be sent to the newspapers that copy this Prospectus. Subscribers shoutd forward their names in time to reach us before the 25ih May. If they do not, we may not be able to fur nish them with all tbe numbers; because Ihe work is put at so Law a piiee, that we cannot aft'ml toiepriut aiy numbers that may be exhausted. TERMS. One Dollar per copy in advance. Eleven ropii-s wiil be furnished for ten doIUirs; tweuty-two copies fir tweaty dol lars, aed so w in proportion. ILf Ttir- piu vof tliis paper is so low, that ve cannot flWd to open accounts with those wl inscribe for it. Therefore no attentmo will be paid io any order uule&i the money accompanies it. BLAIR 4' BIVES. Washington, April 10th, 1835. Published ami or Sale at this OJfice. JC PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE tie Noxth Carolina Whig's Apology for the Kehukee Association and, A Basket of FrhgovMiis, by the Rev. Jnhna Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and jus t fication to the Kehukee Association, writ ten by a lay member of the Association and, Occui rences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrote by himself. Tarborougli, Aug. 9.

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