Bacon, Bacon. rVJOM 1'- m W.000 vMiiit of i4 'prime BACON, .it 10 lo I-' fCllH PrI tKHim, r:,n ,H' hiul n n.,n!C.itioii to the Subscriber. 1 1 of Tarborough, ifap for shortly, otherwise it will 'be shipped northwardly. ' J011X EDMOXDSOX. .A pril 16, 15. 16 'j-The Oxford Examiner will in--rV the a'ove four times, and for-M.-.l acc't t j this office. JYcw Good. 'r'ViiK Subscriber h is jusi receiv- t hi supply 01 Spring Goods, t'n:'i tor qsialiiy, variety, and rllDAl'NK are nut surpassed k; an V retail suve in this State, will positively be sold on :is voivunniLiting terms as any store in t! VUu"e- J. IV COTTEX. TarHoro Mth Mav, 1S35. q-ifir Subscriber nre now removing j 1 f,'ftm ,!,,ir old stand to the Stuielur-j r!v ocTirt'f' " .irsrs. 1 1 mail &i i,aw-i , directly opposite to John W. j 11 . ;.. f.. ,1 .. .., t , 1 JVlft' ff;q.itj .Vs.n. Mos;;; j ,ss(,n'',,,,, combined wm. rr an! Coffee Baling, Rope, and ulljsiH'll Extt'O LoiD PriCCS, ilTfi 1' . hnv v article whic h are important to . ' i . . . Anat.tnssf.souoftbeyrJ. points ot advantage: not to and tlv highest price, will be raiJ for baled Cotton. ; RICHARDS $ CO. :7th, 1834. Shocco Springs, ifjiilK medicinal virtue- of which J- hive been al tested by the re-chi-noil health ot hundreds who ,'hve veiled them, will be opened hr th reception of Company on f.e first ot June. Terms, for kirl. &i ai usual, viz: Grown jvrn-. St per day. Children so I Serving, half price. Horses '' 73 Onts per day. A reasonable fled'jction will be made for Fami : lie by the month. Since the last I . S-von, Chimneys have been built j the Cabin, which will malic : thfrn mnch more comfortable. In addition to the uual con veniences of the Establishment, . BATHING HOUSES have also been constructed, where Baths of " every degree of temperature will be furnished. A XX JOHNSON. SLnrcr, Warren Co Mnv I t, 1835. 16 VERY BEST Cotton Yarn and Twine TOR SALE THE Subscribers let-1 grateful for the liberal patronage which ey received the past year, and bcjie by assiduity and punctuality im !juitie to meiil a continuance ! iist favors i u( V now have and expect lo leep constantly on hand the Vmj best Cotton lams, I'ri;m Nos. 2 to IS inclusive. Alo, various sizs of the bet Cotton S'i)ie Twine its dura bility and strenj;th has been fairly ttled, and the Subscribers feel lf) bebitatirni in pronouncing it interior to none, if not superior to Sf,y in market. Both the above r'iHes they expect to deliver lo purchasers on as liberal terms as glides of the same quality can 'procured elsewhere. Theu-u- Si charge for conveyance will be made. fcrrns'of sale for all quanti ,C of Yarn over one thousand Hinds, six months credit will be allowed i'or any quantity under fJ'ie thousand pound, four month, ,!'-purchaser giving note (with interest) al the time the Yarn ,v Slivered, payable at the above times. , 1 le proprietors of fisheries will J'0 Wfdl to apply to the Subscii f rs f'r twine for the future, as a vcry lilreral credit will be given. ..Mrs- Hassel & Williams : rt'H act as agents for the Subsrri-jj-'t Williamston-Mr. Becj. : s' ' at Greenville and Messrs mons & Eure, at Halifax . "rP Yam and Twine can be '"'-J on ihe same terms as at U" Factory. lfny,n BROTHERS. 1,8 'IV Jan. River, 10, IS35. I ? o less than 22,00 Worth OJ most beautiful and su perior Dry Goods, Selling Oft' at Cost, At the Cheap CASH Store. JAVlNG fully tluciiied on leaving tins State for the Great West, lists determined mi sidling oil Ids Slock of Mich Goods at Cost, And c von LESS, for many articles. It must ho obvious 10 nil economists, who wish to lay in a supply of Cheap Goods, that such an oppor hjuiiy may never aain occur. The extensive Stock ihe vast variety of articles and the absolute necessity of sel- j,,,, out Ujirelller with tllO lie WUOSS afld SpltMldoT O f I llC . . . . - be overlooked hy those who study their own interest. The attention of COUN TRY MERCHANTS, as well us those who wish to purchase largely, is particu larly invited and he does not hesitate to assert, thut they can he furnished with any article on hand as low for Cish, as they could procure hy wholesale in New York, having mailt; his principal! purchases at auction and of the importers. In his Assortment are the folloTving: 10,000 yds. Calicoes, of the new esl&. most fashionable sty le, 3.000 k, 2,000 Printed Mucins, 10 pieces splendid light col'd summer Chally, 2,000 yds black and colored Silks. 400 elegant gauze, crape, and fancy silk Handkerchiefs 300 piec. s bonnet and cap liihbons 200 dozen belt Ribbons 300 women's CapcS al 1.5 cts. oOO yds x barred Muslins, for ilresses, 200 cuided Ski it 5, 5,000 yd;, unbleached Shirtings '.nd Sheetings, 3,000 bleached do. do. 2,000 ' brown Kineo, for jianta loons from 12 cents, 40 pieces men' summer cloth. l,S0O vils. lrih Linens 350 men's black and diali tor Hats 100 black satin bea ver fiom 2 37$, 200 wool Hats, 120 boys fancy Caps, 600 Palmetto Hats, from 12 cents, 340 women's Leghorn bonnets at from 60 cents, 200 Tuscan and straw Bonnets, from 50 rents, 2,400 pair women's leather and seal skin Shoes, 2,600 morocco do 1,500 " Ladies prunella and French kid do. 1,000 " boys, misses, and chil dren's do. 2,000 ' coarse Brogans, 2,500 " men's lid and bound high quartered Shoes, 1,200 low quartered do. With almost every other ar ticle in the Dry Goods, Hat, Shoe, and Hardware line. ALSO, at 5 per cent, less than cost, an excellent as sortment of China, Glass, Crockery, and Tin ware From and after the 25ili inst. I will sell for CASH ONLY & those who have been in the habit of obtaining credit, will please take the hint and make ar rangemeuts to pay up i Tnrboro', 23d May, 18S5. Piano Forte for sale. IjAVK a very hand ome I'lANO for sale - persons wishing ;o purchase, would do well to cull and examine it. J. IV. COTTEX. Mav 21th, 1835. Henry Johnston, MERUIIAXT TAILOR, J-JAS pii received Irom New ork, a splendid asorllIlelt of Goods 10 ms line of business, superior to aoy thing that has been brought 10 this market. He would partieulaily invite gentle men thai want Fashionable ami Cheap To call ami examine them, as he is conti lent lie eaa please all such both in quality and price. He has a large assortment of fine Cloths of all ihe mot fashionable colors, which he will sell very low for cash, or on a shmt credit. He will aUo retail without ma king, to those that wish to have their garments made elsewhere, as he intends turning his attention to tnat as well as making. He has on hand first rate white and black beaver II ATS, and fine silk Umbrellas, which he will sell very low. He also has on hand and intends keeping a good assoi tmeiit of heady made Clothes, Made and trimmed by himself. Gentlemen furnishing iheir own cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the mosl fashionable manner, and at ihe shortest no lice. A line assortment of gen tlemen's Stocks of all kinds. (CTCall at H. JYs, next to the Brick store. Tarboioogh, April 22, 1S35. CoJicfd King, MCKCtlA.Vr TAILOR, PVKKS this oppottunily of informing his customers and the public, that he hasjut receiv ed Irom New Yrk. bis supply ot Spring Good. In his line ol ouinrs consisting in part of: Superfine blue, black and green Cloths, Blue and drab Cassimeres, Green and brown (Jainkt, for sum mer wear. Linen drills and summer Cassi meres, Plain black velvet and fiuied Ves tms, Linvn bosoms and collars, liUck patent bombazine Stocks, &c. Together w it: l is former Stock, all of which he will dispose of on living terms fur cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. Thus.' wishing to purchase will please it) call, as they can have the opportunity to examine tor them selves, tlentl men furnishing their own Cloths, can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable style and at the short est notice. All orders liom a dis lance will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. Please to call at C. King's, three doors above the Planter's Hotel, on Broadway, opposite the Brick Store, -where he will be found daily at his post. Tarboro,' 7th May, 1835. Young Ilarrod. WILL STAND YKrrSTT2 ihn ntespnt sen son ... at my stable al the Falls of Tar Hiver, at Col. Benj. Wilkinson's, and at Jordan Joiner, Sen'r's, alternately and will be let to mares at the reduced price of Five Dollars the season, with twenty-five cents lo the Groom in every instance. The season has already commenc ed and will end the first of Au gust. Good seed collon will be taken in payment at the highest cash prices. Those w ho wish to improve Iheir stock of horses may never have a more favorable op portunity. PEDIGREE. As to his pedigree it is deemed necessary only to observe that he s of ihe Archie and Collector stock. The horse and his get are .I) well known in this vicinity hat it is considered useless to jive any further particulars. Ev ry care and attention will be paid, but no liability for accidents. DOSSEY BATTLE. March 19th, 1S35. 12 ACADEMY. ''HE EXAMINATION of the Students belonging to this institution will lake place on Thursday and Friday, 1 Hh and 12th June, at which time patrons' and friends are requested to at tend. The Exercises will recommence 00 Monday, 29th June, on terms as formerly, (viz;) S45 for all over 16 years of age, and S40 lor all under thai age. Stony Hill Is situated in a high and healthy place, remote from places of dis sipation, 1 miles from Sims's Cross Roads and 9 from Hill iard.ston. Address at Ransom's Bridge P. O. Nash county. May 30t h, 1835. 23 5 VALUABLE Plantation and Town Lots FOR SALE. I WILL SELL, on terms to suit the purchasers, the Planta tion situate on the north side of Tar River, known as the PORIE L.7XI). Adjoining the lands of Fred. Bell, Benj. Batts and others, five miles from Tarborough and immediate ly on ihe river. Also, LOTS No. .93 and 91, in the town of .Tarborough, now oc cupied by Mrs. St i I man. Those wishing to purchase will make application lo Benj. M. Jackson, Esqr. JOSUII COLLIXS, Scnr. 20th April, 1835. 17 Land for Sale. ptlR Subscriber offers for sale her Tract of LarM l ing in Edgecombe county, commonly called he llunge Orchard Plantation, ("omnium'' 329 acres, witli an apple or chard on it ciipable of making 2; or 30 barrels of Draml y. This- land lies one mile bf low ihe (iicat Falls Tar River, ami ad joins i tie lands of Charles Harrison, Rob- ei' Sotey and others, and has on it the ne cessary nt-uro lioues, barns, i!cc. A part t'tli Land is of an excellent quality, and ii'upplicaiion is soon made, possession will no given immediately and rong credit giv en if piefetred. A furl her description is deemed unnecessary , as no person will buy without first viewing the Land. Terms made know n on application to Jno. J. lunn. RACHEL BUXX. Vrc. 19th. IBM. C luand for Sale. 2-r" TIIK Subscriber is anxious fhtfttt to so" ,IS Tl:'"t of Lund, ad ImmU? ioitiiiifr t In one on which be now lives. It contains .r30 acres, sir;e of which is low "rounds, the balance piney woods. This l"i ac t lias a pood dwelling hone on it, nearly new, with 4 rooms below and 2 up stairs, and other out houses. l'ti'pons desiiotis ot buying Land low, an requested t call and exaruhrc for themselves, as the Subscriber may at all times b found at horn, and is determined to sell if he can pet any thing over half the value. CIJ JI.aRRlSOX. Ort. 2Sth. 1831 liarouehes. JUST RE CEIVED, di reel from the manufactory at h-?qt 'lie North, sev- eral lizht BA ROUCHES, intended for one m l wo horses. They arc of differ ent qualities and prices, and will be sold on accommodating terms. These Barouches were manu lured expressly lo order, and the work can he warranted. IS1J1C B. BRADY. Tarboro,' Mav 1. 1835. Coach & Gig Manufactory. THE i?obscrib r re spectfully informs his friends and thp public in 'nerat, that he has r'fScoiniiieneed business 9ior himself on his lot iu Tarborough, near the Rridpe, where he will be prepared to carry on rhe above business in al' its vari ous brancht-s. He served a regular ap prenticeship tinder Mr. Thos. Cobbs, of Italeigh, who carried on the business very extensively, and kppt in his employ regu lar northern workmrn. If several years ac quaintance with the business in one of the most extensive establishments in the Stale could ensure his success, he feels con fident he should meel it; but he is perfectly aware that attention is equally necessary, and this attention he is determined to ren der. He hope?, therefore, tiiat all persons who may favor him with their patronage, will never become dissatisfied or disap pointed. His work shall be faithfully exe cuted and of the best materials. He ex pects to have in a short time a general as sortment of materials from New York, which will enable him to do his work not interior to any done in this section of coun try.. Itepairing done with neatness and despatch. Nathaniel M Terrell. Tarborough, Jan. 1st, 1S35. 1 Bargains! Bargains!! New Goods! JYew Good!! Cheapest of the Cheap, or a leelle cheaper than the cheapest. fE presume to inform the public generally (believing! that we have an equal light wuh our neighbors so to do,) that we have just returned from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came very near gom lo Boston,) where we purchased the Most splendid Assortment of Spring ami bummer tOID s, That ever decorated ihe shelves of any establishment in the city of Tarborough, (none excepted) and are now Selling off at nearly Cost, For Cash, and at a very small ad vance on a credit Among our assortment may be found The most beautiful Prints in the world, French Muslins, Ginghams, (new style,) French Calicoes, printed Jaconets, Figured chintz Calicoes, French Bombazetts, Bombazines, Circassians of various colors and qualities, Crape Camlets', colored satin doe n.s, ,Mll 1C i.u .uo.ui, h 'I e;T7 t,r;cnit,on' . ,lk ShawUsUk dress Handkerch.ets, .rode Naps, Grode Berlin kins, bird eye London do. Pink and blue Satin, watered, Gro de Swiss, Poi de Soi, figured plaid Gm de Nap, White Satin, blue black do. Parasols, Fans, Bead bags, Jaconet and n 0.1 i 'muslins, checked muslins, swiss and book muslin, Robes, corded skirts, Ladies and gentlemen's Gloves, Cotton and silk Hose, Broad Cloths, blue, black, claret, brown, drab and green, Cassimeres, fancy plaid, striped, di agonal, drab, ring-streaked and speckled, Stocks, of various qualities, Rouen Cassimeres, cotton Cassi meres, Beavertines, plaid Linens, ribbed Linen, for summer wear, . Furniture prints, birds eye Diaper, Drapery, brown Holland, Oznaburgs, Ticklenburgs, brown Lmtn and white do. Drills, Lasting, patent Thread, Tur key red, Ladies, Misses, and children's Shoes of every description, dirt cheap, French kid slippers, spring hteTd Pumps, prunellas, morocco, leath er, scat skin, 5cc. Sec. Gentlemen's boots and shoes of eve ry description, buck skin, calf skin, seal skin, horse skin, cow skin, and what not, Major Down ing', David Crockett's, Jim Crow's, Zipp Coon', Gen. Jack son's, Van Buren's, Nullifier, Union, consolidation, and amalga mation, About 200 Ladies and misses straw and Tuscan Bonnets, Straw cords and tassels. Palm leaf Hats, from 18 cents to $3, colored and white, spotted and speckled, Ike. &c. HARDWAKK & CUTLERY, of every description, Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Farming uten sils, Castings, Iron, Nails, Salt, and Steel, 100 bbls. Whiskey and Rum, Brandy and Wine, Sugar, Coffee and Molasses, Upper and under Leather, Harness and Skirting Lea ther, Saddles and Bridles, Saddle bags, travelling trunks, travelling bags, harness, bri dle bits, spurs, and riding and gig whips. About 2000 shell, horn, and brass tuck and side Combs, Head Pins, guard beads, bead guards, Gentlemen's and youths fine fur Hats, cloth caps, hair caps and chil dren's fancy caps, Drugs, medicines, paints, oils, white lead, putty, window glass, candles, Earthenware, china, jugs, jars, stone pitchers, tin ware, flax, &c. The above Goods were pur chased with cash up and no grum bling, which enables us to sell them a leelle cheaper than the cheapest and as such we are determined to do so, not caring to make any thing more than sufficient to keep us from starv ing, having no heirs nor noor kin to provide for. We particu , . . larly invite the Ladies to call and examine our splendid assortment of fancy Goods, and see if we have nothing that will please them. Should we be so fortunate as to have an article lhat will strike their fancy, th.ey shall have it at their own price, provided it be within ihe bounds of reason. Knight Garrett Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro April 30, 1535. Is Z0 Bacon and Lard. hsc er is now leceir- ng and offers for sale, four hunuied barrels prime Cut Herrings. Also, in store, a quantity of prime BACON and LARD. J. IV. GOTTEN. Tarboro 14ih May. 1835. 15,000 Dollars worth Of every description, For WHOLESAL E or R ETA I L at nearly Cost, by Knight. Garrett $ Co. No. 1, Broadway. Tarboro,' April 30, 1835. NEW AND FASHIONABLE VVJLUllHUi Jim UL. RS. A. C. HOWARD iV fo ims her friends and he public lhat she is now opening her Spring Supply of GooVJs, among which may he found al most every article applicable to her business, viz: Plain and fancy colored pattern Silk Bonnets. Fancy Tuscan, straw do. plain and open Misses and children's do j piainf watered and figured Silks and Satinsf ,,- dresses, piain and fi d BohW Swjss muslin, blod Gauze, do. Fancy caps, capes, Shawl., neck Handkerchiefs Veils, and scat s, Fluted Laces, edgings, inserting, &c. Puffs and Curls, in great variety, Silk and straw cords and tassels. Ribbons, Flo.vers, &c. Sec. in great abundance, and at various pr it '--s. 'I he above Goods having been purchased on v-iv advantageous, terms, and sehcil by herself,, she can with confidence recom mend them, as being of excellent, quality and also remarkably cheap. She invites an examination of them, as they cannoi fail to please. Tarhoro, May 1. 1835. Jilillinarv Store. MISS MITCHELL, pegs leave to i n fo r m h er fr i e n d s and the public, that she has taken the Store House next door lo Mr. W. Harris, for merly the Bank where she opens the largest & n ost splendid Assortment of Millinary pver brought to this market. She flitters herself, that from ihe knowledge of business acquired in sever, years employment in the most extensive and fashionable establishments in the City of New York, and being well ac- ! quainted with most of the Millin ary and :ierrantue r-slablish-ments in that city, she is enabled to purchase goods low, and have her Millinary made up in a supe rior style and on the most rea sonable terms. A mong her assort ment will be found 25 O Tuscan Bonnets, (different sizes and patterns') at from Si, 50 up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North ern made velvet, satin, and silk Bonnets. A variety of Caps, Capes and Tur bans. Black, white, blue, pink and ) - Mow Italian Crapes. Black, white, blue, yellow and va riegated Ostrich Feathers. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flcwers. Gold and silvevdo. Black and white blond Edgings ana Footings. Hair Braids, Puffs and Curls, A few elegant painted lustring Shawls and Retticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many oilier article&two nume rous to mention. MissM. icKpertfIly invites the Ladies of Halilax and Ihe adjoin ing counties lo call and examine her stock before purchasing and assures them that she will sell . I ! . 1 ; every article in ner line, lower than any other establishment m this section of country. N. B. She has purchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press ing Tuscan, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, in 'be Northern style. Specimens of her work, both in that and the Dress Making, may be seen at her Store, where all orders will be thankfully re ceived and punctually attended to. Halifax, Feb. 25.

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